def get_imbdb_deal_withpath(imdb_name): for i, data_path in enumerate(possible_data_path): try: imdb = get_imdb(imdb_name, data_path=data_path) break except AssertionError: if i == (len(possible_data_path) - 1): print('Data path unknown') print('Not in', possible_data_path) raise (AssertionError) return (imdb)
def combined_roidb(imdb_names): """ Combine multiple roidbs """ def get_roidb(imdb_name): imdb = get_imbdb_deal_withpath(imdb_name) print('Loaded dataset `{:s}` for training'.format( imdb.set_proposal_method(cfg.TRAIN.PROPOSAL_METHOD) print('Set proposal method: {:s}'.format(cfg.TRAIN.PROPOSAL_METHOD)) roidb = get_training_roidb(imdb) print(roidb) return roidb roidbs = [get_roidb(s) for s in imdb_names.split('+')] roidb = roidbs[0] if len(roidbs) > 1: for r in roidbs[1:]: roidb.extend(r) tmp = get_imdb(imdb_names.split('+')[1]) imdb =, tmp.classes) else: imdb = get_imbdb_deal_withpath(imdb_names) return imdb, roidb
def get_train_labels_dbs(imdb_names): """ Get the labels of the training images """ def get_train_label_db(imdb_name): imdb = get_imbdb_deal_withpath(imdb_name) print('Loaded dataset `{:s}` for training'.format( imdb.set_proposal_method(cfg.TRAIN.PROPOSAL_METHOD) print('Set proposal method: {:s}'.format(cfg.TRAIN.PROPOSAL_METHOD)) # train_label_db = get_training_roidb(imdb) # print(train_label_db) # return train_label_db return (0) train_label_dbs = [get_train_label_db(s) for s in imdb_names.split('+')] train_label_db = train_label_dbs[0] if len(train_label_dbs) > 1: for r in train_label_dbs[1:]: train_label_db.extend(r) tmp = get_imdb(imdb_names.split('+')[1]) imdb =, tmp.classes) else: imdb = get_imbdb_deal_withpath(imdb_names) return imdb, train_label_db
def net_test(): args = parse_args() print('Called with args:') print(args) if args.cfg_file is not None: cfg_from_file(args.cfg_file) if args.set_cfgs is not None: cfg_from_list(args.set_cfgs) print('Using config:') pprint.pprint(cfg) # if has model, get the name from it # if does not, then just use the initialization weights if args.model: filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.model))[0] else: filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.weight))[0] tag = args.tag tag = tag if tag else 'default' filename = tag + '/' + filename imdb = get_imdb(args.imdb_name) imdb.competition_mode(args.comp_mode) tfconfig = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) tfconfig.gpu_options.allow_growth = True # init session sess = tf.Session(config=tfconfig) # load network if == 'vgg16': net = vgg16() elif == 'res50': net = resnetv1(num_layers=50) elif == 'res101': net = resnetv1(num_layers=101) elif == 'res152': net = resnetv1(num_layers=152) else: raise NotImplementedError # load model net.create_architecture("TEST", imdb.num_classes, tag='default', anchor_scales=cfg.ANCHOR_SCALES, anchor_ratios=cfg.ANCHOR_RATIOS) if args.model: print(('Loading model check point from {:s}').format(args.model)) saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(sess, args.model) print('Loaded.') else: print(('Loading initial weights from {:s}').format(args.weight)) print('Loaded.') test_net(sess, net, imdb, filename, max_per_image=args.max_per_image) sess.close()
def test_net_local(): """ Test des nets en local a la machine de Nicolas""" DATASET = 'pascal_voc' if DATASET == 'pascal_voc': TRAIN_IMDB = "voc_2007_trainval" TEST_IMDB = "voc_2007_test" ITERS = 70000 ANCHORS = [8, 16, 32] RATIOS = [0.5, 1, 2] elif DATASET == 'pascal_voc_0712': TRAIN_IMDB = "voc_2007_trainval+voc_2012_trainval" TEST_IMDB = "voc_2007_test" ITERS = 110000 ANCHORS = [8, 16, 32] RATIOS = [0.5, 1, 2] elif DATASET == 'coco': TRAIN_IMDB = "coco_2014_train+coco_2014_valminusminival" TEST_IMDB = "coco_2014_minival" ITERS = 490000 ANCHORS = [4, 8, 16, 32] RATIOS = [0.5, 1, 2] demonet = 'res101' model_path = '/media/gonthier/HDD/models/tf-faster-rcnn/' filename = model_path + demonet + '_faster_rcnn_iter_' + str( ITERS) + '.ckpt' imdb_name = TEST_IMDB imdb = get_imdb(imdb_name) comp_mode = True imdb.competition_mode(comp_mode) tfconfig = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) tfconfig.gpu_options.allow_growth = True # init session sess = tf.Session(config=tfconfig) # load network if demonet == 'vgg16': net = vgg16() elif demonet == 'res50': net = resnetv1(num_layers=50) elif demonet == 'res101': net = resnetv1(num_layers=101) elif demonet == 'res152': net = resnetv1(num_layers=152) else: raise NotImplementedError # load model net.create_architecture("TEST", imdb.num_classes, tag='default', anchor_scales=ANCHORS, anchor_ratios=RATIOS) print(('Loading model check point from {:s}').format(filename)) saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(sess, filename) print('Loaded.') max_per_image = 100 test_net(sess, net, imdb, filename, max_per_image=max_per_image) sess.close()
def run_and_eval_MImax(demonet='res152_COCO', database='IconArt_v1', ReDo=True, PlotRegions=False, verbose=True, k_per_bag=300, CV_Mode=None, num_split=2, restarts=11, max_iters_all_base=300, LR=0.01, C=1.0, Optimizer='GradientDescent', with_scores=False, epsilon=0.0, C_Searching=False, thresh_evaluation=0.05, TEST_NMS=0.3, mini_batch_size=None, loss_type='', path_data='data', path_output='output', path_to_model='models'): """ This function used TFrecords file Classifier based on CNN features with Transfer Learning on Faster RCNN output for weakly supervised object detection Note : with a features maps of 2048, k_bag =300 and a batchsize of 1000 we can train up to 1200 W vectors in parallel at the same time on a NVIDIA 1080 Ti @param : demonet : the kind of inside network used it can be 'vgg16_VOC07', 'vgg16_VOC12','vgg16_COCO','res101_VOC12','res101_COCO','res152_COCO' @param : database : the database used for the weakly supervised detection task @param : verbose : Verbose option classical @param : ReDo = False : Erase the former computation, if True and the model already exists : only do the evaluation @param : PlotRegions : plot the regions used for learn and the regions in the positive output response @param : k_per_bag : number of element per batch in the slection phase [defaut : 300] @param : CV_Mode : cross validation mode in the MI_max : possibility ; None, CV in k split @param : num_split : Number of split for the CV @param : restarts : number of restarts / reinitialisation in the MI_max [default=11] @param : max_iters_all_base : number of maximum iteration on the going on the full database @param : LR : Learning rate for the optimizer in the MI_max @param : C : Regularisation term for the optimizer in the MI_max @param : Optimizer : Optimizer for the MI_max GradientDescent or Adam @param : thresh_evaluation : 0.05 : seuillage avant de fournir les boites a l evaluation de detections @param : TEST_NMS : 0.3 : recouvrement autorise avant le NMS avant l evaluation de detections @param : mini_batch_size if None or 0 an automatic adhoc mini batch size is set This function output AP for different dataset for the weakly supervised task """ item_name, path_to_img, classes, ext, num_classes, str_val, df_label = get_database( database) num_trainval_im = len( df_label[df_label['set'] == 'train'][item_name]) + len( df_label[df_label['set'] == str_val][item_name]) print('Training on ', database, 'with ', num_trainval_im, ' images in the trainval set') N = 1 extL2 = '' nms_thresh = 0.7 savedstr = '_all' metamodel = 'FasterRCNN' sets = ['trainval', 'test'] dict_name_file = {} data_precomputeed = True if k_per_bag == 300: k_per_bag_str = '' else: k_per_bag_str = '_k' + str(k_per_bag) for set_str in sets: name_pkl_all_features = os.path.join( path_output, metamodel + '_' + demonet + '_' + database + '_N' + str(N) + extL2 + '_TLforMIL_nms_' + str(nms_thresh) + savedstr + k_per_bag_str + '_' + set_str + '.tfrecords') dict_name_file[set_str] = name_pkl_all_features if set_str in ['trainval', 'test' ] and not (os.path.isfile(name_pkl_all_features)): data_precomputeed = False if demonet in ['vgg16_COCO', 'vgg16_VOC07', 'vgg16_VOC12']: num_features = 4096 elif demonet in ['res101_COCO', 'res152_COCO', 'res101_VOC07', 'res152']: num_features = 2048 if not (data_precomputeed): # Compute the features if verbose: print( "We will use a Faster RCNN as feature extractor and region proposals" ) if metamodel == 'FasterRCNN': Compute_Faster_RCNN_features(demonet=demonet, nms_thresh=nms_thresh, database=database, augmentation=False, L2=False, saved='all', verbose=verbose, filesave='tfrecords', k_regions=k_per_bag) else: raise (NotImplementedError) # Config param for TF session config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True # Data for the MI_max Latent SVM # All those parameter are design for a GPU 1080 Ti memory size ie 11GB performance = False sizeMax = 30 * 200000 // (k_per_bag * 20) if not (CV_Mode == 'CV' and num_split == 2): sizeMax //= 2 if num_features > 2048: sizeMax //= (num_features // 2048) model_str = 'MI_max' if k_per_bag == 300: buffer_size = 10000 else: buffer_size = 5000 * 300 // k_per_bag if (k_per_bag > 300 or num_trainval_im > 5000): usecache = False else: usecache = True if mini_batch_size is None or mini_batch_size == 0: mini_batch_size = min(sizeMax, num_trainval_im) max_iters = ((num_trainval_im // mini_batch_size)+ \ np.sign(num_trainval_im % mini_batch_size))*max_iters_all_base AP_per_class = [] P_per_class = [] R_per_class = [] P20_per_class = [] AP_per_classbS = [] final_clf = None if C == 1.0: C_str = '' else: C_str = '_C' + str(C) # regularisation term if with_scores: with_scores_str = '_WRC' + str(epsilon) else: with_scores_str = '' extPar = '_p' if CV_Mode == 'CV': max_iters = ( max_iters * (num_split - 1) // num_split ) # Modification d iteration max par rapport au nombre de split extCV = '_cv' + str(num_split) elif CV_Mode is None or CV_Mode == '': extCV = '' else: raise (NotImplementedError) extCV += '_wr' if Optimizer == 'Adam': opti_str = '' elif Optimizer == 'GradientDescent': opti_str = '_gd' elif Optimizer == 'lbfgs': opti_str = '_lbfgs' else: raise (NotImplementedError) if loss_type is None or loss_type == '': loss_type_str = '' elif loss_type == 'hinge': loss_type_str = 'Losshinge' if LR == 0.01: LR_str = '' else: LR_str = '_LR' + str(LR) optimArg = None if optimArg == None or Optimizer == 'GradientDescent': optimArg_str = '' else: if Optimizer == 'Adam' and str(optimArg).replace( ' ', '_' ) == "{'learning_rate':_0.01,_'beta1':_0.9,_'beta2':_0.999,_'epsilon':_1e-08}": optimArg_str = '' else: optimArg_str = str(optimArg).replace(' ', '_') verboseMI_max = verbose shuffle = True if num_trainval_im == mini_batch_size: shuffle = False number_zone = k_per_bag dont_use_07_metric = True dim_rois = 5 cachefilefolder = os.path.join(path_data, 'cachefile') cachefile_model_base='WLS_'+ database+ '_'+demonet+'_r'+str(restarts)+'_s' \ +str(mini_batch_size)+'_k'+str(k_per_bag)+'_m'+str(max_iters)+extPar+\ extCV+opti_str+LR_str+C_str+with_scores_str+ loss_type_str pathlib.Path(cachefilefolder).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) cachefile_model = os.path.join( cachefilefolder, cachefile_model_base + '_' + model_str + '.pkl') if verbose: print("cachefile name", cachefile_model) if not os.path.isfile(cachefile_model) or ReDo: name_milsvm = {} if verbose: print("The cachefile doesn t exist or we will erase it.") else: with open(cachefile_model, 'rb') as f: name_milsvm = pickle.load(f) if verbose: print("The cachefile exists") usecache_eval = True if database == 'watercolor': imdb = get_imdb('watercolor_test') imdb.set_force_dont_use_07_metric(dont_use_07_metric) num_images = len(imdb.image_index) elif database == 'PeopleArt': imdb = get_imdb('PeopleArt_test') imdb.set_force_dont_use_07_metric(dont_use_07_metric) num_images = len(imdb.image_index) elif database == 'clipart': imdb = get_imdb('clipart_test') imdb.set_force_dont_use_07_metric(dont_use_07_metric) num_images = len(imdb.image_index) elif database == 'IconArt_v1': imdb = get_imdb('IconArt_v1_test') imdb.set_force_dont_use_07_metric(dont_use_07_metric) num_images = len(df_label[df_label['set'] == 'test'][item_name]) else: num_images = len(df_label[df_label['set'] == 'test'][item_name]) all_boxes = [[[] for _ in range(num_images)] for _ in range(num_classes)] data_path_train = dict_name_file['trainval'] if not os.path.isfile(cachefile_model) or ReDo: if verbose: t0 = time.time() classifierMI_max = tf_MI_max(LR=LR, C=C, restarts=restarts, num_rois=k_per_bag, max_iters=max_iters, buffer_size=buffer_size, verbose=verboseMI_max, Optimizer=Optimizer, mini_batch_size=mini_batch_size, num_features=num_features, num_classes=num_classes, num_split=num_split, CV_Mode=CV_Mode, with_scores=with_scores, epsilon=epsilon, loss_type=loss_type, usecache=usecache) export_dir = classifierMI_max.fit_MI_max_tfrecords(data_path=data_path_train, \ shuffle=shuffle,C_Searching=C_Searching) if verbose: t1 = time.time() print('Total duration training part :', str(t1 - t0)) np_pos_value, np_neg_value = classifierMI_max.get_porportions() name_milsvm = export_dir, np_pos_value, np_neg_value with open(cachefile_model, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(name_milsvm, f) else: export_dir, np_pos_value, np_neg_value = name_milsvm true_label_all_test,predict_label_all_test,name_all_test,labels_test_predited \ ,all_boxes = \ tfR_evaluation_parall(database=database,num_classes=num_classes, export_dir=export_dir,dict_name_file=dict_name_file,mini_batch_size=mini_batch_size ,config=config,scoreInMI_max=with_scores, path_to_img=path_to_img,path_data=path_data,classes=classes, verbose=verbose,thresh_evaluation=thresh_evaluation,TEST_NMS=TEST_NMS,all_boxes=all_boxes ,PlotRegions=PlotRegions,cachefile_model_base=cachefile_model_base,number_im=np.inf,dim_rois=dim_rois, usecache=usecache_eval,k_per_bag=k_per_bag,num_features=num_features) for j, classe in enumerate(classes): AP = average_precision_score(true_label_all_test[:, j], predict_label_all_test[:, j], average=None) print("MI_Max version Average Precision for", classes[j], " = ", AP) test_precision = precision_score( true_label_all_test[:, j], labels_test_predited[:, j], ) test_recall = recall_score( true_label_all_test[:, j], labels_test_predited[:, j], ) F1 = f1_score( true_label_all_test[:, j], labels_test_predited[:, j], ) print( "Test on all the data precision = {0:.2f}, recall = {1:.2f},F1 = {2:.2f}" .format(test_precision, test_recall, F1)) precision_at_k = ranking_precision_score( np.array(true_label_all_test[:, j]), predict_label_all_test[:, j], 20) P20_per_class += [precision_at_k] AP_per_class += [AP] R_per_class += [test_recall] P_per_class += [test_precision] with open(cachefile_model, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(name_milsvm, f) # Detection evaluation if database in ['watercolor', 'clipart', 'PeopleArt', 'IconArt_v1']: det_file = os.path.join(path_data, 'cachefile', 'detections_aux.pkl') with open(det_file, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(all_boxes, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) max_per_image = 100 num_images_detect = len( imdb.image_index ) # We do not have the same number of images in the WikiTenLabels or IconArt_v1 case all_boxes_order = [[[] for _ in range(num_images_detect)] for _ in range(imdb.num_classes)] number_im = 0 name_all_test = name_all_test.astype(str) for i in range(num_images_detect): name_img = imdb.image_path_at(i) if database == 'PeopleArt': name_img_wt_ext = name_img.split( '/')[-2] + '/' + name_img.split('/')[-1] name_img_wt_ext_tab = name_img_wt_ext.split('.') name_img_wt_ext = '.'.join(name_img_wt_ext_tab[0:-1]) else: name_img_wt_ext = name_img.split('/')[-1] name_img_wt_ext = name_img_wt_ext.split('.')[0] name_img_ind = np.where( np.array(name_all_test) == name_img_wt_ext)[0] #print(name_img_ind) if len(name_img_ind) == 0: print('len(name_img_ind), images not found in the all_boxes') print(name_img_wt_ext) raise (Exception) else: number_im += 1 #print(name_img_ind[0]) for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes): j_minus_1 = j - 1 all_boxes_order[j][i] = all_boxes[j_minus_1][name_img_ind[0]] if max_per_image > 0: image_scores = np.hstack([ all_boxes_order[j][i][:, -1] for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes) ]) if len(image_scores) > max_per_image: image_thresh = np.sort(image_scores)[-max_per_image] for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes): keep = np.where( all_boxes_order[j][i][:, -1] >= image_thresh)[0] all_boxes_order[j][i] = all_boxes_order[j][i][keep, :] assert ( number_im == num_images_detect ) # To check that we have the all the images in the detection prediction det_file = os.path.join(path_data, 'detections.pkl') with open(det_file, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(all_boxes_order, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) output_dir = path_data + 'tmp/' + database + '_mAP.txt' aps = imdb.evaluate_detections(all_boxes_order, output_dir) apsAt05 = aps print("Detection score (thres = 0.5): ", database, 'with MI_Max with score =', with_scores) print(arrayToLatex(aps, per=True)) ovthresh_tab = [0.3, 0.1, 0.] for ovthresh in ovthresh_tab: aps = imdb.evaluate_localisation_ovthresh(all_boxes_order, output_dir, ovthresh) if ovthresh == 0.1: apsAt01 = aps print("Detection score with thres at ", ovthresh, 'with MI_Max with score =', with_scores) print(arrayToLatex(aps, per=True)) print('~~~~~~~~') print("mean Average Precision Classification for all the data = {0:.3f}". format(np.mean(AP_per_class))) print("mean Precision Classification for all the data = {0:.3f}".format( np.mean(P_per_class))) print("mean Recall Classification for all the data = {0:.3f}".format( np.mean(R_per_class))) #print("mean Precision Classification @ 20 for all the data = {0:.3f}".format(np.mean(P20_per_class))) print('Mean Average Precision Classification with MI_Max with score =', with_scores, ' : ') print(AP_per_class) print(arrayToLatex(AP_per_class, per=True)) return (apsAt05, apsAt01, AP_per_class)
def mainEval(dataset_nm='IconArt_v1',classe=0,k_per_bag = 300,metamodel = 'FasterRCNN',\ demonet='res152_COCO',test=False,MILmodel='MI_Net',max_epoch=20,verbose=True): # dataset_nm='IconArt_v1' # classe=1 # k_per_bag = 300 # metamodel = 'FasterRCNN' # demonet='res152_COCO' # test=True # MILmodel='MI_Net_with_DS' # max_epoch = 1 t0 = time.time() if test: classe = 0 if MILmodel=='MI_Net': MILmodel_fct = MI_Net_WSOD elif MILmodel=='MI_Max_AddOneLayer_Keras': MILmodel_fct = MI_Max_AddOneLayer_Keras elif MILmodel=='mi_Net': MILmodel_fct = mi_Net_WSOD elif MILmodel=='MI_Net_with_DS': MILmodel_fct = MI_Net_with_DS_WSOD elif MILmodel=='MI_Net_with_RC': MILmodel_fct = MI_Net_with_RC_WSOD else: print(MILmodel,'is unkwon') return(0) print('MILmodel',MILmodel,max_epoch) item_name,path_to_img,default_path_imdb,classes,ext,num_classes,str_val,df_label,\ path_data,Not_on_NicolasPC = get_database(dataset_nm) dataset,bags_full_label,mean_fea,std_fea = load_dataset(dataset_nm,classe=0,k_per_bag = k_per_bag,metamodel = metamodel,demonet=demonet) model_dict = {} for j in range(num_classes): if test and not(j==classe): continue else: for k in range(len(dataset['train'])): a = list(dataset['train'][k]) a[1] = [bags_full_label[k,j]]*k_per_bag a = tuple(a) dataset['train'][k] = a print('start training for class',j) model = MILmodel_fct(dataset,max_epoch=max_epoch,verbose=verbose) model_dict[j] = model t1 = time.time() print("--- Training duration :",str(t1-t0),' s') dict_name_file = getDictFeaturesPrecomputed(dataset_nm,k_per_bag=k_per_bag,\ metamodel=metamodel,demonet=demonet) name_file = dict_name_file['test'] if metamodel=='EdgeBoxes': dim_rois = 4 else: dim_rois = 5 next_element = getTFRecordDataset(name_file,k_per_bag =k_per_bag,dim_rois = dim_rois, num_classes = num_classes) dont_use_07_metric = False if dataset_nm=='VOC2007': imdb = get_imdb('voc_2007_test',data_path=default_path_imdb) num_images = len(imdb.image_index) elif dataset_nm=='watercolor': imdb = get_imdb('watercolor_test',data_path=default_path_imdb) num_images = len(imdb.image_index) elif dataset_nm=='PeopleArt': imdb = get_imdb('PeopleArt_test',data_path=default_path_imdb) num_images = len(imdb.image_index) elif dataset_nm=='clipart': imdb = get_imdb('clipart_test',data_path=default_path_imdb) num_images = len(imdb.image_index) elif dataset_nm=='comic': imdb = get_imdb('comic_test',data_path=default_path_imdb) num_images = len(imdb.image_index) elif dataset_nm=='CASPApaintings': imdb = get_imdb('CASPApaintings_test',data_path=default_path_imdb) num_images = len(imdb.image_index) elif dataset_nm=='IconArt_v1' or dataset_nm=='RMN': imdb = get_imdb('IconArt_v1_test',data_path=default_path_imdb) num_images = len(df_label[df_label['set']=='test'][item_name]) elif 'IconArt_v1' in dataset_nm and not('IconArt_v1' ==dataset_nm): imdb = get_imdb('IconArt_v1_test',ext=dataset_nm.split('_')[-1],data_path=default_path_imdb) # num_images = len(imdb.image_index) num_images = len(df_label[df_label['set']=='test'][item_name]) elif dataset_nm in ['WikiTenLabels','MiniTrain_WikiTenLabels','WikiLabels1000training']: imdb = get_imdb('WikiTenLabels_test',data_path=default_path_imdb) #num_images = len(imdb.image_index) num_images = len(df_label[df_label['set']=='test'][item_name]) elif 'OIV5' in dataset_nm: # For OIV5 for instance ! num_images = len(df_label[df_label['set']=='test'][item_name]) else: num_images = len(df_label[df_label['set']=='test'][item_name]) imdb.set_force_dont_use_07_metric(dont_use_07_metric) all_boxes = [[[] for _ in range(num_images)] for _ in range(num_classes)] TEST_NMS = 0.3 thresh = 0.0 true_label_all_test = [] predict_label_all_test = [] name_all_test = [] config = tf.ConfigProto() config.intra_op_parallelism_threads = 16 config.inter_op_parallelism_threads = 16 config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True sess = tf.Session(config=config) i = 0 num_features = 2048 while True: try: fc7s,roiss,rois_scores,labels,name_imgs = fc7s = np.divide(fc7s-mean_fea, std_fea).astype(np.float32) true_label_all_test += [labels] score_all = None for j in range(num_classes): if not(test): model= model_dict[j] predictions = model.predict(fc7s.reshape((-1,num_features)),batch_size=1) if MILmodel=='MI_Net_with_DS': predictions = predictions[3] scores_all_j_k = predictions.reshape((fc7s.shape[0],1,fc7s.shape[1])) else: if j==classe: model= model_dict[j] predictions = model.predict(fc7s.reshape((-1,num_features)),batch_size=1) if MILmodel=='MI_Net_with_DS': predictions = predictions[3] scores_all_j_k = predictions.reshape((fc7s.shape[0],1,fc7s.shape[1])) if score_all is None: score_all = scores_all_j_k else: score_all = np.concatenate((score_all,scores_all_j_k),axis=1) predict_label_all_test += [np.max(score_all,axis=2)] for k in range(len(labels)): name_im = name_imgs[k].decode("utf-8") complet_name = path_to_img + str(name_im) + '.jpg' im = cv2.imread(complet_name) blobs, im_scales = get_blobs(im) roi = roiss[k,:] if metamodel=='EdgeBoxes': roi_boxes = roi / im_scales[0] else: roi_boxes = roi[:,1:5] / im_scales[0] for j in range(num_classes): scores = score_all[k,j,:] #print(j,'scores',scores.shape) inds = np.where(scores > thresh)[0] cls_scores = scores[inds] cls_boxes = roi_boxes[inds,:] cls_dets = np.hstack((cls_boxes, cls_scores[:, np.newaxis])).astype(np.float32, copy=False) keep = nms(cls_dets, TEST_NMS) cls_dets = cls_dets[keep, :] all_boxes[j][i] = cls_dets i += 1 for l in range(len(name_imgs)): if dataset_nm in ['IconArt_v1','VOC2007','watercolor','clipart',\ 'comic','CASPApaintings','WikiTenLabels','PeopleArt',\ 'MiniTrain_WikiTenLabels','WikiLabels1000training']: name_all_test += [[str(name_imgs[l].decode("utf-8"))]] else: name_all_test += [[name_imgs[l]]] except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: break sess.close() true_label_all_test = np.concatenate(true_label_all_test) predict_label_all_test = np.concatenate(predict_label_all_test,axis=0) name_all_test = np.concatenate(name_all_test) AP_per_class = [] for j,classe in enumerate(classes): AP = average_precision_score(true_label_all_test[:,j],predict_label_all_test[:,j],average=None) AP_per_class += [AP] print('Average Precision classification task :') print(arrayToLatex(AP_per_class,per=True)) max_per_image = 100 num_images_detect = len(imdb.image_index) # We do not have the same number of images in the WikiTenLabels or IconArt_v1 case all_boxes_order = [[[] for _ in range(num_images_detect)] for _ in range(imdb.num_classes)] number_im = 0 name_all_test = name_all_test.astype(str) for i in range(num_images_detect): # print(i) name_img = imdb.image_path_at(i) if dataset_nm=='PeopleArt': name_img_wt_ext = name_img.split('/')[-2] +'/' +name_img.split('/')[-1] name_img_wt_ext_tab =name_img_wt_ext.split('.') name_img_wt_ext = '.'.join(name_img_wt_ext_tab[0:-1]) else: name_img_wt_ext = name_img.split('/')[-1] name_img_wt_ext =name_img_wt_ext.split('.')[0] name_img_ind = np.where(np.array(name_all_test)==name_img_wt_ext)[0] #print(name_img_ind) if len(name_img_ind)==0: print('len(name_img_ind), images not found in the all_boxes') print(name_img_wt_ext) raise(Exception) else: number_im += 1 # print(name_img_ind[0]) for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes): j_minus_1 = j-1 if len(all_boxes[j_minus_1][name_img_ind[0]]) >0: all_boxes_order[j][i] = all_boxes[j_minus_1][name_img_ind[0]] if max_per_image > 0 and len(all_boxes_order[j][i]) >0: image_scores = np.hstack([all_boxes_order[j][i][:, -1] for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes)]) if len(image_scores) > max_per_image: image_thresh = np.sort(image_scores)[-max_per_image] for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes): keep = np.where(all_boxes_order[j][i][:, -1] >= image_thresh)[0] all_boxes_order[j][i] = all_boxes_order[j][i][keep, :] assert (number_im==num_images_detect) # To check that we have the all the images in the detection prediction det_file = os.path.join(path_data, 'detections.pkl') with open(det_file, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(all_boxes_order, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) output_dir = path_data +'tmp/' + dataset_nm+'_mAP.txt' aps = imdb.evaluate_detections(all_boxes_order, output_dir) apsAt05 = aps print("Detection score (thres = 0.5): ",dataset_nm) print(arrayToLatex(aps,per=True)) ovthresh_tab = [0.3,0.1,0.] for ovthresh in ovthresh_tab: aps = imdb.evaluate_localisation_ovthresh(all_boxes_order, output_dir,ovthresh) if ovthresh == 0.1: apsAt01 = aps print("Detection score with thres at ",ovthresh,'with ',MILmodel) print(arrayToLatex(aps,per=True)) t2 = time.time() print("--- Testing duration :",str(t2-t1),' s') return(apsAt05,apsAt01,AP_per_class)
def LearnOn30andTestOn300(): """ This function is just used to do the test with a model learn on 30 regions""" demonet = 'res152_COCO' database = 'WikiTenLabels' verbose = True testMode = False jtest = 'cow' PlotRegions = False saved_clf=False RPN=False CompBest=False Stocha=True k_per_bag=30 parallel_op=True CV_Mode='' num_split=2 WR=True init_by_mean =None seuil_estimation='' restarts=11 max_iters_all_base=300 LR=0.01 with_tanh=True C=1.0 Optimizer='GradientDescent' norm='' transform_output='tanh' with_rois_scores_atEnd=False optim_wt_Reg = False with_scores=False epsilon=0.01 restarts_paral='paral' Max_version='' w_exp=10.0 seuillage_by_score=False seuil=0.9 k_intopk=1 C_Searching=False predict_with='MILSVM' gridSearch=False thres_FinalClassifier=0.5 n_jobs=1 thresh_evaluation=0.05 TEST_NMS=0.3 ext = '.txt' if database=='Paintings': item_name = 'name_img' path_to_img = '/media/gonthier/HDD/data/Painting_Dataset/' classes = ['aeroplane','bird','boat','chair','cow','diningtable','dog','horse','sheep','train'] elif database=='VOC12': item_name = 'name_img' path_to_img = '/media/gonthier/HDD/data/VOCdevkit/VOC2012/JPEGImages/' elif database=='VOC2007': ext = '.csv' item_name = 'name_img' path_to_img = '/media/gonthier/HDD/data/VOCdevkit/VOC2007/JPEGImages/' classes = ['aeroplane', 'bicycle', 'bird', 'boat', 'bottle', 'bus', 'car', 'cat', 'chair', 'cow', 'diningtable', 'dog', 'horse', 'motorbike', 'person', 'pottedplant', 'sheep', 'sofa', 'train', 'tvmonitor'] elif database=='watercolor': ext = '.csv' item_name = 'name_img' path_to_img = '/media/gonthier/HDD/data/cross-domain-detection/datasets/watercolor/JPEGImages/' classes = ["bicycle", "bird","car", "cat", "dog", "person"] elif database=='PeopleArt': ext = '.csv' item_name = 'name_img' path_to_img = '/media/gonthier/HDD/data/PeopleArt/JPEGImages/' classes = ["person"] elif database=='WikiTenLabels': ext = '.csv' item_name = 'item' path_to_img = '/media/gonthier/HDD/data/Wikidata_Paintings/WikiTenLabels/JPEGImages/' classes = ['angel', 'beard','capital','Child_Jesus', 'crucifixion_of_Jesus', 'Mary','nudity', 'ruins','Saint_Sebastien','turban'] elif database=='clipart': ext = '.csv' item_name = 'name_img' path_to_img = '/media/gonthier/HDD/data/cross-domain-detection/datasets/clipart/JPEGImages/' classes = ['aeroplane', 'bicycle', 'bird', 'boat', 'bottle', 'bus', 'car', 'cat', 'chair', 'cow', 'diningtable', 'dog', 'horse', 'motorbike', 'person', 'pottedplant', 'sheep', 'sofa', 'train', 'tvmonitor'] elif(database=='Wikidata_Paintings'): item_name = 'image' path_to_img = '/media/gonthier/HDD/data/Wikidata_Paintings/600/' raise NotImplemented # TODO implementer cela !!! elif(database=='Wikidata_Paintings_miniset_verif'): item_name = 'image' path_to_img = '/media/gonthier/HDD/data/Wikidata_Paintings/600/' classes = ['Q235113_verif','Q345_verif','Q10791_verif','Q109607_verif','Q942467_verif'] if testMode and not(type(jtest)==int): assert(type(jtest)==str) jtest = int(np.where(np.array(classes)==jtest)[0][0])# Conversion of the jtest string to the value number assert(type(jtest)==int) if testMode and (jtest>len(classes)) : print("We are in test mode but jtest>len(classes), we will use jtest =0" ) jtest =0 path_data = '/media/gonthier/HDD/output_exp/ClassifPaintings/' databasetxt =path_data + database + ext if database=='WikiTenLabels': dtypes = {0:str,'item':str,'angel':int,'beard':int,'capital':int, \ 'Child_Jesus':int,'crucifixion_of_Jesus':int,'Mary':int,'nudity':int,'ruins':int,'Saint_Sebastien':int,\ 'turban':int,'set':str,'Anno':int} df_label = pd.read_csv(databasetxt,sep=",",dtype=dtypes) else: df_label = pd.read_csv(databasetxt,sep=",") str_val = 'val' if database=='Wikidata_Paintings_miniset_verif': df_label = df_label[df_label['BadPhoto'] <= 0.0] str_val = 'validation' elif database=='Paintings': str_val = 'validation' elif database in ['VOC2007','watercolor','clipart','PeopleArt']: str_val = 'val' df_label[classes] = df_label[classes].apply(lambda x:(x + 1.0)/2.0) num_trainval_im = len(df_label[df_label['set']=='train'][item_name]) + len(df_label[df_label['set']==str_val][item_name]) num_classes = len(classes) print(database,'with ',num_trainval_im,' images in the trainval set') N = 1 extL2 = '' nms_thresh = 0.7 savedstr = '_all' thresh_evaluation = 0.05 TEST_NMS =0.3 thresh = 0.05 sets = ['train','val','trainval','test'] dict_name_file = {} data_precomputeed= True if k_per_bag==300: k_per_bag_str = '' else: k_per_bag_str = '_k'+str(k_per_bag) eval_onk300 = True for set_str in sets: name_pkl_all_features = path_data+'FasterRCNN_'+ demonet +'_'+database+'_N'+str(N)+extL2+'_TLforMIL_nms_'+str(nms_thresh)+savedstr+k_per_bag_str+'_'+set_str+'.tfrecords' if not(k_per_bag==300) and eval_onk300 and set_str=='test': # We will evaluate on all the 300 regions and not only the k_per_bag ones name_pkl_all_features = path_data+'FasterRCNN_'+ demonet +'_'+database+'_N'+str(N)+extL2+'_TLforMIL_nms_'+str(nms_thresh)+savedstr+'_'+set_str+'.tfrecords' dict_name_file[set_str] = name_pkl_all_features if not(os.path.isfile(name_pkl_all_features)): data_precomputeed = False # sLength_all = len(df_label[item_name]) if demonet == 'vgg16_COCO': num_features = 4096 elif demonet in ['res101_COCO','res152_COCO','res101_VOC07']: num_features = 2048 if not(data_precomputeed): # Compute the features if verbose: print("We will computer the CNN features") Compute_Faster_RCNN_features(demonet=demonet,nms_thresh =nms_thresh, database=database,augmentation=False,L2 =False, saved='all',verbose=verbose,filesave='tfrecords',k_regions=k_per_bag) dont_use_07_metric = True if database=='VOC2007': imdb = get_imdb('voc_2007_test') imdb.set_force_dont_use_07_metric(dont_use_07_metric) num_images = len(imdb.image_index) elif database=='watercolor': imdb = get_imdb('watercolor_test') imdb.set_force_dont_use_07_metric(dont_use_07_metric) num_images = len(imdb.image_index) elif database=='PeopleArt': imdb = get_imdb('PeopleArt_test') imdb.set_force_dont_use_07_metric(dont_use_07_metric) num_images = len(imdb.image_index) elif database=='clipart': imdb = get_imdb('clipart_test') imdb.set_force_dont_use_07_metric(dont_use_07_metric) num_images = len(imdb.image_index) elif database=='WikiTenLabels': imdb = get_imdb('WikiTenLabels_test') imdb.set_force_dont_use_07_metric(dont_use_07_metric) #num_images = len(imdb.image_index) num_images = len(df_label[df_label['set']=='test'][item_name]) else: num_images = len(df_label[df_label['set']=='test'][item_name]) all_boxes = [[[] for _ in range(num_images)] for _ in range(num_classes)] data_path_train= dict_name_file['trainval'] # Config param for TF session config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True # Data for the MILSVM Latent SVM # All those parameter are design for my GPU 1080 Ti memory size performance = False if parallel_op: sizeMax = 30*10000 // (k_per_bag*num_classes) else: sizeMax = 30*10000 // k_per_bag if not(init_by_mean is None) and not(init_by_mean==''): if not(CV_Mode=='CV' and num_split==2): sizeMax //= 2 # boolean paralleliation du W if not(num_features==2048): sizeMax //= (num_features//2048) if restarts_paral=='Dim': # It will create a new dimension restarts_paral_str = '_RP' sizeMax //= max(int((restarts+1)//2),1) # To avoid division by zero # it seems that using a different size batch drasticly change the results elif restarts_paral=='paral': # Version 2 of the parallelisation restarts_paral_str = '_RPV2' sizeMax = 30*200000 // (k_per_bag*20) else: restarts_paral_str='' # InternalError: Dst tensor is not initialized. can mean that you are running out of GPU memory mini_batch_size = min(sizeMax,num_trainval_im) buffer_size = 10000 if testMode: ext_test = '_Test_Mode' else: ext_test= '' max_iters = ((num_trainval_im // mini_batch_size)+ \ np.sign(num_trainval_im % mini_batch_size))*max_iters_all_base AP_per_class = [] P_per_class = [] R_per_class = [] P20_per_class = [] AP_per_classbS = [] final_clf = None class_weight = None ReDo = False if C_Searching:C_Searching_str ='_Csearch' else: C_Searching_str = '' if with_scores: with_scores_str = '_WRC'+str(epsilon) else: with_scores_str='' if seuillage_by_score: seuillage_by_score_str = '_SBS'+str(seuil) else: seuillage_by_score_str = '' if norm=='L2': extNorm = '_L2' elif norm=='STDall': extNorm = '_STDall' elif norm=='STDSaid': extNorm = '_STDSaid' elif norm=='STD': extNorm = '_STD' raise(NotImplemented) elif norm=='' or norm is None: extNorm = '' if parallel_op: extPar = '_p' else: extPar ='' if CV_Mode=='CV': max_iters = (max_iters*(num_split-1)//num_split) # Modification d iteration max par rapport au nombre de split extCV = '_cv'+str(num_split) elif CV_Mode=='LA': max_iters = (max_iters*(num_split-1)//num_split) # Modification d iteration max par rapport au nombre de split extCV = '_la'+str(num_split) elif CV_Mode=='CV' and WR==True: extCV = '_cv'+str(num_split)+'_wr' elif CV_Mode is None or CV_Mode=='': extCV ='' if WR: extCV += '_wr' if Optimizer=='Adam': opti_str='' elif Optimizer=='GradientDescent': opti_str='_gd' else: raise(NotImplemented) if init_by_mean is None or init_by_mean=='': init_by_mean_str = '' elif init_by_mean=='First': init_by_mean_str= '_ibnF' elif init_by_mean=='All': init_by_mean_str= '_ibnA' if LR==0.01: LR_str = '' else: LR_str='_LR'+str(LR) if C == 1.0: C_str='' else: C_str = '_C'+str(C) # regularisation term if Max_version=='max' or Max_version=='' or Max_version is None: Max_version_str ='' elif Max_version=='softmax': Max_version_str ='_MVSF' if not(w_exp==1.0): Max_version_str+=str(w_exp) elif Max_version=='sparsemax': Max_version_str ='_MVSM' elif Max_version=='mintopk': Max_version_str ='_MVMT'+str(k_intopk) optimArg= None verboseMILSVM = True shuffle = True if num_trainval_im==mini_batch_size: shuffle = False if shuffle: shuffle_str = '' else: shuffle_str = '_allBase' if optim_wt_Reg: optim_wt_Reg_str = '_OptimWTReg' else: optim_wt_Reg_str ='' Number_of_positif_elt = 1 number_zone = k_per_bag # thresh_evaluation,TEST_NMS = 0.05,0.3 dont_use_07_metric = True symway = True arrayParam = [demonet,database,N,extL2,nms_thresh,savedstr,mini_batch_size, performance,buffer_size,predict_with,shuffle,C,testMode,restarts,max_iters_all_base, max_iters,CV_Mode,num_split,parallel_op,WR,norm,Optimizer,LR,optimArg, Number_of_positif_elt,number_zone,seuil_estimation,thresh_evaluation, TEST_NMS,init_by_mean,transform_output,with_rois_scores_atEnd, with_scores,epsilon,restarts_paral,Max_version,w_exp,seuillage_by_score,seuil, k_intopk,C_Searching,gridSearch,thres_FinalClassifier,optim_wt_Reg] arrayParamStr = ['demonet','database','N','extL2','nms_thresh','savedstr', 'mini_batch_size','performance','buffer_size','predict_with', 'shuffle','C','testMode','restarts','max_iters_all_base','max_iters','CV_Mode', 'num_split','parallel_op','WR','norm','Optimizer','LR', 'optimArg','Number_of_positif_elt','number_zone','seuil_estimation' ,'thresh_evaluation','TEST_NMS','init_by_mean','transform_output','with_rois_scores_atEnd', 'with_scores','epsilon','restarts_paral','Max_version','w_exp','seuillage_by_score', 'seuil','k_intopk','C_Searching','gridSearch','thres_FinalClassifier','optim_wt_Reg'] assert(len(arrayParam)==len(arrayParamStr)) print(tabs_to_str(arrayParam,arrayParamStr)) # print('database',database,'mini_batch_size',mini_batch_size,'max_iters',max_iters,'norm',norm,\ # 'parallel_op',parallel_op,'CV_Mode',CV_Mode,'WR',WR,'restarts',restarts,'demonet',demonet, # 'Optimizer',Optimizer,'init_by_mean',init_by_mean,'with_tanh',with_tanh) cachefile_model_base= database +'_'+demonet+'_r'+str(restarts)+'_s' \ +str(mini_batch_size)+'_k'+str(k_per_bag)+'_m'+str(max_iters)+extNorm+extPar+\ extCV+ext_test+opti_str+LR_str+C_str+init_by_mean_str+with_scores_str+restarts_paral_str\ +Max_version_str+seuillage_by_score_str+shuffle_str+C_Searching_str+optim_wt_Reg_str cachefile_model = path_data + cachefile_model_base+'_MILSVM.pkl' with open(cachefile_model, 'rb') as f: name_milsvm = pickle.load(f) export_dir,np_pos_value,np_neg_value= name_milsvm export_dir_path = ('/').join(export_dir.split('/')[:-1]) name_model_meta = export_dir + '.meta' get_roisScore = False train_dataset =['test']) if not(k_per_bag==300) and eval_onk300: train_dataset = r: parser_w_rois_all_class(r,\ num_classes=num_classes,with_rois_scores=get_roisScore,num_features=num_features,num_rois=300)) else: train_dataset = r: parser_w_rois_all_class(r,\ num_classes=num_classes,with_rois_scores=get_roisScore,num_features=num_features,num_rois=k_per_bag)) dataset_batch = train_dataset.batch(mini_batch_size) dataset_batch.cache() iterator = dataset_batch.make_one_shot_iterator() next_element = iterator.get_next() true_label_all_test = [] predict_label_all_test = [] name_all_test = [] FirstTime= True i = 0 ii = 0 load_model = False scoreInMILSVM =False seuil_estimation_bool = False with_rois_scores_atEnd=False seuillage_by_score=False gridSearch=False with_softmax_a_intraining= False with_softmax = False sess = tf.Session(config=config) if load_model==False: new_saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(name_model_meta) new_saver.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint(export_dir_path)) graph= tf.get_default_graph() X = graph.get_tensor_by_name("X:0") y = graph.get_tensor_by_name("y:0") if scoreInMILSVM: scores_tf = graph.get_tensor_by_name("scores:0") Prod_best = graph.get_tensor_by_name("ProdScore:0") else: Prod_best = graph.get_tensor_by_name("Prod:0") if with_tanh: print('use of tanh') Tanh = tf.tanh(Prod_best) mei = tf.argmax(Tanh,axis=2) score_mei = tf.reduce_max(Tanh,axis=2) elif with_softmax: Softmax = tf.nn.softmax(Prod_best,axis=-1) mei = tf.argmax(Softmax,axis=2) score_mei = tf.reduce_max(Softmax,axis=2) elif with_softmax_a_intraining: Softmax=tf.multiply(tf.nn.softmax(Prod_best,axis=-1),Prod_best) mei = tf.argmax(Softmax,axis=2) score_mei = tf.reduce_max(Softmax,axis=2) else: mei = tf.argmax(Prod_best,axis=2) score_mei = tf.reduce_max(Prod_best,axis=2) while True: try: if not(with_rois_scores_atEnd) and not(scoreInMILSVM): fc7s,roiss, labels,name_imgs = else: fc7s,roiss,rois_scores,labels,name_imgs = fc7s_full,roiss_full, labels_full,name_imgs_full = fc7s,roiss, labels,name_imgs PositiveExScoreAll_tab = [] for iii in range(10): fc7s = fc7s_full[:,iii*30:iii*30+30,:] roiss = roiss_full[:,iii*30:iii*30+30] labels = labels_full name_imgs = name_imgs_full if predict_with=='MILSVM': if scoreInMILSVM: feed_dict_value = {X: fc7s,scores_tf: rois_scores, y: labels} else: feed_dict_value = {X: fc7s, y: labels} if with_tanh: PositiveRegions,get_RegionsScore,PositiveExScoreAll =\[mei,score_mei,Tanh], feed_dict=feed_dict_value) elif with_softmax or with_softmax_a_intraining: PositiveRegions,get_RegionsScore,PositiveExScoreAll =\[mei,score_mei,Softmax], feed_dict=feed_dict_value) else: PositiveRegions,get_RegionsScore,PositiveExScoreAll = \[mei,score_mei,Prod_best], feed_dict=feed_dict_value) if with_rois_scores_atEnd: PositiveExScoreAll = PositiveExScoreAll*rois_scores get_RegionsScore = np.max(PositiveExScoreAll,axis=2) PositiveRegions = np.amax(PositiveExScoreAll,axis=2) if with_tanh: assert(np.max(PositiveExScoreAll) <= 1.) PositiveExScoreAll_tab += [PositiveExScoreAll] roiss = roiss_full PositiveExScoreAll= np.concatenate(PositiveExScoreAll_tab,axis=2) PositiveRegions = np.amax(PositiveExScoreAll,axis=2) get_RegionsScore= np.max(PositiveExScoreAll,axis=2) print('PositiveExScoreAll',PositiveExScoreAll.shape) print('PositiveRegions',PositiveRegions.shape) print('get_RegionsScore',get_RegionsScore.shape) print('name_imgs',len(name_imgs)) true_label_all_test += [labels] if predict_with=='MILSVM': predict_label_all_test += [get_RegionsScore] elif 'LinearSVC' in predict_with: predict_label_all_test_tmp = [] for j in range(num_classes): predict_label_all_test_tmp += [np.reshape(classifier_trained_dict[j].decision_function( np.reshape(fc7s,(-1,fc7s.shape[-1]))),(fc7s.shape[0],fc7s.shape[1]))] predict_label_all_test_batch = np.stack(predict_label_all_test_tmp,axis=0) # print(predict_label_all_test_batch.shape) predict_label_all_test += [np.max(predict_label_all_test_batch,axis=2)] # print('predict_label_all_test',predict_label_all_test[-1].shape) # predict_label_all_test is used only for the classification score ! # if predict_with=='LinearSVC': for k in range(len(labels)): if database in ['VOC2007','watercolor','Paintings','clipart','WikiTenLabels','PeopleArt'] : complet_name = path_to_img + str(name_imgs[k].decode("utf-8")) + '.jpg' else: complet_name = path_to_img + name_imgs[k] + '.jpg' im = cv2.imread(complet_name) blobs, im_scales = get_blobs(im) if predict_with=='MILSVM': scores_all = PositiveExScoreAll[:,k,:] elif 'LinearSVC' in predict_with: scores_all = predict_label_all_test_batch[:,k,:] roi = roiss[k,:] roi_boxes = roi[:,1:5] / im_scales[0] for j in range(num_classes): scores = scores_all[j,:] if seuil_estimation_bool: inds = np.where(scores > list_thresh[j])[0] else: inds = np.where(scores > thresh)[0] cls_scores = scores[inds] cls_boxes = roi_boxes[inds,:] cls_dets = np.hstack((cls_boxes, cls_scores[:, np.newaxis])).astype(np.float32, copy=False) modif_box = '' # Possibility : SumPond, Inter if(not(modif_box=='') and not(modif_box is None)): # Modification of the bounding box cls_dets = py_cpu_modif(cls_dets,kind=modif_box) keep = nms(cls_dets, TEST_NMS) cls_dets = cls_dets[keep, :] all_boxes[j][i] = cls_dets i+=1 for l in range(len(name_imgs)): if database in ['VOC2007','watercolor','clipart','WikiTenLabels','PeopleArt']: name_all_test += [[str(name_imgs[l].decode("utf-8"))]] else: name_all_test += [[name_imgs[l]]] if PlotRegions and predict_with=='MILSVM': if verbose and (ii%1000==0): print("Plot the images :",ii) if verbose and FirstTime: FirstTime = False print("Start ploting Regions on test set") for k in range(len(labels)): if ii > number_im: continue if database in ['VOC2007','Paintings','watercolor','clipart','WikiTenLabels','PeopleArt']: name_img = str(name_imgs[k].decode("utf-8") ) else: name_img = name_imgs[k] rois = roiss[k,:] if database in ['VOC12','Paintings','VOC2007','clipart','watercolor','WikiTenLabels','PeopleArt']: complet_name = path_to_img + name_img + '.jpg' name_sans_ext = name_img elif(database=='Wikidata_Paintings') or (database=='Wikidata_Paintings_miniset_verif'): name_sans_ext = os.path.splitext(name_img)[0] complet_name = path_to_img +name_sans_ext + '.jpg' im = cv2.imread(complet_name) blobs, im_scales = get_blobs(im) roi_boxes_and_score = [] local_cls = [] for j in range(num_classes): cls_dets = all_boxes[j][ii] # Here we have #classe x box dim + score # Last element is the score # print(cls_dets.shape) if len(cls_dets) > 0: local_cls += [classes[j]] # roi_boxes_score = np.expand_dims(cls_dets,axis=0) roi_boxes_score = cls_dets # print(roi_boxes_score.shape) if roi_boxes_and_score is None: roi_boxes_and_score = [roi_boxes_score] else: roi_boxes_and_score += [roi_boxes_score] #np.vstack((roi_boxes_and_score,roi_boxes_score)) if roi_boxes_and_score is None: roi_boxes_and_score = [[]] ii += 1 if RPN: best_RPN_roi = rois[0,:] best_RPN_roi_boxes = best_RPN_roi[1:5] / im_scales[0] best_RPN_roi_scores = [PositiveExScoreAll[j,k,0]] cls = local_cls + ['RPN'] # Comparison of the best region according to the faster RCNN and according to the MILSVM de Said #best_RPN_roi_boxes_score = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(np.concatenate((best_RPN_roi_boxes,best_RPN_roi_scores)),axis=0),axis=0) best_RPN_roi_boxes_score = np.expand_dims(np.concatenate((best_RPN_roi_boxes,best_RPN_roi_scores)),axis=0) # print(best_RPN_roi_boxes_score.shape) #roi_boxes_and_score = np.vstack((roi_boxes_and_score,best_RPN_roi_boxes_score)) roi_boxes_and_score += [best_RPN_roi_boxes_score] #np.vstack((roi_boxes_and_score,best_RPN_roi_boxes_score)) else: cls = local_cls #print(len(cls),len(roi_boxes_and_score)) vis_detections_list(im, cls, roi_boxes_and_score, thresh=-np.inf) name_output = path_to_output2 +'Test/' + name_sans_ext + '_Regions.jpg' if database=='PeopleArt': path_tmp = '/'.join(name_output.split('/')[0:-1]) pathlib.Path(path_tmp).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) plt.savefig(name_output) plt.close() except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: break print('End compute') tf.reset_default_graph() true_label_all_test = np.concatenate(true_label_all_test) predict_label_all_test = np.transpose(np.concatenate(predict_label_all_test,axis=1)) name_all_test = np.concatenate(name_all_test) labels_test_predited = (np.sign(predict_label_all_test) +1.)/2 labels_test_predited[np.where(labels_test_predited==0.5)] = 0 # To deal with the case where predict_label_all_test == 0 for j,classe in enumerate(classes): AP = average_precision_score(true_label_all_test[:,j],predict_label_all_test[:,j],average=None) print("MIL-SVM version Average Precision for",classes[j]," = ",AP) test_precision = precision_score(true_label_all_test[:,j],labels_test_predited[:,j],) test_recall = recall_score(true_label_all_test[:,j],labels_test_predited[:,j],) F1 = f1_score(true_label_all_test[:,j],labels_test_predited[:,j],) print("Test on all the data precision = {0:.2f}, recall = {1:.2f},F1 = {2:.2f}".format(test_precision,test_recall,F1)) precision_at_k = ranking_precision_score(np.array(true_label_all_test[:,j]), predict_label_all_test[:,j],20) P20_per_class += [precision_at_k] AP_per_class += [AP] R_per_class += [test_recall] P_per_class += [test_precision] det_file = os.path.join(path_data, 'detections_aux.pkl') with open(det_file, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(all_boxes, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) max_per_image = 100 num_images_detect = len(imdb.image_index) # We do not have the same number of images in the WikiTenLabels case all_boxes_order = [[[] for _ in range(num_images_detect)] for _ in range(imdb.num_classes)] number_im = 0 for i in range(num_images_detect): name_img = imdb.image_path_at(i) if database=='PeopleArt': name_img_wt_ext = name_img.split('/')[-2] +'/' +name_img.split('/')[-1] name_img_wt_ext_tab =name_img_wt_ext.split('.') name_img_wt_ext = '.'.join(name_img_wt_ext_tab[0:-1]) else: name_img_wt_ext = name_img.split('/')[-1] name_img_wt_ext =name_img_wt_ext.split('.')[0] name_img_ind = np.where(np.array(name_all_test)==name_img_wt_ext)[0] #print(name_img_ind) if len(name_img_ind)==0: print('len(name_img_ind), images not found in the all_boxes') print(name_img_wt_ext) raise(Exception) else: number_im += 1 #print(name_img_ind[0]) for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes): j_minus_1 = j-1 all_boxes_order[j][i] = all_boxes[j_minus_1][name_img_ind[0]] if max_per_image > 0: image_scores = np.hstack([all_boxes_order[j][i][:, -1] for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes)]) if len(image_scores) > max_per_image: image_thresh = np.sort(image_scores)[-max_per_image] for j in range(1, imdb.num_classes): keep = np.where(all_boxes_order[j][i][:, -1] >= image_thresh)[0] all_boxes_order[j][i] = all_boxes_order[j][i][keep, :] assert (number_im==num_images_detect) # To check that we have the all the images in the detection prediction det_file = os.path.join(path_data, 'detections.pkl') with open(det_file, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(all_boxes_order, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) output_dir = path_data +'tmp/' + database+'_mAP.txt' aps = imdb.evaluate_detections(all_boxes_order, output_dir) print("Detection score (thres = 0.5): ",database) print(arrayToLatex(aps,per=True)) ovthresh_tab = [0.3,0.1,0.] for ovthresh in ovthresh_tab: aps = imdb.evaluate_localisation_ovthresh(all_boxes_order, output_dir,ovthresh) print("Detection score with thres at ",ovthresh) print(arrayToLatex(aps,per=True)) imdb.set_use_diff(True) # Modification of the use_diff attribute in the imdb aps = imdb.evaluate_detections(all_boxes_order, output_dir) print("Detection score with the difficult element") print(arrayToLatex(aps,per=True)) imdb.set_use_diff(False) print('~~~~~~~~') print("mean Average Precision Classification for all the data = {0:.3f}".format(np.mean(AP_per_class))) if CompBest: print("mean Average Precision for BEst Score = {0:.3f}".format(np.mean(AP_per_classbS))) print("mean Precision Classification for all the data = {0:.3f}".format(np.mean(P_per_class))) print("mean Recall Classification for all the data = {0:.3f}".format(np.mean(R_per_class))) print("mean Precision Classification @ 20 for all the data = {0:.3f}".format(np.mean(P20_per_class))) print('Mean Average Precision Classification :') print(AP_per_class) print(arrayToLatex(AP_per_class,per=True)) return(0)