 def on_button_down_clicked(self, widget, data=None):
     global start_time
     start_time = time.time()        
     #zoom is relative to start and zoomfactor
     zoom = start_zoom + zoomFactor
     #change the y values for new tiles
     #set new zentral tile
     global zentral_tile
     zentral_tile = func.getZentralTile(x,y)
     #set tile uri
     tile_uri = tile_dir + str(zoom)
     #render the new tiles
     global rendered_tiles
     rendered_tiles = new_object.render_on_demand(tile_uri, zoom, zentral_tile)
     #show the new tiles
    def __new__(cls, sent):
        """Special static method that's automatically called by Python when 
        constructing a new instance of this class.

        Returns a fully instantiated TilesDialog object.
        #set if the tile-bbox should be displayed
        #very rude functionality...you have to press reload to see bbox
        global showBbox
        showBbox = False
        added = False
        global added
        #get the sent informations
        first_split = sent.split('+')[1]
        global tile_parts
        tile_parts = first_split.split(':')
        #print tile_parts 

        #initialization of all sent data
        global mapfile        
        mapfile = tile_parts[1]
        global mapnik_qmap
        mapnik_qmap = mapnik.Map(256, 256)
        global prj
        prj = mapnik.Projection(mapnik_qmap.srs)#mapnik.Projection("+proj=merc +lon_0=0 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371000 +b=6371000 +units=m +no_defs")
        extent = tile_parts[0].split('(')[1].split(')')[0].split(', ')
        c0 = prj.inverse(mapnik.Coord(float(extent[0]),float(extent[2])))
        c1 = prj.inverse(mapnik.Coord(float(extent[1]),float(extent[3])))
        bbox = (c0.x, c0.y, c1.x, c1.y)
        global tile_dir
        tile_dir = tile_parts[2]
        global maxZoom
        maxZoom = int(tile_parts[4])
        minZoom = int(tile_parts[3])
        global generalHome
        generalHome = tile_parts[5]
        global logs
        logs = tile_parts[6]
        #get the minimal tile view for setted dataset -->minimum means: mind. 9 Tiles are created
        global all_tiles
        all_tiles = rendering.calcNecTiles(bbox, tile_dir, minZoom, maxZoom)
        #save start zoom
        global start_zoom
        start_zoom = all_tiles[0][2]
        #find all x and y names of the necessary tiles and...               
        global x
        x = []
        global y
        y = []
        for i in range(1, len(all_tiles)):
            if (all_tiles[i])[0] > (all_tiles[i-1])[0]:
        #print 'all x: '+str(x)
        for j in range(1,len(x)):
            if (all_tiles[j])[1] > (all_tiles[j-1])[1]:
        #print 'all y: '+str(y)
        #...get the zentral tile of all possible
        global zentral_tile
        zentral_tile = func.getZentralTile(x,y)
        #initialize the size of the tile buffer
        global buffer_size
        buffer_size = 128
        #render the the central and all 8 surrounding tiles
        global rendered_tiles
        global first_zentral_uri
        first_zentral_uri = all_tiles[0][3]
        zoom = start_zoom

       # c0, c1 = renderer.calcTileCoordinates(zentral_tile, zoom)
        #print 'Coordinates of Tile:',c0, c1
        #initialize the zoomfactor, that is relative to the start zoom
        global zoomFactor
        zoomFactor = 0   
        builder = get_builder('TilesDialog')
        global new_object
        new_object = builder.get_object('tiles_dialog')
        return new_object