文件: __init__.py 项目: SnoFox/pyfox
	def __init__(self, config):

		self.received = None
		self.buffer = []
		self.hang = 0

		self.cl = {}

		self.nick = config['nick']
		self.realname = config['realname']
		self.triggers = config['triggers']
		self.name = config['name'] # Use what's in the config. Networks can use the same name.
		self.server = config['server']
		self.port = config['port']
		self.admins = config['admins']
		self.modconf = config['modules']
		if config.get( 'serverpass' ):
			self.serverpass = config['serverpass']

		self.isupport = dict() # initialize this here since this is part of the core

		for mod in modules.dbmods:
			if hasattr( mod, 'tmodinit' ):
				cmd = getattr( mod, 'tmodinit' )
				threader( cmd, self )
			elif hasattr( mod, 'modinit' ):
				cmd = getattr( mod, 'modinit' )
				cmd( self )

		# In a nutshell, Get a list of IPs for that domain and connect to it.
		socket_data = socket.getaddrinfo(self.server, int(self.port), 0, 1)[0]
		self.create_socket(socket_data[0], socket_data[1])

		# Does the network need a password in order to connect?
		if hasattr( self, 'serverpass' ):
			self.push('PASS %s' % self.serverpass)
文件: __init__.py 项目: SnoFox/pyfox
	def handle_read(self):
			data = self.recv(4096)

		except socket.error:
			data = None

		if not data:

		if self.received:
			data = self.received + data
			self.received = None

		if not data.endswith('\r\n'):
			self.received = data

			for line in data.split('\r\n'):
				if line != '':
					print ">> %s" % line

					line = [q for q in line.split(' ') if q != '']

					if not line[0].startswith( ':' ):
						# Direct stuff (ping/pong/my quit/error)
						if line[0] == 'PING':
							self.push('PONG %s' % line[1])

						if line[1] == 'PONG':
							self.hang -= 1
						# "relayed" (actual IRC stuff)
						source = line[0][1:]
						command = line[1]
						target = line[2]
						params = line[3:]

						if len( params ) > 0:
							# Check for param-less cmds >.<
							if params[0].startswith( ':' ):
								# Strip the leading colon here instead of in a thousand
								# other places in the code...
								params[0] = params[0][1:]

						# Server or user-sourced? Also, give it an ident@address
						client = source.split( '!', 2 )
						if len( client ) < 2:
							# server sourced; set a fake address, I guess?
							client.append( '<server>' )
							# user-sourced; add their address to the client[] list
							address = client[1].split( '@', 2 )
							client[1] = address[0]
							client.append( address[1] )
							# totally saving about .2ms here
							del address

						# SnoFox
						if command == 'NICK':
							if client[0] == self.nick:
								self.nick = target

						if command == 'PRIVMSG': # What we need! Finally.
							#:[email protected] PRIVMSG #ext3 :Kiba ftw! :'D

							chantypes = self.isupport.get( 'CHANTYPES', '' ) 
							if target[0] in chantypes:
								chanmsg = True
								chanmsg = False

							if chanmsg:
								botCmd = params[0]
								_params = params[1:]

								if len(botCmd) > 1:
									trigger = botCmd[0]

									if trigger in self.triggers:
										if trigger == self.triggers[0] and client[2] in self.admins: # Admin trigger
											for mod in modules.dbmods:
												if hasattr(mod, 'tca_%s' % botCmd[1:]):
													cmd = getattr(mod, 'tca_%s' % botCmd[1:])
													threader(cmd, (self, client, target, _params))
												elif hasattr(mod, 'ca_%s' % botCmd[1:]):
													cmd = getattr(mod, 'ca_%s' % botCmd[1:])
													cmd(self, client, target, _params)

										elif trigger == self.triggers[1]: # Public trigger
											for mod in modules.dbmods:
												if hasattr(mod, 'tcp_%s' % botCmd[1:]):
													cmd = getattr(mod, 'tcp_%s' % botCmd[1:])
													threader(cmd, (self, client, target, _params))
												elif hasattr(mod, 'cp_%s' % botCmd[1:]):
													cmd = getattr(mod, 'cp_%s' % botCmd[1:])
													cmd(self, client, target, _params)

							else: # Private Message
								botCmd = params[0]
								_params = params[1:]

								if botCmd.startswith(self.triggers[0]):
									if client[2] in self.admins: # Admin trigger

										for mod in modules.dbmods:
											if hasattr(mod, 'tpa_%s' % botCmd[1:]):
												cmd = getattr(mod, 'tpa_%s' % botCmd[1:])
												threader(cmd, (self, client, _params))
											elif hasattr(mod, 'pa_%s' % botCmd[1:]):
												cmd = getattr(mod, 'pa_%s' % botCmd[1:])
												cmd(self, client, _params)

								else: # Public Private Commands don't require a trigger.
									for mod in modules.dbmods:
										if hasattr(mod, 'tpp_%s' % botCmd):
											cmd = getattr(mod, 'tpp_%s' % botCmd)
											threader(cmd, (self, client, _params))
										elif hasattr(mod, 'pp_%s' % botCmd):
											cmd = getattr(mod, 'pp_%s' % botCmd)
											cmd(self, client, _params)

						# if we're here, Dave doesn't anything useful in the core, so maul the parameters
						# into some unusable state again and send it off to the rest of the bot - SnoFox
						for mod in modules.dbmods:
							if hasattr(mod, 'tsr_%s' % command.lower() ):
								cmd = getattr(mod, 'tsr_%s' % command.lower())
								threader(cmd, (self, client, target.strip( ":" ), params))
							elif hasattr(mod, 'sr_%s' % command.lower()):
								cmd = getattr(mod, 'sr_%s' % command.lower())
								cmd(self, client, target.strip( ":" ), params)
文件: __init__.py 项目: SnoFox/pyfox
	def handle_connect(self):
		self.push('NICK %s' % self.nick)
		self.push('USER %s 0 0 :%s' % (self.nick, self.realname) )

		# Start the pinging process!
		threader(self.handle_check, ())