def flexure_rssspec(imagefits,fitslist,option=""): print str( if option == "filesave": prefix = raw_input("\nFile prefix: ") pixel = 15. # pixel size in microns pix_scale=0.125 sexparams = ["X_IMAGE","Y_IMAGE","FLUX_ISO","FLUX_MAX","FLAGS","CLASS_STAR", \ "X2WIN_IMAGE","Y2WIN_IMAGE","XYWIN_IMAGE","ERRX2WIN_IMAGE"] np.savetxt("qred_thrufoc.param",sexparams,fmt="%s") fmaxcol,flagcol,xvarcol,yvarcol,xerrcol = (3,4,6,7,9) # column nos (from 0) of data in sextractor imagestooclosefactor = 3.0 # too close if factor*sep < sqrt(var) gaptooclose = 1.25 # arcsec edgetooclose = 1.25 # arcsec rattolerance = 0.25 toofaint = 250. # FMAX counts galaxydelta = 0.4 # arcsec MOSimagelimit = 1. # arcsec deblend = .005 # default imagehdr = pyfits.getheader(imagefits) if imagehdr["GR-STATE"][1] == "4": print "First fits file "+imagefits+" is not image of mask" exit() flexposns = len(fitslist) obsdict=obslog(fitslist) image_f = [fitslist[fpos].split(".")[0][-12:] for fpos in range(flexposns)] dateobs = obsdict["DATE-OBS"][0].replace("-","") if int(dateobs) > 20110928: rho_f = np.array(obsdict["TRKRHO"]).astype(float) else: rho_f = np.array(obsdict["TELRHO"]).astype(float) catpos = np.argmin(np.abs(rho_f)) cbin,rbin = np.array(obsdict["CCDSUM"][catpos].split(" ")).astype(int) maskid = obsdict["MASKID"][catpos].strip() filter = obsdict["FILTER"][catpos].strip() grating = obsdict["GRATING"][catpos].strip() rows,cols = pyfits.getdata(fitslist[catpos]).shape isspec = (obsdict["GR-STATE"][catpos][1] =="4") if not isspec: print "Use flexure_rssimage for image flexure analysis" exit() grang = float(obsdict["GRTILT"][catpos]) artic = float(obsdict["CAMANG"][catpos]) lamp = obsdict["LAMPID"][catpos].strip() print "\nMask: ", maskid print "Filter: ", filter print "Grating: ", grating print "Artic (deg): ", artic print "Gr Angle (deg): ", grang print "Lamp: ", lamp # map the mask spots _m using the imaging fits file sex_js = sextract(imagefits,deblend=deblend) flux_s = sex_js[2] fluxmedian = np.median(np.sort(flux_s)[-10:]) okm_s = (flux_s > fluxmedian/10) # cull bogus spots maskholes = okm_s.sum() r_m = sex_js[1,okm_s] c_m = sex_js[0,okm_s] # find mask rows _R, tabulate histr_b, binr_b = np.histogram(r_m,bins=rows/10,range=(0,rows)) bin0_R = np.where((histr_b[1:]>0) & (histr_b[:-1]==0))[0] bin1_R = np.where((histr_b[1:]==0) & (histr_b[:-1]>0))[0] maskRows = bin0_R.shape[0] bin_m = np.digitize(r_m,binr_b) - 1 R_m = np.array([np.where((bin_m[m] >= bin0_R) & (bin_m[m] <= bin1_R))[0][0] \ for m in range(maskholes)]) # find mask cols _C, tabulate histc_b, binc_b = np.histogram(c_m,bins=cols/10,range=(0,cols)) bin0_C = np.where((histc_b[1:]>0) & (histc_b[:-1]==0))[0] bin1_C = np.where((histc_b[1:]==0) & (histc_b[:-1]>0))[0] maskCols = bin0_C.shape[0] bin_m = np.digitize(c_m,binc_b) - 1 C_m = np.array([np.where((bin_m[m] >= bin0_C) & (bin_m[m] <= bin1_C))[0][0] \ for m in range(maskholes)]) # identify mask center = optical axis if maskid == 'P000000N99': # symmetric mask Raxis = maskRows/2 Caxis = maskCols/2 elif maskid == 'P000000N03': # mask with centered cross Raxis = np.where((np.argmax(histr_b) >= bin0_R) & (np.argmax(histr_b) <= bin1_R))[0][0] Caxis = np.where((np.argmax(histc_b) >= bin0_C) & (np.argmax(histc_b) <= bin1_C))[0][0] else: print "Not a valid flexure mask" exit() maxis = np.where((R_m==Raxis)&(C_m==Caxis))[0][0] raxis = r_m[maxis] caxis = c_m[maxis] print "\nMask_Holes Rows Cols r axis c axis \n pixels pixels" print " %5i %5i %5i %8.1f %8.1f" % (maskholes,maskRows,maskCols,raxis*rbin,caxis*cbin) # np.savetxt(dateobs+'_'+"mask.txt",np.vstack((r_m,c_m,sex_js[2,okm_s],R_m)).T,fmt="%10.2f") # get linelist, predict spots in spectral image wavcent = rsslam(grating, grang, artic, 0.,dateobs) specfile = datedfile(datadir+"spectrograph/spec_yyyymmdd.txt",dateobs) FCampoly=np.loadtxt(specfile,usecols=(1,))[5:11] fcam = np.polyval(FCampoly,(wavcent/1000. - 4.)) lampfile=iraf.osfn("pysalt$data/linelists/"+lamp+".salt") wav_l,int_l = np.loadtxt(lampfile,unpack=True) maxdalpha = -np.degrees((cols/2)*cbin*pixel/(1000.*fcam)) maxgamma = np.degrees((rows/2)*rbin*pixel/(1000.*fcam)) maxwav = rsslam(grating,grang,artic, cols*cbin/2,dateobs,-maxdalpha,0) minwav = rsslam(grating,grang,artic,-cols*cbin/2,dateobs, maxdalpha,maxgamma) ok_l = (wav_l >= minwav) & (wav_l <= maxwav) wav_l = wav_l[ok_l] int_l = int_l[ok_l] lines = wav_l.shape[0] col_ml = np.zeros((maskholes,lines)) dcol_c = np.arange(-(cols*cbin/2),(cols*cbin/2)) for m in range(maskholes): dalpha = -np.degrees((c_m[m]-caxis)*cbin*pixel/(1000.*fcam)) gamma = np.degrees((r_m[m]-raxis)*rbin*pixel/(1000.*fcam)) wav0,wav1 = rsslam(grating,grang,artic,dcol_c[[0,-1]],dateobs,dalpha,gamma=gamma) ok_l = ((wav_l > wav0) & (wav_l < wav1)) colwav = interp1d(rsslam(grating,grang,artic,dcol_c, \ dateobs,dalpha=dalpha,gamma=gamma), dcol_c) col_ml[m,ok_l] = colwav(wav_l[ok_l]) + caxis*cbin # np.savetxt(dateobs+"_col_ml.txt",np.vstack((R_m,C_m,col_ml.T)),fmt="%8.1f") # identify mask hole and wavelength for spots in spec image closest to rho=0 os.remove("sexwt.fits") sex_js = sextract(fitslist[catpos],"",deblend=deblend) r_s = sex_js[1] c_s = sex_js[0] flux_s = sex_js[2] spots = r_s.shape[0] fluxmedian = np.median(np.sort(sex_js[2])[-10:]) ok_s = (flux_s > fluxmedian/30) # cull bogus spots # find spectral bin rows RR in candidates R0, cull non-spectra histr_b, binr_b = np.histogram(r_s[ok_s],bins=rows/10,range=(0,rows)) histr_b[[0,-1]] = 0 bin0_R0 = np.where((histr_b[1:]>0) & (histr_b[:-1]==0))[0] + 1 bin1_R0 = np.where((histr_b[1:]==0) & (histr_b[:-1]>0))[0] bin_s = np.digitize(r_s,binr_b) - 1 maxcount_R0 = np.array([(histr_b[bin0_R0[R0]:bin1_R0[R0]+1]).max() \ for R0 in range(bin0_R0.shape[0])]) ok_R0 = (maxcount_R0 > 3) specrows = ok_R0.sum() # cull down to spectra RR bin0_RR = bin0_R0[ok_R0] bin1_RR = bin1_R0[ok_R0] ok_s &= ((bin_s >= bin0_RR[:,None]) & (bin_s <= bin1_RR[:,None])).any(axis=0) RR_s = -np.ones(spots) r_RR = np.zeros(specrows) for RR in range(specrows): isRR_s = ok_s & np.in1d(bin_s,np.arange(bin0_RR[RR],bin1_RR[RR]+1)) RR_s[isRR_s] = RR r_RR[RR] = r_s[isRR_s].mean() count_RR = (RR_s[:,None]==range(specrows)).sum(axis=0) if maskid == 'P000000N99': RRaxis = np.argmin((raxis-r_RR)**2) elif maskid == 'P000000N03': RRaxis = np.argmax(count_RR) # cull weak lines ptile = 100.*min(1.,5.*maskCols/count_RR.max()) # want like 5 brightest lines for RR in range(specrows): isRR_s = ok_s & np.in1d(bin_s,np.arange(bin0_RR[RR],bin1_RR[RR]+1)) fluxmin = np.percentile(sex_js[2,isRR_s],100.-ptile) ok_s[isRR_s] &= (sex_js[2,isRR_s] > fluxmin) # identify with mask rows R (assuming no gaps) RR_m = R_m + RRaxis - Raxis # find approximate grating shift in dispersion direction by looking for most common id error histc_b = np.zeros(60) for RR in range(specrows): isRR_s = ((RR_s==RR) & ok_s) cerr_MS = (c_s[None,isRR_s] - col_ml[RR_m==RR].ravel()[:,None]) histc_b += np.histogram(cerr_MS.ravel(),bins=60,range=(-150,150))[0] cshift = 5*np.argmax(histc_b) - 150 col_ml += cshift # identify wavelength and mask column with spots in each spectrum isfound_s = np.zeros((spots),dtype=bool) bintol = 16/cbin # 2 arcsec tolerance for line ID R_s = -np.ones(spots,dtype=int) C_s = -np.ones(spots,dtype=int) l_s = -np.ones(spots,dtype=int) m_s = -np.ones(spots,dtype=int) cerr_s = np.zeros(spots) rmscol = 0. for RR in range(specrows): # _S spot in spectrum, _P (mask column, line) isRR_m = (RR_m==RR) isRR_s = ((RR_s==RR) & ok_s) cerr_PS = (c_s[None,isRR_s] - col_ml[isRR_m].ravel()[:,None]) Spots = isRR_s.sum() Possibles = col_ml[isRR_m].size Cols = Possibles/lines P_S = np.argmin(np.abs(cerr_PS),axis=0) cerr_S = cerr_PS[P_S,range(isRR_s.sum())] isfound_S = (np.abs(cerr_S) < bintol) M_P,l_P = np.unravel_index(np.arange(Possibles),(Cols,lines)) m_P = np.where(isRR_m)[0][M_P] m_S = m_P[P_S] C_P = C_m[m_P] C_S = C_P[P_S] l_S = l_P[P_S] s_S = np.where(isRR_s)[0] R_s[isRR_s] = RR + Raxis-RRaxis cerr_s[s_S] = cerr_S C_s[s_S[isfound_S]] = C_S[isfound_S] l_s[s_S[isfound_S]] = l_S[isfound_S] m_s[s_S[isfound_S]] = m_S[isfound_S] isfound_s[s_S] |= isfound_S rmscol += (cerr_S[isfound_S]**2).sum() # cull wavelengths to _L with < 1/2 Mask Rows or Cols ok_s &= isfound_s ok_l = np.zeros((lines),dtype=bool) for line in range(lines): lRows = np.unique(R_s[l_s==line]).shape[0] lCols = np.unique(C_s[l_s==line]).shape[0] ok_l[line] = ((lRows>=maskRows/2) & (lCols>=maskCols/2)) l_L = np.where(ok_l)[0] wav_L = wav_l[l_L] Lines = l_L.shape[0] ok_s &= np.in1d(l_s,l_L) # tabulate good catalog spots (final _S) s_S = np.where(ok_s)[0] r_S = r_s[s_S] c_S = c_s[s_S] cerr_S = cerr_s[s_S] R_S = R_s[s_S] C_S = C_s[s_S] l_S = l_s[s_S] Spots = ok_s.sum() rshift = r_S[R_S==Raxis].mean() - raxis cshift += (c_S - col_ml[m_s[s_S],l_S]).mean() rmscol = np.sqrt(rmscol/Spots) np.savetxt("cat_S.txt",np.vstack((s_S,r_S,c_S,R_S,C_S,l_S,cerr_S)).T, \ fmt="%5i %8.2f %8.2f %5i %5i %5i %8.2f") print "\nSpec_Spots Lines rshift cshift rms\n pixels pixels pixels" print " %5i %5i %8.1f %8.1f %8.1f" % (Spots,np.unique(l_S).shape[0],rshift,cshift,rmscol) print "\nLineno Wavel spots Rows Cols" for L in range(Lines): line = l_L[L] lRows = np.unique(R_S[l_S==line]).shape[0] lCols = np.unique(C_S[l_S==line]).shape[0] lspots = (l_S==line).sum() print " %5i %8.2f %5i %5i %5i" % (line,wav_l[line],lspots,lRows,lCols) sexcols = sex_js.shape[0] sexdata_jfS = np.zeros((sexcols,flexposns,Spots)) sexdata_jfS[:,catpos] = sex_js[:,ok_s] xcenter_L = col_ml[maxis,l_L] ycenter = raxis + rshift if option == "filesave": np.savetxt(prefix+"Spots.txt",sexdata_jfS[:,catpos].T, \ fmt=2*"%9.2f "+"%9.0f "+"%9.1f "+"%4i "+"%6.2f "+3*"%7.2f "+"%11.3e") # find spots in flexure series, in order of increasing abs(rho), and store sextractor output row_fLd = np.zeros((flexposns,Lines,2)) col_fLd = np.zeros((flexposns,Lines,2)) print "\n fits rho line spots rshift cshift rslope cslope rmserr " print " deg Ang arcsec arcsec arcmin arcmin bins" for dirn in (1,-1): refpos = catpos posdirlist = np.argsort(dirn*rho_f) poslist = posdirlist[dirn*rho_f[posdirlist] > rho_f[refpos]] for fpos in poslist: col_S,row_S = sexdata_jfS[0:2,refpos,:] sex_js = sextract(fitslist[fpos],"sexwt.fits",deblend=deblend) binsqerr_sS = (sex_js[1,:,None] - row_S[None,:])**2 + (sex_js[0,:,None] - col_S[None,:])**2 S_s = np.argmin(binsqerr_sS,axis=1) # First compute image shift by averaging small errors rowerr_s = sex_js[1] - row_S[S_s] colerr_s = sex_js[0] - col_S[S_s] hist_r,bin_r = np.histogram(rowerr_s,bins=32,range=(-2*bintol,2*bintol)) drow = rowerr_s[(rowerr_s > bin_r[np.argmax(hist_r)]-bintol) & \ (rowerr_s < bin_r[np.argmax(hist_r)]+bintol)].mean() hist_c,bin_c = np.histogram(colerr_s,bins=32,range=(-2*bintol,2*bintol)) dcol = colerr_s[(colerr_s > bin_c[np.argmax(hist_c)]-bintol) & \ (colerr_s < bin_c[np.argmax(hist_c)]+bintol)].mean() # Now refind the closest ID binsqerr_sS = (sex_js[1,:,None] - row_S[None,:] -drow)**2 + \ (sex_js[0,:,None] - col_S[None,:] -dcol)**2 binsqerr_s = binsqerr_sS.min(axis=1) isfound_s = binsqerr_s < bintol**2 S_s = np.argmin(binsqerr_sS,axis=1) isfound_s &= (binsqerr_s == binsqerr_sS[:,S_s].min(axis=0)) isfound_S = np.array([S in S_s[isfound_s] for S in range(Spots)]) sexdata_jfS[:,fpos,S_s[isfound_s]] = sex_js[:,isfound_s] drow_S = sexdata_jfS[1,fpos]-sexdata_jfS[1,catpos] dcol_S = sexdata_jfS[0,fpos]-sexdata_jfS[0,catpos] # np.savetxt("motion_"+str(fpos)+".txt",np.vstack((isfound_S,l_S,drow_S,dcol_S)).T,fmt="%3i %3i %8.2f %8.2f") # Compute flexure image motion parameters for each line for L in range(Lines): ok_S = ((l_S == l_L[L]) & isfound_S) row_fLd[fpos,L],rowchi,d,d,d = \ np.polyfit(sexdata_jfS[0,catpos,ok_S]-xcenter_L[L],drow_S[ok_S],deg=1,full=True) col_fLd[fpos,L],colchi,d,d,d = \ np.polyfit(sexdata_jfS[1,catpos,ok_S]-ycenter,dcol_S[ok_S],deg=1,full=True) rms = np.sqrt((rowchi+colchi)/(2*ok_S.sum())) print ("%12s %5.0f %5i %5i "+5*"%7.2f ") % (image_f[fpos], rho_f[fpos], wav_L[L], \ ok_S.sum(),row_fLd[fpos,L,1]*rbin*pix_scale, col_fLd[fpos,L,1]*cbin*pix_scale, \ 60.*np.degrees(row_fLd[fpos,L,0]),-60.*np.degrees(col_fLd[fpos,L,0]), rms) if option == "filesave": np.savetxt(prefix+"flex_"+str(fpos)+".txt",np.vstack((isfound_S,drow_S,dcol_S)).T, \ fmt = "%2i %8.3f %8.3f") np.savetxt(prefix+"sextr_"+str(fpos)+".txt",sexdata_jfS[:,fpos].T) print # make plots fig,plot_s = plt.subplots(2,1,sharex=True) plt.xlabel('Rho (deg)') plt.xlim(-120,120) plt.xticks(range(-120,120,30)) fig.set_size_inches((8.5,11)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.175) plot_s[0].set_title(str(dateobs)+[" Imaging"," Spectral"][isspec]+" Flexure") plot_s[0].set_ylabel('Mean Position (arcsec)') plot_s[0].set_ylim(-0.5,4.) plot_s[1].set_ylabel('Rotation (arcmin ccw)') plot_s[1].set_ylim(-10.,6.) lbl_L = [("%5.0f") % (wav_L[L]) for L in range(Lines)] color_L = 'bgrcmykw' for L in range(Lines): plot_s[0].plot(rho_f,row_fLd[:,L,1]*rbin*pix_scale, \ color=color_L[L],marker='D',markersize=8,label='row '+lbl_L[L]) plot_s[1].plot(rho_f,60.*np.degrees(row_fLd[:,L,0]), color=color_L[L],marker='D',markersize=8,label='row '+lbl_L[L]) collbl = 'col'+lbl_L[0] for L in range(Lines): plot_s[0].plot(rho_f,col_fLd[:,L,1]*cbin*pix_scale, \ color=color_L[L],marker='s',markersize=8,label=collbl) plot_s[1].plot(rho_f,-60.*np.degrees(col_fLd[:,L,0]), \ color=color_L[L],marker='s',markersize=8,label=collbl) collbl = '' plot_s[0].legend(fontsize='medium',loc='upper center') plotfile = str(dateobs)+['_imflex.pdf','_grflex.pdf'][isspec] plt.savefig(plotfile,orientation='portrait') if'posix': if os.popen('ps -C evince -f').read().count(plotfile)==0: os.system('evince '+plotfile+' &') os.remove("out.txt") os.remove("qred_thrufoc.param") os.remove("sexwt.fits") return
def flexure_rss(fitslist, option=""): global sex_js, rd, B, pixarcsec, gridsize, niter global rho_f, rc0_dgg, usespots_gg, fwhminterp_g # for cube analysis if option == "filesave": prefix = raw_input("file prefix: ") pixel = 15. # pixel size in microns pix_scale = 0.125 sexparams = ["X_IMAGE","Y_IMAGE","FLUX_ISO","FLUX_MAX","FLAGS","CLASS_STAR", \ "X2WIN_IMAGE","Y2WIN_IMAGE","XYWIN_IMAGE","ERRX2WIN_IMAGE"] np.savetxt("qred_thrufoc.param", sexparams, fmt="%s") fmaxcol, flagcol, xvarcol, yvarcol, xerrcol = ( 3, 4, 6, 7, 9) # column nos (from 0) of data in sextractor imagestooclosefactor = 3.0 # too close if factor*sep < sqrt(var) gaptooclose = 1.25 # arcsec edgetooclose = 1.25 # arcsec rattolerance = 0.25 toofaint = 250. # FMAX counts galaxydelta = 0.4 # arcsec MOSimagelimit = 1. # arcsec deblend = .005 # default flexposns = len(fitslist) obsdict = obslog(fitslist) image_f = [fitslist[fpos].split(".")[0][-12:] for fpos in range(flexposns)] dateobs = int(image_f[0][:8]) if dateobs > 20110928: rho_f = np.array(obsdict["TRKRHO"]).astype(float) else: rho_f = np.array(obsdict["TELRHO"]).astype(float) catpos = np.argmin(np.abs(rho_f)) cbin, rbin = np.array(obsdict["CCDSUM"][catpos].split(" ")).astype(int) maskid = obsdict["MASKID"][catpos].strip() filter = obsdict["FILTER"][catpos].strip() grating = obsdict["GRATING"][catpos].strip() rows, cols = pyfits.getdata(fitslist[catpos]).shape isspec = (obsdict["GR-STATE"][catpos][1] == "4") print str(, "\n" print "Mask: ", maskid print "Filter: ", filter print "Grating: ", grating # make catalog of stars using image closest to rho=0 (capital S) sex_js = sextract(fitslist[catpos], deblend=deblend) fluxisomedian = np.median(np.sort( sex_js[2])[-10:]) # median of 10 brightest ok_s = sex_js[2] > fluxisomedian / 100. # get rid of bogus stars sexcols = sex_js.shape[0] Stars = ok_s.sum() sexdata_jfS = np.zeros((sexcols, flexposns, Stars)) sexdata_jfS[:, catpos] = sex_js[:, ok_s] xcenter = 0.5 * (sexdata_jfS[0, catpos].min() + sexdata_jfS[0, catpos].max()) ycenter = 0.5 * (sexdata_jfS[1, catpos].min() + sexdata_jfS[1, catpos].max()) print "\n fits rho stars rshift cshift rslope cslope rmserr " print " deg arcsec arcsec arcmin arcmin bins" print ("%12s %5.1f %5i "+5*"%7.2f ") % \ (image_f[catpos], rho_f[catpos], Stars, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.) if option == "filesave": np.savetxt(prefix+"Stars.txt",sexdata_jfS[:,catpos].T, \ fmt=2*"%9.2f "+"%9.0f "+"%9.1f "+"%4i "+"%6.2f "+3*"%7.2f "+"%11.3e") # find stars in flexure series, in order of increasing abs(rho), and store sextractor output row_fd = np.zeros((flexposns, 2)) col_fd = np.zeros((flexposns, 2)) for dirn in (1, -1): refpos = catpos posdirlist = np.argsort(dirn * rho_f) poslist = posdirlist[dirn * rho_f[posdirlist] > rho_f[refpos]] for fpos in poslist: col_S, row_S = sexdata_jfS[0:2, refpos, :] sex_js = sextract(fitslist[fpos], "sexwt.fits", deblend=deblend) bintol = 16 / cbin # 2 arcsec tolerance for finding star binsqerr_sS = (sex_js[1, :, None] - row_S[None, :])**2 + ( sex_js[0, :, None] - col_S[None, :])**2 S_s = np.argmin(binsqerr_sS, axis=1) # First compute image shift by averaging small errors rowerr_s = sex_js[1] - row_S[S_s] colerr_s = sex_js[0] - col_S[S_s] hist_r, bin_r = np.histogram(rowerr_s, bins=32, range=(-2 * bintol, 2 * bintol)) drow = rowerr_s[(rowerr_s > bin_r[np.argmax(hist_r)]-bintol) & \ (rowerr_s < bin_r[np.argmax(hist_r)]+bintol)].mean() hist_c, bin_c = np.histogram(colerr_s, bins=32, range=(-2 * bintol, 2 * bintol)) dcol = colerr_s[(colerr_s > bin_r[np.argmax(hist_r)]-bintol) & \ (colerr_s < bin_r[np.argmax(hist_r)]+bintol)].mean() # Now refind the closest ID binsqerr_sS = (sex_js[1,:,None] - row_S[None,:] -drow)**2 + \ (sex_js[0,:,None] - col_S[None,:] -dcol)**2 binsqerr_s = binsqerr_sS.min(axis=1) isfound_s = binsqerr_s < bintol**2 S_s = np.argmin(binsqerr_sS, axis=1) isfound_s &= (binsqerr_s == binsqerr_sS[:, S_s].min(axis=0)) isfound_S = np.array([S in S_s[isfound_s] for S in range(Stars)]) sexdata_jfS[:, fpos, S_s[isfound_s]] = sex_js[:, isfound_s] drow_S = sexdata_jfS[1, fpos] - sexdata_jfS[1, catpos] dcol_S = sexdata_jfS[0, fpos] - sexdata_jfS[0, catpos] row_fd[fpos],rowchi,d,d,d = np.polyfit(sexdata_jfS[0,catpos,isfound_S]-xcenter, \ drow_S[isfound_S],deg=1,full=True) col_fd[fpos],colchi,d,d,d = np.polyfit(sexdata_jfS[1,catpos,isfound_S]-ycenter, \ dcol_S[isfound_S],deg=1,full=True) rms = np.sqrt((rowchi + colchi) / (2 * isfound_S.sum())) print ("%12s %5.0f %5i "+5*"%7.2f ") % (image_f[fpos], rho_f[fpos], isfound_S.sum(), \ row_fd[fpos,1]*rbin*pix_scale, col_fd[fpos,1]*cbin*pix_scale, \ 60.*np.degrees(row_fd[fpos,0]),-60.*np.degrees(col_fd[fpos,0]), rms) if option == "filesave": np.savetxt(prefix+"flex_"+str(fpos)+".txt",np.vstack((isfound_S,drow_S,dcol_S)).T, \ fmt = "%2i %8.3f %8.3f") np.savetxt(prefix + "sextr_" + str(fpos) + ".txt", sexdata_jfS[:, fpos].T) # make plots fig, plot_s = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True) plt.xlabel('Rho (deg)') plt.xlim(-120, 120) plt.xticks(range(-120, 120, 30)) fig.set_size_inches((8.5, 11)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.175) plot_s[0].set_title(str(dateobs) + " Imaging Flexure") plot_s[0].set_ylabel('Mean Position (arcsec)') plot_s[0].set_ylim(-0.5, 2.) plot_s[1].set_ylabel('Rotation (arcmin ccw)') plot_s[1].set_ylim(-6., 6.) plot_s[0].plot(rho_f, row_fd[:, 1] * rbin * pix_scale, marker='D', label='row') plot_s[0].plot(rho_f, col_fd[:, 1] * rbin * pix_scale, marker='D', label='col') plot_s[1].plot(rho_f, 60. * np.degrees(row_fd[:, 0]), marker='D', label='row') plot_s[1].plot(rho_f, -60. * np.degrees(col_fd[:, 0]), marker='D', label='col') plot_s[0].legend(fontsize='medium', loc='upper center') plotfile = str(dateobs) + '_imflex.pdf' plt.savefig(plotfile, orientation='portrait') if == 'posix': if os.popen('ps -C evince -f').read().count(plotfile) == 0: os.system('evince ' + plotfile + ' &') os.remove("out.txt") os.remove("qred_thrufoc.param") os.remove("sexwt.fits") return
def flexure_rssspec(imagefits, fitslist, option=""): print str( if option == "filesave": prefix = raw_input("\nFile prefix: ") pixel = 15. # pixel size in microns pix_scale = 0.125 sexparams = ["X_IMAGE","Y_IMAGE","FLUX_ISO","FLUX_MAX","FLAGS","CLASS_STAR", \ "X2WIN_IMAGE","Y2WIN_IMAGE","XYWIN_IMAGE","ERRX2WIN_IMAGE"] np.savetxt("qred_thrufoc.param", sexparams, fmt="%s") fmaxcol, flagcol, xvarcol, yvarcol, xerrcol = ( 3, 4, 6, 7, 9) # column nos (from 0) of data in sextractor imagestooclosefactor = 3.0 # too close if factor*sep < sqrt(var) gaptooclose = 1.25 # arcsec edgetooclose = 1.25 # arcsec rattolerance = 0.25 toofaint = 250. # FMAX counts galaxydelta = 0.4 # arcsec MOSimagelimit = 1. # arcsec deblend = .005 # default imagehdr = pyfits.getheader(imagefits) if imagehdr["GR-STATE"][1] == "4": print "First fits file " + imagefits + " is not image of mask" exit() flexposns = len(fitslist) obsdict = obslog(fitslist) image_f = [fitslist[fpos].split(".")[0][-12:] for fpos in range(flexposns)] dateobs = obsdict["DATE-OBS"][0].replace("-", "") if int(dateobs) > 20110928: rho_f = np.array(obsdict["TRKRHO"]).astype(float) else: rho_f = np.array(obsdict["TELRHO"]).astype(float) catpos = np.argmin(np.abs(rho_f)) cbin, rbin = np.array(obsdict["CCDSUM"][catpos].split(" ")).astype(int) maskid = obsdict["MASKID"][catpos].strip() filter = obsdict["FILTER"][catpos].strip() grating = obsdict["GRATING"][catpos].strip() rows, cols = pyfits.getdata(fitslist[catpos]).shape isspec = (obsdict["GR-STATE"][catpos][1] == "4") if not isspec: print "Use flexure_rssimage for image flexure analysis" exit() grang = float(obsdict["GRTILT"][catpos]) artic = float(obsdict["CAMANG"][catpos]) lamp = obsdict["LAMPID"][catpos].strip() print "\nMask: ", maskid print "Filter: ", filter print "Grating: ", grating print "Artic (deg): ", artic print "Gr Angle (deg): ", grang print "Lamp: ", lamp # map the mask spots _m using the imaging fits file sex_js = sextract(imagefits, deblend=deblend) flux_s = sex_js[2] fluxmedian = np.median(np.sort(flux_s)[-10:]) okm_s = (flux_s > fluxmedian / 10) # cull bogus spots maskholes = okm_s.sum() r_m = sex_js[1, okm_s] c_m = sex_js[0, okm_s] # find mask rows _R, tabulate histr_b, binr_b = np.histogram(r_m, bins=rows / 10, range=(0, rows)) bin0_R = np.where((histr_b[1:] > 0) & (histr_b[:-1] == 0))[0] bin1_R = np.where((histr_b[1:] == 0) & (histr_b[:-1] > 0))[0] maskRows = bin0_R.shape[0] bin_m = np.digitize(r_m, binr_b) - 1 R_m = np.array([np.where((bin_m[m] >= bin0_R) & (bin_m[m] <= bin1_R))[0][0] \ for m in range(maskholes)]) # find mask cols _C, tabulate histc_b, binc_b = np.histogram(c_m, bins=cols / 10, range=(0, cols)) bin0_C = np.where((histc_b[1:] > 0) & (histc_b[:-1] == 0))[0] bin1_C = np.where((histc_b[1:] == 0) & (histc_b[:-1] > 0))[0] maskCols = bin0_C.shape[0] bin_m = np.digitize(c_m, binc_b) - 1 C_m = np.array([np.where((bin_m[m] >= bin0_C) & (bin_m[m] <= bin1_C))[0][0] \ for m in range(maskholes)]) # identify mask center = optical axis if maskid == 'P000000N99': # symmetric mask Raxis = maskRows / 2 Caxis = maskCols / 2 elif maskid == 'P000000N03': # mask with centered cross Raxis = np.where((np.argmax(histr_b) >= bin0_R) & (np.argmax(histr_b) <= bin1_R))[0][0] Caxis = np.where((np.argmax(histc_b) >= bin0_C) & (np.argmax(histc_b) <= bin1_C))[0][0] else: print "Not a valid flexure mask" exit() maxis = np.where((R_m == Raxis) & (C_m == Caxis))[0][0] raxis = r_m[maxis] caxis = c_m[maxis] print "\nMask_Holes Rows Cols r axis c axis \n pixels pixels" print " %5i %5i %5i %8.1f %8.1f" % (maskholes, maskRows, maskCols, raxis * rbin, caxis * cbin) # np.savetxt(dateobs+'_'+"mask.txt",np.vstack((r_m,c_m,sex_js[2,okm_s],R_m)).T,fmt="%10.2f") # get linelist, predict spots in spectral image wavcent = rsslam(grating, grang, artic, 0., dateobs) specfile = datedfile(datadir + "spectrograph/spec_yyyymmdd.txt", dateobs) FCampoly = np.loadtxt(specfile, usecols=(1, ))[5:11] fcam = np.polyval(FCampoly, (wavcent / 1000. - 4.)) lampfile = iraf.osfn("pysalt$data/linelists/" + lamp + ".salt") wav_l, int_l = np.loadtxt(lampfile, unpack=True) maxdalpha = -np.degrees((cols / 2) * cbin * pixel / (1000. * fcam)) maxgamma = np.degrees((rows / 2) * rbin * pixel / (1000. * fcam)) maxwav = rsslam(grating, grang, artic, cols * cbin / 2, dateobs, -maxdalpha, 0) minwav = rsslam(grating, grang, artic, -cols * cbin / 2, dateobs, maxdalpha, maxgamma) ok_l = (wav_l >= minwav) & (wav_l <= maxwav) wav_l = wav_l[ok_l] int_l = int_l[ok_l] lines = wav_l.shape[0] col_ml = np.zeros((maskholes, lines)) dcol_c = np.arange(-(cols * cbin / 2), (cols * cbin / 2)) for m in range(maskholes): dalpha = -np.degrees((c_m[m] - caxis) * cbin * pixel / (1000. * fcam)) gamma = np.degrees((r_m[m] - raxis) * rbin * pixel / (1000. * fcam)) wav0, wav1 = rsslam(grating, grang, artic, dcol_c[[0, -1]], dateobs, dalpha, gamma=gamma) ok_l = ((wav_l > wav0) & (wav_l < wav1)) colwav = interp1d(rsslam(grating,grang,artic,dcol_c, \ dateobs,dalpha=dalpha,gamma=gamma), dcol_c) col_ml[m, ok_l] = colwav(wav_l[ok_l]) + caxis * cbin # np.savetxt(dateobs+"_col_ml.txt",np.vstack((R_m,C_m,col_ml.T)),fmt="%8.1f") # identify mask hole and wavelength for spots in spec image closest to rho=0 os.remove("sexwt.fits") sex_js = sextract(fitslist[catpos], "", deblend=deblend) r_s = sex_js[1] c_s = sex_js[0] flux_s = sex_js[2] spots = r_s.shape[0] fluxmedian = np.median(np.sort(sex_js[2])[-10:]) ok_s = (flux_s > fluxmedian / 30) # cull bogus spots # find spectral bin rows RR in candidates R0, cull non-spectra histr_b, binr_b = np.histogram(r_s[ok_s], bins=rows / 10, range=(0, rows)) histr_b[[0, -1]] = 0 bin0_R0 = np.where((histr_b[1:] > 0) & (histr_b[:-1] == 0))[0] + 1 bin1_R0 = np.where((histr_b[1:] == 0) & (histr_b[:-1] > 0))[0] bin_s = np.digitize(r_s, binr_b) - 1 maxcount_R0 = np.array([(histr_b[bin0_R0[R0]:bin1_R0[R0]+1]).max() \ for R0 in range(bin0_R0.shape[0])]) ok_R0 = (maxcount_R0 > 3) specrows = ok_R0.sum() # cull down to spectra RR bin0_RR = bin0_R0[ok_R0] bin1_RR = bin1_R0[ok_R0] ok_s &= ((bin_s >= bin0_RR[:, None]) & (bin_s <= bin1_RR[:, None])).any(axis=0) RR_s = -np.ones(spots) r_RR = np.zeros(specrows) for RR in range(specrows): isRR_s = ok_s & np.in1d(bin_s, np.arange(bin0_RR[RR], bin1_RR[RR] + 1)) RR_s[isRR_s] = RR r_RR[RR] = r_s[isRR_s].mean() count_RR = (RR_s[:, None] == range(specrows)).sum(axis=0) if maskid == 'P000000N99': RRaxis = np.argmin((raxis - r_RR)**2) elif maskid == 'P000000N03': RRaxis = np.argmax(count_RR) # cull weak lines ptile = 100. * min( 1., 5. * maskCols / count_RR.max()) # want like 5 brightest lines for RR in range(specrows): isRR_s = ok_s & np.in1d(bin_s, np.arange(bin0_RR[RR], bin1_RR[RR] + 1)) fluxmin = np.percentile(sex_js[2, isRR_s], 100. - ptile) ok_s[isRR_s] &= (sex_js[2, isRR_s] > fluxmin) # identify with mask rows R (assuming no gaps) RR_m = R_m + RRaxis - Raxis # find approximate grating shift in dispersion direction by looking for most common id error histc_b = np.zeros(60) for RR in range(specrows): isRR_s = ((RR_s == RR) & ok_s) cerr_MS = (c_s[None, isRR_s] - col_ml[RR_m == RR].ravel()[:, None]) histc_b += np.histogram(cerr_MS.ravel(), bins=60, range=(-150, 150))[0] cshift = 5 * np.argmax(histc_b) - 150 col_ml += cshift # identify wavelength and mask column with spots in each spectrum isfound_s = np.zeros((spots), dtype=bool) bintol = 16 / cbin # 2 arcsec tolerance for line ID R_s = -np.ones(spots, dtype=int) C_s = -np.ones(spots, dtype=int) l_s = -np.ones(spots, dtype=int) m_s = -np.ones(spots, dtype=int) cerr_s = np.zeros(spots) rmscol = 0. for RR in range(specrows): # _S spot in spectrum, _P (mask column, line) isRR_m = (RR_m == RR) isRR_s = ((RR_s == RR) & ok_s) cerr_PS = (c_s[None, isRR_s] - col_ml[isRR_m].ravel()[:, None]) Spots = isRR_s.sum() Possibles = col_ml[isRR_m].size Cols = Possibles / lines P_S = np.argmin(np.abs(cerr_PS), axis=0) cerr_S = cerr_PS[P_S, range(isRR_s.sum())] isfound_S = (np.abs(cerr_S) < bintol) M_P, l_P = np.unravel_index(np.arange(Possibles), (Cols, lines)) m_P = np.where(isRR_m)[0][M_P] m_S = m_P[P_S] C_P = C_m[m_P] C_S = C_P[P_S] l_S = l_P[P_S] s_S = np.where(isRR_s)[0] R_s[isRR_s] = RR + Raxis - RRaxis cerr_s[s_S] = cerr_S C_s[s_S[isfound_S]] = C_S[isfound_S] l_s[s_S[isfound_S]] = l_S[isfound_S] m_s[s_S[isfound_S]] = m_S[isfound_S] isfound_s[s_S] |= isfound_S rmscol += (cerr_S[isfound_S]**2).sum() # cull wavelengths to _L with < 1/2 Mask Rows or Cols ok_s &= isfound_s ok_l = np.zeros((lines), dtype=bool) for line in range(lines): lRows = np.unique(R_s[l_s == line]).shape[0] lCols = np.unique(C_s[l_s == line]).shape[0] ok_l[line] = ((lRows >= maskRows / 2) & (lCols >= maskCols / 2)) l_L = np.where(ok_l)[0] wav_L = wav_l[l_L] Lines = l_L.shape[0] ok_s &= np.in1d(l_s, l_L) # tabulate good catalog spots (final _S) s_S = np.where(ok_s)[0] r_S = r_s[s_S] c_S = c_s[s_S] cerr_S = cerr_s[s_S] R_S = R_s[s_S] C_S = C_s[s_S] l_S = l_s[s_S] Spots = ok_s.sum() rshift = r_S[R_S == Raxis].mean() - raxis cshift += (c_S - col_ml[m_s[s_S], l_S]).mean() rmscol = np.sqrt(rmscol / Spots) np.savetxt("cat_S.txt",np.vstack((s_S,r_S,c_S,R_S,C_S,l_S,cerr_S)).T, \ fmt="%5i %8.2f %8.2f %5i %5i %5i %8.2f") print "\nSpec_Spots Lines rshift cshift rms\n pixels pixels pixels" print " %5i %5i %8.1f %8.1f %8.1f" % (Spots, np.unique(l_S).shape[0], rshift, cshift, rmscol) print "\nLineno Wavel spots Rows Cols" for L in range(Lines): line = l_L[L] lRows = np.unique(R_S[l_S == line]).shape[0] lCols = np.unique(C_S[l_S == line]).shape[0] lspots = (l_S == line).sum() print " %5i %8.2f %5i %5i %5i" % (line, wav_l[line], lspots, lRows, lCols) sexcols = sex_js.shape[0] sexdata_jfS = np.zeros((sexcols, flexposns, Spots)) sexdata_jfS[:, catpos] = sex_js[:, ok_s] xcenter_L = col_ml[maxis, l_L] ycenter = raxis + rshift if option == "filesave": np.savetxt(prefix+"Spots.txt",sexdata_jfS[:,catpos].T, \ fmt=2*"%9.2f "+"%9.0f "+"%9.1f "+"%4i "+"%6.2f "+3*"%7.2f "+"%11.3e") # find spots in flexure series, in order of increasing abs(rho), and store sextractor output row_fLd = np.zeros((flexposns, Lines, 2)) col_fLd = np.zeros((flexposns, Lines, 2)) print "\n fits rho line spots rshift cshift rslope cslope rmserr " print " deg Ang arcsec arcsec arcmin arcmin bins" for dirn in (1, -1): refpos = catpos posdirlist = np.argsort(dirn * rho_f) poslist = posdirlist[dirn * rho_f[posdirlist] > rho_f[refpos]] for fpos in poslist: col_S, row_S = sexdata_jfS[0:2, refpos, :] sex_js = sextract(fitslist[fpos], "sexwt.fits", deblend=deblend) binsqerr_sS = (sex_js[1, :, None] - row_S[None, :])**2 + ( sex_js[0, :, None] - col_S[None, :])**2 S_s = np.argmin(binsqerr_sS, axis=1) # First compute image shift by averaging small errors rowerr_s = sex_js[1] - row_S[S_s] colerr_s = sex_js[0] - col_S[S_s] hist_r, bin_r = np.histogram(rowerr_s, bins=32, range=(-2 * bintol, 2 * bintol)) drow = rowerr_s[(rowerr_s > bin_r[np.argmax(hist_r)]-bintol) & \ (rowerr_s < bin_r[np.argmax(hist_r)]+bintol)].mean() hist_c, bin_c = np.histogram(colerr_s, bins=32, range=(-2 * bintol, 2 * bintol)) dcol = colerr_s[(colerr_s > bin_c[np.argmax(hist_c)]-bintol) & \ (colerr_s < bin_c[np.argmax(hist_c)]+bintol)].mean() # Now refind the closest ID binsqerr_sS = (sex_js[1,:,None] - row_S[None,:] -drow)**2 + \ (sex_js[0,:,None] - col_S[None,:] -dcol)**2 binsqerr_s = binsqerr_sS.min(axis=1) isfound_s = binsqerr_s < bintol**2 S_s = np.argmin(binsqerr_sS, axis=1) isfound_s &= (binsqerr_s == binsqerr_sS[:, S_s].min(axis=0)) isfound_S = np.array([S in S_s[isfound_s] for S in range(Spots)]) sexdata_jfS[:, fpos, S_s[isfound_s]] = sex_js[:, isfound_s] drow_S = sexdata_jfS[1, fpos] - sexdata_jfS[1, catpos] dcol_S = sexdata_jfS[0, fpos] - sexdata_jfS[0, catpos] # np.savetxt("motion_"+str(fpos)+".txt",np.vstack((isfound_S,l_S,drow_S,dcol_S)).T,fmt="%3i %3i %8.2f %8.2f") # Compute flexure image motion parameters for each line for L in range(Lines): ok_S = ((l_S == l_L[L]) & isfound_S) row_fLd[fpos,L],rowchi,d,d,d = \ np.polyfit(sexdata_jfS[0,catpos,ok_S]-xcenter_L[L],drow_S[ok_S],deg=1,full=True) col_fLd[fpos,L],colchi,d,d,d = \ np.polyfit(sexdata_jfS[1,catpos,ok_S]-ycenter,dcol_S[ok_S],deg=1,full=True) rms = np.sqrt((rowchi + colchi) / (2 * ok_S.sum())) print ("%12s %5.0f %5i %5i "+5*"%7.2f ") % (image_f[fpos], rho_f[fpos], wav_L[L], \ ok_S.sum(),row_fLd[fpos,L,1]*rbin*pix_scale, col_fLd[fpos,L,1]*cbin*pix_scale, \ 60.*np.degrees(row_fLd[fpos,L,0]),-60.*np.degrees(col_fLd[fpos,L,0]), rms) if option == "filesave": np.savetxt(prefix+"flex_"+str(fpos)+".txt",np.vstack((isfound_S,drow_S,dcol_S)).T, \ fmt = "%2i %8.3f %8.3f") np.savetxt(prefix + "sextr_" + str(fpos) + ".txt", sexdata_jfS[:, fpos].T) print # make plots fig, plot_s = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True) plt.xlabel('Rho (deg)') plt.xlim(-120, 120) plt.xticks(range(-120, 120, 30)) fig.set_size_inches((8.5, 11)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.175) plot_s[0].set_title( str(dateobs) + [" Imaging", " Spectral"][isspec] + " Flexure") plot_s[0].set_ylabel('Mean Position (arcsec)') plot_s[0].set_ylim(-0.5, 4.) plot_s[1].set_ylabel('Rotation (arcmin ccw)') plot_s[1].set_ylim(-10., 6.) lbl_L = [("%5.0f") % (wav_L[L]) for L in range(Lines)] color_L = 'bgrcmykw' for L in range(Lines): plot_s[0].plot(rho_f,row_fLd[:,L,1]*rbin*pix_scale, \ color=color_L[L],marker='D',markersize=8,label='row '+lbl_L[L]) plot_s[1].plot(rho_f, 60. * np.degrees(row_fLd[:, L, 0]), color=color_L[L], marker='D', markersize=8, label='row ' + lbl_L[L]) collbl = 'col' + lbl_L[0] for L in range(Lines): plot_s[0].plot(rho_f,col_fLd[:,L,1]*cbin*pix_scale, \ color=color_L[L],marker='s',markersize=8,label=collbl) plot_s[1].plot(rho_f,-60.*np.degrees(col_fLd[:,L,0]), \ color=color_L[L],marker='s',markersize=8,label=collbl) collbl = '' plot_s[0].legend(fontsize='medium', loc='upper center') plotfile = str(dateobs) + ['_imflex.pdf', '_grflex.pdf'][isspec] plt.savefig(plotfile, orientation='portrait') if == 'posix': if os.popen('ps -C evince -f').read().count(plotfile) == 0: os.system('evince ' + plotfile + ' &') os.remove("out.txt") os.remove("qred_thrufoc.param") os.remove("sexwt.fits") return
def flexure_rss(fitslist,option=""): global sex_js, rd, B, pixarcsec, gridsize, niter global rho_f, rc0_dgg, usespots_gg, fwhminterp_g # for cube analysis if option == "filesave": prefix = raw_input("file prefix: ") pixel = 15. # pixel size in microns pix_scale=0.125 sexparams = ["X_IMAGE","Y_IMAGE","FLUX_ISO","FLUX_MAX","FLAGS","CLASS_STAR", \ "X2WIN_IMAGE","Y2WIN_IMAGE","XYWIN_IMAGE","ERRX2WIN_IMAGE"] np.savetxt("qred_thrufoc.param",sexparams,fmt="%s") fmaxcol,flagcol,xvarcol,yvarcol,xerrcol = (3,4,6,7,9) # column nos (from 0) of data in sextractor imagestooclosefactor = 3.0 # too close if factor*sep < sqrt(var) gaptooclose = 1.25 # arcsec edgetooclose = 1.25 # arcsec rattolerance = 0.25 toofaint = 250. # FMAX counts galaxydelta = 0.4 # arcsec MOSimagelimit = 1. # arcsec deblend = .005 # default flexposns = len(fitslist) obsdict=obslog(fitslist) image_f = [fitslist[fpos].split(".")[0][-12:] for fpos in range(flexposns)] dateobs = int(image_f[0][:8]) if dateobs > 20110928: rho_f = np.array(obsdict["TRKRHO"]).astype(float) else: rho_f = np.array(obsdict["TELRHO"]).astype(float) catpos = np.argmin(np.abs(rho_f)) cbin,rbin = np.array(obsdict["CCDSUM"][catpos].split(" ")).astype(int) maskid = obsdict["MASKID"][catpos].strip() filter = obsdict["FILTER"][catpos].strip() grating = obsdict["GRATING"][catpos].strip() rows,cols = pyfits.getdata(fitslist[catpos]).shape isspec = (obsdict["GR-STATE"][catpos][1] =="4") print str(, "\n" print "Mask: ", maskid print "Filter: ", filter print "Grating: ", grating # make catalog of stars using image closest to rho=0 (capital S) sex_js = sextract(fitslist[catpos],deblend=deblend) fluxisomedian = np.median(np.sort(sex_js[2])[-10:]) # median of 10 brightest ok_s = sex_js[2] > fluxisomedian/100. # get rid of bogus stars sexcols = sex_js.shape[0] Stars = ok_s.sum() sexdata_jfS = np.zeros((sexcols,flexposns,Stars)) sexdata_jfS[:,catpos] = sex_js[:,ok_s] xcenter = 0.5*(sexdata_jfS[0,catpos].min() + sexdata_jfS[0,catpos].max()) ycenter = 0.5*(sexdata_jfS[1,catpos].min() + sexdata_jfS[1,catpos].max()) print "\n fits rho stars rshift cshift rslope cslope rmserr " print " deg arcsec arcsec arcmin arcmin bins" print ("%12s %5.1f %5i "+5*"%7.2f ") % \ (image_f[catpos], rho_f[catpos], Stars, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.) if option == "filesave": np.savetxt(prefix+"Stars.txt",sexdata_jfS[:,catpos].T, \ fmt=2*"%9.2f "+"%9.0f "+"%9.1f "+"%4i "+"%6.2f "+3*"%7.2f "+"%11.3e") # find stars in flexure series, in order of increasing abs(rho), and store sextractor output row_fd = np.zeros((flexposns,2)) col_fd = np.zeros((flexposns,2)) for dirn in (1,-1): refpos = catpos posdirlist = np.argsort(dirn*rho_f) poslist = posdirlist[dirn*rho_f[posdirlist] > rho_f[refpos]] for fpos in poslist: col_S,row_S = sexdata_jfS[0:2,refpos,:] sex_js = sextract(fitslist[fpos],"sexwt.fits",deblend=deblend) bintol = 16/cbin # 2 arcsec tolerance for finding star binsqerr_sS = (sex_js[1,:,None] - row_S[None,:])**2 + (sex_js[0,:,None] - col_S[None,:])**2 S_s = np.argmin(binsqerr_sS,axis=1) # First compute image shift by averaging small errors rowerr_s = sex_js[1] - row_S[S_s] colerr_s = sex_js[0] - col_S[S_s] hist_r,bin_r = np.histogram(rowerr_s,bins=32,range=(-2*bintol,2*bintol)) drow = rowerr_s[(rowerr_s > bin_r[np.argmax(hist_r)]-bintol) & \ (rowerr_s < bin_r[np.argmax(hist_r)]+bintol)].mean() hist_c,bin_c = np.histogram(colerr_s,bins=32,range=(-2*bintol,2*bintol)) dcol = colerr_s[(colerr_s > bin_r[np.argmax(hist_r)]-bintol) & \ (colerr_s < bin_r[np.argmax(hist_r)]+bintol)].mean() # Now refind the closest ID binsqerr_sS = (sex_js[1,:,None] - row_S[None,:] -drow)**2 + \ (sex_js[0,:,None] - col_S[None,:] -dcol)**2 binsqerr_s = binsqerr_sS.min(axis=1) isfound_s = binsqerr_s < bintol**2 S_s = np.argmin(binsqerr_sS,axis=1) isfound_s &= (binsqerr_s == binsqerr_sS[:,S_s].min(axis=0)) isfound_S = np.array([S in S_s[isfound_s] for S in range(Stars)]) sexdata_jfS[:,fpos,S_s[isfound_s]] = sex_js[:,isfound_s] drow_S = sexdata_jfS[1,fpos]-sexdata_jfS[1,catpos] dcol_S = sexdata_jfS[0,fpos]-sexdata_jfS[0,catpos] row_fd[fpos],rowchi,d,d,d = np.polyfit(sexdata_jfS[0,catpos,isfound_S]-xcenter, \ drow_S[isfound_S],deg=1,full=True) col_fd[fpos],colchi,d,d,d = np.polyfit(sexdata_jfS[1,catpos,isfound_S]-ycenter, \ dcol_S[isfound_S],deg=1,full=True) rms = np.sqrt((rowchi+colchi)/(2*isfound_S.sum())) print ("%12s %5.0f %5i "+5*"%7.2f ") % (image_f[fpos], rho_f[fpos], isfound_S.sum(), \ row_fd[fpos,1]*rbin*pix_scale, col_fd[fpos,1]*cbin*pix_scale, \ 60.*np.degrees(row_fd[fpos,0]),-60.*np.degrees(col_fd[fpos,0]), rms) if option == "filesave": np.savetxt(prefix+"flex_"+str(fpos)+".txt",np.vstack((isfound_S,drow_S,dcol_S)).T, \ fmt = "%2i %8.3f %8.3f") np.savetxt(prefix+"sextr_"+str(fpos)+".txt",sexdata_jfS[:,fpos].T) # make plots fig,plot_s = plt.subplots(2,1,sharex=True) plt.xlabel('Rho (deg)') plt.xlim(-120,120) plt.xticks(range(-120,120,30)) fig.set_size_inches((8.5,11)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.175) plot_s[0].set_title(str(dateobs)+" Imaging Flexure") plot_s[0].set_ylabel('Mean Position (arcsec)') plot_s[0].set_ylim(-0.5,2.) plot_s[1].set_ylabel('Rotation (arcmin ccw)') plot_s[1].set_ylim(-6.,6.) plot_s[0].plot(rho_f,row_fd[:,1]*rbin*pix_scale,marker='D',label='row') plot_s[0].plot(rho_f,col_fd[:,1]*rbin*pix_scale,marker='D',label='col') plot_s[1].plot(rho_f,60.*np.degrees(row_fd[:,0]),marker='D',label='row') plot_s[1].plot(rho_f,-60.*np.degrees(col_fd[:,0]),marker='D',label='col') plot_s[0].legend(fontsize='medium',loc='upper center') plotfile = str(dateobs)+'_imflex.pdf' plt.savefig(plotfile,orientation='portrait') if'posix': if os.popen('ps -C evince -f').read().count(plotfile)==0: os.system('evince '+plotfile+' &') os.remove("out.txt") os.remove("qred_thrufoc.param") os.remove("sexwt.fits") return