    def prepare_host_edge(self, ff_params, host_system):
        Prepares the host-edge system
        ff_params: tuple of np.array
            Exactly equal to bond_params, angle_params, proper_params, improper_params, charge_params, lj_params
        host_system: openmm.System
            openmm System object to be deserialized

            unbound_potentials, system_params, combined_masses


        ligand_masses_a = [a.GetMass() for a in self.mol_a.GetAtoms()]
        ligand_masses_b = [b.GetMass() for b in self.mol_b.GetAtoms()]

        host_bps, host_masses = openmm_deserializer.deserialize_system(
            host_system, cutoff=1.2)

        hgt = topology.HostGuestTopology(host_bps, self.top)

        final_params, final_potentials = self._get_system_params_and_potentials(
            ff_params, hgt)

        combined_masses = np.concatenate(
            [host_masses, ligand_masses_a, ligand_masses_b])

        return final_potentials, final_params, combined_masses
    def prepare_host_edge(self, ff_params, host_system, host_coords):
        Prepares the host-edge system
        ff_params: tuple of np.array
            Exactly equal to bond_params, angle_params, proper_params, improper_params, charge_params, lj_params
        host_system: openmm.System
            openmm System object to be deserialized
        host_coords: np.array
            Nx3 array of atomic coordinates
        4 tuple
            unbound_potentials, system_params, combined_masses, combined_coords

        ligand_masses_a = [a.GetMass() for a in self.mol_a.GetAtoms()]
        ligand_masses_b = [b.GetMass() for b in self.mol_b.GetAtoms()]

        # extract the 0th conformer
        ligand_coords_a = get_romol_conf(self.mol_a)
        ligand_coords_b = get_romol_conf(self.mol_b)

        host_bps, host_masses = openmm_deserializer.deserialize_system(
            host_system, cutoff=1.2)

        hgt = topology.HostGuestTopology(host_bps, self.top)

        final_params, final_potentials = self._get_system_params_and_potentials(
            ff_params, hgt)
        if isinstance(self.top, topology.SingleTopology):
            combined_masses = np.concatenate([
            combined_coords = np.concatenate([
            combined_masses = np.concatenate(
                [host_masses, ligand_masses_a, ligand_masses_b])
            combined_coords = np.concatenate(
                [host_coords, ligand_coords_a, ligand_coords_b])

        return final_potentials, final_params, combined_masses, combined_coords
final_potentials = []
final_vjp_and_handles = []

# keep the bonded terms in the host the same.
# but we keep the nonbonded term for a subsequent modification
for bp in host_bps:
    if isinstance(bp, potentials.Nonbonded):
        host_p = bp

ff = Forcefield.load_from_file("smirnoff_1_1_0_ccc.py")
gbt = topology.BaseTopology(romol, ff)
hgt = topology.HostGuestTopology(host_p, gbt)

# setup the parameter handlers for the ligand
tuples = [
    [hgt.parameterize_harmonic_bond, [ff.hb_handle]],
    [hgt.parameterize_harmonic_angle, [ff.ha_handle]],
    [hgt.parameterize_proper_torsion, [ff.pt_handle]],
    [hgt.parameterize_improper_torsion, [ff.it_handle]],
    [hgt.parameterize_nonbonded, [ff.q_handle, ff.lj_handle]],

# instantiate the vjps while parameterizing (forward pass)
for fn, handles in tuples:
    params, vjp_fn, potential = jax.vjp(fn,
                                        *[h.params for h in handles],
def minimize_host_4d(mols, host_system, host_coords, ff, box, mol_coords=None) -> np.ndarray:
    Insert mols into a host system via 4D decoupling using Fire minimizer at lambda=1.0,
    0 Kelvin Langevin integration at a sequence of lambda from 1.0 to 0.0, and Fire minimizer again at lambda=0.0

    The ligand coordinates are fixed during this, and only host_coords are minimized.

    mols: list of Chem.Mol
        Ligands to be inserted. This must be of length 1 or 2 for now.

    host_system: openmm.System
        OpenMM System representing the host

    host_coords: np.ndarray
        N x 3 coordinates of the host. units of nanometers.

    ff: ff.Forcefield
        Wrapper class around a list of handlers

    box: np.ndarray [3,3]
        Box matrix for periodic boundary conditions. units of nanometers.

    mol_coords: list of np.ndarray
        Pre-specify a list of mol coords. Else use the mol.GetConformer(0)

        This returns minimized host_coords.


    assert box.shape == (3, 3)

    host_bps, host_masses = openmm_deserializer.deserialize_system(host_system, cutoff=1.2)

    num_host_atoms = host_coords.shape[0]

    if len(mols) == 1:
        top = topology.BaseTopology(mols[0], ff)
    elif len(mols) == 2:
        top = topology.DualTopologyMinimization(mols[0], mols[1], ff)
        raise ValueError("mols must be length 1 or 2")

    mass_list = [np.array(host_masses)]
    conf_list = [np.array(host_coords)]
    for mol in mols:
        # mass increase is to keep the ligand fixed
        mass_list.append(np.array([a.GetMass() * 100000 for a in mol.GetAtoms()]))

    if mol_coords is not None:
        for mc in mol_coords:
        for mol in mols:

    combined_masses = np.concatenate(mass_list)
    combined_coords = np.concatenate(conf_list)

    hgt = topology.HostGuestTopology(host_bps, top)

    u_impls = bind_potentials(hgt, ff)

    # this value doesn't matter since we will turn off the noise.
    seed = 0

    intg = LangevinIntegrator(0.0, 1.5e-3, 1.0, combined_masses, seed).impl()

    x0 = combined_coords
    v0 = np.zeros_like(x0)

    x0 = fire_minimize(x0, u_impls, box, np.ones(50))
    # context components: positions, velocities, box, integrator, energy fxns
    ctxt = custom_ops.Context(x0, v0, box, intg, u_impls)
    ctxt.multiple_steps(np.linspace(1.0, 0, 1000))

    final_coords = fire_minimize(ctxt.get_x_t(), u_impls, box, np.zeros(50))
    for impl in u_impls:
        du_dx, _, _ = impl.execute(final_coords, box, 0.0)
        norm = np.linalg.norm(du_dx, axis=-1)
        assert np.all(norm < 25000)

    return final_coords[:num_host_atoms]
def equilibrate_host(
    mol: Chem.Mol,
    host_system: openmm.System,
    host_coords: NDArray,
    temperature: float,
    pressure: float,
    ff: Forcefield,
    box: NDArray,
    n_steps: int,
    seed: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Tuple[NDArray, NDArray]:
    Equilibrate a host system given a reference molecule using the MonteCarloBarostat.

    Useful for preparing a host that will be used for multiple FEP calculations using the same reference, IE a starmap.

    Performs the following:
    - Minimize host with rigid mol
    - Minimize host and mol
    - Run n_steps with HMR enabled and MonteCarloBarostat every 5 steps

    mol: Chem.Mol
        Ligand for the host to equilibrate with.

    host_system: openmm.System
        OpenMM System representing the host.

    host_coords: np.ndarray
        N x 3 coordinates of the host. units of nanometers.

    temperature: float
        Temperature at which to run the simulation. Units of kelvins.

    pressure: float
        Pressure at which to run the simulation. Units of bars.

    ff: ff.Forcefield
        Wrapper class around a list of handlers.

    box: np.ndarray [3,3]
        Box matrix for periodic boundary conditions. units of nanometers.

    n_steps: int
        Number of steps to run the simulation for.

    seed: int or None
        Value to seed simulation with

    tuple (coords, box)
        Returns equilibrated system coords as well as the box.

    # insert mol into the binding pocket.
    host_bps, host_masses = openmm_deserializer.deserialize_system(host_system, cutoff=1.2)

    min_host_coords = minimize_host_4d([mol], host_system, host_coords, ff, box)

    ligand_masses = [a.GetMass() for a in mol.GetAtoms()]
    ligand_coords = get_romol_conf(mol)

    combined_masses = np.concatenate([host_masses, ligand_masses])
    combined_coords = np.concatenate([min_host_coords, ligand_coords])

    top = topology.BaseTopology(mol, ff)
    hgt = topology.HostGuestTopology(host_bps, top)

    # setup the parameter handlers for the ligand
    tuples = [
        [hgt.parameterize_harmonic_bond, [ff.hb_handle]],
        [hgt.parameterize_harmonic_angle, [ff.ha_handle]],
        [hgt.parameterize_periodic_torsion, [ff.pt_handle, ff.it_handle]],
        [hgt.parameterize_nonbonded, [ff.q_handle, ff.lj_handle]],

    u_impls = []
    bound_potentials = []

    for fn, handles in tuples:
        params, potential = fn(*[h.params for h in handles])
        bp = potential.bind(params)

    bond_list = get_bond_list(bound_potentials[0])
    combined_masses = model_utils.apply_hmr(combined_masses, bond_list)

    dt = 2.5e-3
    friction = 1.0

    if seed is None:
        seed = np.random.randint(np.iinfo(np.int32).max)

    integrator = LangevinIntegrator(temperature, dt, friction, combined_masses, seed).impl()

    x0 = combined_coords
    v0 = np.zeros_like(x0)

    group_indices = get_group_indices(bond_list)
    barostat_interval = 5
    barostat = MonteCarloBarostat(x0.shape[0], pressure, temperature, group_indices, barostat_interval, seed).impl(

    # Re-minimize with the mol being flexible
    x0 = fire_minimize(x0, u_impls, box, np.ones(50))
    # context components: positions, velocities, box, integrator, energy fxns
    ctxt = custom_ops.Context(x0, v0, box, integrator, u_impls, barostat)

    ctxt.multiple_steps(np.linspace(0.0, 0.0, n_steps))

    return ctxt.get_x_t(), ctxt.get_box()