def local_dot_to_gemm16(node):
    A = node.inputs[0]
    B = node.inputs[1]
    if (A.ndim == 2 and B.ndim == 2 and
            A.dtype == 'float16' and B.dtype == 'float16'):
        fgraph = node.inputs[0].fgraph
        C = GpuAllocEmpty(dtype='float16')(
            shape_i(A, 0, fgraph), shape_i(B, 1, fgraph))
        return Gemm16()(C, 1.0, A, B, 0.0)
def local_dot_to_gemm16(node, ctx_name):
    if nerv is None:
    A = node.inputs[0]
    B = node.inputs[1]
    if (A.ndim == 2 and B.ndim == 2 and
            A.dtype == 'float16' and B.dtype == 'float16'):
        fgraph = node.inputs[0].fgraph
        C = GpuAllocEmpty(dtype='float16', context_name=ctx_name)(
            shape_i(A, 0, fgraph), shape_i(B, 1, fgraph))
        return Gemm16()(C, 1.0, A, B, 0.0)
def local_dot_to_gemm16(node):
    if nerv is None:
    A = node.inputs[0]
    B = node.inputs[1]
    if (A.ndim == 2 and B.ndim == 2 and
            A.dtype == 'float16' and B.dtype == 'float16'):
        fgraph = node.inputs[0].fgraph
        C = GpuAllocEmpty(dtype='float16')(
            shape_i(A, 0, fgraph), shape_i(B, 1, fgraph))
        return Gemm16()(C, 1.0, A, B, 0.0)
def local_gpua_dot_to_gemm16(op, ctx_name, inputs, outputs):
    if nerv is None:
    A = inputs[0]
    B = inputs[1]
    if (A.ndim == 2 and B.ndim == 2 and
            A.dtype == 'float16' and B.dtype == 'float16'):
        fgraph = getattr(outputs[0], 'fgraph', None)
        C = GpuAllocEmpty('float16', ctx_name)(
            shape_i(A, 0, fgraph), shape_i(B, 1, fgraph))
        return Gemm16()(C, 1.0, A, B, 0.0)
文件: opt.py 项目: wjbianjason/Theano
def local_gpua_hgemm(node):
    from theano.sandbox.cuda import nvcc_compiler
    if nvcc_compiler.nvcc_version < '7.5':
        _logger.warning("Not performing dot of float16 on the GPU since "
                        "cuda 7.5 is not available. Updating could speed up "
                        "your code.")
    A = node.inputs[0]
    B = node.inputs[1]
    if (A.ndim == 2 and B.ndim == 2 and A.dtype == 'float16'
            and B.dtype == 'float16'):
        fgraph = node.inputs[0].fgraph
        C = GpuAllocEmpty(dtype='float16')(shape_i(A, 0, fgraph),
                                           shape_i(B, 1, fgraph))
        return gpugemm_no_inplace(C, 1.0, A, B, 0.0)
文件: opt.py 项目: eulerreich/Theano
def local_gpua_hgemm(node):
    from theano.sandbox.cuda import nvcc_compiler
    if nvcc_compiler.nvcc_version < '7.5':
        _logger.warning("Not performing dot of float16 on the GPU since "
                        "cuda 7.5 is not available. Updating could speed up "
                        "your code.")
    A = node.inputs[0]
    B = node.inputs[1]
    if (A.ndim == 2 and B.ndim == 2 and
            A.dtype == 'float16' and B.dtype == 'float16'):
        fgraph = node.inputs[0].fgraph
        C = GpuAllocEmpty(dtype='float16')(shape_i(A, 0, fgraph),
                                           shape_i(B, 1, fgraph))
        return gpugemm_no_inplace(C, 1.0, A, B, 0.0)
def test_nonstandard_shapes():
    a = tensor3(config.floatX)
    a.tag.test_value = np.random.random((2, 3, 4)).astype(config.floatX)
    b = tensor3(theano.config.floatX)
    b.tag.test_value = np.random.random((2, 3, 4)).astype(config.floatX)

    tl = make_list([a, b])
    tl_shape = shape(tl)
    assert np.array_equal(tl_shape.get_test_value(), (2, 2, 3, 4))

    # There's no `FunctionGraph`, so it should return a `Subtensor`
    tl_shape_i = shape_i(tl, 0)
    assert isinstance(tl_shape_i.owner.op, Subtensor)
    assert tl_shape_i.get_test_value() == 2

    tl_fg = FunctionGraph([a, b], [tl], features=[ShapeFeature()])
    tl_shape_i = shape_i(tl, 0, fgraph=tl_fg)
    assert not isinstance(tl_shape_i.owner.op, Subtensor)
    assert tl_shape_i.get_test_value() == 2

    none_shape = shape(NoneConst)
    assert np.array_equal(none_shape.get_test_value(), [])
文件: dnn.py 项目: wanasit/Theano
def dnn_conv(img,
             subsample=(1, 1),
    GPU convolution using cuDNN from NVIDIA.

    The memory layout to use is 'bc01', that is 'batch', 'channel',
    'first dim', 'second dim' in that order.

    :param img: images to do the convolution over
    :param kerns: convolution filters
    :param border_mode: one of 'valid', 'full'; additionally, the padding size
        could be directly specified by an integer or a pair of integers
    :param subsample: perform subsampling of the output (default: (1, 1))
    :param conv_mode: perform convolution (kernels flipped) or cross-correlation.
        One of 'conv', 'cross'. (default: 'conv')
    :param direction_hint: Used by graph optimizers to change algorithm choice.
        By default, GpuDnnConv will be used to carry out the convolution.
        If border_mode is 'valid', subsample is (1,1) and direction_hint is
        'bprop weights', it will use GpuDnnConvGradW.
        If border_mode is 'full', subsample is (1,1) and direction_hint is
        *not* 'forward!', it will use GpuDnnConvGradI.
        This parameter is used internally by graph optimizers and may be
        removed at any time without a deprecation period. You have been warned.

    :warning: The cuDNN library only works with GPU that have a compute
      capability of 3.0 or higer.  This means that older GPU will not
      work with this Op.
    fgraph = getattr(img, 'fgraph', None) or getattr(kerns, 'fgraph', None)
    if (border_mode == 'valid' and subsample == (1, 1)
            and direction_hint == 'bprop weights'):
        # Special case: We are asked to use GpuDnnConvGradW. We need to set
        # up a suitable 'fake' convolution to compute the gradient for.
        img = gpu_contiguous(img.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3))
        if conv_mode == 'conv':
            # We need to flip manually. These 'kerns' are not the kernels
            # that would be flipped by conv_mode='conv' in GpuDnnConvGradW.
            kerns = kerns[:, :, ::-1, ::-1]
        kerns = gpu_contiguous(kerns.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3))
        shape = theano.tensor.stack(kerns.shape[1], img.shape[1],
                                    img.shape[2] - kerns.shape[2] + 1,
                                    img.shape[3] - kerns.shape[3] + 1)
        desc = GpuDnnConvDesc(border_mode='valid',
                              subsample=(1, 1),
                              conv_mode='cross')(img.shape, shape)
        conv = GpuDnnConvGradW()(img, kerns, desc, shape[2], shape[3])
        return as_cuda_ndarray_variable(conv.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3))

    elif (border_mode == 'full' and subsample == (1, 1)
          and direction_hint != 'forward!'):
        # Special case: We can be faster by using GpuDnnConvGradI to compute
        # the full convolution as the backward pass of a valid convolution.
        # We just need to set up a suitable 'fake' valid convolution.
        img = gpu_contiguous(img)
        kerns = gpu_contiguous(kerns.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3))
        conv_mode = 'cross' if conv_mode == 'conv' else 'conv'
        shape2 = shape_i(img, 2, fgraph) + shape_i(kerns, 2, fgraph) - 1
        shape3 = shape_i(img, 3, fgraph) + shape_i(kerns, 3, fgraph) - 1
        shape = theano.tensor.stack(shape_i(img, 0, fgraph),
                                    shape_i(kerns, 1, fgraph), shape2, shape3)
        desc = GpuDnnConvDesc(border_mode='valid',
                              subsample=(1, 1),
                              conv_mode=conv_mode)(shape, kerns.shape)
        return GpuDnnConvGradI()(kerns, img, desc, shape2, shape3)

    # Standard case: We use GpuDnnConv with suitable padding.
    img = gpu_contiguous(img)
    kerns = gpu_contiguous(kerns)
    desc = GpuDnnConvDesc(border_mode=border_mode,
                          conv_mode=conv_mode)(img.shape, kerns.shape)
    return GpuDnnConv()(img, kerns, desc)
文件: dnn.py 项目: c0g/Theano
def dnn_conv(img, kerns, border_mode='valid', subsample=(1, 1),
             conv_mode='conv', direction_hint=None):
    GPU convolution using cuDNN from NVIDIA.

    The memory layout to use is 'bc01', that is 'batch', 'channel',
    'first dim', 'second dim' in that order.

    :param img: images to do the convolution over
    :param kerns: convolution filters
    :param border_mode: one of 'valid', 'full'; additionally, the padding size
        could be directly specified by an integer or a pair of integers
    :param subsample: perform subsampling of the output (default: (1, 1))
    :param conv_mode: perform convolution (kernels flipped) or cross-correlation.
        One of 'conv', 'cross'. (default: 'conv')
    :param direction_hint: Used by graph optimizers to change algorithm choice.
        By default, GpuDnnConv will be used to carry out the convolution.
        If border_mode is 'valid', subsample is (1,1) and direction_hint is
        'bprop weights', it will use GpuDnnConvGradW.
        If border_mode is 'full', subsample is (1,1) and direction_hint is
        *not* 'forward!', it will use GpuDnnConvGradI.
        This parameter is used internally by graph optimizers and may be
        removed at any time without a deprecation period. You have been warned.

    :warning: The cuDNN library only works with GPU that have a compute
      capability of 3.0 or higer.  This means that older GPU will not
      work with this Op.
    fgraph = getattr(img, 'fgraph', None) or getattr(kerns, 'fgraph', None)
    if (border_mode == 'valid' and subsample == (1,1) and
        direction_hint == 'bprop weights'):
        # Special case: We are asked to use GpuDnnConvGradW. We need to set
        # up a suitable 'fake' convolution to compute the gradient for.
        img = gpu_contiguous(img.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3))
        if conv_mode == 'conv':
            # We need to flip manually. These 'kerns' are not the kernels
            # that would be flipped by conv_mode='conv' in GpuDnnConvGradW.
            kerns = kerns[:, :, ::-1, ::-1]
        kerns = gpu_contiguous(kerns.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3))
        shape = theano.tensor.stack(kerns.shape[1], img.shape[1],
                                    img.shape[2] - kerns.shape[2] + 1,
                                    img.shape[3] - kerns.shape[3] + 1)
        desc = GpuDnnConvDesc(border_mode='valid', subsample=(1, 1),
                              conv_mode='cross')(img.shape, shape)
        conv = GpuDnnConvGradW()(img, kerns, desc, shape[2], shape[3])
        return as_cuda_ndarray_variable(conv.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3))

    elif (border_mode == 'full' and subsample == (1, 1) and
          direction_hint != 'forward!'):
        # Special case: We can be faster by using GpuDnnConvGradI to compute
        # the full convolution as the backward pass of a valid convolution.
        # We just need to set up a suitable 'fake' valid convolution.
        img = gpu_contiguous(img)
        kerns = gpu_contiguous(kerns.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3))
        conv_mode = 'cross' if conv_mode == 'conv' else 'conv'
        shape2 = shape_i(img, 2, fgraph) + shape_i(kerns, 2, fgraph) - 1
        shape3 = shape_i(img, 3, fgraph) + shape_i(kerns, 3, fgraph) - 1
        shape = theano.tensor.stack(shape_i(img, 0, fgraph),
                                    shape_i(kerns, 1, fgraph),
                                    shape2, shape3)
        desc = GpuDnnConvDesc(border_mode='valid', subsample=(1, 1),
                              conv_mode=conv_mode)(shape, kerns.shape)
        return GpuDnnConvGradI()(kerns, img, desc, shape2, shape3)

    # Standard case: We use GpuDnnConv with suitable padding.
    img = gpu_contiguous(img)
    kerns = gpu_contiguous(kerns)
    desc = GpuDnnConvDesc(border_mode=border_mode, subsample=subsample,
                          conv_mode=conv_mode)(img.shape, kerns.shape)
    return GpuDnnConv()(img, kerns, desc)
文件: dnn.py 项目: hfinger/Theano
def dnn_conv(img, kerns, border_mode='valid', subsample=(1, 1),
             conv_mode='conv', direction_hint=None, workmem=None,
    GPU convolution using cuDNN from NVIDIA.

    The memory layout to use is 'bc01', that is 'batch', 'channel',
    'first dim', 'second dim' in that order.

        Images to do the convolution over.
        Convolution filters.
        One of 'valid', 'full'; additionally, the padding size
        could be directly specified by an integer or a pair of integers.
        Perform subsampling of the output (default: (1, 1)).
        Perform convolution (kernels flipped) or cross-correlation.
        One of 'conv', 'cross' (default: 'conv').
        Used by graph optimizers to change algorithm choice.
        By default, GpuDnnConv will be used to carry out the convolution.
        If border_mode is 'valid', subsample is (1, 1) and direction_hint is
        'bprop weights', it will use GpuDnnConvGradW.
        If border_mode is 'full', subsample is (1, 1) and direction_hint is
        *not* 'forward!', it will use GpuDnnConvGradI.
        This parameter is used internally by graph optimizers and may be
        removed at any time without a deprecation period. You have been warned.
    algo : {'none', 'small', 'large', 'fft', 'guess_once', 'guess_on_shape_change', 'time_once', 'time_on_shape_change'}
        Convolution implementation to use. Some of its values may
        require certain versions of CuDNN to be installed. Default is
        the value of :attr:`config.dnn.conv.algo_fwd`.

    .. warning:: The cuDNN library only works with GPUs that have a compute
        capability of 3.0 or higer. This means that older GPUs will not
        work with this Op.

    if workmem is not None:
        if algo is not None:
            raise ValueError("You can't use both algo and workmem")
        warnings.warn("workmem is deprecated, use algo instead", stacklevel=2)
        algo = workmem
    fgraph = getattr(img, 'fgraph', None) or getattr(kerns, 'fgraph', None)
    if (border_mode == 'valid' and subsample == (1, 1) and
            direction_hint == 'bprop weights'):
        # Special case: We are asked to use GpuDnnConvGradW. We need to set
        # up a suitable 'fake' convolution to compute the gradient for.
        img = gpu_contiguous(img.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3))
        if conv_mode == 'conv':
            # We need to flip manually. These 'kerns' are not the kernels
            # that would be flipped by conv_mode='conv' in GpuDnnConvGradW.
            kerns = kerns[:, :, ::-1, ::-1]
        kerns = gpu_contiguous(kerns.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3))
        shape2 = shape_i(img, 2, fgraph) - shape_i(kerns, 2, fgraph) + 1
        shape3 = shape_i(img, 3, fgraph) - shape_i(kerns, 3, fgraph) + 1
        out = GpuAllocEmpty(img.dtype)(shape_i(kerns, 1, fgraph),
                                       shape_i(img, 1, fgraph), shape2, shape3)
        desc = GpuDnnConvDesc(border_mode='valid', subsample=(1, 1),
        conv = GpuDnnConvGradW()(img, kerns, out, desc)
        return as_gpuarray_variable(conv.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3))

    elif (border_mode == 'full' and subsample == (1, 1) and
          direction_hint != 'forward!'):
        # Special case: We can be faster by using GpuDnnConvGradI to compute
        # the full convolution as the backward pass of a valid convolution.
        # We just need to set up a suitable 'fake' valid convolution.
        img = gpu_contiguous(img)  # cudnn v2 rc3 need contiguous data
        kerns = gpu_contiguous(kerns.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3))
        conv_mode = 'cross' if conv_mode == 'conv' else 'conv'
        shape2 = shape_i(img, 2, fgraph) + shape_i(kerns, 2, fgraph) - 1
        shape3 = shape_i(img, 3, fgraph) + shape_i(kerns, 3, fgraph) - 1
        out = GpuAllocEmpty(img.dtype)(shape_i(img, 0, fgraph),
                                       shape_i(kerns, 1, fgraph),
                                       shape2, shape3)
        desc = GpuDnnConvDesc(border_mode='valid', subsample=(1, 1),
        return GpuDnnConvGradI()(kerns, img, out, desc)

    # Standard case: We use GpuDnnConv with suitable padding.
    # contig_version will return a gpu_contiguous copy
    # if the img contains negative strides
    img = gpu_contiguous(img)
    kerns = gpu_contiguous(kerns)
    desc = GpuDnnConvDesc(border_mode=border_mode, subsample=subsample,
    desc_op = desc.owner.op
    out_shp = GpuDnnConv.get_out_shape(img.shape, kerns.shape,
    out = GpuAllocEmpty(img.dtype)(*out_shp)
    return GpuDnnConv(algo=algo)(img, kerns, out, desc)
文件: opt.py 项目: niasla/Theano
def local_gpua_careduce(node, context_name):
    if isinstance(node.op.scalar_op,
                  (scalar.Add, scalar.Mul, scalar.Maximum, scalar.Minimum)):
        ctx = get_context(context_name)
        if ctx.kind == b'opencl':
            op = GpuCAReduceCPY
            if node.op.scalar_op not in [scalar.add, scalar.mul]:
                # We don't support yet all reduction with cpy code.
        elif ctx.kind == b'cuda':
            op = GpuCAReduceCuda
            return False
        x, = node.inputs

        greduce = op(node.op.scalar_op,
                     dtype=getattr(node.op, 'dtype', None),
                     acc_dtype=getattr(node.op, 'acc_dtype', None))
        gvar = greduce(x)
        # We need to have the make node called, otherwise the mask can
        # be None
        if (op is GpuCAReduceCPY or gvar.owner.op.supports_c_code(
            [as_gpuarray_variable(x, context_name)])):
            return greduce
            # Try to make a simpler pattern based on reshaping
            # The principle is that if two adjacent dimensions have
            # the same value in the reduce_mask, then we can reshape
            # to make them a single dimension, do the reduction, and
            # then reshape to get them back.

            if node.op.axis is None:
                reduce_mask = [1] * x.type.ndim
                reduce_mask = [0] * x.type.ndim
                for a in node.op.axis:
                    assert reduce_mask[a] == 0
                    reduce_mask[a] = 1

            new_in_shp = [shape_i(x, 0)]
            new_mask = [reduce_mask[0]]
            for i in xrange(1, x.type.ndim):
                if reduce_mask[i] == reduce_mask[i - 1]:
                    new_in_shp[-1] *= shape_i(x, i)
                    new_in_shp.append(shape_i(x, i))
            new_axis = []
            for idx, m in enumerate(new_mask):
                if m == 1:
            greduce = op(node.op.scalar_op,
                         dtype=getattr(node.op, 'dtype', None),
                         acc_dtype=getattr(node.op, 'acc_dtype', None))

            reshaped_x = x.reshape(tensor.stack(new_in_shp))
            gpu_reshaped_x = as_gpuarray_variable(reshaped_x, context_name)
            gvar = greduce(gpu_reshaped_x)
            # We need to have the make node called, otherwise the mask can
            # be None
            reshaped_gpu_inputs = [gpu_reshaped_x]
            if greduce.supports_c_code(reshaped_gpu_inputs):
                reduce_reshaped_x = host_from_gpu(greduce(gpu_reshaped_x))

                if reduce_reshaped_x.ndim != node.outputs[0].ndim:
                    out_shp = []
                    for i in range(x.ndim):
                        if i not in node.op.axis:
                            out_shp.append(shape_i(x, i))
                    unreshaped_reduce = reduce_reshaped_x.reshape(
                    unreshaped_reduce = reduce_reshaped_x
                return [unreshaped_reduce]
文件: dnn.py 项目: orhanf/Theano
def dnn_conv(img, kerns, border_mode='valid', subsample=(1, 1),
             conv_mode='conv', direction_hint=None, workmem=None,
    GPU convolution using cuDNN from NVIDIA.

    The memory layout to use is 'bc01', that is 'batch', 'channel',
    'first dim', 'second dim' in that order.

        Images to do the convolution over.
        Convolution filters.
        One of 'valid', 'full'; additionally, the padding size
        could be directly specified by an integer or a pair of integers.
        Perform subsampling of the output (default: (1, 1)).
        Perform convolution (kernels flipped) or cross-correlation.
        One of 'conv', 'cross' (default: 'conv').
        Used by graph optimizers to change algorithm choice.
        By default, GpuDnnConv will be used to carry out the convolution.
        If border_mode is 'valid', subsample is (1, 1) and direction_hint is
        'bprop weights', it will use GpuDnnConvGradW.
        If border_mode is 'full', subsample is (1, 1) and direction_hint is
        *not* 'forward!', it will use GpuDnnConvGradI.
        This parameter is used internally by graph optimizers and may be
        removed at any time without a deprecation period. You have been warned.
    algo : {'none', 'small', 'large', 'fft', 'guess_once', 'guess_on_shape_change', 'time_once', 'time_on_shape_change'}
        Convolution implementation to use. Some of its values may
        require certain versions of CuDNN to be installed. Default is
        the value of :attr:`config.dnn.conv.algo_fwd`.

    .. warning:: The cuDNN library only works with GPUs that have a compute
        capability of 3.0 or higer. This means that older GPUs will not
        work with this Op.

    if workmem is not None:
        if algo is not None:
            raise ValueError("You can't use both algo and workmem")
        warnings.warn("workmem is deprecated, use algo instead", stacklevel=2)
        algo = workmem
    fgraph = getattr(img, 'fgraph', None) or getattr(kerns, 'fgraph', None)
    ctx_name = infer_context_name(img, kerns)
    if (border_mode == 'valid' and subsample == (1, 1) and
            direction_hint == 'bprop weights'):
        # Special case: We are asked to use GpuDnnConvGradW. We need to set
        # up a suitable 'fake' convolution to compute the gradient for.
        img = gpu_contiguous(img.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3))
        if conv_mode == 'conv':
            # We need to flip manually. These 'kerns' are not the kernels
            # that would be flipped by conv_mode='conv' in GpuDnnConvGradW.
            kerns = kerns[:, :, ::-1, ::-1]
        kerns = gpu_contiguous(kerns.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3))
        shape2 = shape_i(img, 2, fgraph) - shape_i(kerns, 2, fgraph) + 1
        shape3 = shape_i(img, 3, fgraph) - shape_i(kerns, 3, fgraph) + 1
        out = GpuAllocEmpty(img.dtype, ctx_name)(
            shape_i(kerns, 1, fgraph),
            shape_i(img, 1, fgraph), shape2, shape3)
        desc = GpuDnnConvDesc(border_mode='valid', subsample=(1, 1),
        conv = GpuDnnConvGradW()(img, kerns, out, desc)
        return as_gpuarray_variable(conv.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3), ctx_name)

    elif (border_mode == 'full' and subsample == (1, 1) and
          direction_hint != 'forward!'):
        # Special case: We can be faster by using GpuDnnConvGradI to compute
        # the full convolution as the backward pass of a valid convolution.
        # We just need to set up a suitable 'fake' valid convolution.
        img = gpu_contiguous(img)  # cudnn v2 rc3 need contiguous data
        kerns = gpu_contiguous(kerns.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3))
        conv_mode = 'cross' if conv_mode == 'conv' else 'conv'
        shape2 = shape_i(img, 2, fgraph) + shape_i(kerns, 2, fgraph) - 1
        shape3 = shape_i(img, 3, fgraph) + shape_i(kerns, 3, fgraph) - 1
        out = GpuAllocEmpty(img.dtype, ctx_name)(shape_i(img, 0, fgraph),
                                                 shape_i(kerns, 1, fgraph),
                                                 shape2, shape3)
        desc = GpuDnnConvDesc(border_mode='valid', subsample=(1, 1),
        return GpuDnnConvGradI()(kerns, img, out, desc)

    # Standard case: We use GpuDnnConv with suitable padding.
    # contig_version will return a gpu_contiguous copy
    # if the img contains negative strides
    img = gpu_contiguous(img)
    kerns = gpu_contiguous(kerns)
    desc = GpuDnnConvDesc(border_mode=border_mode, subsample=subsample,
    desc_op = desc.owner.op
    out_shp = GpuDnnConv.get_out_shape(img.shape, kerns.shape,
    out = GpuAllocEmpty(img.dtype, ctx_name)(*out_shp)
    return GpuDnnConv(algo=algo)(img, kerns, out, desc)
文件: opt.py 项目: 12190143/Theano
def local_gpua_careduce(node, context_name):
    if isinstance(node.op.scalar_op, (scalar.Add, scalar.Mul,
                                      scalar.Maximum, scalar.Minimum)):
        ctx = get_context(context_name)
        if ctx.kind == b'opencl':
            op = GpuCAReduceCPY
            if node.op.scalar_op not in [scalar.add, scalar.mul]:
                # We don't support yet all reduction with cpy code.
        elif ctx.kind == b'cuda':
            op = GpuCAReduceCuda
            return False
        x, = node.inputs

        greduce = op(
            node.op.scalar_op, axis=node.op.axis,
            dtype=getattr(node.op, 'dtype', None),
            acc_dtype=getattr(node.op, 'acc_dtype', None))
        gvar = greduce(x)
        # We need to have the make node called, otherwise the mask can
        # be None
        if (op is GpuCAReduceCPY or
                    as_gpuarray_variable(x, context_name)])):
            return greduce
            # Try to make a simpler pattern based on reshaping
            # The principle is that if two adjacent dimensions have
            # the same value in the reduce_mask, then we can reshape
            # to make them a single dimension, do the reduction, and
            # then reshape to get them back.

            if node.op.axis is None:
                reduce_mask = [1] * x.type.ndim
                reduce_mask = [0] * x.type.ndim
                for a in node.op.axis:
                    assert reduce_mask[a] == 0
                    reduce_mask[a] = 1

            new_in_shp = [shape_i(x, 0)]
            new_mask = [reduce_mask[0]]
            for i in xrange(1, x.type.ndim):
                if reduce_mask[i] == reduce_mask[i - 1]:
                    new_in_shp[-1] *= shape_i(x, i)
                    new_in_shp.append(shape_i(x, i))
            new_axis = []
            for idx, m in enumerate(new_mask):
                if m == 1:
            greduce = op(
                axis=new_axis, reduce_mask=new_mask,
                dtype=getattr(node.op, 'dtype', None),
                acc_dtype=getattr(node.op, 'acc_dtype', None))

            reshaped_x = x.reshape(tensor.stack(new_in_shp))
            gpu_reshaped_x = as_gpuarray_variable(reshaped_x, context_name)
            gvar = greduce(gpu_reshaped_x)
            # We need to have the make node called, otherwise the mask can
            # be None
            reshaped_gpu_inputs = [gpu_reshaped_x]
            if greduce.supports_c_code(reshaped_gpu_inputs):
                reduce_reshaped_x = host_from_gpu(

                if reduce_reshaped_x.ndim != node.outputs[0].ndim:
                    out_shp = []
                    for i in range(x.ndim):
                        if i not in node.op.axis:
                            out_shp.append(shape_i(x, i))
                    unreshaped_reduce = reduce_reshaped_x.reshape(
                    unreshaped_reduce = reduce_reshaped_x
                return [unreshaped_reduce]