def __init__(self): self.Receipt = {} self._lock = thread.allocate() self._evtMailGot = threading.Event() self._eventSerial = 0 self._timeOut = 15 self._timeLimit = 0 self._ready = False
def loop2(): print "loop2程序开始 ",ctime() locks = [] nloops = range(len(loops)) for i in nloops: #用于批量创建锁对象 lock = thread.allocate() #创建锁对象 lock.acquire() #尝试获取锁对象 locks.append(lock) for i in nloops: thread.start_new_thread(loop,(i,loops[i],locks[i])) sleep(4) print "---all done---"
def __init__(self, func, func_args=(), encoding='gbk', failed_delay=2, max_retry=10): self.encoding = encoding self.lock = thread.allocate() self.failed_delay = failed_delay self.max_retry = max_retry self.finished = False self.retry_times = 0 self.worker_func = func self.func_args = func_args self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self._func) super(SingleThread, self).__init__()
def initialize(): """Setup the Kinect hardware and register callbacks""" global screen_lock, screen, kinect screen_lock = thread.allocate() kinect = KinectRuntime() kinect.depth_frame_ready += depth_frame_ready # kinect.video_frame_ready += video_frame_ready #, 2, # nui.ImageResolution.Resolution640x480, nui.ImageType.Color), 2, nui.ImageResolution.Resolution640x480, nui.ImageType.Depth)
def search(domains, results): now = lock = thread.allocate() sys.stdout.write('Date: %s' %now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\n\n')) for domain in domains: if domain in results: continue thread.start_new(can_taken_via_whois, (domain, lock)) #can_taken_via_whois(domain, lock) time.sleep(0.5) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush()
def test_start_new_thread(): #--Sanity global CALLED CALLED = False lock = thread.allocate() def tempFunc(mykw_param=1): global CALLED lock.acquire() CALLED = mykw_param lock.release() thread.exit_thread() id = thread.start_new_thread(tempFunc, (), {"mykw_param":7}) while CALLED==False: print ".", time.sleep(1) AreEqual(CALLED, 7) id = thread.start_new_thread(tempFunc, (), {"mykw_param":8}) while CALLED!=8: #Hang forever if this is broken print ".", time.sleep(1) #--Sanity Negative global temp_stderr temp_stderr = "" se = sys.stderr class myStdOut: def write(self, text): global temp_stderr temp_stderr += text try: sys.stderr = myStdOut() id = thread.start_new_thread(tempFunc, (), {"my_misspelled_kw_param":9}) time.sleep(5) if not is_silverlight: se.flush() finally: sys.stderr = se AreEqual(CALLED, 8) Assert("tempFunc() got an unexpected keyword argument 'my_misspelled_kw_param" in temp_stderr)
def __init__(self): super(ChangeTimeWidget, self).__init__() proxy = dbus.SystemBus().get_object("org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.DateTimeMechanism", "/") self.dbus_iface = dbus.Interface(proxy, dbus_interface="org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.DateTimeMechanism") # Ensures we're setting the system time only when the user changes it self.changedOnTimeout = False # Ensures we don't update the values in the date/time fields during the DBus call to set the time self._setting_time = False self._setting_time_lock = thread.allocate() self._time_to_set = None self.thirtyDays = [3, 5, 8, 10] months = ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'] # Boxes timeBox = Gtk.HBox() dateBox = Gtk.HBox() # Combo Boxes self.monthBox = Gtk.ComboBoxText() for month in months: self.monthBox.append_text(month) # Adjustments hourAdj = Gtk.Adjustment(0, 0, 23, 1, 1) minAdj = Gtk.Adjustment(0, 0, 59, 1, 1) yearAdj = Gtk.Adjustment(0, 0, 9999, 1, 5) dayAdj = Gtk.Adjustment(0, 1, 31, 1, 1) # Spin buttons self.hourSpin = Gtk.SpinButton() self.minSpin = Gtk.SpinButton() self.yearSpin = Gtk.SpinButton() self.daySpin = Gtk.SpinButton() self.hourSpin.configure(hourAdj, 0.5, 0) self.minSpin.configure(minAdj, 0.5, 0) self.yearSpin.configure(yearAdj, 0.5, 0) self.daySpin.configure(dayAdj, 0.5, 0) self.hourSpin.set_editable(False) self.minSpin.set_editable(False) self.yearSpin.set_editable(False) self.daySpin.set_editable(False) self.update_time() GObject.timeout_add(1000, self.update_time) # Connect to callback self.hourSpin.connect('changed', self._change_system_time) self.minSpin.connect('changed', self._change_system_time) self.monthBox.connect('changed', self._change_system_time) self.yearSpin.connect('changed', self._change_system_time) self.daySpin.connect('changed', self._change_system_time) timeBox.pack_start(self.hourSpin, False, False, 2) timeBox.pack_start(Gtk.Label(_(":")), False, False, 2) timeBox.pack_start(self.minSpin, False, False, 2) dateBox.pack_start(self.monthBox, False, False, 2) dateBox.pack_start(self.daySpin, False, False, 2) dateBox.pack_start(self.yearSpin, False, False, 2) self.pack_start(Gtk.Label(_("Date : ")), False, False, 2) self.pack_start(dateBox, True, True, 2) self.pack_start(Gtk.Label(_("Time : ")), False, False, 2) self.pack_start(timeBox, True, True, 2)
def __init__(self): self.mutex = thread.allocate() self.todo = thread.allocate() self.todo.acquire() = [] self.busy = 0
if len(histl)>3: histr=histr[len(histr)-3:len(histr):1] histl=histl[len(histl)-3:len(histl):1] if __name__ == '__main__': import libardrone drn=libardrone.ARDrone() full_screen = False draw_skeleton = True video_display = False screen_lock = thread.allocate() screen = pygame.display.set_mode(DEPTH_WINSIZE,0,16) pygame.display.set_caption('Mirror Ver.K') Flight_mode=False Malayalam_mode=True skeletons = None #screen.fill(THECOLORS["black"]) kinect = nui.Runtime() kinect.skeleton_engine.enabled = True def post_frame(frame): try:, skeletons = frame.SkeletonData)) except:
def __init__(self, *args, **kwdargs): self.lock = thread.allocate() return super(ThreadSafeWriter, self).__init__(*args, **kwdargs)
import thread import time lock=thread.allocate() def start_thread(func, params): lock.acquire() thread.start_new_thread(thread_wrapper, (func, params)) def thread_wrapper(func, params): lock.release() apply(func, params) def mythread(id): print 'id = %d'%id time.sleep(1) for i in range(100): start_thread(mythread, (i,)) print 'Success!'
def __init__(self): self._lock = thread.allocate()
# -*- coding: cp936 -*- ''' author:郎芭 QQ:149737748 ''' import os,urllib2,time,sys,re import thread from bs4 import BeautifulSoup start_time=time.clock() za='<div.*</div>' a=thread.allocate()#多线程用的锁 a.acquire() #设置第二部份锁为阻塞 b=thread.allocate() b.acquire()#第三部分 c=thread.allocate() c.acquire()#第四部分 d=thread.allocate() d.acquire() def runa(qi,zhi,wurl,x,y): result='' soup=bsp(wurl) lzname=soup.find('div',{'class':'atl-menu clearfix js-bbs-act'})['js_activityusername'] for i in xrange(int(qi),int(zhi)+1): newurl=''%(x,y,i) txt=pagecollect(newurl,lzname) if txt:print u'The page %s is completed!\r'%i, else: print u'The page %s is None! \r'%i, result +=txt #优先写入第一部分内容,再解锁第二部分阻塞!
sys.path.append(os.path.join('soc_scan', 'tools', 'vulscan')) sys.path.append(os.path.join('soc_scan', 'tools', 'vulscan', 'vuldb')) db_conn = pymongo.MongoClient(settings.MONGO_DB['DB'], settings.MONGO_DB['PORT']) na_db = getattr(db_conn, settings.MONGO_DB['DBNAME']) na_db.authenticate(settings.MONGO_DB['DBUSERNAME'], settings.MONGO_DB['DBPASSWORD']) na_task = na_db.Task na_result = na_db.Result na_plugin = na_db.Plugin na_config = na_db.Config na_heart = na_db.Heartbeat lock = thread.allocate() PASSWORD_DIC = [] THREAD_COUNT = 50 TIMEOUT = 10 PLUGIN_DB = {} TASK_DATE_DIC = {} WHITE_LIST = [] class vulscan(): def __init__(self, task_id, task_netloc, task_plugin): self.task_id = task_id self.task_netloc = task_netloc self.task_plugin = task_plugin self.result_info = '' self.start()
def gameK(): KINECTEVENT = pygame.USEREVENT DEPTH_WINSIZE = 320, 240 VIDEO_WINSIZE = 640, 480 pygame.init() SKELETON_COLORS = [ THECOLORS["red"], THECOLORS["blue"], THECOLORS["green"], THECOLORS["orange"], THECOLORS["purple"], THECOLORS["yellow"], THECOLORS["violet"] ] LEFT_ARM = (JointId.ShoulderCenter, JointId.ShoulderLeft, JointId.ElbowLeft, JointId.WristLeft, JointId.HandLeft) RIGHT_ARM = (JointId.ShoulderCenter, JointId.ShoulderRight, JointId.ElbowRight, JointId.WristRight, JointId.HandRight) LEFT_LEG = (JointId.HipCenter, JointId.HipLeft, JointId.KneeLeft, JointId.AnkleLeft, JointId.FootLeft) RIGHT_LEG = (JointId.HipCenter, JointId.HipRight, JointId.KneeRight, JointId.AnkleRight, JointId.FootRight) SPINE = (JointId.HipCenter, JointId.Spine, JointId.ShoulderCenter, JointId.Head) skeleton_to_depth_image = nui.SkeletonEngine.skeleton_to_depth_image def draw_skeleton_data(pSkelton, index, positions, width=4): start = pSkelton.SkeletonPositions[positions[0]] for position in itertools.islice(positions, 1, None): next = pSkelton.SkeletonPositions[position.value] curstart = skeleton_to_depth_image(start, dispInfo.current_w, dispInfo.current_h) curend = skeleton_to_depth_image(next, dispInfo.current_w, dispInfo.current_h) pygame.draw.line(screen, SKELETON_COLORS[index], curstart, curend, width) start = next # recipe to get address of surface: if hasattr(ctypes.pythonapi, 'Py_InitModule4'): Py_ssize_t = ctypes.c_int elif hasattr(ctypes.pythonapi, 'Py_InitModule4_64'): Py_ssize_t = ctypes.c_int64 else: raise TypeError("Cannot determine type of Py_ssize_t") _PyObject_AsWriteBuffer = ctypes.pythonapi.PyObject_AsWriteBuffer _PyObject_AsWriteBuffer.restype = ctypes.c_int _PyObject_AsWriteBuffer.argtypes = [ ctypes.py_object, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.POINTER(Py_ssize_t) ] def surface_to_array(surface): buffer_interface = surface.get_buffer() address = ctypes.c_void_p() size = Py_ssize_t() _PyObject_AsWriteBuffer(buffer_interface, ctypes.byref(address), ctypes.byref(size)) bytes = (ctypes.c_byte * size.value).from_address(address.value) bytes.object = buffer_interface return bytes def draw_skeletons(skeletons): for index, data in enumerate(skeletons): # draw the Head #HeadPos = skeleton_to_depth_image(data.SkeletonPositions[JointId.Head], dispInfo.current_w, dispInfo.current_h) #draw_skeleton_data(data, index, SPINE, 10), SKELETON_COLORS[index], (int(HeadPos[0]), int(HeadPos[1])), 20, 0) HandPos = skeleton_to_depth_image( data.SkeletonPositions[JointId.HandRight], dispInfo.current_w, dispInfo.current_h), SKELETON_COLORS[5], (int(HandPos[0]), int(HandPos[1])), 10, 0) LHandPos = skeleton_to_depth_image( data.SkeletonPositions[JointId.HandLeft], dispInfo.current_w, dispInfo.current_h), SKELETON_COLORS[5], (int(LHandPos[0]), int(LHandPos[1])), 10, 0) ZLayer = data.SkeletonPositions[JointId.HandRight].z # drawing the limbs #draw_skeleton_data(data, index, LEFT_ARM) #draw_skeleton_data(data, index, RIGHT_ARM) #draw_skeleton_data(data, index, LEFT_LEG) #draw_skeleton_data(data, index, RIGHT_LEG) #lastxy = return (int(HandPos[0]), int(HandPos[1])), (int(LHandPos[0]), int(LHandPos[1])), int(ZLayer) #return lastxy def depth_frame_ready(frame): if video_display: return with screen_lock: address = surface_to_array(screen) frame.image.copy_bits(address) del address if skeletons is not None and draw_skeleton: draw_skeletons(skeletons) pygame.display.update() #pdb.gimp_displays_flush() def video_frame_ready(frame): if not video_display: return with screen_lock: address = surface_to_array(screen) frame.image.copy_bits(address) del address if skeletons is not None and draw_skeleton: draw_skeletons(skeletons) pygame.display.update() #pdb.gimp_displays_flush() full_screen = False draw_skeleton = True video_display = False screen_lock = thread.allocate() screen = pygame.display.set_mode(DEPTH_WINSIZE, 0, 16) pygame.display.set_caption('Python Kinect Demo') skeletons = None #screen.fill(THECOLORS["black"]) #screen.fill(THECOLORS["red"]) kinect = nui.Runtime() kinect.skeleton_engine.enabled = True def post_frame(frame): try: pygame.event.Event(KINECTEVENT, skeletons=frame.SkeletonData)) except: # event queue full pass kinect.skeleton_frame_ready += post_frame kinect.depth_frame_ready += depth_frame_ready kinect.video_frame_ready += video_frame_ready, 2, nui.ImageResolution.Resolution640x480, nui.ImageType.Color), 2, nui.ImageResolution.Resolution320x240, nui.ImageType.Depth) #print('Controls: ') #print(' d - Switch to depth view') #print(' v - Switch to video view') #print(' s - Toggle displaing of the skeleton') #print(' u - Increase elevation angle') #print(' j - Decrease elevation angle') pdb.gimp_context_set_foreground(THECOLORS["red"]) #pdb.gimp_context_set_background((255,255,255)) #pdb.gimp_context_set_brush('Circle (01)') img = pdb.gimp_image_new(320, 240, RGB) #set up four paint layers to use depth data drw = (img.new_layer('kinect0', alpha=0), img.new_layer('kinect1', opacity=80), img.new_layer('kinect2', opacity=60.0), img.new_layer('kinect3', opacity=40.0)) width = pdb.gimp_image_width(img) height = pdb.gimp_image_height(img) lastxy = (width / 2, height / 2) pdb.gimp_display_new(img) # main game loop done = False while not done: e = pygame.event.wait() dispInfo = pygame.display.Info() #dispInfo.current_w = dispInfo.current_w*2 #dispInfo.current_w = dispInfo.current_w*2 if e.type == pygame.QUIT: done = True break elif e.type == KINECTEVENT: skeletons = e.skeletons if draw_skeleton: sq = 100 palette = [] for col in SKELETON_COLORS: pygame.draw.rect(screen, col, (sq, 0, 20, 20), 0) palette.append(Rect(sq, 0, 20, 20)) sq += 20 Hand, LHand, ZLayer = draw_skeletons(skeletons) pygame.display.update() ctrlPoints = [ int(Hand[0]), int(Hand[1]), int(Hand[0]), int(Hand[1]) ] #lastxy = Hand #use left hand to control brush size pdb.gimp_context_set_brush_size(abs(float(LHand[1] / 2))) if LHand[1] < 20: for index, item in enumerate(palette): #select colour if item.collidepoint(LHand): pdb.gimp_context_set_foreground( SKELETON_COLORS[index]) #use distance from sensor to change layer pdb.gimp_paintbrush(drw[ZLayer % 4], 0, len(ctrlPoints), ctrlPoints, 0, 0) pdb.gimp_displays_flush() elif e.type == KEYDOWN: if e.key == K_ESCAPE: done = True break elif e.key == K_d: with screen_lock: screen = pygame.display.set_mode(DEPTH_WINSIZE, 0, 16) video_display = False elif e.key == K_v: with screen_lock: screen = pygame.display.set_mode(VIDEO_WINSIZE, 0, 32) video_display = True elif e.key == K_s: draw_skeleton = not draw_skeleton elif e.key == K_u: = + 2 elif e.key == K_j: = - 2 elif e.key == K_x: = 2
def __init__(self): self.width = 640 self.height = 480 pygame.time.set_timer(TIMER_EVENT, 25) self.screen_lock = thread.allocate() self.last_kinect_event = time.clock() self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self.width, self.height), 0, 32) self.dispInfo = pygame.display.Info() self.screen.convert() pygame.display.set_caption('Python Kinect Game') self.screen.fill(THECOLORS["black"]) self.background = pygame.Surface((self.width, self.height), 0, 32) self.background.fill(THECOLORS["black"]) self.background.convert() self.video_screen = pygame.SurfaceType((self.width, self.height), 0, 32) self.ball_group = sprite.Group( Ball(self, 'white', direction = math.atan2(.5, 1), x = 30, y = 410), Ball(self, 'white', direction = math.atan2(0, -1), x = 600, y = 400), Ball(self, 'white', direction = math.atan2(0, -1), x = 30, y = 240), Ball(self, 'white', direction = math.atan2(1, -1.1), x = 10, y = 140), ) self.known_players = {} self.score_font = pygame.font.SysFont('Segoe UI', 20, bold=True) self.pieces_group = sprite.Group() self.left_margin = (self.width / 5) self.top_margin = (self.height / 5) self.blocks_across = 10 self.blocks_down = 10 width = ((self.width - self.left_margin) / self.blocks_across) - 5 height = ((self.height - self.top_margin) / self.blocks_down) - 5 for y in xrange(self.blocks_down): for x in xrange(self.blocks_across): if x not in (3, 4, 5, 6) or not y in (4, 5): x_loc = ((self.width - self.left_margin) / self.blocks_across) * x + (self.left_margin / 2) y_loc = ((self.height - self.top_margin) / self.blocks_down) * y + (self.top_margin / 2) bp = BoardPiece(x_loc, y_loc, width, height) bp.add(self.pieces_group) self.bumper_group = sprite.Group() self.kinect = nui.Runtime() self.kinect.skeleton_engine.enabled = True self.kinect.skeleton_frame_ready += post_frame self.kinect.video_frame_ready += self.video_frame_ready, 2, nui.ImageResolution.Resolution640x480, nui.ImageType.Color)
{"drawPhone": "13798580366", "drawUserId": "488984"}, {"drawPhone": "13510212603", "drawUserId": "488984"}, {"drawPhone": "18912352222", "drawUserId": "488984"}, {"drawPhone": "18912351111", "drawUserId": "488984"}, {"drawPhone": "18912348888", "drawUserId": "488984"}, {"drawPhone": "18912347777", "drawUserId": "488984"}, {"drawPhone": "18912346666", "drawUserId": "488984"}, {"drawPhone": "18912345555", "drawUserId": "488984"}, {"drawPhone": "18912344444", "drawUserId": "488984"} ] # 字段说明,必须一一对应 # login为空表示使用随机用户名 now_count = 0 lock_obj = thread.allocate() def send_http(): global now_count try: index = random.randint(0, (len(user_list) - 1)) user = user_list[index] url = 'http://' + addr + ':' + str( port) + restful + '?token=' + token + '&' + params + '&drawPhone=' + user.get( 'drawPhone') + '&drawUserId=' + user.get('drawUserId') response = requests.get(url) #print '发送数据: ' + url #print '返回码: ' + str(response.status_code) #print '返回数据: ' + response.content
def __init__(self): self.robot_lock = thread.allocate() self.robot = robot_init()
return with screen_lock: address = surface_to_array(screen) frame.image.copy_bits(address) del address if skeletons is not None and draw_skeleton: draw_skeletons(skeletons) pygame.display.update() if __name__ == '__main__': full_screen = False draw_skeleton = True video_display = False screen_lock = thread.allocate() screen = pygame.display.set_mode(DEPTH_WINSIZE,0,16) pygame.display.set_caption('Python Kinect Demo') skeletons = None screen.fill(THECOLORS["black"]) kinect = nui.Runtime() kinect.skeleton_engine.enabled = True def post_frame(frame): try:, skeletons = frame.SkeletonData)) except: # event queue full pass
# A parallelized "find(1)" using the thread module.
def process(): KINECTEVENT = pygame.USEREVENT DEPTH_WINSIZE = 320,240 VIDEO_WINSIZE = 640,480 pygame.init() SKELETON_COLORS = [THECOLORS["red"], THECOLORS["blue"], THECOLORS["green"], THECOLORS["orange"], THECOLORS["purple"], THECOLORS["yellow"], THECOLORS["violet"]] LEFT_ARM = (JointId.ShoulderCenter, JointId.ShoulderLeft, JointId.ElbowLeft, JointId.WristLeft, JointId.HandLeft) RIGHT_ARM = (JointId.ShoulderCenter, JointId.ShoulderRight, JointId.ElbowRight, JointId.WristRight, JointId.HandRight) LEFT_LEG = (JointId.HipCenter, JointId.HipLeft, JointId.KneeLeft, JointId.AnkleLeft, JointId.FootLeft) RIGHT_LEG = (JointId.HipCenter, JointId.HipRight, JointId.KneeRight, JointId.AnkleRight, JointId.FootRight) SPINE = (JointId.HipCenter, JointId.Spine, JointId.ShoulderCenter, JointId.Head) skeleton_to_depth_image = nui.SkeletonEngine.skeleton_to_depth_image def draw_skeleton_data(pSkelton, index, positions, width = 4): start = pSkelton.SkeletonPositions[positions[0]] for position in itertools.islice(positions, 1, None): next = pSkelton.SkeletonPositions[position.value] curstart = skeleton_to_depth_image(start, dispInfo.current_w, dispInfo.current_h) curend = skeleton_to_depth_image(next, dispInfo.current_w, dispInfo.current_h) pygame.draw.line(screen, SKELETON_COLORS[index], curstart, curend, width) start = next # recipe to get address of surface: if hasattr(ctypes.pythonapi, 'Py_InitModule4'): Py_ssize_t = ctypes.c_int elif hasattr(ctypes.pythonapi, 'Py_InitModule4_64'): Py_ssize_t = ctypes.c_int64 else: raise TypeError("Cannot determine type of Py_ssize_t") _PyObject_AsWriteBuffer = ctypes.pythonapi.PyObject_AsWriteBuffer _PyObject_AsWriteBuffer.restype = ctypes.c_int _PyObject_AsWriteBuffer.argtypes = [ctypes.py_object, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.POINTER(Py_ssize_t)] def surface_to_array(surface): buffer_interface = surface.get_buffer() address = ctypes.c_void_p() size = Py_ssize_t() _PyObject_AsWriteBuffer(buffer_interface, ctypes.byref(address), ctypes.byref(size)) bytes = (ctypes.c_byte * size.value).from_address(address.value) bytes.object = buffer_interface return bytes def draw_skeletons(skeletons): for index, data in enumerate(skeletons): # draw the Head HeadPos = skeleton_to_depth_image(data.SkeletonPositions[JointId.Head], dispInfo.current_w, dispInfo.current_h) draw_skeleton_data(data, index, SPINE, 10), SKELETON_COLORS[index], (int(HeadPos[0]), int(HeadPos[1])), 20, 0) # drawing the limbs draw_skeleton_data(data, index, LEFT_ARM) draw_skeleton_data(data, index, RIGHT_ARM) draw_skeleton_data(data, index, LEFT_LEG) draw_skeleton_data(data, index, RIGHT_LEG) def depth_frame_ready(frame): if video_display: return with screen_lock: address = surface_to_array(screen) frame.image.copy_bits(address) del address if skeletons is not None and draw_skeleton: draw_skeletons(skeletons) pygame.display.update() def video_frame_ready(frame): if not video_display: return with screen_lock: address = surface_to_array(screen) frame.image.copy_bits(address) del address if skeletons is not None and draw_skeleton: draw_skeletons(skeletons) pygame.display.update() full_screen = False draw_skeleton = True video_display = False screen_lock = thread.allocate() screen = pygame.display.set_mode(DEPTH_WINSIZE,0,16) pygame.display.set_caption('Python Kinect Demo') skeletons = None screen.fill(THECOLORS["black"]) kinect = nui.Runtime() kinect.skeleton_engine.enabled = True def post_frame(frame): try:, skeletons = frame.SkeletonData)) except: # event queue full pass kinect.skeleton_frame_ready += post_frame kinect.depth_frame_ready += depth_frame_ready kinect.video_frame_ready += video_frame_ready, 2, nui.ImageResolution.Resolution640x480, nui.ImageType.Color), 2, nui.ImageResolution.Resolution320x240, nui.ImageType.Depth) print('Controls: ') print(' d - Switch to depth view') print(' v - Switch to video view') print(' s - Toggle displaing of the skeleton') print(' u - Increase elevation angle') print(' j - Decrease elevation angle') # main game loop done = False while not done: e = pygame.event.wait() dispInfo = pygame.display.Info() if e.type == pygame.QUIT: done = True break elif e.type == KINECTEVENT: skeletons = e.skeletons if draw_skeleton: draw_skeletons(skeletons) pygame.display.update() elif e.type == KEYDOWN: if e.key == K_ESCAPE: done = True break elif e.key == K_d: with screen_lock: screen = pygame.display.set_mode(DEPTH_WINSIZE,0,16) video_display = False elif e.key == K_v: with screen_lock: screen = pygame.display.set_mode(VIDEO_WINSIZE,0,32) video_display = True elif e.key == K_s: draw_skeleton = not draw_skeleton elif e.key == K_u: = + 2 elif e.key == K_j: = - 2 elif e.key == K_x: = 2