class Base(unittest.TestCase): """ Base class for any technology to implement Selenium Interface Tests. This class instantiates the browser, reads the config file and prepares the log. If no config_path is passed, it will read the config.json file that exists in the same folder as the file that would execute this module. :param config_path: The path to the config file. - **Default:** "" (empty string) :type config_path: str :param autostart: Sets whether TIR should open browser and execute from the start. - **Default:** True :type: bool Usage: The Base class must be inherited by every internal class of each technology that would exist in this module. The classes must be declared under pwa/technologies/ folder. >>> def WebappInternal(Base): >>> def APWInternal(Base): """ def __init__(self, config_path="", autostart=True): """ Definition of each global variable: base_container: A variable to contain the layer element to be used on all methods. errors: A list that contains every error that should be sent to log at the end of the execution. language: Contains the terms defined in the language defined in config or found in the page. log: Object that controls the logs of the entire application. log.station: Property of the log that contains the machine's hostname. log_file: A variable to control when to generate a log file of each execution of web_scrap. (Debug purposes) wait: The global Selenium Wait defined to be used in the entire application. """ #Global Variables: if config_path == "": config_path = os.path.join(sys.path[0], r"config.json") self.config = ConfigLoader(config_path) self.config.autostart = autostart self.language = LanguagePack( self.config.language) if self.config.language else "" self.log = Log(folder=self.config.log_folder) self.log.station = socket.gethostname() try: self.log.user = os.getlogin() except FileNotFoundError: import getpass self.log.user = getpass.getuser() self.base_container = "body" self.errors = [] self.config.log_file = False if autostart: self.Start() # Internal Methods def assert_result(self, expected): """ [Internal] Asserts the result based on the expected value. :param expected: Expected value :type expected: bool Usage : >>> #Calling the method: >>> self.assert_result(True) """ expected_assert = expected msg = "Passed" stack_item = next( iter( list( map( lambda x: x.function, filter(lambda x:'test_', x.function), inspect.stack())))), None) test_number = f"{stack_item.split('_')[-1]} -" if stack_item else "" log_message = f"{test_number}" self.log.set_seconds() if self.errors: expected = not expected for field_msg in self.errors: log_message += (" " + field_msg) msg = log_message self.log.new_line(False, log_message) else: self.log.new_line(True, "") self.log.save_file() self.errors = [] print(msg) if expected_assert: self.assertTrue(expected, msg) else: self.assertFalse(expected, msg) def click(self, element, click_type=enum.ClickType.JS, right_click=False): """ [Internal] Clicks on the Selenium element. Supports three types of clicking: JavaScript, pure Selenium and Selenium's ActionChains. Default is JavaScript clicking. :param element: Selenium element :type element: Selenium object :param click_type: ClickType enum. - **Default:** enum.ClickType.JS :type click_type: enum.ClickType :param right_click: Clicks with the right button of the mouse in the last element of the tree. :type string: bool Usage: >>> #Defining the element: >>> element = lambda: self.driver.find_element_by_id("example_id") >>> #Calling the method >>>, click_type=enum.ClickType.JS) """ try: if right_click: ActionChains( self.driver).context_click(element).click().perform() else: self.scroll_to_element(element) if click_type == enum.ClickType.JS: self.driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click()", element) elif click_type == enum.ClickType.SELENIUM: elif click_type == enum.ClickType.ACTIONCHAINS: ActionChains(self.driver).move_to_element( element).click().perform() return True except StaleElementReferenceException: print("********Element Stale click*********") return False except Exception as e: print(f"Warning click method Exception: {str(e)}") return False def compare_field_values(self, field, user_value, captured_value, message): """ [Internal] Validates and stores field in the self.errors array if the values are different. :param field: Field name :type field: str :param user_value: User input value :type user_value: str :param captured_value: Interface captured value :type captured_value: str :param message: Error message if comparison fails :type message: str Usage: >>> #Calling the method >>> self.compare_field_values("A1_NOME", "JOÃO", "JOOÃ", "Field A1_NOME has different values") """ if str(user_value).strip() != str(captured_value).strip(): self.errors.append(message) def double_click(self, element, click_type=enum.ClickType.SELENIUM): """ [Internal] Clicks two times on the Selenium element. :param element: Selenium element :type element: Selenium object Usage: >>> #Defining the element: >>> element = lambda: self.driver.find_element_by_id("example_id") >>> #Calling the method >>> self.double_click(element()) """ try: if click_type == enum.ClickType.SELENIUM: self.scroll_to_element(element) elif click_type == enum.ClickType.ACTIONCHAINS: self.scroll_to_element(element) actions = ActionChains(self.driver) actions.move_to_element(element) actions.double_click() actions.perform() elif click_type == enum.ClickType.JS: self.driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click()", element) self.driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click()", element) except Exception: self.scroll_to_element(element) actions = ActionChains(self.driver) actions.move_to_element(element) actions.double_click() actions.perform() def element_exists(self, term, scrap_type=enum.ScrapType.TEXT, position=0, optional_term="", main_container=".tmodaldialog,.ui-dialog"): """ [Internal] Returns a boolean if element exists on the screen. :param term: The first term to use on a search of element :type term: str :param scrap_type: Type of element search. - **Default:** enum.ScrapType.TEXT :type scrap_type: enum.ScrapType :param position: Position which element is located. - **Default:** 0 :type position: int :param optional_term: Second term to use on a search of element. Used in MIXED search. - **Default:** "" (empty string) :type optional_term: str :return: True if element is present. False if element is not present. :rtype: bool Usage: >>> element_is_present = element_exists(term=".ui-dialog", scrap_type=enum.ScrapType.CSS_SELECTOR) >>> element_is_present = element_exists(term=".tmodaldialog.twidget", scrap_type=enum.ScrapType.CSS_SELECTOR, position=initial_layer+1) >>> element_is_present = element_exists(term=text, scrap_type=enum.ScrapType.MIXED, optional_term=".tsay") """ if self.config.debug_log: print( f"term={term}, scrap_type={scrap_type}, position={position}, optional_term={optional_term}" ) if scrap_type == enum.ScrapType.SCRIPT: return bool(self.driver.execute_script(term)) elif (scrap_type != enum.ScrapType.MIXED and scrap_type != enum.ScrapType.TEXT): selector = term if scrap_type == enum.ScrapType.CSS_SELECTOR: by = By.CSS_SELECTOR elif scrap_type == enum.ScrapType.XPATH: by = By.XPATH if scrap_type != enum.ScrapType.XPATH: soup = self.get_current_DOM() container_selector = self.base_container if (main_container is not None): container_selector = main_container containers = self.zindex_sort(, reverse=True) container = next(iter(containers), None) if not container: return False try: container_element = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( xpath_soup(container)) except: return False else: container_element = self.driver element_list = container_element.find_elements(by, selector) else: if scrap_type == enum.ScrapType.MIXED: selector = optional_term else: selector = "div" element_list = self.web_scrap(term=term, scrap_type=scrap_type, optional_term=optional_term, main_container=main_container) if position == 0: return len(element_list) > 0 else: return len(element_list) >= position def filter_displayed_elements(self, elements, reverse=False): """ [Internal] Receives a BeautifulSoup element list and filters only the displayed elements. :param elements: BeautifulSoup element list :type elements: List of BeautifulSoup objects :param reverse: Boolean value if order should be reversed or not. - **Default:** False :type reverse: bool :return: List of filtered BeautifulSoup elements :rtype: List of BeautifulSoup objects Usage: >>> #Defining the element list: >>> soup = self.get_current_DOM() >>> elements ="div") >>> #Calling the method >>> self.filter_displayed_elements(elements, True) """ #0 - elements filtered elements = list( filter(lambda x: self.soup_to_selenium(x) is not None, elements)) if not elements: return #1 - Create an enumerated list from the original elements indexed_elements = list(enumerate(elements)) #2 - Convert every element from the original list to selenium objects selenium_elements = list( map(lambda x: self.soup_to_selenium(x), elements)) #3 - Create an enumerated list from the selenium objects indexed_selenium_elements = list(enumerate(selenium_elements)) #4 - Filter elements based on "is_displayed()" and gets the filtered elements' enumeration filtered_selenium_indexes = list( map( lambda x: x[0], filter(lambda x: x[1].is_displayed(), indexed_selenium_elements))) #5 - Use List Comprehension to build a filtered list from the elements based on enumeration filtered_elements = [ x[1] for x in indexed_elements if x[0] in filtered_selenium_indexes ] #6 - Sort the result and return it return self.zindex_sort(filtered_elements, reverse) def find_first_div_parent(self, element): """ [Internal] Finds first div parent element of another BeautifulSoup element. If element is already a div, it will return the element. :param element: BeautifulSoup element :type element: BeautifulSoup object :return: The first div parent of the element :rtype: BeautifulSoup object Usage: >>> parent_element = self.find_first_div_parent(my_element) """ current = element while (hasattr(current, "name") and self.element_name(current) != "div"): current = current.find_parent() return current def element_name(self, element_soup): """ [internal] """ result = '' if element_soup: result = return result def find_label_element(self, label_text, container): """ [Internal] Find input element next to label containing the label_text parameter. :param label_text: The label text to be searched :type label_text: str :param container: The main container object to be used :type container: BeautifulSoup object :return: A list containing a BeautifulSoup object next to the label :rtype: List of BeautifulSoup objects Usage: >>> self.find_label_element("User:"******""" element = next( iter( list( map( lambda x: self.find_first_div_parent(x), container.find_all( text=re.compile(f"^{re.escape(label_text)}" + r"(\*?)(\s*?)$"))))), None) if element is None: return [] next_sibling = element.find_next_sibling("input") if next_sibling: return [next_sibling] else: return [] def get_current_DOM(self): """ [Internal] Returns current HTML DOM parsed as a BeautifulSoup object :returns: BeautifulSoup parsed DOM :rtype: BeautifulSoup object Usage: >>> #Calling the method >>> soup = self.get_current_DOM() """ try: soup = BeautifulSoup(self.driver.page_source, "html.parser") if soup and'.session'): script = """ var getIframe = () => { if(document.querySelector(".session")){ var iframeObject = document.querySelector(".session") var contet = iframeObject.contentDocument; var serializer = new XMLSerializer(); return serializer.serializeToString(contet); } return "" } return getIframe() """ soup = BeautifulSoup(self.driver.execute_script(script), 'html.parser') self.driver.switch_to.frame( self.driver.find_element_by_css_selector( "iframe[class=session]")) return soup except WebDriverException as e: self.driver.switch_to.default_content() soup = BeautifulSoup(self.driver.page_source, "html.parser") return soup def get_element_text(self, element): """ [Internal] Gets element text. :param element: Selenium element :type element: Selenium object :return: Element text :rtype: str Usage: >>> #Defining the element: >>> element = lambda: self.driver.find_element_by_id("example_id") >>> #Calling the method >>> text = self.get_element_text(element()) """ try: return self.driver.execute_script("return arguments[0].innerText", element) except StaleElementReferenceException: print("********Element Stale get_element_text*********") pass def get_element_value(self, element): """ [Internal] Gets element value. :param element: Selenium element :type element: Selenium object :return: Element value :rtype: str Usage: >>> #Defining the element: >>> element = lambda: self.driver.find_element_by_id("example_id") >>> #Calling the method >>> text = self.get_element_value(element()) """ try: return self.driver.execute_script("return arguments[0].value", element) except StaleElementReferenceException: print("********Element Stale get_element_value*********") pass def log_error(self, message, new_log_line=True): """ [Internal] Finishes execution of test case with an error and creates the log information for that test. :param message: Message to be logged :type message: str :param new_log_line: Boolean value if Message should be logged as new line or not. - **Default:** True :type new_log_line: bool Usage: >>> #Calling the method: >>> self.log_error("Element was not found") """ stack_item = next( iter( list( map( lambda x: x.function, filter(lambda x:'test_', x.function), inspect.stack())))), None) test_number = f"{stack_item.split('_')[-1]} -" if stack_item else "" log_message = f"{test_number} {message}" self.log.set_seconds() if new_log_line: self.log.new_line(False, log_message) self.log.save_file() self.assertTrue(False, log_message) def move_to_element(self, element): """ [Internal] Move focus to element on the screen. :param element: Selenium element :type element: Selenium object Usage: >>> #Defining an element: >>> element = lambda: self.driver.find_element_by_id("example_id") >>> #Calling the method >>> self.scroll_to_element(element()) """ ActionChains(self.driver).move_to_element(element).perform() def normalize_config_name(self, config_name): """ [Internal] Normalizes the config name string to respect the config object naming convention. :param config_name: The config name string to be normalized. :type config_name: str :return: The config name string normalized. :rtype: str Usage: >>> # Calling the method: >>> normalized_name = self.normalize_config_name("InitialProgram") # "initial_program" """ name_letters = list(map(lambda x: x, config_name)) capitalized = list( filter(lambda x: x[1] in string.ascii_uppercase, enumerate(name_letters))) normalized = "" if len(capitalized) > 1: words = [] for count in range(0, len(capitalized)): if count + 1 < len(capitalized): word = "".join( name_letters[capitalized[count][0]:capitalized[count + 1][0]]) else: word = "".join(name_letters[capitalized[count][0]:]) words.append(word.lower()) normalized = "_".join(words) else: normalized = config_name.lower() return normalized def take_screenshot(self, filename): """ [Internal] Takes a screenshot and saves on the screenshot folder defined in config. :param filename: The name of the screenshot file. :type: str Usage: >>> # Calling the method: >>> self.take_screenshot(filename="myscreenshot") """ if not filename.endswith(".png"): filename += ".png" directory = self.config.screenshot_folder if self.config.screenshot_folder else os.path.join( os.getcwd(), "screenshot") if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) fullpath = os.path.join(directory, filename) self.driver.save_screenshot(fullpath) def scroll_to_element(self, element): """ [Internal] Scroll to element on the screen. :param element: Selenium element :type element: Selenium object Usage: >>> #Defining an element: >>> element = lambda: self.driver.find_element_by_id("example_id") >>> #Calling the method >>> self.scroll_to_element(element()) """ try: self.driver.execute_script("return arguments[0].scrollIntoView();", element) except StaleElementReferenceException: print("********Element Stale scroll_to_element*********") pass def search_zindex(self, element): """ [Internal] Returns zindex value of BeautifulSoup object. Internal function created to be used inside lambda of zindex_sort method. Only works if element has Style attribute. :param element: BeautifulSoup element :type element: BeautifulSoup object :return: z-index value :rtype: int Usage: >>> #Line extracted from zindex_sort method: >>> elements.sort(key=lambda x: self.search_zindex(x), reverse=reverse) """ zindex = 0 if hasattr( element, "attrs" ) and "style" in element.attrs and "z-index:" in element.attrs['style']: zindex = int(element.attrs['style'].split("z-index:")[1].split(";") [0].strip()) return zindex def select_combo(self, element, option): """ Selects the option on the combobox. :param element: Combobox element :type element: Beautiful Soup object :param option: Option to be selected :type option: str Usage: >>> #Calling the method: >>> self.select_combo(element, "Chosen option") """ combo = Select(self.driver.find_element_by_xpath(xpath_soup(element))) value = next( iter( filter(lambda x: x.text[0:len(option)] == option, combo.options)), None) if value: time.sleep(1) text_value = value.text combo.select_by_visible_text(text_value) print(f"Selected value for combo is: {text_value}") def send_keys(self, element, arg): """ [Internal] Clicks two times on the Selenium element. :param element: Selenium element :type element: Selenium object :param arg: Text or Keys to be sent to the element :type arg: str or selenium.webdriver.common.keys Usage: >>> #Defining the element: >>> element = lambda: self.driver.find_element_by_id("example_id") >>> #Calling the method with a string >>> self.send_keys(element(), "Text") >>> #Calling the method with a Key >>> self.send_keys(element(), Keys.ENTER) """ try: if arg.isprintable(): element.clear() element.send_keys(Keys.CONTROL, 'a') element.send_keys(arg) except Exception: actions = ActionChains(self.driver) actions.move_to_element(element) if arg.isprintable(): actions.key_down(Keys.CONTROL).send_keys('a').key_up( Keys.CONTROL).send_keys(Keys.DELETE) actions.send_keys(Keys.HOME) actions.send_keys(arg) actions.perform() def search_stack(self, function): """ Returns True if passed function is present in the call stack. :param function: Name of the function :type function: str :return: Boolean if passed function is present or not in the call stack. :rtype: bool Usage: >>> # Calling the method: >>> is_present = self.search_stack("MATA020") """ return len( list(filter(lambda x: x.function == function, inspect.stack()))) > 0 def set_element_focus(self, element): """ [Internal] Sets focus on element. :param element: Selenium element :type element: Selenium object Usage: >>> #Defining the element: >>> element = lambda: self.driver.find_element_by_id("example_id") >>> #Calling the method >>> text = self.set_element_focus(element()) """ try: self.driver.execute_script("window.focus(); arguments[0].focus();", element) except StaleElementReferenceException: print("********Element Stale set_element_focus*********") pass def soup_to_selenium(self, soup_object): """ [Internal] An abstraction of the Selenium call to simplify the conversion of elements. :param soup_object: The BeautifulSoup object to be converted. :type soup_object: BeautifulSoup object :return: The object converted to a Selenium object. :rtype: Selenium object Usage: >>> # Calling the method: >>> selenium_obj = lambda: self.soup_to_selenium(bs_obj) """ if soup_object is None: raise AttributeError return next( iter(self.driver.find_elements_by_xpath(xpath_soup(soup_object))), None) def web_scrap(self, term, scrap_type=enum.ScrapType.TEXT, optional_term=None, label=False, main_container=None): """ [Internal] Returns a BeautifulSoup object list based on the search parameters. Does not support ScrapType.XPATH as scrap_type parameter value. :param term: The first search term. A text or a selector :type term: str :param scrap_type: The type of webscraping. - **Default:** enum.ScrapType.TEXT :type scrap_type: enum.ScrapType. :param optional_term: The second search term. A selector used in MIXED webscraping. - **Default:** None :type optional_term: str :param label: If the search is based on a label near the element. - **Default:** False :type label: bool :param main_container: The selector of a container element that has all other elements. - **Default:** None :type main_container: str :return: List of BeautifulSoup4 elements based on search parameters. :rtype: List of BeautifulSoup4 objects Usage: >>> #All buttons >>> buttons = self.web_scrap(term="button", scrap_type=enum.ScrapType.CSS_SELECTOR) >>> #----------------# >>> #Elements that contain the text "Example" >>> example_elements = self.web_scrap(term="Example") >>> #----------------# >>> #Elements with class "my_class" and text "my_text" >>> elements = self.web_scrap(term="my_text", scrap_type=ScrapType.MIXED, optional_term=".my_class") """ try: endtime = time.time() + 60 container = None while (time.time() < endtime and container is None): soup = self.get_current_DOM() if self.config.log_file: with open( f"{term + str(scrap_type) + str(optional_term) + str(label) + str(main_container) + str(random.randint(1, 101)) }.txt", "w") as text_file: text_file.write(f" HTML CONTENT: {str(soup)}") container_selector = self.base_container if (main_container is not None): container_selector = main_container containers = self.zindex_sort(, reverse=True) container = next(iter(containers), None) if container is None: raise Exception("Couldn't find container") if (scrap_type == enum.ScrapType.TEXT): if label: return self.find_label_element(term, container) else: return list( filter(lambda x: term.lower() in x.text.lower(),"div > *"))) elif (scrap_type == enum.ScrapType.CSS_SELECTOR): return elif (scrap_type == enum.ScrapType.MIXED and optional_term is not None): return list( filter(lambda x: term.lower() in x.text.lower(), elif (scrap_type == enum.ScrapType.SCRIPT): script_result = self.driver.execute_script(term) return script_result if isinstance(script_result, list) else [] else: return [] except Exception as e: self.log_error(str(e)) def zindex_sort(self, elements, reverse=False): """ [Internal] Sorts list of BeautifulSoup elements based on z-index style attribute. Only works if elements have Style attribute. :param elements: BeautifulSoup element list :type elements: List of BeautifulSoup objects :param reverse: Boolean value if order should be reversed or not. - **Default:** False :type reverse: bool :return: List of sorted BeautifulSoup elements based on zindex. :rtype: List of BeautifulSoup objects Usage: >>> #Defining the element list: >>> soup = self.get_current_DOM() >>> elements ="div") >>> #Calling the method >>> self.zindex_sort(elements, True) """ elements.sort(key=lambda x: self.search_zindex(x), reverse=reverse) return elements # User Methods def AssertFalse(self): """ Defines that the test case expects a False response to pass Usage: >>> #Calling the method >>> oHelper.AssertFalse() """ self.assert_result(False) def AssertTrue(self): """ Defines that the test case expects a True response to pass Usage: >>> #Calling the method >>> oHelper.AssertTrue() """ self.assert_result(True) def SetTIRConfig(self, config_name, value): """ Changes a value of a TIR internal config during runtime. This could be useful for TestCases that must use a different set of configs than the ones defined at **config.json** Available configs: - Url - str - Environment - str - User - str - Password - str - Language - str - DebugLog - str - TimeOut - int - InitialProgram - str - Routine - str - Date - str - Group - str - Branch - str - Module - str :param config_name: The config to be changed. :type config_name: str :param value: The value that would be set. :type value: str Usage: >>> # Calling the method: >>> oHelper.SetTIRConfig(config_name="date", value="30/10/2018") """ if 'TimeOut' in config_name: print('TimeOut setting has been disabled in SetTirConfig') else: print(f"Setting config: {config_name} = {value}") normalized_config = self.normalize_config_name(config_name) setattr(self.config, normalized_config, value) def Start(self): """ Opens the browser maximized and goes to defined URL. Usage: >>> # Calling the method: >>> oHelper.Start() """ print("Starting the browser") if self.config.browser.lower() == "firefox": if sys.platform == 'linux': driver_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), r'drivers/linux64/geckodriver') else: driver_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), r'drivers\\windows\\geckodriver.exe') log_path = os.devnull options = FirefoxOpt() options.set_headless(self.config.headless) self.driver = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_options=options, executable_path=driver_path, log_path=log_path) elif self.config.browser.lower() == "chrome": driver_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), r'drivers\\windows\\chromedriver.exe') options = ChromeOpt() options.set_headless(self.config.headless) options.add_argument('--log-level=3') if self.config.headless: options.add_argument('force-device-scale-factor=0.77') self.driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=options, executable_path=driver_path) elif self.config.browser.lower() == "electron": driver_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), r'drivers\\windows\\electron\\chromedriver.exe' ) # TODO chromedriver electron version options = ChromeOpt() options.add_argument('--log-level=3') options.add_argument(f'--environment="{self.config.environment}"') options.add_argument(f'--url="{self.config.url}"') options.add_argument(f'--program="{self.config.start_program}"') options.add_argument('--quiet') options.binary_location = self.config.electron_binary_path self.driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options, executable_path=driver_path) if not self.config.browser.lower() == "electron": if self.config.headless: self.driver.set_window_position(0, 0) self.driver.set_window_size(1366, 768) else: self.driver.maximize_window() self.driver.get(self.config.url) self.wait = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 90) def TearDown(self): """ Closes the webdriver and ends the test case. Usage: >>> #Calling the method >>> oHelper.TearDown() """ self.driver.close()
class Base(unittest.TestCase): """ Base class for any technology to implement Selenium Interface Tests. This class instantiates the browser, reads the config file and prepares the log. If no config_path is passed, it will read the config.json file that exists in the same folder as the file that would execute this module. :param config_path: The path to the config file. - **Default:** "" (empty string) :type config_path: str Usage: The Base class must be inherited by every internal class of each technology that would exist in this module. The classes must be declared under pwa/technologies/ folder. >>> def WebappInternal(Base): >>> def APWInternal(Base): """ def __init__(self, config_path=""): """ Definition of each global variable: base_container: A variable to contain the layer element to be used on all methods. errors: A list that contains every error that should be sent to log at the end of the execution. language: Contains the terms defined in the language defined in config or found in the page. log: Object that controls the logs of the entire application. log.station: Property of the log that contains the machine's hostname. log_file: A variable to control when to generate a log file of each execution of web_scrap. (Debug purposes) wait: The global Selenium Wait defined to be used in the entire application. """ if config_path == "": config_path = os.path.join(sys.path[0], r"config.json") self.config = ConfigLoader(config_path) if self.config.browser.lower() == "firefox": driver_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), r'drivers\\geckodriver.exe') log_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), r'geckodriver.log') options = FirefoxOpt() options.set_headless(self.config.headless) self.driver = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_options=options, executable_path=driver_path, log_path=log_path) elif self.config.browser.lower() == "chrome": driver_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), r'drivers\\chromedriver.exe') options = ChromeOpt() options.set_headless(self.config.headless) self.driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=options, executable_path=driver_path) self.driver.maximize_window() self.driver.get(self.config.url) #Global Variables: self.wait = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 5) self.language = LanguagePack( self.config.language) if self.config.language else "" self.log = Log(folder=self.config.log_folder) self.log.station = socket.gethostname() self.base_container = "body" self.errors = [] self.config.log_file = False # Internal Methods def assert_result(self, expected): """ [Internal] Asserts the result based on the expected value. :param expected: Expected value :type expected: bool Usage : >>> #Calling the method: >>> self.assert_result(True) """ expected_assert = expected msg = "Passed" stack_item = next( iter( list( map( lambda x: x.function, filter(lambda x:'test_', x.function), inspect.stack())))), None) test_number = f"{stack_item.split('_')[-1]} -" if stack_item else "" log_message = f"{test_number}" self.log.set_seconds() if self.errors: expected = not expected for field_msg in self.errors: log_message += (" " + field_msg) msg = log_message self.log.new_line(False, log_message) else: self.log.new_line(True, "") self.log.save_file() self.errors = [] print(msg) if expected_assert: self.assertTrue(expected, msg) else: self.assertFalse(expected, msg) def click(self, element, click_type=enum.ClickType.JS): """ [Internal] Clicks on the Selenium element. Supports three types of clicking: JavaScript, pure Selenium and Selenium's ActionChains. Default is JavaScript clicking. :param element: Selenium element :type element: Selenium object :param click_type: ClickType enum. - **Default:** enum.ClickType.JS :type click_type: enum.ClickType Usage: >>> #Defining the element: >>> element = lambda: self.driver.find_element_by_id("example_id") >>> #Calling the method >>>, type=enum.ClickType.JS) """ try: self.scroll_to_element(element) if click_type == enum.ClickType.JS: self.driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click()", element) elif click_type == enum.ClickType.SELENIUM: elif click_type == enum.ClickType.ACTIONCHAINS: ActionChains( self.driver).move_to_element(element).click().perform() except Exception as error: self.log_error(str(error)) def compare_field_values(self, field, user_value, captured_value, message): """ [Internal] Validates and stores field in the self.errors array if the values are different. :param field: Field name :type field: str :param user_value: User input value :type user_value: str :param captured_value: Interface captured value :type captured_value: str :param message: Error message if comparison fails :type message: str Usage: >>> #Calling the method >>> self.compare_field_values("A1_NOME", "JOÃO", "JOOÃ", "Field A1_NOME has different values") """ if str(user_value).strip() != str(captured_value).strip(): self.errors.append(message) def double_click(self, element): """ [Internal] Clicks two times on the Selenium element. :param element: Selenium element :type element: Selenium object Usage: >>> #Defining the element: >>> element = lambda: self.driver.find_element_by_id("example_id") >>> #Calling the method >>> self.double_click(element()) """ try: self.scroll_to_element(element) except Exception: self.scroll_to_element(element) actions = ActionChains(self.driver) actions.move_to_element(element) actions.double_click() actions.perform() def element_exists(self, term, scrap_type=enum.ScrapType.TEXT, position=0, optional_term="", main_container=".tmodaldialog,.ui-dialog"): """ [Internal] Returns a boolean if element exists on the screen. :param term: The first term to use on a search of element :type term: str :param scrap_type: Type of element search. - **Default:** enum.ScrapType.TEXT :type scrap_type: enum.ScrapType :param position: Position which element is located. - **Default:** 0 :type position: int :param optional_term: Second term to use on a search of element. Used in MIXED search. - **Default:** "" (empty string) :type optional_term: str :return: True if element is present. False if element is not present. :rtype: bool Usage: >>> element_is_present = element_exists(term=".ui-dialog", scrap_type=enum.ScrapType.CSS_SELECTOR) >>> element_is_present = element_exists(term=".tmodaldialog.twidget", scrap_type=enum.ScrapType.CSS_SELECTOR, position=initial_layer+1) >>> element_is_present = element_exists(term=text, scrap_type=enum.ScrapType.MIXED, optional_term=".tsay") """ if self.config.debug_log: print( f"term={term}, scrap_type={scrap_type}, position={position}, optional_term={optional_term}" ) if scrap_type == enum.ScrapType.SCRIPT: return bool(self.driver.execute_script(term)) elif (scrap_type != enum.ScrapType.MIXED and scrap_type != enum.ScrapType.TEXT): selector = term if scrap_type == enum.ScrapType.CSS_SELECTOR: by = By.CSS_SELECTOR elif scrap_type == enum.ScrapType.XPATH: by = By.XPATH if scrap_type != enum.ScrapType.XPATH: soup = self.get_current_DOM() container_selector = self.base_container if (main_container is not None): container_selector = main_container containers = self.zindex_sort(, reverse=True) container = next(iter(containers), None) if not container: return False try: container_element = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( xpath_soup(container)) except: return False else: container_element = self.driver element_list = container_element.find_elements(by, selector) else: if scrap_type == enum.ScrapType.MIXED: selector = optional_term else: selector = "div" element_list = self.web_scrap(term=term, scrap_type=scrap_type, optional_term=optional_term, main_container=main_container) if position == 0: return len(element_list) > 0 else: return len(element_list) >= position def filter_displayed_elements(self, elements, reverse=False): """ [Internal] Receives a BeautifulSoup element list and filters only the displayed elements. :param elements: BeautifulSoup element list :type elements: List of BeautifulSoup objects :param reverse: Boolean value if order should be reversed or not. - **Default:** False :type reverse: bool :return: List of filtered BeautifulSoup elements :rtype: List of BeautifulSoup objects Usage: >>> #Defining the element list: >>> soup = self.get_current_DOM() >>> elements ="div") >>> #Calling the method >>> self.filter_displayed_elements(elements, True) """ #1 - Create an enumerated list from the original elements indexed_elements = list(enumerate(elements)) #2 - Convert every element from the original list to selenium objects selenium_elements = list( map(lambda x: self.driver.find_element_by_xpath(xpath_soup(x)), elements)) #3 - Create an enumerated list from the selenium objects indexed_selenium_elements = list(enumerate(selenium_elements)) #4 - Filter elements based on "is_displayed()" and gets the filtered elements' enumeration filtered_selenium_indexes = list( map( lambda x: x[0], filter(lambda x: x[1].is_displayed(), indexed_selenium_elements))) #5 - Use List Comprehension to build a filtered list from the elements based on enumeration filtered_elements = [ x[1] for x in indexed_elements if x[0] in filtered_selenium_indexes ] #6 - Sort the result and return it return self.zindex_sort(filtered_elements, reverse) def find_first_div_parent(self, element): """ [Internal] Finds first div parent element of another BeautifulSoup element. If element is already a div, it will return the element. :param element: BeautifulSoup element :type element: BeautifulSoup object :return: The first div parent of the element :rtype: BeautifulSoup object Usage: >>> parent_element = self.find_first_div_parent(my_element) """ current = element while (hasattr(current, "name") and != "div"): current = current.find_parent() return current def find_label_element(self, label_text, container): """ [Internal] Find input element next to label containing the label_text parameter. :param label_text: The label text to be searched :type label_text: str :param container: The main container object to be used :type container: BeautifulSoup object :return: A list containing a BeautifulSoup object next to the label :rtype: List of BeautifulSoup objects Usage: >>> self.find_label_element("User:"******""" element = next( iter( list( map( lambda x: self.find_first_div_parent(x), container.find_all( text=re.compile(f"^{re.escape(label_text)}" + r"(\*?)(\s*?)$"))))), None) if element is None: return [] next_sibling = element.find_next_sibling("input") if next_sibling: return [next_sibling] else: return [] def get_current_DOM(self): """ [Internal] Returns current HTML DOM parsed as a BeautifulSoup object :returns: BeautifulSoup parsed DOM :rtype: BeautifulSoup object Usage: >>> #Calling the method >>> soup = self.get_current_DOM() """ return BeautifulSoup(self.driver.page_source, "html.parser") def get_element_text(self, element): """ [Internal] Gets element text. :param element: Selenium element :type element: Selenium object :return: Element text :rtype: str Usage: >>> #Defining the element: >>> element = lambda: self.driver.find_element_by_id("example_id") >>> #Calling the method >>> text = self.get_element_text(element()) """ return self.driver.execute_script("return arguments[0].innerText", element) def get_element_value(self, element): """ [Internal] Gets element value. :param element: Selenium element :type element: Selenium object :return: Element value :rtype: str Usage: >>> #Defining the element: >>> element = lambda: self.driver.find_element_by_id("example_id") >>> #Calling the method >>> text = self.get_element_value(element()) """ return self.driver.execute_script("return arguments[0].value", element) def log_error(self, message, new_log_line=True): """ [Internal] Finishes execution of test case with an error and creates the log information for that test. :param message: Message to be logged :type message: str :param new_log_line: Boolean value if Message should be logged as new line or not. - **Default:** True :type new_log_line: bool Usage: >>> #Calling the method: >>> self.log_error("Element was not found") """ stack_item = next( iter( list( map( lambda x: x.function, filter(lambda x:'test_', x.function), inspect.stack())))), None) test_number = f"{stack_item.split('_')[-1]} -" if stack_item else "" log_message = f"{test_number} {message}" self.log.set_seconds() if new_log_line: self.log.new_line(False, log_message) self.log.save_file() self.assertTrue(False, log_message) def move_to_element(self, element): """ [Internal] Move focus to element on the screen. :param element: Selenium element :type element: Selenium object Usage: >>> #Defining an element: >>> element = lambda: self.driver.find_element_by_id("example_id") >>> #Calling the method >>> self.scroll_to_element(element()) """ ActionChains(self.driver).move_to_element(element).perform() def scroll_to_element(self, element): """ [Internal] Scroll to element on the screen. :param element: Selenium element :type element: Selenium object Usage: >>> #Defining an element: >>> element = lambda: self.driver.find_element_by_id("example_id") >>> #Calling the method >>> self.scroll_to_element(element()) """ if element.get_attribute("id"): self.driver.execute_script( "return document.getElementById('{}').scrollIntoView();". format(element.get_attribute("id"))) else: self.driver.execute_script("return arguments[0].scrollIntoView();", element) def search_zindex(self, element): """ [Internal] Returns zindex value of BeautifulSoup object. Internal function created to be used inside lambda of zindex_sort method. Only works if element has Style attribute. :param element: BeautifulSoup element :type element: BeautifulSoup object :return: z-index value :rtype: int Usage: >>> #Line extracted from zindex_sort method: >>> elements.sort(key=lambda x: self.search_zindex(x), reverse=reverse) """ zindex = 0 if hasattr( element, "attrs" ) and "style" in element.attrs and "z-index:" in element.attrs['style']: zindex = int(element.attrs['style'].split("z-index:")[1].split(";") [0].strip()) return zindex def select_combo(self, element, option): """ Selects the option on the combobox. :param element: Combobox element :type element: Beautiful Soup object :param option: Option to be selected :type option: str Usage: >>> #Calling the method: >>> self.select_combo(element, "Chosen option") """ combo = Select(self.driver.find_element_by_xpath(xpath_soup(element))) value = next( iter( filter(lambda x: x.text[0:len(option)] == option, combo.options)), None) if value: time.sleep(1) text_value = value.text combo.select_by_visible_text(text_value) print(f"Selected value for combo is: {text_value}") def send_keys(self, element, arg): """ [Internal] Clicks two times on the Selenium element. :param element: Selenium element :type element: Selenium object :param arg: Text or Keys to be sent to the element :type arg: str or selenium.webdriver.common.keys Usage: >>> #Defining the element: >>> element = lambda: self.driver.find_element_by_id("example_id") >>> #Calling the method with a string >>> self.send_keys(element(), "Text") >>> #Calling the method with a Key >>> self.send_keys(element(), Keys.ENTER) """ try: element.send_keys("") element.send_keys(arg) except Exception: actions = ActionChains(self.driver) actions.move_to_element(element) actions.send_keys("") actions.send_keys(arg) actions.perform() def search_stack(self, function): """ Returns True if passed function is present in the call stack. :param function: Name of the function :type function: str :return: Boolean if passed function is present or not in the call stack. :rtype: bool Usage: >>> # Calling the method: >>> is_present = self.search_stack("MATA020") """ return len( list(filter(lambda x: x.function == function, inspect.stack()))) > 0 def set_element_focus(self, element): """ [Internal] Sets focus on element. :param element: Selenium element :type element: Selenium object Usage: >>> #Defining the element: >>> element = lambda: self.driver.find_element_by_id("example_id") >>> #Calling the method >>> text = self.set_element_focus(element()) """ self.driver.execute_script("window.focus(); arguments[0].focus();", element) def web_scrap(self, term, scrap_type=enum.ScrapType.TEXT, optional_term=None, label=False, main_container=None): """ [Internal] Returns a BeautifulSoup object list based on the search parameters. Does not support ScrapType.XPATH as scrap_type parameter value. :param term: The first search term. A text or a selector :type term: str :param scrap_type: The type of webscraping. - **Default:** enum.ScrapType.TEXT :type scrap_type: enum.ScrapType. :param optional_term: The second search term. A selector used in MIXED webscraping. - **Default:** None :type optional_term: str :param label: If the search is based on a label near the element. - **Default:** False :type label: bool :param main_container: The selector of a container element that has all other elements. - **Default:** None :type main_container: str :return: List of BeautifulSoup4 elements based on search parameters. :rtype: List of BeautifulSoup4 objects Usage: >>> #All buttons >>> buttons = self.web_scrap(term="button", scrap_type=enum.ScrapType.CSS_SELECTOR) >>> #----------------# >>> #Elements that contain the text "Example" >>> example_elements = self.web_scrap(term="Example") >>> #----------------# >>> #Elements with class "my_class" and text "my_text" >>> elements = self.web_scrap(term="my_text", scrap_type=ScrapType.MIXED, optional_term=".my_class") """ try: endtime = time.time() + 60 container = None while (time.time() < endtime and container is None): soup = self.get_current_DOM() if self.config.log_file: with open( f"{term + str(scrap_type) + str(optional_term) + str(label) + str(main_container) + str(random.randint(1, 101)) }.txt", "w") as text_file: text_file.write(f" HTML CONTENT: {str(soup)}") container_selector = self.base_container if (main_container is not None): container_selector = main_container containers = self.zindex_sort(, reverse=True) container = next(iter(containers), None) if container is None: raise Exception("Couldn't find container") if (scrap_type == enum.ScrapType.TEXT): if label: return self.find_label_element(term, container) else: return list( filter(lambda x: term.lower() in x.text.lower(),"div > *"))) elif (scrap_type == enum.ScrapType.CSS_SELECTOR): return elif (scrap_type == enum.ScrapType.MIXED and optional_term is not None): return list( filter(lambda x: term.lower() in x.text.lower(), elif (scrap_type == enum.ScrapType.SCRIPT): script_result = self.driver.execute_script(term) return script_result if isinstance(script_result, list) else [] else: return [] except Exception as e: self.log_error(str(e)) def zindex_sort(self, elements, reverse=False): """ [Internal] Sorts list of BeautifulSoup elements based on z-index style attribute. Only works if elements have Style attribute. :param elements: BeautifulSoup element list :type elements: List of BeautifulSoup objects :param reverse: Boolean value if order should be reversed or not. - **Default:** False :type reverse: bool :return: List of sorted BeautifulSoup elements based on zindex. :rtype: List of BeautifulSoup objects Usage: >>> #Defining the element list: >>> soup = self.get_current_DOM() >>> elements ="div") >>> #Calling the method >>> self.zindex_sort(elements, True) """ elements.sort(key=lambda x: self.search_zindex(x), reverse=reverse) return elements # User Methods def AssertFalse(self): """ Defines that the test case expects a False response to pass Usage: >>> #Calling the method >>> self.AssertFalse() """ self.assert_result(False) def AssertTrue(self): """ Defines that the test case expects a True response to pass Usage: >>> #Calling the method >>> self.AssertTrue() """ self.assert_result(True) def TearDown(self): """ Closes the webdriver and ends the test case. Usage: >>> #Calling the method >>> self.TearDown() """ self.driver.close()