class _RequestConfig(object):
    RequestConfig thread-local singleton
    The Routes RequestConfig object is a thread-local singleton that should be initialized by
    the web framework that is utilizing Routes.
    __shared_state = threadinglocal.local()

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        return getattr(self.__shared_state, name)

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        If the name is environ, load the wsgi envion with load_wsgi_environ
        and set the environ
        if name == 'environ':
            return self.__shared_state.__setattr__(name, value)
        return self.__shared_state.__setattr__(name, value)

    def __delattr__(self, name):
        delattr(self.__shared_state, name)

    def load_wsgi_environ(self, environ):
        Load the protocol/server info from the environ and store it.
        Also, match the incoming URL if there's already a mapper, and
        store the resulting match dict in mapper_dict.
        if environ.get('HTTPS') or environ.get('wsgi.url_scheme') == 'https':
            self.__shared_state.protocol = 'https'
            self.__shared_state.protocol = 'http'
        if hasattr(self, 'mapper'):
            self.mapper.environ = environ
        if 'PATH_INFO' in environ and hasattr(self, 'mapper'):
            mapper = self.mapper
            path = environ['PATH_INFO']
            result = mapper.routematch(path)
            if result is not None:
                self.__shared_state.mapper_dict = result[0]
                self.__shared_state.route = result[1]
                self.__shared_state.mapper_dict = None
                self.__shared_state.route = None

        if environ.get('HTTP_HOST'):
            self.__shared_state.host = environ['HTTP_HOST']
            self.__shared_state.host = environ['SERVER_NAME']
            if environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] == 'https':
                if environ['SERVER_PORT'] != '443':
                    self.__shared_state.host += ':' + environ['SERVER_PORT']
                if environ['SERVER_PORT'] != '80':
                    self.__shared_state.host += ':' + environ['SERVER_PORT']
 def __init__(self,
     """Create a new Mapper instance
     All keyword arguments are optional.
         Function reference that will be used to return a list of
         valid controllers used during URL matching. If
         ``directory`` keyword arg is present, it will be passed
         into the function during its call. This option defaults to
         a function that will scan a directory for controllers.
         Alternatively, a list of controllers or None can be passed
         in which are assumed to be the definitive list of
         controller names valid when matching 'controller'.
         Passed into controller_scan for the directory to scan. It
         should be an absolute path if using the default 
         ``controller_scan`` function.
         Whether or not the ``controller_scan`` function should be
         run during every URL match. This is typically a good idea
         during development so the server won't need to be restarted
         anytime a controller is added.
         Boolean used to determine if the Mapper should use 
         ``request_config`` to register itself as the mapper. Since
         it's done on a thread-local basis, this is typically best
         used during testing though it won't hurt in other cases.
         Boolean used to determine if routes should be connected
         with implicit defaults of::
         When set to True, these defaults will not be added to route
         connections and ``url_for`` will not use Route memory.
     Additional attributes that may be set after mapper
     initialization (ie, map.ATTRIBUTE = 'something'):
         Used to indicate alternative encoding/decoding systems to
         use with both incoming URL's, and during Route generation
         when passed a Unicode string. Defaults to 'utf-8'.
         How to handle errors in the encoding, generally ignoring
         any chars that don't convert should be sufficient. Defaults
         to 'ignore'.
         Boolean used to indicate whether or not Routes should
         minimize URL's and the generated URL's, or require every
         part where it appears in the path. Defaults to True.
         Whether or not Named Routes result in the default options
         for the route being used *or* if they actually force url
         generation to use the route. Defaults to False.
     self.matchlist = []
     self.maxkeys = {}
     self.minkeys = {}
     self.urlcache = LRUCache(1600)
     self._created_regs = False
     self._created_gens = False
     self.prefix = None
     self.req_data = threadinglocal.local()
     self.directory = directory
     self.always_scan = always_scan
     self.controller_scan = controller_scan
     self._regprefix = None
     self._routenames = {}
     self.debug = False
     self.append_slash = False
     self.sub_domains = False
     self.sub_domains_ignore = []
     self.domain_match = '[^\.\/]+?\.[^\.\/]+'
     self.explicit = explicit
     self.encoding = 'utf-8'
     self.decode_errors = 'ignore'
     self.hardcode_names = True
     self.minimization = True
     self.create_regs_lock = threading.Lock()
     if register:
         config = request_config()
         config.mapper = self
 def __init__(self, controller_scan=controller_scan, directory=None, 
              always_scan=False, register=True, explicit=False):
     """Create a new Mapper instance
     All keyword arguments are optional.
         Function reference that will be used to return a list of
         valid controllers used during URL matching. If
         ``directory`` keyword arg is present, it will be passed
         into the function during its call. This option defaults to
         a function that will scan a directory for controllers.
         Passed into controller_scan for the directory to scan. It
         should be an absolute path if using the default 
         ``controller_scan`` function.
         Whether or not the ``controller_scan`` function should be
         run during every URL match. This is typically a good idea
         during development so the server won't need to be restarted
         anytime a controller is added.
         Boolean used to determine if the Mapper should use 
         ``request_config`` to register itself as the mapper. Since
         it's done on a thread-local basis, this is typically best
         used during testing though it won't hurt in other cases.
         Boolean used to determine if routes should be connected
         with implicit defaults of::
         When set to True, these defaults will not be added to route
         connections and ``url_for`` will not use Route memory.
     Additional attributes that may be set after mapper
     initialization (ie, map.ATTRIBUTE = 'something'):
         Used to indicate alternative encoding/decoding systems to
         use with both incoming URL's, and during Route generation
         when passed a Unicode string. Defaults to 'utf-8'.
         How to handle errors in the encoding, generally ignoring
         any chars that don't convert should be sufficient. Defaults
         to 'ignore'.
         Boolean used to indicate whether or not Routes should
         minimize URL's and the generated URL's, or require every
         part where it appears in the path. Defaults to True.
         Whether or not Named Routes result in the default options
         for the route being used *or* if they actually force url
         generation to use the route. Defaults to False.
     self.matchlist = []
     self.maxkeys = {}
     self.minkeys = {}
     self.urlcache = {}
     self._created_regs = False
     self._created_gens = False
     self.prefix = None
     self.req_data = threadinglocal.local()
     self.directory = directory
     self.always_scan = always_scan
     self.controller_scan = controller_scan
     self._regprefix = None
     self._routenames = {}
     self.debug = False
     self.append_slash = False
     self.sub_domains = False
     self.sub_domains_ignore = []
     self.domain_match = '[^\.\/]+?\.[^\.\/]+'
     self.explicit = explicit
     self.encoding = 'utf-8'
     self.decode_errors = 'ignore'
     self.hardcode_names = True
     self.minimization = True
     self.create_regs_lock = threading.Lock()
     if register:
         config = request_config()
         config.mapper = self
 def __init__(self, default=_NoDefault):
     self.__dict__['_local'] = threadinglocal.local()
     self.__dict__['_default'] = default
 def __init__(self, default=_NoDefault):
     self.__dict__['_local'] = threadinglocal.local()
     self.__dict__['_default'] = default