def split2d(name, z, objective=0.):
    with tf.variable_scope(name):
        n_z = Z.int_shape(z)[3]
        z1 = z[:, :, :, :n_z // 2]
        z2 = z[:, :, :, n_z // 2:]
        pz = split2d_prior(z1)
        objective += pz.logp(z2)
        z1 = Z.squeeze2d(z1)
        return z1, objective
文件: model.py 项目: chinatian/glow
def split2d(name, z, objective=0.):
    with tf.variable_scope(name):
        n_z = Z.int_shape(z)[3]
        z1 = z[:, :, :, :n_z // 2]
        z2 = z[:, :, :, n_z // 2:]
        pz = split2d_prior(z1)
        objective += pz.logp(z2)
        z1 = Z.squeeze2d(z1)
        eps = pz.get_eps(z2)
        return z1, objective, eps
    def _f_loss(x, y, is_training, reuse=False):

        with tf.variable_scope('model', reuse=reuse):
            y_onehot = tf.cast(tf.one_hot(y, hps.n_y, 1, 0), 'float32')

            objective = tf.zeros_like(x, dtype='float32')[:, 0, 0, 0]

            z = preprocess(x)
            z = z + tf.random_uniform(tf.shape(z), 0, 1. / hps.n_bins)

            objective += -np.log(hps.n_bins) * np.prod(Z.int_shape(z)[1:])

            # Encode
            z = Z.squeeze2d(z, 2)  # > 16x16x12

            z, objective = encoder(z, objective)

            hps.top_shape = Z.int_shape(z)[1:]

            # Prior
            logp, _ = prior("prior", y_onehot, hps)
            objective += logp(z)

            # Generative loss
            nobj = -objective
            bits_x = nobj / (np.log(2.) * int(x.get_shape()[1]) * int(
                x.get_shape()[2]) * int(x.get_shape()[3]))  # bits per subpixel

            # Predictive loss
            if hps.weight_y > 0 and hps.ycond:

                # Classification loss
                h_y = tf.reduce_mean(z, axis=[1, 2])

                y_logits = Z.linear_zeros("classifier", h_y, hps.n_y)
                bits_y = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2(
                    labels=y_onehot, logits=y_logits) / np.log(2.)

                # Classification accuracy
                y_predicted = tf.argmax(y_logits, 1, output_type=tf.int32)
                classification_error = 1 - \
                    tf.cast(tf.equal(y_predicted, y), tf.float32)
                bits_y = tf.zeros_like(bits_x)
                classification_error = tf.ones_like(bits_x)

        return bits_x, bits_y, classification_error
文件: model.py 项目: chinatian/glow
    def _f_loss(x, y, is_training, reuse=False):

        with tf.variable_scope('model', reuse=reuse):
            y_onehot = tf.cast(tf.one_hot(y, hps.n_y, 1, 0), 'float32')

            # Discrete -> Continuous
            objective = tf.zeros_like(x, dtype='float32')[:, 0, 0, 0]
            z = preprocess(x)
            z = z + tf.random_uniform(tf.shape(z), 0, 1./hps.n_bins)
            objective += - np.log(hps.n_bins) * np.prod(Z.int_shape(z)[1:])

            # Encode
            z = Z.squeeze2d(z, 2)  # > 16x16x12
            z, objective, _ = encoder(z, objective)

            # Prior
            hps.top_shape = Z.int_shape(z)[1:]
            logp, _, _ = prior("prior", y_onehot, hps)
            objective += logp(z)

            # Generative loss
            nobj = - objective
            bits_x = nobj / (np.log(2.) * int(x.get_shape()[1]) * int(
                x.get_shape()[2]) * int(x.get_shape()[3]))  # bits per subpixel

            # Predictive loss
            if hps.weight_y > 0 and hps.ycond:

                # Classification loss
                h_y = tf.reduce_mean(z, axis=[1, 2])
                y_logits = Z.linear_zeros("classifier", h_y, hps.n_y)
                bits_y = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2(
                    labels=y_onehot, logits=y_logits) / np.log(2.)

                # Classification accuracy
                y_predicted = tf.argmax(y_logits, 1, output_type=tf.int32)
                classification_error = 1 - \
                    tf.cast(tf.equal(y_predicted, y), tf.float32)
                bits_y = tf.zeros_like(bits_x)
                classification_error = tf.ones_like(bits_x)

        return bits_x, bits_y, classification_error
        def f_encode(x, y, reuse=True):
            with tf.variable_scope('model', reuse=reuse):
                y_onehot = tf.cast(tf.one_hot(y, hps.n_y, 1, 0), 'float32')

                # Discrete -> Continuous
                objective = tf.zeros_like(x, dtype='float32')[:, 0, 0, 0]
                z = preprocess(x)
                z = z + tf.random_uniform(tf.shape(z), 0, 1. / hps.n_bins)
                objective += -np.log(hps.n_bins) * np.prod(Z.int_shape(z)[1:])

                # Encode
                z = Z.squeeze2d(z, 2)  # > 16x16x12
                z, objective, eps = encoder(z, objective)

                # Prior
                hps.top_shape = Z.int_shape(z)[1:]
                logp, _, _eps = prior("prior", y_onehot, hps)
                objective += logp(z)

            return eps
文件: model.py 项目: chinatian/glow
        def f_encode(x, y, reuse=True):
            with tf.variable_scope('model', reuse=reuse):
                y_onehot = tf.cast(tf.one_hot(y, hps.n_y, 1, 0), 'float32')

                # Discrete -> Continuous
                objective = tf.zeros_like(x, dtype='float32')[:, 0, 0, 0]
                z = preprocess(x)
                z = z + tf.random_uniform(tf.shape(z), 0, 1. / hps.n_bins)
                objective += - np.log(hps.n_bins) * np.prod(Z.int_shape(z)[1:])

                # Encode
                z = Z.squeeze2d(z, 2)  # > 16x16x12
                z, objective, eps = encoder(z, objective)

                # Prior
                hps.top_shape = Z.int_shape(z)[1:]
                logp, _, _eps = prior("prior", y_onehot, hps)
                objective += logp(z)

            return eps
    def _f_loss(x_A, y_A, x_B, y_B, is_training, reuse=False, init=False):
        with tf.variable_scope('model_A', reuse=reuse):
            y_onehot_A = tf.cast(tf.one_hot(y_A, hps.n_y, 1, 0), 'float32')

            # Discrete -> Continuous
            objective_A = tf.zeros_like(x_A, dtype='float32')[:, 0, 0, 0]
            z_A = preprocess(x_A)
            z_A = z_A + tf.random_uniform(tf.shape(z_A), 0, 1./hps.n_bins)
            objective_A += - np.log(hps.n_bins) * np.prod(Z.int_shape(z_A)[1:])

            # Encode
            z_A = Z.squeeze2d(z_A, 2)  # > 16x16x12
            z_A, objective_A, eps_A = encoder_A(z_A, objective_A)

            # Prior
            hps.top_shape = Z.int_shape(z_A)[1:]
            logp_A, _, _eps_A = prior("prior", y_onehot_A, hps)
            objective_A += logp_A(z_A)

            # Note that we learn the top layer so need to process z
            z_A = _eps_A(z_A)

            # Loss of eps and flatten latent code from another model
            eps_flatten_A = tf.concat(
                [tf.contrib.layers.flatten(e) for e in eps_A], axis=-1)

        with tf.variable_scope('model_B', reuse=reuse):
            y_onehot_B = tf.cast(tf.one_hot(y_B, hps.n_y, 1, 0), 'float32')

            # Discrete -> Continuous
            objective_B = tf.zeros_like(x_B, dtype='float32')[:, 0, 0, 0]
            z_B = preprocess(x_B)
            z_B = z_B + tf.random_uniform(tf.shape(z_B), 0, 1./hps.n_bins)
            objective_B += - np.log(hps.n_bins) * np.prod(Z.int_shape(z_B)[1:])

            # Encode
            z_B = Z.squeeze2d(z_B, 2)  # > 16x16x12
            z_B, objective_B, eps_B = encoder_B(z_B, objective_B)

            # Prior
            hps.top_shape = Z.int_shape(z_B)[1:]
            logp_B, _, _eps_B = prior("prior", y_onehot_B, hps)
            objective_B += logp_B(z_B)

            # Note that we learn the top layer so need to process z
            z_B = _eps_B(z_B)

            # Loss of eps and flatten latent code from another model
            eps_flatten_B = tf.concat(
                [tf.contrib.layers.flatten(e) for e in eps_B], axis=-1)

        code_loss = 0.0
        code_shapes = [[16, 16, 6], [8, 8, 12], [4, 4, 48]]
        if hps.code_loss_type == 'B_all':
            if not init:
                """ Decode the code from another model and compute L2 loss
                    at pixel level
                def unflatten_code(fcode, code_shapes):
                    index = 0
                    code = []
                    bs = tf.shape(fcode)[0]
                    # bs = hps.local_batch_train
                    for shape in code_shapes:
                        code.append(tf.reshape(fcode[:, index:index+np.prod(shape)],
                                               tf.convert_to_tensor([bs] + shape)))
                        index += np.prod(shape)
                    return code

                code_others = unflatten_code(eps_flatten_A, code_shapes)
                # code_others[-1] is z, and code_others[:-1] is eps
                with tf.variable_scope('model_B', reuse=True):
                    _, sample, _ = prior("prior", y_onehot_B, hps)
                    code_last_others = sample(eps=code_others[-1])
                    code_decoded_others = decoder_B(
                        code_last_others, code_others[:-1])
                code_decoded = Z.unsqueeze2d(code_decoded_others, 2)
                x_B_recon = postprocess(code_decoded)
                x_B_scaled = 1/255.0 * tf.cast(x_B, tf.float32)
                x_B_recon_scaled = 1/255.0 * tf.cast(x_B_recon, tf.float32)
                if hps.code_loss_fn == 'l1':
                    code_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.losses.absolute_difference(
                        x_B_scaled, x_B_recon_scaled))
                elif hps.code_loss_fn == 'l2':
                    code_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.squared_difference(
                        x_B_scaled, x_B_recon_scaled))
                    raise NotImplementedError()
        elif hps.code_loss_type == 'code_all':
            code_loss = tf.reduce_mean(
                tf.squared_difference(eps_flatten_A, eps_flatten_B))
        elif hps.code_loss_type == 'code_last':
            dim = np.prod(code_shapes[-1])
            code_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.squared_difference(
                eps_flatten_A[:, -dim:], eps_flatten_B[:, -dim:]))
            raise NotImplementedError()

        with tf.variable_scope('model_A', reuse=True):
            # Generative loss
            nobj_A = - objective_A
            bits_x_A = nobj_A / (np.log(2.) * int(x_A.get_shape()[1]) * int(
                x_A.get_shape()[2]) * int(x_A.get_shape()[3]))  # bits per subpixel
            bits_y_A = tf.zeros_like(bits_x_A)
            classification_error_A = tf.ones_like(bits_x_A)

        with tf.variable_scope('model_B', reuse=True):
            # Generative loss
            nobj_B = - objective_B
            bits_x_B = nobj_B / (np.log(2.) * int(x_B.get_shape()[1]) * int(
                x_B.get_shape()[2]) * int(x_B.get_shape()[3]))  # bits per subpixel
            bits_y_B = tf.zeros_like(bits_x_B)
            classification_error_B = tf.ones_like(bits_x_B)

        return (bits_x_A, bits_y_A, classification_error_A, eps_flatten_A,
                bits_x_B, bits_y_B, classification_error_B, eps_flatten_B, code_loss)