def benchmark_dhfr(): pdb_path = 'tests/data/5dfr_solv_equil.pdb' host_pdb = app.PDBFile(pdb_path) protein_ff = app.ForceField('amber99sbildn.xml', 'tip3p.xml') host_system = protein_ff.createSystem( host_pdb.topology, nonbondedMethod=app.NoCutoff, constraints=None, rigidWater=False ) host_coords = host_pdb.positions box = host_pdb.topology.getPeriodicBoxVectors() box = np.asarray(box/box.unit) host_fns, host_masses = openmm_deserializer.deserialize_system( host_system, cutoff=1.0 ) host_conf = [] for x,y,z in host_coords: host_conf.append([to_md_units(x),to_md_units(y),to_md_units(z)]) host_conf = np.array(host_conf) seed = 1234 dt = 1.5e-3 intg = LangevinIntegrator( 300, dt, 1.0, np.array(host_masses), seed ).impl() bps = [] for potential in host_fns: bps.append(potential.bound_impl(precision=np.float32)) # get the bound implementation x0 = host_conf v0 = np.zeros_like(host_conf) ctxt = custom_ops.Context( x0, v0, box, intg, bps ) # initialize observables obs = [] for bp in bps: du_dp_obs = custom_ops.AvgPartialUPartialParam(bp, 100) ctxt.add_observable(du_dp_obs) obs.append(du_dp_obs) lamb = 0.0 start = time.time() # num_steps = 50000 num_steps = 50000 # num_steps = 10 writer = PDBWriter([host_pdb.topology], "dhfr.pdb") for step in range(num_steps): ctxt.step(lamb) if step % 1000 == 0: delta = time.time()-start steps_per_second = step/delta seconds_per_day = 86400 steps_per_day = steps_per_second*seconds_per_day ps_per_day = dt*steps_per_day ns_per_day = ps_per_day*1e-3 print(step, "ns/day", ns_per_day) # coords = recenter(ctxt.get_x_t(), box) # writer.write_frame(coords*10) print("total time", time.time() - start) writer.close() # bond angle torsions nonbonded for potential, du_dp_obs in zip(host_fns, obs): dp = du_dp_obs.avg_du_dp() print(potential, dp.shape) print(dp)
# note: these 5000 steps are "equilibration", before we attach a reporter / # "observable" to the context and start running "production" for step in range(5000): if step % 500 == 0: writer.write_frame(ctxt.get_x_t() * 10) ctxt.step(final_lamb) # print("equilibrium energy", ctxt._get_u_t_minus_1()) # TODO: what was the second argument -- reporting interval in steps? du_dl_obs = custom_ops.AvgPartialUPartialLambda(u_impls, 5) du_dps = [] for ui in u_impls: du_dp_obs = custom_ops.AvgPartialUPartialParam(ui, 5) ctxt.add_observable(du_dp_obs) du_dps.append(du_dp_obs) ctxt.add_observable(du_dl_obs) for _ in range(20000): if step % 500 == 0: writer.write_frame(ctxt.get_x_t() * 10) ctxt.step(final_lamb) writer.close() # print("final energy", ctxt._get_u_t_minus_1()) # print vector jacobian products back into the forcefield derivative
def test_fwd_mode(self): """ This test ensures that we can reverse-mode differentiate observables that are dU_dlambdas of each state. We provide adjoints with respect to each computed dU/dLambda. """ np.random.seed(4321) N = 8 B = 5 A = 0 T = 0 D = 3 x0 = np.random.rand(N, D).astype(dtype=np.float64) * 2 E = 2 lambda_plane_idxs = np.random.randint(low=0, high=2, size=N, dtype=np.int32) lambda_offset_idxs = np.random.randint(low=0, high=2, size=N, dtype=np.int32) params, ref_nrg_fn, test_nrg = prepare_nb_system( x0, E, lambda_plane_idxs, lambda_offset_idxs, p_scale=3.0, # cutoff=0.5, cutoff=1.5) masses = np.random.rand(N) v0 = np.random.rand(x0.shape[0], x0.shape[1]) N = len(masses) num_steps = 5 lambda_schedule = np.random.rand(num_steps) ca = np.random.rand() cbs = -np.random.rand(len(masses)) / 1 ccs = np.zeros_like(cbs) dt = 2e-3 lamb = np.random.rand() def loss_fn(du_dls): return jnp.sum(du_dls * du_dls) / du_dls.shape[0] def sum_loss_fn(du_dls): du_dls = np.sum(du_dls, axis=0) return jnp.sum(du_dls * du_dls) / du_dls.shape[0] def integrate_once_through(x_t, v_t, box, params): dU_dx_fn = jax.grad(ref_nrg_fn, argnums=(0, )) dU_dp_fn = jax.grad(ref_nrg_fn, argnums=(1, )) dU_dl_fn = jax.grad(ref_nrg_fn, argnums=(3, )) all_du_dls = [] all_du_dps = [] all_xs = [] all_du_dxs = [] all_us = [] for step in range(num_steps): u = ref_nrg_fn(x_t, params, box, lamb) all_us.append(u) du_dl = dU_dl_fn(x_t, params, box, lamb)[0] all_du_dls.append(du_dl) du_dp = dU_dp_fn(x_t, params, box, lamb)[0] all_du_dps.append(du_dp) du_dx = dU_dx_fn(x_t, params, box, lamb)[0] all_du_dxs.append(du_dx) v_t = ca * v_t + np.expand_dims(cbs, axis=-1) * du_dx x_t = x_t + v_t * dt all_xs.append(x_t) # note that we do not calculate the du_dl of the last frame. return all_xs, all_du_dxs, all_du_dps, all_du_dls, all_us box = np.eye(3) * 1.5 # when we have multiple parameters, we need to set this up correctly ref_all_xs, ref_all_du_dxs, ref_all_du_dps, ref_all_du_dls, ref_all_us = integrate_once_through( x0, v0, box, params) intg = custom_ops.LangevinIntegrator(dt, ca, cbs, ccs, 1234) bp = test_nrg.bind(params).bound_impl(precision=np.float64) bps = [bp] ctxt = custom_ops.Context(x0, v0, box, intg, bps) test_obs = custom_ops.AvgPartialUPartialParam(bp, 1) test_obs_f2 = custom_ops.AvgPartialUPartialParam(bp, 2) test_obs_du_dl = custom_ops.AvgPartialUPartialLambda(bps, 1) test_obs_f2_du_dl = custom_ops.AvgPartialUPartialLambda(bps, 2) test_obs_f3_du_dl = custom_ops.FullPartialUPartialLambda(bps, 2) obs = [ test_obs, test_obs_f2, test_obs_du_dl, test_obs_f2_du_dl, test_obs_f3_du_dl ] for o in obs: ctxt.add_observable(o) for step in range(num_steps): print("comparing step", step) ctxt.step(lamb) test_x_t = ctxt.get_x_t() test_v_t = ctxt.get_v_t() test_du_dx_t = ctxt._get_du_dx_t_minus_1() # test_u_t = ctxt._get_u_t_minus_1() # np.testing.assert_allclose(test_u_t, ref_all_us[step]) np.testing.assert_allclose(test_du_dx_t, ref_all_du_dxs[step]) np.testing.assert_allclose(test_x_t, ref_all_xs[step]) ref_avg_du_dls = np.mean(ref_all_du_dls, axis=0) ref_avg_du_dls_f2 = np.mean(ref_all_du_dls[::2], axis=0) np.testing.assert_allclose(test_obs_du_dl.avg_du_dl(), ref_avg_du_dls) np.testing.assert_allclose(test_obs_f2_du_dl.avg_du_dl(), ref_avg_du_dls_f2) full_du_dls = test_obs_f3_du_dl.full_du_dl() assert len(full_du_dls) == np.ceil(num_steps / 2) np.testing.assert_allclose(np.mean(full_du_dls), ref_avg_du_dls_f2) ref_avg_du_dps = np.mean(ref_all_du_dps, axis=0) ref_avg_du_dps_f2 = np.mean(ref_all_du_dps[::2], axis=0) # the fixed point accumulator makes it hard to converge some of these # if the derivative is super small - in which case they probably don't matter # anyways np.testing.assert_allclose(test_obs.avg_du_dp()[:, 0], ref_avg_du_dps[:, 0], 1.5e-6) np.testing.assert_allclose(test_obs.avg_du_dp()[:, 1], ref_avg_du_dps[:, 1], 1.5e-6) np.testing.assert_allclose(test_obs.avg_du_dp()[:, 2], ref_avg_du_dps[:, 2], 5e-5)
def Simulate(self, request, context): if request.precision == 'single': precision = np.float32 elif request.precision == 'double': precision = np.float64 else: raise Exception("Unknown precision") simulation = pickle.loads(request.simulation) bps = [] pots = [] for potential in simulation.potentials: bps.append(potential.bound_impl()) # get the bound implementation intg = simulation.integrator.impl() ctxt = custom_ops.Context(simulation.x, simulation.v,, intg, bps) lamb = request.lamb for step, minimize_lamb in enumerate( np.linspace(1.0, lamb, request.prep_steps)): ctxt.step(minimize_lamb) energies = [] frames = [] if request.observe_du_dl_freq > 0: du_dl_obs = custom_ops.AvgPartialUPartialLambda( bps, request.observe_du_dl_freq) ctxt.add_observable(du_dl_obs) if request.observe_du_dp_freq > 0: du_dps = [] # for name, bp in zip(names, bps): # if name == 'LennardJones' or name == 'Electrostatics': for bp in bps: du_dp_obs = custom_ops.AvgPartialUPartialParam( bp, request.observe_du_dp_freq) ctxt.add_observable(du_dp_obs) du_dps.append(du_dp_obs) # dynamics for step in range(request.prod_steps): if step % 100 == 0: u = ctxt._get_u_t_minus_1() energies.append(u) if request.n_frames > 0: interval = max(1, request.prod_steps // request.n_frames) if step % interval == 0: frames.append(ctxt.get_x_t()) ctxt.step(lamb) frames = np.array(frames) if request.observe_du_dl_freq > 0: avg_du_dls = du_dl_obs.avg_du_dl() else: avg_du_dls = None if request.observe_du_dp_freq > 0: avg_du_dps = [] for obs in du_dps: avg_du_dps.append(obs.avg_du_dp()) else: avg_du_dps = None return service_pb2.SimulateReply( avg_du_dls=pickle.dumps(avg_du_dls), avg_du_dps=pickle.dumps(avg_du_dps), energies=pickle.dumps(energies), frames=pickle.dumps(frames), )
def _simulate(lamb, box, x0, v0, final_potentials, integrator, equil_steps, prod_steps): all_impls = [] bonded_impls = [] nonbonded_impls = [] # set up observables for du_dps here as well. du_dp_obs = [] for bps in final_potentials: obs_list = [] for bp in bps: impl = bp.bound_impl(np.float32) if isinstance(bp, potentials.InterpolatedPotential) or isinstance(bp, potentials.LambdaPotential): bp = bp.get_u_fn() if isinstance(bp, potentials.Nonbonded): nonbonded_impls.append(impl) else: bonded_impls.append(impl) all_impls.append(impl) obs_list.append(custom_ops.AvgPartialUPartialParam(impl, 5)) du_dp_obs.append(obs_list) intg_impl = integrator.impl() # context components: positions, velocities, box, integrator, energy fxns ctxt = custom_ops.Context( x0, v0, box, intg_impl, all_impls ) # equilibration for step in range(equil_steps): ctxt.step(lamb) bonded_du_dl_obs = custom_ops.FullPartialUPartialLambda(bonded_impls, 5) nonbonded_du_dl_obs = custom_ops.FullPartialUPartialLambda(nonbonded_impls, 5) # add observable ctxt.add_observable(bonded_du_dl_obs) ctxt.add_observable(nonbonded_du_dl_obs) for obs_list in du_dp_obs: for obs in obs_list: ctxt.add_observable(obs) for _ in range(prod_steps): ctxt.step(lamb) bonded_full_du_dls = bonded_du_dl_obs.full_du_dl() nonbonded_full_du_dls = nonbonded_du_dl_obs.full_du_dl() bonded_mean, bonded_std = np.mean(bonded_full_du_dls), np.std(bonded_full_du_dls) nonbonded_mean, nonbonded_std = np.mean(nonbonded_full_du_dls), np.std(nonbonded_full_du_dls) # keep the structure of grads the same as that of final_potentials so we can properly # form their vjps. grads = [] for obs_list in du_dp_obs: grad_list = [] for obs in obs_list: grad_list.append(obs.avg_du_dp()) grads.append(grad_list) return (bonded_mean, bonded_std), (nonbonded_mean, nonbonded_std), grads