def __init__(self): # Init Two Time Recorder. self.time_load_and_extract = TimeRecord('Decoding & Data Loading') self.time_compare = TimeRecord('Library Searching') # For decoding bug. reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8") # Init API dict and data. self.api_dict = {} self.packages_feature = [] self.libs_feature = [] self.project_path = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) if self.project_path == "": self.project_path = "." self.load_data()
class Detector: """ Detector """ library_type = { "da": "Development Aid", "sn": "Social Network", "ad": "Advertisement", "am": "App Market", "ma": "Mobile Analytics", "pa": "Payment", "ui": "UI Component", "ge": "Game Engine", "ut": "Utility", "mp": "Map" } def __init__(self): # Init Two Time Recorder. self.time_load_and_extract = TimeRecord('Decoding & Data Loading') self.time_compare = TimeRecord('Library Searching') # For decoding bug. reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8") # Init API dict and data. self.api_dict = {} self.packages_feature = [] self.libs_feature = [] self.project_path = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) if self.project_path == "": self.project_path = "." self.load_data() @staticmethod def rm_lib_files(lib_list): for lib_dir_name in lib_list: cmd = 'rm -rf %s' % lib_dir_name, shell=True) def get_number(self, string): """ Get API ID From API Dictionary. 获得API的编号 :param string: API Name+ :return: API ID """ if string not in self.api_dict: return -1 return str(self.api_dict[string]['v']) def get_permission(self, string): """ Get Permission From API Dictionary. 获得API的权限 :param string: API Name :return: Permission List """ if string not in self.api_dict: return -1 return self.api_dict[string]['p'] def all_over(self, apk_path, path): """ Recursive body of package for getting the features :param apk_path: APK Path :param path: Packages Path :return: API Dict of this package, Directory Number in this Package, File Number, Total API Call. """ if DEBUG_PATH: print('PATH : ' + path) find_file = re.compile(r'.smali$') p = re.compile( r'Landroid/.*?;?\-?>*?\(|Ljava/.*?;?\-?>*?\(|Ljavax/.*?;?\-?>*?\(|Lunit/runner/.*?;?\-?>*?\(' r'|Lunit/framework/.*?;?\-?>*?\(' r'|Lorg/apache/commons/logging/.*?;?\-?>*?\(|Lorg/apache/http/.*?;?\-?>*?\(|Lorg/json/.*?;' r'?\-?>*?\(|Lorg/w3c/.*?;?\-?>*?\(|Lorg/xml/.*?;?\-?>*?\(|Lorg/xmlpull/.*?;?\-?>*?\(|' r'Lcom/android/internal/util.*?;?\-?>*?\(') all_thing = glob.glob('*') this_permission = [] this_call_num = 0 this_dir_num = 0 this_file_num = 0 direct_dir_num = 0 direct_file_num = 0 this_dict = {} for thing in all_thing: # If the thing is a directory. if os.path.isdir(thing): if DEBUG_PATH: print('Path and Current Work Directory.') print thing print os.getcwd() os.chdir(thing + '/') # Merge Dictionary # 合并字典 child = self.all_over(apk_path, path + thing + '/') if child is not None: this_dict.update(child[0]) this_dir_num += child[1] + 1 direct_dir_num += 1 this_file_num += child[2] this_call_num += child[3] if child[4] != []: for per in child[4]: if per not in this_permission: this_permission.append(per) os.chdir('..') # If the 'thing' is a file # 如果 thing 是一个文件 else: try: # Is this file a smali file? # 如果这个文件是一个SMALI文件 if not continue f = open(thing, 'r') for u in f: # For every line in this file. # 搜索每一行。 match = p.findall(u) for system_call in match: if '"' in system_call: continue this_call_num += 1 call_num = self.get_number(system_call) permissions = self.get_permission(system_call) if permissions == -1: continue # print permissions if len(permissions) != 0: for per in permissions: if per not in this_permission: this_permission.append(per) if call_num == -1: continue if call_num in this_dict: this_dict[call_num] += 1 else: this_dict[call_num] = 1 f.close() this_file_num += 1 direct_file_num += 1 except Exception as ex: if DEBUG_ON: print('Can not Open ' + thing + ' Wrong with:' + str(ex)) # If there is no API call in this package, just ignore it. if len(this_dict) == 0: return if DEBUG_PATH: print('APK_PATH' + apk_path) bh = 0 for a in this_dict: bh = (bh + int(a) * this_dict[a]) % 999983 # 99983 is A Big Prime self.packages_feature.append( (bh, len(this_dict), this_call_num, path, this_permission)) return this_dict, this_dir_num, this_file_num, this_call_num, this_permission def get_smali(self, path): """ Convert APK into Smali file. :param path: :return: decoded files' path """ self.time_load_and_extract.start() cmd = self.project_path + "/" + "../tool/apktool decode %s -o " % path + self.project_path + "/" + \ "../decoded/%s" % os.path.basename(path), shell=True) return self.project_path + '/../decoded/%s' % os.path.basename(path) def load_data(self): # - Loading Data dep_address = self.project_path + "/" + "../data/tgst5.dat" dict_address = self.project_path + "/" + "../permission/tagged_dict.txt" dep_file = open(dep_address, 'r') dict_file = open(dict_address, 'r') # -- Loading API Dict for line in dict_file: # print line u = json.loads(line) if 'p' in u: self.api_dict[u['k']] = {'v': u['v'], 'p': u['p']} else: self.api_dict[u['k']] = {'v': u['v'], 'p': []} # -- Loading Hashed Libs for line in dep_file: # print line u = json.loads(line) """ {"dn": 311, Repetitions "lib": "pollfish", Library "sp": "com/pollfish/f/a", Simplified Path "bh": 32370, B_Hash "btc": 40, B_Total_Call "btn": 12, B_Total_Number "pn": "com/pollfish"} Package Name """ if "pn" in u: components = u['lib'].split(';') assert len(components) == 3 lib_type = components[0] if lib_type in self.library_type: lib_type = self.library_type[lib_type] eng_lib = components[1] # English Library ch_des = components[2] # Web Link self.libs_feature.append( (u['bh'], u['btn'], u['btc'], u['sp'], eng_lib, u['pn'], u['dn'], ch_des, lib_type)) else: self.libs_feature.append((u['bh'], u['btn'], u['btc'], u['sp'], u['lib'], "", u['dn'], "", "")) def get_hash(self, apk_path): """ Convert APK into Smali file. :param path: :return: The path of apk with libs removed. """ # - All Over # print apk_path+'/smali' if os.path.exists(apk_path + '/smali'): os.chdir(apk_path + '/smali') self.all_over(apk_path, '') # os.chdir(apk_path) # Print Res # print packages_feature ''' if DEBUG: for p in packages_feature: print p ''' cur_app_libs = [] cur_app_routes = {} path_and_permission = {} number_of_tagged_libs = len(self.libs_feature) self.time_load_and_extract.end() self.time_compare.start() def compare_d(a, b): if a[1] < b[1]: return -1 elif a[1] > b[1]: return 1 else: if a[2] < b[2]: return -2 elif a[2] > b[2]: return 2 else: if a[0] < b[0]: return -3 elif a[0] > b[0]: return 3 else: return 0 def find_feature(package, start, end): if start >= end: return None mid = (start + end) / 2 """ packages_feature.append((bh, len(this_dict), this_call_num, '/'.join(parts), this_permission)) """ if compare_d(package, self.libs_feature[mid]) == 0: if self.libs_feature[mid][4] != "" and self.libs_feature[mid][ 4] != "Nope": cur_app_libs.append({ "bh": self.libs_feature[mid][0], "btn": self.libs_feature[mid][1], "btc": self.libs_feature[mid][2], "sp": self.libs_feature[mid][3], "lib": self.libs_feature[mid][4], "pn": self.libs_feature[mid][5], "dn": self.libs_feature[mid][6], "ch": self.libs_feature[mid][7], # Web Link "tp": self.libs_feature[mid][8], "csp": package[3], # Current S_path }) elif self.libs_feature[mid][4] == "": cur_app_routes[self.libs_feature[mid][3]] = { "bh": self.libs_feature[mid][0], "btn": self.libs_feature[mid][1], "btc": self.libs_feature[mid][2], "pn": self.libs_feature[mid][3], "cpn": package[3], "p": package[4], "dn": self.libs_feature[mid][6] } elif compare_d(package, self.libs_feature[mid]) < 0: return find_feature(package, mid + 1, end) else: return find_feature(package, start, mid) if DEBUG_ON: print "--Packages--" def find_features(package): if package[3] != "": if len(package[4]) == 0: if DEBUG_ON: print package[3] path_and_permission[package[3]] = [] else: if DEBUG_ON: print package[3] + ' -- Permission: ' + str(package[4]) path_and_permission[package[3]] = package[4] find_feature(package, 0, number_of_tagged_libs) for pack in self.packages_feature: if DEBUG_PATH: print('PACK' + str(pack)) find_features(pack) if DEBUG_ON: print "PATH and Permission:" for k in path_and_permission: print k + str(path_and_permission[k]) print "--Splitter--" final_libs_dict = {} for i in cur_app_libs: # 先找PN # 然后切分sp。找到对应的path # 然后把对应的Permission找出来加进来 if i['pn'] in final_libs_dict: # 找到同样package name的小包中,重复次数最多的,作为总的重复次数 # 本来想找到大包的重复次数作为重复次数,但是大包的重复次数甚至很容易直接是0 # 并不适合。 if final_libs_dict[i['pn']]['dn'] < i['dn']: final_libs_dict[i['pn']]['dn'] = i['dn'] pn_number = len(i['pn'].split('/')) cpn = '/'.join(i['csp'].split('/')[0:pn_number]) if cpn[-1:] != '/': cpn += '/' i['cpn'] = cpn i['p'] = path_and_permission[cpn] final_libs_dict[i['pn']] = i #print str(i) + ',' final_libs_list = [] for i in final_libs_dict: final_libs_dict[i]['pn'] += '/' final_libs_list.append(final_libs_dict[i]) # print json.dumps(final_libs_list) final_routes_list = [] for i in cur_app_routes: cur_app_routes[i]['pn'] += '/' final_libs_list.append(cur_app_routes[i]) sorted_libs = sorted(final_libs_list, key=lambda lib: lib['dn'], reverse=True) print json.dumps(sorted_libs) print "--Splitter--" print "--Splitter--" self.time_compare.end() # To String # print "--Time-Consuming--" self.time_load_and_extract.tostring() self.time_compare.tostring() # Remove Lib Files. lib_dir_list = [] for i in final_libs_dict: if 'cpn' in final_libs_dict[i]: lib_dir_list.append(apk_path + '/smali/' + final_libs_dict[i]['cpn']) if RM_STATUS > 0: self.rm_lib_files(lib_dir_list) if RM_STATUS == 1: cmd = 'rm -rf %s' % apk_path, shell=True)
class Detector: """ Detector """ library_type = { "da": "Development Aid", "sn": "Social Network", "ad": "Advertisement", "am": "App Market", "ma": "Mobile Analytics", "pa": "Payment", "ui": "UI Component", "ge": "Game Engine", "ut": "Utility", "mp": "Map" } def __init__(self): # Init Two Time Recorder. self.time_load_and_extract = TimeRecord('Decoding & Data Loading') self.time_compare = TimeRecord('Library Searching') # For decoding bug. reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8") # Init API dict and data. self.api_dict = {} self.packages_feature = [] self.libs_feature = [] self.project_path = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) if self.project_path == "": self.project_path = "." self.load_data() @staticmethod def rm_lib_files(lib_list): for lib_dir_name in lib_list: cmd = 'rm -rf %s' % lib_dir_name, shell=True) def get_number(self, string): """ Get API ID From API Dictionary. 获得API的编号 :param string: API Name+ :return: API ID """ if string not in self.api_dict: return -1 return str(self.api_dict[string]['v']) def get_permission(self, string): """ Get Permission From API Dictionary. 获得API的权限 :param string: API Name :return: Permission List """ if string not in self.api_dict: return -1 return self.api_dict[string]['p'] def all_over(self, apk_path, path): """ Recursive body of package for getting the features :param apk_path: APK Path :param path: Packages Path :return: API Dict of this package, Directory Number in this Package, File Number, Total API Call. """ if DEBUG_PATH: print ('PATH : ' + path) find_file = re.compile(r'.smali$') p = re.compile(r'Landroid/.*?;?\-?>*?\(|Ljava/.*?;?\-?>*?\(|Ljavax/.*?;?\-?>*?\(|Lunit/runner/.*?;?\-?>*?\(' r'|Lunit/framework/.*?;?\-?>*?\(' r'|Lorg/apache/commons/logging/.*?;?\-?>*?\(|Lorg/apache/http/.*?;?\-?>*?\(|Lorg/json/.*?;' r'?\-?>*?\(|Lorg/w3c/.*?;?\-?>*?\(|Lorg/xml/.*?;?\-?>*?\(|Lorg/xmlpull/.*?;?\-?>*?\(|' r'Lcom/android/internal/util.*?;?\-?>*?\(') all_thing = glob.glob('*') this_permission = [] this_call_num = 0 this_dir_num = 0 this_file_num = 0 direct_dir_num = 0 direct_file_num = 0 this_dict = {} for thing in all_thing: # If the thing is a directory. if os.path.isdir(thing): if DEBUG_PATH: print ('Path and Current Work Directory.') print thing print os.getcwd() os.chdir(thing + '/') # Merge Dictionary # 合并字典 child = self.all_over(apk_path, path + thing + '/') if child is not None: this_dict.update(child[0]) this_dir_num += child[1] + 1 direct_dir_num += 1 this_file_num += child[2] this_call_num += child[3] if child[4] != []: for per in child[4]: if per not in this_permission: this_permission.append(per) os.chdir('..') # If the 'thing' is a file # 如果 thing 是一个文件 else: try: # Is this file a smali file? # 如果这个文件是一个SMALI文件 if not continue f = open(thing, 'r') for u in f: # For every line in this file. # 搜索每一行。 match = p.findall(u) for system_call in match: if '"' in system_call: continue this_call_num += 1 call_num = self.get_number(system_call) permissions = self.get_permission(system_call) if permissions == -1: continue # print permissions if len(permissions) != 0: for per in permissions: if per not in this_permission: this_permission.append(per) if call_num == -1: continue if call_num in this_dict: this_dict[call_num] += 1 else: this_dict[call_num] = 1 f.close() this_file_num += 1 direct_file_num += 1 except Exception as ex: if DEBUG_ON: print('Can not Open ' + thing + ' Wrong with:' + str(ex)) # If there is no API call in this package, just ignore it. if len(this_dict) == 0: return if DEBUG_PATH: print ('APK_PATH' + apk_path) bh = 0 for a in this_dict: bh = (bh + int(a) * this_dict[a]) % 999983 # 99983 is A Big Prime self.packages_feature.append((bh, len(this_dict), this_call_num, path, this_permission)) return this_dict, this_dir_num, this_file_num, this_call_num, this_permission def get_smali(self, path): """ Convert APK into Smali file. :param path: :return: decoded files' path """ self.time_load_and_extract.start() cmd = self.project_path + "/" + "../tool/apktool decode %s -o " % path + self.project_path + "/" + \ "../decoded/%s" % os.path.basename(path), shell=True) return self.project_path + '/../decoded/%s' % os.path.basename(path) def load_data(self): # - Loading Data dep_address = self.project_path + "/" + "../data/tgst5.dat" dict_address = self.project_path + "/" + "../permission/tagged_dict.txt" dep_file = open(dep_address, 'r') dict_file = open(dict_address, 'r') # -- Loading API Dict for line in dict_file: # print line u = json.loads(line) if 'p' in u: self.api_dict[u['k']] = {'v': u['v'], 'p': u['p']} else: self.api_dict[u['k']] = {'v': u['v'], 'p': []} # -- Loading Hashed Libs for line in dep_file: # print line u = json.loads(line) """ {"dn": 311, Repetitions "lib": "pollfish", Library "sp": "com/pollfish/f/a", Simplified Path "bh": 32370, B_Hash "btc": 40, B_Total_Call "btn": 12, B_Total_Number "pn": "com/pollfish"} Package Name """ if "pn" in u: components = u['lib'].split(';') assert len(components) == 3 lib_type = components[0] if lib_type in self.library_type: lib_type = self.library_type[lib_type] eng_lib = components[1] # English Library ch_des = components[2] # Web Link self.libs_feature.append( (u['bh'], u['btn'], u['btc'], u['sp'], eng_lib, u['pn'], u['dn'], ch_des, lib_type) ) else: self.libs_feature.append((u['bh'], u['btn'], u['btc'], u['sp'], u['lib'], "", u['dn'], "", "")) def get_hash(self, apk_path): """ Convert APK into Smali file. :param path: :return: The path of apk with libs removed. """ # - All Over # print apk_path+'/smali' if os.path.exists(apk_path+'/smali'): os.chdir(apk_path+'/smali') self.all_over(apk_path, '') # os.chdir(apk_path) # Print Res # print packages_feature ''' if DEBUG: for p in packages_feature: print p ''' cur_app_libs = [] cur_app_routes = {} path_and_permission = {} number_of_tagged_libs = len(self.libs_feature) self.time_load_and_extract.end() self.time_compare.start() def compare_d(a, b): if a[1] < b[1]: return -1 elif a[1] > b[1]: return 1 else: if a[2] < b[2]: return -2 elif a[2] > b[2]: return 2 else: if a[0] < b[0]: return -3 elif a[0] > b[0]: return 3 else: return 0 def find_feature(package, start, end): if start >= end: return None mid = (start + end) / 2 """ packages_feature.append((bh, len(this_dict), this_call_num, '/'.join(parts), this_permission)) """ if compare_d(package, self.libs_feature[mid]) == 0: if self.libs_feature[mid][4] != "" and self.libs_feature[mid][4] != "Nope": cur_app_libs.append({ "bh": self.libs_feature[mid][0], "btn": self.libs_feature[mid][1], "btc": self.libs_feature[mid][2], "sp": self.libs_feature[mid][3], "lib": self.libs_feature[mid][4], "pn": self.libs_feature[mid][5], "dn": self.libs_feature[mid][6], "ch": self.libs_feature[mid][7], # Web Link "tp": self.libs_feature[mid][8], "csp": package[3], # Current S_path }) elif self.libs_feature[mid][4] == "": cur_app_routes[self.libs_feature[mid][3]] = { "bh": self.libs_feature[mid][0], "btn": self.libs_feature[mid][1], "btc": self.libs_feature[mid][2], "pn": self.libs_feature[mid][3], "cpn": package[3], "p": package[4], "dn": self.libs_feature[mid][6] } elif compare_d(package, self.libs_feature[mid]) < 0: return find_feature(package, mid + 1, end) else: return find_feature(package, start, mid) if DEBUG_ON: print "--Packages--" def find_features(package): if package[3] != "": if len(package[4]) == 0: if DEBUG_ON: print package[3] path_and_permission[package[3]] = [] else: if DEBUG_ON: print package[3]+' -- Permission: '+str(package[4]) path_and_permission[package[3]] = package[4] find_feature(package, 0, number_of_tagged_libs) for pack in self.packages_feature: if DEBUG_PATH: print ('PACK' + str(pack)) find_features(pack) if DEBUG_ON: print "PATH and Permission:" for k in path_and_permission: print k + str(path_and_permission[k]) print "--Splitter--" final_libs_dict = {} for i in cur_app_libs: # 先找PN # 然后切分sp。找到对应的path # 然后把对应的Permission找出来加进来 if i['pn'] in final_libs_dict: # 找到同样package name的小包中,重复次数最多的,作为总的重复次数 # 本来想找到大包的重复次数作为重复次数,但是大包的重复次数甚至很容易直接是0 # 并不适合。 if final_libs_dict[i['pn']]['dn'] < i['dn']: final_libs_dict[i['pn']]['dn'] = i['dn'] pn_number = len(i['pn'].split('/')) cpn = '/'.join(i['csp'].split('/')[0:pn_number]) if cpn[-1:] != '/': cpn += '/' i['cpn'] = cpn i['p'] = path_and_permission[cpn] final_libs_dict[i['pn']] = i #print str(i) + ',' final_libs_list = [] for i in final_libs_dict: final_libs_dict[i]['pn'] += '/' final_libs_list.append(final_libs_dict[i]) # print json.dumps(final_libs_list) final_routes_list = [] for i in cur_app_routes: cur_app_routes[i]['pn'] += '/' final_libs_list.append(cur_app_routes[i]) sorted_libs = sorted(final_libs_list, key=lambda lib: lib['dn'], reverse=True) print json.dumps(sorted_libs) print "--Splitter--" print "--Splitter--" self.time_compare.end() # To String # print "--Time-Consuming--" self.time_load_and_extract.tostring() self.time_compare.tostring() # Remove Lib Files. lib_dir_list = [] for i in final_libs_dict: if 'cpn' in final_libs_dict[i]: lib_dir_list.append(apk_path + '/smali/' + final_libs_dict[i]['cpn']) if RM_STATUS > 0: self.rm_lib_files(lib_dir_list) if RM_STATUS == 1: cmd = 'rm -rf %s' % apk_path, shell=True)