def test_toarray(eng):
    original = [array([1, 2, 3]), array([4, 5, 6])]
    data = series.fromlist(original, engine=eng)
    assert allclose(data.toarray(), original)
    original = [array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]), array([[5, 6], [7, 8]])]
    data = images.fromlist(original, engine=eng)
    assert allclose(data.toarray(), original)
def test_first(eng):
    data = series.fromlist([array([1, 2, 3]), array([4, 5, 6])], engine=eng)
    assert allclose(data.first(), [1, 2, 3])
    data = images.fromlist([array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]),
                            array([[5, 6], [7, 8]])],
    assert allclose(data.first(), [[1, 2], [3, 4]])
def test_toarray(eng):
    original = [array([1, 2, 3]), array([4, 5, 6])]
    data = series.fromlist(original, engine=eng)
    assert allclose(data.toarray(), original)
    original = [array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]), array([[5, 6], [7, 8]])]
    data = images.fromlist(original, engine=eng)
    assert allclose(data.toarray(), original)
文件: save_dff.py 项目: yooerzf/fish
def prepare_images(files, context, median_filter_size, background_offset):
    from thunder import images as tdims
    from fish.util.fileio import read_image

    images = tdims.fromlist(files, accessor=read_image, engine=context)
    images = images.map(lambda v: (v - background_offset).clip(1, None))
    images = images.median_filter(size=median_filter_size)
    return images
def test_map_with_keys(eng):
    data = series.fromlist([array([1, 2, 3]), array([4, 5, 6])], engine=eng)
    mapped = data.map(lambda kv: kv[0] + kv[1], with_keys=True)
    assert allclose(mapped.shape, [2, 3])
    assert allclose(mapped.toarray(), [[1, 2, 3], [5, 6, 7]])
    data = images.fromlist([array([[1, 1], [1, 1]]), array([[2, 2], [2, 2]])], engine=eng)
    mapped = data.map(lambda kv: kv[0] + kv[1], with_keys=True)
    assert allclose(mapped.shape, [2, 2, 2])
    assert allclose(mapped.toarray(), [[[1, 1], [1, 1]], [[3, 3], [3, 3]]])
def test_map_with_keys(eng):
    data = series.fromlist([array([1, 2, 3]), array([4, 5, 6])], engine=eng)
    mapped = data.map(lambda kv: kv[0] + kv[1], with_keys=True)
    assert allclose(mapped.shape, [2, 3])
    assert allclose(mapped.toarray(), [[1, 2, 3], [5, 6, 7]])
    data = images.fromlist([array([[1, 1], [1, 1]]),
                            array([[2, 2], [2, 2]])],
    mapped = data.map(lambda kv: kv[0] + kv[1], with_keys=True)
    assert allclose(mapped.shape, [2, 2, 2])
    assert allclose(mapped.toarray(), [[[1, 1], [1, 1]], [[3, 3], [3, 3]]])
def test_is_cached(eng):
    if eng is not None:
        data = images.fromlist([array([1, 1]), array([2, 2]), array([3, 3]), array([4, 4]),
                                array([5, 5]), array([6, 6]), array([7, 7]), array([8, 8]),
                                array([9, 9]), array([10, 10]), array([11, 11]), array([12, 12])],
                               engine=eng, npartitions=10)
        assert data.iscached() is False
        assert data.iscached()
        assert data.iscached() is False
def test_repartition(eng):
    if eng is not None:
        data = images.fromlist([
            array([1, 1]),
            array([2, 2]),
            array([3, 3]),
            array([4, 4]),
            array([5, 5]),
            array([6, 6]),
            array([7, 7]),
            array([8, 8]),
            array([9, 9]),
            array([10, 10]),
            array([11, 11]),
            array([12, 12])
        assert allclose(data.first(), array([1, 1]))
        assert isinstance(data.first(), (ndarray, generic))
        data = data.repartition(3)
        assert allclose(data.first(), array([1, 1]))

        data = series.fromlist([
            array([1, 1]),
            array([2, 2]),
            array([3, 3]),
            array([4, 4]),
            array([5, 5]),
            array([6, 6]),
            array([7, 7]),
            array([8, 8]),
            array([9, 9]),
            array([10, 10]),
            array([11, 11]),
            array([12, 12])
        assert allclose(data.first(), array([1, 1]))
        data = data.repartition(3)
        assert allclose(data.first(), array([1, 1]))
        assert isinstance(data.first(), (ndarray, generic))
def test_repartition(eng):
    if eng is not None:
        data = images.fromlist([array([1, 1]), array([2, 2]), array([3, 3]), array([4, 4]),
                                array([5, 5]), array([6, 6]), array([7, 7]), array([8, 8]),
                                array([9, 9]), array([10, 10]), array([11, 11]), array([12, 12])],
                               engine=eng, npartitions=10)
        assert allclose(data.first(), array([1, 1]))
        assert isinstance(data.first(), (ndarray, generic))
        data = data.repartition(3)
        assert allclose(data.first(), array([1, 1]))

        data = series.fromlist([array([1, 1]), array([2, 2]), array([3, 3]), array([4, 4]),
                                array([5, 5]), array([6, 6]), array([7, 7]), array([8, 8]),
                                array([9, 9]), array([10, 10]), array([11, 11]), array([12, 12])],
                               engine=eng, npartitions=10)
        assert allclose(data.first(), array([1, 1]))
        data = data.repartition(3)
        assert allclose(data.first(), array([1, 1]))
        assert isinstance(data.first(), (ndarray, generic))
def test_is_cached(eng):
    if eng is not None:
        data = images.fromlist([
            array([1, 1]),
            array([2, 2]),
            array([3, 3]),
            array([4, 4]),
            array([5, 5]),
            array([6, 6]),
            array([7, 7]),
            array([8, 8]),
            array([9, 9]),
            array([10, 10]),
            array([11, 11]),
            array([12, 12])
        assert data.iscached() is False
        assert data.iscached()
        assert data.iscached() is False
def make_gaussian(shape=(100, 200), n=5, t=100, sd=3, noise=0.1, seed=None, engine=None, withparams=False):
    Generate random gaussian source data.

    Uses a spatial mixture gaussians with time-varying amplitudes.

    shape : tuple, optional, default = (100,200)
        Shape of data.

    n : int, optional, default = 5
        Number of sources.

    t : int, optional, default = 100
        Number of time points.

    sd : float, optional, default = 3.0
        Standard deviation of gaussians.

    noise : float, optional, default = 0.1
        Random noise to add to result.

    seed : int, optional, default = None
        Random seed.

    engine : computational backend, optional, default = None
        Can be None (for local) or a SparkContext (for spark)

    withparams : bool, optionla, default = False
        If True, returns generating parameters along with data.
    from .model import ExtractionModel


    margin = [shape[0] * 0.1, shape[1] * 0.1]
    xcenters = (shape[0] - margin[0]) * random.random_sample(n) + margin[0]/2
    ycenters = (shape[1] - margin[1]) * random.random_sample(n) + margin[1]/2
    centers = list(zip(xcenters, ycenters))

    series = [random.randn(t) for i in range(0, n)]
    series = clip(asarray([gaussian_filter1d(vec, 5) for vec in series]), 0, 1)
    for ii, tt in enumerate(series):
        series[ii] = (tt / (tt.max() + 0.01)) * 2

    frames = []
    for tt in range(t):
        frame = zeros(shape)
        for nn in range(n):
            base = zeros(shape)
            base[centers[nn][0], centers[nn][1]] = 1
            img = gaussian_filter(base, sd)
            img = img/max(img)
            frame += img * series[nn][tt]
        frame += clip(random.randn(shape[0], shape[1]) * noise, 0, inf)

    def point_to_circle(center, radius):
        rr, cc = circle(center[0], center[1], radius)
        return array(zip(rr, cc))

    r = round(sd * 1.5)

    model = ExtractionModel([point_to_circle(c, r) for c in centers])

    data = fromlist(frames, engine=engine).astype('float')
    if withparams is True:
        return data, series, model
        return data
def test_first(eng):
    data = series.fromlist([array([1, 2, 3]), array([4, 5, 6])], engine=eng)
    assert allclose(data.first(), [1, 2, 3])
    data = images.fromlist([array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]), array([[5, 6], [7, 8]])], engine=eng)
    assert allclose(data.first(), [[1, 2], [3, 4]])
def make_gaussian(shape=(100, 200), n=5, t=100, sd=3, noise=0.1, seed=None, engine=None, withparams=False):
    Generate random gaussian source data.

    Uses a spatial mixture gaussians with time-varying amplitudes.

    shape : tuple, optional, default = (100,200)
        Shape of data.

    n : int, optional, default = 5
        Number of sources.

    t : int, optional, default = 100
        Number of time points.

    sd : float, optional, default = 3.0
        Standard deviation of gaussians.

    noise : float, optional, default = 0.1
        Random noise to add to result.

    seed : int, optional, default = None
        Random seed.

    engine : computational backend, optional, default = None
        Can be None (for local) or a SparkContext (for spark)

    withparams : bool, optionla, default = False
        If True, returns generating parameters along with data.
    from .model import ExtractionModel


    margin = [shape[0] * 0.1, shape[1] * 0.1]
    xcenters = (shape[0] - margin[0]) * random.random_sample(n) + margin[0]/2
    ycenters = (shape[1] - margin[1]) * random.random_sample(n) + margin[1]/2
    centers = list(zip(xcenters, ycenters))

    series = [random.randn(t) for i in range(0, n)]
    series = clip(asarray([gaussian_filter1d(vec, 5) for vec in series]), 0, 1)
    for ii, tt in enumerate(series):
        series[ii] = (tt / (tt.max() + 0.01)) * 2

    frames = []
    for tt in range(t):
        frame = zeros(shape)
        for nn in range(n):
            base = zeros(shape)
            base[int(centers[nn][0]), int(centers[nn][1])] = 1
            img = gaussian_filter(base, sd)
            img = img/max(img)
            frame += img * series[nn][tt]
        frame += clip(random.randn(shape[0], shape[1]) * noise, 0, inf)

    def point_to_circle(center, radius):
        rr, cc = circle(center[0], center[1], radius)
        return array(list(zip(rr, cc)))

    r = round(sd * 1.5)

    model = ExtractionModel([point_to_circle(c, r) for c in centers])

    data = fromlist(frames, engine=engine).astype('float')
    if withparams is True:
        return data, series, model
        return data