class DropSondes(object): ''' Description: class to analyze dropsonde and sounding data #========================== requirements: thermodynaic calculations windshear calculations skew x axis class #========================== ''' def __init__(self): # ============================================# # initiate a new instance of thermocalcs class# # ============================================# self.tC = ThermoCalcs() # ===========================================# # initiate a new instance of shearcalcs class# # ===========================================# self.sC = ShearCalcs() # Global height arrays for wind shear self.u_3km = [] self.v_3km = [] self.u_6km = [] self.v_6km = [] self.u_9km = [] self.v_9km = [] self.u_12km = [] self.v_12km = [] def get_sounding_data(self, filePath): ''' method to retrieve standard sounding data from noaa radiosonde and U of Wyoming repository. Inputs: file path # ============ output: # Dictionary with variable for use in plotting ''' data = filePath fp = open(data, 'r') lines = fp.readlines() header = lines[1] fp.close() fp = open(data, 'r') sounding_data = fp p, h, T, Td, RH, MIXR, wd, ws = np.genfromtxt( sounding_data, skip_header=8, usecols=range(0, 8), dtype=float, delimiter=None, autostrip=True, missing_values='-9999.00', unpack=True, usemask=True) u = -ws * np.sin(np.radians(wd)) v = -ws * np.cos(np.radians(wd)) # RH = self.tC._dewpoint_to_RH(T+273.15, Td+273.15) mask = T.mask T = T[~mask] TD = Td[~mask] P = p[~mask] H = h[~mask] RH = RH[~mask] mask = u.mask U = u[~mask] V = v[~mask] data = dict() data['Header'] = header data['Temperature'] = T data['Dewpoint'] = Td data['Pressure'] = p data['Relative Humidity'] = RH data['U Component'] = U data['V Component'] = V data['Height'] = h data['Type'] = 'radioSonde' fp.close() # self.type = 'radioSonde' return data def get_dropsonde_data(self, filePath): ''' method to retrieve dropsonde data Inputs: file path #============ output: #Dictionary with variable for use in plotting ''' data = filePath fp = open(data, 'r') lines = fp.readlines() header = lines[1] fp.close() fp = open(data, 'r') sounding_data = fp p, T, Td, RH, u, v, h = np.genfromtxt(sounding_data, skip_header=15, usecols=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 14), dtype=float, missing_values='9999.0', unpack=True, usemask=True) # mask incoming T and dewpoint data T =, 999.0) Td =, 999.0) RH =, 999.0) h =, 99999.0) mask = T.mask T = T[~mask] TD = Td[~mask] P = p[~mask] H = h[~mask] RH = RH[~mask] mask = u.mask U = u[~mask] V = v[~mask] data = dict() data['Header'] = header data['Temperature'] = T data['Dewpoint'] = TD data['Pressure'] = P data['Relative Humidity'] = RH data['U Component'] = U data['V Component'] = V data['Height'] = H data['Type'] = 'dropsonde' return data def plot_skewtlogp(self, data, **kwargs): ''' method to plot sounding or dropsonde data Inputs: dictionary of sounding data keyword arguments min, max, titles, and label. #============ output: #Image ''' T = data['Temperature'] TD = data['Dewpoint'] P = data['Pressure'] self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) self.ax1 = self.fig.add_axes([0.05, 0.1, 0.6, 0.8], projection='skewx') plt.grid(True) self.plot_dryadiabats() self.ax1.semilogy(T, P, 'r-', linewidth=1.5) self.ax1.semilogy(TD, P, 'g-', linewidth=1.5) # Plot the data using normal plotting functions, in this case using # log scaling in Y, as dictated by the typical meteorological plot # Disables the log-formatting that comes with semilogy # set bounds for data on Skew T chart self.ax1.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter()) self.ax1.set_yticks(np.linspace(100, 1000, 10)) self.ax1.set_ylim(1050, 100) self.ax1.set_ylabel('Pressure mb') self.ax1.set_xlabel('Temperature C') self.ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(10)) self.ax1.set_title('Skew T log P') self.y_min = kwargs.get('y_min') self.y_max = kwargs.get('y_max') self.x_min = kwargs.get('x_min') self.x_max = kwargs.get('x_max') # data label, title and font sizes value assignments # default values above. y_label = kwargs.get('y_label') x_label = kwargs.get('x_label') title = kwargs.get('title') font_size = kwargs.get('font_size') for item in ([self.ax1.xaxis.label, self.ax1.yaxis.label] + self.ax1.get_xticklabels() + self.ax1.get_yticklabels()): item.set_fontsize(font_size) # set the labels and titles defaults to 'none' self.ax1.set_ylabel(y_label) self.ax1.set_xlabel(x_label) self.ax1.set_title(title) self.ax1.set_ylim(self.y_max, self.y_min) self.ax1.set_xlim(self.x_min, self.x_max) def plot_hodograph(self, data): ''' method to plot wind data on a hodograph Inputs: dictionary containing wind data. file path # ============ output: # Image ''' self.ax2 = self.fig.add_axes([.05, 0.6, 0.25, 0.3]) # create axis and invert masks and assign values # for U, V, and h coordinates U = data['U Component'] V = data['V Component'] H = data['Height'] # =====================================================# # loop to place hodograph data into proper height array # 0-3km # 3-6km # 6-9km # 9-12km # ======# if data['Type'] == 'radioSonde': for unew, vnew, hnew in zip(U, V, H): if hnew <= 3001.0: self.u_3km.append(unew) self.v_3km.append(vnew) elif hnew <= 6001.0: self.u_6km.append(unew) self.v_6km.append(vnew) elif hnew <= 9000.0: self.u_9km.append(unew) self.v_9km.append(vnew) elif hnew <= 12000.0: self.u_12km.append(unew) self.v_12km.append(vnew) # print(len(self.u_3km)) # print(len(self.v_3km)) # =============================================================# # take the first point of the next height level and attach it # to the last point of the previous line segment to # connect hodograph segments # should only be done for soundings and non dense data # type determines how the data is placed in the array. # Soundings require endpoints be joined so that # the hodograph is continuous. # =============================================================# if data['Type'] == 'radioSonde': self.u_3km.append(self.u_6km[0]) self.u_6km.append(self.u_9km[0]) self.u_9km.append(self.u_12km[0]) self.v_3km.append(self.v_6km[0]) self.v_6km.append(self.v_9km[0]) self.v_9km.append(self.v_12km[0]) # ==============================# # Mask the arrays U and V coords # ==============================# self.v_3km = self.v_6km = self.v_9km = self.v_12km = self.u_3km = self.u_6km = self.u_9km = self.u_12km = # plotting of the hodograph information # Different colors are sued to represent different height levels # r = 0-3km # y = 3-6km # g = 6-9km # b = 9-12km self.ax2.plot(self.u_3km, self.v_3km, 'r-', linewidth=3) self.ax2.plot( self.u_6km, self.v_6km, 'y-', linewidth=3, ) self.ax2.plot(self.u_9km, self.v_9km, 'g-', linewidth=3) self.ax2.plot(self.u_12km, self.v_12km, 'b-', linewidth=3) # set the default limits on the hodo axes # remove spines and set the axes to be invisible. self.ax2.spines['left'].set_position('zero') self.ax2.spines['right'].set_color('none') self.ax2.spines['bottom'].set_position('zero') self.ax2.spines['top'].set_color('none') self.ax2.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') self.ax2.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') self.ax2.set_ylim(-50, 50) self.ax2.set_xlim(-50, 50) # Draw hodograph range rings # 10 20 30 40 m/s circles circ1 = patches.Circle((0, 0), 10, fc='white') circ2 = patches.Circle((0, 0), 20, fc='white') circ3 = patches.Circle((0, 0), 30, fc='white') circ4 = patches.Circle((0, 0), 40, fc='white') # Add circles to plot as patches# # descending order to make sure they layer ontop of each other. self.ax2.add_patch(circ4) self.ax2.add_patch(circ3) self.ax2.add_patch(circ2) self.ax2.add_patch(circ1) def plot_aux_graph(self, x_value, y_value, **kwargs): ''' method to plot an auxiliary graph of user defined data Inputs: # sounding data (User specified) # kwargs to adjust plot dimensions scales label, and title. # ============ output: # Image ''' # define axes fro figure. # set grid and plot user specified data self.ax3 = self.fig.add_axes([.7, 0.7, .29, .24]) plt.grid(True) self.ax3.plot(x_value, y_value) # Max and min graph bonds value assignment. Defaults to autoscale. y_min = kwargs.get('y_min') y_max = kwargs.get('y_max') x_min = kwargs.get('x_min') x_max = kwargs.get('x_max') # data label, title and font size value assignments . y_lable = kwargs.get('y_lable') x_lable = kwargs.get('x_lable') title = kwargs.get('title') font_size = kwargs.get('font_size') # keyword arguments for minimum and maximum values self.ax3.set_ylim(y_min, y_max) self.ax3.set_xlim(x_min, x_max) # set label and tick fontsizes to user defined value. Defaults to 10pt. for item in ([self.ax3.xaxis.label, self.ax3.yaxis.label] + self.ax3.get_xticklabels() + self.ax3.get_yticklabels()): item.set_fontsize(font_size) # set the labels and title from keyword arguments. Defaults to 'none' self.ax3.set_ylabel(y_lable) self.ax3.set_xlabel(x_lable) self.ax3.set_title(title) def generate_parameter_list(self): ''' method to generate a list of parameters calculated from the sounding data Inputs: # None # ============ output: # Blank axis for plotting ''' # Set axes position and set both axes invisible self.ax4 = self.fig.add_axes([.65, 0.1, .35, .54]) self.ax4.xaxis.set_visible(False) self.ax4.yaxis.set_visible(False) def run_thermo_calcs(self, data): ''' method to calculate thermodynamic parameters from dropsonde data Inputs: # Dictionary of sounding data. # Uses calculations from # ============ output: # multiple arrays containing thermodynamic information ''' T = data['Temperature'] Td = data['Dewpoint'] p = data['Pressure'] RH = data['Relative Humidity'] u = data['U Component'] v = data['V Component'] h = data['Height'] self.LCLT = round( (self.tC._LCL_Temperature(h, T + 273.15, Td + 273.15) - 273.15), 2) self.LCLP = round( (self.tC._LCL_Pressure(h, p, T + 273.15, Td + 273.15)), 0) self.LCLZ = round((self.tC._LCL_Height(h, p, T + 273.15, Td + 273.15)), 0) self.THETA = self.tC._PTk2_Theta(p, T + 273.15) self.MIXR = self.tC._RH_2_MixR(RH, p, T + 273.15) self.THETAE = self.tC._Tk_RH_MixR_2_ThetaE(p, T + 273.15, RH, self.MIXR / 1000.) self.ESAT = self.tC._esat(T + 273.15) def plot_thermo_calcs(self): ''' method to plot the thermodynamic parameters on the parameter list. Inputs: # None # ============ output: # Image ''' # plot the parameters on the list generated. self.ax4.text(.01, .01, 'LCL Pressure: ' + str(self.LCLP) + (' hPa')) self.ax4.text(.01, .04, 'LCL Temp: ' + str(self.LCLT) + ' c') self.ax4.text(.01, .07, 'LCL Height: ' + str(self.LCLZ) + ' m') def plot_dryadiabats(self, **kwargs): ''' method to plot the dry adibats. Used in the plotskewtlogp method. Inputs: # kwargs (does not function) # ============ output: # Image ''' # test = self.shear1km # temperature array and pressure array t0 = np.linspace(200, 430, 17) press = np.linspace(100, 1000.) # retrieve desired line style from user kwargs line_style = kwargs.get('line_style') if line_style is None: line_style = '-' # loop to calculate using Poisson's equation the # dry adiabats for the skew t. for temp in t0: theta = temp * (press / 1000.)**(2. / 7.) # plot the dry adiabats given a specified color self.ax1.semilogy((theta - 273.15), press, line_style, color='#7F4B10', linewidth=0.5) def plot_wind_barbs(self, data, **kwargs): P = data['Pressure'] U = data['U Component'] V = data['V Component'] H = data['Height'] # Copy y axis to plot wind barbs # Set x lim for windpbarbs # adjust location of barbs from x =0 # plot every 30th windbarb # set axis to invisible self.ax1_copy = self.ax1.twiny() self.ax1_copy.set_xlim(self.x_min, self.x_max) self.ax1_copy.set_ylim(self.y_min, self.y_max) x_const = np.zeros(P.shape) + (self.x_max - 2) self.ax1_copy.xaxis.set_visible(False) if data['Type'] == 'radioSonde': mask = U.mask U = U[~mask] V = V[~mask] P = P[~mask] self.ax1_copy.barbs(x_const[::3], P[::3], U[::3], V[::3]) else: self.ax1_copy.barbs(x_const[::40], P[::40], U[::40], V[::40]) def run_shear_calcs(self, data): ''' method to calculate thermodynamic parameters from dropsonde data Inputs: # Dictionary of sounding data. # Uses calculations from # ============ output: # multiple arrays containing thermodynamic information ''' T = data['Temperature'] Td = data['Dewpoint'] p = data['Pressure'] RH = data['Relative Humidity'] u = data['U Component'] v = data['V Component'] h = data['Height'] mask = h.mask u = u[~mask] v = v[~mask] h = h[~mask] self.SHEAR1KM = self.sC._VertShear_Sfc_to_1km(h, u, v) self.SHEAR3KM = self.sC._VertShear_Sfc_to_3km(h, u, v) self.SHEAR6KM = self.sC._VertShear_Sfc_to_6km(h, u, v) self.BULKSHEAR1km = round(self.sC._bulkshear_sfc_1km(h, u, v), 2) self.BULKSHEAR3km = round(self.sC._bulkshear_sfc_3km(h, u, v), 2) self.BULKSHEAR6km = round(self.sC._bulkshear_sfc_6km(h, u, v), 2) # self.ax4.text(.01, .1, '0-1 km shear: '+str(self.SHEAR1KM)+(' 1/s')) def plot_shear_calcs(self): ''' method to plot the thermodynamic parameters on the parameter list. Inputs: # None # ============ output: # Image ''' # bitch = self.SHEAR1KM # plot the parameters on the list generated. self.ax4.text(.01, .1, '0-1 km shear: ' + str(self.SHEAR1KM) + (' 1/s')) self.ax4.text(.01, .14, '0-3 km shear: ' + str(self.SHEAR3KM) + ' 1/s') self.ax4.text(.01, .18, '0-6 km shear: ' + str(self.SHEAR6KM) + ' 1/s') self.ax4.text(.01, .22, '0-1km Bulk Shear: ' + str(self.BULKSHEAR1km) + ' m/s') self.ax4.text(.01, .26, '0-3km Bulk Shear: ' + str(self.BULKSHEAR3km) + ' m/s') self.ax4.text(.01, .3, '0-6km Bulk Shear: ' + str(self.BULKSHEAR6km) + ' m/s') def dry_lift(self, data): T = data['Temperature'] Td = data['Dewpoint'] p = data['Pressure'] RH = data['Relative Humidity'] u = data['U Component'] v = data['V Component'] h = data['Height'] t_parcel, p_parcel = self.tC.dry_lift(T, p, self.LCLT, self.LCLP) # print(t_parcel,p_parcel) self.ax1.semilogy(t_parcel, p_parcel, 'k--', ms=1)
class DropSondes(object): ''' Description: class to analyze dropsonde and sounding data #========================== requirements: thermodynaic calculations windshear calculations skew x axis class #========================== ''' def __init__(self): # ============================================# # initiate a new instance of thermocalcs class# # ============================================# self.tC = ThermoCalcs() # ===========================================# # initiate a new instance of shearcalcs class# # ===========================================# self.sC = ShearCalcs() # Global height arrays for wind shear self.u_3km = [] self.v_3km = [] self.u_6km = [] self.v_6km = [] self.u_9km = [] self.v_9km = [] self.u_12km = [] self.v_12km = [] def get_sounding_data(self, filePath): ''' method to retrieve standard sounding data from noaa radiosonde and U of Wyoming repository. Inputs: file path # ============ output: # Dictionary with variable for use in plotting ''' data = filePath fp = open(data, 'r') lines = fp.readlines() header = lines[1] fp.close() fp = open(data, 'r') sounding_data = fp p, h, T, Td, RH, MIXR, wd, ws = np.genfromtxt( sounding_data, skip_header=8, usecols=range(0, 8), dtype=float, delimiter=None, autostrip=True, missing_values='-9999.00', unpack=True, usemask=True) u = -ws*np.sin(np.radians(wd)) v = -ws*np.cos(np.radians(wd)) # RH = self.tC._dewpoint_to_RH(T+273.15, Td+273.15) mask = T.mask T = T[~mask] TD = Td[~mask] P = p[~mask] H = h[~mask] RH = RH[~mask] mask = u.mask U = u[~mask] V = v[~mask] data = dict() data['Header'] = header data['Temperature'] = T data['Dewpoint'] = Td data['Pressure'] = p data['Relative Humidity'] = RH data['U Component'] = U data['V Component'] = V data['Height'] = h data['Type'] = 'radioSonde' fp.close() # self.type = 'radioSonde' return data def get_dropsonde_data(self, filePath): ''' method to retrieve dropsonde data Inputs: file path #============ output: #Dictionary with variable for use in plotting ''' data = filePath fp = open(data, 'r') lines = fp.readlines() header = lines[1] fp.close() fp = open(data, 'r') sounding_data = fp p, T, Td, RH, u, v, h = np.genfromtxt( sounding_data, skip_header=15, usecols=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 14), dtype=float, missing_values='9999.0', unpack=True, usemask=True) # mask incoming T and dewpoint data T =, 999.0) Td =, 999.0) RH =, 999.0) h =, 99999.0) mask = T.mask T = T[~mask] TD = Td[~mask] P = p[~mask] H = h[~mask] RH = RH[~mask] mask = u.mask U = u[~mask] V = v[~mask] data = dict() data['Header'] = header data['Temperature'] = T data['Dewpoint'] = TD data['Pressure'] = P data['Relative Humidity'] = RH data['U Component'] = U data['V Component'] = V data['Height'] = H data['Type'] = 'dropsonde' return data def plot_skewtlogp(self, data, **kwargs): ''' method to plot sounding or dropsonde data Inputs: dictionary of sounding data keyword arguments min, max, titles, and label. #============ output: #Image ''' T = data['Temperature'] TD = data['Dewpoint'] P = data['Pressure'] self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) self.ax1 = self.fig.add_axes([0.05, 0.1, 0.6, 0.8], projection='skewx') plt.grid(True) self.plot_dryadiabats() self.ax1.semilogy(T, P, 'r-', linewidth=1.5) self.ax1.semilogy(TD, P, 'g-', linewidth=1.5) # Plot the data using normal plotting functions, in this case using # log scaling in Y, as dictated by the typical meteorological plot # Disables the log-formatting that comes with semilogy # set bounds for data on Skew T chart self.ax1.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ScalarFormatter()) self.ax1.set_yticks(np.linspace(100, 1000, 10)) self.ax1.set_ylim(1050, 100) self.ax1.set_ylabel('Pressure mb') self.ax1.set_xlabel('Temperature C') self.ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(10)) self.ax1.set_title('Skew T log P') self.y_min = kwargs.get('y_min') self.y_max = kwargs.get('y_max') self.x_min = kwargs.get('x_min') self.x_max = kwargs.get('x_max') # data label, title and font sizes value assignments # default values above. y_label = kwargs.get('y_label') x_label = kwargs.get('x_label') title = kwargs.get('title') font_size = kwargs.get('font_size') for item in ([self.ax1.xaxis.label, self.ax1.yaxis.label] + self.ax1.get_xticklabels()+self.ax1.get_yticklabels()): item.set_fontsize(font_size) # set the labels and titles defaults to 'none' self.ax1.set_ylabel(y_label) self.ax1.set_xlabel(x_label) self.ax1.set_title(title) self.ax1.set_ylim(self.y_max, self.y_min) self.ax1.set_xlim(self.x_min, self.x_max) def plot_hodograph(self, data): ''' method to plot wind data on a hodograph Inputs: dictionary containing wind data. file path # ============ output: # Image ''' self.ax2 = self.fig.add_axes([.05, 0.6, 0.25, 0.3]) # create axis and invert masks and assign values # for U, V, and h coordinates U = data['U Component'] V = data['V Component'] H = data['Height'] # =====================================================# # loop to place hodograph data into proper height array # 0-3km # 3-6km # 6-9km # 9-12km # ======# if data['Type'] == 'radioSonde': for unew, vnew, hnew in zip(U, V, H): if hnew <= 3001.0: self.u_3km.append(unew) self.v_3km.append(vnew) elif hnew <= 6001.0: self.u_6km.append(unew) self.v_6km.append(vnew) elif hnew <= 9000.0: self.u_9km.append(unew) self.v_9km.append(vnew) elif hnew <= 12000.0: self.u_12km.append(unew) self.v_12km.append(vnew) # print(len(self.u_3km)) # print(len(self.v_3km)) # =============================================================# # take the first point of the next height level and attach it # to the last point of the previous line segment to # connect hodograph segments # should only be done for soundings and non dense data # type determines how the data is placed in the array. # Soundings require endpoints be joined so that # the hodograph is continuous. # =============================================================# if data['Type'] == 'radioSonde': self.u_3km.append(self.u_6km[0]) self.u_6km.append(self.u_9km[0]) self.u_9km.append(self.u_12km[0]) self.v_3km.append(self.v_6km[0]) self.v_6km.append(self.v_9km[0]) self.v_9km.append(self.v_12km[0]) # ==============================# # Mask the arrays U and V coords # ==============================# self.v_3km = self.v_6km = self.v_9km = self.v_12km = self.u_3km = self.u_6km = self.u_9km = self.u_12km = # plotting of the hodograph information # Different colors are sued to represent different height levels # r = 0-3km # y = 3-6km # g = 6-9km # b = 9-12km self.ax2.plot(self.u_3km, self.v_3km, 'r-', linewidth=3) self.ax2.plot(self.u_6km, self.v_6km, 'y-', linewidth=3,) self.ax2.plot(self.u_9km, self.v_9km, 'g-', linewidth=3) self.ax2.plot(self.u_12km, self.v_12km, 'b-', linewidth=3) # set the default limits on the hodo axes # remove spines and set the axes to be invisible. self.ax2.spines['left'].set_position('zero') self.ax2.spines['right'].set_color('none') self.ax2.spines['bottom'].set_position('zero') self.ax2.spines['top'].set_color('none') self.ax2.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') self.ax2.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') self.ax2.set_ylim(-50, 50) self.ax2.set_xlim(-50, 50) # Draw hodograph range rings # 10 20 30 40 m/s circles circ1 = patches.Circle((0, 0), 10, fc='white') circ2 = patches.Circle((0, 0), 20, fc='white') circ3 = patches.Circle((0, 0), 30, fc='white') circ4 = patches.Circle((0, 0), 40, fc='white') # Add circles to plot as patches# # descending order to make sure they layer ontop of each other. self.ax2.add_patch(circ4) self.ax2.add_patch(circ3) self.ax2.add_patch(circ2) self.ax2.add_patch(circ1) def plot_aux_graph(self, x_value, y_value, **kwargs): ''' method to plot an auxiliary graph of user defined data Inputs: # sounding data (User specified) # kwargs to adjust plot dimensions scales label, and title. # ============ output: # Image ''' # define axes fro figure. # set grid and plot user specified data self.ax3 = self.fig.add_axes([.7, 0.7, .29, .24]) plt.grid(True) self.ax3.plot(x_value, y_value) # Max and min graph bonds value assignment. Defaults to autoscale. y_min = kwargs.get('y_min') y_max = kwargs.get('y_max') x_min = kwargs.get('x_min') x_max = kwargs.get('x_max') # data label, title and font size value assignments . y_lable = kwargs.get('y_lable') x_lable = kwargs.get('x_lable') title = kwargs.get('title') font_size = kwargs.get('font_size') # keyword arguments for minimum and maximum values self.ax3.set_ylim(y_min, y_max) self.ax3.set_xlim(x_min, x_max) # set label and tick fontsizes to user defined value. Defaults to 10pt. for item in ([self.ax3.xaxis.label, self.ax3.yaxis.label] + self.ax3.get_xticklabels()+self.ax3.get_yticklabels()): item.set_fontsize(font_size) # set the labels and title from keyword arguments. Defaults to 'none' self.ax3.set_ylabel(y_lable) self.ax3.set_xlabel(x_lable) self.ax3.set_title(title) def generate_parameter_list(self): ''' method to generate a list of parameters calculated from the sounding data Inputs: # None # ============ output: # Blank axis for plotting ''' # Set axes position and set both axes invisible self.ax4 = self.fig.add_axes([.65, 0.1, .35, .54]) self.ax4.xaxis.set_visible(False) self.ax4.yaxis.set_visible(False) def run_thermo_calcs(self, data): ''' method to calculate thermodynamic parameters from dropsonde data Inputs: # Dictionary of sounding data. # Uses calculations from # ============ output: # multiple arrays containing thermodynamic information ''' T = data['Temperature'] Td = data['Dewpoint'] p = data['Pressure'] RH = data['Relative Humidity'] u = data['U Component'] v = data['V Component'] h = data['Height'] self.LCLT = round(( self.tC._LCL_Temperature(h, T+273.15, Td+273.15)-273.15), 2) self.LCLP = round(( self.tC._LCL_Pressure(h, p, T+273.15, Td+273.15)), 0) self.LCLZ = round(( self.tC._LCL_Height(h, p, T+273.15, Td+273.15)), 0) self.THETA = self.tC._PTk2_Theta(p, T+273.15) self.MIXR = self.tC._RH_2_MixR(RH, p, T+273.15) self.THETAE = self.tC._Tk_RH_MixR_2_ThetaE( p, T+273.15, RH, self.MIXR/1000.) self.ESAT = self.tC._esat(T+273.15) def plot_thermo_calcs(self): ''' method to plot the thermodynamic parameters on the parameter list. Inputs: # None # ============ output: # Image ''' # plot the parameters on the list generated. self.ax4.text(.01, .01, 'LCL Pressure: ' + str(self.LCLP) + (' hPa')) self.ax4.text(.01, .04, 'LCL Temp: ' + str(self.LCLT) + ' c') self.ax4.text(.01, .07, 'LCL Height: ' + str(self.LCLZ) + ' m') def plot_dryadiabats(self, **kwargs): ''' method to plot the dry adibats. Used in the plotskewtlogp method. Inputs: # kwargs (does not function) # ============ output: # Image ''' # test = self.shear1km # temperature array and pressure array t0 = np.linspace(200, 430, 17) press = np.linspace(100, 1000.) # retrieve desired line style from user kwargs line_style = kwargs.get('line_style') if line_style is None: line_style = '-' # loop to calculate using Poisson's equation the # dry adiabats for the skew t. for temp in t0: theta = temp * (press/1000.)**(2./7.) # plot the dry adiabats given a specified color self.ax1.semilogy((theta-273.15), press, line_style, color='#7F4B10', linewidth=0.5) def plot_wind_barbs(self, data, **kwargs): P = data['Pressure'] U = data['U Component'] V = data['V Component'] H = data['Height'] # Copy y axis to plot wind barbs # Set x lim for windpbarbs # adjust location of barbs from x =0 # plot every 30th windbarb # set axis to invisible self.ax1_copy = self.ax1.twiny() self.ax1_copy.set_xlim(self.x_min, self.x_max) self.ax1_copy.set_ylim(self.y_min, self.y_max) x_const = np.zeros(P.shape) + (self.x_max - 2) self.ax1_copy.xaxis.set_visible(False) if data['Type'] == 'radioSonde': mask = U.mask U = U[~mask] V = V[~mask] P = P[~mask] self.ax1_copy.barbs(x_const[::3], P[::3], U[::3], V[::3]) else: self.ax1_copy.barbs(x_const[::40], P[::40], U[::40], V[::40]) def run_shear_calcs(self, data): ''' method to calculate thermodynamic parameters from dropsonde data Inputs: # Dictionary of sounding data. # Uses calculations from # ============ output: # multiple arrays containing thermodynamic information ''' T = data['Temperature'] Td = data['Dewpoint'] p = data['Pressure'] RH = data['Relative Humidity'] u = data['U Component'] v = data['V Component'] h = data['Height'] mask = h.mask u = u[~mask] v = v[~mask] h = h[~mask] self.SHEAR1KM = self.sC._VertShear_Sfc_to_1km(h, u, v) self.SHEAR3KM = self.sC._VertShear_Sfc_to_3km(h, u, v) self.SHEAR6KM = self.sC._VertShear_Sfc_to_6km(h, u, v) self.BULKSHEAR1km = round(self.sC._bulkshear_sfc_1km(h, u, v), 2) self.BULKSHEAR3km = round(self.sC._bulkshear_sfc_3km(h, u, v), 2) self.BULKSHEAR6km = round(self.sC._bulkshear_sfc_6km(h, u, v), 2) # self.ax4.text(.01, .1, '0-1 km shear: '+str(self.SHEAR1KM)+(' 1/s')) def plot_shear_calcs(self): ''' method to plot the thermodynamic parameters on the parameter list. Inputs: # None # ============ output: # Image ''' # bitch = self.SHEAR1KM # plot the parameters on the list generated. self.ax4.text(.01, .1, '0-1 km shear: '+str(self.SHEAR1KM)+(' 1/s')) self.ax4.text(.01, .14, '0-3 km shear: '+str(self.SHEAR3KM)+' 1/s') self.ax4.text(.01, .18, '0-6 km shear: '+str(self.SHEAR6KM)+' 1/s') self.ax4.text( .01, .22, '0-1km Bulk Shear: '+str(self.BULKSHEAR1km)+' m/s') self.ax4.text( .01, .26, '0-3km Bulk Shear: '+str(self.BULKSHEAR3km)+' m/s') self.ax4.text( .01, .3, '0-6km Bulk Shear: '+str(self.BULKSHEAR6km)+' m/s') def dry_lift(self, data): T = data['Temperature'] Td = data['Dewpoint'] p = data['Pressure'] RH = data['Relative Humidity'] u = data['U Component'] v = data['V Component'] h = data['Height'] t_parcel, p_parcel = self.tC.dry_lift(T, p, self.LCLT, self.LCLP) # print(t_parcel,p_parcel) self.ax1.semilogy(t_parcel, p_parcel, 'k--', ms=1)