 def apply(self, sample: Sample) -> Sample:
     # Load the image and convert the class name into an index
     if self.mode in INPUT_PROCESSOR:
         sample = sample.new_inputs(cv2.imread(sample.inputs))
     if self.mode in TARGETS_PROCESSOR:
         # Only load target if it is (expected to be) present
         sample = sample.new_targets(
     return sample
 def to_sample(d: dict) -> Sample:
     return Sample(inputs={
         Keys.InputSentence1: d['sentence1'].decode('utf-8'),
         Keys.InputSentence2: d['sentence2'].decode('utf-8')
                   targets={Keys.Target: [d['label']]},
                   meta={'index': d['idx']})
 def apply(self, sample: Sample) -> Sample:
     img = sample.inputs.transpose()
     encoded = [self.data_params.codec.index(c) for c in sample.targets]
     return sample.new_inputs({
         Keys.Image: img,
         Keys.ImageLength: [img.shape[0]]
         Keys.Targets: encoded,
         Keys.TargetsLength: [len(encoded)]
    def generate(self) -> Iterable[Sample]:
        # Generate the samples
        # First flatten all, since shuffling is performed during training (on each epoch anew)
        # Also shuffle in evaluation (no effect on the accuracy) but random examples will be displayed
        flat_samples = []
        for k, filenames in self.params.image_files.items():
            for fn in filenames:
                # Pass inputs and targets, meta data is optional but can be useful for debugging
                flat_samples.append(Sample(inputs=fn, targets=k, meta={'filename': fn, 'classname': k}))

        if self.mode in {PipelineMode.Training, PipelineMode.Evaluation}:

        return flat_samples
    def apply(self, sample: Sample) -> Sample:
        def encode_sentences(sentence1, sentence2):
            tokens1 = list(self.tokenizer.tokenize(sentence1)) + [self.tokenizer.sep_token]
            tokens2 = list(self.tokenizer.tokenize(sentence2)) + [self.tokenizer.sep_token]
            return [self.tokenizer.cls_token] + tokens1 + tokens2, [0] + [0] * len(tokens1) + [1] * len(tokens2)

        word_ids, type_ids = encode_sentences(sample.inputs[Keys.InputSentence1], sample.inputs[Keys.InputSentence2])
        word_ids = self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(word_ids)
        return sample.new_inputs(
                Keys.InputWordIds: word_ids,
                Keys.InputMask: np.full(fill_value=1, shape=[len(word_ids)], dtype=np.int32),
                Keys.InputTypeIds: np.asarray(type_ids, dtype=np.int32)
 def apply(self, sample: Sample) -> Sample:
     assert (self.data_params.height > 0)  # Not initialized
     return sample.new_inputs(scale_to_h(sample.inputs, self.data_params.height))
 def apply(self, sample: Sample) -> Sample:
     sample.outputs['sentence'] = ''.join(self.data_params.codec[i] for i in sample.outputs['decoded'] if i >= 0)
     return sample
 def generate(self) -> Iterable[Sample]:
     return (Sample(inputs=fn) for fn in self.params.image_files)
 def apply(self, sample: Sample) -> Sample:
     return sample.new_inputs(
             (self.data_params.image_height, self.data_params.image_width)))
 def generate(self) -> Iterable[Sample]:
     return (Sample(inputs=fn,
                    targets=split_all_ext(fn)[0] + '.gt.txt',
                    meta={'filename': fn})
             for fn in self.params.image_files)
    def apply(self, sample: Sample) -> Sample:
        img = cv2.imread(sample.inputs, flags=cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
        with open(sample.targets) as f:
            txt = f.read().strip()

        return sample.new_inputs(img).new_targets(txt)
 def apply(self, sample: Sample) -> Sample:
     if self.mode in INPUT_PROCESSOR:
         sample = sample.new_inputs({Keys.Image: sample.inputs})
     if self.mode in TARGETS_PROCESSOR:
         sample = sample.new_targets({Keys.Target: [sample.targets]})
     return sample