class BaseScreen(Screen): def __init__(self): super().__init__() Label((0, 0), font = font14, value = 'Dialog box demonstration.') Label((0, 100), font = font10, value = 'User written and gdialog generated') self.lbl_result = Label((10, 50), font = font10, fontcolor = WHITE, width = 70, border = 2, fgcolor = RED, bgcolor = DARKGREEN) # User written dialog fwdbutton(195, 242, UserDialogBox, text = 'User') # Dialog built using DialogBox dialog_elements = (('Yes', GREEN), ('No', RED), ('Foo', YELLOW)) fwdbutton(0, 242, DialogBox, text = 'Gen', args = (font14,), kwargs = {'elements' : dialog_elements, 'label' : 'Test dialog'}) quitbutton(390, 242) def on_open(self): self.lbl_result.value(Aperture.value())
class KnobScreen(Screen): def __init__(self): super().__init__() Button((390, 240), font=font14, callback=self.quit, fgcolor=RED, text='Quit', shape=RECTANGLE, width=80, height=30) self.dial = Dial((120, 0), fgcolor=YELLOW, border=2, pointers=(0.9, 0.7)) k0 = Knob((0, 0), fgcolor=GREEN, bgcolor=(0, 0, 80), color=(168, 63, 63), border=2, cb_end=self.callback, cbe_args=['Knob1'], cb_move=self.knob_moved, cbm_args=(0, )) k1 = Knob((0, 120), fgcolor=WHITE, border=2, arc=pi * 1.5, cb_end=self.callback, cbe_args=['Knob2'], cb_move=self.knob_moved, cbm_args=(1, )) # Dropdown self.lbl_dd = Label((120, 120), font=font14, width=100, border=2, bgcolor=(0, 40, 0), fgcolor=RED) self.dropdown = Dropdown( (280, 0), font=font14, width=100, callback=self.cbdb, elements=('Dog', 'Cat', 'Rat', 'Goat', 'Snake', 'Pig')) Button((280, 70), font=font14, callback=self.set_dropdown, fgcolor=BLUE, text='Reset', shape=RECTANGLE, width=80, height=30) # Test of set by value Button((280, 120), font=font14, callback=self.set_bytext, args=('Snake', ), fgcolor=CYAN, fontcolor=BLACK, text='Snake', shape=RECTANGLE, width=80, height=30) # test set by text # Listbox self.listbox = Listbox( (370, 70), font=font14, width=105, bgcolor=GREY, fgcolor=YELLOW, select_color=BLUE, elements=('aardvark', 'zebra', 'armadillo', 'warthog'), callback=self.cblb) # On/Off toggle grey style self.lbl_style = Label((170, 210), font=font10, value='Current style: grey') bstyle = ButtonList(self.cb_style) bstyle.add_button((170, 240), font=font14, fontcolor=WHITE, height=30, width=90, fgcolor=RED, shape=RECTANGLE, text='Dim', args=(False, )) bstyle.add_button((170, 240), font=font14, fontcolor=WHITE, height=30, width=90, fgcolor=GREEN, shape=RECTANGLE, text='Grey', args=(True, )) # On/Off toggle enable/disable bs = ButtonList(self.cb_en_dis) self.lst_en_dis = (bstyle, k0, k1, self.dropdown, self.listbox) bs.add_button((280, 240), font=font14, fontcolor=BLACK, height=30, width=90, fgcolor=GREEN, shape=RECTANGLE, text='Disable', args=(True, )) bs.add_button((280, 240), font=font14, fontcolor=BLACK, height=30, width=90, fgcolor=RED, shape=RECTANGLE, text='Enable', args=(False, )) # CALLBACKS # cb_end occurs when user stops touching the control def callback(self, knob, control_name): print('{} returned {}'.format(control_name, knob.value())) def knob_moved(self, knob, pointer): val = knob.value() # range 0..1 self.dial.value(2 * (val - 0.5) * pi, pointer) def quit(self, button): Screen.shutdown() def cb_en_dis(self, button, disable): for item in self.lst_en_dis: item.greyed_out(disable) def cb_style(self, button, desaturate): self.lbl_style.value(''.join( ('Current style: ', 'grey' if desaturate else 'dim'))) Screen.set_grey_style(desaturate=desaturate) def cbdb(self, dropdown): self.lbl_dd.value(dropdown.textvalue()) def cblb(self, listbox): print(listbox.textvalue()) def set_dropdown(self, button): self.dropdown.value(0) def set_bytext(self, button, txt): self.dropdown.textvalue(txt)