def draw_value_along_curve(t, f, sigma, limits, fname, title, save): fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(t / np.max(t), f, color='black') plt.fill_between(t / np.max(t), f - sigma, f + sigma, color='red', alpha=0.5, linewidth=0) #plt.title(title) plt.axes().set_ylim(limits) plt.ylabel(r'$C_l^{||}$') plt.xlabel(r'$t$') myplt.set_font_sizes(plt.gca()) myplt.make_grid(plt.gca()) if save: myplt.save_figure(fig, 3.5, fname) #fig.savefig(fname, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) else:
def draw_cross_section(alldata, gpY, gpZ, sep, equilibria, points, title, fname, save, rotation=True): fig = plt.figure() #plt.title(title) plt.xlabel('$y / (H/2)$') plt.ylabel('$z / (H/2)$') myplt.set_font_sizes(plt.gca()) plt.axes().set_xlim([-0.02, 0.72]) plt.axes().set_ylim([-0.02, 0.72]) plt.axes().set_aspect('equal', 'box', anchor='SW') norm, cmap = draw_quiver(alldata) x = np.linspace(0, 0.7, 40) y = np.linspace(0, 0.7, 40) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) grid = np.array([X.flatten(), Y.flatten()]).T #draw_gp(grid, gpY, gpZ, norm, cmap) plt.plot(sep[:, 0], sep[:, 1], color='grey', linewidth=2) if rotation: plt.scatter(sep[:, 0][0], sep[:, 1][0], color='C3', linewidth=1.5, s=25.0, zorder=5) plt.scatter(sep[:, 0][-1], sep[:, 1][-1], facecolors='none', edgecolors='C3', linewidth=1.5, s=25.0, zorder=5) # plt.scatter( points[0,:], points[1,:], color='C3', s=5.0, zorder=5) if save: myplt.save_figure(fig, 4.5, fname) #fig.savefig(fname, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) else: return fig
def dump_plots(alldata, Re, kappa): fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=4, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(60, 40)) #plt.suptitle(r'$Re = ' + str(Re) + r'$, $\kappa = ' + str(kappa) + r'$') axes = axes.flatten() i=0 for x, data, err, gp, Y, lbd in alldata: label = r'$Ca =' + str(Y) + '$, $\lambda = ' + str(lbd) + r'$' gpx = np.linspace(0.0, np.max(x), 100) axes[i].errorbar(x, data, yerr=3.0*err, fmt='D', label=label, color='C2', markeredgewidth=0.75, markeredgecolor='black', ms=3, zorder=5) # print x # print data # print err # print "" y_fit, sigma = gp.predict(np.atleast_2d(gpx).T, return_std=True) axes[i].plot(gpx, y_fit, color='black', zorder=4) axes[i].fill_between(gpx, y_fit - 2*sigma, y_fit + 2*sigma, color='red', alpha=0.5, linewidth=0, zorder=3) axes[i].grid() axes[i].legend(loc=3, fontsize=7) if i % 4 == 0: axes[i].set_ylabel(r'$C_{l}$') if i >= 8: axes[i].set_xlabel(r'$y/R$') myplt.set_font_sizes(axes[i]) i=i+1 # plt.xlabel('y/R', fontsize=16) # plt.ylabel('Cl', fontsize=16) plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.01, wspace=0.01) myplt.save_figure(fig, 7, 'soft_circle/tube_lift_soft__Re_' + str(Re) + '_kappa_' + str(kappa) + '.pdf') plt.close(fig)
def angle(y, z, fy, fz, wy, wz, save=False, fname='', title=''): fig = plt.figure() N = 20 yi = np.linspace(0, 0.8, N) zi = np.linspace(0, 0.8, N) Y, Z = np.meshgrid(yi, zi) ang = np.abs((fy * wy + fz * wz) / (fy * fy + fz * fz)**0.5 / (wy * wy + wz * wz)**0.5) # Z is a matrix of x-y values angi = scinterp.griddata((y, z), ang, (yi[None, :], zi[:, None]), method='cubic') #plt.title(title) plt.pcolormesh(Y, Z, angi.reshape(Y.shape), shading='gouraud',, vmax=0.12, vmin=0.0) cbar = plt.colorbar() = 20'$\cos(\bm{F}^{\text{diff}}_l, \bm{\omega})$', size=9, rotation=270) plt.xlim(0, 0.65) plt.ylim(0, 0.65) plt.xlabel('$y / (H/2)$') plt.ylabel('$z / (H/2)$') myplt.set_font_sizes(plt.gca()) if save: myplt.save_figure(fig, 3, fname, dpi=600) #plt.close(fig) else:
err_Cls.append(0) return Cls, err_Cls alldata = [] #alldata.append( get_forces("/home/alexeedm/extern/daint/project/alexeedm/focusing_square/case_5_0.08__80_20_1.5__") + ("Present", "o") ) alldata.append( get_forces("/home/alexeedm/extern/daint/project/alexeedm/focusing_square/case_5_0.0788__160_20_3.0__", 2.3) + ("Present", "D") ) # 2244! #alldata.append( get_forces_cubism("/home/alexeedm/extern/daint/scratch/cubism-square-lift-2d/case_4_0_") + ("Present", "o") ) #alldata.append( get_forces_cubism("/home/alexeedm/extern/daint/scratch/cubism-square-lift-2d/case_4_0_") + ("Present", "o") ) #alldata.append( get_forces_cubism("/home/alexeedm/extern/daint/project/alexeedm/cubism-square-lift-2d/case_yetwider_8_0_") + ("Present", "o") ) #alldata.append( get_forces("/home/alexeedm/extern/daint/project/alexeedm/focusing_square/case_5_0.02144__80_10_1.5__", 1.1704) + ("Present", "o") ) print(alldata) #print Cls #print err_Cls myplt.set_pgf_backend() fig = plt.figure() positions = np.linspace(0.0, 0.72, 19) #positions = np.arange(0.0, 0.8, 0.1) dump_plots(positions, alldata, nakagawa, dicarlo) myplt.save_figure(fig, 3, 'duct_lift_coefficients.pdf') plt.close()
if kappa == 0.15: fmt = 'o' if kappa == 0.22: fmt = 's' if kappa == 0.3: fmt = 'D' #plt.plot(data[0,:], data[2,:], 'o', label=r'$Re = ' + str(Re) + r', \kappa = ' + str(kappa) + r'$') plt.errorbar(data[0,:], transform(data[0,:], data[1,:], Re, kappa, res.x), yerr=transform(data[0,:], data[2,:], Re, kappa, res.x), fmt=fmt, color=c, ms=3, linewidth=1, label=r'$Re = ' + str(Re) + r', \kappa = ' + str(kappa) + r'$') plt.legend() ax = plt.gca() ax.set_ylabel(r'$ \dfrac{C_{l}}{y} \times Re^{1/3} \left( 1 + \dfrac{7.894}{Re \left( 1 - \kappa - y \right)} \right)$') ax.set_xlabel(r'$y$') myplt.set_font_sizes(ax) myplt.save_figure(fig, 4.1, 'tube_lift_collapse.pdf')
err = 0.5 * (np.abs(data[:, 4] - data[:, 3]) + np.abs(data[:, 5] - data[:, 3])) #plt.errorbar(data[:,0], data[:,3], yerr=err, fmt=fmt, color=c, ms=3, linewidth=1, label=r'$Ca = ' + str(Ca) + r', \lambda = ' + str(lbd) + r'$') plt.plot(data[:, 0], -data[:, 3], fmt, color=c, ms=4, linewidth=1, label=r'$ \begin{aligned}Ca &= ' + str(Ca) + r',\\ \lambda &= ' + str(lbd) + r'\end{aligned}') # print(data) # print("") plt.legend(ncol=3, handletextpad=0.01) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_ylabel(r'$W = \int_{\bm S} C^{||}_l \, ds$') ax.set_xlabel(r'$Re$') myplt.set_font_sizes(ax) myplt.set_figure_size(fig, 4.5) y = plt.ylim() plt.ylim(-0.018, y[1]) myplt.save_figure(fig, 4.5, 'tube_soft_lift_work.pdf')
draw_value_along_curve(t, f, fsigma, '-') # modified moddata = pickle.load( open(folder + 'modrotation' + str(int(Re)) + '.pckl', 'rb')) #print(moddata) coo = moddata[:, 0:2] idx = np.argsort(np.arctan2(coo[:, 1], coo[:, 0])) coo = coo[idx, :] fym, eym, fzm, ezm = [moddata[idx, i] for i in [4, 5, 6, 7]] gpym = gaussian_fit(coo, fym, eym) gpzm = gaussian_fit(coo, fzm, ezm) fmod, mods = val_along_curve(gpym, gpzm, coo) lengths = np.empty(coo.shape[0]) lengths[0] = 0.0 for i in range(1, coo.shape[0]): lengths[i] = lengths[i - 1] + np.sqrt([i - 1] - coo[i], coo[i - 1] - coo[i])) print(lengths) draw_value_along_curve(lengths, fmod, mods, ':') myplt.save_figure(fig, 3.5, 'square/mod_rotation_Re_100.pdf')
def plot_equilibrium(rot, suffix): # x is kappa, free rotation fig = plt.figure() for Re, style in [(50, '--D'), (100, '--o'), (200, '--s')]: idxs = np.where((intersections[:, 4] == rot) & (intersections[:, 2] == Re)) plt.errorbar(intersections[idxs, 3], intersections[idxs, 0], yerr=intersections[idxs, 1], label=r'$Re = ' + str(Re) + r'$', fmt=style, markeredgewidth=0.75, markeredgecolor='black', ms=3, zorder=2, linewidth=1.0) plt.legend(labelspacing=0.2) #plt.xscale('log') plt.xlabel(r'$\kappa$') plt.ylabel(r'$Eq/y$') myplt.set_font_sizes(plt.gca()) myplt.make_grid(plt.gca()) if rot == 1: y = plt.ylim() plt.ylim(y[0], 0.46) plt.tight_layout() myplt.save_figure(fig, 3, 'tube_lift_rigid_' + suffix + '_kappa.pdf') plt.close(fig) # x is Re, no rotation fig = plt.figure() for kappa, style in [(0.3, '--D'), (0.22, '--o'), (0.15, '--s')]: idxs = np.where((intersections[:, 4] == rot) & (intersections[:, 3] == kappa)) plt.errorbar(intersections[idxs, 2], intersections[idxs, 0], yerr=intersections[idxs, 1], label=r'$\kappa = ' + str(kappa) + r'$', fmt=style, markeredgewidth=0.75, markeredgecolor='black', ms=3, zorder=2, linewidth=1.0) plt.legend(labelspacing=0.2) #plt.xscale('log') plt.xlabel(r'$Re$') plt.ylabel(r'$Eq/R$') myplt.set_font_sizes(plt.gca()) myplt.make_grid(plt.gca()) if rot == 0: y = plt.ylim() plt.ylim(y[0], 0.75) plt.tight_layout() myplt.save_figure(fig, 3, 'tube_lift_rigid_' + suffix + '_re.pdf') plt.close(fig)
def dump_plots(alldata): fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=3, sharex=True, sharey='row', figsize=(50, 38)) #plt.suptitle(r'$Re = ' + str(Re) + r'$, $\kappa = ' + str(kappa) + r'$') axes = axes.flatten() i = 0 for x, data, err, gp, Re, kappa, rot, w, errw in alldata: label = (r'$Re = ' + str(Re) + r', \kappa = ' + str(kappa) + r'$') if rot == 0.0 else '' fmt = 'D' if rot == 0.0 else 'o' gpx = np.linspace(0.0, np.max(x), 100) axes[i].errorbar(x, data, yerr=3.0 * err, fmt=fmt, label=label, color='C2', markeredgewidth=0.75, markeredgecolor='black', ms=3, zorder=3) # print x # print data # print err # print "" y_fit, sigma = gp.predict(np.atleast_2d(gpx).T, return_std=True) axes[i].plot(gpx, y_fit, linewidth=0.75, color='black') axes[i].fill_between(gpx, y_fit - sigma, y_fit + sigma, color='red', alpha=0.5, linewidth=0, zorder=2) axes[i].grid() leg = axes[i].legend(loc=3, fontsize=7, handlelength=0, handletextpad=0, markerscale=0) for item in leg.legendHandles: item.set_visible(False) if i % 3 == 0: axes[i].set_ylabel(r'$C_{l}$') if i >= 6: axes[i].set_xlabel(r'$y/R$') myplt.set_font_sizes(axes[i]) myplt.make_grid(axes[i]) if rot == 1.0: i = i + 1 # plt.xlabel('y/R', fontsize=16) # plt.ylabel('Cl', fontsize=16) plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.01, wspace=0.01) myplt.save_figure(fig, 6.5, 'tube_lift_rigid.pdf') plt.close(fig)
cpuref = roofline(68, 998) gpuref = roofline(732, 8524) myplt.set_pgf_backend() fig = plt.figure() draw_one(gpu[0], gpu[1], '-', 'C2', 1.5, 'Nvidia Tesla P100 16GB') draw_one(cpu[0], cpu[1], '-', 'royalblue', 1.5, 'Intel Xeon E5-2690 v3') draw_one(gpuref[0], gpuref[1], ':', 'C2', 0.75, '') draw_one(cpuref[0], cpuref[1], ':', 'royalblue', 0.75, '') prepare_plot(plt.gca()) plt.legend() myplt.save_figure(fig, 3, 'new_roofline.pdf') plt.close(fig) xeon = roofline(402.503e-3 * 72, 2467.047e-3 * 103) amd = roofline(306.105e-3 * 72, 1368.974e-3 * 103) gpu = roofline(1846.646e-3 * 72, 25507.547e-3 * 90) xeonref = roofline(51.2, 332.8) amdref = roofline(51.2, 332.8) # intentionally same gpuref = roofline(250, 3935) myplt.set_pgf_backend() fig = plt.figure() draw_one(gpu[0], gpu[1], '-', 'C2', 1.5, 'Nvidia Tesla K20X') draw_one(xeon[0], xeon[1], '-', 'royalblue', 1.5, 'Intel Xeon E5-2670')
intersections = np.empty((0, 4)) for x, d, err, gp, Y, lbd in processed: x0, elo, ehi = intersection(gp) intersections = np.vstack( (intersections, np.array([x0, 0.5*(elo+ehi), Y, lbd])) ) #%% for lbd, style in [(1.0, '--D'), (5.0, '--o'), (25.0, '--s')]: idxs = np.where(intersections[:,3] == lbd) plt.errorbar(intersections[idxs, 2], intersections[idxs, 0], yerr=intersections[idxs, 1], label=r'$\lambda=' + str(lbd) + r'$', fmt=style, markeredgewidth=0.75, markeredgecolor='black', ms=3, zorder=2, linewidth=1.0) #TODO: eqiulibrium vs size and vs Reynolds plt.legend() plt.xscale('log') plt.xlabel(r'$Ca$') plt.ylabel(r'$C_0/R$') myplt.make_grid(plt.gca()) plt.tight_layout() myplt.save_figure(fig, 3, 'soft_circle/tube_lift_soft__intersection_' + str(Re) + '_kappa_' + str(kappa) + '.pdf') plt.close(fig) a= alsdfkja
#alldata.append( get_forces(folder + "case_newcode_ratio_5_0.05177__110_25_2.0__") + (r'Present', "D", 'C2') ) alldata.append( get_forces(folder + "case_0.14602_0_0.15__160_43.2253_3.0__") + (r'Present', "D", 'C2')) #alldata.append( get_forces(folder + "case_0.14602_1_0.15__160_43.2253_3.0__") + (r'Inhibited rotation', "D", 'C3') ) #alldata.append( get_forces(folder + "case_newcode_ratio_5_0.14516__160_43.0935_3.0__") + (r'$\gamma = 43$', "-o") ) #alldata.append( get_forces(folder + "case_newcode_ratio_5_0.16335__160_45.7969_3.0__") + (r'$\gamma = 45$', "-o") ) #alldata.append( get_forces(folder + "case_newcode_ratio_5_0.22234__160_53.6651_3.0_") + (r'$\gamma = 54$', "-o") ) #alldata.append( get_forces(folder + "case_newcode_ratio_5_0.29040__160_61.4946_3.0__") + (r'$\gamma = 61$', "-o") ) #alldata.append( get_forces("/home/alexeedm/extern/daint/scratch/focusing_soft/case_noforce_0.1_0.2__80_20_1.5__") + (r'$\lambda = 0.2$', "-o") ) #alldata.append( get_forces("/home/alexeedm/extern/daint/scratch/focusing_soft/case_noforce_0.1_1.0__80_20_1.5__") + (r'$\lambda = 1.0$', "-o") ) #alldata.append( get_forces("/home/alexeedm/extern/daint/scratch/focusing_soft/case_noforce_0.1_5.0__80_20_1.5__") + (r'$\lambda = 5.0$', "-o") ) #alldata.append( get_forces("/home/alexeedm/extern/daint/scratch/focusing_soft/case_noforce_0.1_20.0__80_20_1.5__") + (r'$\lambda = 20.0$', "-o") ) #alldata.append( get_forces("/home/alexeedm/extern/daint/scratch/focusing_soft/case_noforce_0.1_40.0__80_20_1.5__") + (r'$\lambda = 40.0$', "-o") ) print(alldata) #print Cls #print err_Cls myplt.set_pgf_backend() fig = plt.figure() positions = np.linspace(0.0, 0.7, 8) dump_plots(positions, alldata, ref) myplt.save_figure(fig, 3, 'tube_lift_coefficients.pdf') plt.close()