def test_influx_output(self): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() s = ValueListSensor(1, value_stream) p = SensorAsOutputThing(s) b = InfluxDBWriter(msg_format=Sensor(series_name='Sensor', fields=['val', 'ts'], tags=['sensor_id']), generate_timestamp=False, username=INFLUXDB_USER, password=INFLUXDB_PASSWORD, database=INFLUXDB_DATABASE) p.connect(b) scheduler = Scheduler(loop) scheduler.schedule_periodic(p, 0.2) # sample five times every second scheduler.run_forever() # Now play back rs = self.c.query('SELECT * FROM Sensor;').get_points() for d in rs: print(d) # Play back using an output thing p = InfluxDBReader('SELECT * FROM Sensor;', database=INFLUXDB_DATABASE, username=INFLUXDB_USER, password=INFLUXDB_PASSWORD) p.connect(CallableAsInputThing(print)) scheduler = Scheduler(loop) scheduler.schedule_periodic(p, 0.2) # sample five times every second scheduler.run_forever() print("That's all folks")
def test_function_filter_error_handling(self): """Verify the error handling functionality of the function filter. We do this by connecting two downstream paths to the sensor. The first includes a function filter that throws an error when it encouters a sensor reading of 120. This should disconnect th stream at this point. The second is a normal validation input thing. It is connected directly to the sensor, and thus should not see any errors. """ s = ValueListSensor(1, value_stream) st = SensorAsOutputThing(s) captured_list_ref = [[]] got_completed_ref = [ False, ] got_on_error_ref = [ False, ] def on_next_throw_exc(self, x): if x.val == 120: raise Exception("expected exc") else: captured_list_ref[0].append(x.val) self._dispatch_next(x) def on_completed(self): got_completed_ref[0] = True self._dispatch_completed() def on_error(self, e): got_on_error_ref[0] = True self._dispatch_error(e) ff = FunctionFilter(st, on_next=on_next_throw_exc, on_completed=on_completed, on_error=on_error) ct = CaptureInputThing(expecting_error=True) x: x.val).connect(ct) vo = ValidationInputThing(value_stream, self.test_function_filter_error_handling) st.connect(vo) st.print_downstream() scheduler = Scheduler(asyncio.get_event_loop()) scheduler.schedule_periodic(st, 0.5) # sample twice every second scheduler.run_forever() self.assertTrue( vo.completed, "Schedule exited before validation observer completed") self.assertFalse(ct.completed, "Capture thing should not have completed") self.assertTrue(ct.errored, "Capture thing should have seen an error") self.assertFalse(got_completed_ref[0]) self.assertTrue(got_on_error_ref[0]) self.assertEqual([20, 30, 100],, "Capture thing event mismatch") self.assertEqual([20, 30, 100], captured_list_ref[0], "captured_list_ref mismatch") print("That's all folks")
def setup(threshold=25): lux = SensorAsOutputThing(LuxSensor()) lux.connect(print) lux.csv_writer(os.path.expanduser('~/lux.csv')) led = GpioPinOut() actions = event: event.val > threshold) actions.connect(led) actions.connect(lambda v: print('ON' if v else 'OFF')) lux.print_downstream() return (lux, led)
def setup(broker, threshold): lux = SensorAsOutputThing(LuxSensor()) lux.connect(print) led = GpioPinOut() actions = event: event.val > threshold) actions.connect(led) actions.connect(lambda v: print('ON' if v else 'OFF')) lux.to_json().connect(MQTTWriter(broker, topics=[('bogus/bogus', 0)])) lux.print_downstream() return (lux, led)
def schedule(self):"Scheduling sensors...") informer = Informer(,, conn=self.conn) informer_out = SensorAsOutputThing(informer) informer_out.connect(StdoutConnector( informer_out.connect( self.conn.writer('informer',, topic='micronet/devices/' + + '/online')) self.scheduler.schedule_periodic(informer_out, 5) for k, v in self.sensors.items(): id = k.split(':')[0] unit = id if 'unit' in v: unit = v['unit'] try: module = __import__("sensor_" + unit) SensorClass = getattr(module, to_pascal_case(id + "_sensor")) v['id'] = k sensor = SensorClass(**v) sensor_output = SensorAsOutputThing(sensor)['sensors'][k] = sensor_output.connect(StdoutConnector( sensor_output.connect(self.conn.writer(k, self.scheduler.schedule_periodic(sensor_output, v['freq'])"Sensor '{0}' sampling every {1}s".format( k, v['freq'])) except Exception as e: self.logger.warning(e)
def test_pandas(self): s = ValueListSensor(1, value_stream) p = SensorAsOutputThing(s) import thingflow.adapters.pandas import numpy w = thingflow.adapters.pandas.PandasSeriesWriter() p.connect(w) sch = Scheduler(asyncio.get_event_loop()) sch.schedule_recurring(p) sch.run_forever() self.assertTrue(w.result is not None, "Result of pandas never set") # now we verify each element for (i, v) in enumerate(value_stream): pv = w.result[i] self.assertTrue( isinstance(pv, numpy.int64), "Expecting pandas value '%s' to be numpy.int64, but instead was %s" % (pv, repr(type(pv)))) self.assertEqual( v, pv, "Pandas value '%s' not equal to original value '%s'" % (repr(pv), repr(v))) print("Validate pandas array")