def __init__(self): """Program entry point""" op = argparse.ArgumentParser() op.add_argument("-c", "--config", dest="file", default="/etc/mysql-statsd.conf", help="Configuration file") op.add_argument("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", help="Debug mode", default=False, action="store_true") # TODO switch the default to True, and make it fork by default in init script. op.add_argument("-f", "--foreground", dest="foreground", help="Dont fork main program", default=False, action="store_true") opt = op.parse_args() self.get_config(opt.file) logfile = self.config.get('daemon').get('logfile', '/tmp/daemon.log') if not opt.foreground: self.daemonize(stdin='/dev/null', stdout=logfile, stderr=logfile) # Set up queue self.queue = Queue.Queue() # split off config for each thread mysql_config = dict(mysql=self.config['mysql']) mysql_config['metrics'] = self.config['metrics'] statsd_config = self.config['statsd'] # Spawn MySQL polling thread mysql_thread = ThreadMySQL(queue=self.queue, **mysql_config) # t1 = ThreadMySQL(config=self.config, queue=self.queue) # Spawn Statsd flushing thread statsd_thread = ThreadStatsd(queue=self.queue, **statsd_config) # Get thread manager tm = ThreadManager(threads=[mysql_thread, statsd_thread])
def __init__(self): """Program entry point""" op = argparse.ArgumentParser() op.add_argument("-c", "--config", dest="file", default="/etc/mysql-statsd.conf", help="Configuration file") op.add_argument("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", help="Debug mode", default=False, action="store_true") self.opt = op.parse_args() opt = self.opt # Set up queue self.queue = Queue.Queue() # Spawn MySQL polling thread t1 = ThreadMySQL(config=self.config, queue=self.queue) # Spawn Statsd flushing thread t2 = ThreadStatsd(config=self.config, queue=self.queue) # Get thread manager tm = ThreadManager(threads=[t1, t2])
class VkBot: fields = 'sex,crop_photo,blacklisted,blacklisted_by_me' def __init__(self, username='', password='', get_dialogs_interval=60): self.delay_on_reply = config.get('vkbot_timing.delay_on_reply', 'i') self.chars_per_second = config.get('vkbot_timing.chars_per_second', 'i') self.same_user_interval = config.get('vkbot_timing.same_user_interval', 'i') self.same_conf_interval = config.get('vkbot_timing.same_conf_interval', 'i') self.forget_interval = config.get('vkbot_timing.forget_interval', 'i') self.delay_on_first_reply = config.get('vkbot_timing.delay_on_first_reply', 'i') self.stats_dialog_count = config.get('stats.dialog_count', 'i') self.no_leave_conf = config.get('vkbot.no_leave_conf', 'b') self.api = vkapi.VkApi(username, password, ignored_errors=ignored_errors, timeout=config.get('vkbot_timing.default_timeout', 'i'), token_file=accounts.getFile('token.txt'), log_file=accounts.getFile('inf.log') if args.args['logging'] else '', captcha_handler=createCaptchaHandler()) stats.update('logging', bool(self.api.log_file)) # hi java self.users = UserCache(self.api, self.fields + ',' + FriendController.requiredFields(_getFriendControllerParams()), config.get('cache.user_invalidate_interval', 'i')) self.confs = ConfCache(self.api, config.get('cache.conf_invalidate_interval', 'i')) self.vars = json.load(open('data/defaultvars.json', encoding='utf-8')) self.vars['default_bf'] = self.vars['bf']['id'] self.initSelf(True) self.guid = int(time.time() * 5) self.last_viewed_comment = stats.get('last_comment', 0) self.good_conf = {} = ThreadManager() self.last_message = MessageCache() if os.path.isfile(accounts.getFile('msgdump.json')): try: data = json.load(open(accounts.getFile('msgdump.json'))) self.last_message.load(data['cache']) self.api.longpoll = data['longpoll'] except json.JSONDecodeError: logging.warning('Failed to load messages') os.remove(accounts.getFile('msgdump.json')) else:'Message dump does not exist') self.bad_conf_title = lambda s: False self.admin = None self.banned_list = [] self.message_lock = threading.Lock() self.banned = set() self.receiver = MessageReceiver(self.api, get_dialogs_interval) self.receiver.longpoll_callback = self.longpollCallback @property def whitelist(self): return self.receiver.whitelist @whitelist.setter def whitelist(self, new): self.receiver.whitelist = new def initSelf(self, sync=False): def do(): try: res = self.api.users.get(fields='contacts,relation,bdate')[0] except IndexError: self.api.login() do() return self.self_id = res['id'] self.vars['phone'] = res.get('mobile_phone') or self.vars['phone'] self.vars['name'] = (res['first_name'], res['last_name']) self.vars['bf'] = res.get('relation_partner') or self.vars['bf'] try: bdate = res['bdate'].split('.') today = self.vars['age'] = today.year - int(bdate[2]) - ((today.month, < (int(bdate[1]), int(bdate[0]))) except LookupError: pass if not sync:'My phone: ' + self.vars['phone']) if sync: do() else: threading.Thread(target=do).start() def loadUsers(self, arr, key, clean=False): users = [] confs = [] for i in arr: try: pid = key(i) if pid <= 0: continue if pid > CONF_START: confs.append(pid - CONF_START) else: users.append(pid) except Exception: pass self.users.load(users, clean) self.confs.load(confs, clean) def replyOne(self, message, gen_reply): if self.whitelist and getSender(message) not in self.whitelist: if getSender(message) > CONF_START: return if self.users[message['user_id']]['first_name'] + ' ' + self.users[message['user_id']]['last_name'] not in self.whitelist: return if message['user_id'] == self.self_id: # chat with myself return if 'chat_id' in message and not self.checkConf(message['chat_id']): return try: if and not['unimportant']: return except Exception: return if message['id'] < self.last_message.bySender(getSender(message)).get('id', 0): return try: ans = gen_reply(message) except Exception as e: ans = None logging.exception('local {}: {}'.format(e.__class__.__name__, str(e))) time.sleep(1) if ans: self.replyMessage(message, ans[0], ans[1]) def replyAll(self, gen_reply): self.banned_list = [] messages = self.receiver.getMessages() self.loadUsers(messages, lambda x: x['user_id']) self.loadUsers(messages, lambda x: x['chat_id'] + CONF_START) for cur in messages: self.replyOne(cur, gen_reply) if self.receiver.used_get_dialogs: stats.update('banned_messages', ' '.join(map(str, sorted(self.banned_list)))) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def longpollCallback(self, mid, flags, sender, ts, random_id, text, opt): if opt == {'source_mid': str(self.self_id), 'source_act': 'chat_kick_user', 'from': str(self.self_id)}: self.good_conf[sender] = False return True if opt.get('source_mid') == str(self.self_id) and opt.get('source_act') == 'chat_invite_user' and sender in self.good_conf: del self.good_conf[sender] return True if opt.get('source_act') == 'chat_title_update': del self.confs[sender - CONF_START]'Conf {} renamed into "{}"'.format(sender - CONF_START, opt['source_text'])) if not self.no_leave_conf and self.bad_conf_title(opt['source_text']): self.leaveConf(sender - CONF_START) log.write('conf', 'conf ' + str(sender - CONF_START) + ' (name: {})'.format(opt['source_text'])) return True if opt.get('source_act') == 'chat_invite_user' and opt['source_mid'] == str(self.self_id) and opt['from'] != str(self.self_id): self.logSender('%sender% added me to conf "{}" ({})'.format(self.confs[sender - CONF_START]['title'], sender - CONF_START), {'user_id': int(opt['from'])}) if not self.no_leave_conf and int(opt['from']) not in self.banned: self.deleteFriend(int(opt['from'])) if flags & 2: # out if not opt.get('source_act'): return True try: if 'from' in opt and int(opt['from']) !=['user_id'] and not opt.get('source_act'):['reply'] = True except Exception: pass def sendMessage(self, to, msg, forward=None): if not self.good_conf.get(to, 1): return with self.message_lock: self.guid += 1 time.sleep(1) if forward: return self.api.messages.send(peer_id=to, message=msg, random_id=self.guid, forward_messages=forward) else: return self.api.messages.send(peer_id=to, message=msg, random_id=self.guid) def replyMessage(self, message, answer, skip_mark_as_read=False): sender = getSender(message) sender_msg = self.last_message.bySender(sender) if 'id' in message and message['id'] <= sender_msg.get('id', 0): return if not answer: if return if not sender_msg or time.time() - sender_msg['time'] > self.forget_interval: tl = Timeline().sleep(self.delay_on_first_reply).do(lambda: self.api.messages.markAsRead(peer_id=sender)) tl.attr['unimportant'] = True, tl, tl.terminate) elif answer is None: # ignored self.api.messages.markAsRead.delayed(peer_id=sender, _once=True) else: tl = Timeline().sleep((self.delay_on_reply - 1) * random.random() + 1).do(lambda: self.api.messages.markAsRead(peer_id=sender)) tl.attr['unimportant'] = True, tl, tl.terminate) if answer is not None: self.last_message.byUser(message['user_id'])['text'] = message['body'] self.last_message.updateTime(sender) if sender > CONF_START and 'action' not in message: sender_msg.setdefault('ignored', {})[message['user_id']] = time.time() return typing_time = 0 if not answer.startswith('&#'): typing_time = len(answer) / self.chars_per_second resend = False # answer is not empty if sender_msg.get('reply', '').upper() == answer.upper() and sender_msg['user_id'] == message['user_id']:'Resending') typing_time = 0 resend = True def _send(attr): if not set(sender_msg.get('ignored', [])) <= {message['user_id']}: ctime = time.time() for uid, ts in sender_msg['ignored'].items(): if uid != message['user_id'] and ctime - ts < self.same_conf_interval * 3: attr['reply'] = True try: if resend: res = self.sendMessage(sender, '', sender_msg['id']) elif attr.get('reply'): res = self.sendMessage(sender, answer, message['id']) else: res = self.sendMessage(sender, answer) if res is None: del self.users[sender] self.logSender('Failed to send a message to %sender%', message) return msg = self.last_message.add(sender, message, res, answer) if resend: msg['resent'] = True except Exception as e: logging.exception('thread {}: {}'.format(e.__class__.__name__, str(e))) cur_delay = (self.delay_on_reply - 1) * random.random() + 1 send_time = cur_delay + typing_time user_delay = 0 if sender_msg and sender != self.admin: user_delay = sender_msg['time'] - time.time() + (self.same_user_interval if sender < CONF_START else self.same_conf_interval) # can be negative tl = Timeline(max(send_time, user_delay)) if 'chat_id' in message: tl.attr['user_id'] = message['user_id'] if not sender_msg or time.time() - sender_msg['time'] > self.forget_interval: if not skip_mark_as_read: tl.sleep(self.delay_on_first_reply) self.api.messages.markAsRead(peer_id=sender)) else: tl.sleepUntil(send_time, (self.delay_on_reply - 1) * random.random() + 1) if not skip_mark_as_read: self.api.messages.markAsRead(peer_id=sender)) tl.sleep(cur_delay) if message.get('_onsend_actions'): for i in message['_onsend_actions']: tl.sleep(cur_delay) if typing_time: tl.doEveryFor(vkapi.utils.TYPING_INTERVAL, lambda: self.api.messages.setActivity(type='typing', user_id=sender), typing_time), True), tl, tl.terminate) def checkConf(self, cid): if self.no_leave_conf: return True if cid + CONF_START in self.good_conf: return self.good_conf[cid + CONF_START] messages = self.api.messages.getHistory(chat_id=cid)['items'] for i in messages: if i.get('action') == 'chat_create' and i['user_id'] not in self.banned: self.leaveConf(cid) self.deleteFriend(i['user_id']) log.write('conf', self.loggableName(i.get('user_id')) + ' ' + str(cid)) return False title = self.confs[cid]['title'] if self.bad_conf_title(title): self.leaveConf(cid) log.write('conf', 'conf ' + str(cid) + ' (name: {})'.format(title)) return False self.good_conf[cid + CONF_START] = True return True def leaveConf(self, cid): if not self.confs[cid]: return False'Leaving conf {} ("{}")'.format(cid, self.confs[cid]['title'])) self.good_conf[cid + CONF_START] = False return self.api.messages.removeChatUser(chat_id=cid, user_id=self.self_id) def addFriends(self, gen_reply, is_good): data = self.api.friends.getRequests(extended=1) to_rep = [] self.loadUsers(data['items'], lambda x: x['user_id'], True) for i in data['items']: if self.users[i['user_id']].get('blacklisted'): self.api.friends.delete.delayed(user_id=i['user_id']) continue res = is_good(i['user_id'], True) if res is None: self.api.friends.add.delayed(user_id=i['user_id']) self.logSender('Adding %sender%', i) if 'message' in i: ans = gen_reply(i) to_rep.append((i, ans)) else: self.api.friends.delete.delayed(user_id=i['user_id']) self.logSender('Not adding %sender% ({})'.format(res), i) for i in to_rep: self.replyMessage(i[0], i[1][0], i[1][1]) self.api.sync() def unfollow(self): result = [] requests = self.api.friends.getRequests(out=1)['items'] suggested = self.api.friends.getRequests(suggested=1)['items'] for i in requests: if i not in self.banned: result.append(i) for i in suggested: self.api.friends.delete.delayed(user_id=i) self.deleteFriend(result) return result def deleteFriend(self, uid): if type(uid) == int: self.api.friends.delete(user_id=uid) else: for i in uid: self.api.friends.delete.delayed(user_id=i) self.api.sync() def setOnline(self): self.api.account.setOnline() def getUserId(self, domain, is_conf=False): domain = str(domain).lower().rstrip().rstrip('}').rstrip() conf ='sel=c(\\d+)', domain) or'^c(\\d+)$', domain) or'chat=(\\d+)', domain) or'peer=2(\\d{9})', domain) if conf is not None: return int( + CONF_START if is_conf: if domain.isdigit(): return int(domain) + CONF_START else: return None if '=' in domain: domain = domain.split('=')[-1] if '/' in domain: domain = domain.split('/')[-1] data = self.api.users.get(user_ids=domain) if not data: return None return data[0]['id'] def deleteComment(self, rep): if rep['type'] == 'wall': self.api.wall.delete(owner_id=self.self_id, post_id=rep['feedback']['id']) elif rep['type'].endswith('photo'):, comment_id=rep['feedback']['id']) elif rep['type'].endswith('video'):, comment_id=rep['feedback']['id']) else: self.api.wall.deleteComment(owner_id=self.self_id, comment_id=rep['feedback']['id']) def filterComments(self, test): data = self.api.notifications.get(start_time=self.last_viewed_comment + 1, count=100)['items'] to_del = set() to_bl = set() self.loadUsers(data, lambda x: x['feedback']['from_id'], True) for rep in data: if rep['date'] != 'i': self.last_viewed_comment = max(self.last_viewed_comment, int(rep['date'])) def _check(s): if 'photo' in s: return s['photo']['owner_id'] == self.self_id if 'video' in s: return s['video']['owner_id'] == self.self_id if 'post' in s: return s['post']['to_id'] == self.self_id if rep['type'].startswith('comment_') or (rep['type'].startswith('reply_comment') and _check(rep['parent'])) or rep['type'] == 'wall': txt = html.escape(rep['feedback']['text']) res = 'good' frid = int(rep['feedback']['from_id']) if self.users[frid]['blacklisted']: res = 'blacklisted' log.write('comments', self.loggableName(frid) + ' (blacklisted): ' + txt) self.deleteComment(rep) to_bl.add(frid) elif test(txt): res = 'bad' log.write('comments', self.loggableName(frid) + ': ' + txt) self.deleteComment(rep) to_del.add(frid) elif 'attachments' in rep['feedback'] and any(i.get('type') in ['video', 'link'] for i in rep['feedback']['attachments']): res = 'attachment' log.write('comments', self.loggableName(frid) + ' (attachment)') self.deleteComment(rep) self.logSender('Comment {} (by %sender%) - {}'.format(txt, res), {'user_id': frid}) stats.update('last_comment', self.last_viewed_comment) for i in to_bl: self.blacklist(i) return to_del def likeAva(self, uid): del self.users[uid] if 'crop_photo' not in self.users[uid]: return photo = self.users[uid]['crop_photo']['photo'] self.api.likes.add(type='photo', owner_id=photo['owner_id'], item_id=photo['id']) self.logSender('Liked %sender%', {'user_id': uid}) def setRelation(self, uid, set_by=None): if uid: log.write('relation', self.loggableName(uid)) else: log.write('relation', self.loggableName(set_by) + ' (removed)') uid = self.vars['default_bf'] self.api.account.saveProfileInfo(relation_partner_id=uid) self.vars['bf'] = self.users[uid] self.logSender('Set relationship with %sender%', {'user_id': uid}) def waitAllThreads(self, loop_thread, reply): lp = self.api.longpoll.copy() self.receiver.terminate_monitor = True loop_thread.join(60) while not self.receiver.longpoll_queue.empty(): self.replyAll(reply) for t in t.join(60) with open(accounts.getFile('msgdump.json'), 'w') as f: json.dump({'cache': self.last_message.dump(), 'longpoll': lp}, f) # {name} - first_name last_name # {id} - id def printableName(self, pid, user_fmt, conf_fmt='Conf "{name}" ({id})'): if pid > CONF_START: return conf_fmt.format(id=(pid - CONF_START), name=self.confs[pid - CONF_START]['title']) else: return user_fmt.format(id=pid, name=self.users[pid]['first_name'] + ' ' + self.users[pid]['last_name']) def logSender(self, text, message): text_msg = text.replace('%sender%', self.printableSender(message, False)) html_msg = html.escape(text).replace('%sender%', self.printableSender(message, True)), extra={'db': html_msg}) def printableSender(self, message, need_html): if message.get('chat_id', 0) > 0: if need_html: res = self.printableName(message['user_id'], user_fmt='Conf "%c" (%i), <a href="{id}" target="_blank">{name}</a>') return res.replace('%i', str(message['chat_id'])).replace('%c', html.escape(self.confs[message['chat_id']]['title'])) else: res = self.printableName(message['user_id'], user_fmt='Conf "%c" (%i), {name}') return res.replace('%i', str(message['chat_id'])).replace('%c', html.escape(self.confs[message['chat_id']]['title'])) else: if need_html: return self.printableName(message['user_id'], user_fmt='<a href="{id}" target="_blank">{name}</a>') else: return self.printableName(message['user_id'], user_fmt='{name}') def loggableName(self, uid): return self.printableName(uid, '{id} ({name})') def blacklist(self, uid): self.api.account.banUser(user_id=uid) def blacklistedCount(self): return self.api.account.getBanned(count=0)['count'] def lastDialogs(self): def cb(req, resp): d.append((req['peer_id'], resp['count'])) dialogs = self.api.messages.getDialogs(count=self.stats_dialog_count, preview_length=1) d = [] confs = {} try: items = list(dialogs['items']) for dialog in items: if getSender(dialog['message']) in self.banned: continue self.api.messages.getHistory.delayed(peer_id=getSender(dialog['message']), count=0).callback(cb) if 'title' in dialog['message']: confs[getSender(dialog['message'])] = dialog['message']['title'] self.api.sync() except TypeError: logging.warning('Unable to fetch dialogs') return (None, None, None) return (dialogs['count'], d, confs) def acceptGroupInvites(self): for i in self.api.groups.getInvites()['items']:'Joining group "{}"'.format(i['name'])) self.api.groups.join(group_id=i['id']) log.write('groups', '{}: <a target="_blank" href="{}">{}</a>{}'.format( self.loggableName(i['invited_by']), i['id'], i['name'], ['', ' (closed)', ' (private)'][i['is_closed']])) def clearCache(self): self.users.clear() self.confs.clear()
def send_stat(self, item): (k, v, t) = item try: if t[1] == 'd': v = self.calculate_delta(k, v) t = t[0] except: pass sender = self.get_sender(t) sender(k, float(v)) def run(self): while try: # Timeout after 1 second so we can respond to quit events item = self.queue.get(True, 1) self.send_stat(item) except Queue.Empty: continue if __name__ == '__main__': # Run standalone to test this module, it will generate garbage from thread_manager import ThreadManager q = Queue.Queue() threads = [ThreadGenerateGarbage(q), ThreadStatsd(q)] tm = ThreadManager(threads=threads)
elif t is 'r': return self.client.update_stats elif t is 'c': return self.client.incr elif t is 't': return self.client.timing def send_stat(self, item): (k, v, t) = item sender = self.get_sender(t) sender(k, float(v)) def run(self): while try: # Timeout after 1 second so we can respond to quit events item = self.queue.get(True, 1) self.send_stat(item) except Queue.Empty: continue if __name__ == '__main__': # Run standalone to test this module, it will generate garbage from thread_manager import ThreadManager q = Queue.Queue() threads = [ThreadGenerateGarbage(q), ThreadStatsd(q)] tm = ThreadManager(threads=threads)
def __init__(self): """Program entry point""" op = argparse.ArgumentParser() op.add_argument("-c", "--config", dest="cfile", default="/etc/mysql-statsd.conf", help="Configuration file" ) op.add_argument("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", help="Prints statsd metrics next to sending them", default=False, action="store_true" ) op.add_argument("--dry-run", dest="dry_run", default=False, action="store_true", help="Print the output that would be sent to statsd without actually sending data somewhere" ) # TODO switch the default to True, and make it fork by default in init script. op.add_argument("-f", "--foreground", dest="foreground", help="Dont fork main program", default=False, action="store_true") opt = op.parse_args() self.get_config(opt.cfile) if not self.config: sys.exit(op.print_help()) try: logfile = self.config.get('daemon').get('logfile', '/tmp/daemon.log') except AttributeError: logfile = sys.stdout pass if not opt.foreground: self.daemonize(stdin='/dev/null', stdout=logfile, stderr=logfile) # Set up queue self.queue = Queue.Queue() # split off config for each thread mysql_config = dict(mysql=self.config['mysql']) mysql_config['metrics'] = self.config['metrics'] statsd_config = self.config['statsd'] # Spawn MySQL polling thread mysql_thread = ThreadMySQL(queue=self.queue, **mysql_config) # t1 = ThreadMySQL(config=self.config, queue=self.queue) # Spawn Statsd flushing thread statsd_thread = ThreadStatsd(queue=self.queue, **statsd_config) if opt.dry_run: statsd_thread = ThreadFakeStatsd(queue=self.queue, **statsd_config) if opt.debug: """ All debug settings go here """ statsd_thread.debug = True # Get thread manager tm = ThreadManager(threads=[mysql_thread, statsd_thread]) try: except: # Protects somewhat from needing to kill -9 if there is an exception # within the thread manager by asking for a quit an joining. try: tm.stop_threads() except: pass raise
def test_ior_intercept_verify_data(self): """Jira ID: DAOS-3502. Test Description: Purpose of this test is to run ior through dfuse with interception library on 5 clients and without interception library on 1 client for at least 30 minutes and verify the data integrity using ior's Read Verify and Write Verify options. Use case: Run ior with read, write, fpp, read verify write verify for 30 minutes Run ior with read, write, read verify write verify for 30 minutes :avocado: tags=all,full_regression :avocado: tags=hw,large :avocado: tags=daosio,dfuse,il,ior_intercept :avocado: tags=ior_intercept_verify_data """ self.add_pool() self.add_container(self.pool) # Start dfuse for POSIX api. This is specific to interception library test requirements. self.start_dfuse(self.hostlist_clients, self.pool, self.container) # Setup the thread manager thread_manager = ThreadManager(run_ior, self.timeout - 30) index_clients_intercept_file = [ (0, self.hostlist_clients[0:-1], os.path.join(self.prefix, 'lib64', ''), os.path.join(self.dfuse.mount_dir.value, "testfile_0_intercept")), (1, self.hostlist_clients[-1:], None, os.path.join(self.dfuse.mount_dir.value, "testfile_1")), ] self.job_manager = [] for index, clients, intercept, test_file in index_clients_intercept_file: # Add a job manager for each ior command. Use a timeout for the ior command that leaves # enough time to report the summary of all the threads job_manager = get_job_manager(self, "Mpirun", None, False, "mpich", self.get_remaining_time() - 30) # Define the parameters that will be used to run an ior command in this thread thread_manager.add( test=self, manager=job_manager, log=self.client_log, hosts=clients, path=self.workdir, slots=None, group=self.server_group, pool=self.pool, container=self.container, processes=(self.processes // len(self.hostlist_clients)) * len(clients), intercept=intercept, ior_params={"test_file": test_file})"Created thread %s for %s with intercept: %s", index, clients, str(intercept)) # Launch the IOR threads"Launching %d IOR threads", thread_manager.qty) results = # Stop dfuse self.stop_dfuse() # Check the ior thread results failed_thread_count = thread_manager.check(results) if failed_thread_count > 0: msg = "{} FAILED IOR Thread(s)".format(failed_thread_count) self.d_log.error(msg) for index, clients, intercept, _ in index_clients_intercept_file: with_intercept = "without" if intercept is None else "with" IorCommand.log_metrics( self.log, "{} clients {} interception library".format( len(clients), with_intercept), IorCommand.get_ior_metrics(results[index].result))
def __init__(self): """Program entry point""" op = argparse.ArgumentParser() op.add_argument("-c", "--config", dest="cfile", default="/etc/mysql-statsd.conf", help="Configuration file") op.add_argument("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", help="Prints statsd metrics next to sending them", default=False, action="store_true") op.add_argument( "--dry-run", dest="dry_run", default=False, action="store_true", help= "Print the output that would be sent to statsd without actually sending data somewhere" ) # TODO switch the default to True, and make it fork by default in init script. op.add_argument("-f", "--foreground", dest="foreground", help="Dont fork main program", default=False, action="store_true") opt = op.parse_args() self.get_config(opt.cfile) if not self.config: sys.exit(op.print_help()) try: logfile = self.config.get('daemon').get('logfile', '/tmp/daemon.log') except AttributeError: logfile = sys.stdout pass if not opt.foreground: self.daemonize(stdin='/dev/null', stdout=logfile, stderr=logfile) # Set up queue self.queue = Queue.Queue() # split off config for each thread mysql_config = dict(mysql=self.config['mysql']) mysql_config['metrics'] = self.config['metrics'] statsd_config = self.config['statsd'] # Spawn MySQL polling thread mysql_thread = ThreadMySQL(queue=self.queue, **mysql_config) # t1 = ThreadMySQL(config=self.config, queue=self.queue) # Spawn Statsd flushing thread statsd_thread = ThreadStatsd(queue=self.queue, **statsd_config) if opt.dry_run: statsd_thread = ThreadFakeStatsd(queue=self.queue, **statsd_config) if opt.debug: """ All debug settings go here """ statsd_thread.debug = True # Get thread manager tm = ThreadManager(threads=[mysql_thread, statsd_thread]) try: except: # Protects somewhat from needing to kill -9 if there is an exception # within the thread manager by asking for a quit an joining. try: tm.stop_threads() except: pass raise
class VkBot: delay_on_reply = config.get('vkbot.delay_on_reply', 'i') chars_per_second = config.get('vkbot.chars_per_second', 'i') same_user_interval = config.get('vkbot.same_user_interval', 'i') same_conf_interval = config.get('vkbot.same_conf_interval', 'i') typing_interval = 5 forget_interval = config.get('vkbot.forget_interval', 'i') delay_on_first_reply = config.get('vkbot.delay_on_first_reply', 'i') stats_dialog_count = config.get('stats.dialog_count', 'i') def __init__(self, username='', password=''): self.api = vkapi.VkApi(username, password, ignored_errors=ignored_errors, timeout=config.get('vkbot.default_timeout', 'i'), token_file=accounts.getFile('token.txt'), log_file=accounts.getFile('inf.log') if args.args['logging'] else '', captcha_handler=captcha.CaptchaHandler()) self.api.initLongpoll() self.users = UserCache(self.api, 'sex,crop_photo,blacklisted,blacklisted_by_me,' + check_friend.fields) self.confs = ConfCache(self.api) self.vars = json.load(open('data/defaultvars.json', encoding='utf-8')) self.initSelf(True) self.guid = int(time.time() * 5) self.last_viewed_comment = stats.get('last_comment', 0) self.good_conf = {} = ThreadManager() self.last_message = MessageCache() self.last_message_id = 0 self.whitelist = None self.whitelist_includeread = True self.bad_conf_title = lambda s: False self.admin = None self.banned_list = [] self.longpoll_queue = queue.Queue() self.message_lock = threading.Lock() def initSelf(self, sync=False): self.users.clear() def do(): res = self.api.users.get(fields='contacts,relation,bdate')[0] self.self_id = res['id'] self.vars['phone'] = res.get('mobile_phone') or self.vars['phone'] self.vars['name'] = (res['first_name'], res['last_name']) self.vars['bf'] = res.get('relation_partner') or self.vars['bf'] try: bdate = res['bdate'].split('.') today = self.vars['age'] = today.year - int(bdate[2]) - ((today.month, < (int(bdate[1]), int(bdate[0]))) except LookupError: pass if not sync:'My phone: ' + self.vars['phone']) if sync: do() else: threading.Thread(target=do).start() @staticmethod def getSender(message): if 'chat_id' in message: return CONF_START + message['chat_id'] return message['user_id'] def loadUsers(self, arr, key, clean=False, confs=False): users = [] for i in arr: try: users.append(key(i)) except Exception: pass (self.confs if confs else self.users).load(users, clean) def replyOne(self, message, gen_reply, method=None): if self.whitelist and self.getSender(message) not in self.whitelist: if self.getSender(message) > CONF_START or self.users[message['user_id']]['first_name'] + ' ' + self.users[message['user_id']]['last_name'] not in self.whitelist: return if 'chat_id' in message and not self.checkConf(message['chat_id']): return try: if and not['unimportant']: return except Exception: return if method is not None: message['_method'] = method try: ans = gen_reply(message) except Exception as e: ans = None logging.exception('local {}: {}'.format(e.__class__.__name__, str(e))) time.sleep(1) if ans: self.replyMessage(message, ans[0], ans[1]) def replyAll(self, gen_reply, include_read=False): self.banned_list = [] if include_read: self.users.gc() if self.whitelist: messages = self.api.messages.getDialogs(unread=(0 if self.whitelist_includeread else 1), count=20) self.whitelist_includeread = False else: messages = self.api.messages.getDialogs(unread=1, count=200) try: messages = messages['items'][::-1] except TypeError: logging.warning('Unable to fetch messages') return self.loadUsers(messages, lambda x: x['message']['user_id']) self.loadUsers(messages, lambda x: x['message']['chat_id'], confs=True) for msg in sorted(messages, key=lambda m: m['message']['id']): cur = msg['message'] if cur['out']: continue if self.last_message_id and cur['id'] > self.last_message_id: continue self.replyOne(cur, gen_reply, 'getDialogs') stats.update('banned_messages', ' '.join(map(str, sorted(self.banned_list)))) else: messages = self.longpollMessages() self.loadUsers(messages, lambda x: x['user_id']) self.loadUsers(messages, lambda x: x['chat_id'], confs=True) for cur in sorted(messages, key=lambda m: m['id']): self.last_message_id = max(self.last_message_id, cur['id']) self.replyOne(cur, gen_reply) def longpollMessages(self): res = [] while not self.longpoll_queue.empty(): res.append(self.longpoll_queue.get()) return res def getLongpoll(self): arr = self.api.getLongpoll() need_extra = [] result = [] for i in arr: if i[0] == 4: # new message mid = i[1] sender = i[3] ts = i[4] text = i[6] opt = i[7] flags = i[2] if opt == {'source_mid': str(self.self_id), 'source_act': 'chat_kick_user', 'from': str(self.self_id)}: self.good_conf[sender] = False continue if opt.get('source_act') == 'chat_title_update': del self.confs[sender - CONF_START]'Conf {} renamed into "{}"'.format(sender - CONF_START, opt['source_text'])) if not config.get('vkbot.no_leave_conf') and self.bad_conf_title(opt['source_text']): self.leaveConf(sender - CONF_START) log.write('conf', 'conf ' + str(sender - CONF_START) + ' (name: {})'.format(opt['source_text'])) continue if opt.get('source_act') == 'chat_invite_user' and opt['source_mid'] == str(self.self_id) and opt['from'] != str(self.self_id): self.logSender('%sender% added me to conf "{}"'.format(self.confs[sender - CONF_START]['title']), {'user_id': int(opt['from'])}) if not config.get('vkbot.no_leave_conf') and int(opt['from']) not in self.banned: self.deleteFriend(int(opt['from'])) if flags & 2: # out if not opt.get('source_act'): continue for number in range(1, 11): if opt.get('attach{}_type'.format(number)) == 'photo': del opt['attach{}_type'.format(number)] del opt['attach{}'.format(number)] text += ' ..' if opt.get('attach{}_type'.format(number)) == 'doc': if opt.get('attach{}_kind'.format(number)) == 'graffiti': del opt['attach{}_type'.format(number)] del opt['attach{}'.format(number)] del opt['attach{}_kind'.format(number)] text += ' ..' if opt.get('attach{}_kind'.format(number)) == 'audiomsg': del opt['attach{}_type'.format(number)] del opt['attach{}'.format(number)] del opt['attach{}_kind'.format(number)] text += ' [Voice]' msg = {'id': mid, 'date': ts, 'body': text, 'out': 0, '_method': ''} if opt.get('source_act'): msg['body'] = None if opt.get('attach1_type') == 'sticker': msg['attachments'] = [{'type': 'sticker'}] if 'from' in opt: msg['chat_id'] = sender - CONF_START msg['user_id'] = int(opt['from']) else: msg['user_id'] = sender try: if 'chat_id' in msg and msg['user_id'] !=['user_id'] and msg['body'] is not None:['reply'] = True except Exception: pass if not (set(opt) <= {'from', 'emoji'} or opt.get('attach1_type') == 'sticker') and not opt.get('source_act'): need_extra.append(str(mid)) continue result.append(msg) if need_extra: need_extra = ','.join(need_extra) for i in self.api.messages.getById(message_ids=need_extra)['items']: i['_method'] = 'getById' result.append(i) return result def monitorLongpoll(self): def _monitor(): while True: for i in self.getLongpoll(): self.longpoll_queue.put(i) self.longpoll_thread = threading.Thread(target=_monitor, daemon=True) self.longpoll_thread.start() def sendMessage(self, to, msg, forward=None): if not self.good_conf.get(to, 1): return with self.message_lock: self.guid += 1 time.sleep(1) if forward: return self.api.messages.send(peer_id=to, message=msg, random_id=self.guid, forward_messages=forward) else: return self.api.messages.send(peer_id=to, message=msg, random_id=self.guid) def replyMessage(self, message, answer, skip_mark_as_read=False): sender = self.getSender(message) sender_msg = self.last_message.bySender(sender) if 'id' in message and message['id'] <= sender_msg.get('id', 0): return if not answer: if return if not sender_msg or time.time() - sender_msg['time'] > self.forget_interval: tl = Timeline().sleep(self.delay_on_first_reply).do(lambda: self.api.messages.markAsRead(peer_id=sender)) tl.attr['unimportant'] = True, tl, tl.terminate) elif answer is None: # ignored self.api.messages.markAsRead.delayed(peer_id=sender, _once=True) else: tl = Timeline().sleep((self.delay_on_reply - 1) * random.random() + 1).do(lambda: self.api.messages.markAsRead(peer_id=sender)) tl.attr['unimportant'] = True, tl, tl.terminate) self.last_message.byUser(message['user_id'])['text'] = message['body'] self.last_message.updateTime(sender) if sender > CONF_START and message['body'] is not None: sender_msg.setdefault('ignored', {})[message['user_id']] = time.time() return typing_time = 0 if not answer.startswith('&#'): typing_time = len(answer) / self.chars_per_second resend = False # answer is not empty if sender_msg.get('reply', '').upper() == answer.upper() and sender_msg['user_id'] == message['user_id']:'Resending') typing_time = 0 resend = True def _send(attr): if not set(sender_msg.get('ignored', [])) <= {message['user_id']}: ctime = time.time() for uid, ts in sender_msg['ignored'].items(): if uid != message['user_id'] and ctime - ts < self.same_conf_interval * 3: attr['reply'] = True try: if resend: res = self.sendMessage(sender, '', sender_msg['id']) elif attr.get('reply'): res = self.sendMessage(sender, answer, message['id']) else: res = self.sendMessage(sender, answer) if res is None: del self.users[sender] self.logSender('Failed to send a message to %sender%', message) return self.last_message.add(sender, message, res, answer) except Exception as e: logging.exception('thread {}: {}'.format(e.__class__.__name__, str(e))) cur_delay = (self.delay_on_reply - 1) * random.random() + 1 send_time = cur_delay + typing_time user_delay = 0 if sender_msg and sender != self.admin: user_delay = sender_msg['time'] - time.time() + (self.same_user_interval if sender < 2000000000 else self.same_conf_interval) # can be negative tl = Timeline(max(send_time, user_delay)) if 'chat_id' in message: tl.attr['user_id'] = message['user_id'] if not sender_msg or time.time() - sender_msg['time'] > self.forget_interval: if not skip_mark_as_read: tl.sleep(self.delay_on_first_reply) self.api.messages.markAsRead(peer_id=sender)) else: tl.sleepUntil(send_time, (self.delay_on_reply - 1) * random.random() + 1) if not skip_mark_as_read: self.api.messages.markAsRead(peer_id=sender)) tl.sleep(cur_delay) if message.get('_onsend_actions'): for i in message['_onsend_actions']: tl.sleep(cur_delay) if typing_time: tl.doEveryFor(self.typing_interval, lambda: self.api.messages.setActivity(type='typing', user_id=sender), typing_time), True), tl, tl.terminate) def checkConf(self, cid): if config.get('vkbot.no_leave_conf'): return True if cid + CONF_START in self.good_conf: return self.good_conf[cid + CONF_START] messages = self.api.messages.getHistory(chat_id=cid)['items'] for i in messages: if i.get('action') == 'chat_create' and i['user_id'] not in self.banned: self.leaveConf(cid) self.deleteFriend(i['user_id']) log.write('conf', self.loggableName(i.get('user_id')) + ' ' + str(cid)) return False title = self.confs[cid]['title'] if self.bad_conf_title(title): self.leaveConf(cid) log.write('conf', 'conf ' + str(cid) + ' (name: {})'.format(title)) return False self.good_conf[cid + CONF_START] = True return True def leaveConf(self, cid):'Leaving conf {} ("{}")'.format(cid, self.confs[cid]['title'])) self.good_conf[cid + CONF_START] = False return self.api.messages.removeChatUser(chat_id=cid, user_id=self.self_id) def addFriends(self, gen_reply, is_good): data = self.api.friends.getRequests(extended=1) to_rep = [] self.loadUsers(data['items'], lambda x: x['user_id'], True) for i in data['items']: if self.users[i['user_id']].get('blacklisted'): self.api.friends.delete.delayed(user_id=i['user_id']) continue res = is_good(i['user_id'], True) if res is None: self.api.friends.add.delayed(user_id=i['user_id']) self.logSender('Adding %sender%', i) if 'message' in i: ans = gen_reply(i) to_rep.append((i, ans)) else: self.api.friends.delete.delayed(user_id=i['user_id']) self.logSender('Not adding %sender% ({})'.format(res), i) for i in to_rep: self.replyMessage(i[0], i[1][0], i[1][1]) self.api.sync() def unfollow(self): result = [] requests = self.api.friends.getRequests(out=1)['items'] suggested = self.api.friends.getRequests(suggested=1)['items'] for i in requests: if i not in self.banned: result.append(i) for i in suggested: self.api.friends.delete.delayed(user_id=i) self.deleteFriend(result) return result def deleteFriend(self, uid): if type(uid) == int: self.api.friends.delete(user_id=uid) else: for i in uid: self.api.friends.delete.delayed(user_id=i) self.api.sync() def setOnline(self): self.api.account.setOnline() def getUserId(self, domain): domain = str(domain).lower().rstrip().rstrip('}').rstrip() conf ='sel=c(\\d+)', domain) or'^c(\\d+)$', domain) or'chat=(\\d+)', domain) or'peer=2(\\d{9})', domain) if conf is not None: return int( + CONF_START if '=' in domain: domain = domain.split('=')[-1] if '/' in domain: domain = domain.split('/')[-1] data = self.api.users.get(user_ids=domain) if not data: return None return data[0]['id'] def deleteComment(self, rep): if rep['type'].endswith('photo'):, comment_id=rep['feedback']['id']) elif rep['type'].endswith('video'):, comment_id=rep['feedback']['id']) else: self.api.wall.deleteComment(owner_id=self.self_id, comment_id=rep['feedback']['id']) def filterComments(self, test): data = self.api.notifications.get(start_time=self.last_viewed_comment + 1, count=100)['items'] to_del = set() to_bl = set() self.loadUsers(data, lambda x: x['feedback']['from_id'], True) for rep in data: if rep['date'] != 'i': self.last_viewed_comment = max(self.last_viewed_comment, int(rep['date'])) stats.update('last_comment', self.last_viewed_comment) def _check(s): if 'photo' in s: return s['photo']['owner_id'] == self.self_id if 'video' in s: return s['video']['owner_id'] == self.self_id if 'post' in s: return s['post']['to_id'] == self.self_id if rep['type'].startswith('comment_') or rep['type'].startswith('reply_comment') and _check(rep['parent']): txt = html.escape(rep['feedback']['text']) res = 'good' if self.users[rep['feedback']['from_id']]['blacklisted']: res = 'blacklisted' log.write('comments', self.loggableName(rep['feedback']['from_id']) + ' (blacklisted): ' + txt) self.deleteComment(rep) to_bl.add(rep['feedback']['from_id']) elif test(txt): res = 'bad' log.write('comments', self.loggableName(rep['feedback']['from_id']) + ': ' + txt) self.deleteComment(rep) to_del.add(rep['feedback']['from_id']) elif 'attachments' in rep['feedback'] and any(i.get('type') in ['video', 'link'] for i in rep['feedback']['attachments']): res = 'attachment' log.write('comments', self.loggableName(rep['feedback']['from_id']) + ' (attachment)') self.deleteComment(rep) self.logSender('Comment {} (by %sender%) - {}'.format(txt, res), {'user_id': rep['feedback']['from_id']}) for i in to_bl: self.blacklist(i) return to_del def likeAva(self, uid): del self.users[uid] if 'crop_photo' not in self.users[uid]: return photo = self.users[uid]['crop_photo']['photo'] self.api.likes.add(type='photo', owner_id=photo['owner_id'], item_id=photo['id']) self.logSender('Liked %sender%', {'user_id': uid}) def setRelation(self, uid): self.api.account.saveProfileInfo(relation_partner_id=uid) self.vars['bf'] = self.users[uid] log.write('relation', self.loggableName(uid)) self.logSender('Set relationship with %sender%', {'user_id': uid}) def waitAllThreads(self): for t in t.join(60) # {name} - first_name last_name # {id} - id def printableName(self, pid, user_fmt, conf_fmt='Conf "{name}"'): if pid > CONF_START: return conf_fmt.format(id=(pid - CONF_START), name=self.confs[pid - CONF_START]['title']) else: return user_fmt.format(id=pid, name=self.users[pid]['first_name'] + ' ' + self.users[pid]['last_name']) def logSender(self, text, message): text_msg = text.replace('%sender%', self.printableSender(message, False)) html_msg = text.replace('%sender%', self.printableSender(message, True)), extra={'db': html_msg}) def printableSender(self, message, need_html): if message.get('chat_id', 0) > 0: if need_html: return self.printableName(message['user_id'], user_fmt='Conf "%c" (%i), <a href="{id}" target="_blank">{name}</a>').replace('%i', str( message['chat_id'])).replace('%c', html.escape(self.confs[message['chat_id']]['title'])) else: return self.printableName(message['user_id'], user_fmt='Conf "%c" (%i), {name}').replace('%i', str(message['chat_id'])).replace('%c', html.escape( self.confs[message['chat_id']]['title'])) else: if need_html: return self.printableName(message['user_id'], user_fmt='<a href="{id}" target="_blank">{name}</a>') else: return self.printableName(message['user_id'], user_fmt='{name}') def loggableName(self, uid): return self.printableName(uid, '{id} ({name})') def blacklist(self, uid): self.api.account.banUser(user_id=uid) def blacklistedCount(self): return self.api.account.getBanned(count=0)['count'] def lastDialogs(self): def cb(req, resp): d.append((req['peer_id'], resp['count'])) dialogs = self.api.messages.getDialogs(count=self.stats_dialog_count, preview_length=1) d = [] confs = {} try: items = list(dialogs['items']) for i in items: self.api.messages.getHistory.delayed(peer_id=self.getSender(i['message']), count=0).callback(cb) if 'title' in i['message']: confs[self.getSender(i['message'])] = i['message']['title'] self.api.sync() except TypeError: logging.warning('Unable to fetch dialogs') return (None, None, None) return (dialogs['count'], d, confs) def acceptGroupInvites(self): for i in self.api.groups.getInvites()['items']:'Joining group "{}"'.format(i['name'])) self.api.groups.join(group_id=i['id']) log.write('groups', '{}: <a target="_blank" href="{}">{}</a>{}'.format(self.loggableName(i['invited_by']), i['id'], i['name'], ['', ' (closed)', ' (private)'][i['is_closed']]))