class Main(QMainWindow, Ui_MainWindow): def __init__(self): super(Main, self).__init__() self.setupUi(self) # IntnesityData : Array to store data to be displayed on Interface self.intensityData = [] for i in range(4): self.intensityData.append(np.full((4, 4, 3), 0)) # Two variables to avoid mutliple starting and stopping of thread self.start = 0 self.stop = 0 # initialise Interface to blue for i in range(4): for j in range(4): for k in range(4): self.intensityData[i][j][k][2] = 255 # Thread which updates the plot based on received data from Micro Controller self.thr = ThreadHandler(self.processData) print("Intitialisation") self.init() # init() Contains other initialisations def init(self): print("Adding ViewBoxes") # displays are the viewboxes (one for each patch of tactile sensors) self.display1 = self.patch1.addViewBox() self.display2 = self.patch2.addViewBox() self.display3 = self.patch3.addViewBox() self.display4 = self.patch4.addViewBox() # Image items to be displayed on the viewboxes self.currImage1 = pg.ImageItem(self.intensityData[0]) self.display1.addItem(self.currImage1) self.currImage2 = pg.ImageItem(self.intensityData[1]) self.display2.addItem(self.currImage2) self.currImage3 = pg.ImageItem(self.intensityData[2]) self.display3.addItem(self.currImage3) self.currImage4 = pg.ImageItem(self.intensityData[3]) self.display4.addItem(self.currImage4) # Functions of Start and Stop buttons self.startButton.clicked.connect(self.doStart) self.stopButton.clicked.connect(self.doStop) def doStart(self): # starting the thread to update the Interface global recvThread, ser if self.start == 0: ser.flushInput() self.start = 1 self.thr.start() recvThread.start() def doStop(self): # stop the thread which updates the Interface global recvThread if self.stop == 0: print("Stopped") self.stop = 1 self.thr.pause() recvThread.pause() self.thr.kill() recvThread.kill() # The function to update the Interface in real time. This function is ran in a thread. def processData(self): global update, dataQueue while True: #print(update) if update == 1: #print("First update") for pos in range(64): patchNum = pos // 16 col = (pos % 16) // 4 row = (pos % 16) % 4 if patchNum == 0: self.intensityData[0][row][col][0] = max( 0, 2 * int(dataQueue[patchNum][row][col] / 256) - 255) self.intensityData[0][row][col][2] = max( 0, 255 - 2 * int(dataQueue[patchNum][row][col] / 256)) self.intensityData[0][row][col][ 1] = 255 - self.intensityData[0][row][col][ 2] - self.intensityData[0][row][col][0] self.currImage1.setImage(self.intensityData[0], levels=(0, 255)) elif patchNum == 1: self.intensityData[1][row][col][0] = max( 0, 2 * int(dataQueue[patchNum][row][col] / 256) - 255) self.intensityData[1][row][col][2] = max( 0, 255 - 2 * int(dataQueue[patchNum][row][col] / 256)) self.intensityData[1][row][col][ 1] = 255 - self.intensityData[1][row][col][ 2] - self.intensityData[1][row][col][0] self.currImage2.setImage(self.intensityData[1], levels=(0, 255)) elif patchNum == 2: self.intensityData[2][row][col][0] = max( 0, 2 * int(dataQueue[patchNum][row][col] / 256) - 255) self.intensityData[2][row][col][2] = max( 0, 255 - 2 * int(dataQueue[patchNum][row][col] / 256)) self.intensityData[2][row][col][ 1] = 255 - self.intensityData[2][row][col][ 2] - self.intensityData[2][row][col][0] self.currImage3.setImage(self.intensityData[2], levels=(0, 255)) elif patchNum == 3: self.intensityData[3][row][col][0] = max( 0, 2 * int(dataQueue[patchNum][row][col] / 256) - 255) self.intensityData[3][row][col][2] = max( 0, 255 - 2 * int(dataQueue[patchNum][row][col] / 256)) self.intensityData[3][row][col][ 1] = 255 - self.intensityData[3][row][col][ 2] - self.intensityData[3][row][col][0] self.currImage4.setImage(self.intensityData[3], levels=(0, 255)) update = 0
class FormMain(QMainWindow, Ui_MainWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None): # Constructor super(FormMain, self).__init__() self.setupUi(self) # Handlers self.ur10 = None self.iLimb = None # Set available ports self.port_ur10.setText("") self.port_iLimb.addItems(list_serial_ports()) self.port_tactile.addItems(list_serial_ports()) # For tactile values self.ser = None self.dataQueue = deque([], maxlen=1000) self.receiveThread = ThreadHandler(_worker=self.receive) self.MIN = np.array([0, 0]) self.MAX = np.array([4096, 4096]) self.mvaFilt = [ MovingAverage(_windowSize=1000), MovingAverage(_windowSize=1000) ] # Connect buttons to callback functions self.initialize.clicked.connect(self.init_handlers) self.configure.clicked.connect(self.configure_handlers) self.init_main.clicked.connect(self.start_main) self.stop_main.clicked.connect(self.break_main) self.toHome.clicked.connect(self.move_to_home) self.toBase.clicked.connect(lambda: self.move_to_base(t=5)) self.moveUp.clicked.connect(lambda: self.move_vertical(_dir=1)) self.moveDown.clicked.connect(lambda: self.move_vertical(_dir=-1)) self.ccw.clicked.connect(self.rotate_hand_CCW) self.toPose.clicked.connect(self.move_iLimb_to_pose) self.pinch.clicked.connect(lambda: self.close_hand()) self.moveAway.clicked.connect(lambda: self.move_away()) self.startSensors.clicked.connect( lambda: [self.sensors_timer.start(0), self.receiveThread.start()]) self.stopSensors.clicked.connect( lambda: [self.sensors_timer.stop(), self.receiveThread.pause()]) self.calibrate.clicked.connect(self.calibrate_sensors) self.visualize.clicked.connect( lambda: [self.save_points(), render3D('run.pcd', stage=1)]) self.convexHull.clicked.connect( lambda: [self.save_points(), render3D('run.pcd', stage=2)]) self.detectShape.clicked.connect(self.recognize_shape) self.clear.clicked.connect(self.reset_stored_values) # Initialize PoV graphs views = [ self.view0, self.view1, self.view2, self.view3, self.view4, self.view5 ] self.povBoxes = [] self.povPlots = [] for view in views:, 0, 0, 0) self.povBoxes.append(view.addPlot()) self.povPlots.append(pg.ScatterPlotItem()) self.povBoxes[-1].addItem(self.povPlots[-1]) # Initialize tactile sensor graphs self.timestep = [0] self.sensorData = [[], []] self.sensorBoxes = [] self.sensorPlots = [] for view in [self.sensor_index, self.sensor_thumb]:, 0, 0, 0) self.sensorBoxes.append(view.addPlot()) self.sensorPlots.append( pg.PlotCurveItem(pen=pg.mkPen('b', width=1))) self.sensorBoxes[-1].addItem(self.sensorPlots[-1]) self.sensorBoxes[-1].setXRange(min=0, max=20, padding=0.1) # self.sensorBoxes[-1].setYRange(min=0, max=1, padding=0.1) self.pov_timer = QtCore.QTimer() self.pov_timer.timeout.connect(self.update_pov) self.sensors_timer = QtCore.QTimer() self.sensors_timer.timeout.connect(self.update_sensor_readings) self.main_thread = Thread(target=self._palpation_routine) self.main_thread.daemon = True # Redirect console output to textBrowser sys.stdout = port(self.textBrowser) # Create TensorFlow session and load pretrained model self.load_session() """ Function to initialize handler objects """ def init_handlers(self): # Create handlers print('Initializing handlers ...') self.ur10 = UR10Controller(self.port_ur10.text()) print('UR10 done.') self.iLimb = iLimbController(self.port_iLimb.currentText()) self.iLimb.connect() print('iLimb done.') self.ser = serial.Serial(self.port_tactile.currentText(), 117964800) self.ser.flushInput() self.ser.flushOutput() print('TactileBoard done') """ Functions to set all handlers to default configuration """ def move_to_home(self): print('Setting UR10 to default position ...') UR10pose = URPoseManager() UR10pose.load('shape_recog_home.urpose') UR10pose.moveUR(self.ur10, 'home_j', 5) time.sleep(5.2) def move_iLimb_to_pose(self): print('Setting iLimb to default pose ...') self.iLimb.setPose('openHand') time.sleep(3) self.iLimb.control(['thumbRotator'], ['position'], [700]) time.sleep(3) def calibrate_sensors(self): self.receiveThread.start() print('Calibrating tactile sensors ...') # Clear data queue self.dataQueue.clear() # Wait till queue has sufficient readings while len(self.dataQueue) < 500: pass # Calculate lower and upper bounds samples = np.asarray(copy(self.dataQueue)) self.MIN = np.mean(samples, axis=0) self.MAX = self.MIN + 500 self.dataQueue.clear() # Set Y-range for box in self.sensorBoxes: box.setYRange(min=0, max=1, padding=0.1) print("Done") def configure_handlers(self): self.move_to_home() self.move_iLimb_to_pose() self.calibrate_sensors() print('Done.') """ Function to create and load pretrained model """ def load_session(self): self.model = vCNN() self.session = tf.Session(graph=self.model.graph) with self.session.as_default(): with self.session.graph.as_default(): saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=3) saver.restore( self.session, tf.train.latest_checkpoint('../shape_recognition/save')) """ Function to clear all collected values """ def reset_stored_values(self): STATE.NUM_POINTS = 0 STATE.CONTACT_POINTS = [] STATE.CONTROL_POS = [0 for _ in range(5)] STATE.FINGER_POS = {'index': [], 'thumb': []} STATE.XYZR = [] STATE.UNIT_VECTOR = [] """ Function to close fingers until all fingers touch surface """ def close_hand(self, fingers=['index', 'thumb']): touched = [False] * len(fingers) touched_once = False fingerArray = [[x, MAPPING[x], THRESHOLD[x]] for x in fingers] while not all(touched): time.sleep(0.005) q = self.get_sensor_data() for _ in range(len(q)): tactileSample = q.popleft() touched = self.iLimb.doFeedbackPinchTouch( tactileSample, fingerArray, 1) # update control_pos for fingers that have touched a surface for i in range(len(fingerArray)): if touched[i]: touched_once = True STATE.CONTROL_POS[fingerArray[i] [1]] = self.iLimb.controlPos #---------------------------------------------------------- # Collect information STATE.FINGER_POS[fingerArray[i][0]].append( self.iLimb.controlPos) #---------------------------------------------------------- # Self-touching condition # Can be modified later if self.iLimb.controlPos > 200 and not touched_once: return False elif self.iLimb.controlPos > 200 and touched_once: for i in range(len(fingerArray)): if not touched[i]: #---------------------------------------------------------- # Collect information STATE.FINGER_POS[fingerArray[i][0]].append(-1) #---------------------------------------------------------- return True if all(touched): return True else: # update fingerArray fingerArray = [ fingerArray[i] for i in range(len(touched)) if not touched[i] ] """ Function to calculate coordinates of points of contact """ def compute_coordinates(self): self.ur10.read_joints_and_xyzR() xyzR = copy(self.ur10.xyzR) joints = copy(self.ur10.joints) sim = ur10_simulator() sim.set_joints(joints) _ = sim.joints2pose() _, rm = sim.get_Translation_and_Rotation_Matrix() # Calculate the direction in which the end effector is pointing # aVlue corresponding to z-direction is ignored direction = rm[:2, 2] # x and y direction vector only direction /= np.linalg.norm(direction) # Calculate unit vector direction dir_ang = np.arctan(abs(direction[1] / direction[0])) if direction[0] < 0: if direction[1] < 0: dir_ang += np.pi else: dir_ang = np.pi - dir_ang else: if direction[1] < 0: dir_ang = 2 * np.pi - dir_ang # Find point of contact for index finger idx_control = STATE.CONTROL_POS[MAPPING['index']] if idx_control > 0: theta = 30 + 60 / 500 * idx_control if idx_control < 210: # Normal circular motion rel_theta = 30 else: rel_theta = 30 + 60 / 290 * (idx_control - 210) # rel_theta = 30 + 60/500 * idx_control axis = IDX_0 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(theta)) + IDX_1 * np.cos( np.deg2rad(theta + rel_theta)) perp = IDX_0 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(theta)) + IDX_1 * np.sin( np.deg2rad(theta + rel_theta)) axis += IDX_TO_BASE pt_1 = [ axis * np.cos(dir_ang) - perp * np.sin(dir_ang) + xyzR[0], axis * np.sin(dir_ang) + perp * np.cos(dir_ang) + xyzR[1], xyzR[2] ] STATE.NUM_POINTS += 1 STATE.CONTACT_POINTS.append(pt_1) # Find point of contact for thumb thb_control = STATE.CONTROL_POS[MAPPING['thumb']] if thb_control > 0: theta = 90 * (1 - thb_control / 500) axis = THB * np.cos(np.deg2rad(theta)) + THB_TO_BASE perp = THB * np.sin(np.deg2rad(theta)) pt_2 = [ axis * np.cos(dir_ang) - perp * np.sin(dir_ang) + xyzR[0], axis * np.sin(dir_ang) + perp * np.cos(dir_ang) + xyzR[1], xyzR[2] ] STATE.NUM_POINTS += 1 STATE.CONTACT_POINTS.append(pt_2) #-------------------------------------------------- # Collect information STATE.XYZR.append(xyzR) STATE.UNIT_VECTOR.append(direction) #-------------------------------------------------- """ Functions to rotate hand for next reading """ def rotate_hand_CCW(self): self.ur10.read_joints() joints = copy(self.ur10.joints) if STATE.ROTATION_POS < 180 // STATE.ROTATION_ANGLE - 1: STATE.ROTATION_POS += 1 joints[4] += STATE.ROTATION_ANGLE * -1 xyzR = self.ur10.move_joints_with_grasp_constraints( joints, dist_pivot=220, grasp_pivot=60, constant_axis='z') self.ur10.movej(xyzR, 3) time.sleep(3.2) def rotate_hand_CW(self): self.ur10.read_joints() joints = copy(self.ur10.joints) if STATE.ROTATION_POS > 0: STATE.ROTATION_POS -= 1 joints[4] += STATE.ROTATION_ANGLE * 1 xyzR = self.ur10.move_joints_with_grasp_constraints( joints, dist_pivot=220, grasp_pivot=60, constant_axis='z') self.ur10.movej(xyzR, 3) time.sleep(3.2) def rotate_hand(self): # Boundary checks if STATE.ROTATION_POS == 0 and STATE.ROTATION_DIR == -1: STATE.ROTATION_DIR = 1 if STATE.ROTATION_POS == 180 // STATE.ROTATION_ANGLE - 1 and STATE.ROTATION_DIR == 1: STATE.ROTATION_DIR = -1 # Rotate the hand according to direction if STATE.ROTATION_DIR == 1: self.rotate_hand_CCW() else: self.rotate_hand_CW() """ Function to move hand in vertical direction """ def move_vertical(self, _dir=1): # move one step up while palpating self.ur10.read_joints_and_xyzR() x, y, z, rx, ry, rz = copy(self.ur10.xyzR) new_joint_pos = np.array([x, y, z + 10 * _dir, rx, ry, rz]) self.ur10.movej(new_joint_pos, 0.5) time.sleep(0.7) STATE.HEIGHT += 10 * _dir """ Function to move hand away from the object """ def move_away(self, fingers=['thumb', 'index']): self.iLimb.control(fingers, ['position'] * len(fingers), [0] * len(fingers)) time.sleep(1) """ Function to move UR10 to base """ def move_to_base(self, t=1): self.ur10.read_joints_and_xyzR() x, y, z, rx, ry, rz = copy(self.ur10.xyzR) new_joint_pos = np.array([x, y, -200, rx, ry, rz]) self.ur10.movej(new_joint_pos, t) time.sleep(t + .2) STATE.HEIGHT = 0 STATE.ESTIMATED_HEIGHT = 200 """ Function to pause of main loop """ def break_main(self): STATE.STOP = True """ Function to resume/start standard palpation """ def start_main(self): if STATE.STARTED: STATE.STOP = False else: self.main_thread.start() STATE.STARTED = True self.pov_timer.start(0) """ Main routine """ def _palpation_routine(self): print("Starting standard palpation routine ...") for i in range(180 // STATE.ROTATION_ANGLE): print("Rotation pos : %d" % (i + 1)) while STATE.HEIGHT < STATE.ESTIMATED_HEIGHT: # Pause condition print("Height : %d" % STATE.HEIGHT) while STATE.STOP is True: time.sleep(0.05) touched = self.close_hand(['thumb', 'index']) time.sleep(0.1) if touched: self.compute_coordinates() else: STATE.ESTIMATED_HEIGHT = STATE.HEIGHT self.iLimb.resetControl() time.sleep(0.5) self.move_away() self.move_vertical() self.move_to_base() self.rotate_hand() self.recognize_shape() """ Function to detect shape """ def recognize_shape(self): self.save_points() detect_shape(self.session, self.model, 'run.pcd') """ Function to save point cloud """ def save_points(self): # Convert collected points to a PCD file pts = np.asarray(STATE.CONTACT_POINTS) finger_pos = np.asarray( [STATE.FINGER_POS['index'], STATE.FINGER_POS['thumb']]) np.savetxt('controlpos.txt', finger_pos) np.savetxt('xyzr.txt', np.asarray(STATE.XYZR)) np.savetxt('uv.txt', np.asarray(STATE.UNIT_VECTOR)) save_point_cloud(pts, 'run.pcd') """ Function to update the 6 PoV images """ def update_pov(self): idx = STATE.FINGER_POS['index'] if len(idx) > 0: thb = STATE.FINGER_POS['thumb'] xyzr = STATE.XYZR uv = STATE.UNIT_VECTOR # Get lists of coordinates x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 = get_coords(idx, thb, xyzr, uv) x = x1 + x2 y = y1 + y2 z = z1 + z2 # Store projections pts = np.empty((6, 2, len(x))) pts[0][0] = x pts[0][1] = y pts[1][0] = x pts[1][1] = z pts[2][0] = y pts[2][1] = z pts[3][0] = 2 * np.mean(x) - x pts[3][1] = y pts[4][0] = 2 * np.mean(x) - x pts[4][1] = z pts[5][0] = 2 * np.mean(y) - y pts[5][1] = z for i, plot in enumerate(self.povPlots): plot.clear() plot.addPoints(pts[i][0], pts[i][1]) """ Function to update the tactile sensor readings """ def update_sensor_readings(self): if len(self.dataQueue) > 0: data = self.dataQueue[-1] # take the latest reading val_1 = (data[0] - self.MIN[0]) / ( self.MAX[0] - self.MIN[0]) # reading of first sensor (index) val_2 = (data[1] - self.MIN[1]) / ( self.MAX[1] - self.MIN[1]) # reading of second sensor (thumb) val_1, val_2 = np.clip([val_1, val_2], 0, 1) t = self.timestep[-1] + 0.005 self.sensorData[0].append(val_1) self.sensorData[1].append(val_2) self.timestep.append(t) for i, plot in enumerate(self.sensorPlots): plot.setData(self.timestep[1:], self.sensorData[i]) if t > 20: self.timestep = [0] self.sensorData = [[], []] """ Function to populate the data queue with raw values """ def receive(self): recvLength = 6 waiting = self.ser.inWaiting() if waiting >= recvLength: rawQueue = [x for x in] reading_0 = rawQueue[1] * 256 + rawQueue[2] reading_1 = rawQueue[3] * 256 + rawQueue[4] self.dataQueue.append([ self.mvaFilt[0].getSample(reading_0), self.mvaFilt[1].getSample(reading_1) ]) """ Function to procure data from data queue """ def get_sensor_data(self): # Select last (atmost) 50 readings data = np.asarray(copy(self.dataQueue))[-20:] self.dataQueue.clear() # Normalize data data = (data - self.MIN) / (self.MAX - self.MIN) data = np.clip(data, 0, 1) # Convert data to standard format (list of [patchno][col][row] values) processed_data = deque([x.reshape(2, 1, 1) for x in data]) return processed_data