    def __init__(self, frame, namespace=None):
            Create a Jython Console.
            namespace is an optional and should be a dictionary or Map
        self.frame = frame
        self.history = History(self)

        if namespace != None:
            self.locals = namespace
            self.locals = {}

        self.buffer = [] # buffer for multi-line commands                    

        self.interp = Interpreter(self, self.locals)
        sys.stdout = StdOutRedirector(self)

        self.text_pane = JTextPane(keyTyped = self.keyTyped, keyPressed = self.keyPressed)

        self.doc = self.text_pane.document
        self.initialLocation = self.doc.createPosition(self.doc.length-1)

        # Don't pass frame to popups. JWindows with null owners are not focusable
        # this fixes the focus problem on Win32, but make the mouse problem worse
        self.popup = Popup(None, self.text_pane)
        self.tip = Tip(None)

        # get fontmetrics info so we can position the popup
        metrics = self.text_pane.getFontMetrics(self.text_pane.getFont())
        self.dotWidth = metrics.charWidth('.')
        self.textHeight = metrics.getHeight()
 def __init__(self, n_tips):
     super(Node, self).__init__()
     assert n_tips > 0
     self.tips = [Tip(master=self) for _ in xrange(n_tips)]
     self.tip = self.tips[0]
     self.protos = []
    def __init__(self, frame):

        self.frame = frame  # TODO do I need a reference to frame after the constructor?
        self.history = History(self)
        self.bs = 0  # what is this?

        # command buffer
        self.buffer = []
        self.locals = {"gvSIG": sys.gvSIG}

        self.interp = Interpreter(self, self.locals)
        sys.stdout = StdOutRedirector(self)

        # create a textpane
        self.output = JTextPane(keyTyped=self.keyTyped,
        # TODO rename output to textpane

        # CTRL UP AND DOWN don't work
        keyBindings = [
            (KeyEvent.VK_ENTER, 0, "jython.enter", self.enter),
            (KeyEvent.VK_DELETE, 0, "jython.delete", self.delete),
            (KeyEvent.VK_HOME, 0, "jython.home", self.home),
            (KeyEvent.VK_UP, 0, "jython.up", self.history.historyUp),
            (KeyEvent.VK_DOWN, 0, "jython.down", self.history.historyDown),
            (KeyEvent.VK_PERIOD, 0, "jython.showPopup", self.showPopup),
            (KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE, 0, "jython.hide", self.hide),
            ('(', 0, "jython.showTip", self.showTip),
            (')', 0, "jython.hideTip", self.hideTip),

            #(KeyEvent.VK_UP, InputEvent.CTRL_MASK, DefaultEditorKit.upAction, self.output.keymap.getAction(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_UP, 0))),
            #(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN, InputEvent.CTRL_MASK, DefaultEditorKit.downAction, self.output.keymap.getAction(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN, 0)))
        # TODO rename newmap to keymap
        newmap = JTextComponent.addKeymap("jython", self.output.keymap)
        for (key, modifier, name, function) in keyBindings:
            newmap.addActionForKeyStroke(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(key, modifier),
                                         ActionDelegator(name, function))

        self.output.keymap = newmap

        self.doc = self.output.document
        #self.panel.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, JScrollPane(self.output))
        self.initialLocation = self.doc.createPosition(self.doc.length - 1)

        # Don't pass frame to popups. JWindows with null owners are not focusable
        # this fixes the focus problem on Win32, but make the mouse problem worse
        self.popup = Popup(None, self.output)
        self.tip = Tip(None)

        # get fontmetrics info so we can position the popup
        metrics = self.output.getFontMetrics(self.output.getFont())
        self.dotWidth = metrics.charWidth('.')
        self.textHeight = metrics.getHeight()

        # add some handles to our objects
        self.locals['console'] = self

        self.caret = self.output.getCaret()