        def check_state(starttime, currenttime, invocation_interval_mins):
            expected = dict()
            for cat in ("years", "months", "weeks", "days", "hours"):
                expected[cat] = 0

            # Calculate how old starttime is compared to currenttime.
            delta = _Timedelta(t=starttime, ref=currenttime)

            # Implement the rules recent6,hours23,days7,weeks4
            if delta.hours < 1:
                expected["recent"] = 1 + int(
                    delta.hours_exact * 60 // invocation_interval_mins)
            elif delta.hours < 23:
                expected["recent"] = 6
                expected["hours"] = delta.hours
            elif delta.days < 6:
                expected["recent"] = 6
                expected["hours"] = 23
                expected["days"] = delta.days
            elif delta.weeks < 4:
                expected["recent"] = 6
                expected["hours"] = 23
                expected["days"] = 6
                expected["weeks"] = delta.weeks
            # Check whether the files fulfill the expectations.
            check_files(expected, reftime=currenttime)
        def check_state(starttime, currenttime, invocation_interval_mins):
            expected = dict()
            for cat in ("years", "months", "weeks", "days", "hours"):
                expected[cat] = 0

            # Calculate how old starttime is compared to currenttime.
            delta = _Timedelta(t=starttime, ref=currenttime)

            # Implement the rules recent6,hours23,days7,weeks4
            if delta.hours < 1:
                expected["recent"] = 1 + int(
                    delta.hours_exact*60 // invocation_interval_mins)
            elif delta.hours < 23:
                expected["recent"] = 6
                expected["hours"] = delta.hours
            elif delta.days < 6:
                expected["recent"] = 6
                expected["hours"] = 23
                expected["days"] = delta.days
            elif delta.weeks < 4:
                expected["recent"] = 6
                expected["hours"] = 23
                expected["days"] = 6
                expected["weeks"] = delta.weeks
            # Check whether the files fulfill the expectations.
            check_files(expected, reftime=currenttime)
 def test_types_math_hour(self):
     d = _Timedelta(t=dt(1915, 2, 24, 9, 35), ref=dt(1915, 2, 24, 10, 35))
     assert d.years == 0
     assert isinstance(d.years, int)
     assert d.months == 0
     assert isinstance(d.months, int)
     assert d.weeks == 0
     assert isinstance(d.weeks, int)
     assert d.days == 0
     assert isinstance(d.days, int)
     assert d.hours == 1
     assert isinstance(d.hours, int)
 def test_types_math_year(self):
     d = _Timedelta(t=dt(2015, 3, 1), ref=dt(2016, 2, 29))
     assert d.years == 1
     assert isinstance(d.years, int)
     assert d.months == 11
     assert isinstance(d.months, int)
     assert d.weeks == 53
     assert isinstance(d.weeks, int)
     assert d.days == 365
     assert isinstance(d.days, int)
     assert d.hours == 365 * 24
     assert isinstance(d.hours, int)
        def check_files(expected, reftime):
            log.debug("What we expect: %s", expected)
            # Build a mapping, for each category/timecount bucket we
            # save whether we have found a corresponding file or not.
            # Eventually, all expected category/timecount buckets should
            # be populated -- if not, that's an error.
            notrecent_found_mapping = dict()
            for cat in ("years", "months", "weeks", "days", "hours"):
                notrecent_found_mapping[cat] = {
                    n: False
                    for n in range(1, expected[cat] + 1)

            # Go through the files, and categorize them.
            # TODO: this is still not matching the real categorization,
            # here "older" categories have higher priority than "younger" one.
            # Therefore, this check cannot deal with category overlaps so far.
            # However, it is sufficient for tight boundary tests, i.e. these
            # rules: recentN,hours23,days6,weeks2
            fns = glob.glob("%s/*.testfile" % self.rundir)
            log.debug("Found these files: %s", fns)
            modtimes = [modtime_for_path(fn) for fn in fns]
            deltas = [_Timedelta(t=t, ref=reftime) for t in modtimes]
            for delta, filename in zip(deltas, fns):
                if delta.hours < 1:
                    # That is a recent item.
                    log.debug("Recent item detected: %s", filename)
                    expected["recent"] -= 1
                for cat in ("years", "months", "weeks", "days", "hours"):
                    timecount = getattr(delta, cat)
                    if timecount > 0:
                        log.debug("File fits %s/%s.", cat, timecount)
                        if notrecent_found_mapping[cat][timecount]:
                            log.error("Already found before: %s/%s", cat,
                            assert False
                        log.debug("Mark %s/%s as found.", cat, timecount)
                        notrecent_found_mapping[cat][timecount] = True

            # Validate result.
            # The "recent" count must have been decremented to 0:
            assert expected["recent"] == 0
            for cat, boolmap in notrecent_found_mapping.items():
                for timecount, found in boolmap.items():
                    if not found == True:
                        log.error("No file found for %s/%s", cat, timecount)
                        assert False
        def check_files(expected, reftime):
            log.debug("What we expect: %s", expected)
            # Build a mapping, for each category/timecount bucket we
            # save whether we have found a corresponding file or not.
            # Eventually, all expected category/timecount buckets should
            # be populated -- if not, that's an error.
            notrecent_found_mapping = dict()
            for cat in ("years", "months", "weeks", "days", "hours"):
                notrecent_found_mapping[cat] = {
                    n:False for n in range(1,expected[cat]+1)}

            # Go through the files, and categorize them.
            # TODO: this is still not matching the real categorization,
            # here "older" categories have higher priority than "younger" one.
            # Therefore, this check cannot deal with category overlaps so far.
            # However, it is sufficient for tight boundary tests, i.e. these
            # rules: recentN,hours23,days6,weeks2
            fns = glob.glob("%s/*.testfile" % self.rundir)
            log.debug("Found these files: %s", fns)
            modtimes = [modtime_for_path(fn) for fn in fns]
            deltas = [_Timedelta(t=t, ref=reftime) for t in modtimes]
            for delta, filename in zip(deltas, fns):
                if delta.hours < 1:
                    # That is a recent item.
                    log.debug("Recent item detected: %s", filename)
                    expected["recent"] -= 1
                for cat in ("years", "months", "weeks", "days", "hours"):
                    timecount = getattr(delta, cat)
                    if timecount > 0:
                        log.debug("File fits %s/%s.", cat, timecount)
                        if notrecent_found_mapping[cat][timecount]:
                            log.error("Already found before: %s/%s",
                                cat, timecount)
                            assert False
                        log.debug("Mark %s/%s as found.", cat, timecount)
                        notrecent_found_mapping[cat][timecount] = True

            # Validate result.
            # The "recent" count must have been decremented to 0:
            assert expected["recent"] == 0
            for cat, boolmap in notrecent_found_mapping.items():
                for timecount, found in boolmap.items():
                    if not found == True:
                        log.error("No file found for %s/%s", cat, timecount)
                        assert False
 def test_types_math_hour(self):
     hour_seconds =  60 * 60
     d = _Timedelta(t=0.0, ref=hour_seconds)
     assert d.years == 0
     assert isinstance(d.years, int)
     assert d.years_exact == 1.0 / (365 * 24)
     assert isinstance(d.years_exact, float)
     assert d.months == 0
     assert isinstance(d.months, int)
     assert d.months_exact == 1.0 / (30 * 24)
     assert isinstance(d.months_exact, float)
     assert d.weeks == 0
     assert isinstance(d.weeks, int)
     assert d.weeks_exact == 1.0 / (7 * 24)
     assert isinstance(d.weeks_exact, float)
     assert d.days == 0
     assert isinstance(d.days, int)
     assert d.days_exact == 1.0 / 24
     assert isinstance(d.days_exact, float)
     assert d.hours == 1
     assert isinstance(d.hours, int)
     assert d.hours_exact == 1.0
     assert isinstance(d.hours_exact, float)
 def test_types_math_year(self):
     year_seconds =  60 * 60 * 24 * 365
     d = _Timedelta(t=0.0, ref=year_seconds)
     assert d.years == 1
     assert isinstance(d.years, int)
     assert d.years_exact == 1.0
     assert isinstance(d.years_exact, float)
     assert d.months == 12
     assert isinstance(d.months, int)
     assert d.months_exact == 365.0 / 30
     assert isinstance(d.months_exact, float)
     assert d.weeks == 52
     assert isinstance(d.weeks, int)
     assert d.weeks_exact == 365.0 / 7
     assert isinstance(d.weeks_exact, float)
     assert d.days == 365
     assert isinstance(d.days, int)
     assert d.days_exact == 365.0
     assert isinstance(d.days_exact, float)
     assert d.hours == 365 * 24
     assert isinstance(d.hours, int)
     assert d.hours_exact == 365 * 24.0
     assert isinstance(d.hours_exact, float)
 def test_future(self):
     # Time `t` later than reference.
     with raises(TimeFilterError):
         _Timedelta(t=1.0, ref=0)
 def test_floatdiff(self):
     # Difference of time `t` and reference must be float.
     with raises(AssertionError):
         _Timedelta(t=0, ref=0)
 def test_wrongtypes(self):
     with raises(TypeError):
         # unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'NoneType'
         _Timedelta(t=None, ref="a")
 def test_future(self):
     # Time `t` later than reference.
     with raises(TimeFilterError):
                    ref=datetime.now() - timedelta(hours=10))
 def test_wrongtypes(self):
     with raises(Exception):
         _Timedelta(t=None, ref="a")
     with raises(Exception):
         _Timedelta(t=0.0, ref=100.0)