class CachedColorParser(ColorParser):
    check = check_file_regex('^colors\.yaml$')

    def read(self):
        with open(self.data) as fh:
            self.colors = yaml.load(fh)
        return self.colors
class KmeansColorParser(ColorParser):
    check = check_file_regex('\.(jpg|png|jpeg)$')

    def __init__(self,
        self.wallpaper = wallpaper
        self.config = config
        self.logger = logger
        self.bg = bg
        self.fg = fg
        self.k = k

    def _get_points_from_image(self, img):
        points = []
        w, h = img.size
        for count, color in img.getcolors(w * h):
            points.append((color, count))
        return points

    def rgb_to_hex(self, rgb):
        return '#{}'.format(''.join(('%02x' % int(p) for p in rgb)))

    def hex_to_rgb(self, h):
        h = h.lstrip('#')
        return tuple(
            map(lambda n: int(n, 16), [h[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, 6, 2)]))

    def get_dominant_colors(self):
        img = Image.open(self.wallpaper)
        img.thumbnail((300, 300))  # Resize to speed up python loop.
        width, height = img.size
        points = self._get_points_from_image(img)
        rgbs = kmeans.kmeans(points, self.k)
        #rgbs = [map(int, c.center.coords) for c in clusters]
        return [self.rgb_to_hex(rgb) for rgb in rgbs]

    def normalize(self, hexv, minv=128, maxv=256):
        r, g, b = self.hex_to_rgb(hexv)
        h, s, v = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(r / 256.0, g / 256.0, b / 256.0)
        minv = minv / 256.0
        maxv = maxv / 256.0
        if v < minv:
            v = minv
        if v > maxv:
            v = maxv
        rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v)
        return self.rgb_to_hex(map(lambda i: i * 256, rgb))

    def read(self):
        colors = self.get_dominant_colors()
        color_dict = {'background': self.bg, 'foreground': self.fg}
        for i, color in enumerate(itertools.cycle(colors)):
            if i == 0:
                color = self.normalize(color, minv=0, maxv=32)
            elif i == 8:
                color = self.normalize(color, minv=128, maxv=192)
            elif i < 8:
                color = self.normalize(color, minv=160, maxv=224)
                color = self.normalize(color, minv=200, maxv=256)
            color_dict['color%d' % i] = color
            if i == 15:
        mapping = self.mapping()
        translated = {}
        for k, v in color_dict.items():
            translated[mapping[k]] = v
        return translated
class VimColorParser(ColorParser):
    check = check_file_regex('\.vim$')

    vimGroups = [
        'Normal', 'Visual', 'VertSplit', 'Identifier', 'Statement', 'PreProc',
        'Type', 'Function', 'String', 'Conditional', 'Repeat', 'Label',
        'Operator', 'Keyword', 'Exception', 'Character', 'Number', 'Boolean',
        'Float', 'Comment', 'Special', 'Error', 'Todo'
    mapping = {
        'bg': ['background', 'black', 'alt_black'],
        'fg': ['foreground', 'white'],
        'rest': [
            'red', 'alt_red', 'green', 'alt_green', 'yellow', 'alt_yellow',
            'blue', 'alt_blue', 'magenta', 'alt_magenta', 'cyan', 'alt_cyan',

    def mapVimColorNames(self, name):
        #TODO handle unknown names
        for o in vimColorsMapping:
            if o['name'] == name:
                return o['hex']

    def read(self):
        normalBg, normalFg = '', ''
        self.colors = []
        output = {}
        groupRegex = re.compile(r'hi\s(\w*)\s')
        guibgRegex = re.compile(r'guibg\=(\S*)\s')
        guifgRegex = re.compile(r'guifg\=(\S*)\s')
        with open(self.data) as fh:
            for line in fh:
                guifg = guifgRegex.findall(line)
                guibg = guibgRegex.findall(line)
                group = groupRegex.findall(line)
                if (group and (guifg or guibg)):
                    currentLine = {
                        "group": group[0] if group else '',
                        "fg": guifg[0] if guifg else '',
                        "bg": guibg[0] if guibg else ''
                    # normalize each line
                        (x, y.strip().lower()) for x, y in currentLine.items())
                    # store the basic colors ('normal' colors) without any special hi gourps
                    if (currentLine["group"] == "normal"):
                        normalFg = currentLine["fg"]
                        normalBg = currentLine["bg"]
            # convert vim color name to hex
            for entry in self.colors:
                if (entry['fg'].find('#')):
                    entry['fg'] = self.mapVimColorNames(entry['fg'])
                if (entry['bg'].find('#')):
                    entry['bg'] = self.mapVimColorNames(entry['bg'])

            # walk through self colors, check for vim groups of interest - use those for fg,bg, pop through the rest
            for fgtype in self.mapping['fg']:
                output.update({fgtype: normalFg})
            for bgtype in self.mapping['bg']:
                output.update({bgtype: normalBg})
            for el in self.colors:
                for group in self.vimGroups:
                    if (len(self.mapping['rest']) > 0
                            and el['group'] == group.lower()):
                        output.update({self.mapping['rest'].pop(): el['fg']})
            return output