def average_precision(precision, recall, name=None):
    """Compute a average precision from precision and recall Tensors.
    Implementation following Pascal 2012 and ILSVRC guidelines.
    with tf.name_scope(name, 'average_precision', [precision, recall]):
        # Convert to float64 to decrease error on Riemann sums.
        precision = tf.cast(precision, dtype=tf.float64)
        recall = tf.cast(recall, dtype=tf.float64)

        # Add bounds values to precision and recall.
        precision = tf.concat([[0.], precision, [0.]], axis=0)
        recall = tf.concat([[0.], recall, [1.]], axis=0)
        # Ensures precision is increasing in reverse order.
        precision = tfe_math.cummax(precision, reverse=True)

        # Riemann sums for estimating the integral.
        # mean_pre = (precision[1:] + precision[:-1]) / 2.
        mean_pre = precision[1:]
        diff_rec = recall[1:] - recall[:-1]
        ap = tf.reduce_sum(mean_pre * diff_rec)
        return ap
def precision_recall_values(xvals, precision, recall, name=None):
    """Compute values on the precision/recall curve.

      x: Python list of floats;
      precision: 1D Tensor decreasing.
      recall: 1D Tensor increasing.
      list of precision values.
    with ops.name_scope(name, "precision_recall_values",
                        [precision, recall]) as name:
        # Add bounds values to precision and recall.
        precision = tf.concat([[0.], precision, [0.]], axis=0)
        recall = tf.concat([[0.], recall, [1.]], axis=0)
        precision = tfe_math.cummax(precision, reverse=True)

        prec_values = []
        for x in xvals:
            mask = tf.less_equal(recall, x)
            val = tf.reduce_min(tf.boolean_mask(precision, mask))
        return tf.tuple(prec_values)
def precision_recall_values(xvals, precision, recall, name=None):
    """Compute values on the precision/recall curve.

      x: Python list of floats;
      precision: 1D Tensor decreasing.
      recall: 1D Tensor increasing.
      list of precision values.
    with ops.name_scope(name, "precision_recall_values",
                        [precision, recall]) as name:
        # Add bounds values to precision and recall.
        precision = tf.concat([[0.], precision, [0.]], axis=0)
        recall = tf.concat([[0.], recall, [1.]], axis=0)
        precision = tfe_math.cummax(precision, reverse=True)

        prec_values = []
        for x in xvals:
            mask = tf.less_equal(recall, x)
            val = tf.reduce_min(tf.boolean_mask(precision, mask))
        return tf.tuple(prec_values)
def average_precision_voc12(precision, recall, name=None):
    """Compute (interpolated) average precision from precision and recall Tensors.

    The implementation follows Pascal 2012 and ILSVRC guidelines.
    See also: https://sanchom.wordpress.com/tag/average-precision/
    with tf.name_scope(name, 'average_precision_voc12', [precision, recall]):
        # Convert to float64 to decrease error on Riemann sums.
        precision = tf.cast(precision, dtype=tf.float64)
        recall = tf.cast(recall, dtype=tf.float64)

        # Add bounds values to precision and recall.
        precision = tf.concat([[0.], precision, [0.]], axis=0)
        recall = tf.concat([[0.], recall, [1.]], axis=0)
        # Ensures precision is increasing in reverse order.
        precision = tfe_math.cummax(precision, reverse=True)

        # Riemann sums for estimating the integral.
        # mean_pre = (precision[1:] + precision[:-1]) / 2.
        mean_pre = precision[1:]
        diff_rec = recall[1:] - recall[:-1]
        ap = tf.reduce_sum(mean_pre * diff_rec)
        return ap
def average_precision_voc12(precision, recall, name=None):
    """Compute (interpolated) average precision from precision and recall Tensors.

    The implementation follows Pascal 2012 and ILSVRC guidelines.
    See also: https://sanchom.wordpress.com/tag/average-precision/
    with tf.compat.v1.name_scope(name, 'average_precision_voc12',
                                 [precision, recall]):
        # Convert to float64 to decrease error on Riemann sums.
        precision = tf.cast(precision, dtype=tf.float64)
        recall = tf.cast(recall, dtype=tf.float64)

        # Add bounds values to precision and recall.
        precision = tf.concat([[0.], precision, [0.]], axis=0)
        recall = tf.concat([[0.], recall, [1.]], axis=0)
        # Ensures precision is increasing in reverse order.
        precision = tfe_math.cummax(precision, reverse=True)

        # Riemann sums for estimating the integral.
        # mean_pre = (precision[1:] + precision[:-1]) / 2.
        mean_pre = precision[1:]
        diff_rec = recall[1:] - recall[:-1]
        ap = tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=mean_pre * diff_rec)
        return ap