def test_tensor_rearrange(): tensor_rearrange = TensorRearrange(seed=713) in_node_a = tensor_rearrange.get_placeholder("input_0") in_node_b = tensor_rearrange.get_placeholder("input_1") in_node_c = tensor_rearrange.get_placeholder("input_2") stitched = tf.dynamic_stitch( [[1, 10], [[0, 7, 9], [5, 8, 3]], [[6], [4], [2]]], [in_node_a, in_node_b, in_node_c]) # should be 11,5,4 list_of_parts = tf.dynamic_partition( tf.transpose(stitched, perm=[1, 2, 0]), [[0, 1, 2, 3], [1, 0, 2, 3], [2, 3, 1, 0], [2, 1, 0, 3], [0, 1, 2, 3]], num_partitions=4 ) # after permute becomes 5,4,11, return all partitions 5,11 node_a = tf.div(list_of_parts[0], list_of_parts[1]) node_b = tf.divide(list_of_parts[2], list_of_parts[3]) trace_node = tf.trace(node_a) + node_b # there is a broadcast here out_node = tf.cast(tf.count_nonzero(trace_node), dtype=tf.float32) + tf.Variable( tf.random_normal(shape=(2, 3))) placeholders = [in_node_a, in_node_b, in_node_c] predictions = [out_node] # Run and persist tfp = TensorFlowPersistor(save_dir="partition_stitch_misc") tfp.set_placeholders(placeholders) \ .set_output_tensors(predictions) \ .set_test_data(tensor_rearrange.get_test_data()) \ .build_save_frozen_graph()
def test_tensor_dot_misc(): tensor_dot_misc = TensorDotMisc(seed=713, feature_size_a=[36, 3, 4, 5], feature_size_b=[5, 5, 3, 4]) in_node_a = tensor_dot_misc.get_placeholder("input_a") in_node_b = tensor_dot_misc.get_placeholder("input_b") tensor_dot_node = tf.tensordot(in_node_a, in_node_b, axes=[[3, 1], [1, 2]]) # 36,4,5,4 permute_axis = tf.transpose(tensor_dot_node, perm=[0, 1, 3, 2]) # 36,4,4,5 batch_to_space_node_a = tf.batch_to_space_nd(permute_axis, block_shape=(1, 4), crops=[[0, 0], [1, 2]]) # 9,4,13,5 batch_to_space_node_b = tf.batch_to_space(batch_to_space_node_a, block_size=3, crops=[[1, 5], [4, 3]]) # 1,6,32,5 space_to_depth_node = tf.round( tf.space_to_depth(batch_to_space_node_b, block_size=2)) # 1,3,16,20 some_add = tf.add(tf.Variable(tf.random_normal( (16, 20), dtype=tf.float64)), space_to_depth_node) # broadcast out_node = tf.round(some_add, name="output") placeholders = [in_node_a, in_node_b] predictions = [out_node] # Run and persist tfp = TensorFlowPersistor(save_dir="tensor_dot_misc") tfp.set_placeholders(placeholders) \ .set_output_tensors(predictions) \ .set_test_data(tensor_dot_misc.get_test_data()) \ .build_save_frozen_graph()
def test_add_n(): ops = ["add", "add_n"] addn = AddN(seed=13) in_node_0 = addn.get_placeholder("input_0") in_node_1 = addn.get_placeholder("input_1") k0 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([3, 3]), name="in0", dtype=tf.float32) constr = DifferentiableMathOps(in_node_0, in_node_1) for op in ops: print "Running " + op answer = constr.execute(op) print answer constr.set_a(answer) out_node = tf.rsqrt(answer, name="output") placeholders = [in_node_0, in_node_1] predictions = [out_node] # Run and persist tfp = TensorFlowPersistor(save_dir="add_n") tfp.set_placeholders(placeholders) \ .set_output_tensors(predictions) \ .set_test_data(addn.get_test_data()) \ .build_save_frozen_graph()
def test_tensor_misc(): tensor_scatter_misc = TensorOpsMisc(seed=713, feature_size_a=[12, 3, 4, 3], feature_size_b=[3, 3]) in_node_a = tensor_scatter_misc.get_placeholder("input_a") # 12,3,4,5 in_node_a_erf = tf.erf(in_node_a) in_node_b = tensor_scatter_misc.get_placeholder("input_b") a_reversed_seq = tf.reverse_sequence(in_node_a_erf, batch_axis=2, seq_axis=3, seq_lengths=[2, 1, 3, 2]) reduced = tf.reduce_sum(tf.round(a_reversed_seq), axis=(0, 2)) erfc_plus = tf.erfc(in_node_b) + reduced + tf.cast(tf.eye(3), dtype=tf.float64) ''' # Can't feeze graphs with scatter because of the same issue as that with batch norm some_var = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(shape=[12, 3, 3], dtype=tf.float64), name="some_3x3") scatter_add_var = tf.scatter_add(some_var, indices=[2, 1, 0, 0], updates=tf.constant(np.random.uniform(size=(4, 3, 3)), dtype=tf.float64)) after_scatter = tf.reduce_sum(scatter_add_var, axis=0) + tf.log1p(erfc_plus) scatter_nd_var = tf.scatter_nd([[0], [1], [3], [2]], updates=tf.constant(np.random.uniform(size=(4, 3, 2))), shape=tf.constant([5, 3, 2])) out_node = tf.concat([tf.reshape(scatter_nd_var, shape=[10, 3]), after_scatter], axis=0, name="output") ''' some_var = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(shape=[3, 3], dtype=tf.float64)) out_node = tf.add(tf.log1p(erfc_plus), some_var, name="output") placeholders = [in_node_a, in_node_b] predictions = [out_node] # Run and persist tfp = TensorFlowPersistor(save_dir="tensor_ops_misc") tfp.set_placeholders(placeholders) \ .set_output_tensors(predictions) \ .set_test_data(tensor_scatter_misc.get_test_data()) \ .build_save_frozen_graph()
def test_unstack(): arrs = tf.Variable(tf.constant(np.reshape(np.linspace(1, 25, 25), (5, 5)))) unstack_list = tf.unstack(arrs, axis=0) out_node = tf.reduce_sum(unstack_list, axis=0, name="output") # Run and persist tfp = TensorFlowPersistor(save_dir="unstack") tfp.set_placeholders([]) \ .set_output_tensors([out_node]) \ .set_test_data({}) \ .build_save_frozen_graph()
def test_stack(): arrs = [] for i in xrange(1, 5, 1): arrs.append(tf.Variable(tf.constant(5, dtype=tf.float32, shape=(1, 1), name=str(str(i) + '_num')))) out_node = tf.stack(arrs, 0, name='output') predictions = [out_node] # Run and persist tfp = TensorFlowPersistor(save_dir="stack") tfp.set_placeholders([]) \ .set_output_tensors(predictions) \ .set_test_data({}) \ .build_save_frozen_graph()
def test_mathtransform(): ops = [ "add" # , "add_n" , "max", "min", "abs", "cos", "acos", "add", "max", "min", "abs", "ceil", "min" # , "cross" , "exp", "log" # , "log1p" # , "mod" # , "mathmul" # , "cumprod" # , "cumsum" # , "erf" # , "count_nonzero" # , "greater" # , "greater_equal" # , "equal" ] math_transform = MathTransform(seed=19) in_node_0 = math_transform.get_placeholder("input_0", data_type=tf.float32) in_node_1 = math_transform.get_placeholder("input_1", data_type=tf.float32) k0 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([8, 8]), name="in0") constr = DifferentiableMathOps(in_node_0, in_node_1) for op in ops: print "Running " + op answer = constr.execute(op) print answer constr.set_a(answer) out_node = tf.rsqrt(answer, name="output") placeholders = [in_node_0, in_node_1] predictions = [out_node] # Run and persist tfp = TensorFlowPersistor(save_dir="transform_0") tfp.set_placeholders(placeholders) \ .set_output_tensors(predictions) \ .set_test_data(math_transform.get_test_data()) \ .build_save_frozen_graph()
def test_simple(): simple_run = SimpleRun(seed=19) in_node_1 = tf.Variable([[0, 2], [1, -1]]) out_node = tf.one_hot(in_node_1, 3, axis=1, off_value=-2.0, name="output") predictions = [out_node] # Run and persist tfp = TensorFlowPersistor(save_dir="simple_run") tfp.set_placeholders([]) \ .set_output_tensors(predictions) \ .set_test_data(simple_run.get_test_data()) \ .build_save_frozen_graph()
def test_simple_while(): i1 = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0), name='loop_var') c = lambda i: tf.less(i, 10) b = lambda i: tf.add(i, 1) r = tf.while_loop(c, b, [i1]) out_node = tf.identity(r, name="output") predictions = [out_node] # Run and persist tfp = TensorFlowPersistor(save_dir="simple_while") tfp.set_placeholders([]) \ .set_output_tensors(predictions) \ .set_test_data({}) \ .build_save_frozen_graph()
def test_mathops_zero(): mathops_0 = MathOpsZero(seed=19) in_node_0 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([3, 3]), name="in_0", dtype=tf.float32) n0 = tf.add(np.arange(-4., 5., 1.).astype(np.float32).reshape(3, 3), in_node_0) n1 = tf.abs(n0) n2 = tf.rsqrt(n1) out_node = tf.tanh(n2, name="output") predictions = [out_node] # Run and persist tfp = TensorFlowPersistor(save_dir="g_00") tfp.set_placeholders([]) \ .set_output_tensors(predictions) \ .set_test_data(mathops_0.get_test_data()) \ .build_save_frozen_graph()
def test_expand_dim(): expand_dim_t = ExpandDimT(seed=19) in_node_0 = expand_dim_t.get_placeholder("input_0") k0 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([3, 1, 4], dtype=tf.float64), name="in0") in0_expanded = tf.expand_dims(in_node_0, axis=-2) out_node = tf.add(in0_expanded, k0, name="output") placeholders = [in_node_0] predictions = [out_node] # Run and persist tfp = TensorFlowPersistor(save_dir="expand_dim") tfp.set_placeholders(placeholders) \ .set_output_tensors(predictions) \ .set_test_data(expand_dim_t.get_test_data()) \ .build_save_frozen_graph()
def test_mat_mul_order(): simple_m = MatMulOrder(seed=713) in0 = simple_m.get_placeholder("input_0") in1 = simple_m.get_placeholder("input_1") k0 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([3, 3], dtype=tf.float64), name="in0") out_node = tf.matmul(k0, tf.matmul(in0, in1), name="output") placeholders = [in0, in1] predictions = [out_node] # Run and persist tfp = TensorFlowPersistor(save_dir="math_mul_order") tfp.set_placeholders(placeholders) \ .set_output_tensors(predictions) \ .set_test_data(simple_m.get_test_data()) \ .build_save_frozen_graph()
def test_mathops_two(): ops = [ "acos", "sin", "asin", "sinh", "floor", "asinh", "min", "cos", "add", "acosh", "atan", "atan2", "add", "elu", "cosh", "mod", "cross" # , "diagpart" # , "diag" , "expm", "asinh", "atanh" ] mathops_2 = MathOpsTwo(seed=19) in_node_0 = mathops_2.get_placeholder("input_0", data_type=tf.float32) in_node_1 = mathops_2.get_placeholder("input_1", data_type=tf.float32) k0 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([8, 8]), name="in0") constr = DifferentiableMathOps(in_node_0, in_node_1) for op in ops: print("Running " + op) answer = constr.execute(op) print(answer) constr.set_a(answer) out_node = tf.floormod(constr.a, constr.b, name="output") placeholders = [in_node_0, in_node_1] predictions = [out_node] # Run and persist tfp = TensorFlowPersistor(save_dir="g_02") tfp.set_placeholders(placeholders) \ .set_output_tensors(predictions) \ .set_test_data(mathops_2.get_test_data()) \ .build_save_frozen_graph()
def test_mathops_nine(): mathops_9 = MathOpsNine(seed=19) in_node_1 = mathops_9.get_placeholder("input_1") in_node_2 = mathops_9.get_placeholder("input_2") in_node_3 = mathops_9.get_placeholder("input_3") n1 = tf.nn.softsign(in_node_1) n2 = tf.nn.softplus(in_node_2) n3 = tf.concat([n1, n2, in_node_3], axis=0) n4 = tf.nn.softmax(n3) w = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([10, 10], dtype=tf.float64), name="w") n5 = tf.nn.softmax(w) n6 = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=n5, logits=n4) n7 = tf.nn.log_softmax(n6) n8 = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=n5, logits=n4) n9 = tf.nn.weighted_cross_entropy_with_logits(targets=n5, logits=n4, pos_weight=10) out_node_1 = tf.identity(n7, name="output_1") out_node_2 = tf.identity(n8, name="output_2") out_node_3 = tf.identity(n8, name="output_3") placeholders = [in_node_1, in_node_2, in_node_3] predictions = [out_node_1, out_node_2, out_node_3] # Run and persist tfp = TensorFlowPersistor(save_dir="g_09") predictions_after_freeze = tfp.set_placeholders(placeholders) \ .set_output_tensors(predictions) \ .set_test_data(mathops_9.get_test_data()) \ .build_save_frozen_graph() print(predictions_after_freeze[0].shape) print(predictions_after_freeze[1].shape) print(predictions_after_freeze[2].shape)
def test_mathops_seven(): mathops_7 = MathOpsSeven(seed=19) in_node_1 = mathops_7.get_placeholder("input_1", data_type=tf.int32) in_node_2 = mathops_7.get_placeholder("input_2") w = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([8, 10], dtype=tf.float64), name="w") b = tf.cast(tf.invert_permutation(in_node_1), dtype=tf.float64) n1 = tf.nn.xw_plus_b(in_node_2, w, b) n2 = tf.cast(tf.fill([10, 10], 1.2345), dtype=tf.float64) n3 = tf.add(n1, n2) n4 = tf.nn.relu6(n3) n5 = tf.nn.moments(n4, axes=[1, 0], keep_dims=True) n6 = tf.meshgrid( n5, tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([2, 1, 1], dtype=tf.float64))) n7 = tf.parallel_stack([n6[1], n6[0], n6[1]]) # (3,2,2) n8 = tf.nn.normalize_moments(n7[0], n7[1], n7[2], None) # (2,2,2) out_node = tf.pad(n8, tf.constant([[1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1]]), "REFLECT", name="output") placeholders = [in_node_1, in_node_2] predictions = [out_node] # Run and persist tfp = TensorFlowPersistor(save_dir="g_07") predictions_after_freeze = tfp.set_placeholders(placeholders) \ .set_output_tensors(predictions) \ .set_test_data(mathops_7.get_test_data()) \ .build_save_frozen_graph() print(predictions_after_freeze[0].shape)
def test_mathops_ten(): mathops_10 = MathOpsTen(seed=19) in_node_1 = mathops_10.get_placeholder("input_1") #in_node_2 = mathops_8.get_placeholder("input_2") #n0 = tf.is_finite(in_node_1) #n1 = tf.reduce_all(n0) #n2 = tf.cast(n0, dtype=tf.float64) #n3 = tf.cast(n1, dtype=tf.float64) n4 = tf.add(in_node_1, in_node_1) #n5 = tf.cast(tf.truncatediv(tf.cast(n4, dtype=tf.int32), 3), dtype=tf.float64) n6 = tf.reciprocal(n4) # should be inf now #n7 = tf.cast(tf.is_inf(n6), dtype=tf.float64) #n8 = tf.cast(tf.is_nan(n6), dtype=tf.float64) n9 = tf.squared_difference(n4, n6) w = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([4, 3], dtype=tf.float64), name="w") n10 = tf.reverse(w, axis=[-1]) n11 = tf.add(n10, n9) #n12 = tf.reciprocal(tf.multiply(n11, [[0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]])) #n13 = tf.reduce_any(tf.is_inf(n12)) #n14 = tf.cast(n13, dtype=tf.float64) out_node = tf.identity(n11, name="output") placeholders = [in_node_1] predictions = [out_node] # Run and persist tfp = TensorFlowPersistor(save_dir="g_11") predictions_after_freeze = tfp.set_placeholders(placeholders) \ .set_output_tensors(predictions) \ .set_test_data(mathops_10.get_test_data()) \ .build_save_frozen_graph() print(predictions_after_freeze[0].shape)
def test_multiple_outs_b(): multiple_out_test = MultipleOutsB(seed=913) in_node = multiple_out_test.get_placeholder("input_0", data_type=tf.float32) in_node_0 = in_node + tf.Variable(tf.zeros([2, 2, 2])) #Graph won't save without some variable present out_node_a = tf.unstack(in_node_0, axis=2,name='outputA') # 2 of size 2x2 a_node = tf.add(in_node_0,out_node_a[0]) out_node_b = tf.unstack(a_node,axis=0,name="outputB") placeholders = [in_node] predictions = [out_node_a[1], out_node_b] #out_node_b is a list # Run and persist tfp = TensorFlowPersistor(save_dir="multiple_outs_b") tfp.set_placeholders(placeholders) \ .set_output_tensors(predictions) \ .set_test_data(multiple_out_test.get_test_data()) \ .build_save_frozen_graph()
def test_simple_transpose(): simple_t = SimpleTranspose(seed=713) in0 = simple_t.get_placeholder("input") k0 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([3, 3], dtype=tf.float64), name="k0") in1 = tf.transpose(in0, name="input_1") out_node = tf.add(in1, k0, name="output") placeholders = [in0] predictions = [out_node] # Run and persist tfp = TensorFlowPersistor(save_dir="transpose") tfp.set_placeholders(placeholders) \ .set_output_tensors(predictions) \ .set_test_data(simple_t.get_test_data()) \ .build_save_frozen_graph()
def test_mathops_five(): mathops_5 = MathOpsFive(seed=19) in_node_1 = mathops_5.get_placeholder("input_1") in_node_2 = mathops_5.get_placeholder("input_2") k0 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([3, 2], dtype=tf.float64), name="in0") n0 = tf.gather(in_node_1, [1, 0], axis=-2) # 2,4,2,2 n1 = tf.gather_nd(n0, [[0, 2, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 3, 1]]) # 3,2 out_node = tf.stack([n1, k0, in_node_2], axis=-1, name="output") # 3, 2, 2 placeholders = [in_node_1, in_node_2] predictions = [out_node] # Run and persist tfp = TensorFlowPersistor(save_dir="g_05") tfp.set_placeholders(placeholders) \ .set_output_tensors(predictions) \ .set_test_data(mathops_5.get_test_data()) \ .build_save_frozen_graph()
def test_mathops_six(): mathops_6 = MathOpsSix(seed=19) in_node_1 = mathops_6.get_placeholder("input_1") in_node_2 = mathops_6.get_placeholder("input_2") k0 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([3, 2], dtype=tf.float64), name="in0") n0 = tf.reduce_sum(in_node_1, axis=[0, 1], keep_dims=False) # 3,2 n1 = tf.reduce_max(in_node_2, keep_dims=True) # 1,1 n2 = tf.add(k0, n0) out_node = tf.add(n1, n2, name="output") placeholders = [in_node_1, in_node_2] predictions = [out_node] # Run and persist tfp = TensorFlowPersistor(save_dir="g_06") tfp.set_placeholders(placeholders) \ .set_output_tensors(predictions) \ .set_test_data(mathops_6.get_test_data()) \ .build_save_frozen_graph()
def test_nontwod_zero(): non_twod_0 = NonTwoDZero(seed=13) in_node = non_twod_0.get_placeholder("scalar", data_type=tf.float32) k0 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([2, 1]), name="someweight", dtype=tf.float32) a = tf.reduce_sum(in_node + k0) # gives a scalar out_node = tf.reduce_sum(a + k0, name="output", axis=0) # gives a vector placeholders = [in_node] predictions = [out_node] # Run and persist tfp = TensorFlowPersistor(save_dir="non2d_0") tfp.set_placeholders(placeholders) \ .set_output_tensors(predictions) \ .set_test_data(non_twod_0.get_test_data()) \ .build_save_frozen_graph()
def test_mathops_one(): mathops_1 = MathOpsOne(seed=19) in_node_0 = mathops_1.get_placeholder("input_0") in_node_1 = mathops_1.get_placeholder("input_1") n0 = tf.add(np.arange(-4., 5., 1.).astype(np.float64).reshape(3, 3), in_node_0) n1 = tf.abs(n0) n3 = tf.add(n1, tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([3, 3], dtype=tf.float64))) n4 = tf.floordiv(n3, in_node_1) out_node = tf.tanh(n4, name="output") placeholders = [in_node_0, in_node_1] predictions = [out_node] # Run and persist tfp = TensorFlowPersistor(save_dir="g_01") tfp.set_placeholders(placeholders) \ .set_output_tensors(predictions) \ .set_test_data(mathops_1.get_test_data()) \ .build_save_frozen_graph()
def test_multiple_outs_a(): multiple_out_test = MultipleOutsA(seed=913) in_node = multiple_out_test.get_placeholder("input_0", data_type=tf.float32) in_node_0 = in_node + tf.Variable(tf.zeros( [2, 3, 4])) #Graph won't save without some variable present out_node_a = tf.unstack(in_node_0, axis=2, name="outputA") # 4 of size 2x3 out_node_b = tf.unstack(in_node_0, axis=1, name="outputB") # 3 of size 2x4 placeholders = [in_node] predictions = [out_node_a, out_node_b] #out_node_a and out_node_b are lists # Run and persist tfp = TensorFlowPersistor(save_dir="multiple_outs_a") tfp.set_placeholders(placeholders) \ .set_output_tensors(predictions) \ .set_test_data(multiple_out_test.get_test_data()) \ .build_save_frozen_graph()
def test_assert_true(): assertTrue = AssertTrue(seed=713) x = assertTrue.get_placeholder("input") k0 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([3, 3], dtype=tf.float64), name="k0") assert_op = tf.Assert(tf.less_equal(tf.reduce_max(x), 100.), [k0]) with tf.control_dependencies([assert_op]): in1 = tf.transpose(x, name="input_1") out_node = tf.add(in1, k0, name="output") placeholders = [x] predictions = [out_node] # Run and persist tfp = TensorFlowPersistor(save_dir="assert_true") tfp.set_placeholders(placeholders) \ .set_output_tensors(predictions) \ .set_test_data(assertTrue.get_test_data()) \ .build_save_frozen_graph()
def test_nontwod_zero_a(): non_twod_0_a = NonTwoDZeroA(seed=13) in_node_a = non_twod_0_a.get_placeholder("scalarA", data_type=tf.int32) in_node_b = non_twod_0_a.get_placeholder("scalarB", data_type=tf.int32) some_vector = tf.stack([in_node_a, in_node_b]) # [2,] shape with value [5,2] i0 = tf.Variable(np.random.uniform(size=(3, 4)), dtype=tf.float32) # shape [3,4] out_node = tf.tile(i0, some_vector, name="output") placeholders = [in_node_a, in_node_b] predictions = [out_node] # Run and persist tfp = TensorFlowPersistor(save_dir="non2d_0A") tfp.set_placeholders(placeholders) \ .set_output_tensors(predictions) \ .set_test_data(non_twod_0_a.get_test_data()) \ .build_save_frozen_graph()
def test_nontwod_one(): non_twod_1 = NonTwoDOne(seed=13) in_node_a = non_twod_1.get_placeholder("scalar", data_type=tf.float32) in_node_b = non_twod_1.get_placeholder("vector", data_type=tf.float32) k0 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([2, 1]), name="someweight", dtype=tf.float32) i0 = tf.reshape(tf.reduce_sum(in_node_b), []) i1 = in_node_a + in_node_b + i0 out_node = tf.matmul(tf.expand_dims(i1, 0), k0, name="output") placeholders = [in_node_a, in_node_b] predictions = [out_node] # Run and persist tfp = TensorFlowPersistor(save_dir="non2d_1") tfp.set_placeholders(placeholders) \ .set_output_tensors(predictions) \ .set_test_data(non_twod_1.get_test_data()) \ .build_save_frozen_graph()
def test_concat_one(): concat_test = ConcatTest(seed=13) arrs = [] for i in xrange(1, 5, 1): arrs.append( tf.Variable( tf.constant(5, dtype=tf.float32, shape=(1, 1), name=str(str(i) + '_num')))) out_node = tf.concat(arrs, 0, name='output') placeholders = [] predictions = [out_node] # Run and persist tfp = TensorFlowPersistor(save_dir="concat") tfp.set_placeholders(placeholders) \ .set_output_tensors(predictions) \ .set_test_data(concat_test.get_test_data()) \ .build_save_frozen_graph()
def test_mathops_four(): mathops_4 = MathOpsFour(seed=19) in_node_1 = mathops_4.get_placeholder("input_1") in_node_2 = mathops_4.get_placeholder("input_2") k0 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([8, 1, 8], dtype=tf.float64), name="in0") n1 = tf.concat([in_node_1, in_node_2], axis=-2) n3 = tf.reshape(n1, [8, 8, 8]) n4 = tf.pow(n3, n3) n5 = tf.tan(n4) n6 = tf.negative(n5) n7 = tf.multiply(n6, n4) out_node = tf.subtract(n7, k0, name="output") placeholders = [in_node_1, in_node_2] predictions = [out_node] # Run and persist tfp = TensorFlowPersistor(save_dir="g_04") tfp.set_placeholders(placeholders) \ .set_output_tensors(predictions) \ .set_test_data(mathops_4.get_test_data()) \ .build_save_frozen_graph()
def test_simplecond(): in0 = tf.Variable(np.linspace(1, 4, 4) + 1, name='greater') in1 = tf.Variable(np.linspace(1, 4, 4), name='lesser') def f1(): return in0 / tf.Variable(2.0, name='div_f1_constant', dtype=tf.float64) def f2(): return in1 * tf.Variable(4.0, name='mul_f2_constant', dtype=tf.float64) def check(): return tf.reduce_sum(in0 - in1) < 2 r_node = tf.cond(tf.reduce_sum(in0 - in1) < 2, true_fn=lambda: f1(), false_fn=lambda: f2(), name='cond5') r2 = tf.cond(tf.reduce_sum(in0 - in1) < 2, true_fn=lambda: f1(), false_fn=lambda: f2(), name='cond6') last_result = tf.add(r_node, tf.constant(1.0, dtype=tf.float64), name='first_output_input') last_result2 = tf.add(r2, tf.constant(1.0, dtype=tf.float64), name='second_output_input') out_node = tf.add(last_result, last_result2, name='output') predictions = [out_node] # Run and persist tfp = TensorFlowPersistor(save_dir="simple_cond") tfp.set_placeholders([]) \ .set_output_tensors(predictions) \ .set_test_data({}) \ .build_save_frozen_graph()
def _CompareNorm(matrix): # tf_matrix = tf.Variable(matrix,name="input") tf.reset_default_graph() in_node = tf.placeholder("float", matrix.shape, name="input") in0 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal(matrix.shape), name="in0", dtype=tf.float32) tf_matrix = in_node + in0 tf_norm = linalg_ops.norm(tf_matrix, ord=ord_, axis=axis_, keep_dims=keep_dims_, name="norm_op") out_node = tf.identity(tf_norm, name="output") init = tf.global_variables_initializer() sess = tf.Session() tfp = TensorFlowPersistor(save_dir=save_dir_) tfp.set_placeholders([in_node]) \ .set_training_sess(sess) \ .set_output_tensors([out_node]) \ .set_test_data({"input": matrix}) \ .build_save_frozen_graph()