def DecryptTxt (self): # take inputs tkProg.ClearScreen() path = input ("input path of txt to decrypt ") tkProg.ClearScreen() outPath = input ("input path to folder output to, leave as blank if you want to output to the program directory ") tkProg.ClearScreen() outFileName = input ("What should the name of the file be, leave blank for default name, do not include file extensions ") alphabet = self.AlphabetContainer.TakeAlphabets () # take the working alphabet tkProg.ClearScreen() print ("Choose a decryption method") print ("1) Find all possible values for all possible keys") print ("2) Decrypt with a known key") print ("3) Find the most likely key") in1 = input() msg = [] # read the file if (exists (path)): with open (path) as f: msg = f.readlines() # remove all whitespace characters msg = [x.strip() for x in msg] msgStr = "".join (msg) value = "" if (in1 == "1"): # brute force value = CaesarDecrypt (msgStr, alphabet) elif (in1 == "2"): # decrypt with known key workingKey = input ("what key should be used: ") value = CaesarDecryptKey (msgStr, alphabet, int(workingKey)) + " - Encrypted using key: " + workingKey else: # chi squared language = input ("which language pack should be chosen, leave blank for English ") if (language == ""): language = "English" topX = input ("How many top results should be returned, leave as 1 for only the most likely result ") value = SmartCaesarDecrypt (msgStr, alphabet, language, int(topX) - 1) # write file print ("writing...") # output the file T = "" if (outFileName == ""): T = "Single layer encryption at " + str( else: T = outFileName filepath = os.path.join (outPath, T) + ".txt" f = open (filepath, "w") for i in value: f.write (str(i[0]) + " with key " + str(i[1]) + "\n") f.close() print (value) return
def EncryptTxt(self): # take inputs tkProg.ClearScreen() path = input("input path of txt to encrypt") tkProg.ClearScreen() outPath = input( "input path to folder output to, leave as blank if you want to output to the program directory" ) tkProg.ClearScreen() outFileName = input( "What should the name of the file be, leave blank for default name, do not include file extensions" ) key = input( "input the value of the key to encrypt with, leave as blank for a randomly generated key" ) alphabet = self.AlphabetContainer.TakeAlphabets( ) # take the working alphabet value = "" # read the file and encrypt if (exists(path)): # verify that the file exists f = open(path) msgs = f.readlines() v = [] if (key == ""): key = random.randrange(len(alphabet)) p = 0 for msg in msgs: v.append(CaesarEncryptKey(msg, int(key), alphabet)) p += 1 print(str(round((p / len(msgs)) * 100, 2)) + "%") tkProg.ClearScreen() else: print("The file does not exist, please try again") return # output the file T = "" if (outFileName == ""): T = ("Encryption with key " + key) else: T = outFileName filepath = os.path.join(outPath, T) + ".txt" f = open(filepath, "w") for l in v: f.writelines(l) f.close() # letting the user know print("The encrypted message is " + value) print("Key: " + key) print("The file has been written to " + filepath) return 1
def MultiDecryptTxt(self): # take inputs tkProg.ClearScreen() path = input("input path of txt to decrypt ") tkProg.ClearScreen() outPath = input( "input path to folder output to, leave as blank if you want to output to the program directory " ) tkProg.ClearScreen() outFileName = input( "What should the name of the file be, leave blank for default name, do not include file extensions " ) alphabet = self.AlphabetContainer.TakeAlphabets( ) # take the working alphabet tkProg.ClearScreen() print("working...") v = [] # read the file and encrypt if (os.path.exists(path)): # verify that the file exists f = open(path, "r") msgs = [] msgs = f.readlines() for msg in msgs: v.append(MultiDecrypt(msg, alphabet)) else: print("The file does not exist, please try again") return # write file T = "" if (outFileName == ""): T = "Multi decryption done at " + str( else: T = outFileName filepath = os.path.join(outPath, T) + ".txt" f = open(filepath, "w") for i in v: f.writelines(str(i[0]) + " " + str(i[1]) + " " + str(i[2])) f.close() print("done!") print(v) input()
def ImportAlphabets (self): tkProg.ClearScreen() print ("Import new alphabet") print () impPath = input ("Path of alphabet txt: ") print ("importing alphabet at " + impPath + "...") # check if path exists if (not os.path.exists (impPath)): print ("not a valid import path") return n : str # name of alphabet s : str # store the string that contains the alphabet f = open (impPath) n = None s = None for _ in f: wL = f.readline() if (wL[0] == "#"): # hash indicates the name of the alphabet n = wL.strip() elif (wL[0] == "$"): # $ indicates the actual alphabet s = wL.strip() f.close() # check if the alphabet exists if (s == None): print ("Error, this alphabet is empty, please ensure the alphabet has been marked with the $ indicator") return # name the alphabet if it hasn't been named already if (n == None): n = input ("This alphabet is unnamed, please input a name: ") #convert the string into an array v=[] for c in s: v.append (c) v.pop (0) # remove the dollar sign # store it all in the container self.Container.Alphabets.append ((v, n)) self.SaveAlphabets () print ("the alphabet has been stored successfully and stored accordingly") Pause() return
def ManageAlphabets (self): tkProg.ClearScreen() l = len (self.Container.Alphabets) if (l == 0): print ("there are no alphabets, add some using the import menu") Pause() return else: for a in range (l): print (str (a + 1) + ") " + self.Container.Alphabets[a][1]) inp = input("Which would you like to delete?") self.Container.Alphabets.pop (int (inp) - 1) self.SaveAlphabets () print ("successfully deleted") Pause() return
ModulePaths = [f for f in os.listdir(os.getcwd()) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f))] ModulePaths.remove ("") for module in ModulePaths: __import__ (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(module))[0]) Modules.append () ''' def Args (): """Handles argument parsing""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Directly run a process from the run command") parser.add_argument("ProcessName", metavar="N", type=str, nargs='+', help="The name of the process to run") args = parser.parse_args() return args tkProg.ClearScreen() print ("Caesar encryption and decryption") print () # display all module actions but also log them into a mega list n = 1 for mod in Modules: for action in mod.Actions: print (str (n) + ") " + action) Actions.append ((mod.Actions[action], mod)) n += 1 # TODO add input checking userin = int (input ("")) # Call the method