vs = set()
    for anz in range(1, anz_kugeln // 2 + 1):
        for v2l in combinations(range(anz_kugeln), anz):
            for v2r in combinations(range(anz_kugeln), anz):
                if set(v2l) & set(v2r): continue
                if (v2r, v2l) in vs: continue
                vs.add((v2l, v2r))
                e, text = prüfung(v1, v2m, v2l + v2r)
                if e:
                    anz_lösungen += 1
                    if modus > 0:
                            f'Lösung Nr. {anz_lösungen} für V2lr {v2l} <-> {v2r}'
                    if modus > 1: print(text + '\n\n')
                    if modus > 2: return
    print(f'Anzahl Lösungen für V2lr: {anz_lösungen}')

start = pfc()
stati = {True: {'?': '+', '-': '='}, False: {'?': '-', '+': '='}}

anz_kugeln = 12
kugeln = [[nr, '?'] for nr in range(anz_kugeln)]

v1 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
v2m = [8, 9, 10, 0, 1, 2]

print(f'{pfc()-start:.2f} Sek.')

def load(file):
    with open(file) as f:
        return f.read()

def cipher(c, sector_ID):
    return chr(97 + (ord(c) - 97 + sector_ID % 26) % 26)

def solve(p, part1=0):
    pattern = r'([a-z-]+)(\d+)\[(\w+)\]'
    for encrypted_name, sector_ID, checksum in re.findall(pattern, p):
        encrypted_name = encrypted_name.replace('-', '')
        sector_ID = int(sector_ID)
        tops = [(-n, c) for c, n in Counter(encrypted_name).most_common()]
        ranked = ''.join([c for n, c in sorted(tops)])
        if checksum == ranked[:5]:
            part1 += sector_ID
            decrypted_name = ''.join(
                [cipher(c, sector_ID) for c in encrypted_name])
            if 'northpole' in decrypted_name: part2 = sector_ID
    return part1, part2

puzzle = load('Tag_04.txt')

start = pfc()
print(solve(puzzle), pfc() - start)
文件: d18_alt.py 项目: bj0/aoc
def main(data):
    start = pfc()
    print(pfc() - start)
from time import perf_counter as pfc     #as dc dung nhu ham thay the
start_time=pfc()                         # thay the perf_counter=pfc
input('Moi nhap bat ki:')
print('Tgian ban dung:',elapsed,'giay')
MOVE_BB = bitboards.gen_move_bitboards()
SLIDING_MOVE_BB = bitboards.gen_sliding_move_bb(MOVE_BB)
SQUARE_BB = bitboards.gen_square_bb()
ONLY1POS = {mask: i for i, mask in enumerate(SQUARE_BB)}
    'K': [1 << 61 | 1 << 62, (61, 62), (63, 61)],
    'Q': [1 << 57 | 1 << 58 | 1 << 59, (59, 58), (56, 59)],
    'k': [1 << 5 | 1 << 6, (5, 6), (7, 5)],
    'q': [1 << 1 | 1 << 2 | 1 << 3, (3, 2), (0, 3)]
pieces_bb, all_pieces_bb, occupied_bb = bitboards.gen_pieces_bb(position)
save_occ = occupied_bb
save_all = all_pieces_bb.copy()

start = pfc()
for i in range(10_000):
    züge = zuggenerator(weiss, position)
print(pfc() - start)

züge = zuggenerator(weiss, position)
for fig, von, zu, rochade, capture in züge:
    zug = ''
    if rochade and rochade in 'qQ':
        zug += 'O-O-O'
    elif rochade and rochade in 'kK':
        zug += 'O-O'
        zug += fig.upper() if fig not in 'pP' else ''
        zug += 'x' if capture else ''
        zug += i2A8(zu)
from time import perf_counter as pfc
import heapq

def read_puzzle(file):
    with open(file) as f:
        return {(x, y): int(n)
                for y, row in enumerate(f.read().split('\n'))
                for x, n in enumerate(row)}

from heapq import heappush, heappop

def dijkstra(grid, target, start=(0, 0), risk=0):
    queue = [(risk, start)]
    min_risk = {start: risk}
    visited = {start}
    while queue:
        risk, (x, y) = heapq.heappop(queue)
        if (x, y) == target:
            return risk
        for neigh in ((x + 1, y), (x, y + 1), (x - 1, y), (x, y - 1)):
            if neigh not in grid or neigh in visited: continue
            new_risk = risk + grid[neigh]
            if new_risk < min_risk.get(neigh, 999999):
                min_risk[neigh] = new_risk
                heapq.heappush(queue, (new_risk, neigh))

def solve(puzzle):
    maxX, maxY = map(max, zip(*puzzle))
    part1 = dijkstra(puzzle, (maxX, maxY))
        keypad = {
            (2, 0): '1',
            (1, 1): '2',
            (2, 1): '3',
            (3, 1): '4',
            (0, 2): '5',
            (1, 2): '6',
            (2, 2): '7',
            (3, 2): '8',
            (4, 2): '9',
            (1, 3): 'A',
            (2, 3): 'B',
            (3, 3): 'C',
            (2, 4): 'D'
    code = ''
    for zeile in puzzle:
        for c in zeile:
            if (pos2 := tuple(a + b for a, b in zip(dirs[c], pos))) in keypad:
                pos = pos2
        code += keypad[pos]
    return code

puzzle = load('Tag_02.txt')

start = pfc()
print(solve(puzzle), pfc() - start)

start = pfc()
print(solve(puzzle, False), pfc() - start)