def run(self): self.done = False anim = ('[= ]', '[ = ]', '[ = ]', '[ = ]', '[ = ]', '[ = ]', '[ =]', '[ =]', '[ = ]', '[ = ]', '[ = ]', '[ = ]', '[ = ]', '[= ]') i = 0 dot = "." while not self.done: if len(dot) ==4: dot = "." write("\b\b\b\b") write(" ") write("\r"+anim[i % len(anim)]+self.prompt+dot) se(1.0/5) i+=1 dot+="." if self.done:break
def main(): parse.add_option('-t', '-T', '--TARGET', '--target', dest="target", type="string") parse.add_option("-a", "-A", "--ALL", '--all', action='store_true', dest="all", default=False) parse.add_option("-f", "-F", "--FOUND-ME", '--found-me', action='store_true', dest="fme", default=False) parse.add_option("-n", "-N", "--NETWORK", '--network', action='store_true', dest="network", default=False) parse.add_option('-c', '-C', '--CHECK', '--check', dest="check", type="string") parse.add_option("-e", "-E", "--EXAMPLES", '--examples', action='store_true', dest="ex", default=False) parse.add_option("-v", "-V", "--VERSION", action='store_true', dest="ve", default=False) (options, args) = parse.parse_args() if != None and not options.all: target = try: test = open(target, 'r') res = True except: res = False if res == False: if target[:8] == "https://": host = target[8:] elif target[:7] == "http://": host = target[7:] else: host = target target = host def SpyIp(target): if check == True: if ',' in target: targets = target.split(',') print("[@] Scanning [ {} ] Sites...".format( str(len(targets)))) for i in targets: try: ip = socket.gethostbyname(i) print("[*] TARGET> {}\n[*] IP> {}\n========". format(i, ip)) except socket.error: print( "[*] TARGET> {}\n[!] IP> Cod404: Server Not Found !!!" .format(i)) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(" ") break else: print("[~] Connecting....{}\n".format(target)) try: ip = socket.gethostbyname(target) print( "[*] TARGET> {}\n[*] IP> {}\n========".format( target, ip)) except socket.error: print( "[~] TARGET> {}\n[!] IP> Cod404: Server Not Found !!!" .format(target)) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass exit(1) else: print("[!] Please Check Your Internet Connection !!!") exit(1) SpyIp(target) else: targets = open(target, 'r') for t in targets: t = t.strip() def checker(): try: if t[:8] == "https://": host = t[8:] elif t[:7] == "http://": host = t[7:] else: host = t ip = socket.gethostbyname(host) run = socket.create_connection((ip, 80), 2) return True except: pass return False if checker() == True: if t[:8] == "https://": host = t[8:] elif t[:7] == "http://": host = t[7:] else: host = t try: ip = socket.gethostbyname(host) print("[*] TARGET> {}\n[*] IP> {}\n========".format( t, ip)) except socket.error: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif != None and options.all: target = if check == True: try: test = open(target, 'r') res = True except: res = False if res == True: targets = open(target, 'r').readlines() for t in targets: t = t.strip() def checker(): try: if t[:8] == "https://": host = t[8:] elif t[:7] == "http://": host = t[7:] else: host = t ip = socket.gethostbyname(host) run = socket.create_connection((ip, 80), 2) return True except: pass return False if checker() == True: if t[:8] == "https://": host = t[8:] elif t[:7] == "http://": host = t[7:] else: host = t found = [] for address_type in ['A', 'AAAA']: try: answers = dns.resolver.query( host, address_type) for rdata in answers: found.append(rdata) except dns.resolver.NoAnswer: pass le = len(found) if len(found) > 0: print("\n[~]> Target[ {} ]".format(t)) print("[+] Servers Found({}):".format(str(le))) loop = 1 for i in found: print("\tSERVER[{}] > {}".format(loop, i)) loop += 1 print("======================\n") else: print("\n[!] No Servers Found !!!") exit(1) else: pass elif ',' in target: targets = target.split(',') for t in targets: def checker(): try: if t[:8] == "https://": host = t[8:] elif t[:7] == "http://": host = t[7:] else: host = t ip = socket.gethostbyname(host) run = socket.create_connection((ip, 80), 2) return True except: pass return False if checker() == True: if t[:8] == "https://": host = t[8:] elif t[:7] == "http://": host = t[7:] else: host = t found = [] for address_type in ['A', 'AAAA']: try: answers = dns.resolver.query( host, address_type) for rdata in answers: found.append(rdata) except dns.resolver.NoAnswer: pass le = len(found) if len(found) > 0: print("\n[~]> Target[ {} ]".format(t)) print("[+] Servers Found({}):".format(str(le))) loop = 1 for i in found: print("\tSERVER[{}] > {}".format(loop, i)) loop += 1 print("======================\n") else: print("\n[!] No Servers Found !!!") exit(1) else: pass else: def checker(): try: if target[:8] == "https://": host = target[8:] elif target[:7] == "http://": host = target[7:] else: host = target ip = socket.gethostbyname(host) run = socket.create_connection((ip, 80), 2) return True except: pass return False if checker() == True: if target[:8] == "https://": host = target[8:] elif target[:7] == "http://": host = target[7:] else: host = target found = [] print("[#]~[Finding Servers IP Of TARGET[ {} ].....\n". format(target)) for address_type in ['A', 'AAAA']: try: answers = dns.resolver.query(host, address_type) for rdata in answers: found.append(rdata) except dns.resolver.NoAnswer: pass le = len(found) if len(found) > 0: print("[@]~[Found [ {} ] Server(s) Status> UP ".format( str(le))) print("[+] Servers:\n") loop = 1 for i in found: print("SERVER[{}] > {}".format(loop, i)) loop += 1 else: print("\n[!] No Servers Found !!!") exit(1) else: print("\n[!] CodeError:404 >> No Server Found !!!") exit(1) else: print("[!] Please Check Your Internet Connection !!!") exit(1) elif options.fme: print("\n[@]~[Finding Your IPs....\n") locipe = locip() if locipe != "[!] Error Your Not Connect To Any Network !!!\n[!] Please Check Your Connection!": print("[L] Local IP: {}".format(locipe)) else: print(" ") print(locipe) exit(1) pupip() elif ips_list = map_network() if ips_list != False: se(1) loop = 1 up = "UP" print("======================================") print("ID\t\tIP\t\tSTATUS") print("==\t\t==\t\t======") for ip in ips_list: print("{}\t {} \t {}".format(loop, ip, copy(up))) loop += 1 result = loop - 1 print("\nI Found <{}> Device In Network !".format(result)) else: print( "[!] Error Your Not Connect To Any Network !!!\n[!] Please Check Your Connection!" ) exit(1) elif print("\n[>] Version>> 1.0\nWait New Version Soon :)") exit(1) elif options.ex: sy("printf '\e[8;70;180;t' || mode 800") sy("clear || cls") examp() exit(1) elif options.check != None: sp = options.check serpor(sp) exit(1) else: print(parse.usage) exit(1)
def Main(): # Create Options parse.add_option("-T", "-t", "--TARGET", "--target", dest="TARGET", type="string") parse.add_option("-1", "--DOMAINSF", "--domainsf", action="store_true", dest="DOMAINS", default=False) parse.add_option("-2", "--IPs", action="store_true", dest="IPS", default=False) (options, args) = parse.parse_args() ## Start...:) if options.TARGET != None and options.DOMAINS: TARGET = options.TARGET ## Check Target If Exist: if CHECKNET == True: def checkTAR(): try: if TARGET[:8] == "https://": host = TARGET[8:] elif TARGET[:7] == "http://": host = TARGET[7:] else: host = TARGET IP = socket.gethostbyname(host) con = socket.create_connection((IP, 80), 2) return True except: pass return False if checkTAR() == True: try: user_agent = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:59.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/59.0" } url = "" form = {"remoteAddress": "{0}".format(TARGET), "key": ""} req =, headers=user_agent, data=form, timeout=15) res = d(req.text) except KeyError: print( "\033[1;31m[\033[1;33m!\033[1;31m]\033[1;33m[\033[1;31mERROE\033[1;33m]\033[1;33m Something Went Wrong \033[1;31m!!!" ) print( "\033[1;31m[\033[1;33m!\033[1;31m]\033[1;33mDomain/IP Address is incorrect\033[1;31m !!!" ) print( "\033[1;31m[\033[1;33m!\033[1;31m]\033[1;32m Try Other Domains Format \033[1;36m(^-^)" ) exit(1) if res["status"] == "Success": se(0.10) print("\033[1;33m=" * 20 + "\033[1;32m>\033[1;35m Config \033[1;32m<" + "\033[1;33m=" * 20) se(0.10) print( "\033[0;32m[T]\033[1;37m TARGET : \033[1;31m" + str(TARGET)) se(0.10) print( "\033[0;32m[S]\033[1;37m START At : \033[1;34m" + str(timenow)) se(0.10) print( "\033[0;32m[R]\033[1;37m Results Method : \033[1;33m" + res["resultsMethod"]) se(0.10) print( "\033[0;32m[D]\033[1;37m Domain Count : \033[1;36m" + res["domainCount"]) se(0.60) print( "\n\n\033[1;36m[\033[1;31m+\033[1;36m]\033[1;32m Scanning TARGET\033[1;33m...\n" ) se(1.1) try: for i in range(len(res["domainArray"])): print( "\033[0;34m[\033[1;34m+\033[0;34m] \033[1;31mDomain Reversed\033[1;33m[\033[1;32m{}\033[1;33m]\033[1;30m :\033[1;35m {}" .format(i + 1, res["domainArray"][i][0])) if not int(i) > 20: se(.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\033[1;33m[Ctrl+C]\033[1;31mExitng....") se(1) print("\033[1;32mSee You Later (^-^)") exit(1) print("\n\033[1;32m[*]\033[0;32m Shutdown At: \033[1;37m" + str(timenow)) elif res["status"] == "Fail": if "Invalid remote address" in res["message"]: print( "\n\033[1;31m[!]\033[1;33m Something Went Wrong\033[1;31m !!!" ) print( "\033[1;31m[\033[0;31m!\033[1;31m]\033[1;33m Status: \033[1;37m" + res["status"]) print("\033[1;33m[\033[0;33m!\033[1;33m] " + res["message"]) print( "\n~\033[1;37mTry using www. or remove http:// Or Try Other Domain Format\033[1;33m!" ) elif "check limit reached for" in res["message"]: print( "\n\033[1;31m[!]\033[1;33m Something Went Wrong\033[1;31m !!!" ) print( "\033[1;31m[\033[0;31m!\033[1;31m]\033[1;33m Status: \033[1;37m" + res["status"]) print("\033[1;33m[\033[0;33m!\033[1;33m] " + res["message"]) print( "\n~\033[1;37m Try To Change Your IP Address\033[1;33m!" ) else: print( "\n\033[1;31m[!]\033[1;33m Something Went Wrong\033[1;31m !!!" ) print( "\033[1;31m[\033[0;31m!\033[1;31m]\033[1;33m Status: \033[1;37m" + res["status"]) print("\033[1;33m[\033[0;33m!\033[1;33m] " + res["message"]) else: print( "\n\033[1;31m[!]\033[1;33m[ERROR:\033[1;34m 404\033[1;33m] Server Not Found Of[\033[1;34m{}\033[1;33m ]\033[1;31m !!!" .format(TARGET)) exit(1) else: print( "\n\033[1;31m[!][\033[1;33mERROR\033[1;31m]\033[1;33m Please Check Your Internet Connection\033[1;31m !!!" ) exit(1) elif options.TARGET != None and options.IPS: target = options.TARGET if CHECKNET == True: def checker(): try: if target[:8] == "https://": host = target[8:] elif target[:7] == "http://": host = target[7:] else: host = target ip = socket.gethostbyname(host) run = socket.create_connection((ip, 80), 2) return True except: pass return False if checker() == True: if target[:8] == "https://": host = target[8:] elif target[:7] == "http://": host = target[7:] else: host = target loop = 1 se(0.10) print("\033[1;33m=" * 20 + "\033[1;32m>\033[1;35m Config \033[1;32m<" + "\033[1;33m=" * 20) se(0.10) print("\033[0;32m[T]\033[1;37m TARGET : \033[1;31m" + str(target)) se(0.10) print("\033[0;32m[S]\033[1;37m START At : \033[1;34m" + str(timenow)) se(0.60) print( "\n\n\033[1;36m[\033[1;31m+\033[1;36m]\033[1;32m Scanning TARGET\033[1;33m...\n" ) se(1.5) print( "\n\033[1;37m[\033[0;32m+\033[1;37m]\033[1;31m:\033[1;32mFound\n\033[1;33m------------------------------" ) try: for address_type in ['A', 'AAAA']: try: answers = dns.resolver.query(host, address_type) for rdata in answers: print( "\033[1;34m[\033[0;34m+\033[1;34m] \033[1;32mWebServer:[\033[1;33m{}\033[1;32m]\033[1;30m :\033[1;35m {}" .format(loop, rdata)) loop += 1 except dns.resolver.NoAnswer: pass resulit = loop - 1 print( "\n\n\033[1;32m[\033[0;32m+\033[1;32m]\033[1;37m This Target WebSite Has [\033[1;31m{}\033[1;37m] WebServer![:\033[1;33mStatus:[\033[1;32mUP\033[1;33m]" .format(resulit)) print("\033[1;32m[*]\033[0;32m Shutdown At: \033[1;37m" + str(timenow)) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\033[1;33m[Ctrl+C]\033[1;31mExitng....") se(1) print("\033[1;32mSee You Later (^-^)") exit(1) else: print( "\n\033[1;31m[!]\033[1;33m[ERROR:\033[1;34m 404\033[1;33m] Server Not Found Of[\033[1;34m{}\033[1;33m ]\033[1;31m !!!" .format(TARGET)) else: print( "\n\033[1;31m[!][\033[1;33mERROR\033[1;31m]\033[1;33m Please Check Your Internet Connection\033[1;31m !!!" ) else: print(parse.usage) exit(1)
def convnet(IP): if "/" not in IP: print( "\n[!] Invalid Cdir: Must Select Prefix Number [OR] Subnet Mask !!!\n[*] Examples:\n\tpython\n\tpython" ) exit(1) IP = IP.split("/") subnet = IP[1] IP = IP[0] if IP.count(".") < 3 or IP.count(".") > 3: print("\nInvalid IPv4: [ {} ]".format(IP)) exit(1) a = IP.split(".") if (len(a) == 4) and (1 <= int(a[0]) <= 223) and (int(a[0]) != 127) and ( int(a[0]) != 169 or int(a[1]) != 254) and (0 <= int(a[1]) <= 255 and 0 <= int(a[2]) <= 255 and 0 <= int(a[3]) <= 255): access = "OK" else: print("\n[!] Invalid IP: [ {} ]".format(IP)) exit(1) c = 0 if "." in subnet: if not subnet.count(".") == 3: print("\n[!] Invalid Subnet Mask[ {} ] ".format(subnet)) exit(1) c += 1 masks = [255, 254, 252, 248, 240, 224, 192, 128, 0] netmask = subnet b = netmask.split(".") if (len(b) == 4) and (int(b[0]) == 255) and (int( b[1]) in masks) and (int(b[2]) in masks) and (int( b[3]) in masks) and (int(b[0]) >= int(b[1]) >= int(b[2]) >= int(b[3])): access = "OK" bits = sum([bin(int(x)).count("1") for x in netmask.split(".")]) else: print("\n[!] Invalid Subnet Mask[ {} ] ".format(netmask)) exit(1) else: if int(subnet) > 32: print( "\n[!] Invalid Prefix Number: Must Be less than or equal '32' \n[*] example:" ) exit(1) else: netmask = '.'.join([ str((0xffffffff << (32 - int(subnet)) >> i) & 0xff) for i in [24, 16, 8, 0] ]) ##################################### Convert ############################################ ip2bin = lambda IP: ".".join( map(str, ["{0:08b}".format(int(x)) for x in IP.split(".")])) # bin2ip = lambda bnum: ".".join( map(str, [int(x, 2) for x in bnum.split(".")])) # ip2int = lambda ip: reduce(lambda a, b: long(a) * 256 + long(b), ip.split('.')) # int2ip = lambda num: '.'.join( [str((num >> 8 * i) % 256) for i in [3, 2, 1, 0]]) # ########################################################################################## wacard = ".".join(map(str, [255 - int(x) for x in netmask.split(".")])) net2bin = ip2bin(netmask) IP2BIN = ip2bin(IP) nid = "".join( map(str, [ int(i) & int(r) for i, r in zip("".join(IP2BIN.split(".")), "".join( net2bin.split("."))) ])) netIDbin = ".".join(map(''.join, zip(*[iter(nid)] * 8))) if netIDbin.split(".")[0][0] == "0": classType = "A" elif netIDbin.split(".")[0][:2] == "10": classType = "B" else: classType = "C" if classType == "C": zeros = net2bin.split(".")[-1].count("0") ones = net2bin.split(".")[-1].count("1") elif classType == "B": zeros = "".join(net2bin.split(".")[-2:]).count("0") ones = "".join(net2bin.split(".")[-2:]).count("1") else: zeros = "".join(net2bin.split(".")[-3:]).count("0") ones = "".join(net2bin.split(".")[-3:]).count("1") validSubnets = abs(2**ones) validHosts = abs(2**zeros) usableHosts = abs(2**zeros - 2) validsubnets = "{0:,}".format(validSubnets) if len( str(validSubnets)) > 4 else validSubnets validHost = "{0:,}".format(usableHosts) if len( str(usableHosts)) > 4 else usableHosts netID = bin2ip(netIDbin) inmsk = ''.join([ bin(~0)[3:] if x == '0' else bin(~1)[4:] for x in "".join(net2bin.split(".")) ]) broadidbin = "".join( map(str, [int(i) | int(r) for i, r in zip(nid, inmsk)])) broadidbin = ".".join(map(''.join, zip(*[iter(broadidbin)] * 8))) broadid = bin2ip(broadidbin) if netID != broadid: firstIP = ip2int(netID) + 1 lastIP = ip2int(broadid) - 1 firstIP = int2ip(firstIP) lastIP = int2ip(lastIP) else: firstIP = netID lastIP = broadid # Show Info if validSubnets == 1: print("\n==========" + "=" * len(IP) + "=" + "=" * len(subnet) + "======") print(".:: INFO[ {}/{} ] ::.".format(IP, subnet)) se(0.10) print("==========" + "=" * len(IP) + "=" + "=" * len(subnet) + "======") if c == 0: print(" [+] NetMask :>[ {}".format(netmask)) se(0.10) else: print(" [+] NetMask Bits:>[ /{}".format(bits)) se(0.10) print(" [+] WildCardMask:>[ {}".format(wacard)) se(0.10) print(" [+] NetWorkID :>[ {}".format(netID)) se(0.10) print(" [+] BroadCatID :>[ {}".format(broadid)) se(0.10) print(" [+] ClassType :>[ {}".format(classType)) se(0.10) print(" [+] FirstIP :>[ {}".format(firstIP)) se(0.10) print(" [+] LastIP :>[ {}".format(lastIP)) se(0.10) print(" [+] UsableHosts :>[ {}".format(validHost)) se(0.10) print(" [+] ValidSubnets:>[ {}".format(validsubnets)) else: n = 1 print("\n=====================================") print("[+] FLSM Calculator [+]") print("=====================================") print(" [*] SubnetMask :>[ {}".format(netmask) if c == 0 else " [+] NetMask Bits :>[ /{}".format(bits)) print(" [*] WildCardMask :>[ {}".format(wacard)) print(" [*] ClassType :>[ {}".format(classType)) print(" [*] UsableHosts :>[ {}".format(validHost)) print(" [*] UsableSubnets :>[ {}".format(validsubnets)) print("=====================================") for i in xrange(1, validSubnets + 1): print("\n[*] Subnet Number:[{}]".format(n)) print("====================" + '=' * len(str(n))) print(" [+] NetWorkID :>[ {}".format(netID)) print(" [+] FirstIP :>[ {}".format(firstIP)) print(" [+] LastIP :>[ {}".format(lastIP)) print(" [+] BroadCatID :>[ {}".format(broadid)) netID = int2ip(ip2int(broadid) + 1) firstIP = int2ip(ip2int(netID) + 1) broadid = int2ip(ip2int(broadid) + validHosts) lastIP = int2ip(ip2int(broadid) - 1) n += 1
def checkURL(url): if cnet() !=True: print("\033[1;31m[\033[1;33m!\033[1;31m]\033[1;33m Error:\033[1;37m Please Check Your Internet Connection \033[1;31m!!!") exit(1) try: br = mechanize.Browser() br.set_handle_robots(False) br.addheaders = [("User-agent","Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101206 Ubuntu/10.10 (maverick) Firefox/3.6.13")]"") br.select_form(nr=0) br["url"]=url br.method="get" res = br.submit() response = res.get_data() ch = "This site has not been tested yet." if "Unknown" in response: loc = "Unknown" else: try: loc = re.findall(r'</img> [^>]*', response) loc = loc[0].strip('</img> ') loc = loc.strip('</div') except: loc = "???" try: status = re.findall(r'<b>[^>]*</b></br>',response)[0].strip('<b></b></br>') except: status = "???" try: com = re.findall(r'<label>[^>]*</label>', response)[3].strip('<label></label>') except: com = "0.0" try: ratedby = re.findall('<small><div class="marginTopM15">[^>]*</div></small>', response)[0].split() ratedby = ratedby[3] except: ratedby ="0" if ch not in response: tr1 = re.findall(r'Computer Threats: [^>]*', response)[0].strip('Computer Threats: </li>') tr2 = re.findall(r'Identity Threats: [^>]*', response)[0].strip('Identity Threats: </li>') tr3 = re.findall(r'Annoyance factors: [^>]*', response)[0].strip('Annoyance factors: </li>') tot = re.findall(r'Total threats</b> on this site: [^>]*',response)[0].strip('\t\n \t\t\t</div') tot = tot.strip('Total threats</b>') totp = tot.strip('n this site:') tot = tot[13:] else: tr1 = "???" tr2 = "???" tr3 = "???" totp = "???" print("\n\033[1;32m[\033[1;37m*\033[1;32m] CheckURL[ \033[1;33m{}\033[1;32m ]\033[1;37m ...\033[1;32mBy[\033[1;\033[1;32m]".format(url)) se(2) if status =="UNTESTED": se(0.10) print("\n\033[1;33m[\033[0;33m?\033[1;33m] WebSite Location :\033[1;31m "+loc) se(0.10) print("\n\033[1;33m[\033[0;33m?\033[1;33m] WebSite STATUS :\033[1;31m UNTESTED\033[1;33m ?") se(0.10) print(' \033[1;33m[\033[1;31m?\033[1;33m] Computer Threats :\033[1;31m '+tr1) se(0.10) print(' \033[1;33m[\033[1;31m?\033[1;33m] Identity Threats :\033[1;31m '+tr2) se(0.10) print(' \033[1;33m[\033[1;31m?\033[1;33m] Annoyance factors :\033[1;31m '+tr3) se(0.10) print('\n\033[1;33m[\033[1;31m?\033[1;33m] Total Site threats :\033[1;31m '+totp) se(0.10) print('\n \033[1;33m[\033[1;31m?\033[1;33m] Website Rated :\033[1;31m '+com) se(0.10) print(' \033[1;33m[\033[1;31m?\033[1;33m] Rated by :\033[1;31m '+ratedby+" \033[1;33mUsers") se(0.10) print("\n\033[1;33m=====> \033[0;33mResult\033[1;33m <=====:\n\033[1;31m[\033[1;33m!\033[1;31m]\033[1;33m This \033[1;31m[ \033[1;33m"+url+"\033[1;31m ]\033[1;33m Website Has Not been Tested Yet\033[1;31m!\n") elif int(tot) ==0: se(0.10) print('\n\033[1;32m[\033[1;37m?\033[1;32m]\033[1;37m Website Location :\033[1;32m '+loc) se(0.10) print(" \033[1;32m[\033[1;37m+\033[1;32m]\033[1;37m STATUS : \033[1;32m"+status) se(0.10) print(' \033[1;32m[\033[1;37m+\033[1;32m]\033[1;37m Computer Threats :\033[1;32m '+tr1) se(0.10) print(' \033[1;32m[\033[1;37m+\033[1;32m]\033[1;37m Identity Threats :\033[1;32m '+tr2) se(0.10) print(' \033[1;32m[\033[1;37m+\033[1;32m]\033[1;37m Annoyance factors :\033[1;32m '+tr3) se(0.10) print('\n\033[1;32m[\033[1;37m+\033[1;32m]\033[1;37m Total Site threats :\033[1;32m '+totp) se(0.10) print('\n \033[1;32m[\033[1;37m+\033[1;32m]\033[1;37m Website Rated :\033[1;32m '+com) se(0.10) print(' \033[1;32m[\033[1;37m+\033[1;32m]\033[1;37m Rated By :\033[1;32m '+ratedby+"\033[1;37m Users") se(0.10) print("\n\033[1;32m=====> \033[1;36mResult\033[1;32m <=====:\n\033[1;32m[\033[1;37m+\033[1;32m]\033[1;37m Secure And Trusted URL[ \033[1;32m"+url+"\033[1;37m ]\n") ask = raw_input("\n\033[1;36m~\033[1;32mOPEN[\033[1;37m {} \033[1;32m]\033[1;33m ?(\033[1;37mY:n\033[1;33m)>\033[1;32m ".format(url)) while ask=="" or ask is None or ask not in ['Y',"y","yes","YES","n","N","NO","no"]: ask = raw_input("\033[1;33m!?~\033[1;31mOPEN[\033[1;37m {} \033[1;31m]\033[1;33m ??(\033[1;37mY:n\033[1;33m)>\033[1;31m ".format(url)) if ask in ["Y","y","yes","YES"]: if "https://" in url or "http://" in url: print("\n\033[1;32m[\033[1;37m+\033[1;32m] \033[1;37mOpening....[ \033[1;32m{}\033[1;37m ]".format(url)) se(1) op(url) print("\n\033[1;36m~Done\033[1;32m :)") else: print("\n\033[1;32m[\033[1;37m+\033[1;32m] \033[1;37mOpening....[ \033[1;32m{}\033[1;37m ]".format(url)) url = "https://"+url se(1) op(url) print("\n\033[1;36m~Done\033[1;32m :)") else: print("\n\033[1;36m~Done\033[1;32m :)") exit(1) else: se(0.10) print('\n\033[1;31m[\033[1;33m@\033[1;31m]\033[1;33m Website Location :\033[1;31m '+loc) se(0.10) print(" \033[1;31m[\033[1;33m!\033[1;31m]\033[1;33m STATUS : \033[1;31m"+status) se(0.10) print(' \033[1;31m[\033[1;33m-\033[1;31m]\033[1;33m Computer Threats :\033[1;31m '+tr1) se(0.10) print(' \033[1;31m[\033[1;33m-\033[1;31m]\033[1;33m Identity Threats :\033[1;31m '+tr2) se(0.10) print(' \033[1;31m[\033[1;33m-\033[1;31m]\033[1;33m Annoyance factors :\033[1;31m '+tr3) se(0.10) print('\n\033[1;31m[\033[1;33m!\033[1;31m]\033[1;33m Total Site threats :\033[1;31m '+totp) se(0.10) print('\n \033[1;31m[\033[1;33m-\033[1;31m]\033[1;33m Website Rated :\033[1;31m '+com) se(0.10) print(' \033[1;31m[\033[1;33m-\033[1;31m]\033[1;33m Rated By :\033[1;31m '+ratedby+"\033[1;33m Users") se(0.10) print("\n\033[1;31m=====>\033[1;33mResult\033[1;31m<=====\n\033[1;31m[\033[1;33m!\033[1;31m]\033[1;33m Not Secure Bad URL[ \033[1;31m"+url+"\033[1;33m ]\n") except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\n\033[1;31m[\033[1;33m!\033[1;31m]\033[1;33m Exiting...") se(1.5) print("\033[1;36m~\033[1;32mBye: )") exit(1) except IndexError: print("\n\033[1;33m[\033[1;31m!\033[1;33m] Error:\033[1;37m Please Check Your URL\033[1;31m !!!") exit(1)
zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(filename) passwlist = open(passw,"r").readlines() loop = 1 print(""" ===============> ZipCracker <================= [$] Start At :> {} [>] ZipFile :> {} [>] Wordlist :> {} [^] Checking....... """.format(timenow,filename,passw)) se(1) for password in passwlist: password = password.strip() try: zfile.extractall(pwd=password) print("[+] Trying Password[{}] : {} ==> Yes".format(loop,password)) print("\n[#] Password Found: {}".format(password)) print("[$] ShutDown At: {}".format(timenow)) break except: print("[-] Trying Password[{}] : {} ==> No".format(loop,password)) loop +=1 se(0.10) else: print("\n[@] Sorry I Can't Found Password In This Wordlist! :(\n[*] Try Other Wordlist :)")