class TomIMU:	
	def __init__(self,host,port,uid,callbackPeriodMS=100):
		self._imu = IMU(uid) # Create device object
		self._ipcon = IPConnection(self.host,self.port)  # Create IPconnection to brickd
		self._ipcon.add_device(self._imu) # Add device to IP connection
		self.ready = True # Don't use device before it is added to a connection
		# Set period for quaternion callback (defaults to 100ms)
		# Register quaternion callback
		self._imu.register_callback(self._imu.CALLBACK_QUATERNION, self._QuaternionCallback)
		self._imu.leds_off() # Turn LEDs off.
		self._imu.set_convergence_speed(5) # 5ms convergence.
		# Orientation origin and most recent values
		q = self._imu.get_quaternion() # Get a temp quaternion from current pose.
		self.rel_x = q.x
		self.rel_y = q.y
		self.rel_z = q.z
		self.rel_w = q.w
		self.x = q.x
		self.y = q.y
		self.z = q.z
		self.w = q.w
	def __destroy__(self):
	def _QuaternionCallback(self, x, y, z, w):
		""" Records the most recent quaternion orientation values. """
		self.x,self.y,self.z,self.w = x,y,z,w
	def SetOrientationOrigin(self, origin=None):
		""" Resets the orientation origin to the given values, or the latest reading if none. """
		if origin is None:
			self.rel_x, self.rel_y, self.rel_z, self.rel_w = self.x, self.y, self.z, self.w
			self.rel_x, self.rel_y, self.rel_z, self.rel_w = origin
	def GetEulerOrientation(self):
		x,y,z,w = self.GetQuaternionOrientation()
		from math import atan2, asin
		roll  = atan2(2.0*y*w - 2.0*x*z, 1.0 - 2.0*y*y - 2.0*z*z)
		pitch = atan2(2.0*x*w - 2.0*y*z, 1.0 - 2.0*x*x - 2.0*z*z)
		yaw   =  asin(2.0*x*y + 2.0*z*w)
		return roll,pitch,yaw
	def GetQuaternionOrientation(self):
		# Conjugate
		x,y,z = -self.x, -self.y, -self.z
		w = self.w
		# Multiply
		wn = w * self.rel_w - x * self.rel_x - y * self.rel_y - z * self.rel_z
		xn = w * self.rel_x + x * self.rel_w + y * self.rel_z - z * self.rel_y
		yn = w * self.rel_y - x * self.rel_z + y * self.rel_w + z * self.rel_x
		zn = w * self.rel_z + x * self.rel_y - y * self.rel_x + z * self.rel_w
		return xn,yn,zn,wn
	def GetConvergenceSpeed(self):
		return self._imu.get_convergence_speed()
	def SetConvergenceSpeed(self, speed):