def changelist_view(self, request, extra_context=None): t = Timing('WorklogReport') # выбранный диапазон месяцев year = get_year_param(request) month_list = [ date(year, 1 + i, 1) for i in range(BaseReportAdmin.COLUMNS) ] stop_date = get_slice_param(request) last_date = month_list[-1] + monthdelta(1) if stop_date and stop_date > last_date: # сброс параметра, если выбран набор данных в прошлом stop_date = None qs = self.get_queryset(request).filter( startdate__range=(month_list[0], stop_date or last_date)) # загрузка и сохранение в request журнала работ за год # (оптимизация для предотвращения необходимости повторной загрузки фрейма в фильтрах) worklogframe = WorklogFrame().load(qs) # ограничение набора данных только теми, по которым решал задачи пользователь if not request.user.has_perm('jiradata.view_all'): worklogframe = worklogframe.filter(author=request.user.username) request.worklogframe = worklogframe rows = worklogframe.rows() # заполнение фильтров в базовом классе response = super().changelist_view(request, extra_context=extra_context) try: cl = response.context_data['cl'] qs = cl.queryset except (AttributeError, KeyError): return response # фильтрация по выбранному сотруднику user = get_user_param(request) worklogframe = worklogframe.filter(author=user) # список норм рабочего времени month_norma = calc_month_norma(month_list, stop_date=stop_date) seconds = t.step() response.context_data['months'] = month_list response.context_data['member'] = JiraUser.objects.filter( user_name=user).first() response.context_data['summary'], response.context_data[ 'total'] = worklogframe.aggr_month_budget(month_list, month_norma) response.context_data['norma'] = month_norma response.context_data['slice'] = stop_date response.context_data['year'] = year response.context_data[ 'stat'] = f'{rows} строк обработано за {seconds:.2} c' return response
def getSatXYZ_m(self, prn, t_start, t_end): time = Timing() df_ephemeris = pd.DataFrame(self.nav_data, columns=['prn', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'min', 'sec', 'sv_clock_bias', 'sv_clock_drift', 'sv_clock_drift_rate', 'IODE', 'Crs', 'Delta_n', 'M0', 'Cuc', 'e', 'Cus', 'sqrt_A', 'Toe', 'Cic', 'OMEGA', 'CIS', 'i0', 'Crc', 'omega', 'OMEGA_DOT', 'IDOT', 'Codes_L2_channel', 'GPS_week', 'L2_P_data_flag', 'SV_accuracy', 'SV_health', 'TGD', 'IODC', 'transmission_time', 'fit_interval']) df_ephemeris["UnixGPSTime"] = time.iso_ToGPSUnixTime(df_ephemeris.year, df_ephemeris.month, subDataFrame = df_ephemeris.query('prn == @prn')
def __init__(self, gridsize): self._timing = Timing() initt = self._timing.routine('simulation setup') initt.start('building grid') self._initgrid(gridsize) self.tiles = {} for v in self._grid.faces: x, y, z = v lat = 180/pi * atan2(z, sqrt(x*x + y*y)) lon = 180/pi * atan2(y, x) self.tiles[v] = Tile(lat, lon) for t in self.tiles.values(): t.emptyocean(self.seafloor()) t.climate = t.seasons = None initt.start('building indexes') self.shapes = [] self.adj = Adjacency(self._grid) self._glaciationt = 0 self.initindexes() self.populated = {} self.agricultural = set() self.fauna = [] self.plants = [] self.trees = [] self._species = None initt.done()
def __init__(self): self.log = LogWrapper("TradingBot") self.tech_log = LogWrapper("TechnicalsBot") self.trade_pairs = Settings.get_pairs() self.settings = Settings.load_settings() self.api = OandaAPI() self.timings = { p: Timing(self.api.last_complete_candle(p, GRANULARITY)) for p in self.trade_pairs } self.log_message(f"Bot started with\n{pprint.pformat(self.settings)}") self.log_message(f"Bot Timings\n{pprint.pformat(self.timings)}")
def buildDoubleDifferences(self): """Construire les doubles differences""" coord_sat_tmp = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] t = Timing() flag = 0 # Il faut d'abord choisir le satellite pivot for i in range(0, self.obs[0].rxm_raw.shape[0]): for j in range(0, self.eph.nav_data.shape[0]): year = int(self.eph.nav_data[j, 1]) + 2000 month = int(self.eph.nav_data[j, 2]) day = int(self.eph.nav_data[j, 3]) hour = int(self.eph.nav_data[j, 4]) minute = int(self.eph.nav_data[j, 5]) sec = int(self.eph.nav_data[j, 6]) if self.obs[0].rxm_raw[i,7] == self.eph.nav_data[j,0] and math.fabs(t.weekToW_ToGPSUnixTime( self.obs[0].rxm_raw[i,1], self.obs[0].rxm_raw[i,0]) - t.iso_ToGPSUnixTime( year, month, day, hour, minute, sec )) < 7200000: coord_sat_tmp = self.eph.getSatXYZ(int(self.obs[0].rxm_raw[i, 0] / 1000), self.eph.nav_data[j]) print(coord_sat_tmp) if 10 < float(180 * self.getSatElevation(coord_sat_tmp[0], coord_sat_tmp[1], coord_sat_tmp[2], self.coord_pivot[0],self.coord_pivot[1],self.coord_pivot[2])/math.pi): print(float(180 * self.getSatElevation(coord_sat_tmp[0], coord_sat_tmp[1], coord_sat_tmp[2], self.coord_pivot[0],self.coord_pivot[1],self.coord_pivot[2])/math.pi)) print(self.eph.nav_data[j,0]) print(str(year)+"/"+str(month)+"/"+str(day)+"/"+str(hour)+"/"+str(minute)+"/"+str(sec)) print(str(self.obs[0].rxm_raw[i,0])+"/"+str(self.obs[0].rxm_raw[i,1])) flag = 1 break if flag == 1: break for i in range(1, len(self.obs)): # Le nombre des DD = Nbre de cubes fixes x Nbre de cube mobile print("OK2")
def parse_timings(self, time_dict:dict): timings = [] for key in time_dict.keys(): timing = Timing( test_uuid=self.uuid, function_name=key, function_id=self.find_lambda_id(key), total_time=time_dict[key]['total_time'], exe_time=time_dict[key]['exe_time'], latency=time_dict[key]['latency'], memory_limit=time_dict[key]['memory'], log_stream_name=self.parse_log_stream_name(time_dict[key]['log_stream_name']) ) timings.append(timing) return timings
class Log(object): # Define logfile directory log_dir = os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, "logs") # Define default logfile format. file_name_format = Timing.get_current_time_for_log() console_msg_format = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s: %(message)s' file_msg_format = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s: %(message)s' # Define the log level log_level = logging.INFO @staticmethod def logger(logger_name=None): # Create the root logger. logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) logger.setLevel(Log.log_level) # Validate the given directory. Log.log_dir = os.path.normpath(Log.log_dir) # Create a folder for the logfile. TXT.make_dir(Log.log_dir) # Build the logfile name filename = Log.file_name_format + ".log" filename = os.path.join(Log.log_dir, filename) # Set up logging to the logfile file_handler = RotatingFileHandler( filename=filename # ,maxBytes=Log.max_bytes, backupCount=Log.backup_count ) file_handler.setLevel(Log.log_level) file_formatter = logging.Formatter(Log.file_msg_format) file_handler.setFormatter(file_formatter) logger.addHandler(file_handler) # Set up logging to console stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler() stream_handler.setLevel(Log.log_level) stream_formatter = logging.Formatter(Log.console_msg_format) stream_handler.setFormatter(stream_formatter) logger.addHandler(stream_handler) return logger
self.set_scene_coords_projection() def finish_drag(self): if not self._is_dragging: return self._viewport_fixed_center = self.viewport_center self._is_dragging = False self.set_scene_coords_projection() def cancel_drag(self): self._is_dragging = False self.set_scene_coords_projection() timing = Timing() timing.set_value('main_opacity', 1.0) timing.set_value('main_wireframe_color', Interface.HIDDEN_WIREFRAME_COLOR) timing.set_value('point_border_color', Interface.HIDDEN_POINT_BORDER_COLOR) timing.set_value('point_fill_color', Interface.HIDDEN_POINT_FILL_COLOR) timing.set_value('target_wireframe_color', Interface.VISIBLE_TARGET_COLOR) interface = Interface() context = Context(config=config, interface=interface, timing=timing) def display(): timing.update_time() glClearColor(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1)
def main(plpy, args: str): # some config parameter # the map is passed down to the functions config = {'src': '/benchmark/sql', 'dataset': 'tpch', 'query_types': ['bv', 'cv', 'dv', 'ev', 'fv'], 'queries': ['q1', 'q3', 'q6', 'q15', 'q20'], 'batch_size': 1000, 'max_batch_size': 10000} # perform some basic argument parsing args = args.split() operation = args[0] timing = Timing(config) db = Database(plpy, timing) # load the TPC-H relations if operation == 'setup': SetupPublic(db, config).execute() db.commit() # create auxiliary tables, views and functions for the given maintenance approach elif operation == 'setup_query' and len(args) == 3: clear_query(db, config, args[1], args[2]) setup_query(db, config, args[1], args[2]) # check for correctness of the given query elif operation == 'compare' and len(args) == 2: compare(db, config, args[1]) # check correctness of all available queries elif operation == 'compare_all' and len(args) == 2: config['batch_size'] = int(args[1]) for query in config['queries']: compare(db, config, query) # benchmark the given query for the obtained batch_size elif operation == 'benchmark' and len(args) == 3: benchmark(db, config, args[1], args[2], True) # benchmark all queries and all maintenance approaches for the given batch size elif operation == 'benchmark_all' and len(args) == 3: config['batch_size'] = int(args[2]) for query_type in config['query_types']: for query in config['queries']: # warmup (discard first three iterations) benchmark(db, config, query_type, query, False) benchmark(db, config, query_type, query, False) benchmark(db, config, query_type, query, False) for i in range(int(args[1])): benchmark(db, config, query_type, query, True) # write execution times to the database # clear everything, including TPC-H relations elif operation == 'clear': for query_type in config['query_types']: for query in config['queries']: clear_query(db, config, query_type, query) ClearPublic(db, config).execute() db.commit() else: raise RuntimeError('Missing arguments!')
# temperature from temperature_sensor import TemperatureSensor temperature_data = [] temperature = TemperatureSensor() # humidity from temperature_sensor import HumiditySensor humidity_data = [] humidity = HumiditySensor() # Timing set up time_data = [] t = Timing() # mqtt setup import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt piTopic = "IC.embedded/tEEEm/TO_PI" appTopic = "IC.embedded/tEEEm/TO_APP" # constants on piTopic SPEECH_TRIGGER = 0 TIME_SET = 1 SUNRISE = 0 AT = 1 ASK_RESULTS = 2 RECEIVED_START_ALARM = 3 RECEIVED_STOP_ALARM = 4
def __init__(self, r, dt): """Create a simulation for a planet of radius r km and timesteps of dt million years. """ self._timing = Timing() initt = self._timing.routine('simulation setup') # max speed is 100km per million years self._dp = 100.0/r * dt self._build = dt/5.0 self._erode = dt tilearea = 4 * pi * r**2 initt.start('building grid') grid = Grid() while grid.size < 6: grid = Grid(grid) grid.populate() self._grid = grid self.tiles = {} for v in self._grid.faces: x, y, z = v lat = 180/pi * atan2(y, sqrt(x*x + z*z)) lon = 180/pi * atan2(-x, z) self.tiles[v] = Tile(lat, lon) initt.start('building indexes') self.initindexes() initt.start('creating initial landmass') tilearea /= len(self._indexedtiles) # the numerator of the split probability, where # the number of tiles in the shape is the denomenator: # a 50M km^2 continent has a 50/50 chance of splitting in a given step self._splitnum = 25e6/tilearea # initial location p = (0, 1, 0) # 0 velocity vector v = (0, 0, 0) # orienting point o = (1, 0, 0) r = 1.145 shape = [(r*random.uniform(0.9,1.1)*cos(th), r*random.uniform(0.9,1.1)*sin(th)) for th in [i*pi/8 for i in range(16)]] shape = Shape(shape, p, o, v).projection() self._shapes = [Group([t for t in self.tiles.itervalues() if shape.contains(t.vector)], v)] # initial landmass starts at elevation based on distance from center c = self._indexedtiles[self._index.nearest(p)[0]] r2 = r*r # on land, one random tile is the center of a felsic chunk f = random.choice(self._shapes[0].tiles) for t in self._indexedtiles: if t in self._shapes[0].tiles: dc = t.distance(c) df = t.distance(f) r = igneous.extrusive(max(0.5, 1 - df*df/r2)) h = 1 - dc*dc/r2 t.emptyland(r, h) else: t.emptyocean(self.seafloor()) for t in self.tiles.itervalues(): t.climate = None initt.done() self._atmosphere = self._life = False self._climatemappings = {} self._climateprof = None self.dirty = True
""" Example usage of module timing """ from timing import Timing import time my_outer_process = Timing("My outer process") my_inner_process = Timing("My inner process") my_outer_process.start() time.sleep(2) my_inner_process.start() time.sleep(2) my_inner_process.stop() time.sleep(1) my_outer_process.stop() #Output: # 'My outer process' started. # 'My inner process' started. # 'My inner process' finished. # ++++++++++++SUMMARY+EXECUTION+TIME+'My inner process'+++++++++++++ # Elapsed time 'My inner process':0 min, 2.000 sec # 'My outer process' finished. # ++++++++++++SUMMARY+EXECUTION+TIME+'My outer process'+++++++++++++ # Elapsed time 'My outer process':0 min, 5.000 sec
def app(unused_argv): tf.logging.debug("Starting app") # Start action server action_server = ActionServer() action_server.start() # Init midi ports, keep direct references to output_ports for # direct sending without the hub player if platform.system() == "Windows": input_ports = [ port for port in midi_hub.get_available_input_ports() if MIDI_INPUT_PORT in port ] output_ports = [ port for port in midi_hub.get_available_output_ports() if MIDI_OUTPUT_PORT in port ] if len(input_ports) is not 1 or len(output_ports) is not 1: raise Exception(f"Need exactly 1 midi input ({input_ports}) " f"matching {MIDI_INPUT_PORT}" f"and 1 midi output port ({output_ports}) " f"matching {MIDI_OUTPUT_PORT}," f"you can use LoopMIDI for that") else: input_ports = [MIDI_INPUT_PORT] output_ports = [MIDI_OUTPUT_PORT] hub = midi_hub.MidiHub(input_ports, output_ports, None) output_port = hub._outport.ports[0] # Panic to stop all current messages (note off everywhere) [output_port.send(message) for message in mido.ports.panic_messages()] # Synchronise event for all the loopers, controlled by the metronome bar_start_event = threading.Event() # Common stuff qpm = 80 timing = Timing(qpm) loopers = [] try: # Init and start the loopers, they block on the event drum_looper = SequenceLooper("drums", bar_start_event, action_server, hub, "drum_kit_rnn", "drum_kit", timing, midi_channel=9, bar_per_loop=2) melody_looper = SequenceLooper("melody", bar_start_event, action_server, hub, "attention_rnn", "attention_rnn", timing, midi_channel=0, bar_per_loop=4) loopers.append(drum_looper) loopers.append(melody_looper) [looper.start() for looper in loopers] tf.logging.debug("Loopers started " + str([("drum_looper", drum_looper), ("melody_looper", melody_looper)])) # Start metronome (wait to make sure everything is started) time.sleep(1) metronome = Metronome(bar_start_event, timing) loopers.append(metronome) metronome.start() tf.logging.debug("Metronome started " + str([("metronome", metronome)])) # Wait for the loopers [looper.join() for looper in loopers] except KeyboardInterrupt: print("SIGINT received, stopping action server, loopers and stuff") action_server.stop() [looper.stop() for looper in loopers] return 1 return 0
if confidence > args["confidence"]: # compute the coordinates of the bounding box for the detection box = detections[0, 0, i, 3:7] * np.array([w, h, w, h]) (startX, startY, endX, endY) = box.astype("int") # draw the bounding box and display the confidence text = "{:.2f}%".format(confidence * 100) y = startY - 10 if startY - 10 > 10 else startY + 10 cv2.rectangle(image, (startX, startY), (endX, endY), (0, 0, 255), 2) cv2.putText(image, text, (startX, y), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.45, (0, 0, 255), 2) # cv2.imshow("Output", image) cv2.imwrite(f"./outC/detected_{os.path.splitext(image_path)[0]}.jpg", image) # cv2.imwrite(f"./outC/detected_{image_path}", image) timer = Timing("1 image test") detect_faces(images1) timer.end_log() timer = Timing("10 image test") for i in images10: detect_faces(i) timer.end_log() timer = Timing("100 image test") for i in images: detect_faces(i) timer.end_log()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pytz from datetime import datetime import redis from timing import Timing from .models import TimingTask from . import models time_task = Timing() # 计算优先级 class TimingPriority(): def calculate(self, name, type, priority, setime, timing_number, timing_type, url, start_minutes, end_minutes): # 计算优先级 level = 0 # 为电商类网站 if type == "jd_products" or type == "tb_products": level += 2 else: level += 0 # 计算本身的优先级 level = level + int(priority) #计算时间 tz = pytz.timezone('Asia/Shanghai') now = now_time = now.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")
class LifeformsSimulation(object): mean_temprange = (-25.0, 50.0) seasons = [-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 0.5, 0, -0.5] def __init__(self, gridsize): self._timing = Timing() initt = self._timing.routine('simulation setup') initt.start('building grid') self._initgrid(gridsize) self.tiles = {} for v in self._grid.faces: x, y, z = v lat = 180/pi * atan2(z, sqrt(x*x + y*y)) lon = 180/pi * atan2(y, x) self.tiles[v] = Tile(lat, lon) for t in self.tiles.values(): t.emptyocean(self.seafloor()) t.climate = t.seasons = None initt.start('building indexes') self.shapes = [] self.adj = Adjacency(self._grid) self._glaciationt = 0 self.initindexes() self.populated = {} self.agricultural = set() self.fauna = [] self.plants = [] self.trees = [] self._species = None initt.done() def _initgrid(self, gridsize): grid = Grid() while grid.size < gridsize: grid = Grid(grid) grid.populate() self._grid = grid def initindexes(self): self._indexedtiles = [] for t in self.tiles.values(): self._indexedtiles.append(t) self._tileadj = dict() for v in self._grid.faces: self._tileadj[self.tiles[v]] = set([self.tiles[nv] for nv in self.adj[v]]) self._index = PointTree(dict([[self._indexedtiles[i].vector, i] for i in range(len(self._indexedtiles))])) def nearest(self, loc): return self._indexedtiles[self._index.nearest(loc)[0]] @property def grid(self): return self._grid def classify(self): c = climate(self.tiles, self.adj, self.seasons, self.cells, self.spin, self.tilt, temprange(self.mean_temprange, self.glaciation), self.glaciation, True, {}) for v, tile in self.tiles.items(): tile.climate = c[v]['classification'] tile.seasons = c[v]['seasons'] def settle(self): timing = self._timing.routine('settling species') timing.start('classifying climate') self.classify() self.fauna = [] self.plants = [] self.trees = [] lifeformsmethod.settle(self.fauna, self.plants, self.trees, self.tiles, self.adj, timing) self._species = None timing.done() def species(self): if not self._species: timing = self._timing.routine('indexing species') types = self.fauna, self.plants, self.trees pops = [{} for _ in types] for t in range(len(types)): p = pops[t] for s in types[t]: for f, ss in s.seasonalrange(len(self.seasons)).items(): for i in ss: if f not in p: p[f] = [set() for _ in self.seasons] p[f][i].add(s) self._species = pops timing.done() return self._species @property def glaciation(self): return self._glaciation if hasattr(self, '_glaciation') else 0.5 @glaciation.setter def glaciation(self, value): self._glaciation = value self.settle() @staticmethod def seafloor(): return igneous.extrusive(0.5) def loaddata(self, data): random.setstate(data['random']) self._initgrid(data['gridsize']) self.spin, self.cells, self.tilt = [data[k] for k in ['spin', 'cells', 'tilt']] self.tiles = data['tiles'] self.shapes = data['shapes'] self.populated = data['population'] self.agricultural = data['agricultural'] self._glaciationt = data['glaciationtime'] self.initindexes() self.settle() def load(self, filename): self.loaddata(Data.load(filename)) def savedata(self): return Data.savedata(random.getstate(), self._grid.size, 0, self.spin, self.cells, self.tilt, None, None, None, self.tiles, self.shapes, self._glaciationt, self.populated, self.agricultural, True, True, False, [], {}, {}, [], {}, {}, [], []) def save(self, filename):, self.savedata())
class PrehistorySimulation(object): coastprox = 2 range = 6 seasons = [-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 0.5, 0, -0.5] mean_temprange = (-25.0, 50.0) minriverelev = 5 minriverprecip = 0.5 glaciationstep = 16 anthroglacial = 6 def __init__(self, gridsize, spin, cells, tilt): self._timing = Timing() initt = self._timing.routine('simulation setup') self.spin, self.cells, self.tilt = spin, cells, tilt initt.start('building grid') self._initgrid(gridsize) self.tiles = {} for v in self._grid.faces: x, y, z = v lat = 180/pi * atan2(z, sqrt(x*x + y*y)) lon = 180/pi * atan2(y, x) self.tiles[v] = Tile(lat, lon) for t in self.tiles.values(): t.emptyocean(self.seafloor()) t.climate = t.seasons = None t.candidate = False initt.start('building indexes') self.shapes = [] self.adj = Adjacency(self._grid) self._glaciationt = 0 self.initindexes() self.populated = {} self.agricultural = set() initt.done() def _initgrid(self, gridsize): grid = Grid() while grid.size < gridsize: grid = Grid(grid) grid.populate() self._grid = grid def initindexes(self): self._indexedtiles = [] for t in self.tiles.values(): self._indexedtiles.append(t) self._tileadj = dict() for v in self._grid.faces: self._tileadj[self.tiles[v]] = set([self.tiles[nv] for nv in self.adj[v]]) self._index = PointTree(dict([[self._indexedtiles[i].vector, i] for i in range(len(self._indexedtiles))])) def nearest(self, loc): return self._indexedtiles[self._index.nearest(loc)[0]] def newrace(self): # TODO make unique vs, cs = phonemes() name = output.write(random.choice(list(lexicon(vs, cs, round(random.gauss(-0.5, 1)), 0.5, 0.5, None, 1000)))) return name[0].upper() + name[1:] def update(self): stept = self._timing.routine('simulation step') stept.start('identifying glaciers') gs = [sum([1 for t in s.tiles if t.climate and t.climate.koeppen[0] == u'E']) for s in self.shapes] stept.start('iterating climate') glaciation = 0.5 - math.cos(self._glaciationt*math.pi/self.glaciationstep)/2 c = climate(self.tiles, self.adj, self.seasons, self.cells, self.spin, self.tilt, temprange(self.mean_temprange, glaciation), glaciation, True, {}) for v, tile in self.tiles.items(): tile.climate = c[v]['classification'] tile.seasons = c[v]['seasons'] if not habitable(tile) and tile in self.populated: del self.populated[tile] stept.start('applying isostasy') for s, g in zip(self.shapes, gs): dg = sum([1 for t in s.tiles if t.climate and t.climate.koeppen[0] == u'E']) - g dh = 0.6 * dg / len(s.tiles) for t in s.tiles: t.isostasize(dh) self._glaciationt += 1 if not self.populated: stept.start('genesis') self.populated = eden(self.tiles, self._tileadj, self.newrace()) stept.start('running rivers') rivers = run(self.tiles.values(), self._tileadj, self.minriverelev, self.minriverprecip) stept.start('sparking agriculture') gfactor = math.pow(glaciation, 2) # Agriculture more likely in interglacial period for r in rivers: for t in r: if t in self.populated and t not in self.agricultural and random.random() < gfactor * agprob(t.climate.koeppen): self.agricultural.add(self.populated[t]) popcache = {} for i in range(self.anthroglacial): stept.start('migration {}'.format(i)) if not expandpopulation(rivers, self._tileadj, self.populated, self.agricultural, self.range, self.coastprox, popcache): break stept.start('identifying distinct populations') racinate(self.tiles.values(), self._tileadj, self.populated, self.newrace, self.agricultural, self.range) stept.done() @property def grid(self): return self._grid @property def peoples(self): return len({p for p in self.populated.values()}) @staticmethod def seafloor(): return igneous.extrusive(0.5) def loaddata(self, data): random.setstate(data['random']) self._initgrid(data['gridsize']) self.spin, self.cells, self.tilt = [data[k] for k in ['spin', 'cells', 'tilt']] self.tiles = data['tiles'] self.shapes = data['shapes'] self.populated = data['population'] self.agricultural = data['agricultural'] self._glaciationt = data['glaciationtime'] self.initindexes() def load(self, filename): self.loaddata(Data.load(filename)) def savedata(self): return Data.savedata(random.getstate(), self._grid.size, 0, self.spin, self.cells, self.tilt, None, None, None, self.tiles, self.shapes, self._glaciationt, self.populated, self.agricultural, True, True, False, [], {}, {}, [], {}, {}, [], []) def save(self, filename):, self.savedata())
import pygame from pygame.locals import * from kernels import * from vector import Vec #from timing import print_timing from timing import Timing timings = Timing() #@print_timing @timings def density_update(sphp, particles): #brute force for pi in particles: pi.dens = 0. for pj in particles: r = pi.pos - pj.pos #print r if mag(r) > pi.h: continue #pi.dens += pj.mass*Wpoly6(pi.h, r) pi.dens += pj.mass * sphp.kernels.poly6(r) #@print_timing @timings def force_update(sphp, particles): #brute force rho0 = sphp.rho0 K = sphp.K
from light.http_light_writer import HttpLightWriter from light.light_timing import LightStepListener from light.priority_light_writer import PriorityLightWriterFactory from timing import Timing from midi.midi_output import MidiOutputBpm, MidiOutputTime import time import midi.midi_bindings as bindings from midi.midi_input import * DEFAULT_IP = "" DEFAULT_PORT = 80 DEFAULT_GPIO = 12 if __name__ == "__main__": timing = Timing(4 * 8, 1.0 / 4.0) midi_binding = bindings.APC_KEY_25 light_writer = HttpLightWriter(DEFAULT_IP, DEFAULT_PORT, DEFAULT_GPIO) priority_light_writer_factory = PriorityLightWriterFactory(light_writer) light_step_listener = LightStepListener(timing, priority_light_writer_factory.low()) output_steps = MidiOutputTime(timing, midi_binding) output_bpm = MidiOutputBpm(timing, midi_binding) output_bpm.start_bpm_thread() input_steps = MidiInputSteps(timing, midi_binding) input_steps.start_listening() generic_midi_input = MidiGenericInputListener(midi_binding)
class PlanetSimulation(object): temprange = (-25.0, 50.0) def __init__(self, r, gridsize, spin, cells, tilt, landr, dt, atmdt, lifedt): """Create a simulation for a planet with the given characteristics. """ self._timing = Timing() initt = self._timing.routine('simulation setup') self.spin, self.cells, self.tilt = spin, cells, tilt # max speed is 100km per million years self._dp = 100.0/r * dt self._build = dt/5.0 self._erode = dt tilearea = 4 * pi * r**2 initt.start('building grid') self._initgrid(gridsize) self.tiles = {} for v in self._grid.faces: x, y, z = v lat = 180/pi * atan2(z, sqrt(x*x + y*y)) lon = 180/pi * atan2(y, x) self.tiles[v] = Tile(lat, lon) initt.start('building indexes') self.initindexes() initt.start('creating initial landmass') tilearea /= len(self._indexedtiles) # the numerator of the split probability, where # the number of tiles in the shape is the denomenator: # a 50M km^2 continent has a 50/50 chance of splitting in a given step self._splitnum = 25e6/tilearea # initial location p = [random.uniform(-1, 1) for i in range(3)] p /= norm(p) # 0 velocity vector v = (0, 0, 0) # orienting point o = [0, 0, 0] mini = min(range(len(p)), key=lambda i: abs(p[i])) o[mini] = 1 if p[mini] < 0 else -1 shape = SphericalPolygon([rotate(rotate(p, o, landr*random.uniform(0.9,1.1)), p, th) for th in [i*pi/8 for i in range(16)]]) self._shapes = [Group([t for t in self.tiles.values() if shape.contains(t.vector)], v)] # initial landmass starts at elevation based on distance from center c = self._indexedtiles[self._index.nearest(p)[0]] r2 = landr*landr # on land, one random tile is the center of a felsic chunk f = random.choice(self._shapes[0].tiles) for t in self._indexedtiles: if t in self._shapes[0].tiles: dc = t.distance(c) df = t.distance(f) r = igneous.extrusive(max(0.5, 1 - df*df/r2)) h = 1 - dc*dc/r2 t.emptyland(r, h) else: t.emptyocean(self.seafloor()) for t in self.tiles.values(): t.climate = t.seasons = None initt.done() self._atmosphereticks = atmdt / dt self._lifeticks = lifedt / dt self._climatemappings = {} self._climateprof = None self.dirty = True def _initgrid(self, gridsize): grid = Grid() while grid.size < gridsize: grid = Grid(grid) grid.populate() self._grid = grid @property def grid(self): return self._grid @property def hasatmosphere(self): return self._atmosphereticks == 0 @property def haslife(self): return self._lifeticks == 0 @staticmethod def seafloor(): return igneous.extrusive(0.5) def initindexes(self): self._indexedtiles = [] for t in self.tiles.values(): self._indexedtiles.append(t) self.adj = Adjacency(self._grid) self._tileadj = dict() for v in self._grid.faces: self._tileadj[self.tiles[v]] = set([self.tiles[nv] for nv in self.adj[v]]) self._index = PointTree(dict([[self._indexedtiles[i].vector, i] for i in range(len(self._indexedtiles))])) def nearest(self, loc): return self._indexedtiles[self._index.nearest(loc)[0]] @property def continents(self): return len(self._shapes) @property def land(self): return int(100.0*sum([len(s.tiles) for s in self._shapes])/len(self._indexedtiles) + 0.5) def loaddata(self, data): random.setstate(data['random']) self._initgrid(data['gridsize']) self.spin, self.cells, self.tilt = [data[k] for k in ['spin', 'cells', 'tilt']] self._dp = data['dp'] self._build = data['build'] self._splitnum = data['splitnum'] self.tiles = data['tiles'] self._shapes = data['shapes'] self._atmosphereticks = data['atmt'] self._lifeticks = data['lifet'] self.initindexes() self.dirty = True def load(self, filename): self.loaddata(Data.load(filename)) def savedata(self): return Data.savedata(random.getstate(), self._grid.size, 0, self.spin, self.cells, self.tilt, self._dp, self._build, self._splitnum, self.tiles, self._shapes, 0, {}, set(), self._atmosphereticks, self._lifeticks, False, [], {}, {}, [], {}, {}, [], []) def save(self, filename):, self.savedata()) def update(self): """Update the simulation by one timestep.""" stept = self._timing.routine('simulation step') stept.start('determining tile movements') old = set([t for shape in self._shapes for t in shape.tiles]) new = dict() overlapping = {} for t in self._indexedtiles: overlapping[t] = [] for i in range(len(self._shapes)): speed = norm(self._shapes[i].v) group, v = move(self._indexedtiles, self._shapes[i].tiles, self._shapes[i].v, self._tileadj, self._index) self._shapes[i] = Group(list(group.keys()), v) for dest, sources in group.items(): if dest in new: new[dest].append(TileMovement(sources, speed)) else: new[dest] = [TileMovement(sources, speed)] overlapping[dest].append(i) stept.start('applying tile movements') collisions = {} newe = {} seen = set() for dest, movements in new.items(): # get all the source tiles contributing to this one newe[dest] = NextTileValue(movements) if not dest in seen: try: old.remove(dest) except KeyError: # calculate the amount to build up the leading edge newe[dest].build(self._build * sum([m.speed for m in movements])/len(movements)) seen.add(dest) for pair in combinations(overlapping[dest], 2): if pair in collisions: collisions[pair] += 1 else: collisions[pair] = 1 # apply the new values for t, e in newe.items(): e.apply(t) # clear out abandoned tiles for t in old: t.emptyocean(self.seafloor()) # record each continent's total pre-erosion above-sea size heights = [sum([t.elevation for t in s.tiles]) for s in self._shapes] if self.hasatmosphere: stept.start('"simulating" climate') seasons = [0.1*v for v in list(range(-10,10,5)) + list(range(10,-10,-5))] c = climate(self.tiles, self.adj, seasons, self.cells, self.spin, self.tilt, self.temprange, 0.5, self.haslife, self._climatemappings, self._climateprof) if self._climateprof: self._climateprof.dump_stats('climate.profile') for v, tile in self.tiles.items(): tile.climate = c[v]['classification'] tile.seasons = c[v]['seasons'] stept.start('determining erosion') erosion = erode(self.tiles, self.adj) for t in self.tiles.values(): t.erode(erosion, self._erode) for t in self.tiles.values(): # if the tile is in at least one shape, apply the erosion materials if len(overlapping[t]) > 0: if len(erosion[t].materials) > 0: t.deposit(sedimentary.deposit(erosion[t].materials, self.haslife, False, t.climate)) # otherwise, require a certain threshold elif sum([m.amount for m in erosion[t].materials]) > 1.5: t.deposit(sedimentary.deposit(erosion[t].materials, self.haslife, True, t.climate)) sourceshapes = set() for e in erosion[t].sources: for shape in overlapping[e]: sourceshapes.add(shape) for s in sourceshapes: if not t in self._shapes[s].tiles: self._shapes[s].tiles.append(t) overlapping[t] = list(sourceshapes) if self._lifeticks: self._lifeticks -= 1 else: self._atmosphereticks -= 1 stept.start('applying isostatic effects') for s, h in zip(self._shapes, heights): dh = (h - sum([t.elevation for t in s.tiles]))/float(len(s.tiles)) for t in s.tiles: t.isostasize(dh) stept.start('performing random intrusions') for t in self.tiles.values(): if t.subduction > 0: if random.random() < 0.1: t.intrude(igneous.intrusive(max(0, min(1, random.gauss(0.85, 0.15))))) t.transform([-1], t.intrusion)) stept.start('applying regional metamorphism') for t in self.tiles.values(): t.transform(metamorphic.regional(t.substance[-1], t.subduction > 0)) for t in self.tiles.values(): t.cleartemp() stept.start('merging overlapping shapes') # merge shapes that overlap a lot groups = [] for pair, count in collisions.items(): if count > min([len(self._shapes[i].tiles) for i in pair])/10: for group in groups: if pair[0] in group: group.add(pair[1]) break elif pair[1] in group: group.add(pair[0]) break else: groups.append(set(pair)) gone = [] for group in groups: largest = max(group, key=lambda i: len(self._shapes[i].tiles)) tiles = list(self._shapes[largest].tiles) v = array(self._shapes[largest].v) * len(tiles) for other in group: if other != largest: v += array(self._shapes[other].v) * len(self._shapes[other].tiles) tiles += self._shapes[other].tiles gone.append(self._shapes[other]) self._shapes[largest].tiles = list(set(tiles)) v /= len(tiles) self._shapes[largest].v = v for s in gone: self._shapes.remove(s) stept.start('randomly splitting shapes') # occaisionally split big shapes for i in range(len(self._shapes)): if random.uniform(0,1) > self._splitnum / len(self._shapes[i].tiles): self._shapes[i:i+1] = [Group(ts, self._shapes[i].v + v * self._dp) for ts, v in split(self._shapes[i].tiles)] stept.done() self.dirty = True
from import VideoStream import imutils import time import cv2 from timing import Timing print("[INFO] loading cascade file stream...") haarcascade_path = + "/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml" face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(haarcascade_path) print("[INFO] starting video stream...") vs = VideoStream(usePiCamera=True).start() time.sleep(2.0) frame_count = 0 while True: timer = Timing(f"Frame {frame_count} timing") # grab the current frame of video and resize it to 400px wide frame = frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=400) gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray, 1.3, 5) for (x, y, w, h) in faces: frame = cv2.rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (255, 0, 0), 2) roi_gray = gray[y:y + h, x:x + w] roi_color = frame[y:y + h, x:x + w] cv2.imshow("Frame", frame) timer.end_log() frame_count = frame_count + 1 # if the `q` key was pressed, break from the loop
def __init__(self, r, gridsize, spin, cells, tilt, landr, dt, atmdt, lifedt): """Create a simulation for a planet with the given characteristics. """ self._timing = Timing() initt = self._timing.routine('simulation setup') self.spin, self.cells, self.tilt = spin, cells, tilt # max speed is 100km per million years self._dp = 100.0/r * dt self._build = dt/5.0 self._erode = dt tilearea = 4 * pi * r**2 initt.start('building grid') self._initgrid(gridsize) self.tiles = {} for v in self._grid.faces: x, y, z = v lat = 180/pi * atan2(z, sqrt(x*x + y*y)) lon = 180/pi * atan2(y, x) self.tiles[v] = Tile(lat, lon) initt.start('building indexes') self.initindexes() initt.start('creating initial landmass') tilearea /= len(self._indexedtiles) # the numerator of the split probability, where # the number of tiles in the shape is the denomenator: # a 50M km^2 continent has a 50/50 chance of splitting in a given step self._splitnum = 25e6/tilearea # initial location p = [random.uniform(-1, 1) for i in range(3)] p /= norm(p) # 0 velocity vector v = (0, 0, 0) # orienting point o = [0, 0, 0] mini = min(range(len(p)), key=lambda i: abs(p[i])) o[mini] = 1 if p[mini] < 0 else -1 shape = SphericalPolygon([rotate(rotate(p, o, landr*random.uniform(0.9,1.1)), p, th) for th in [i*pi/8 for i in range(16)]]) self._shapes = [Group([t for t in self.tiles.values() if shape.contains(t.vector)], v)] # initial landmass starts at elevation based on distance from center c = self._indexedtiles[self._index.nearest(p)[0]] r2 = landr*landr # on land, one random tile is the center of a felsic chunk f = random.choice(self._shapes[0].tiles) for t in self._indexedtiles: if t in self._shapes[0].tiles: dc = t.distance(c) df = t.distance(f) r = igneous.extrusive(max(0.5, 1 - df*df/r2)) h = 1 - dc*dc/r2 t.emptyland(r, h) else: t.emptyocean(self.seafloor()) for t in self.tiles.values(): t.climate = t.seasons = None initt.done() self._atmosphereticks = atmdt / dt self._lifeticks = lifedt / dt self._climatemappings = {} self._climateprof = None self.dirty = True
def timing_test(Container=SortedList, t=None): tk = Toolkit(rs, Container=Container) note = f"(Using {Container.__name__} as container type)" Timing.test(brute_force, tk, note=note, t=t) print()
# coding=utf-8 """ Demonstrates how to use the background scheduler to schedule a job that executes on 3 second intervals. """ from timing import Timing if __name__ == '__main__': task = Timing() #print task task.start()['part_solver'].updateMeshValues(['electrons'], extent=2)['part_solver'].updateMeshValues(['photoelectrons'], extent=2)['part_solver'].updateMeshValues(['protons'], extent=2) out.saveVTK(['mesh'],, system.arrangeVTK()) if['ts'] % 10000 == 0: out.saveParticlesTXT(, system.arrangeParticlesTXT()) if['ts'] % 10000 == 0: out.particleTracker(['ts'],['protons'],['electrons'],['photoelectrons']) #Updating previous state deepcopy = Timing(copy.deepcopy) old_system = deepcopy(system) #Execution time of loop step and storage t1 = time.perf_counter() getattr(Timing, 'time_dict')['Global'] = t1 - t0 if['ts'] % 10 == 0: out.saveTimes(['ts'], getattr(Timing, 'time_dict')) Timing.reset_dict() #Advance in timestep['ts'] += 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: out.savePickle(, old_system.arrangePickle()) print('Process aborted')
def run(self): def send_controls(timing, solver): control = Control(timing=timing, previous_solver=solver) control.apply() def solve_short_term_problem(timing, previous_solver, queue_st): ambient = Ambient(timing=timing) ambient.update() state = State() state.update() predictor = Predictor(timing=timing, ambient=ambient, \ state=state, previous_solver=previous_solver, \ solver_name="predictor_bin_" \ + str(timing.grid_position_cursor)) predictor.solve() timing.increment_grid_position_cursor() if timing.grid_position_cursor >= timing.N_short_term: timing.shift_time_grid() ambient = Ambient(timing=timing) ambient.update() nlpsolver_bin = NLPSolverBin( \ timing=timing, ambient=ambient, \ previous_solver=previous_solver, predictor=predictor, \ solver_name = "nlpsolver_bin_" \ + str(timing.grid_position_cursor)) nlpsolver_bin.set_solver_max_cpu_time(time_point_to_finish=\ timing.time_points[timing.grid_position_cursor]) nlpsolver_bin.solve() nlpsolver_bin.reduce_object_memory_size() timing.sleep_until_time_grid_point("solve_short_term_problem", \ timing.grid_position_cursor) queue_st.put(nlpsolver_bin) send_controls(timing, nlpsolver_bin) nlpsolver_bin.save_results() def generate_initial_controls(timing, queue_st): ambient = Ambient(timing=timing) ambient.update() state = State() state.update() simulator = Simulator( \ timing=timing, ambient=ambient, state=state) simulator.solve() queue_st.put(simulator) simulator.save_results() def solve_long_term_problem(timing, previous_solver, queue_lt): ambient = Ambient(timing=timing) ambient.update() state = State() state.update() predictor = Predictor(timing=timing, ambient=ambient, \ state=state, previous_solver=previous_solver, \ solver_name="predictor_rel") predictor.solve(n_steps=timing.N_short_term) timing_next_interval = copy.deepcopy(timing) timing_next_interval.shift_time_grid() ambient = Ambient(timing=timing_next_interval) ambient.update() nlpsolver_rel = NLPSolverRel( \ timing=timing_next_interval, ambient=ambient, \ previous_solver=previous_solver, predictor=predictor, \ solver_name="nlpsolver_rel") nlpsolver_rel.solve() nlpsolver_rel.save_results() binapprox = BinaryApproximation( \ timing=timing_next_interval, previous_solver=nlpsolver_rel, \ predictor=predictor, solver_name="binapprox") binapprox.set_solver_max_cpu_time(time_point_to_finish=\ timing_next_interval.time_points[0]) binapprox.solve() binapprox.save_results() timing.increment_grid_position_cursor(n_steps=timing.N_short_term - 1) timing.sleep_until_grid_position_cursor_time_grid_point( "solve_long_term_problem") queue_lt.put((timing_next_interval, binapprox)) timing = Timing(startup_time=time.time()) queue_lt = mp.Queue() queue_st = mp.Queue() p = mp.Process(target=generate_initial_controls, args=(timing, queue_st)) p.start() while timing.mpc_iteration_count < self._MAX_MPC_ITERATIONS: previous_solver_st = queue_st.get() timing.define_initial_switch_positions(previous_solver_st) p = mp.Process(target=solve_long_term_problem, \ args=(timing, previous_solver_st, queue_lt)) p.start() for k in range(timing.N_short_term - 1): p = mp.Process(target=solve_short_term_problem, \ args=(timing, previous_solver_st, queue_st)) p.start() timing.increment_grid_position_cursor() previous_solver_st = queue_st.get() # Retrieve results of long-term optimization timing_next_interval, previous_solver_lt = queue_lt.get() p = mp.Process(target=solve_short_term_problem, \ args=(timing, previous_solver_lt, queue_st)) p.start() timing = copy.deepcopy(timing_next_interval) timing.increment_mpc_iteration_count()