def test_set_reward_signal_nan(self) -> None: """Test the reward signal if no new state was generated.""" predictor = MCTS() state = flexmock() assert predictor._policy == {} predictor._next_state = flexmock() predictor.set_reward_signal(state, ("numpy", "2.0.0", ""), math.nan) assert predictor._next_state is None assert predictor._policy == {}
def test_pre_run(self) -> None: """Test calling pre-run for the initialization part.""" flexmock(TemporalDifference) TemporalDifference.should_receive("pre_run").once() state = flexmock() predictor = MCTS() assert predictor._next_state is None predictor._next_state = state predictor.pre_run() assert predictor._next_state is None
def test_run_next_state(self, context: Context) -> None: """Test running the predictor when the next state is scheduled.""" state = flexmock() unresolved_dependency = ("tensorflow", "2.0.0", "") state.should_receive("get_random_unresolved_dependency").with_args(prefer_recent=True).and_return( unresolved_dependency ).once() predictor = MCTS() predictor._next_state = state context.beam.should_receive("get_last").and_return(state).once() context.iteration = 1000000 # Some big number not to hit the heat-up part. with predictor.assigned_context(context): assert == (state, unresolved_dependency)
def test_run_heat_up(self, context: Context, next_state) -> None: """Test running the predictor in the "heat-up" phase regardless next state being set.""" state = flexmock() unresolved_dependency = ("tensorflow", "2.0.0", "") predictor = MCTS() predictor._next_state = None flexmock(TemporalDifference) TemporalDifference.should_receive("run").with_args().and_return(state, unresolved_dependency).once() context.iteration = 1 # Some small number to hit the heat-up part. with predictor.assigned_context(context): assert == (state, unresolved_dependency)
def test_run_next_state_no_last(self, context: Context) -> None: """Test running the predictor when the next state is not last state added to beam.""" state = flexmock() unresolved_dependency = ("tensorflow", "2.0.0", "") predictor = MCTS() predictor._next_state = flexmock() context.beam.should_receive("get_last").and_return(flexmock()).once() flexmock(TemporalDifference) TemporalDifference.should_receive("run").with_args().and_return(state, unresolved_dependency).once() context.iteration = 1000000 # Some big number not to hit the heat-up part. with predictor.assigned_context(context): assert == (state, unresolved_dependency)
def test_set_reward_signal_inf(self) -> None: """Test the reward signal if a final state was generated.""" predictor = MCTS() state = flexmock(score=3.1) state.should_receive("iter_resolved_dependencies").and_return( [ ("numpy", "2.0.0", ""), ("tensorflow", "2.0.0", ""), ] ) # numpy was already seen, tensorflow was not seen yet predictor._policy = { ("numpy", "2.0.0", ""): [2.3, 100], } predictor._next_state = flexmock() predictor.set_reward_signal(state, ("numpy", "2.0.0", ""), math.inf) assert predictor._next_state is None assert predictor._policy == { ("numpy", "2.0.0", ""): [2.3 + 3.1, 101], ("tensorflow", "2.0.0", ""): [3.1, 1], }