def test_get_int(self):
        input_seq = ["as", "one", "3.14", "r112", " 34 "]
        with mock.patch("builtins.input", side_effect=input_seq):
            self.assertEqual(ioutil.get_int(""), 34)

        input_seq = ["\n42  \t"]
        with mock.patch("builtins.input", side_effect=input_seq):
            self.assertEqual(ioutil.get_int(""), 42)
    def test_get_int(self):
        input_seq = ['as', 'one', '3.14', 'r112', ' 34 ']
        with mock.patch('builtins.input', side_effect=input_seq):
            self.assertEqual(ioutil.get_int(''), 34)

        input_seq = ['\n42  \t']
        with mock.patch('builtins.input', side_effect=input_seq):
            self.assertEqual(ioutil.get_int(''), 42)
    def play_round(self):
        """Plays one round of a game.

        A round start with an empty board and players make their moves in turn,
        until one is victorious or the board is filled.
        self.board = board.Board(self.width, self.height, self.players, self.size)
        self.round_counter += 1
        while True:
            print('Currently on turn: {}.'.format(self.players[self.on_turn]))

            while True:
                position = ioutil.get_int('Please input a position: ')
                    self.board.set(position, self.on_turn)
                except ValueError:
                    print('Position {} invalid.'.format(position))

            outcome, winner = self.board.finished()
            if outcome:
                if winner is None:
                    print("It's a tie!")
                    print("Player {} won!".format(self.players[winner]))
                    self.players[winner].won += 1
                    for j in range(len(self.players)):
                        print("Player {0} won {1} game{2}!".format(self.players[j], self.players[j].won, 's' if self.players[j].won != 1 else ''))

            self.on_turn += 1
            self.on_turn %= self.num_of_players