def __init__(self, parent, controller): Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.controller = controller self.parent = parent global back_img, create_img, buttonbg back_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage("assets/back.png")) back_btn = Button(self, text="Back to Menu", image=back_img, anchor="center", compound="left", bd=0, padx=-10, command=lambda: controller.show_frame("Homescreen")) back_btn.pack(pady=(0, 20)) image = Label(self, image=diary_img, text="Diary", compound="left", padx=10) image.pack() diary_help = Label( self, text= "Use the diary to store your thoughts or narrate how your day went.\nDon't worry, Andy is great at keeping secrets ;]" ) diary_help.pack(pady=10) create_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage("assets/create.png").resize((30, 30), Image.ANTIALIAS)) create_btn = Button( self, text="Create new entry", image=create_img, anchor="center", compound="left", bd=0, command=lambda: controller.show_frame("DiaryCreateFrame")) create_btn.pack(pady=(10, 20)) cal = Calendar(self, firstweekday="sunday", showweeknumbers=False, borderwidth=0, date_pattern="yyyy-mm-dd") cal.pack(padx=20, pady=10) buttonbg = ImageTk.PhotoImage("assets/create.png").resize((30, 30), Image.ANTIALIAS)) print_btn = Button(self, cursor="dotbox", text="Check Entries for the selected date", image=buttonbg, bd=0, command=lambda: self.check_records(cal.get_date())) print_btn.pack(padx=15, pady=15)
class MyCalendar(tk.Tk): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): tk.Tk.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) #Create calendar = Calendar(self, font="Arial 14", selectmode='day', tooltipforeground='black', tooltipbackground='pink', tooltipalpha='1', tooltipdelay='0') date = #Add in events = date +, "F**k me in the ass", 'message'), 'Bake cookies at 3am', 'reminder') +, 'Date at McDonalds', 'reminder') +, 'Mine Diamonds with Jimothy', 'message') #Set calendar and adjust colours'reminder', background='red', foreground='yellow')"both", expand=True) #Set status/tool tip bar self.l2 = tk.Label(self, text="Click on a date to check for events!", width=40) self.l2.pack(side="bottom") #Executes "set_date" when a day is clicked"<<CalendarSelected>>", self.set_date) def set_date(self, event): #Get the date clicked = #Convert date from string format to datetime object format self.DTObject = datetime.strptime(, '%m/%d/%y') #Get tuple of events on the date clicked self.eventslist = #If there >0 events, display first event on status/tool tip bar if len(self.eventslist) > 0: self.l2.configure([self.eventslist[0]]["text"]) #Display no events else: self.l2.configure(text="No events for " +
class AUView(tk.Toplevel): def __init__(self, parent_view): super().__init__(parent_view) self.parent = parent_view self.title('AU/krank Eintragen') startdatum_label = tk.Label(self, text="von") self.startdatum_input = Calendar(self, date_pattern='MM/dd/yyyy') enddatum_label = tk.Label(self, text="bis") self.enddatum_input = Calendar(self, date_pattern='MM/dd/yyyy') self.save_button = tk.Button(self, text="Daten speichern") self.exit_button = tk.Button(self, text="Abbrechen", command=self.destroy) self.saveandnew_button = tk.Button(self, text="Daten speichern und neu") # ins Fenster packen startdatum_label.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=tk.NW) self.startdatum_input.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky=tk.NW) enddatum_label.grid(row=1, column=3, sticky=tk.NW) self.enddatum_input.grid(row=1, column=4, sticky=tk.NW) self.save_button.grid(row=15, column=0, sticky=tk.NW) self.exit_button.grid(row=15, column=1, sticky=tk.NW) self.saveandnew_button.grid(row=15, column=2, sticky=tk.NW) def set_data(self, **kwargs): self.startdatum_input.selection_set(kwargs['beginn']) self.enddatum_input.selection_set(kwargs['ende']) def get_data(self): startdatum_date_obj = datetime.strptime( self.startdatum_input.get_date(), '%m/%d/%Y') enddatum_date_obj = datetime.strptime(self.enddatum_input.get_date(), '%m/%d/%Y') return {'beginn': startdatum_date_obj, 'ende': enddatum_date_obj}
def test_calendar_textvariable(self): var = tk.StringVar(self.window) widget = Calendar(self.window, selectmode='day', year=2015, month=1, day=3, textvariable=var) widget.pack() self.window.update() self.assertEqual('', var.get()) self.assertEqual('', widget.get_date()) self.assertEqual(date(2015, 1, 1), widget._date) widget.selection_set(date(2018, 11, 21)) self.window.update() self.assertEqual(format_date(date(2018, 11, 21), 'short'), var.get()) self.assertEqual(format_date(date(2018, 11, 21), 'short'), widget.get_date()) widget.selection_set(None) self.window.update() self.assertEqual('', widget.get_date()) self.assertEqual('', var.get()) var.set(format_date(date(2014, 3, 2), 'short')) self.window.update() self.assertEqual(date(2014, 3, 2), widget.selection_get()) self.assertEqual(format_date(date(2014, 3, 2), 'short'), var.get()) self.assertEqual(format_date(date(2014, 3, 2), 'short'), widget.get_date()) try: var.set('a') except tk.TclError: # some versions of python raise an error because of the exception # raised inside the trace pass self.window.update() self.assertEqual(date(2014, 3, 2), widget.selection_get()) self.assertEqual(format_date(date(2014, 3, 2), 'short'), var.get()) self.assertEqual(format_date(date(2014, 3, 2), 'short'), widget.get_date()) var.set('') self.window.update() self.assertIsNone(widget.selection_get()) self.assertEqual('', var.get()) self.assertEqual('', widget.get_date()) var2 = tk.StringVar(widget, format_date(date(2011, 1, 21), 'short')) widget['textvariable'] = var2 self.window.update() self.assertEqual(widget.get_date(), var2.get()) self.assertEqual('', var.get())
class Datetime: def __init__(self, master, label): self.master = master self.frame = tk.Frame(self.master) self.frame.config(bg="white") = Calendar(self.frame, select="day", year=2021, month=2, day=9), column=0, padx=20, pady=20) self.time = App(self.frame) self.time.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=10, pady=10) self.label = label # -----------Buttons----------- # Select datetime button self.pickDateButton = tk.Button(self.frame, text="Seleccionar fecha y hora", command=self.grab_date) self.pickDateButton.grid(row=2, column=0, pady=20, padx=20) # Exit button self.quitButton = tk.Button(self.frame, text='Salir', width=25, command=self.close_windows) self.quitButton.grid(row=3, column=0, padx=20, pady=20) self.frame.pack() # Prints chosed date into parent window (NewRecordDate) def grab_date(self): chosedDatetime = + " " + self.time.hourstr.get( ) + ":" + self.time.minstr.get() self.label.config(text=chosedDatetime) # Destroys current window def close_windows(self): self.master.destroy()
def test_calendar_textvariable(self): var = tk.StringVar(self.window,) widget = Calendar(self.window, selectmode='day', locale=None, year=2015, month=1, day=3, textvariable=var) widget.pack() self.window.update() self.assertEqual(datetime(2015, 1, 3).strftime('%x'), var.get()) self.assertEqual(datetime(2015, 1, 3).strftime('%x'), widget.get_date()) widget.selection_set(datetime(2018, 11, 21)) self.window.update() self.assertEqual(datetime(2018, 11, 21).strftime('%x'), var.get()) self.assertEqual(datetime(2018, 11, 21).strftime('%x'), widget.get_date()) widget.selection_set(None) self.window.update() self.assertEqual('', widget.get_date()) self.assertEqual('', var.get()) var.set(datetime(2014, 3, 2).strftime('%x')) self.window.update() self.assertEqual(datetime(2014, 3, 2), widget.selection_get()) self.assertEqual(datetime(2014, 3, 2).strftime('%x'), var.get()) self.assertEqual(datetime(2014, 3, 2).strftime('%x'), widget.get_date()) try: var.set('a') except tk.TclError: # some versions of python raise an error because of the exception # raised inside the trace pass self.window.update() self.assertEqual(datetime(2014, 3, 2), widget.selection_get()) self.assertEqual(datetime(2014, 3, 2).strftime('%x'), var.get()) self.assertEqual(datetime(2014, 3, 2).strftime('%x'), widget.get_date()) var.set('') self.window.update() self.assertIsNone(widget.selection_get()) self.assertEqual('', var.get()) self.assertEqual('', widget.get_date())
class GUI: #desc: constructor, initializes the relevant variables, buttons, canvas, frame, ect def __init__(self): self.day_one = "5/8/16" #index 881 of processed data self.date_one = datetime.datetime(day=5, month=8, year=2016) self.states = {"testing": False, "tested": False} #state of the gui self.root = tk.Tk() self.height = 500 self.width = 1000 self.canvas = tk.Canvas(self.root, height=self.height, width=self.width, bg="#263d42") self.canvas.pack() self.frame = tk.Frame(self.root, bg="#3e646c") * 0.6, height=self.height, y=0, x=0) self.btns = {} self.labels = {} self.test_list = [] self.btns["run"] = Button(self.frame, text="Play Trading Period", fg="#263d42") self.btns["run"].grid(row=0) self.btns["run"].bind("<Button-1>", self.run_test) self.btns["graph"] = Button(self.frame, text="Create Graph", fg="#263d42") self.btns["graph"].grid(row=0, column=1) self.btns["graph"].bind("<Button-1>", self.update_chart) self.btns["alloc"] = Button(self.frame, text="Show Allocations", fg="#263d42") self.btns["alloc"].grid(row=0, column=2) self.btns["alloc"].bind("<Button-1>", self.show_allocations) self.btns["roi"] = Button(self.frame, text="Show ROI", fg="#263d42") self.btns["roi"].grid(row=0, column=3) self.btns["roi"].bind("<Button-1>", self.show_roi) self.labels["run"] = Label(self.frame, text="Not Running") = Calendar(self.canvas, font="Arial 14", selectmode='day', cursor="hand1", year=2018, month=2, day=5)"both", expand=True) self.canvas.create_window((self.width * 0.6, 0),, anchor='nw') #desc: runs the test version of the trader, collects the trading data def run_test(self, event): print("running test") self.states["testing"] = True = Market_Environment("processed stock data") self.test_list = trader.run_test( self.states["testing"] = False self.states["tested"] = True #desc: shows the chart of portfolio values against the trading days def update_chart(self, event): data = [] for item in self.test_list: data.append(item["value"]) plt.plot(data) #desc: shows a pie chart of stock allocations on a given day def show_allocations(self, event): if self.states["tested"]: day = self.calc_day( #days is an index if -1 < day and day < 378: allocations = self.test_list[day]["allocation"] total_value = 0 for stock, amt in allocations.items(): if stock in self.test_list[day]["prices"]: total_value += amt * self.test_list[day]["prices"][ stock] stocks = [] amounts = [] for stock, amt in allocations.items(): if 0 < amt: amounts.append(amt / total_value) stocks.append(stock) labels = stocks fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) ax.axis('equal') ax.pie(amounts, labels=labels, autopct='%1.1f%%') #desc: shows the roi of the portfolio def show_roi(self, event): if self.states["tested"]: roi = (self.test_list[364]["value"] - self.test_list[0]["value"]) / self.test_list[0]["value"] roi *= 100 self.labels["roi"] = Label(self.frame, text="Yearly roi: " + str(roi)) self.labels["roi"].grid(row=1, column=3) #desc: runs the gui loop def run_gui(self): self.root.mainloop() #desc: gives index based on difference between first day and choosen #input: date - the trading date as a mm/dd/yy string def calc_day(self, date): value_p = re.compile(r'\d+') (month, day, year) = value_p.findall(date) (day, month, year) = (int(day), int(month), int(year) + 2000) date = datetime.datetime(day=day, month=month, year=year) index = (date - self.date_one).days return index
class app(Tk): def __init__(self, screenName=None, baseName=None, className="Doit!", useTk=1, sync=0, use=None): super().__init__(screenName=screenName, baseName=baseName, className=className, useTk=useTk, sync=sync, use=use) self.tcont = TaskContainer() self.new_description = "" self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.quit_event) icon_src = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/doit.png''wm', 'iconphoto', self._w, PhotoImage(file=icon_src)) = - datetime.timedelta(day=1) # uncomment only for debugging/testing purpose self.current_task = None self.task_list_old = [] self.task_list_wip = [] self.task_list_day = [] self.drow_menu_frame() self.drow_panel() self.drow_list() self.drow_task_frame() self.drow_reschedule_frame() self.drow_new_task_frame() self.drow_complete_frame() if len(self.tcont.task_list) > 0: self.fetch_list() if len(self.tcont.day_tasks_list) > 0: self.update_task_frame() self.task_frame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True) if len(self.tcont.old_list) > 0: self.fetch_old() self.tcont.export_db("./snapshot_db.json") def drow_menu_frame(self): def import_fn(): self.tcont.export_db("./snapshot_db.json") self.tcont.import_db() self.fetch_list_event() self.update_task_frame() self.task_frame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True) menu_frame = Frame(self, bg="gray") button_frame = Frame(menu_frame, bg="gray") Button(button_frame, text="new task", command=self.new_event).pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) Button(button_frame, text="save", command=self.save_event).pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) Button(button_frame, text="export", command=self.tcont.export_db).pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) Button(button_frame, text="import", command=import_fn).pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) button_frame.pack(side=LEFT, padx=20) filter_frame = Frame(menu_frame, bg="gray") Label(filter_frame, text="Filter:", font="LiberationMono-Bold 10", bg="gray").pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) self.filter_mod_string = StringVar() self.filter_mod_string.set("") ttk.Combobox(filter_frame, justify=RIGHT, textvariable=self.filter_mod_string, values=[mod for mod in filtask.map_filter.keys()], state="readonly").pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) self.filter_text_string = StringVar() self.filter_text_string.set("") filter_entry = Entry(filter_frame, width=70, textvariable=self.filter_text_string, font="LiberationMono-Bold 10") filter_entry.bind("<Return>", self.fetch_list_event) filter_entry.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) filter_frame.pack(side=RIGHT, padx=40) menu_frame.pack(fill=X) def drow_panel(self): = ttk.PanedWindow(self, orient=HORIZONTAL), expand=True) self.list_frame = ttk.Frame(, width=150, height=300, relief=SUNKEN) self.main_frame = ttk.Frame(, width=150, height=300, relief=SUNKEN), weight=1), weight=6) def drow_complete_frame(self): self.complete_frame = ttk.Frame(self.main_frame) self.title_complete_string = StringVar() self.title_complete_string.set("Completing task: {}") title_complete_label = Entry(self.complete_frame, textvariable=self.title_complete_string, font="Keraleeyam-Regular 16 bold", bd=0, state="readonly", justify=CENTER) comment_label = Label(self.complete_frame, text="Comment", font="LiberationMono-Bold 10") self.complete_text = Text(self.complete_frame, height=10, font="FreeMono 10") cancel_button = ttk.Button(self.complete_frame, text="cancel", command=self.cancel_event) complete_button = ttk.Button(self.complete_frame, text="Complete", command=self.complete_task_event) title_complete_label.pack(fill=BOTH, padx=10, pady=15) comment_label.pack(fill=BOTH, padx=10) self.complete_text.pack(pady=5, fill=X) complete_button.pack(side=RIGHT, pady=10) cancel_button.pack(side=RIGHT, pady=10, padx=40) def drow_reschedule_frame(self): self.reschedule_frame = ttk.Frame(self.main_frame) self.title_reschedule_string = StringVar() self.title_reschedule_string.set("Reschedule task: {}") title_reschedule_label = Entry( self.reschedule_frame, textvariable=self.title_reschedule_string, font="Keraleeyam-Regular 16 bold", bd=0, state="readonly", justify=CENTER) activity_label = Label(self.reschedule_frame, text="Description of the WIP", font="LiberationMono-Bold 10") self.reschedule_text = Text(self.reschedule_frame, height=10, font="FreeMono 10") calendar_frame = ttk.Frame(self.reschedule_frame) calendar_frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) calendar_frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) tomorrow = + datetime.timedelta(days=1) calendar_label = Label(calendar_frame, text="reschedule date", font="LiberationMono-Bold 10") self.calendar = Calendar(calendar_frame, date_pattern="y-mm-dd", font="Arial 8", selectmode='day', cursor="hand1", year=tomorrow.year, month=tomorrow.month, hour_label = Label(calendar_frame, text="expeted time to spend next next", font="LiberationMono-Bold 10") self.hour_string = StringVar() hour_box = Spinbox(calendar_frame, width=3, from_=1, to=36, textvariable=self.hour_string, command=self.update_label_reschedule_time) hour_box.bind("<Return>", self.update_label_reschedule_time) self.hour_label = Label(calendar_frame, text="0h 10m", font="LiberationMono-Bold 10") hour_eff_label = Label(calendar_frame, text="time spent today", font="LiberationMono-Bold 10") self.hour_effective_string = StringVar() hour_eff_box = Spinbox(calendar_frame, width=3, from_=1, to=144, textvariable=self.hour_effective_string, command=self.update_label_reschedule_eff_time) hour_eff_box.bind("<Return>", self.update_label_reschedule_eff_time) self.hour_eff_label = Label(calendar_frame, text="0h 10m", font="LiberationMono-Bold 10") self.stick = IntVar() stick_box = Checkbutton(calendar_frame, text="do not postpone", font="LiberationMono-Bold 10", variable=self.stick) calendar_label.grid(column=0, row=0) self.calendar.grid(column=0, row=1, rowspan=2) hour_eff_label.grid(column=1, row=1, padx=50) hour_eff_box.grid(column=2, row=1) self.hour_eff_label.grid(column=3, row=1, padx=5) hour_label.grid(column=1, row=2, padx=50) hour_box.grid(column=2, row=2) self.hour_label.grid(column=3, row=2, padx=5) stick_box.grid(column=0, row=3, pady=5) cancel_button = ttk.Button(self.reschedule_frame, text="cancel", command=self.cancel_event) reschedule_button = ttk.Button(self.reschedule_frame, text="Reschedule", command=self.reschedule_task_event) title_reschedule_label.pack(pady=15, fill=X) activity_label.pack() self.reschedule_text.pack(pady=5, fill=X) calendar_frame.pack() reschedule_button.pack(side=RIGHT, pady=10) cancel_button.pack(side=RIGHT, pady=10, padx=40) def drow_new_task_frame(self): self.new_task_frame = ttk.Frame(self.main_frame) title_label = Label(self.new_task_frame, text="New Task", font="Keraleeyam-Regular 16 bold") container_frame = ttk.Frame(self.new_task_frame) container_frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) container_frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) name_label = Label(container_frame, text="task name", font="LiberationMono-Bold 10") self.name_new_task_string = StringVar() self.name_new_task_string.set("") name_new_task_entry = Entry(container_frame, textvariable=self.name_new_task_string, font="Keraleeyam-Regular 10") tags_frame = ttk.Frame(self.new_task_frame) tags_label = Label(tags_frame, text="tags", font="LiberationMono-Bold 10") self.tags_new_task_string = StringVar() self.tags_new_task_string.set("") tags_new_task_entry = Entry(tags_frame, textvariable=self.tags_new_task_string, font="Keraleeyam-Regular 10") tags_new_task_entry.bind("<Return>", self.add_new_tag) self.tags_container = ttk.Frame(tags_frame) tags_label.grid(column=0, row=0) tags_new_task_entry.grid(column=1, row=0) self.tags_container.grid(column=2, row=0) description_new_label = Label(container_frame, text="Description", font="LiberationMono-Bold 10") self.description_new_text = Text(container_frame, font="FreeMono 10") calendar_frame = ttk.Frame(container_frame) calendar_frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) calendar_frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) day = calendar_start_label = Label(calendar_frame, text="start date", font="LiberationMono-Bold 10") self.calendar_start = Calendar(calendar_frame, date_pattern="y-mm-dd", font="Arial 8", selectmode='day', cursor="hand1", year=day.year, month=day.month, calendar_end_label = Label(calendar_frame, text="due date", font="LiberationMono-Bold 10") self.calendar_due = Calendar(calendar_frame, date_pattern="y-mm-dd", font="Arial 8", selectmode='day', cursor="hand1", year=day.year, month=day.month, self.stick_new = IntVar() stick_box = Checkbutton(calendar_frame, text="do not postpone", font="LiberationMono-Bold 10", variable=self.stick_new) calendar_start_label.grid(column=0, row=0, pady=5) self.calendar_start.grid(column=0, row=1, pady=5) calendar_end_label.grid(column=0, row=2, pady=5) self.calendar_due.grid(column=0, row=3, pady=5) stick_box.grid(column=0, row=4, pady=5) name_label.grid(column=0, row=0, padx=15) name_new_task_entry.grid(column=0, row=1, padx=15, stick=N + E + S + W) description_new_label.grid(column=0, row=2, padx=15) self.description_new_text.grid(column=0, row=3, stick=N + E + S + W, padx=15) calendar_frame.grid(column=1, row=0, rowspan=5, padx=15) label_frame = ttk.Frame(self.new_task_frame) label_frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) label_frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) hour_label = Label(label_frame, text="Time to spend next", font="LiberationMono-Bold 10") self.hour_new_string = StringVar() hour_box = Spinbox(label_frame, width=3, from_=1, to=36, textvariable=self.hour_new_string, command=self.update_label_new_time) hour_box.bind("<Return>", self.update_label_new_time) self.hour_new_label = Label(label_frame, text="0h 10m", font="LiberationMono-Bold 10") priority_new_label = Label(label_frame, text="priority 1-5 (1 is the highest)", font="LiberationMono-Bold 10") self.priority_new_string = StringVar() priority_new_box = Spinbox(label_frame, width=3, from_=1, to=5, textvariable=self.priority_new_string) hour_label.grid(column=0, row=0, pady=5) hour_box.grid(column=1, row=0, pady=5) self.hour_new_label.grid(column=2, row=0, pady=5) priority_new_label.grid(column=0, row=1, pady=5) priority_new_box.grid(column=1, row=1, pady=5) cancel_button = ttk.Button(self.new_task_frame, text="cancel", command=self.cancel_event) create_button = ttk.Button(self.new_task_frame, text="create", command=self.new_task_event) title_label.pack(pady=15, fill=X) container_frame.pack(fill=X, expand=True) tags_frame.pack(padx=30, pady=10, fill=X) label_frame.pack(pady=5, padx=30) create_button.pack(side=RIGHT, pady=10) cancel_button.pack(side=RIGHT, pady=10, padx=40) def drow_task_frame(self): self.task_frame = ttk.Frame(self.main_frame) self.title_string = StringVar() self.title_string.set("Empty") title_label = Entry(self.task_frame, textvariable=self.title_string, font="Keraleeyam-Regular 16 bold", bd=0, state="readonly", justify=CENTER) self.id_string = StringVar() self.id_string.set("id") id_label = Entry(self.task_frame, textvariable=self.id_string, font="FreeMono 10", bd=0, state="readonly", justify=CENTER) ldabel_text_frame = Frame(self.task_frame) self.label_created = Label(ldabel_text_frame, text="created: {}", font="LiberationMono-Bold 10") self.label_due = Label(ldabel_text_frame, text="due date: {}", font="LiberationMono-Bold 10") self.label_state = Label(ldabel_text_frame, text="state: {}", font="LiberationMono-Bold 10") self.label_priority = Label(ldabel_text_frame, text="priority: {}", font="LiberationMono-Bold 10") self.label_time = Label(ldabel_text_frame, text="time to spend next: {}", font="LiberationMono-Bold 10") self.label_created.grid(column=0, row=0, padx=20) self.label_due.grid(column=1, row=0, padx=20) self.label_state.grid(column=2, row=0, padx=20) self.label_priority.grid(column=3, row=0, padx=20) self.label_time.grid(column=4, row=0, padx=20) tags_frame = ttk.Frame(self.task_frame) tags_label = Label(tags_frame, text="tags: ", font="LiberationMono-Bold 10") self.tags_task_string = StringVar() self.tags_task_string.set("") self.tags_task_entry = Entry(tags_frame, textvariable=self.tags_task_string, font="Keraleeyam-Regular 10") self.tags_task_entry.bind("<Return>", self.add_task_tag) self.tags_frame = ttk.Frame(tags_frame) self.tags_frame.bind("<Leave>", self.save_tags) tags_label.grid(column=0, row=0) self.tags_task_entry.grid(column=1, row=0) self.tags_frame.grid(column=2, row=0) main_task_frame = ttk.Frame(self.task_frame) tabs = ttk.Notebook(main_task_frame) def myfunction(event): canvas.configure(scrollregion=canvas.bbox("all")) def onCanvasConfigure(event): canvas.itemconfigure(canvas_item, width=canvas.winfo_width() - 20) activity_frame = ttk.Frame(tabs) canvas = Canvas(activity_frame, width=20, height=20) self.activity_frame_main = Frame(canvas) scroll1 = Scrollbar(activity_frame, orient=VERTICAL, command=canvas.yview) canvas.config(yscrollcommand=scroll1.set) canvas_item = canvas.create_window((0, 0), window=self.activity_frame_main, anchor='w') self.activity_frame_main.bind("<Configure>", myfunction) canvas.bind('<Configure>', onCanvasConfigure) canvas.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=True) scroll1.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) def myfunction2(event): canvas_rel.configure(scrollregion=canvas_rel.bbox("all")) def onCanvasConfigure2(event): canvas_rel.itemconfigure(canvas_rel_item, width=canvas_rel.winfo_width() - 20) relation_frame = Frame(tabs) canvas_rel = Canvas(relation_frame, width=20, height=20) self.relation_frame = Frame(canvas_rel) scroll2 = Scrollbar(relation_frame, orient=VERTICAL, command=canvas.yview) canvas_rel.config(yscrollcommand=scroll2.set) canvas_rel_item = canvas_rel.create_window((0, 0), window=self.relation_frame, anchor='w') self.relation_frame.bind("<Configure>", myfunction2) canvas_rel.bind('<Configure>', onCanvasConfigure2) canvas_rel.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=True) scroll2.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) description_text_frame = Frame(tabs) description_text_frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) description_text_frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.description_text = Text(description_text_frame, font="FreeMono 10", wrap=WORD) self.description_text.insert('1.0', "description") self.description_text.bind('<Leave>', self.save_event) self.description_text.bind('<KeyPress>', self.save_new_desc) self.description_text.bind('<Control-z>', self.discard_text_changes) scroll = Scrollbar(description_text_frame, orient=VERTICAL, command=self.description_text.yview) self.description_text.config(yscrollcommand=scroll.set) self.description_text.grid(column=0, row=0, stick="news") scroll.grid(column=1, row=0, stick="news") tabs.add(description_text_frame, text="description") tabs.add(activity_frame, text="activities") tabs.add(relation_frame, text="related tasks") tabs.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True) self.complete_task_frame = ttk.Frame(self.task_frame) self.complete_task_frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.complete_task_frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.label_completed = Label(self.complete_task_frame, text="completed at: 0000-00-00", font="LiberationMono-Bold 10") self.description_completed_text = Text(self.complete_task_frame, font="FreeMono 10", height=10, wrap=WORD) self.description_completed_text.insert("1.0", "completed") self.description_completed_text.config(state=DISABLED) self.label_completed.pack() self.description_completed_text.pack(fill=X) self.button_frame = Frame(self.task_frame) rel_button_frame = Frame(self.button_frame) self.rel_button = ttk.Button(rel_button_frame, text="Relate task", command=self.add_relationship) rel_label = Label(rel_button_frame, text="id: ", font="LiberationMono-Bold 10") self.rel_id_string = StringVar() rel_entry = Entry(rel_button_frame, width=36, textvariable=self.rel_id_string, font="Keraleeyam-Regular 10") self.rel_type_string = StringVar() combo = ttk.Combobox(rel_button_frame, width=7, textvariable=self.rel_type_string, values=("CHILD", "PARENT")) rel_label.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5) rel_entry.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5) combo.pack(side=LEFT, padx=10) self.rel_button.pack(side=LEFT, padx=10) rel_button_frame.pack(side=LEFT) self.reschedule_button = ttk.Button(self.button_frame, text="Reschedule", command=self.reschedule_event) self.complete_button = ttk.Button(self.button_frame, text="Complete", command=self.complete_event) self.reschedule_button.pack(side=RIGHT, padx=10) self.complete_button.pack(side=RIGHT, padx=10) title_label.pack(fill=X, pady=5, padx=10) id_label.pack(fill=X, pady=5, padx=10) ldabel_text_frame.pack(pady=5, padx=10) tags_frame.pack(fill=X, pady=5, padx=100) main_task_frame.pack(padx=100, pady=5, expand=True, fill=BOTH) def drow_list(self): self.tabs = ttk.Notebook(self.list_frame) self.tabs.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True) self.list_day = Listbox(self.tabs, selectmode=SINGLE, exportselection=False) self.list_day.bind("<<ListboxSelect>>", self.update_main_frame_day) self.list_all = Listbox(self.tabs, selectmode=SINGLE, exportselection=False) self.list_all.bind("<<ListboxSelect>>", self.update_main_frame_day) self.list_old = Listbox(self.tabs, selectmode=SINGLE, exportselection=False) self.list_old.bind("<<ListboxSelect>>", self.update_main_frame_day) self.tabs.add(self.list_day, text="Today") self.tabs.add(self.list_all, text="WIP") self.tabs.add(self.list_old, text="History") def add_relationship(self): task = self.tcont.search_task([self.rel_id_string.get()])[0] task = None if == else task if task and self.rel_type_string.get() == "CHILD": self.current_task.childs.append(task) task.parents.append(self.current_task) self.update_task_frame() elif task and self.rel_type_string.get() == "PARENT": self.current_task.parents.append(task) task.childs.append(self.current_task) self.update_task_frame() def discard_text_changes(self, event=None): self.description_text.delete("1.0", END) self.new_description = self.current_task.description self.description_text.insert("1.0", self.new_description) def add_new_tag(self, event): if len(self.tags_container.winfo_children()) <= 5: TagLabel(self.tags_container, text=self.tags_new_task_string.get(), bg="yellow", clickdestroy=True).pack(padx=5, side=LEFT) self.tags_new_task_string.set("") def add_task_tag(self, event): if len(self.tags_frame.winfo_children()) <= 5: TagLabel(self.tags_frame, text=self.tags_task_string.get(), bg="yellow", clickdestroy=True).pack(padx=5, side=LEFT) self.tags_task_string.set("") self.save_tags() def save_event(self, event=None): self.new_description = self.description_text.get("1.0", END)[:-1] self.current_task.description = self.new_description def quit_event(self, event=None): if self.current_task: self.save_event() self.destroy() def save_tags(self, event=None): tags = [] for w in self.tags_frame.winfo_children(): tags.append(w.get_text()) self.current_task.tags = tags def save_new_desc(self, event): self.new_description = self.description_text.get("1.0", END)[:-1] def update_label_reschedule_time(self, event=None): self.hour_label.config(text="{}h {}m".format( int(int(self.hour_string.get()) / 6), int(int(self.hour_string.get()) % 6 * 10))) def update_label_reschedule_eff_time(self, event=None): self.hour_eff_label.config(text="{}h {}m".format( int(int(self.hour_effective_string.get()) / 6), int(int(self.hour_effective_string.get()) % 6 * 10))) def update_label_new_time(self, event=None): self.hour_new_label.config(text="{}h {}m".format( int(int(self.hour_new_string.get()) / 6), int(int(self.hour_new_string.get()) % 6 * 10))) def fetch_activities(self): for w in self.activity_frame_main.winfo_children(): w.destroy() hcount = 0 for activity in self.current_task.activities: hcount += activity.hour if int(hcount / 6) > 24: ttk.Label( self.activity_frame_main, text="total time spent: {}d {}h {}m".format( int(hcount / (6 * 24)), int((hcount - int(hcount / (6 * 24)) * (6 * 24)) / 6), int((hcount - int(hcount / (6 * 24)) * (6 * 24)) % 6 * 10)), font="LiberationMono-Bold 10", padding="0 10 0 0").pack(fill=X, padx=10) else: ttk.Label(self.activity_frame_main, text="total time spent: {}h {}m".format( int(hcount / 6), int(hcount % 6 * 10)), font="LiberationMono-Bold 10", padding="0 10 0 0").pack(fill=X, padx=10) for activity in self.current_task.activities: ttk.Label(self.activity_frame_main, text="date: {}\t\t\ttime spent: {}h {}m".format(, int(activity.hour / 6), int(activity.hour % 6 * 10)), font="LiberationMono-Bold 10", padding="0 25 0 10").pack(fill=X, padx=10) DText(self.activity_frame_main, activity.description, font="FreeMono 10", wrap=WORD).pack(fill=X, padx=10, expand=True) def fetch_rels(self): for w in self.relation_frame.winfo_children(): w.destroy() def bind_dclick(task): wlist = self.tabs.winfo_children() for w in wlist: w.selection_clear(0, END) self.update_task_frame(task=task) for task in self.current_task.childs: rel_frame(self.relation_frame, task, "CHILD ", bind_dclick).pack(fill=X, padx=5) for task in self.current_task.parents: rel_frame(self.relation_frame, task, "PARENT", bind_dclick).pack(fill=X, padx=5) def fetch_list_event(self, event=None): self.fetch_old() self.fetch_list() def fetch_old(self): self.list_old.delete(0, END) if self.filter_text_string.get() == "": self.task_list_old = self.tcont.old_list else: self.task_list_old = filtask.map_filter[ self.filter_mod_string.get()](self.tcont.old_list, self.filter_text_string.get()) count = 0 for item in self.task_list_old: self.list_old.insert(count, count += 1 def fetch_list(self): self.list_all.delete(0, END) self.list_day.delete(0, END) if self.filter_text_string.get() == "": self.task_list_day = self.tcont.day_tasks_list self.task_list_wip = self.tcont.task_list else: self.task_list_day = filtask.map_filter[ self.filter_mod_string.get()](self.tcont.day_tasks_list, self.filter_text_string.get()) self.task_list_wip = filtask.map_filter[ self.filter_mod_string.get()](self.tcont.task_list, self.filter_text_string.get()) count = 0 for item in self.task_list_day: self.list_day.insert(count, count += 1 count = 0 for item in self.task_list_wip: self.list_all.insert(count, count += 1 widget = self.tabs.winfo_children()[self.tabs.index(] widget.selection_set(0) def update_main_frame_day(self, event): widget = event.widget wlist = self.tabs.winfo_children() wlist.pop(self.tabs.index( for w in wlist: w.selection_clear(0, END) if len(widget.curselection()) > 0: self.update_task_frame() for w in self.main_frame.winfo_children(): w.pack_forget() self.task_frame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True) def update_task_frame(self, task=None): widget = self.tabs.winfo_children()[self.tabs.index(] if len(widget.curselection()) > 0 or task: if task: self.current_task = task else: if self.tabs.index( == 0: self.current_task = self.task_list_day[ widget.curselection()[0]] elif self.tabs.index( == 1: self.current_task = self.task_list_wip[ widget.curselection()[0]] else: self.current_task = self.task_list_old[ widget.curselection()[0]] self.title_string.set( self.id_string.set( self.description_text.config(state=NORMAL) self.description_text.delete(1.0, END) self.new_description = self.current_task.description self.description_text.insert('1.0', self.new_description) for w in self.tags_frame.winfo_children(): w.destroy() if self.current_task.get_status() == "COMPLETED": self.description_text.config(state=DISABLED) self.button_frame.pack_forget() self.description_completed_text.config(state=NORMAL) self.description_completed_text.delete("1.0", END) self.description_completed_text.insert( "1.0", self.current_task.completed_comment) self.description_completed_text.config(state=DISABLED) self.label_completed.config(text="completed at: {}".format( self.current_task.completed_date.isoformat())) self.complete_task_frame.pack(fill=X, padx=100, pady=50) self.tags_task_entry.grid_forget() for tag in self.current_task.tags: TagLabel(self.tags_frame, text=tag, bg="yellow").pack(padx=5, side=LEFT) else: self.description_text.config(state=NORMAL) self.complete_task_frame.pack_forget() self.button_frame.pack(pady=35, padx=60, fill=X) self.tags_task_entry.grid(column=1, row=0) for tag in self.current_task.tags: TagLabel(self.tags_frame, text=tag, bg="yellow", clickdestroy=True).pack(padx=5, side=LEFT) if self.current_task.get_status() == "WAITING": self.complete_button.config(state=DISABLED) else: self.complete_button.config(state=NORMAL) self.rel_type_string.set("") self.rel_id_string.set("") self.fetch_activities() self.fetch_rels() if self.current_task.get_status( ) == "NEXT" or self.current_task.get_status() == "PENDING": self.label_state.config(text="state: {} \u2192 {}".format( self.current_task.get_status(), str(self.current_task.schedule.start_date))) else: self.label_state.config( text="state: {}".format(self.current_task.get_status())) self.label_created.config(text="created: {}".format( str(self.current_task.creation_date))) self.label_due.config(text="due date: {}".format( self.current_task.due_date.isoformat())) self.label_priority.config( text="priotity: {}".format(int(self.current_task.priority))) self.label_time.config(text="time to spend next: {}h {}m".format( int(self.current_task.schedule.hour / 6), int(self.current_task.schedule.hour % 6 * 10))) def complete_event(self): self.task_frame.pack_forget() self.title_complete_string.set("Completing task: {}".format( self.complete_text.delete(1.0, END) self.complete_frame.pack(fill=X, padx=70) def complete_task_event(self): self.current_task.description = self.description_text.get("1.0", END)[:-1] self.current_task.complete(self.complete_text.get("1.0", END)) self.complete_frame.pack_forget() self.update_task_frame() self.tcont.refresh_day_tasks() self.fetch_list() self.task_frame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True) def cancel_event(self): childs = self.main_frame.winfo_children() for child in childs: child.pack_forget() self.task_frame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True) def new_event(self): self.name_new_task_string.set("") self.description_new_text.delete("1.0", END) self.calendar_due.selection_set( self.calendar_start.selection_set( self.stick_new.set(0) self.priority_new_string.set(1) self.hour_new_string.set(1) self.tags_new_task_string.set("") self.hour_new_label.config(text="{}h {}m".format( int(int(self.hour_new_string.get()) / 6), int(int(self.hour_new_string.get()) % 6 * 10))) for w in self.tags_container.winfo_children(): w.destroy() for w in self.main_frame.winfo_children(): w.pack_forget() self.new_task_frame.pack(fill=X, padx=70) def new_task_event(self): istoday = False if )) == and self.calendar_due.get_date()) == istoday = True tags = [] for w in self.tags_container.winfo_children(): tags.append(w.get_text()) task = Task(name=self.name_new_task_string.get(), description=self.description_new_text.get("1.0", END), start_date=self.calendar_start.get_date(), due_date=self.calendar_due.get_date(), hour=int(self.hour_new_string.get()), priority=int(self.priority_new_string.get()), is_today=istoday, tags=tags, is_sticked=bool(self.stick_new.get())) self.tcont.add_task(task) self.fetch_list() self.new_task_frame.pack_forget() wlist = self.tabs.winfo_children() for w in wlist: w.selection_clear(0, END) self.update_task_frame(task=self.tcont.task_list[-1]) self.task_frame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True) def reschedule_event(self): self.title_reschedule_string.set("Reschedule task: {}".format( tomorrow = + datetime.timedelta(days=1) self.calendar.selection_set(tomorrow) self.hour_string.set(1) self.hour_effective_string.set(1) self.hour_label.config(text="0h 10m") self.hour_eff_label.config(text="0h 10m") self.reschedule_text.delete("1.0", END) self.stick.set(0) self.task_frame.pack_forget() self.reschedule_frame.pack(fill=X, padx=70) def reschedule_task_event(self): self.current_task.reschedule(Activity( self.reschedule_text.get("1.0", END)[:-1], int(self.hour_effective_string.get())), int(self.hour_string.get()), start_date=self.calendar.get_date(), is_sticked=bool(self.stick.get())) self.reschedule_frame.pack_forget() self.update_task_frame() self.task_frame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True) self.tcont.refresh_day_tasks() self.fetch_list()
class GUI(tk.Tk): PRIMARY_COLOR = "#fff" SECONDARY_COLOR = "#BDBDBD" BUTTON_COLOR = "#FF5733" NOW = DAY= MONTH = NOW.month YEAR = NOW.year # PREDICTOR = predictor() def __init__(self): self.ignore_warning = False self.model = os.path.join(current_dir,"model/m.h5") self.graph_process = None self.predictor_process = None tk.Tk.__init__(self) self.resizable(False,False) self.title("Load Predictor") num_biomass = 3 num_biogas = 2 num_solar = 2 biomass_pv = 12.35 biogas_pv = 14 # Try to load previous configuration try: config_path = os.path.join(current_dir,"config.pickle") with open(config_path,"rb") as r: config = pickle.load(r) num_biomass = config["num_biomass"] num_biogas = config["num_biogas"] num_solar = config["num_solar"] biomass_pv = config["biomass_pv"] biogas_pv = config["biogas_pv"] except Exception as err: print(err) self.options = { "num_biomass":tk.IntVar(self,value=num_biomass), "num_biogas":tk.IntVar(self,value=num_biogas), "num_solar":tk.IntVar(self,value=num_solar), "biomass_pv":tk.DoubleVar(self,value=biomass_pv), "biogas_pv":tk.DoubleVar(self,value=biogas_pv), "use_gpu":tk.IntVar(self,value=0), "scatter":tk.IntVar(self,value=0), "fill":tk.IntVar(self,value=1) } self.mainframe = tk.Frame(self,bg=GUI.PRIMARY_COLOR) self.mainframe.config(width=300,height=250) self.mainframe.pack() self.add_option() # plot option frame self.add_calendar() # add calendar self.add_generator_option() # add generator option frame self.add_control_button() # add start prediction button def on_close(): try: subprocess.Popen.kill(self.graph_process) except: pass try: self.stop_prediction() except: pass self.destroy() self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", on_close) self.mainloop() def power_error_callback(self,title,message): # handle power failure event if not self.ignore_warning: """ Yes -> True No -> False Cancel -> None """ value = messagebox.askokcancel(title,message) if value == True: self.pred.should_terminate = True # force to terminate try: subprocess.Popen.kill(self.graph_process) except: pass def add_option(self): self.option_frame = tk.Frame(self.mainframe,bg=GUI.PRIMARY_COLOR) self.option_frame.grid(row=2,column =0,sticky="nwe") tk.Label(self.option_frame,text=" TF Option",bg=GUI.PRIMARY_COLOR).pack(anchor="nw") tk.Checkbutton(self.option_frame, text="Use GPU", variable=self.options["use_gpu"], bg=GUI.PRIMARY_COLOR).pack(anchor="nw") tk.Label(self.option_frame,text=" Plot Option",bg=GUI.PRIMARY_COLOR).pack(anchor="nw") tk.Checkbutton(self.option_frame, text="Scatter Plot", variable=self.options["scatter"], # command=lambda : toggle("scatter") , bg=GUI.PRIMARY_COLOR).pack(anchor="nw") tk.Checkbutton(self.option_frame, text="Fill Plot", variable=self.options["fill"], # command=lambda : toggle("scatter") , bg=GUI.PRIMARY_COLOR).pack(anchor="nw") tk.Label(self.option_frame,text=" Predict Interval (ms)",bg=GUI.PRIMARY_COLOR).pack(anchor="w") self.interval_scaler = tk.Scale(self.option_frame, from_=0, to=2500, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL,bg=GUI.PRIMARY_COLOR) self.interval_scaler.pack() self.interval_scaler.set(250) # set default value def add_calendar(self): tk.Label(self.mainframe,text="Select Prediction Date",bg=GUI.PRIMARY_COLOR).grid(row=1,column=1,columnspan=2,sticky="W") self.calendar_frame = tk.Frame(self.mainframe,bg=GUI.SECONDARY_COLOR) self.calendar_frame.grid(row=2,column=1) self.calendar = Calendar(self.calendar_frame, font="Arial 10", selectmode='day', date_pattern="y-mm-dd", year=GUI.YEAR, month=GUI.MONTH, day=GUI.DAY) self.calendar.pack(fill="both", expand=True) def add_generator_option(self): self.gen_option_frame = tk.Frame(self.mainframe,bg=GUI.PRIMARY_COLOR) self.gen_option_frame.grid(row=3,column=1) # ADD SCALERS COLUMN 0 tk.Label(self.gen_option_frame,text="Biomass Generator",bg=GUI.PRIMARY_COLOR).grid(row=1,column=0) tk.Scale(self.gen_option_frame, from_=0, to=15, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL,variable=self.options["num_biomass"],bg=GUI.PRIMARY_COLOR).grid(row=2,column=0) tk.Label(self.gen_option_frame,text="Biogas Generator",bg=GUI.PRIMARY_COLOR).grid(row=3,column=0) tk.Scale(self.gen_option_frame, from_=0, to=15, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL,variable=self.options["num_biogas"],bg=GUI.PRIMARY_COLOR).grid(row=4,column=0) tk.Label(self.gen_option_frame,text="Solar Cell Generator",bg=GUI.PRIMARY_COLOR).grid(row=5,column=0) tk.Scale(self.gen_option_frame, from_=0, to=15, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL,variable=self.options["num_solar"],bg=GUI.PRIMARY_COLOR).grid(row=6,column=0) # ADD SCALERS COLUMN 1 tk.Label(self.gen_option_frame,text="Biomass Gen. Power (kWH)",bg=GUI.PRIMARY_COLOR).grid(row=1,column=1) tk.Scale(self.gen_option_frame, from_=0, to=100,digits=4,resolution = 0.01, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL,variable=self.options["biomass_pv"],bg=GUI.PRIMARY_COLOR).grid(row=2,column=1) tk.Label(self.gen_option_frame,text="Biogas Gen. Power (kWH)",bg=GUI.PRIMARY_COLOR).grid(row=3,column=1) tk.Scale(self.gen_option_frame, from_=0, to=100,digits=4,resolution = 0.01, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL,variable=self.options["biogas_pv"],bg=GUI.PRIMARY_COLOR).grid(row=4,column=1) def stop_prediction(self): try: self.pred.should_terminate = True except: pass try: subprocess.Popen.kill(self.graph_process) except: pass def save_config(self): config = { "num_biomass": self.options["num_biomass"].get(), "num_biogas":self.options["num_biogas"].get(), "num_solar":self.options["num_solar"].get(), "biomass_pv":self.options["biomass_pv"].get(), "biogas_pv":self.options["biogas_pv"].get() } with open('config.pickle', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(config, f) messagebox.showinfo("Save","Save Configuration Succeeded!") def add_control_button(self): self.control_button_frame = tk.Frame(self.mainframe,bg=GUI.PRIMARY_COLOR) self.control_button_frame.grid(row=2,column=2,sticky="NS") self.start_button = tk.Button(self.control_button_frame,text="Start Predicting") self.start_button.config(command=self.predict) self.start_button.grid(row=0,column=0,sticky='nesw') self.stop_button = tk.Button(self.control_button_frame,text="Stop Predicting") self.stop_button.config(command=self.stop_prediction) self.stop_button.grid(row=1,column=0,sticky='nesw') self.save_config_button = tk.Button(self.control_button_frame,text="Save\nConfiguration") self.save_config_button.config(command=self.save_config) self.save_config_button.grid(row=2,column=0,sticky='nesw') self.control_button_frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1, uniform="group1") # self.control_button_frame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1, uniform="group1") self.control_button_frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.control_button_frame.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=1) self.control_button_frame.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight=1) def predict(self): self.ignore_warning = False try: self.pred.should_terminate = True print("Successfully terminated predicting thread !") except Exception as err: print(err) # KILL EXISTING PROCESS try: subprocess.Popen.kill(self.graph_process) except Exception as err: print(err) date = (self.calendar.get_date()) date = datetime.strptime(date,"%Y-%m-%d") import threading as th import multiprocessing as mp daydelta = 0 fill_plot=bool(self.options["fill"].get()) # fill plot scatter_plot = bool(self.options["scatter"].get()) # use scatter plot print("plot options",fill_plot,scatter_plot) use_gpu = bool(self.options["use_gpu"].get()) # use gpu for tensorflow num_biomass = self.options["num_biomass"].get() num_biogas = self.options["num_biogas"].get() num_solar = self.options["num_solar"].get() biomass_pv = self.options["biomass_pv"].get() biogas_pv = self.options["biogas_pv"].get() period = 15 self.pred = predictor(dt=date,model_path=self.model,use_gpu=use_gpu,message_callback=self.power_error_callback) # creat new instance of predictor self.pred.iteration_delay = self.interval_scaler.get()/1000 # self.predictor loop delay self.pred.BIOMASS_PV = biomass_pv self.pred.BIOGAS_PV = biogas_pv self.pred.num_biomass = num_biomass self.pred.num_biogas = num_biogas self.pred.num_solar = num_solar pred_thread = th.Thread( pred_thread.start() self.graph_process = subprocess.Popen([ "python", "", "--date",str(, "--scatter-plot", str(scatter_plot), "--fill-plot", str(fill_plot) ])
class Application(tk.Frame): def __init__(self, master=None, config=None): super().__init__(master) self.master = master self.config = config self.grid() self.create_widgets() def create_widgets(self): ## Add Calender self.l1 = tk.Label(self, text="Start") self.l1.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nw') self.calBegin = Calendar(self, selectmode='day',, month=self.config.startTime.month, year=self.config.startTime.year) self.calBegin.grid(row=1, column=1) temp = tk.DoubleVar(value=self.config.startTime.hour) self.hourBegin = tk.Spinbox(self, from_=0, to=23, increment=1, width=2, textvariable=temp) self.hourBegin.grid(row=1, column=2) temp = tk.DoubleVar(value=(int(self.config.startTime.minute / 15) * 15)) self.minuteBegin = tk.Spinbox(self, from_=0, to=45, increment=15, width=2, textvariable=temp) self.minuteBegin.grid(row=1, column=3) self.l2 = tk.Label(self, text="Ende") self.l2.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='nw') self.calEnd = Calendar(self, selectmode='day',, month=self.config.endTime.month, year=self.config.endTime.year) self.calEnd.grid(row=3, column=1) temp = tk.DoubleVar(value=7) self.hourEnd = tk.Spinbox(self, from_=0, to=23, increment=1, width=2, textvariable=temp) self.hourEnd.grid(row=3, column=2) temp = tk.DoubleVar(value=30) self.minuteEnd = tk.Spinbox(self, from_=0, to=45, increment=15, width=2, textvariable=temp) self.minuteEnd.grid(row=3, column=3) self.l3 = tk.Label(self, text="StartSoC /%") self.l3.grid(row=4, column=0, sticky='nw') temp = tk.DoubleVar(value=config.startSoC) self.startSoC = tk.Spinbox(self, from_=0, to=100, increment=1, width=3, textvariable=temp) self.startSoC.grid(row=4, column=1) self.l4 = tk.Label(self, text="EndSoC /%") self.l4.grid(row=5, column=0, sticky='nw') temp = tk.DoubleVar(value=config.endSoC) self.endSoC = tk.Spinbox(self, from_=0, to=100, increment=1, width=3, textvariable=temp) self.endSoC.grid(row=5, column=1) self.l5 = tk.Label(self, text="Charging power /kW") self.l5.grid(row=6, column=0, sticky='nw') temp = tk.DoubleVar(value=config.chargePower) self.chargePower = tk.Spinbox(self, from_=1, to=22, increment=1, width=3, textvariable=temp) self.chargePower.grid(row=6, column=1) self.l6 = tk.Label(self, text="capacity /kWh") self.l6.grid(row=7, column=0, sticky='nw') temp = tk.DoubleVar(value=config.capacity) self.capacity = tk.Spinbox(self, from_=1, to=130, increment=1, width=3, textvariable=temp) self.capacity.grid(row=7, column=1) self.l7 = tk.Label(self, text="solar peak power /kW") self.l7.grid(row=8, column=0, sticky='nw') temp = tk.DoubleVar(value=config.solarPeakPower) self.solarPeakPower = tk.Spinbox(self, from_=0, to=30, increment=0.5, width=3, textvariable=temp) self.solarPeakPower.grid(row=8, column=1) self.l8 = tk.Label(self, text="solar cost ct/kWh") self.l8.grid(row=9, column=0, sticky='nw') temp = tk.DoubleVar(value=config.solarCost * 100) self.solarCost = tk.Spinbox(self, from_=1, to=30, increment=0.5, width=3, textvariable=temp) self.solarCost.grid(row=9, column=1) self.quit = tk.Button(self, text="apply", command=self.quit_action) self.quit.grid(row=10) def quit_action(self): self.config.startTime = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat( isostring_from_calendar_hour_minute(self.calBegin.get_date(), self.hourBegin.get(), self.minuteBegin.get())) self.config.endTime = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat( isostring_from_calendar_hour_minute(self.calEnd.get_date(), self.hourEnd.get(), self.minuteEnd.get())) self.config.chargePower = float(self.chargePower.get()) self.config.startSoC = float(self.startSoC.get()) self.config.endSoC = float(self.endSoC.get()) self.config.capacity = float(self.capacity.get()) self.config.solarCost = float(self.solarCost.get()) / 100 self.config.solarPeakPower = float(self.solarPeakPower.get()) calc = Calc(config) results = calc.charge() msg.showinfo(title="Congratulations", message="You haved saved " + str(results.savings) + " €\nYour pv contributed " + str(results.solarQuote * 100) + " percent of your charge") fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.75) ax1.set_xlabel('hours') ax1.set_ylabel('price €/kWh') ax1.plot(results.hours, results.prices) ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax2.set_ylabel('power in kW', color='red') ax2.plot(results.hours, results.solarPower, color='orange') ax2.plot(results.hours, results.charging, color='red') ax3 = ax1.twinx() ax3.spines.right.set_position(("axes", 1.2)) ax3.set_ylabel('SoC in percent', color='green') ax3.plot(results.hours, results.SoC, color='green') fig.tight_layout() plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate() plt.get_current_fig_manager().canvas.set_window_title("Results") plt.title("Market prices over your selected time frame") plt.close()
class StockEntry: def __init__(self, master): self.master = master self.master.geometry('1480x750+100+50') self.master.title('Activity Entry') self.master.configure(background='#A1CDEC') self.CreateWidgets() def CreateWidgets(self): Frame1 = tk.Frame(self.master, bg='#A1CDEC') #this is the fram for the application Frame1.grid() #this is the label for the title of the application self.mainLabel = tk.Label(Frame1, text="STOCK ACTIVITY ENTRY", bd=2, relief="solid", font=("Lucida Grande", 30, "bold"), fg="black", bg="#990000") self.mainLabel.grid(row=0, column=2) #entry variables = tk.StringVar() self.symbol = tk.StringVar() self.transaction = tk.StringVar() self.quantity = tk.StringVar() self.price = tk.DoubleVar() #these are stock activity entry labels #stock calendar and entry self.calendar = Calendar(Frame1, selectmode='day', date_pattern='yyyy-mm-dd') self.calendar.grid(row=1, column=0) self.dateEntry = tk.Label(Frame1, text='') self.dateEntry.grid(row=2, column=0) self.dateEntry.config(width=22, relief=tk.RIDGE) #stock symbol label self.symLabel = tk.Label(Frame1, text="Stock Symbol", font=("Gothic Bold", 18, 'bold'), fg="#333333") self.symLabel.grid(row=1, column=1) self.symEntry = tk.Entry(Frame1, textvariable=self.symbol) self.symEntry.grid(row=2, column=1) self.symEntry.config(width=25, relief=tk.RIDGE) #transaction type label self.transLabel = tk.Label(Frame1, text="Transaction (BUY/SELL)", font=("Gothic Bold", 18, 'bold'), fg="#333333") self.transLabel.grid(row=1, column=2) self.transEntry = tk.Entry(Frame1, textvariable=self.transaction) self.transEntry.grid(row=2, column=2) self.transEntry.config(width=25, relief=tk.RIDGE) #stock quantity label self.quantLabel = tk.Label(Frame1, text="Quantity", font=("Gothic Bold", 18, 'bold'), fg="#333333") self.quantLabel.grid(row=1, column=4) self.quantEntry = tk.Entry(Frame1, textvariable=self.quantity) self.quantEntry.grid(row=2, column=4) self.quantEntry.config(width=25, relief=tk.RIDGE) #transacted stock price label self.priceLabel = tk.Label(Frame1, text="Price", font=("Gothic Bold", 18, 'bold'), fg="#333333") self.priceLabel.grid(row=1, column=9) self.priceEntry = tk.Entry(Frame1, textvariable=self.price) self.priceEntry.grid(row=2, column=9) self.priceEntry.config(width=25, relief=tk.RIDGE) #Date selection def SelectDate(): = self.calendar.get_date() self.dateEntry.config( #this adds user entry to the database def Record(): Item1 = self.symbol.get() Item2 = self.transaction.get() Item3 = self.quantity.get() #Item4 = isinstance(self.price.get(),float) if (Item1.isalpha() and Item2.isalpha() and Item3.isdigit() and isinstance(self.price.get(), float)): tkinter.messagebox.showinfo( "Correct Date Entires", "Saved Successfully in Stocks Database") #self.valid_message.config(text="Saved Successfully in Stocks Database") #Creates a database or connects to one conn = sqlite3.connect('stocks.db') #Create cursor c = conn.cursor() #Insert to stocks table c.execute( "INSERT INTO stocks VALUES (:date, :symbol, :transaction, :quantity, :price)", { 'date': self.calendar.get_date(), 'symbol': self.symbol.get(), 'transaction': self.transaction.get(), 'quantity': self.quantity.get(), 'price': round(self.price.get(), 2) }) #Commit changes conn.commit() #Clse connection conn.close() return True else: tkinter.messagebox.showwarning("Wrong Data", "Invalid data input") self.symbol.set('') self.transaction.set('') self.quantity.set(0) self.price.set(0.0) return False #Create searches function that searches the database and displays on the screen def Search(): #Creates a database or connects to one conn = sqlite3.connect('stocks.db') #Create cursor c = conn.cursor() #stocks table cloumns colns = (self.calendar.get_date(), self.symbol.get(), self.transaction.get(), self.quantity.get(), round(self.price.get(), 2)) #Query the database c.execute( "SELECT * FROM stocks WHERE date=? AND symbol=? AND trans=? AND quantity=? AND price=?", colns) records = c.fetchall() if not records: tkinter.messagebox.showwarning( "Wrong Search", "Search returned nothing on search") else: #Loop through results print_records = '' for record in records: print_records += str(record[0]) + " " + str( record[1]) + " " + str(record[2]) + " " + str( record[3]) + " " + "$" + str(record[4]) + "\n" #this displays the result from the search button clicked self.queryLabel = tk.Label(Frame1, text=print_records, font=("Lucida Grande", 17, 'bold'), fg="#333333") self.queryLabel.grid(row=11, column=0, columnspan=14) #Close Connection conn.close() #Resets the user input entry def Reset(): self.symbol.set('') self.transaction.set('') self.quantity.set(0) self.price.set(0.0) #this creates an exported txt file of stock activities def ExportTxt(): #Creates a database or connects to one conn = sqlite3.connect('stocks.db') #Create cursor c = conn.cursor() c.execute( "SELECT DISTINCT date, symbol, trans, quantity, price FROM stocks WHERE quantity > 0 ORDER BY date DESC" ) exp_txt = c.fetchall() self.text_file = open('stock_activity.txt', 'w') #Loop through records txt_line = '' for line in exp_txt: txt_line += "User Activity: " + " " + str( line[0]) + " " + str(line[1]) + " " + str( line[2]) + " " + str(line[3]) + " " + "$" + str( line[4]) + "\n" self.text_file.write(txt_line) self.text_file.close() #Close Connection conn.close() #Kills the application def iExit(): iExit = tkinter.messagebox.askyesno("Validate Entry Widget", "Confirm if you want to exit") if iExit > 0: self.master.destroy() return #these are for the entry buttons #date button self.dateButton = tk.Button(Frame1, text="Select Date", font=("Gothic Bold", 15), bd=5, relief=tk.RAISED, padx=12, pady=12, command=SelectDate) self.dateButton.grid(row=5, column=0) #record button self.recordButton = tk.Button(Frame1, text="Record", font=("Gothic", 15), bd=5, relief=tk.RAISED, padx=12, pady=12, command=Record) self.recordButton.grid(row=7, column=1) #reset button self.resetButton = tk.Button(Frame1, text="Clear", font=("Gothic", 15), bd=5, relief=tk.RAISED, padx=12, pady=12, command=Reset) self.resetButton.grid(row=7, column=2) #search button self.searchButton = tk.Button(Frame1, text="Search", font=("Gothic", 15), bd=5, relief=tk.RAISED, padx=12, pady=12, command=Search) self.searchButton.grid(row=7, column=3) #export button self.exportButton = tk.Button(Frame1, text="Export", font=("Gothic Bold", 15), bd=5, relief=tk.RAISED, padx=12, pady=12, command=ExportTxt) self.exportButton.grid(row=9, column=6) #exit button self.ExitButton = tk.Button(Frame1, text="Exit", font=("Gothic Bold", 15), bd=5, relief=tk.RAISED, padx=12, pady=12, command=iExit) self.ExitButton.grid(row=9, column=2)
class Window(Frame): def __init__(self, master=None): Frame.__init__(self, master) # initializing for input how many periods in a day self.period_input = Spinbox(from_=3, to=8, wrap=True) # initializing for putting the start day for the calendar. self.start_date_input = Calendar(font='Arial 10', showweeknumbers=False) self.skip_days_input = Calendar(font='Arial 10', showweeknumbers=False) self.skip_days_input.bind("<<CalendarSelected>>", self.date_add) self.skip_days = [] # variable for the start date self.start_date = datetime.datetime self.teach_names = "" self.teach_input = Entry(textvariable=self.teach_names, width=20) # to create input for the title of the spreadsheet. self.title = "" self.title_input = Entry( textvariable=self.title, width=20, ) self.title_input_label = Label(text='Name for the file.') # for day cycle amount self.day_cycle = Spinbox(from_=1, to=8, wrap=True) self.day_cycle_window = 1 self.schedule_day_full = {} self.repeating_window_cycle = 1 week_counter_default = StringVar() week_counter_default.set("44") self.week_counter = Spinbox(from_=1, to=52, wrap=True, textvariable=week_counter_default) self.week_counter_label = Label(text='Number of weeks:') self.master = master self.init_window() # Creation of window def init_window(self): # changing the title of our master widget self.master.title("Computer Lab Booking Generator") self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) # creating a button to quit the program quit_button = Button(self, text="Quit", command=self.client_exit), y=590) # To input the amount of periods in a school day., y=50, width=30) period_input_label = Label(text='Number of Periods'), y=50) # button to run the generate the spreadsheet. generate_button = Button(self, text='Generate', command=self.open_window), y=590) # placing the calendar to pick start date., y=150), y=375) start_date_label = Label( text='Please select a day to start your schedule on.'), y=125) # placing the input for teacher names and it's label., y=25) teach_input_label = Label(text='Teachers Names: '), y=25) skip_days_input_label = Label( text= ' Select days that there is no school(ie PD Days, Holidays, etc) ', justify='left'), y=350), y=1), y=1) self.title_input.insert(END, 'Lab Booking'), y=75, width=30) day_cycle_label = Label(text='Number of days in a cycle:'), y=73) # Check box. Will show the day on each date if checked. self.show_day_number_check = IntVar() show_day_number = Checkbutton(root, text="Show day number on each day", variable=self.show_day_number_check, onvalue=1, offvalue=0, height=1, width=25), y=557) # Spinbox for selecting how many weeks the program will run for, y=100, width=30), y=100) @staticmethod def client_exit(): exit() # to convert from a datetime to excels epoch time. def excel_date(self): offset = 693594 self.start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime( self.start_date_input.get_date(), '%Y-%m-%d') n = self.start_date.toordinal() return n - offset # excel epoch for skip list. def excel_date_skip_list(self): offset = 693594 self.start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime( self.skip_days_input.get_date(), '%Y-%m-%d') n = self.start_date.toordinal() return n - offset # displays the dates beside the calendar used to pick dates with no school. def display_dates(self): date_list = [] for dates in self.skip_days: date_list.append(self.regular_date(self, dates)) dates_list_label = Label(text=date_list, wraplength=225, justify='center').place(x=275, y=425) # converts from an excel epoch time to datetime. @staticmethod def regular_date(self, date): offset = 693594 new_date = date + offset final_date = datetime.datetime.strftime( datetime.datetime.fromordinal(new_date), '%b %d %Y') return final_date # makes a list of teachers names that was input into the GUI. def make_teach_list(self): self.teach_names = self.teach_input.get() teach_list = self.teach_names teach_list = [x.strip() for x in teach_list.split(',')] # adds days to a list in excel format to check against for formatting and day cycle counts. def date_add(self, date): added_date = self.excel_date_skip_list() if added_date in self.skip_days: self.skip_days.remove(added_date) self.display_dates() return if added_date not in self.skip_days: self.skip_days.append(added_date) self.display_dates() # Opens window for modifying each day individually. def open_window(self): self.repeating_window = Toplevel(root) repating_sched_label = Label( self.repeating_window, text='Repeating Schedule for Day {}'.format( self.day_cycle_window)).grid(row=1, column=1) self.p1_input = Entry(self.repeating_window) self.p2_input = Entry(self.repeating_window) self.p3_input = Entry(self.repeating_window) self.p4_input = Entry(self.repeating_window) self.p5_input = Entry(self.repeating_window) self.p6_input = Entry(self.repeating_window) self.p7_input = Entry(self.repeating_window) self.p8_input = Entry(self.repeating_window) self.repeating_window.geometry("300x200+300+300") placement_y = 2 next_day_button = Button(self.repeating_window, text='Next Day', command=self.next_day).grid(row=19, column=2) for i in range(1, int(self.period_input.get()) + 1): period_label_new_window = Label(self.repeating_window, text='Period {}'.format(i)).grid( row=placement_y, column=1) if i == 1: self.p1_input.grid(row=placement_y, column=2) self.p1_input.insert(END, "Name:") if i == 2: self.p2_input.grid(row=placement_y, column=2) self.p2_input.insert(END, "Name:") if i == 3: self.p3_input.grid(row=placement_y, column=2) self.p3_input.insert(END, "Name:") if i == 4: self.p4_input.grid(row=placement_y, column=2) self.p4_input.insert(END, "Name:") if i == 5: self.p5_input.grid(row=placement_y, column=2) self.p5_input.insert(END, "Name:") if i == 6: self.p6_input.grid(row=placement_y, column=2) self.p6_input.insert(END, "Name:") if i == 7: self.p7_input.grid(row=placement_y, column=2) self.p7_input.insert(END, "Name:") if i == 8: self.p8_input.grid(row=placement_y, column=2) self.p8_input.insert(END, "Name:") placement_y += 2 # Brings up the next day, and stores the values into a dict. def next_day(self): self.schedule_day = { 1: self.p1_input.get(), 2: self.p2_input.get(), 3: self.p3_input.get(), 4: self.p4_input.get(), 5: self.p5_input.get(), 6: self.p6_input.get(), 7: self.p7_input.get(), 8: self.p8_input.get() } for i in range(1, len(self.schedule_day) + 1): if self.schedule_day.get(i) == 'Name:' or self.schedule_day.get( i) == '': self.schedule_day.update({i: 'default'}) i += 1 self.schedule_day_full[self.repeating_window_cycle] = self.schedule_day self.repeating_window_cycle += 1 self.day_cycle_window += 1 self.repeating_window.destroy() self.open_window() if self.day_cycle_window == int(self.day_cycle.get()) + 1: self.repeating_window.destroy() self.generate() self.day_cycle_window = 1 self.schedule_day_full = {} self.repeating_window_cycle = 1 return 'None' # generates the excel spreadsheet. def generate(self): # Create a workbook and add a worksheet. workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('{}.xlsx'.format( self.title_input.get())) link_page = workbook.add_worksheet('Link Page') worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet("Week1") self.start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime( self.start_date_input.get_date(), '%Y-%m-%d') self.make_teach_list() # Start from the first cell. Rows and columns are zero indexed. first_date_link_page = 0 row = 1 col = 1 # Starts Weeks at num 1 week = 1 day = 1 # getting the excel epoch time for the start date. start_date_excel = self.excel_date() # Cell formats date_format = workbook.add_format({'num_format': 'd mmm yyy'}) center_format = workbook.add_format() colour_format = workbook.add_format() bold_format = workbook.add_format() justify_format = workbook.add_format() center_format.set_center_across() colour_format.set_bg_color('red') bold_format.set_bold(True) justify_format.set_align('left') # variables to format the period cells. period_row = 2 period_number = int(self.period_input.get()) link_page_row = 1 link_page_column = 0 link_page.write("A1", "Click These") link_page.set_column(0, 0, width=15) link_page.set_column(1, 1, width=30) # Checks to see if the start day falls between a monday and friday. if self.start_date.isoweekday() <= 5: # title for the week. worksheet.write(0, 0, 'Week {}'.format(week)) # writes all the periods along the side at the top. for p in range(1, (period_number + 1)): worksheet.write(period_row, 0, 'Period {}'.format(p)) period_row += 1 for q in range(self.start_date.isoweekday(), 6): worksheet.write(row, col, start_date_excel, date_format) worksheet.set_column(col, col, 18, center_format) # checks if this is the first day of the week. if q == self.start_date.isoweekday(): first_date_link_page = start_date_excel # sets for putting the information in the periods. period_row = 3 # formats to a red column if no school that day. if start_date_excel in self.skip_days: worksheet.write(2, col, 'No School', colour_format) for h in range(0, period_number - 1): worksheet.write(period_row, col, " ", colour_format) period_row += 1 h += 1 # formats cells to use a list provided by user. if start_date_excel not in self.skip_days: period = 1 for j in range(0, period_number - 1): if int(self.day_cycle.get()) == 1 or day > int( self.day_cycle.get()): day = 1 if self.schedule_day_full[day][period] == 'default': if self.teach_names: worksheet.data_validation( period_row - 1, col, period_row, col, { 'validate': 'list', 'source': [self.teach_names] }) period_row += 1 period += 1 else: worksheet.write( period_row - 1, col, self.schedule_day_full[day][period], justify_format) period_row += 1 period += 1 if self.show_day_number_check.get() == 1: worksheet.write(period_row, col, "Day {}".format(day), justify_format) day += 1 col += 1 start_date_excel += 1 q += 1 # Adds internal link so that you can navigate from the first page of the document. if q == 5: second_date_link_page = start_date_excel link_page.write_url(link_page_row, link_page_column, "internal:Week{}!A1".format(week), center_format, 'Week{}'.format(week)) link_page.write_rich_string( link_page_row, link_page_column + 1, date_format, '{}'.format( self.regular_date(self, first_date_link_page)), ' until ', date_format, '{}'.format( self.regular_date(self, second_date_link_page))) link_page_row += 1 # adds link to first page with all the links to pages. worksheet.write_url('A12', "internal:'Link Page'!A1", bold_format, "First Page") # creates new worksheet for the next week. week += 1 worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Week{}'.format(week)) # Adds two to account for the weekend. start_date_excel += 2 # Resets variables for the next round. Because they need to be back in the same cells. row = 1 col = 1 period_row = 2 #if the day picked is a saturday or sunday. elif self.start_date.isoweekday() == 6: start_date_excel += 2 elif self.start_date.isoweekday() == 7: start_date_excel += 1 # This is for all the following weeks. for r in range(1, int(self.week_counter.get())): # title for the week. worksheet.write(0, 0, 'Week {}'.format(week)) # writes all the dates at the top. for p in range(1, (period_number + 1)): worksheet.write(period_row, 0, 'Period {}'.format(p)) period_row += 1 for i in range(0, 5): worksheet.write(row, col, start_date_excel, date_format) worksheet.set_column(col, col, 18, justify_format) # checks if this is the first day of the week. if i == 0: first_date_link_page = start_date_excel # sets for putting the information in the periods. period_row = 3 # formats to a red column if no school that day. if start_date_excel in self.skip_days: worksheet.write(2, col, 'No School', colour_format) for h in range(0, period_number - 1): worksheet.write(period_row, col, " ", colour_format) period_row += 1 h += 1 # formats cells to use a list provided by user. if start_date_excel not in self.skip_days: period = 1 for j in range(0, period_number - 1): if int(self.day_cycle.get()) == 1 or day > int( self.day_cycle.get()): day = 1 if self.schedule_day_full[day][period] == 'default': if self.teach_names: worksheet.data_validation( period_row - 1, col, period_row, col, { 'validate': 'list', 'source': [self.teach_names] }) period_row += 1 period += 1 else: worksheet.write( period_row - 1, col, self.schedule_day_full[day][period]) period_row += 1 period += 1 if self.show_day_number_check.get() == 1: worksheet.write(period_row, col, "Day {}".format(day)) day += 1 # iterates variables col += 1 start_date_excel += 1 i += 1 # Adds internal link so that you can navigate from the first page of the document. if i == 4: second_date_link_page = start_date_excel link_page.write_url(link_page_row, link_page_column, "internal:Week{}!A1".format(week), center_format, 'Week{}'.format(week)) link_page.write_rich_string( link_page_row, link_page_column + 1, date_format, '{}'.format( self.regular_date(self, first_date_link_page)), ' until ', date_format, '{}'.format( self.regular_date(self, second_date_link_page))) link_page_row += 1 week += 1 # adds link to first page with all the links to pages. worksheet.write_url('A12', "internal:'Link Page'!A1", bold_format, "First Page") # creates new worksheet for the next week. worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Week{}'.format(week)) # Adds two to account for the weekend. start_date_excel += 2 r += 1 # Resets variables for the next round. Because they need to be back in the same cells. row = 1 col = 1 period_row = 2 link_page.activate() try: workbook.close() except PermissionError: messagebox.showinfo( message= 'There has been an error. Try closing the excel spreadsheet and trying again.' ) return 'None' messagebox.showinfo(message='Completed. Thank you!') self.client_exit()
class ReadBooks(): def __init__(self, master): '''Creamos un layout general formado por etiquetas, campos de entrada, radiobutton, calendario (que por defecto especifica la fecha de hoy) y 3 botones. Uno para confirmar la fecha introducida en el calendario y los otros dos: guardar registro y mostrar registros.''' self.master = master master.title('LIBROS LEIDOS DE LA HEMEROTECA:') master.geometry('550x525+500+0') master.configure(bg='light slate grey') self.score = IntVar() self.l_customer = Label(master, text='Introduce DNI de CLIENTE:', bg='light slate grey', fg='white').place(x=50, y=40) self.e_customer = Entry(master, width=20), y=40) self.l_book = Label(master, text='Introduce ISBN del Libro:', bg='light slate grey', fg='white').place(x=50, y=80) self.e_book = Entry(master, width=20), y=80) self.l_score = Label( master, text='Puntuacion sobre 10 que da el cliente a la pelicula:', bg='light slate grey', fg='white').place(x=50, y=120) self.l_score2 = Label(master, text='(Clica un boton del 1 al 10)', bg='light slate grey', fg='white', font=('Verdana', 7)).place(x=50, y=135) self.e_score = Entry(master, width=20), y=120) for i in range(1, 11): self.rb_score = Radiobutton(master, text='' + str(i), value=i, variable=self.score, command=self.get_score).place( x=(40 + 35 * i), y=160) self.calendar = Calendar(master, selectmode='day',,,, y=200) self.b_selectiondate = Button(master, text='Confirma fecha de lectura', bd=5, command=self.write_date).place(x=50, y=250) self.b_save = Button(master, text='Guardar datos', bd=5,, y=350) self.b_show = Button(master, text='Mostrar datos', bd=5,, y=400) def save(self): ''' Creamos la conexion con la bbdd. Creamos una tabla donde la clave primaria es compuesta y esta formada por 2 ajenas una de cada tabla: libros y clientes. Debemos activar las claves ajenas con PRAGMA no solo en la tabla hija sino en cada una de las conexiones de las tablas padre. Restringimos las claves foraneas a la modificacion o eliminacion en casacada desde las tablas padre. Recogemos los valores del registro introducido por el usuario y los introducimos en la tabla siempre que la fecha no sea posterior al dia de hoy. Borramos los campos de entrada creados por el usuario. Creamos una excepcion si las claves ajenas (DNI y ISBN) introducidas por el usuario, no existen. O si esas claves ajenas, que es la primaria de esta tabla, ya han sido introducidas (mismo libro y mismo cliente). ''' try: c = sqlite3.connect('Hemeroteca.db') cursor = c.cursor() cursor.execute('PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON') #cursor.execute ('DROP TABLE LibrosLeidos') cursor.execute( '''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS LibrosLeidos (DNI_Cliente INTEGER, ISBN_Libro INTEGER , Puntuacion INTEGER, Fecha TEXT, PRIMARY KEY(DNI_Cliente, ISBN_Libro), FOREIGN KEY (DNI_Cliente) REFERENCES Clientes(DNI) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE , FOREIGN KEY(ISBN_Libro) REFERENCES Libros(ISBN) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE)''' ) if ((datetime.strptime(self.calendar.get_date(), '%m/%d/%y').date()) <= cursor.execute( '''INSERT INTO LibrosLeidos ( DNI_Cliente, ISBN_Libro, Puntuacion, Fecha) VALUES (?,?,?,?)''', (self.e_customer.get(), self.e_book.get(), self.score.get(), self.calendar.get_date())) self.e_customer.delete(0, END) self.e_book.delete(0, END) self.e_score.delete(0, END) self.calendar_label = Label(self.master, text=' ', bg='light slate grey', fg='white').place(x=100, y=300) c.commit() c.close() else: showwarning( title='CUIDADO!', message='Debes introducir una fecha anterior a hoy o hoy') except Exception as excep: showerror( title='SE HA PRODUCIDO UN ERROR', message='Ese cliente con ese mismo libro ya existen. ' + '\n' + 'O bien, estas introduciendo un cliente o un libro inexistentes' ) def show(self): '''Volvemos a crear la conexion. Seleccionamos todos los registros de la tabla creada y les recogemos en una etiqueta separados por salto de linea. Recogemos la excepcion si la tabla esta todavia vacia. ''' try: connection = sqlite3.connect('Hemeroteca.db') cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute('PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON') cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM LibrosLeidos') records = cursor.fetchall() print(records) print_records = '' for record in records: print_records += str(record) + '\n' self.records_label = Label(self.master, text=print_records, font=('Helvetica', 10), bg='light slate grey', fg='white').place(x=50, y=400) connection.commit() connection.close() except Exception as warning: showwarning( title='ATENCION', message= 'Todavia no has introducido la preferencia de ningun cliente por ningun libro' ) def get_score(self): '''Rellenamos el campo de entrada de puntuacion automaticamente con la seleccion de puntuacion presionando el radiobutton por el usuario.''' self.e_score.delete(0, END) self.e_score.insert(0, self.score.get()) def write_date(self): '''Creamos una etiqueta que recoja la fecha escrita seleccionada por el usuario al pulsar en el calendario. ''' self.calendar_label = Label(self.master, text=self.calendar.get_date() + ' ', bg='light slate grey', fg='white').place(x=100, y=300)
class MainWindow(Frame): def __init__(self, master, email): super().__init__(master) = email self.pack() load ="oneclicklogo.png") render = ImageTk.PhotoImage(load) self.img = Label(self.master, image=render, bg='midnight blue') self.img.image = render, y=40) self.frame = Frame(master, width=240, height=720, bg='DarkGoldenrod1') self.frame.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH) self.add_button = Button(self.frame, text='Make Appointment', font='verdana 16 bold', fg='midnight blue', command=self.create_event) self.event_frame = Frame(master, width=240, height=720, bg='DarkGoldenrod1') self.event_frame.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=BOTH) self.event_canvas = Canvas(self.event_frame, bg='DarkGoldenrod1') self.event_canvas.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH) self.scroll = Scrollbar(self.event_frame, bg='DarkGoldenrod1', orient=VERTICAL, command=self.event_canvas.yview) self.scroll.pack(side=LEFT, fill=Y) self.event_canvas.configure(yscrollcommand=self.scroll.set) self.event_canvas.bind('<Configure>', lambda e: self.event_canvas.configure(scrollregion=self.event_canvas.bbox("all"))) self.inner_frame = Frame(self.event_canvas, bg='DarkGoldenrod1') self.event_canvas.create_window((0, 0), window=self.inner_frame, anchor="ne") self.variable = StringVar(self.event_frame) self.my_events_label = Label(self.inner_frame, text="My Events", bg='lightblue', font='verdana 16 bold', padx=1, pady=1) # self.event_one_label = Label(self.event_frame, text="Event One", bg='lightpink', font='bold', padx=20, pady=20) def dynamic_delete(event_name): usersDatabase.delete_user_event(, event_name) self.master.destroy() self.master = Tk() self.master.title('OneClick') self.master.geometry('1280x720') self.master.configure(bg='midnight blue') app = MainWindow(self.master, email) def up_event_clicked(event_name, tup): chosen = self.option() # self.master.destroy() self.new_root = Tk() title = 'Enter new ' + chosen if chosen == 'Date': title = 'Enter new date in mm/dd/yy format' if chosen == 'Start Time': title = 'Enter new start time in hh:mm format' if chosen == 'End Time': title = 'Enter new end time in hh:mm format' self.new_root.title(title) self.new_root.geometry('500x500') self.new_root.configure(bg='DarkGoldenrod1') UpdateWindow(self.new_root, email, event_name, tup, chosen) def refresh(): event_dict = usersDatabase.get_user_events( # for widget in self.event_frame.winfo_children(): # widget.destroy() self.my_events_label.pack() # self.event_one_label.pack() for key in event_dict: tup = event_dict[key] size = len(tup) dat = tup[2].strftime('%m %d %Y') str_date = dat.split(' ') new_date = str_date[0] + '/' + str_date[1] + '/' + str_date[2] info = key + '\n' + 'Description:' + tup[1] + '\n' + 'Zoom Link:' + tup[ 0] + '\n' + 'Date:' + new_date + '\n' + 'Start Time:' + str(tup[3]) + '\n' + 'End Time:' + str( tup[4]) self.pass_tuple = (key, tup[1], tup[0], tup[2], tup[3], tup[4]) option_list = ['Event Name', 'Zoom Link', 'Description', 'Date', 'Start Time', 'End Time'] # self.variable = StringVar(self.event_frame) print(type(tup[3])) print(str(tup[3])) def is_completed(): stime_str = str(tup[3]).split(':') etime_str = str(tup[4]).split(':') now_str ='%H %M').split(' ') d = today_str_date = d.strftime('%m %d %Y').split(' ') print(str_date[2] + ', ' + today_str_date[2]) if ((int(str_date[1]) == int(today_str_date[1])) and ( int(str_date[2]) == int(today_str_date[2])) and ( int(str_date[0]) == int(today_str_date[0]))): if (int(etime_str[0]) < int(now_str[0])): return 'brown' if ((int(etime_str[1]) < int(now_str[1]) and (int(etime_str[0]) == int(now_str[0])))): return 'brown' if (int(stime_str[0]) < int(now_str[0])): print('yes4') return 'green' elif ((int(stime_str[1]) <= int(now_str[1])) and (int(stime_str[0]) == int(now_str[0]))): print(stime_str[1] + ', ' + now_str[1]) print('yes5') return 'green' else: return 'red' elif (int(str_date[2]) < int(today_str_date[2])): return 'brown' elif ((int(str_date[2]) == int(today_str_date[2])) and (int(str_date[0]) < int(today_str_date[0]))): return 'brown' elif ((int(str_date[2]) == int(today_str_date[2])) and ( int(str_date[0]) == int(today_str_date[0])) and ( int(str_date[1]) < int(today_str_date[1]))): return 'brown' else: if (int(str_date[2]) > int(today_str_date[2])): return 'red' if (int(str_date[2]) < int(today_str_date[2])): print('yes1') return 'green' elif ((int(str_date[0]) < int(today_str_date[0])) and ( int(str_date[2]) == int(today_str_date[2]))): print('yes2') return 'green' elif ((int(str_date[1]) < int(today_str_date[1])) and ( int(str_date[2]) == int(today_str_date[2])) and ( int(str_date[0]) == int(today_str_date[0]))): print('yes3') return 'green' else: return 'red' self.event = Label(self.inner_frame, text=info, bg='lightpink', font='bold', padx=15, pady=20) if (is_completed() == 'green'): self.event = Label(self.inner_frame, text=info, bg='green3', font='verdana 12', padx=15, pady=20) elif (is_completed() == 'brown'): self.event = Label(self.inner_frame, text=info, bg='light pink', font='verdana 12', padx=15, pady=20) else: self.event = Label(self.inner_frame, text=info, bg='MediumOrchid1', font='verdana 12', padx=15, pady=20) self.event.pack() self.variable.set(option_list[0]) self.variable.trace("w", self.option) self.update_options = OptionMenu(self.inner_frame, self.variable, *option_list) self.update_options.pack() self.update_button = Button(self.inner_frame, text='Update', font='veranda 14 bold', fg='midnight blue', command=lambda i=key, j=self.pass_tuple: up_event_clicked(i, j)) self.update_button.pack() self.del_button = Button(self.inner_frame, text='Delete', font='veranda 14 bold', fg='midnight blue', command=lambda i=key: dynamic_delete(i)) self.del_button.pack() ref_func = refresh() self.logout_button = Button(self.frame, text='Logout', font='verdana 16 bold', fg='midnight blue', command=self.logout) self.add_button.pack() self.logout_button.pack() def option(self, *args): return self.variable.get() def logout(self): self.master.destroy() new_root = Tk() new_root.title('OneClick - Login') new_root.configure(bg='DarkGoldenrod1') new_root.geometry('1000x1000') lw = LoginWindow(new_root) new_root.mainloop() def create_event(self): # TODO: use grid and create spacing between widgets in self.frame, also place submit button in the bottom-middle self.logout_button.destroy() self.new_logout_button = Button(self.frame, text='Logout', font='verdana 14 bold', fg='midnight blue', command=self.logout) self.add_button.pack_forget() self.calendar = Calendar(self.frame, font='Arial 14', bg='midnight blue', fg='midnight blue', cursor='dotbox', selectmode='day', showothermonthdays=False, showweeknumbers=False, firstweekday='sunday') self.label_event = Label(self.frame, text='Event Name', font='veranda 14 bold', bg='DarkGoldenrod1', fg='midnight blue') self.label_descr = Label(self.frame, text='Description', font='veranda 14 bold', bg='DarkGoldenrod1', fg='midnight blue') self.label_command = Label(self.frame, text='Application Selection', font='veranda 14 bold', bg='DarkGoldenrod1', fg='midnight blue') self.label_link = Label(self.frame, text='Zoom Link', font='veranda 14 bold', bg='DarkGoldenrod1', fg='midnight blue') self.entry_event = Entry(self.frame, width=64) self.entry_descr = Text(self.frame, width=48, height=5) self.entry_link = Entry(self.frame, width=64) self.calendar.pack() self.label_event.pack(padx=20) self.entry_event.pack(padx=20) self.label_descr.pack(padx=20) self.entry_descr.pack(padx=20) self.label_link.pack(padx=20) self.entry_link.pack(padx=20) self.start_label = Label(self.frame, text='Start Time: ', bg='DarkGoldenrod1', font='veranda 14 bold', fg='midnight blue'), y=450) self.start_hourstr = StringVar(self.frame, '10') self.start_hour = Spinbox(self.frame, font='veranda 14 bold', fg='midnight blue', from_=0, to=23, wrap=True, textvariable=self.start_hourstr, width=2, state="readonly") self.start_minstr = StringVar(self.frame, '30') self.start_minstr.trace("w", self.trace_var) self.start_last_value = "" self.start_min = Spinbox(self.frame, font='veranda 14 bold', fg='midnight blue', from_=0, to=59, wrap=True, textvariable=self.start_minstr, width=2, state="readonly"), y=450), y=450) self.end_label = Label(self.frame, text='End Time: ', bg='DarkGoldenrod1', font='veranda 14 bold', fg='midnight blue'), y=450) self.end_hourstr = StringVar(self.frame, '10') self.end_hour = Spinbox(self.frame, font='veranda 14 bold', fg='midnight blue', from_=0, to=23, wrap=True, textvariable=self.end_hourstr, width=2, state="readonly") self.end_minstr = StringVar(self.frame, '30') self.end_minstr.trace("w", self.trace_var) self.end_last_value = "" self.end_min = Spinbox(self.frame, font='veranda 14 bold', fg='midnight blue', from_=0, to=59, wrap=True, textvariable=self.end_minstr, width=2, state="readonly"), y=450), y=450) def time_date_str(hour, minute): min_str = lambda min: "0" + min if int(min) < 10 else min minute = min_str(minute) return self.calendar.get_date() + f"/{hour}" + f"/{minute}" def check_conflict(): event_dict = usersDatabase.get_user_events( # for widget in self.event_frame.winfo_children(): # widget.destroy() self.my_events_label.pack() # self.event_one_label.pack() for key in event_dict: tup = event_dict[key] size = len(tup) dat = tup[2].strftime('%m %d %Y') print('$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$') print(type(tup[2])) print('$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$') if(tup[2] == self.give_date(self.calendar.get_date())): st_time = time(int(self.start_hourstr.get()), int(self.start_minstr.get())) end_time = time(int(self.end_hourstr.get()), int(self.end_minstr.get())) est_time = (datetime.datetime.min + tup[3]).time() eend_time = (datetime.datetime.min + tup[4]).time() print(est_time) print(st_time) print(end_time) if ((st_time >= est_time) and (st_time <= eend_time)): print('here1') return str(key) elif ((end_time >= est_time) and (end_time <= eend_time)): print('here2') return str(key) elif ((st_time >= est_time) and (end_time <= eend_time)): print('here3') return str(key) elif ((st_time <= est_time) and (est_time <= end_time)): print('here4') return str(key) return None def run(): eventscheduler.run_popup( time_date_str( self.start_hourstr.get(), self.start_minstr.get() ) , self.entry_event.get(), self.entry_descr.get("1.0", "end-1c"), self.entry_link.get() ) ret_val = check_conflict() if(not(ret_val == None)): print('Yes there is a conflict -- returning now!') self.error_text.set('Unable to create event, conflict with:{}'.format(ret_val)) self.error_label.configure(bg='red') return else: self.submit_event() self.submit_btn = Button(self.frame, text='Submit', font='veranda 14 bold', fg='midnight blue', command=run) self.error_text = StringVar() self.error_text.set("") self.error_label = Label(self.master, textvariable=self.error_text, bg='DarkGoldenrod1', font='veranda 15 bold'), y=490), y=0), y=530) def trace_var(self, *args): if self.start_last_value == "59" and self.start_minstr.get() == "0": self.start_hourstr.set(int(self.start_hourstr.get()) + 1 if self.start_hourstr.get() != "23" else 0) self.start_last_value = self.start_minstr.get() def recurring(self): # Make a checkbar with every day of the week self.pack() def submit_event(self): import eventscheduler # if not usersDatabase.check_overlap(, self.give_date(self.calendar.get_date()), time(int(self.start_hourstr.get()), int(self.start_minstr.get())), time(int(self.end_hourstr.get()), int(self.end_minstr.get()))): # pass # print(type(self.start_hourstr.get())) # print(type(self.start_minstr.get())) # print(self.calendar.get_date()) # exit(-1) start_time = self.start_hourstr.get() + ":" + self.start_minstr.get() + ":" + "00" end_time = self.end_hourstr.get() + ":" + self.end_minstr.get() + ":" + "00" usersDatabase.add_user_info(, self.entry_event.get(), self.entry_link.get(), self.entry_descr.get('1.0', 'end-1c'), self.give_date(self.calendar.get_date()), time(int(self.start_hourstr.get()), int(self.start_minstr.get())), time(int(self.end_hourstr.get()), int(self.end_minstr.get()))) self.master.destroy() self.master = Tk() self.master.title('OneClick') self.master.geometry('1280x720') self.master.configure(bg='midnight blue') app = MainWindow(self.master, def display_event(self): self.r_frame = Frame(self, bg='lightblue').pack(side=RIGHT) event = Label(self.r_frame, text='Event: \n' + self.entry_event.get()).pack() desc = Label(self.r_frame, text='Description: \n' + self.entry_descr.get('1.0', 'end-1c')).pack() link = Label(self.r_frame, text='Link: \n' + self.entry_link.get()).pack() times = Label(self.r_frame, text='Start Time: ' + self.start_hourstr.get() + ':' + self.start_minstr.get() + ' End Time: ' + self.end_hourstr.get() + ':' + self.end_minstr.get()).pack() def give_time(self, time_str): # converts the string to a datetime object split_time = time_str.split(":") split_time_2 = [] if (split_time[1][2] == "A"): time_str_2 = split_time[1].split("A")[0] return time(int(split_time[0]), int(time_str_2)) else: time_str_2 = split_time[1].split("P")[0] return time(int(split_time[0]), int(time_str_2)) def give_date(self, date_str): split_date = date_str.split("/") return"20" + split_date[2]), int(split_date[0]), int(split_date[1]))
to_up2_ = to_up2.get() en_up3_ = en_up3.get() enter_name_up4_ = enter_name_up4.get() #insert final data eventName = en_up3_ fromHour = from_up1_ toHour = to_up2_ enterName = enter_name_up4_ calendarSelect = cal.get_date() #date confirmation date = Label(root, text="") date.grid(row=9, column=1) #forms lbl3 = Label(root, text='Event Name:').grid(row=4, column=0) e3 = Entry(root, bd=5, textvariable=en_up3).grid(row=4, column=1) lbl1 = Label(root, text='FROM:').grid(row=5, column=0) e = Entry(root, bd=5, textvariable=from_up1).grid(row=5, column=1) lbl2 = Label(root, text='TO:').grid(row=6, column=0) e1 = Entry(root, bd=5, textvariable=to_up2).grid(row=6, column=1) lbl4 = Label(root, text='Enter your Name:').grid(row=7, column=0)
class Vista(Frame): # Inicializa el controlador y algunas variables globales # Params: # master: instancia de Window # modelo: Modelo def __init__(self, master, modelo): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.pack() self.master = master self.modelo = modelo self.controlador = Controlador(self.modelo, self) self.col1 = 'khaki1' self.col2 = 'snow' self.font = 'Helvetica' self.init_components() return #Inicializa los componentes de la Vista y los coloca def init_components(self): self.label_model = Label(self.master, text='Modelo', font=(self.font, 14), relief=GROOVE, bg=self.col2) self.label_data = Label(self.master, text='Datos', font=(self.font, 14), relief=GROOVE, bg=self.col2) self.label_pred = Label(self.master, text='Predicción', font=(self.font, 14), relief=GROOVE, bg=self.col2) self.label_res = Label(self.master, text='Resultados', font=(self.font, 14), relief=GROOVE, bg=self.col2) self.variable = StringVar() self.variable.set('Modelo 1') self.variable.trace("w", self.change_model) self.model_selector = OptionMenu(self.master, self.variable, *list(self.modelo.modelos.keys())) self.frame = Frame(self.master) self.alg_label = Label(self.frame, text='Algoritmo', font=(self.font, 8, 'bold'), bg=self.col2, relief='raised', width=20) self.seas_label = Label(self.frame, text='Temporadas', font=(self.font, 8, 'bold'), bg=self.col2, relief='raised', width=20) self.columns_label = Label(self.frame, text='Selección columnas', font=(self.font, 8, 'bold'), bg=self.col2, relief='raised', width=20) self.pca_label = Label(self.frame, text='PCA', font=(self.font, 8, 'bold'), bg=self.col2, relief='raised', width=20) self.params_label = Label(self.frame, text='Parámetros', bg=self.col2, font=(self.font, 8, 'bold'), relief='raised', width=20) self.alg_value = Label(self.frame, text='', font=(self.font, 8), bg=self.col2, relief='raised', width=30) self.seas_value = Label(self.frame, text='', font=(self.font, 8), bg=self.col2, relief='raised', width=30) self.columns_value = Label(self.frame, text='', font=(self.font, 8), bg=self.col2, relief='raised', width=30) self.pca_value = Label(self.frame, text='', font=(self.font, 8), bg=self.col2, relief='raised', width=30) self.params_value = Label(self.frame, text='', font=(self.font, 8), bg=self.col2, relief='raised', width=30) self.load_model_but = Button(self.master, text='Cargar modelo', state='disabled', command=self.load_model, bg=self.col2) self.train_model_but = Button(self.master, text='Entrenar modelo', state='disabled', command=self.train_model, bg=self.col2) self.load_data_but = Button(self.master, text='Cargar datos', command=self.load_data, bg=self.col2) self.ref_but = Button(self.master, text='Actualizar datos', command=self.refresh, bg=self.col2) self.home_label = Label(self.master, text='Equipo local', bg=self.col1) self.away_label = Label(self.master, text='Equipo visitante', bg=self.col1) self.home = StringVar() self.home.set(self.modelo.teams[0]) self.homeOptionMenu = OptionMenu(self.master, self.home, *list(self.modelo.teams)) self.homeOptionMenu.config(state='disabled') self.away = StringVar() self.away.set(self.modelo.teams[0]) self.awayOptionMenu = OptionMenu(self.master, self.away, *list(self.modelo.teams)) self.awayOptionMenu.config(state='disabled') self.calendar = Calendar(self.master, state='disabled') self.pred_but = Button(self.master, text='Hallar predicciones', state='disabled', command=self.exec_prediction, bg=self.col2) self.result = Label(self.master, text='', bg=self.col1, font=(self.font, 10, 'bold')) self.pred = Label(self.master, text='', bg=self.col1, font=(self.font, 10, 'bold')) self.team_win = Label(self.master, text='', bg=self.col1, font=(self.font, 10, 'bold')) self.sep1 = Separator(self.master, orient=HORIZONTAL) self.sep2 = Separator(self.master, orient=HORIZONTAL) self.sep3 = Separator(self.master, orient=VERTICAL) self.label_error = Label(self.master, text='', font=('device', 10), fg='red', bg=self.col1) ### PACKING & PLACING self.label_model.pack(), rely=0.05, anchor=W) self.label_data.pack(), rely=0.4, anchor=W) self.label_pred.pack(), rely=0.6, anchor=W) self.model_selector.pack(), rely=0.15, anchor=CENTER) self.frame.pack(), rely=0.05) self.alg_label.grid(row=0, rowspan=1, column=0, columnspan=1) self.seas_label.grid(row=1, rowspan=1, column=0, columnspan=1) self.columns_label.grid(row=2, rowspan=1, column=0, columnspan=1) self.pca_label.grid(row=3, rowspan=1, column=0, columnspan=1) self.params_label.grid(row=4, rowspan=1, column=0, columnspan=1, sticky=N + E + S + W) self.alg_value.grid(row=0, rowspan=1, column=1, columnspan=1) self.seas_value.grid(row=1, rowspan=1, column=1, columnspan=1) self.columns_value.grid(row=2, rowspan=1, column=1, columnspan=1) self.pca_value.grid(row=3, rowspan=1, column=1, columnspan=1) self.params_value.grid(row=4, rowspan=1, column=1, columnspan=1) self.change_model() self.load_model_but.pack(), rely=0.48, anchor=CENTER) self.train_model_but.pack(), rely=0.48, anchor=CENTER) self.load_data_but.pack(), rely=0.48, anchor=CENTER) self.ref_but.pack(), rely=0.48, anchor=CENTER) self.home_label.pack(), rely=0.7, anchor=CENTER) self.away_label.pack(), rely=0.7, anchor=CENTER) self.homeOptionMenu.pack(), rely=0.75, anchor=CENTER) self.awayOptionMenu.pack(), rely=0.75, anchor=CENTER) self.calendar.pack(), rely=0.75, anchor=CENTER) self.pred_but.pack(), rely=0.82, anchor=CENTER) self.label_res.pack(), rely=0.05, anchor=CENTER) self.result.pack(), rely=0.15, anchor=CENTER) self.pred.pack(), rely=0.85, anchor=CENTER) self.team_win.pack(), rely=0.89, anchor=CENTER), rely=0.33, relwidth=0.55), rely=0.53, relwidth=0.55), rely=0.05, relheight=0.9), rely=0.93, anchor=CENTER) # Evento de cambiar el modelo que se esta seleccionando def change_model(self, *args): self.controlador.evento_change_model() if self.modelo.model_read is not None: self.alg_value['text'] = self.modelo.algorithms[ self.modelo.model_read.alg] if self.modelo.model_read.seasons == '2015': seas = 'Desde 2014/2015' elif self.modelo.model_read.seasons == '2005': seas = 'Desde 2004/2005' else: seas = 'Desde 2000/2001' self.seas_value['text'] = seas self.columns_value['text'] = self.modelo.model_read.col self.pca_value[ 'text'] = 'Sí' if self.modelo.model_read.pca_analysis else 'No' if not pd.isnull(self.modelo.model_read.params): aux = '' for key in list(eval(self.modelo.model_read.params).keys()): aux += str(key) + ': ' + str( eval(self.modelo.model_read.params)[key]) + '\n' self.params_value['text'] = aux[:-1] else: self.params_value['text'] = '' # Evento de cargar los datos de los partidos def load_data(self): self.controlador.evento_load() if self.modelo.file is not None: self.load_model_but['state'] = 'active' self.calendar['state'] = 'normal' self.label_error.config(fg='green') self.label_error['text'] = 'Datos cargados con éxito' # Evento de actualizar los datos def refresh(self): self.controlador.evento_refresh() self.load_data() self.label_error.config(fg='green') self.label_error['text'] = 'Datos actualizados con éxito' # Evento de cargar el modelo predictivo seleccionado def load_model(self): self.label_error['text'] = '' self.train_model_but['state'] = 'active' self.controlador.evento_load_model() performance = self.result['text'] = 'TASA DE ACIERTO: ' + str( performance.round(4) * 100) + '%' self.roc() self.pred_but['state'] = 'active' self.homeOptionMenu.config(state='active') self.awayOptionMenu.config(state='active') self.label_error.config(fg='green') self.label_error['text'] = 'Modelo cargado con éxito' # Evento de entrenar el modelo predictivo seleccionado def train_model(self): self.label_error['text'] = '' self.controlador.evento_train_model() self.load_model() # Evento de crear una curva ROC sobre los resultados del modelo predictivo seleccionado def roc(self): fpr, tpr, thres = roc_curve(self.modelo.modelo_prediccion.Y_test, self.modelo.modelo_prediccion.scores) auc_roc = auc(fpr, tpr) fig = Figure(figsize=(3.2, 3.2)) a = fig.add_subplot(111) a.plot(fpr, tpr, color='blue', label='AUC %0.2f' % auc_roc) a.legend(loc="lower right") a.set_position([0.15, 0.12, 0.8, 0.8]) a.set_xticks(ticks=np.arange(0, 1.5, 0.5)) a.set_yticks(ticks=np.arange(0, 1.5, 0.5)) a.set_xticklabels(labels=np.arange(0, 1.5, 0.5), fontdict={'fontsize': 8}) a.set_yticklabels(labels=np.arange(0, 1.5, 0.5), fontdict={'fontsize': 8}) a.set_title("Curva ROC " + self.modelo.algorithms[self.modelo.model_read.alg], fontsize=10) a.set_ylabel("TPR", fontsize=8) a.set_xlabel("FPR", fontsize=8) canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(fig, master=self.master) canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(expand=True) canvas.get_tk_widget().place(relx=0.8, rely=0.5, anchor=CENTER) canvas.draw() # Evento de crear las predicciones para un partido determinado def exec_prediction(self): date = datetime.strptime(self.calendar.get_date(), '%m/%d/%y') game_id = str( date.year ) + '%02d' % date.month + '%02d' % + '0' + self.home.get() if self.home.get() != self.away.get() and self.home.get( ) != 'No seleccionado' and self.away.get() != 'No seleccionado': aux = self.modelo.modelo_prediccion.predictions_test game_true = game_id in aux.game_id.values if date < and game_true and aux[ aux.game_id == game_id]['a_team_id'].values[ 0] == self.away.get() or date > self.controlador.evento_exec_prediction() predres = self.modelo.prediction aux = self.home.get() if predres else self.away.get() self.label_error['text'] = '' self.pred['text'] = str(self.home.get()) + ': ' + str( predres.round(2)) + '\t' + str( self.away.get()) + ': ' + str((1 - predres).round(2)) if date < self.team_win['text'] = 'Victoria real: ' + str(aux) else: self.label_error.config(fg='red') self.label_error[ 'text'] = 'ERROR: Ese partido no se ha disputado.' self.pred['text'] = '' self.team_win['text'] = '' elif self.home.get() == 'No seleccionado' and self.away.get( ) == 'No seleccionado': self.label_error.config(fg='red') self.pred['text'] = '' self.team_win['text'] = '' self.label_error['text'] = 'ERROR: Hay que determinar los equipos' elif self.home.get() == 'No seleccionado' or self.away.get( ) == 'No seleccionado': self.label_error.config(fg='red') self.pred['text'] = '' self.team_win['text'] = '' self.label_error['text'] = 'ERROR: Falta un equipo por determinar' elif self.home.get() == self.away.get(): self.label_error.config(fg='red') self.pred['text'] = '' self.team_win['text'] = '' self.label_error[ 'text'] = 'ERROR: Los equipos deben ser diferentes.'
class Notatnik(): def __init__(self, master, width, height): self.master = master self.master.geometry("%sx%s+100+100" % (width, height)) self.master.title("Notatnik") self.btn = Button(master, bg="lightblue", text="DODAJ NOTATKĘ", font=( 'Calibri Light', 20), command=self.new_note) self.btn.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.btn2 = Button(master, bg="lightblue", text="ODCZYTAJ NOTATKĘ", font=('Calibri Light', 20), command=self.odczytaj) self.btn2.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.c = conn.cursor() self.c.execute('''CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS notatki USING FTS5 (data, nazwa, notatka)''') def new_note(self): self.newWindow = tk.Toplevel(self.master) self.dodtyt = tk.Label( self.newWindow, text="DODAJ TYTUŁ", font=('Calibri Light', 15)) self.dodtyt.grid(column=0, row=0) self.tytul = tk.Entry(self.newWindow, width=40) self.tytul.grid(column=1, row=0) self.textfield = tkscrolled.ScrolledText(self.newWindow) self.textfield.grid(columnspan=2) self.addButton = Button( self.newWindow, text="Dodaj!", command=self.dodaj) self.addButton.grid(columnspan=2) def searchDatabase(self, searchQuery): self.c.execute( '''SELECT * FROM notatki WHERE nazwa = ? COLLATE NOCASE''', (searchQuery,)) self.searchResult = self.c.fetchall() conn.commit() print(searchQuery) print(self.searchResult) return self.searchResult def odczytaj(self): self.newWindow1 = tk.Toplevel(self.master) self.ramka1 = tk.Frame(self.newWindow1, bg='blue', bd=2) self.ramka1.grid() self.szukajd = tk.Label( self.ramka1, text="SZUKAJ PO DACIE", font=('Calibri Light', 15)) self.szukajd.grid(column=0, row=0) self.szukajde = Calendar(self.ramka1) self.szukajde.grid(column=0, row=2) self.szukajdb = Button(self.ramka1, text="SZUKAJ!", bg="slategray2", font=('Calibri Light', 15), command=self.wyniki2) self.szukajdb.grid(column=0, row=4) self.separator = Frame(self.newWindow1, height=3, width=300, bg="slategray4") self.separator.grid(column=0, row=5) self.szukajt = tk.Label( self.newWindow1, text="SZUKAJ PO TYTULE", font=('Calibri Light', 15)) self.szukajt.grid(column=0, row=5) self.szukajte = tk.Entry(self.newWindow1, width=40) self.szukajte.grid(column=0, row=7) self.szukajtb = Button( self.newWindow1, text="SZUKAJ!", bg="slategray2", font=('Calibri Light', 15), command=self.wyniki) self.szukajtb.grid(column=0, row=9) self.newWindow1.grid_rowconfigure(3, minsize=10) self.newWindow1.grid_rowconfigure(5, minsize=30) self.newWindow1.grid_rowconfigure(8, minsize=30) self.newWindow1.grid_rowconfigure(10, minsize=30) self.szukajte.grid(column=0, row=6) #self.szukajtb = Button( # self.newWindow1, text="Szukaj!", command=lambda: self.searchDatabase(self.szukajte.get())) self.szukajtb = Button( self.newWindow1, text="Szukaj!", command=self.wyniki) self.szukajtb.grid(column=0, row=7) # self.labelOdczyt = tk.Label(self.newWindow1, text=data, font=('Calibri Light', 15)) # self.labelOdczyt.grid(column=0, row=3) def searchDatabase2(self, data): self.c.execute( '''SELECT * FROM notatki WHERE data = ? COLLATE NOCASE''', (data,)) self.searchResult2 = self.c.fetchall() conn.commit() print(data) print(self.searchResult2) return self.searchResult2 def wyniki2(self): self.newWindow4 = tk.Toplevel(self.master) lista2 = self.searchDatabase2(self.szukajde.get_date()) for record in lista2: recordbutton = Button(self.newWindow4, text=record[1], bg="slategray2", font=('Calibri Light', 15)) recordbutton.pack() def wyniki(self): self.newWindow2 = tk.Toplevel(self.master) self.resultLabel = tk.Label(self.newWindow2, text=(str(self.searchDatabase(self.szukajte.get())))) self.lista = self.searchDatabase(self.szukajte.get()) for record in self.lista: recordbutton = Button(self.newWindow2, text=record[1] +"|" + record[0], bg="slategray2", font=('Calibri Light', 15), command=lambda: self.pokazNotatke(record[2])) def pokazNotke(self, Notka): self.newWindow3 = tk.Toplevel(self.master) self.notatkaLabel = Label(self.newWindow3, text=Notka[2]) self.notatkaLabel.pack() def dodaj(self): self.notka = self.textfield.get("1.0", END) self.nazwanotki = self.tytul.get() print(self.notka) now = strftime("%d.%m.%Y") print(now) self.c.execute('''INSERT INTO notatki (data, nazwa, notatka) VALUES (?, ?, ?)''', (now, self.nazwanotki, self.notka,)) conn.commit() self.newWindow.destroy()
class Funçoes(Validadores): def conecta_bd(self): self.conn = sqlite3.connect("AGENDAMENTOS.db") self.cursor = self.conn.cursor() print("Conectando ao banco de dados") def desconecta_bd(self): self.conn.close() print("Desconectando ao banco de dados") def montaTabelas(self): self.conecta_bd() ### Criar tabela self.cursor.execute(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Agendas ( COD INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, NOME_CLIENTE CHAR(40) NOT NULL, TELEFONE INTEGER(20), DATA date, HORA time ); """) self.conn.commit() print("Banco de dados criado") self.desconecta_bd() def Calendario(self): = Calendar(self.Main, fg='black', locale='pt_br'), rely=0.08) self.btsalva = Button(self.Main, text='Salvar', command=self.Salvar, bg='#00FF7F'), rely=0.27, relwidth=0.15) self.bt_fechar = Button(self.Main, text='Sair', command=self.Fechar, bg='red'), rely=0.27, relwidth=0.05) def Fechar(self): self.btsalva.destroy() self.bt_fechar.destroy() def Agendar(self): self.conecta_bd() self.montaTabelas() self.entry_cod = Entry(self.Main), rely=0.05, relwidth=0.04) self.entrynome = Entry(self.Main), rely=0.10, relwidth=0.40) self.lbnome = Label(self.Main, text='Nome', background='white'), rely=0.10) self.entrytele = Entry(self.Main, validate='key', validatecommand=self.vdTele), rely=0.20, relwidth=0.40) self.lbtele = Label(self.Main, text='Telefone', background='white'), rely=0.20) self.entryhora = Entry(self.Main, validate='key', validatecommand=self.vdhora), rely=0.30, relwidth=0.05) self.lbhora = Label(self.Main, text='Hora', background='white'), rely=0.30) self.entrydata = Entry(self.Main), rely=0.30, relwidth=0.10) self.lbdata = Label(self.Main, text='Data', background='white'), rely=0.30) self.bt_calendario = Button(self.Main, text='Calendario', command=self.Calendario), rely=0.30) self.bt_altera = Button(self.Main, text='Alterar', command=self.Alteraagenda), rely=0.30) def Salvar(self): dataini = self.entrydata.delete(0, END) self.entrydata.insert(END, dataini) self.conecta_bd() self.conn.execute( ''' insert into Agendas (NOME_CLIENTE,TELEFONE,DATA,HORA) values (?,?,?,?)''', (self.entrynome.get(), self.entrytele.get(), self.entrydata.get(), self.entryhora.get())) self.conn.commit() self.desconecta_bd() self.limpa_cliente() self.entrynome.destroy() self.lbnome.destroy() self.entryhora.destroy() self.lbhora.destroy() self.entrytele.destroy() self.lbtele.destroy() self.entrydata.destroy() self.lbdata.destroy() self.bt_calendario.destroy() self.btsalva.destroy() self.entry_cod.destroy() self.bt_altera.destroy() self.bt_fechar.destroy() self.Tarefas() def OnDoubleClick(self, event): self.limpa_cliente() self.listaCli.selection() for n in self.listaCli.selection(): col1, col2, col3, col4, col5 = self.listaCli.item(n, 'values') self.entry_cod.insert(END, col1) self.entrynome.insert(END, col2) self.entrytele.insert(END, col3) self.entrydata.insert(END, col4) self.entryhora.insert(END, col5) def Tarefas(self): self.listaCli.delete(*self.listaCli.get_children()) self.conecta_bd() dia = self.data_e_hora = strftime('%d/%m/%Y') lista = self.conn.execute(''' SELECT * FROM Agendas where data like ('%s')ORDER BY NOME_CLIENTE ASC''' % dia) for i in lista: self.listaCli.insert("", END, values=i) self.desconecta_bd() self.limpa_cliente() def VerMes(self): self.Agendar() self.listaCli.delete(*self.listaCli.get_children()) self.conecta_bd() meses = self.data_e_hora = strftime('/%m/%Y') mes = ('%') + meses lista = self.conn.execute(''' SELECT * FROM Agendas where data like ('%s')ORDER BY data ASC''' % mes) for i in lista: self.listaCli.insert("", END, values=i) self.desconecta_bd() def Notas(self): print('Atualizando') def Validaentrada(self): self.vdhora = (self.root.register(self.ValidaHora), "%P") self.vdTele = (self.root.register(self.ValidaTele), "%P") def Alteraagenda(self): self.conecta_bd() self.conn.execute( '''UPDATE Agendas set NOME_CLIENTE=?,TELEFONE=?,DATA=?,HORA=? where COD=?''', (self.entrynome.get(), self.entrytele.get(), self.entrydata.get(), self.entryhora.get(), self.entry_cod.get())) self.conn.commit() self.desconecta_bd() self.limpa_cliente() self.Tarefas() def limpa_cliente(self): self.entry_cod.delete(0, END) self.entrynome.delete(0, END) self.entrytele.delete(0, END) self.entrydata.delete(0, END) self.entryhora.delete(0, END)
class SchichtView(tk.Toplevel): def __init__(self, parent_view, asn_liste, adressliste): super().__init__(parent_view) # unterframes zur optisch-logischen Einteilung self.asn_frame = tk.Frame(self) self.datetime_frame = tk.Frame(self) self.template_frame = tk.Frame(self.asn_frame) self.add_options_frame = tk.Frame(self) self.add_options_checkbuttons_frame = tk.Frame(self.add_options_frame) self.save_buttons_frame = tk.Frame(self) self.asn_dropdown = Combobox(self.asn_frame, values=asn_liste, width=38, state="readonly") self.asn_dropdown.set(-1) self.selected_template = tk.IntVar() self.asn_stammdaten_form = AsnStammdatenView( parent_view=self.asn_frame) self.startdatum_input = Calendar(self.datetime_frame, date_pattern='MM/dd/yyyy') # day=day, # month=month, # year=year) self.startzeit_input = TimePicker(self.datetime_frame) self.endzeit_input = TimePicker(self.datetime_frame) self.startzeit_input.bind('<FocusOut>', self.nachtschicht_durch_uhrzeit) self.endzeit_input.bind('<FocusOut>', self.nachtschicht_durch_uhrzeit) self.enddatum_input = Calendar(self.datetime_frame, date_pattern='MM/dd/yyyy') # , day=day, month=month, year=year) self.abweichende_adresse_beginn = PostadresseView( self.add_options_frame) self.abweichende_adresse_ende = PostadresseView(self.add_options_frame) self.abweichende_adresse_beginn_dropdown = Combobox( self.add_options_frame, values=adressliste, width=38, state="readonly") self.abweichende_adresse_beginn_dropdown.set(-2) self.abweichende_adresse_ende_dropdown = Combobox( self.add_options_frame, values=adressliste, width=38, state="readonly") self.abweichende_adresse_ende_dropdown.set(-2) self.ist_at = tk.IntVar() self.ist_pcg = tk.IntVar() self.ist_rb = tk.IntVar() self.ist_afg = tk.IntVar() self.ist_at_button = tk.Checkbutton( self.add_options_checkbuttons_frame, text="AT", onvalue=1, offvalue=0, variable=self.ist_at) self.ist_pcg_button = tk.Checkbutton( self.add_options_checkbuttons_frame, text="PCG", onvalue=1, offvalue=0, variable=self.ist_pcg) self.ist_rb_button = tk.Checkbutton( self.add_options_checkbuttons_frame, text="Kurzfristig (RB/BSD)", onvalue=1, offvalue=0, variable=self.ist_rb) self.ist_afg_button = tk.Checkbutton( self.add_options_checkbuttons_frame, text="Ausfallgeld", onvalue=1, offvalue=0, variable=self.ist_afg) # formbuttons self.save_button = tk.Button(self.save_buttons_frame, text="Daten speichern") self.exit_button = tk.Button(self.save_buttons_frame, text="Abbrechen") # command=self.destroy) self.saveandnew_button = tk.Button(self.save_buttons_frame, text="Daten speichern und neu") # command=lambda: self.action_save_neue_schicht(undneu=1)) def draw_templates(self, template_list): for child in self.template_frame.winfo_children(): child.destroy() if not template_list: self.add_template_text() else: for template in template_list: text = template.bezeichner text += " von " + template.beginn.strftime('%H:%M') \ + " bis " + template.ende.strftime('%H:%M') button = tk.Radiobutton( self.template_frame, text=text, variable=self.selected_template,, command=lambda: self.change_template(template_list)) button.pack() def nachtschicht_durch_uhrzeit(self, event=None): start = time(hour=int(self.startzeit_input.hourstr.get()), minute=int(self.startzeit_input.minstr.get())) ende = time(hour=int(self.endzeit_input.hourstr.get()), minute=int(self.endzeit_input.minstr.get())) beginn = self.startdatum_input.selection_get() if ende < start: enddatum = beginn + timedelta(days=1) else: enddatum = beginn self.enddatum_input.selection_set(enddatum) def change_template(self, template_list): template_id = self.selected_template.get() for template in template_list: if template_id == self.startzeit_input.hourstr.set( template.beginn.strftime('%H')) self.startzeit_input.minstr.set(template.beginn.strftime('%M')) self.endzeit_input.hourstr.set(template.ende.strftime('%H')) self.endzeit_input.minstr.set(template.ende.strftime('%M')) self.nachtschicht_durch_uhrzeit() break def draw(self): # positionierung der Unterframes self.asn_frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tk.NW) self.datetime_frame.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=tk.NW) self.template_frame.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=tk.NW, columnspan=4) self.add_options_frame.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=tk.NW) self.add_options_checkbuttons_frame.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=tk.NW) self.save_buttons_frame.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=tk.NE) # asn-frame asn_label = tk.Label(self.asn_frame, text='ASN auswählen') asn_label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tk.NW) self.asn_dropdown.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=tk.NE) self.asn_stammdaten_form.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=tk.NW) # datetime-frame startdatum_label = tk.Label(self.datetime_frame, text='Beginn') startdatum_label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tk.NW) self.startdatum_input.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=tk.NW, columnspan=2) self.startzeit_input.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=tk.NW) enddatum_label = tk.Label(self.datetime_frame, text='Ende') enddatum_label.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=tk.NW) self.enddatum_input.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky=tk.NW, columnspan=2) self.endzeit_input.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky=tk.NW) # add-options-frame abweichende_adresse_beginn_label = tk.Label( self.add_options_frame, text="Adresse zu beginn der Schicht?") abweichende_adresse_ende_label = tk.Label( self.add_options_frame, text="Adresse zum Ende der Schicht?") abweichende_adresse_beginn_label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tk.NW) self.abweichende_adresse_beginn_dropdown.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=tk.NE) self.abweichende_adresse_beginn.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=tk.NW) abweichende_adresse_ende_label.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=tk.NW) self.abweichende_adresse_ende_dropdown.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=tk.NE) self.abweichende_adresse_ende.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=tk.NW) self.ist_at_button.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tk.NW) self.ist_pcg_button.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=tk.NW) self.ist_rb_button.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=tk.NW) self.ist_afg_button.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky=tk.NW) # save-button-frame self.save_button.grid(row=0, column=0) self.exit_button.grid(row=0, column=1) self.saveandnew_button.grid(row=0, column=2) @staticmethod def hide(frame: tk.Frame): frame.grid_remove() @staticmethod def show(frame: tk.Frame): frame.grid() def add_template_text(self): # template-frame template_text = tk.Label( self.template_frame, justify="left", text='Wenn der Assistent "Schicht-Vorlagen" hat,\n' 'stehen diese hier zur Auswahl.\n\n' 'Das ist absolut anzuraten, da es das Eintragen\n' 'von Schichten deutlich beschleunigt. \n\n' 'Die Möglichkeit dazu findest Du im Hauptfenster unter: \n' 'Bearbeiten -> ASN bearbeiten') template_text.pack() def set_data(self, **kwargs): """ parst alle daten ins Formular :param kwargs: :return: """ if 'asn' in kwargs.keys(): self.asn_dropdown.set(kwargs['asn']) if 'asn_stammdaten' in kwargs.keys(): self.asn_stammdaten_form.set_data(**kwargs['asn_stammdaten']) if 'beginn' in kwargs.keys(): self.startdatum_input.selection_set(date=kwargs['beginn']) self.startzeit_input.hourstr.set(kwargs['beginn'].strftime('%H')) self.startzeit_input.minstr.set(kwargs['beginn'].strftime('%M')) if 'ende' in kwargs.keys(): self.enddatum_input.selection_set(date=kwargs['ende']) self.endzeit_input.hourstr.set(kwargs['ende'].strftime('%H')) self.endzeit_input.minstr.set(kwargs['ende'].strftime('%M')) self.ist_at.set( 1 if 'ist_at' in kwargs.keys() and kwargs['ist_at'] else 0) self.ist_pcg.set( 1 if 'ist_pcg' in kwargs.keys() and kwargs['ist_pcg'] else 0) self.ist_rb.set( 1 if 'ist_rb' in kwargs.keys() and kwargs['ist_rb'] else 0) self.ist_afg.set( 1 if 'ist_afg' in kwargs.keys() and kwargs['ist_afg'] else 0) # TODO Zurücksetzen bei Change ASN if 'abweichende_adresse_beginn' in kwargs.keys(): if kwargs['abweichende_adresse_beginn']: self.abweichende_adresse_beginn_dropdown.set( kwargs['abweichende_adresse_beginn']) if 'abweichende_adresse_ende' in kwargs.keys(): if kwargs['abweichende_adresse_ende']: self.abweichende_adresse_ende_dropdown.set( kwargs['abweichende_adresse_ende']) def get_data(self): return { 'asn_id': self.asn_dropdown.get(), 'asn_stammdaten': self.asn_stammdaten_form.get_data(), 'startdatum': self.startdatum_input.get_date(), 'startzeit_stunde': self.startzeit_input.hourstr.get(), 'startzeit_minute': self.startzeit_input.minstr.get(), 'enddatum': self.enddatum_input.get_date(), 'endzeit_stunde': self.endzeit_input.hourstr.get(), 'endzeit_minute': self.endzeit_input.minstr.get(), 'abweichende_adresse_beginn': self.abweichende_adresse_beginn_dropdown.get(), 'abweichende_adresse_beginn_data': self.abweichende_adresse_beginn.get_data(), 'abweichende_adresse_ende': self.abweichende_adresse_ende_dropdown.get(), 'abweichende_adresse_ende_data': self.abweichende_adresse_ende.get_data(), 'ist at': self.ist_at.get(), 'ist pcg': self.ist_pcg.get(), 'ist rb': self.ist_rb.get(), 'ist afg': self.ist_afg.get() }
class AssistentNewEditView(tk.Toplevel): def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) self.parent = parent headline = tk.Label(self, text="Wer bist du denn eigentlich?") vorname_label = tk.Label(self, text="Vorname") self.vorname_input = tk.Entry(self, bd=5, width=40) name_label = tk.Label(self, text="Nachname") self.name_input = tk.Entry(self, bd=5, width=40) email_label = tk.Label(self, text="Email") self.email_input = tk.Entry(self, bd=5, width=40) strasse_label = tk.Label(self, text="Straße/Hausnummer") self.strasse_input = tk.Entry(self, bd=5, width=29) self.hausnummer_input = tk.Entry(self, bd=5, width=9) plz_label = tk.Label(self, text="Postleitzahl") self.plz_input = tk.Entry(self, bd=5, width=40) stadt_label = tk.Label(self, text="Stadt") self.stadt_input = tk.Entry(self, bd=5, width=40) einstellungsdatum_label = tk.Label( self, text="Seit wann bei ad? (") self.einstellungsdatum_input = Calendar(self) self.save_button = tk.Button(self, text="Daten speichern") self.exit_button = tk.Button(self, text="Abbrechen", command=self.destroy) # ins Fenster packen headline.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=3) vorname_label.grid(row=1, column=0) self.vorname_input.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=2) name_label.grid(row=2, column=0) self.name_input.grid(row=2, column=1, columnspan=2) email_label.grid(row=3, column=0) self.email_input.grid(row=3, column=1, columnspan=2) strasse_label.grid(row=4, column=0) self.strasse_input.grid(row=4, column=1) self.hausnummer_input.grid(row=4, column=2) plz_label.grid(row=5, column=0) self.plz_input.grid(row=5, column=1, columnspan=2) stadt_label.grid(row=6, column=0) self.stadt_input.grid(row=6, column=1, columnspan=2) einstellungsdatum_label.grid(row=7, column=0, sticky="nw") self.einstellungsdatum_input.grid(row=7, column=1) self.exit_button.grid(row=8, column=0) self.save_button.grid(row=8, column=1) def set_data(self, **kwargs): self.vorname_input.insert(0, kwargs['vorname']) self.name_input.insert(0, kwargs['name']) self.email_input.insert(0, kwargs['email']) self.strasse_input.insert(0, kwargs['strasse']) self.hausnummer_input.insert(0, kwargs['hausnummer']) self.plz_input.insert(0, kwargs['plz']) self.stadt_input.insert(0, kwargs['stadt']) self.einstellungsdatum_input.selection_set(kwargs['einstellungsdatum']) def get_data(self): einstellungsdatum_date_obj = datetime.strptime( self.einstellungsdatum_input.get_date(), '%m/%d/%y') return { 'name': self.name_input.get(), 'vorname': self.vorname_input.get(), 'email': self.email_input.get(), 'einstellungsdatum': einstellungsdatum_date_obj, 'strasse': self.strasse_input.get(), 'hausnummer': self.hausnummer_input.get(), 'plz': self.plz_input.get(), 'stadt': self.stadt_input.get() }
from tkinter import * from tkcalendar import Calendar # Create Object root = Tk() # Add Calender cal = Calendar(root, selectmode='day', year=2021, month=5, day=19) cal.pack(pady=20) def grad_date(): date.config(text="Selected Date is: " + cal.get_date()) print(cal.get_date()) # Add Button and Label Button(root, text="Get Date", command=grad_date).pack(pady=20) date = Label(root, text="") date.pack(pady=20) # Excecute Tkinter root.mainloop()
def open(): global cal, end_button, pick_button, prev_date, root, startCal, endCal, startDate, endDate, CLUSTERS, CLUSTERS_NAMES, CLUSTERS_DATES, loop, flagaRandom, random_button, randtxt, startDate, endDate if not startDate: startDate = startCal.get_date() endDate = endCal.get_date() switch = True if checkProperDate(startDate, endDate) == 0: return CLUSTERS, CLUSTERS_NAMES, CLUSTERS_DATES = createClusters( startDate.timetuple().tm_yday, endDate.timetuple().tm_yday) root.destroy() root = tkinter.Tk() root.configure(background="white") root.title('Date Picker') img = tkinter.Image("photo", file="data/calendar.gif")'wm', 'iconphoto', root._w, img) style = ttk.Style(root) style.theme_use('default') root.geometry("1000x800") my_label = tkinter.Label(root, text="Select a date") cal = Calendar(root, selectmode="day", year=2021, disabledbackground="red", headersbackground="slateblue", normalbackground="white", weekendbackground="mediumpurple", selectbackground="salmon", showothermonthdays=False) cal.config(background="black") cal.pack(pady=20, fill="both", expand=True) prev_date = cal.get_date() def grab_date(): global picked_ids picked_date = cal.get_date() # my_label.config(text="Picked Date " + picked_date) if picked_date == "": messagebox.showerror("Error", "First select a date!") return if datetime.strptime(picked_date, "%m/%d/%y") not in picked_ids["dates"]: picked_ids["ids"].append( cal.calevent_create(datetime.strptime(picked_date, "%m/%d/%y"), "Not provided", 'message')) picked_ids["dates"].append( datetime.strptime(picked_date, "%m/%d/%y")) date_index = datetime.strptime(picked_date, "%m/%d/%y").timetuple().tm_yday picked_ids["indexes"].append(date_index) else: idx = picked_ids["dates"].index( datetime.strptime(picked_date, "%m/%d/%y")) id = picked_ids["ids"][idx] date = cal.calevents[id]['date'] del cal.calevents[id] del cal._calevent_dates[date] cal._reset_day(date) picked_ids["ids"].pop(idx) picked_ids["dates"].pop(idx) picked_ids["indexes"].pop(idx) my_label.config(text="Selected date: None") global prev_date prev_date = None cal._sel_date = None def random_events_button(): global picked_ids, endDate, startDate, cal, root, flagaRandom, randtxt, random_button if flagaRandom: ilosc = endDate.timetuple().tm_yday - startDate.timetuple( ).tm_yday + 1 daty = np.unique( np.random.randint(startDate.timetuple().tm_yday, endDate.timetuple().tm_yday + 1, np.random.randint(1, ilosc + 1))) for data in daty: datatemp = (datetime(2021, 1, 1) + timedelta(int(data) - 1)) if datatemp not in picked_ids["dates"]: picked_ids["ids"].append( cal.calevent_create(, "Not provided", "message")) picked_ids["dates"].append(datatemp) picked_ids["indexes"].append(data) flagaRandom = False randtxt = "Remove all" # cal._display_calendar() else: flagaRandom = True randtxt = "Select random dates" cal.calevent_remove("all") picked_ids["ids"] = [] picked_ids["dates"] = [] picked_ids["indexes"] = [] if pick_button.winfo_exists(): random_button["text"] = randtxt def date_check(): global prev_date, butText, pick_button, pick_button, startDate, endDate, after2 if prev_date != cal.get_date(): if cal.get_date() == "": my_label.config(text="Select a date") else: my_label.config(text="Selected date: " + cal.get_date()) prev_date = cal.get_date() if cal.get_date() == "": butText = "Pick Date" elif datetime.strptime(cal.get_date(), "%m/%d/%y") in picked_ids["dates"]: butText = "Unpick Date" else: butText = "Pick Date" if pick_button.winfo_exists(): pick_button["text"] = butText if cal.get_date() != "": calendar_date = datetime.strptime(cal.get_date(), "%m/%d/%y").date() if calendar_date > endDate: messagebox.showerror( "Error", f"Selected date must be from {startDate.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')} to {endDate.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')}" ) cal.selection_set(endDate) elif calendar_date < startDate: messagebox.showerror( "Error", f"Selected date must be from {startDate.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')} to {endDate.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')}" ) cal.selection_set(startDate) after2 = root.after(100, date_check) def stop_selecting(): global cal, end_button cal._remove_selection() cal.__setitem__("selectmode", "none") pick_button.destroy() random_button.destroy() end_button["text"] = "Show results" end_button["command"] = results dates = [] for date in picked_ids["dates"]: dates.append(datetime.strftime(date, '%d/%m/%y')) dates = str(dates).replace('\'', '').replace(', ', ', ').replace( '[', '').replace(']', '') my_label.config(text=f"Selected dates: {dates}", wraplength=1000, justify="center") def results(): global picked_ids, startDate, endDate, root, switch, img, loop, after2, CLUSTERS, CLUSTERS_NAMES, CLUSTERS_DATES, PRZEROBIONY, Top, restart_button # ustawienia okna switch = False root.after_cancel(loop) root.after_cancel(after2) Top = tkinter.Toplevel(root, ) Top.configure(background="white") Top.title('Result') Top.grab_set() img = tkinter.Image("photo", file="data/calendar.gif") #'wm', 'iconphoto', root._w, img) style = ttk.Style(Top) style.theme_use('default') # # wyliczamy długość tablicy PERIODICITY = np.zeros( (endDate.timetuple().tm_yday - startDate.timetuple().tm_yday + 1), int) for i in range(PERIODICITY.shape[0]): PERIODICITY[i] = 0 if i + startDate.timetuple( ).tm_yday in picked_ids["indexes"] else i + startDate.timetuple( ).tm_yday # UNIVERSE PERIODICITY = PERIODICITY[PERIODICITY[:] != 0] PRZEROBIONY = np.multiply(CLUSTERS, CLUSTERS_DATES).tolist() NPRZEROBIONY = [] NNAZWY = [] for i in range(len(PRZEROBIONY)): NNAZWY.append(CLUSTERS_NAMES[i]) NPRZEROBIONY.append(set(filter((0).__ne__, PRZEROBIONY[i]))) print("OKRES: ", PERIODICITY) # print("prze",NPRZEROBIONY) wyniki = problem( set(PERIODICITY.copy()), NPRZEROBIONY.copy(), ) msg = "" przerywnik = "," if len(wyniki) > 2 else "plus" exception = "" exceptionplus = "" res = set([]) for wynik in wyniki: idx = NPRZEROBIONY.index(wynik) # print(idx) if msg == "" and NNAZWY[idx][0] != "f": msg += "'" + NNAZWY[idx] + "'" elif msg == "" and NNAZWY[idx][0] == "f": msg += NNAZWY[idx][:5] + "'" + NNAZWY[idx][5:] + "'" elif NNAZWY[idx][0] == "f": msg += przerywnik + " " + NNAZWY[idx][:5] + "'" + NNAZWY[idx][ 5:] + "'" else: msg += f" {przerywnik} '{NNAZWY[idx]}'" res = res | wynik if len(res - set(PERIODICITY)) > 0 or len(set(PERIODICITY) - res) > 0: diffs = [] diffsplus = [] if len(res - set(PERIODICITY)) > 0: diffs = sorted(res - set(PERIODICITY)) difftxt = "with the exception of " if len(set(PERIODICITY) - res) > 0: # print("X") diffsplus = sorted(set(PERIODICITY) - res) diffplus = "plus on " for diff in diffs: datetemp = (datetime(2021, 1, 1) + timedelta(int(diff) - 1)).strftime('%d/%m/%Y') exception += f"{datetemp}" if exception == "" else f", {datetemp}" for diff in diffsplus: datetemp = (datetime(2021, 1, 1) + timedelta(int(diff) - 1)).strftime('%d/%m/%Y') exceptionplus += f"{datetemp}" if exceptionplus == "" else f", {datetemp}" if PERIODICITY.shape[0] != 0: exceptionplus = diffplus + exceptionplus if exceptionplus != "" else "" exception = difftxt + exception if exception != "" else "" preposition = "on" if msg[0] != 'f' else "" lbl = tkinter.Label( Top, text= f"The service is provided {preposition} {msg} from {startDate.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')} to {endDate.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')} {exceptionplus} {exception}", wraplength=300, justify="center").pack(padx=10, pady=10) else: lbl = tkinter.Label( Top, text= f"The service is not provided from {startDate.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')} to {endDate.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')}", wraplength=300, justify="center").pack(padx=10, pady=10) def restart(): global Top, open, butText, randtxt, indexes, picked_ids, flagaRandom def clear(): # for windows if == 'nt': _ = os.system('cls') # for mac and linux(here, is 'posix') else: _ = os.system('clear') clear() flagaRandom = True butText = "Pick Date" randtxt = "Select random dates" indexes = [] picked_ids = { "ids": [], "dates": [], "indexes": [], } Top.destroy() open() restart_button = tkinter.Button(Top, text="Restart program", command=restart).pack(padx=10, pady=10) pick_button = tkinter.Button(root, text=butText, command=grab_date) random_button = tkinter.Button(root, text=randtxt, command=random_events_button) end_button = tkinter.Button(root, text="Finish", command=stop_selecting) if switch: loop = root.after(100, date_check) else: print("[ERROR]") root.after_cancel(loop) loop = None my_label.pack(pady=10) pick_button.pack(pady=10) random_button.pack(pady=10) end_button.pack(padx=100)
class App: ''' Interfaz básica del módulo tkinter y se agrega el widget tkcalendar.Calendar Más info en ''' def __init__(self): # Interfaz base de tkinter. # Más información en self.root = tk.Tk() # método que se ejecuta al cerrar la ventana self.root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.exit) self.root.withdraw() self.root.title('Calendario Personal') # Widget para mostrar calendario = tk.Toplevel(self.root)"WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.exit) # es necesario instalar el módulo tkcalendar # python -m pip install tkcalendar # más info en = Calendar(, font="Arial 10", background='darkblue', foreground='white', selectmode='day') # Boton para ver registros del día ttk.Button(, text="Ver eventos", # Como command recibe el nombre de un método, no nos permite pasar argumentos. # Para ello, utilizamos lambda, que crea una función anónima. # Puede recibir varios parámetros pero puede ejecutar una sola expresión/acción. # Más documentación en command=lambda: ListView( root=self.root, )).grid(sticky="ew", pady=5, padx=5) # Botón para crear un nuevo evento ttk.Button(, text="Nuevo evento", command=lambda: EventoForm( self.root, )).grid(sticky="ew", pady=5, padx=5) # Loop para mostrar la ventana sin cerrarse self.root.mainloop() def exit(self): """ Cierr conexión a base de datos y todas las interfaces gráficas """ # Cierra conexión a la base de datos ce.close_conn(ce.DB_CONN) # Cierra ventana de Calendario (widget) # Cierra ventana principal self.root.quit() self.root.destroy() # Cierra el intérprete de Python sys.exit()
class DateFrame(Frame): """ DateFrame class creates: | ◉ Today ○ Pick Date | # Pick Date displays a calendar | Date: 04/06/2021 | """ def __init__(self, root): self.root = root super().__init__(self.root, bg=BACKGROUND_COLOR) self.date_pattern = DATE_PATTERN self.date_to_pixela = pixela_today # '20210406' self.calendar = Calendar(self, font='Arial 8', background='#000080', showweeknumbers=False, weekendforeground='#000000', weekendbackground='#ffffff', date_pattern=self.date_pattern, othermonthwebackground='#ffffff', othermonthbackground='#ffffff') # ◉Today = Radiobutton(self, command=self.set_today, text="Today ", value=0, variable=radio_state, bg=BACKGROUND_COLOR), column=0, sticky='w') # ◉Pick Date self.pick_date = Radiobutton(self, command=self.show_calendar, text="Pick Date", value=1, variable=radio_state, bg=BACKGROUND_COLOR) self.pick_date.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='w') # Date: {04/06/2021} Label(self, text="Date: ", bg=BACKGROUND_COLOR, padx=10).grid(row=1, column=0) self.main_date = Label(self, text="", bg=BACKGROUND_COLOR, font=('Arial', 12, 'bold')) self.main_date.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='w') self.set_today() # output today's date right away def change_date_pattern(self, option): # to be used by Options in MainMenu self.date_pattern = option self.calendar = Calendar(self, font='Arial 8', background='#000080', showweeknumbers=False, weekendforeground='#000000', weekendbackground='#ffffff', date_pattern=option, othermonthwebackground='#ffffff', othermonthbackground='#ffffff') keep_format = messagebox.askyesno( title="Keep Format", message="Do you wish to keep this date format \n" "for the next times you open this program?") if keep_format: with"user_options") as sf: sf["date_pattern"] = option self.set_today() def display(self, date): self.calendar.grid_forget() self.main_date.config(text=date) def set_today(self): self.date_to_pixela = pixela_today # set back TODAY for and display it if self.date_pattern == 'mm/dd/yyyy': self.display(today.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")) elif self.date_pattern == 'dd/mm/yyyy': self.display(today.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")) else: self.display(today.strftime("%Y/%m/%d")) def show_calendar( self ): # displays new date label, at every click, and hides calendar self.calendar.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky='w') def format_day_from_calendar(event): # won't work without "event" (?) date = self.get_pixela_date_from_calendar() self.display(date) self.calendar.bind("<<CalendarSelected>>", format_day_from_calendar) def get_pixela_date_from_calendar(self): get_date = self.calendar.get_date( ) # format retrieved depends on self.date_pattern date = get_date.split('/') if self.date_pattern == 'mm/dd/yyyy': self.date_to_pixela = ''.join([date[2], date[0], date[1]]) elif self.date_pattern == 'dd/mm/yyyy': self.date_to_pixela = ''.join([date[2], date[1], date[0]]) else: # asian self.date_to_pixela = ''.join(date) return get_date
class ChangeStatement: """ Изменить состояние канала """ def __init__(self, tree, iid, num, all_trees, logit): self.tree = tree self.iid = iid self.num = num self.all_trees = all_trees self.logit = logit self.row = self.tree.item(iid) self.key_tree = self.row['values'][0] self.all_values = all_values = self.all_values[self.num][0][self.key_tree] self.add_in_table = all_values[self.num][1] def on_time(self): """ Выбрать время """ = tk.Toplevel() lab1 = tk.Label(, text='Дата и время начала работ', font=tkFont.Font(family=main_font, size=size_font)) lab1.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=4, ipady=10, padx=10) self.cal1 = Calendar(, font="Arial 14", selectmode="day",,, self.cal1.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=4, rowspan=4, padx=10) self.time1 = AppTime( self.time1.grid(row=5, column=0, columnspan=4, pady=10) lab2 = tk.Label(, text='Дата и время завершения работ', font=tkFont.Font(family=main_font, size=size_font)) lab2.grid(row=0, column=5, columnspan=4, ipady=10) self.cal2 = Calendar(, font="Arial 14", selectmode="day",,, self.cal2.grid(row=1, column=5, columnspan=4, rowspan=4, padx=10) self.time2 = AppTime( self.time2.grid(row=5, column=5, columnspan=4, pady=10) self.day1 = self.cal1.get_date() self.day2 = self.cal2.get_date() self.hour1 = self.time1.hourstr.get() self.hour2 = self.time2.hourstr.get() self.min1 = self.time1.minstr.get() self.min2 = self.time2.minstr.get() text4 = tk.Label(, text='Добавьте комментарий:', font=tkFont.Font(family=main_font, size=size_font)) text4.grid(row=6, column=0, columnspan=5, padx=10) self.comment_text = ScrolledText.ScrolledText(, height=4, width=40, font=tkFont.Font( family=main_font, size=size_font), wrap=WORD) self.comment_text.grid(row=7, column=0, columnspan=5, padx=10, pady=10) but1 = tk.Button(, text="Выбрать", command=self.select_on_time, activebackground='PaleGreen1', font=tkFont.Font(family=main_font, size=size_font), height=2, width=10) but1.grid(row=7, column=6) but2 = tk.Button(, text="Отмена",, activebackground='salmon', font=tkFont.Font(family=main_font, size=size_font), height=2, width=10) but2.grid(row=7, column=7), width=False) def select_on_time(self): """ Отправить по времени""" date_order = [2, 0, 1] date_list1 = self.day1.split('/') date_list2 = self.day2.split('/') date_list1 = ['0' + i if len(i) == 1 else i for i in date_list1] date_list2 = ['0' + i if len(i) == 1 else i for i in date_list2] date_list1 = [date_list1[i] for i in date_order] date_list2 = [date_list2[i] for i in date_order] date_list1[0] = '20' + date_list1[0] date_list2[0] = '20' + date_list2[0] date1 = '-'.join(date_list1) date2 = '-'.join(date_list2) begin = date1 + ' ' + str(self.hour1) + ':' + str(self.min1) end = date2 + ' ' + str(self.hour2) + ':' + str(self.min2) new_value = { self.key_tree: [, begin.encode('utf-8'), end.encode('utf-8')] } par1 = "Ремонт с".decode('koi8-r').encode('koi8-r') par2 = "до".decode('koi8-r').encode('koi8-r') for item in self.all_values.keys(): for all_dict in self.all_values[item][0]: if == self.all_values[item][0][all_dict]: if item in list_moxa: tree = self.all_trees[item] remont = load_file('remont', item) remont.update(new_value) dump_file('remont', item, remont) tree_num = self.key_tree - 1 row = tree.tree.get_children()[tree_num] tree.tree.item( row, values=(str(self.key_tree), str(new_value[self.key_tree][0]), "%s %s %s %s" % (par1, new_value[self.key_tree][1], par2, new_value[self.key_tree][2])), tags=("blue", )) self.logit.warning( 'Канал %s в MOXA%s отправлен на ремонт на период с %s до %s' % (new_value[self.key_tree][0], self.num, begin.encode('utf-8'), end.encode('utf-8'))) lst = [ self.key_tree, str(new_value[self.key_tree][0]), "%s %s %s %s" % (par1, new_value[self.key_tree][1], par2, new_value[self.key_tree][2]), "blue" ] new_value_add = {self.key_tree: lst} self.add_in_table.update(new_value_add) add_comment(self.comment_text.get('1.0', END), item, self.key_tree, def on_agreement(self): """ Отправить в ремонт до распоряжения""" date_today = begin = date_today.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") end = 'распоряжения'.decode('koi8-r').encode('koi8-r') new_value = {self.key_tree: [, begin.encode('utf-8'), end]} par1 = "Ремонт с".decode('koi8-r').encode('koi8-r') par2 = "до".decode('koi8-r').encode('koi8-r') for item in self.all_values.keys(): for all_dict in self.all_values[item][0]: if == self.all_values[item][0][ all_dict] and item in list_moxa: tree = self.all_trees[item] remont = load_file('remont', item) remont.update(new_value) dump_file('remont', item, remont) tree_num = self.key_tree - 1 row = tree.tree.get_children()[tree_num] tree.tree.item( row, values=(str(self.key_tree), str(new_value[self.key_tree][0]), "%s %s %s %s" % (par1, new_value[self.key_tree][1], par2, new_value[self.key_tree][2])), tags=("blue", )) self.logit.warning( 'Канал %s в MOXA%s отправлен на ремонт на период с %s до %s' % (new_value[self.key_tree][0], item, begin, end)) lst = [ self.key_tree, str(new_value[self.key_tree][0]), "%s %s %s %s" % (par1, new_value[self.key_tree][1], par2, new_value[self.key_tree][2]), "blue" ] new_value_add = {self.key_tree: lst} self.add_in_table.update(new_value_add) def return_channel(self): """ Вернуть канал в работу""" for item in self.all_values.keys(): for all_dict in self.all_values[item][0]: if == self.all_values[item][0][all_dict]: if item in list_moxa: tree = self.all_trees[item] remont = load_file('remont', item) for key in remont.keys(): if key == self.key_tree: del (remont[key]) dump_file('remont', item, remont) tree_num = self.key_tree - 1 row = tree.tree.get_children()[tree_num] moxa = self.all_values[item][0] tree.tree.item( row, values=(str(self.key_tree), str(moxa[self.key_tree]), str('updating status...')), tags=("green", )) self.logit.warning( 'Канал %s в MOXA%s возвращен в работу' % (moxa[self.key_tree], item)) lst = [ self.key_tree, str(moxa[self.key_tree]), 'updating status...', "green" ] new_value_add = {self.key_tree: lst} self.add_in_table.update(new_value_add)
class HomingWindow(): def __init__(self, master, conn, main_win): # Init variable setup self.master = master self.conn = conn self.main_win = main_win self.animal_dict = {} # Dictionary of row IDs and animal ID's # for adding animals to the list. # Window setup self.master.wm_title("Homing") CenterWindow(self.master) # Build the window self._build_frames() self._build_widgets() def _build_frames(self): # Right frame right_frame = ttk.Frame(self.master, width="250") right_frame.pack_propagate(0) right_frame.pack(side="right", fill="y") # - Calendar frame self.cal_frame = ttk.Frame(right_frame) self.cal_frame.pack(side="top") # - Add button frame self.add_frame = ttk.Frame(right_frame) self.add_frame.pack(side="top", fill="x") # - In-Rescue checkbox frame self.in_rescue_frame = ttk.Frame(right_frame) self.in_rescue_frame.pack(side="top", fill="x", anchor="w") # - Animal tree frame self.animal_tree_frame = ttk.Frame(right_frame) self.animal_tree_frame.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True) # - Add/Cancel buttons frame self.buttons_frame = ttk.Frame(right_frame) self.buttons_frame.pack(side="top", fill="x", anchor="s") # Main frame main_frame = ttk.Frame(self.master) main_frame.pack(side="left", fill="both", expand=True) # - Header frame self.header_frame = ttk.Frame(main_frame) self.header_frame.pack(side="top", fill="x") # - Data frame data_frame = ttk.Frame(main_frame) data_frame.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True) # -- Setting column list for inputs self.data_col = [] # -- Column setup self.col_padd = 5 self.col_paddl = self.col_padd + 1 num_of_cols = 1 # Increase to add columns. for col in range(num_of_cols): self.data_col.insert(col, [0, 1]) self.data_col[col][0] = ttk.Frame(data_frame) self.data_col[col][0].pack(side="left", fill="y", ipadx=5, anchor="n") self.data_col[col][1] = ttk.Frame(data_frame) self.data_col[col][1].pack(side="left", fill="y", ipadx=5, anchor="n") # -- Notes column note_frame = ttk.Frame(data_frame) note_frame.pack(side="left", fill="both", expand=True, padx=2) # --- Notes header frame self.note_header_frame = ttk.Frame(note_frame) self.note_header_frame.pack(side="top", fill="x") # --- Notes frame self.notes_frame = ttk.Frame(note_frame) self.notes_frame.pack(side="top", fill="both", anchor="n", expand=True) self.notes_frame.pack_propagate(0) # -- Animals column self.animal_frame = ttk.Frame(data_frame, width="200") self.animal_frame.pack(side="left", fill="both") self.animal_frame.pack_propagate(0) def _build_widgets(self): # ============= # Right frame # ============= # Calendar self.calendar = Calendar(self.cal_frame) self.calendar.pack(side="top", anchor="n") # Add button self.add_button = ttk.Button(self.add_frame, text="Add Animal", command=self._add_animal) self.add_button.pack(side="top", anchor="n", fill="x") # In-Rescue checkbox self.in_rescue_var = tk.IntVar() self.in_rescue = ttk.Checkbutton(self.in_rescue_frame, text="Only show animals in rescue: ", variable=self.in_rescue_var, command=self.refresh_animal_data) self.in_rescue.pack(side="left", anchor="w") self.in_rescue_var.set(1) # Build animal tree. animal_query = "SELECT * FROM Animal_ID_View" if self.in_rescue_var.get() == 1: animal_query += "_Active" md = BasicDbQuery(self.conn, animal_query) self.animal_tree = TreeBuild(self.animal_tree_frame, search=True, data=md[1], widths=[35, 300], headings=md[0]) self.animal_tree.tree.bind("<Double-1>", lambda c: self._add_animal()) # cancel / submit button self.submit = ttk.Button(self.buttons_frame, text="Submit", command=self._submit_entries) self.submit.pack(side="left", fill="x") self.cancel = ttk.Button(self.buttons_frame, text="Cancel", command=self.close_window) self.cancel.pack(side="right", fill="x") # ============= # Header frame # ============= # Title heading = ttk.Label(self.header_frame, text="Collections / Adoptions", font=self.main_win.font_title) heading.pack(side="left", anchor="nw", padx=10, pady=10) # ============= # Column 0/1 Contents frame # ============= # Homing or adoption radio button type_label = ttk.Label(self.data_col[0][0], text="Collection/Homing") type_label.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=self.col_paddl) spacer = ttk.Label(self.data_col[0][0], text="") spacer.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=self.col_paddl) self.home_type = tk.StringVar() self.radio_home = ttk.Radiobutton(self.data_col[0][1], value="home", text="Home to new owner", variable=self.home_type) self.radio_home.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=self.col_padd) self.radio_home.invoke() self.radio_collect = ttk.Radiobutton(self.data_col[0][1], value="collect", text="Taking into the rescue", variable=self.home_type) self.radio_collect.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=self.col_padd) # Name name_l = ttk.Label(self.data_col[0][0], text="Name") name_l.pack(side="top", fill="x", ipady=self.col_paddl) self.name_e = ttk.Entry(self.data_col[0][1]) self.name_e.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=self.col_padd) # Address 1 address1_l = ttk.Label(self.data_col[0][0], text="Address line 1") address1_l.pack(side="top", fill="x", ipady=self.col_paddl) self.address1_e = ttk.Entry(self.data_col[0][1]) self.address1_e.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=self.col_padd) # Address 2 address2_l = ttk.Label(self.data_col[0][0], text="Address line 2") address2_l.pack(side="top", fill="x", ipady=self.col_paddl) self.address2_e = ttk.Entry(self.data_col[0][1]) self.address2_e.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=self.col_padd) # Town town_l = ttk.Label(self.data_col[0][0], text="Town") town_l.pack(side="top", fill="x", ipady=self.col_paddl) self.town_e = ttk.Entry(self.data_col[0][1]) self.town_e.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=self.col_padd) # County county_l = ttk.Label(self.data_col[0][0], text="County") county_l.pack(side="top", fill="x", ipady=self.col_paddl) self.county_e = ttk.Entry(self.data_col[0][1]) self.county_e.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=self.col_padd) # Postcode postcode_l = ttk.Label(self.data_col[0][0], text="Postcode") postcode_l.pack(side="top", fill="x", ipady=self.col_paddl) self.postcode_e = ttk.Entry(self.data_col[0][1]) self.postcode_e.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=self.col_padd) # Phone number phone_num_l = ttk.Label(self.data_col[0][0], text="Phone Number") phone_num_l.pack(side="top", fill="x", ipady=self.col_paddl) self.phone_num_e = ttk.Entry(self.data_col[0][1]) self.phone_num_e.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=self.col_padd) # ============= # notes frame frame # ============= # - Notes items. # - Notes label self.notes_l = ttk.Label(self.note_header_frame, text="Notes:", anchor="n") self.notes_l.pack(side="top", fill="x") # - Notes text box text_scroll = tk.Scrollbar(self.notes_frame) self.text_box = tk.Text(self.notes_frame) text_scroll.pack(side="right", fill="y") self.text_box.pack(side="right", fill="y") text_scroll.config(command=self.text_box.yview) self.text_box.config(yscrollcommand=text_scroll.set) # ============= # Animal frame # ============= self.animal_l = ttk.Label(self.animal_frame, text="Animals to process:", anchor="n") self.animal_l.pack(side="top", fill="x") def _submit_entries(self): if len(self.animal_dict.values()) == 0: return # ============= # Build the SQL Query for inserting the homing event. # ============= query = """ INSERT INTO Homing_Data ( Date, Description, Delivered_Or_Collected, Name, Address_1, Address_2, Town, County, Postcode, Phone_Number) VALUES( :date, :description, :delivered, :name, :addr1, :addr2, :town, :county, :postcode, :phonenum) """ # Build the dictionary to fill the query sql_dict = {} # date date = self.calendar.get_date() date = datetime.strptime(date, '%d/%m/%Y').strftime('%Y-%m-%d') sql_dict['date'] = date sql_dict['description'] = self.text_box.get('1.0', 'end').rstrip() sql_dict['delivered'] = self.home_type.get() sql_dict['name'] = self.name_e.get().rstrip() sql_dict['addr1'] = self.address1_e.get().rstrip() sql_dict['addr2'] = self.address2_e.get().rstrip() sql_dict['town'] = self.town_e.get().rstrip() sql_dict['county'] = self.county_e.get().rstrip() sql_dict['postcode'] = self.postcode_e.get().rstrip() sql_dict['phonenum'] = self.phone_num_e.get().rstrip() # enter the entry into Sqlite AdvDbQuery(self.conn, query, sql_dict, returnlist=False) # ============= # Bind the homing event to the animals involved. # ============= # Get the ID of the latest homing event. we just posted. query = """ SELECT ID FROM Homing_Data ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1 """ homing_id = BasicDbQuery(self.conn, query)[1][0][0] # add each animal to the pairing table. for v in self.animal_dict.values(): query = """INSERT INTO Homing_Animal_Pairings ( Animal_ID, Homing_Data_ID) VALUES( :Animal_ID, :Homing_ID)""" sql_dict = {} sql_dict['Animal_ID'] = v sql_dict['Homing_ID'] = int(homing_id) # enter the entry into Sqlite AdvDbQuery(self.conn, query, sql_dict, returnlist=False) # ============= # Ask if user wants to update individual animal pages # ============= if self.home_type.get() == "home": home_text = "left" elif self.home_type.get() == "collect": home_text = "entered" msgboxtext = ( f"Do you want to update the individual animal pages " f"to show that the animal has now {home_text} the rescue?") msgBox = messagebox.askquestion('Update Animal Pages', msgboxtext) if msgBox == 'yes': # update animal records to reflect if animal is now in rescue for v in self.animal_dict.values(): if self.home_type.get() == "home": home_val = 0 elif self.home_type.get() == "collect": home_val = 1 query = """ UPDATE Animal SET In_Rescue = :in_rescue WHERE ID = :ID """ sql_dict = {} sql_dict['ID'] = v sql_dict['in_rescue'] = home_val AdvDbQuery(self.conn, query, sql_dict, returnlist=False) # close window when everything complete self.main_win.refresh_main_tree() self.close_window() def _add_animal(self): tree = self.animal_tree.tree # Check if anything selected in tree. Return if nothing results = tree.item(tree.focus())['values'] if results == '': return # Save selected item in tree animal_id = results[0] add_name = results[1] # Check if animal already in list. If it is, return if animal_id in self.animal_dict.values(): return # Get next available row id (for if animals are removed and readded) button_id = self._get_next_row_id() # returns 999 if already exist if button_id == 999: return else: self.animal_dict[button_id] = animal_id # =========== # Build the actual visible row now. # =========== # Short string of button id to make the below simpler ids = str(button_id) # Create a new master frame for row setattr(self, "rowmasterf" + ids, ttk.Frame(self.animal_frame)) # set as local var so can be used below without being a mess masterf = getattr(self, "rowmasterf" + ids) masterf.pack(side="top", fill="x", ipady=1) # Create the widgets: # The remove button setattr( self, "rowb" + ids, ttk.Button(masterf, text="-", width="2", command=lambda: self._remove_animal(button_id))) getattr(self, "rowb" + ids).pack(side="left") # The label setattr(self, "rowl" + ids, ttk.Label(masterf, text=str(animal_id) + ": " + add_name)) getattr(self, "rowl" + ids).pack(side="left") def _remove_animal(self, rem_id): ids = str(rem_id) getattr(self, "rowmasterf" + ids).destroy() del self.animal_dict[rem_id] def _get_next_row_id(self): for i in range(16): # Max 16 entries if i not in self.animal_dict: return i return 999 def refresh_animal_data(self): md_query = "SELECT * FROM Animal_ID_View" if self.in_rescue_var.get() == 1: md_query += "_Active" md = BasicDbQuery(self.conn, md_query) self.animal_tree.refresh_data(md[1]) def close_window(self): self.master.destroy()
class MedicalEntryWindow(): def __init__(self, master, conn, main_win): self.conn = conn self.master = master self.med_dict = {} # dictionary of button ID's and animal ids self.master.withdraw() # Hide window self.master.wm_title("Medical Entries") CenterWindow(self.master) self.main_win = main_win # Used for comunicating with parent window. self._build_frames() self._build_widgets() self.master.deiconify() # show window self.popup = False # Check used later to see if popup created. def _build_frames(self): # Right frame self.right_frame = ttk.Frame(self.master, width="200") self.right_frame.pack_propagate(0) self.right_frame.pack(side="right", fill="y") # - Add button frame self.add_frame = ttk.Frame(self.right_frame) self.add_frame.pack(side="top", fill="x") # - In-Rescue checkbox frame self.in_rescue_frame = ttk.Frame(self.right_frame) self.in_rescue_frame.pack(side="top", fill="x", anchor="w") # - Animal tree frame self.animal_tree_frame = ttk.Frame(self.right_frame) self.animal_tree_frame.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand="True") # - Add/Cancel buttons frame self.buttons_frame = ttk.Frame(self.right_frame) self.buttons_frame.pack(side="bottom", expand=True, fill="x", anchor="s") # Left frame self.left_frame = ttk.Frame(self.master) self.left_frame.pack(side="left", fill="both", expand=True) # - Header frame self.header_frame = ttk.Frame(self.left_frame) self.header_frame.pack(side="top", anchor="w", fill="x") # -- Calender frame self.cal_frame = ttk.Frame(self.header_frame, width="300") self.cal_frame.pack(side="right", fill="y") # - Medical entries frame self.med_frame = ttk.Frame(self.left_frame) self.med_frame.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True) def _build_widgets(self): # Right frame items # - Add button self.add_button = ttk.Button(self.add_frame, text="Add Animal", command=self._add_animal) self.add_button.pack(side="top", anchor="n", fill="x") # - In-Rescue checkbox self.in_rescue_var = tk.IntVar() self.in_rescue = ttk.Checkbutton(self.in_rescue_frame, text="Only show animals in rescue: ", variable=self.in_rescue_var, command=self.refresh_animal_data) self.in_rescue.pack(side="left", anchor="w") self.in_rescue_var.set(1) # - Build animal tree. animal_query = "SELECT * FROM Animal_ID_View" if self.in_rescue_var.get() == 1: animal_query += "_Active" md = BasicDbQuery(self.conn, animal_query) self.animal_tree = TreeBuild(self.animal_tree_frame, search=True, data=md[1], headings=md[0]) self.animal_tree.tree.bind( "<Double-1>", lambda c: self._add_animal()) # cancel / submit button self.submit = ttk.Button(self.buttons_frame, text="Submit", command=self._submit_records) self.submit.pack(side="left", fill="x") self.cancel = ttk.Button(self.buttons_frame, text="Cancel", command=self.close_window) self.cancel.pack(side="right", fill="x") # Header frame items # - heading label heading = ttk.Label(self.header_frame, text="Medical Entries", font=self.main_win.font_title) heading.pack(side="left", anchor="nw", padx=10) # -- Calendar frame items # -- Calandar self.calendar = Calendar(self.cal_frame) self.calendar.pack(side="top", anchor="n") def _add_animal(self): tree = self.animal_tree.tree results = tree.item(tree.focus())['values'] if results == '': return animal_id = results[0] add_name = results[1] # Sort out next buttons/frame ID button_id = self._get_next_row_id() # returns 999 if maxed out if button_id == 999: return else: self.med_dict[button_id] = animal_id # String of button id and shortening name for creating attributes ids = str(button_id) # ================ Frames # Create new master framer for row setattr(self, "medmasterf" + ids, ttk.Frame(self.med_frame, style="grey.TFrame")) # set as local var so can be used below medmasterf = getattr(self, "medmasterf" + ids) getattr(self, "medmasterf" + ids).pack(side="top", fill="x", ipady=1) # - Create top frame setattr(self, "medf" + ids, ttk.Frame(medmasterf)) # set as local var so can be used below medf = getattr(self, "medf" + ids) getattr(self, "medf" + ids).pack(side="top", fill="x") # - Create 2nd frame setattr(self, "medf2" + ids, ttk.Frame(medmasterf)) # set as local var so can be used below medf2 = getattr(self, "medf2" + ids) getattr(self, "medf2" + ids).pack(side="top", fill="x") # ================ Widgets # Create the button setattr(self, "medb" + ids, ttk.Button( medf, text="-", width="2", command=lambda: self._remove_animal(button_id))) getattr(self, "medb" + ids).pack(side="left") # Create Labels setattr(self, "medid" + ids, ttk.Label(medf, text=animal_id)) getattr(self, "medid" + ids).pack(side="left") name_text = ": " + add_name + " | " setattr(self, "medname" + ids, ttk.Label(medf, text=name_text)) getattr(self, "medname" + ids).pack(side="left") # Used when building error log on submission. setattr(self, "mednametext" + ids, add_name) # Med_type combobox setattr(self, "medtype" + ids, ttk.Combobox(medf, state="readonly", values=("Vet", "Other"))) getattr(self, "medtype" + ids).pack(side="left") getattr(self, "medtype" + ids).bind( "<<ComboboxSelected>>", lambda c: self._med_type_selection(button_id)) # - (vet() Vet_Name label/combobox text = "| Vet Name : " setattr(self, "medvetnamel" + ids, ttk.Label(medf, text=text)) vet_text = self.main_win.config['DEFAULT'].get('defaultvet') setattr(self, "medvetnamee" + ids, ttk.Entry(medf)) getattr(self, "medvetnamee" + ids).insert(0, vet_text) # - (vet) Op type setattr(self, "medoptypel" + ids, ttk.Label(medf, text="| Type : ")) setattr(self, "medoptype" + ids, ttk.Combobox( medf, state="readonly", values=("Chip", "Checkup", "Neuter", "Vaccination", "Other"))) getattr(self, "medoptype" + ids).bind( "<<ComboboxSelected>>", lambda c: self._op_type_selection(button_id)) # -- (chip) chiplabel/num setattr(self, "chipnuml" + ids, ttk.Label(medf, text="| Chip Num : ")) setattr(self, "chipnume" + ids, ttk.Entry(medf)) # Cost entry boxs *Movable and will be destoyed in certain routes. # re-create when needed. setattr(self, "medcostl" + ids, ttk.Label(medf, text="| Cost : ")) setattr(self, "medcoste" + ids, ttk.Entry(medf)) # Checkup Label text = "| Checkup Notes : " setattr(self, "medcheckupl" + ids, ttk.Label(medf2, text=text)) # Notes Entry/label setattr(self, "mednotesl" + ids, ttk.Label(medf2, text="| Notes : ")) setattr(self, "mednotese" + ids, ttk.Entry(medf2)) # Other op type label/entry text = "| Procedure : " setattr(self, "medotheropl" + ids, ttk.Label(medf, text=text)) setattr(self, "medotherope" + ids, ttk.Entry(medf)) # vac type (first/second) text = "| Vac Type : " setattr(self, "medvactypel" + ids, ttk.Label(medf, text=text)) setattr(self, "medvactype" + ids, ttk.Combobox( medf, state="readonly", values=("First", "Second", "Top-Up"))) getattr(self, "medvactype" + ids).bind( "<<ComboboxSelected>>", lambda c: self._vac_type_selection(button_id)) # vac due date + label text = "| Next Vac Due (YYYY-MM-DD) : " setattr(self, "medduedatel" + ids, ttk.Label(medf2, text=text)) setattr(self, "medduedate" + ids, DateEntry(medf2)) # Worm/Flea/Both label + combo text = "| Treatment : " setattr(self, "medfleatypel" + ids, ttk.Label(medf, text=text)) setattr(self, "medfleatype" + ids, ttk.Combobox( medf, state="readonly", values=("Flea", "Worming", "Flea and Worming", "Other"))) getattr(self, "medfleatype" + ids).bind( "<<ComboboxSelected>>", lambda c: self._non_vet_type_selection(button_id)) def _get_next_row_id(self): for i in range(16): # Max 30 entries if i not in self.med_dict: return i return 999 def _remove_animal(self, rem_id): ids = str(rem_id) getattr(self, "medmasterf" + ids).destroy() del self.med_dict[rem_id] # ========= # Functions for controlling row contents when options selected # ========= def _med_type_selection(self, button_id): ids = str(button_id) option = getattr(self, "medtype" + ids).get() # unpack everything first : getattr(self, "medvetnamel" + ids).pack_forget() getattr(self, "medvetnamee" + ids).pack_forget() getattr(self, "medoptypel" + ids).pack_forget() getattr(self, "medoptype" + ids).set("") # trigger op_type below getattr(self, "medoptype" + ids).event_generate("<<ComboboxSelected>>") getattr(self, "medoptype" + ids).pack_forget() getattr(self, "medfleatypel" + ids).pack_forget() getattr(self, "medfleatype" + ids).pack_forget() if option == "Vet": # Pack vet options getattr(self, "medvetnamel" + ids).pack(side="left") getattr(self, "medvetnamee" + ids).pack(side="left") getattr(self, "medoptypel" + ids).pack(side="left") getattr(self, "medoptype" + ids).pack(side="left") elif option == "Other": getattr(self, "medfleatypel" + ids).pack(side="left") getattr(self, "medfleatype" + ids).pack(side="left") def _op_type_selection(self, button_id): ids = str(button_id) option = getattr(self, "medoptype" + ids).get() medf = getattr(self, "medf" + ids) medf2 = getattr(self, "medf2" + ids) # unpack everything first getattr(self, "chipnuml" + ids).pack_forget() getattr(self, "chipnume" + ids).pack_forget() getattr(self, "medcostl" + ids).pack_forget() getattr(self, "medcheckupl" + ids).pack_forget() getattr(self, "mednotese" + ids).pack_forget() getattr(self, "mednotesl" + ids).pack_forget() getattr(self, "medotheropl" + ids).pack_forget() getattr(self, "medotherope" + ids).pack_forget() getattr(self, "medvactype" + ids).set("") # trigger op_type below getattr(self, "medvactype" + ids).event_generate( "<<ComboboxSelected>>") getattr(self, "medvactype" + ids).pack_forget() getattr(self, "medvactypel" + ids).pack_forget() # destroy items that need to be moved getattr(self, "medcostl" + ids).destroy() getattr(self, "medcoste" + ids).destroy() medf2.pack_forget() if option == "Chip": # only pack the frame if needed medf2.pack(side="top", fill="x") getattr(self, "chipnuml" + ids).pack(side="left") getattr(self, "chipnume" + ids).pack(side="left") # re-create it in 2nd row setattr(self, "medcostl" + ids, ttk.Label(medf2, text="| Cost : ")) getattr(self, "medcostl" + ids).pack(side="left") setattr(self, "medcoste" + ids, ttk.Entry(medf2)) getattr(self, "medcoste" + ids).pack(side="left") elif option == "Checkup": setattr(self, "medcostl" + ids, ttk.Label(medf, text="| Cost : ")) getattr(self, "medcostl" + ids).pack(side="left") setattr(self, "medcoste" + ids, ttk.Entry(medf)) getattr(self, "medcoste" + ids).pack(side="left") # only pack the frame if needed medf2.pack(side="top", fill="x") getattr(self, "medcheckupl" + ids).pack(side="left") getattr(self, "mednotese" + ids).pack(side="left", fill="x", expand=True) elif option == "Neuter": setattr(self, "medcostl" + ids, ttk.Label(medf, text="| Cost : ")) getattr(self, "medcostl" + ids).pack(side="left") setattr(self, "medcoste" + ids, ttk.Entry(medf)) getattr(self, "medcoste" + ids).pack(side="left") elif option == "Other": getattr(self, "medotheropl" + ids).pack(side="left") getattr(self, "medotherope" + ids).pack(side="left", fill="x", expand=True) # only pack the frame if needed medf2.pack(side="top", fill="x") setattr(self, "medcostl" + ids, ttk.Label(medf2, text="| Cost : ")) getattr(self, "medcostl" + ids).pack(side="left") setattr(self, "medcoste" + ids, ttk.Entry(medf2)) getattr(self, "medcoste" + ids).pack(side="left") getattr(self, "mednotesl" + ids).pack(side="left") getattr(self, "mednotese" + ids).pack(side="left", fill="x", expand=True) elif option == "Vaccination": getattr(self, "medvactypel" + ids).pack(side="left") getattr(self, "medvactype" + ids).pack(side="left") def _vac_type_selection(self, button_id): ids = str(button_id) option = getattr(self, "medvactype" + ids).get() medf2 = getattr(self, "medf2" + ids) # unpack everything first getattr(self, "medduedate" + ids).pack_forget() getattr(self, "medduedatel" + ids).pack_forget() getattr(self, "medcostl" + ids).destroy() getattr(self, "medcoste" + ids).destroy() medf2.pack_forget() if option in ("First", "Second", "Top-Up"): # only pack the frame if needed medf2.pack(side="top", fill="x") setattr(self, "medcostl" + ids, ttk.Label(medf2, text="| Cost : ")) getattr(self, "medcostl" + ids).pack(side="left") setattr(self, "medcoste" + ids, ttk.Entry(medf2)) getattr(self, "medcoste" + ids).pack(side="left") getattr(self, "medduedatel" + ids).pack(side="left") getattr(self, "medduedate" + ids).pack(side="left") # Inserting Dates into datebox. due_date_text = datetime.strptime(self.calendar.get_date(), '%d/%m/%Y') if option == "First": due_date_text += timedelta(days=28) due_date_text = due_date_text.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') getattr(self, "medduedate" + ids).delete(0, 'end') getattr(self, "medduedate" + ids).insert(0, due_date_text) elif option in ("Second", "Top-Up"): due_date_text += timedelta(days=365) due_date_text = due_date_text.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') getattr(self, "medduedate" + ids).delete(0, 'end') getattr(self, "medduedate" + ids).insert(0, due_date_text) def _non_vet_type_selection(self, button_id): ids = str(button_id) option = getattr(self, "medfleatype" + ids).get() medf = getattr(self, "medf" + ids) # unpack everything first getattr(self, "medcostl" + ids).destroy() getattr(self, "medcoste" + ids).destroy() getattr(self, "medotheropl" + ids).pack_forget() getattr(self, "medotherope" + ids).pack_forget() if option in ('Flea', 'Worming', 'Flea and Worming'): setattr(self, "medcostl" + ids, ttk.Label(medf, text="| Cost : ")) getattr(self, "medcostl" + ids).pack(side="left") setattr(self, "medcoste" + ids, ttk.Entry(medf)) getattr(self, "medcoste" + ids).pack(side="left") elif option == "Other": getattr(self, "medotheropl" + ids).pack(side="left") getattr(self, "medotherope" + ids).pack(side="left") setattr(self, "medcostl" + ids, ttk.Label(medf, text="| Cost : ")) getattr(self, "medcostl" + ids).pack(side="left") setattr(self, "medcoste" + ids, ttk.Entry(medf)) getattr(self, "medcoste" + ids).pack(side="left") # ========= # End of functions # ========= def _submit_records(self): if not self._check_errors() or len(self.med_dict) == 0: return # ============= # Building up the dictionary used to generate SQL # ============= date = self.calendar.get_date() date = datetime.strptime(date, '%d/%m/%Y').strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for k, v in self.med_dict.items(): # get initial values animal_id = int(v) ids = str(k) # widget ID as STR for getting values value_dict = {} # empty dict used to contain values for SQL # Set chip-update flag to false chip_update = False # Add Animal value_dict['Animal_ID'] = animal_id # Add Date value_dict['Date'] = date # - Check first combobox Vet/Other combo = getattr(self, "medtype" + ids).get() if combo == "Vet": value_dict['Medical_Type'] = combo # Add VetName vetname = getattr(self, "medvetnamee" + ids).get() value_dict['Vet_Name'] = vetname # Check vet appointment type app_type = getattr(self, "medoptype" + ids).get() if app_type == "Chip": # Add Medical Type: value_dict['Procedure'] = app_type # enable chip updating after medical entry chip_update = True # Add chip number chip_num = getattr(self, "chipnume" + ids).get() value_dict['Chip_Num'] = chip_num # Add Cost cost = getattr(self, "medcoste" + ids).get() value_dict['Cost'] = float(cost) # If Checkup elif app_type == "Checkup": # Add Medical Type: value_dict['Procedure'] = app_type # Add Cost cost = getattr(self, "medcoste" + ids).get() value_dict['Cost'] = float(cost) # Add Notes notes = getattr(self, "mednotese" + ids).get() value_dict['Notes'] = notes # If Neuter elif app_type == "Neuter": # Add Medical Type: value_dict['Procedure'] = app_type # Add Cost cost = getattr(self, "medcoste" + ids).get() value_dict['Cost'] = float(cost) # If Other elif app_type == "Other": # Add Medical Type: procedure = getattr(self, "medotherope" + ids).get() value_dict['Procedure'] = procedure # Add Cost cost = getattr(self, "medcoste" + ids).get() value_dict['Cost'] = float(cost) # Add Notes notes = getattr(self, "mednotese" + ids).get() value_dict['Notes'] = notes # If vaccination elif app_type == "Vaccination": # Add Medical Type: procedure = "Vaccination" value_dict['Procedure'] = procedure # vac-type vac_type = getattr(self, "medvactype" + ids).get() if vac_type == 'First': value_dict['Vac_Type'] = 1 elif vac_type == 'Second': value_dict['Vac_Type'] = 2 elif vac_type == 'Top-Up': value_dict['Vac_Type'] = 3 # Add Cost cost = getattr(self, "medcoste" + ids).get() value_dict['Cost'] = float(cost) # Due date due_date = getattr(self, "medduedate" + ids).get_date() due_date = due_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') value_dict['Due_Date'] = due_date # If Other elif combo == "Other": value_dict['Medical_Type'] = combo # Add Cost cost = getattr(self, "medcoste" + ids).get() value_dict['Cost'] = float(cost) # Check other-type box othertype = getattr(self, "medfleatype" + ids).get() if othertype in ('Flea', 'Worming', 'Flea and Worming'): value_dict['Procedure'] = othertype elif othertype == 'Other': procedure = getattr(self, "medotherope" + ids).get() value_dict['Procedure'] = procedure # ============= # Using Dictionary to generate insert str # ============= sqlstr = 'INSERT INTO Medical (\n' # Adding column names for k, v in value_dict.items(): sqlstr += str(k) + ',\n' sqlstr = sqlstr[:len(sqlstr) - 2] # remove final command&newline sqlstr += ')\nVALUES (\n' # Adding value headings. for k, v in value_dict.items(): sqlstr += ':' + str(k) + ',\n' sqlstr = sqlstr[:len(sqlstr) - 2] # remove final command&newline sqlstr += ')' AdvDbQuery(self.conn, sqlstr, value_dict, returnlist=False) # ============= # Updating chip info if necesarry # ============= if chip_update: sqlstr = """ UPDATE Animal SET Chip_Num = :Chip_Num WHERE ID = :ID """ chip_dict = {} chip_dict['Chip_Num'] = chip_num chip_dict['ID'] = animal_id AdvDbQuery(self.conn, sqlstr, chip_dict, returnlist=False) self.main_win.refresh_main_tree() self.close_window() def close_window(self): self.master.destroy() def refresh_animal_data(self): md_query = "SELECT * FROM Animal_ID_View" if self.in_rescue_var.get() == 1: md_query += "_Active" md = BasicDbQuery(self.conn, md_query) self.animal_tree.refresh_data(md[1]) def _check_errors(self): """Returns True if no errors found. Otherwise returns False and opens a pop-up box with errors found""" error = False err_text = '' for row, key in enumerate(self.med_dict): # get initial values rownum = row + 1 ids = str(key) # row-ID animal_name = getattr(self, "mednametext" + ids) # Animal Name # row-error variables. row_error = False row_error_header = f"Row {rownum}: Errors Found ({animal_name})\n" row_error_text = '' # - Check first combobox Vet/Other combo = getattr(self, "medtype" + ids).get() if combo == "Vet": # Check if VetName supplied vetname = getattr(self, "medvetnamee" + ids).get() if vetname == '': row_error = True row_error_text += ' - Vet name missing\n' # Check vet appointment type app_type = getattr(self, "medoptype" + ids).get() # If blank if app_type == "": row_error = True row_error_text += ' - Select an appointment type\n' # If Chip Num elif app_type == "Chip": # Check chip number chip_num = getattr(self, "chipnume" + ids).get() if chip_num == '': row_error = True row_error_text += ' - Enter the chip number\n' # Check cost cost = getattr(self, "medcoste" + ids).get() if cost == '': row_error = True row_error_text += ' - Enter a cost (even 0)\n' # If Checkup elif app_type == "Checkup": # Check cost cost = getattr(self, "medcoste" + ids).get() if cost == '': row_error = True row_error_text += ' - Enter a cost (even 0)\n' # If Neuter elif app_type == "Neuter": # Check cost cost = getattr(self, "medcoste" + ids).get() if cost == '': row_error = True row_error_text += ' - Enter a cost (even 0)\n' # If Other elif app_type == "Other": # Check cost cost = getattr(self, "medcoste" + ids).get() if cost == '': row_error = True row_error_text += ' - Enter a cost (even 0)\n' # Check Procedure procedure = getattr(self, "medotherope" + ids).get() if procedure == '': row_error = True row_error_text += ' - Enter a procedure\n' # If vaccination elif app_type == "Vaccination": # Check vac-type box vac_type = getattr(self, "medvactype" + ids).get() if vac_type == '': row_error = True row_error_text += ' - Select a vaccination type\n' else: # Check cost cost = getattr(self, "medcoste" + ids).get() if cost == '': row_error = True row_error_text += ' - Enter a cost (even 0)\n' # Check Date is valid valid_date = getattr(self, "medduedate" + ids).is_valid if not valid_date: row_error = True row_error_text += ' - Enter a valid date\n' # If Other elif combo == "Other": # Check other-type combobox # If blank othertype = getattr(self, "medfleatype" + ids).get() if othertype == '': row_error = True row_error_text += ' - Pick a treatment type\n' # if Flear or worming elif othertype in ('Flea', 'Worming', 'Flea and Worming'): # Check cost cost = getattr(self, "medcoste" + ids).get() if cost == '': row_error = True row_error_text += ' - Enter a cost (even 0 is ok)\n' elif othertype == 'Other': # Check cost cost = getattr(self, "medcoste" + ids).get() if cost == '': row_error = True row_error_text += ' - Enter a cost (even 0 is ok)\n' # Check Procedure procedure = getattr(self, "medotherope" + ids).get() if procedure == '': row_error = True row_error_text += ' - Enter the procedure\n' elif combo == "": row_error = True row_error_text += ' - Select an item in the drop-down box\n' # If errors have been detected. add the error text to the log. if row_error: error = True err_text += row_error_header + row_error_text + '\n' if error: PopUp(self.master, 'MedicalEntries', heading="Errors found in entries", text=err_text) return False else: return True
class DateAndTimePopupWindow(GuiBase): EMPTY_FRAME1 = 'DATE_AND_TIME_POPUP_EMPTY_FRAME1' EMPTY_FRAME2 = 'DATE_AND_TIME_POPUP_EMPTY_FRAME2' WINDOW = 'DATA_AND_TIME_POPUP_WINDOW' CALENDAR_FRAME = 'DATE_AND_TIME_POPUP_CALENDAR_FRAME' TIME_FRAME = 'DATE_AND_TIME_POPUP_TIME_FRAME' OK_AND_CANCEL_FRAME = 'DATE_AND_TIME_POPUP_OK_AND_CANCEL_FRAME' __date_ms: int __year: int __month: int __day: int __hour: int __min: int __sec: int __calendar: Calendar = None __hours_combobox: Combobox = None __minutes_combobox: Combobox = None __seconds_combobox: Combobox = None def __init__(self, date_ms: int = -1): super().__init__() self.__set_date(date_ms) self.set_window(self.WINDOW, Toplevel()) self._add_to_parent_frames_dict(self.get_window(self.WINDOW), self.WINDOW) self.get_window(self.WINDOW).resizable(0, 0) self.get_window(self.WINDOW).title('Set Data and Time') self.__add_calendar() self.__add_empty_frame1() self.__add_time_comboboxes() self.__add_empty_frame2() self.__add_ok_and_cancel_buttons() def open_popup(self): self.get_window(self.WINDOW).mainloop() def close_window(self): self.destroy_window(self.WINDOW) @property def date_ms(self) -> int: return self.__date_ms def __add_empty_frame1(self): self._add_frame_to_parent_frame_grid(self.EMPTY_FRAME1, self.WINDOW, FrameGridPositionEnum.NEXT_ROW, height=15) def __add_empty_frame2(self): self._add_frame_to_parent_frame_grid(self.EMPTY_FRAME2, self.WINDOW, FrameGridPositionEnum.NEXT_ROW, height=15) def __add_ok_and_cancel_buttons(self): frame = self._add_frame_to_parent_frame_grid( self.OK_AND_CANCEL_FRAME, self.WINDOW, FrameGridPositionEnum.NEXT_ROW, pady=self.PAD_Y) ok_button = self._add_button_to_frame_grid(frame, 'OK', 0, 0) ok_button.bind('<Button-1>', self.__ok_button_click) cancel_button = self._add_button_to_frame_grid(frame, 'Cancel', 0, 1) cancel_button.bind('<Button-1>', self.__cancel_button_click) def __add_time_comboboxes(self): frame = self._add_frame_to_parent_frame_grid( self.TIME_FRAME, self.WINDOW, FrameGridPositionEnum.NEXT_ROW, padx=self.PAD_X, pady=self.PAD_Y) self._add_label_to_frame_grid(frame, 'Hour: ', 0, 0, sticky=GridPositionEnum.W) hours_data = tuple([h for h in range(24)]) self.__hours_combobox = self._add_combobox_to_frame_grid( frame, hours_data, 0, 1, width=3, current=self.__hour) self._add_label_to_frame_grid(frame, 'Minute: ', 0, 2, sticky=GridPositionEnum.W) minutes_data = tuple([m for m in range(60)]) self.__minutes_combobox = self._add_combobox_to_frame_grid( frame, minutes_data, 0, 3, width=3, current=self.__min) self._add_label_to_frame_grid(frame, 'Second: ', 0, 4, sticky=GridPositionEnum.W) seconds_data = tuple([s for s in range(60)]) self.__seconds_combobox = self._add_combobox_to_frame_grid( frame, seconds_data, 0, 5, width=3, current=self.__sec) def __add_calendar(self): frame = self._add_frame_to_parent_frame_grid( self.CALENDAR_FRAME, self.WINDOW, FrameGridPositionEnum.NEXT_ROW, pady=self.PAD_Y) self.__calendar = Calendar(frame.frame, selectmode="day", year=self.__year, month=self.__month, day=self.__day) self.__calendar.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=GridPositionEnum.N.value) def __ok_button_click(self, event): date_split = self.__calendar.get_date().split('/') day = int(date_split[1]) month = int(date_split[0]) year = int(f'20{date_split[2]}') date = datetime(year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=self.__hours_combobox.current(), minute=self.__minutes_combobox.current(), second=self.__seconds_combobox.current()) self.__date_ms = TimeUtil.date_time_to_date_ms(date) self.quit_window(self.WINDOW) def __cancel_button_click(self, event): self.destroy_window(self.WINDOW) def __set_date(self, date_ms: int): if date_ms == -1: date_ms = TimeUtil.get_current_date_ms() self.__date_ms = date_ms date = TimeUtil.date_ms_to_date_time(date_ms) self.__year = date.year self.__month = date.month self.__day = self.__hour = date.hour self.__min = date.minute self.__sec = date.second
class AddNewProjection(Tk): def __init__(self, userdetails={}): Tk.__init__(self) self.userdetails = userdetails self.listOfMovies = getAllMovie() self.listOfMoviesNames = [] self.listOfAuditorium = getAllScreens() self.listOfAuditoriumIDS = [] self.selectedStartDate = str( if self.listOfMovies == None: messagebox.showerror( 'Error', "No Moive Exits ,Please add movie before adding projection") self.destroy() elif self.listOfAuditorium == None: messagebox.showerror( 'Error', "No Auditorium Exits ,Please add Auditorium before adding projection" ) self.destroy() else: for row in self.listOfMovies: self.listOfMoviesNames.append(row[1]) for row in self.listOfAuditorium: self.listOfAuditoriumIDS.append(row[0]) self.onCreate() def onCreate(self): HEIGHT = 800 WIDTH = 800 canvas = Canvas(self, height=HEIGHT, width=WIDTH) canvas.pack() frame = Frame(canvas, bg="grey"), rely=0.01, relwidth=0.98, relheight=0.98) Label(frame, text="Add New Projection", font=("Helvetica", 12)).grid(row=0, columnspan=2, pady=15, padx=15) Label(frame, text="Select Movie: ").grid(row=1, pady=10) Label(frame, text="Select Auditorium/Screen: ").grid(row=2, pady=10) Label(frame, text="Select Date : ").grid(row=3, pady=10) Label(frame, text="Select Start Time: ").grid(row=4, pady=10) Label(frame, text="Select End Time: ").grid(row=5, pady=10) self.moviesChkbox = ttk.Combobox(master=frame) self.moviesChkbox['values'] = self.listOfMoviesNames self.moviesChkbox.grid(row=1, column=1, pady=10) self.auditoriumChkbox = ttk.Combobox(master=frame) self.auditoriumChkbox['values'] = self.listOfAuditoriumIDS self.auditoriumChkbox.grid(row=2, column=1, pady=10) self.date_picker = Calendar(master=frame, date_pattern='y-mm-dd', self.date_picker.bind('<<CalendarSelected>>', self.setStartDate) self.date_picker.grid(row=3, column=1, pady=10) self.startVariable = StringVar(master=frame, value="HH:MM:SS") self.endVariable = StringVar(master=frame, value="HH:MM:SS") self.startTime_entry = Entry(master=frame, textvariable=self.startVariable) self.endTime_entry = Entry(master=frame, textvariable=self.endVariable) self.startTime_entry.grid(row=4, column=1, pady=10) self.endTime_entry.grid(row=5, column=1, pady=10) Label(frame, text="24Hrs Format (%H:%M:%S) eg (16:30:00)").grid(row=4, column=2, pady=10) Label(frame, text="24Hrs Format (%H:%M:%S) eg(12:00:00)").grid(row=5, column=2, pady=10) submit_btn = Button(master=frame, text=" Submit ", command=self.onSubmitPressed) submit_btn.grid(row=6, column=0, columnspan=3, pady=10) def onSubmitPressed(self): if self.selectedStartDate == None or self.startVariable.get( ) == "HH:MM:SS" or self.endVariable.get() == "HH:MM:SS": messagebox.showerror( "Invalid Input", "All fields are mandatory plaese fill them correctly") else: startdatetime_str = str(self.selectedStartDate) + " " + str( self.startVariable.get()) enddatetime_str = str(self.selectedStartDate) + " " + str( self.endVariable.get()) try: startdatetime = datetime.datetime.strptime( startdatetime_str, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") enddatetime = datetime.datetime.strptime( enddatetime_str, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") except: messagebox.showerror("Invalid Time Input", "PLease enter times carefully") return movieID = self.listOfMovies[self.moviesChkbox.current()][0] auditorium_ID = self.listOfAuditoriumIDS[ self.auditoriumChkbox.current()] available_seats = self.listOfAuditorium[ self.auditoriumChkbox.current()][1] msg = AddNewProjectionToDB(movie_ID=movieID, auditorium_ID=auditorium_ID, startTime=startdatetime, endTime=enddatetime, available_seats=available_seats, total_seats=available_seats) if msg[0] == 0: messagebox.showinfo("Success", msg[1]) self.destory() if msg[0] == 1: messagebox.showerror("Error", msg[1]) def setStartDate(self, *args): self.selectedStartDate = self.date_picker.get_date() print(self.selectedStartDate) def start(self): self.mainloop() def destory(self): self.destroy()
class AnimalWindow(): def __init__(self, master, conn, main_win, window_type="new", animal_id=""): self.conn = conn self.master = master self.master.withdraw() # Hide window CenterWindow(self.master) self.animal_id = animal_id self.main_win = main_win self.type = window_type self._Setup_fonts() self._build_frames() self._build_widgets() if animal_id != "" and window_type == "edit": self._populate_data(conn, self.animal_id) self.master.deiconify() # Show window def _Setup_fonts(self): # Title Font settings self.font_title = tkfont.Font(size=30, weight='bold') def _build_frames(self): # Right Frame self.right_frame = ttk.Frame(self.master, width="300") self.right_frame.pack(side="right", fill="both") # - Image frame self.image_frame = ttk.Frame(self.right_frame, width="300", height="300", style="grey.TLabel") self.image_frame.pack(side="top", fill="x") # - Set image frame self.image_button_frame = ttk.Frame(self.right_frame) self.image_button_frame.pack(side="top", anchor="c") # - Notes header frame self.note_header_frame = ttk.Frame(self.right_frame) self.note_header_frame.pack(side="top", fill="x") # - Notes frame self.notes_frame = ttk.Frame(self.right_frame) self.notes_frame.pack(side="top", fill="both", anchor="n") # - Buttons frame self.buttons_frame = ttk.Frame(self.right_frame) self.buttons_frame.pack(side="bottom", expand=True, fill="x", anchor="s") # -- Left button frame self.left_button_frame = ttk.Frame(self.buttons_frame) self.left_button_frame.pack(side="left", expand=True, fill="both", anchor="w") # -- Right button frame self.right_button_frame = ttk.Frame(self.buttons_frame) self.right_button_frame.pack(side="right", expand=True, fill="both", anchor="e") # Left frame self.left_frame = ttk.Frame(self.master) self.left_frame.pack(side="left", expand=True, fill="both") # - Title frame self.title_frame = ttk.Frame(self.left_frame) self.title_frame.pack(side="top", fill="x", ipady=10) # - Data frame (for dob, colour etc) self.data_frame = ttk.Frame(self.left_frame) self.data_frame.pack(side="top", fill="x") # -- Setting column list self.data_col = [] # -- Column setup self.col_padd = 5 self.col_paddl = self.col_padd + 1 num_of_cols = 2 # Increase to add columns. for col in range(num_of_cols): self.data_col.insert(col, [0, 1]) self.data_col[col][0] = ttk.Frame(self.data_frame) self.data_col[col][0].pack(side="left", ipadx=5, anchor="n") self.data_col[col][1] = ttk.Frame(self.data_frame) self.data_col[col][1].pack(side="left", ipadx=5, anchor="n") # -- Dob column self.dob_col = ttk.Frame(self.data_frame) self.dob_col.pack(side="left", ipadx=5, anchor="n") # --- Dob known holding frame self.dob_holding_frame = ttk.Frame(self.dob_col) self.dob_holding_frame.pack(side="top", anchor="n", fill="x") # ---- Dob known frames self.dob_known_col = [0, 1] self.dob_known_col[0] = ttk.Frame(self.dob_holding_frame) self.dob_known_col[0].pack(side="left", ipadx=5, anchor="n") self.dob_known_col[1] = ttk.Frame(self.dob_holding_frame) self.dob_known_col[1].pack(side="left", ipadx=5, anchor="n") # - Central frame self.central_frame = ttk.Frame(self.left_frame, style="brown.TFrame") self.central_frame.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True) # -- Medical history frame self.med_hist_frame = ttk.Frame(self.central_frame) self.med_hist_frame.pack_propagate(0) self.med_hist_frame.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True) # -- homing history frame self.home_hist_frame = ttk.Frame(self.central_frame) self.home_hist_frame.pack_propagate(0) self.home_hist_frame.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True) def _build_widgets(self): # =============== # Title widgets # =============== # - Title Labels self.id_label = ttk.Label( self.title_frame, font=self.font_title) self.id_label.pack(side="left", padx=5) self.name_entry = ttk.Entry(self.title_frame, font=self.font_title) self.name_entry.pack(side="left") # =============== # Right frame, notes widgets # =============== # - image rel_path = 'images\\thumbnails\\' + str(self.animal_id) + '.png' if check_rel_file(rel_path): thumbnail_path = rel_path else: thumbnail_path = get_full_path("config\\default_thumbnail.png") thumbnail_im = thumbnail_ph = ImageTk.PhotoImage(thumbnail_im) self.thumbnail_img = ttk.Label(self.image_frame, image=thumbnail_ph) self.thumbnail_img.image = thumbnail_ph self.thumbnail_img.pack(side="top") # - setimage button set_img_button = ttk.Button( self.image_button_frame, text="Set Profile Photo", command=lambda c=self.animal_id: self._set_profile_image(c)) if self.animal_id != "": set_img_button.pack(side="left", anchor="c", padx=3) # - Notes items. # - Notes label self.notes_l = ttk.Label(self.note_header_frame, text="Notes:", anchor="n") self.notes_l.pack(side="top", fill="x",) # - Notes text box notes_scroll = tk.Scrollbar(self.notes_frame) self.note_text = tk.Text(self.notes_frame, width="34") notes_scroll.pack(side="right", fill="y", expand=True) self.note_text.pack(side="right", fill="both", expand=True) notes_scroll.config(command=self.note_text.yview) self.note_text.config(yscrollcommand=notes_scroll.set) # =============== # animal data widgets # =============== # - Column 0 items # - Colour self.colour_0 = ttk.Label(self.data_col[0][0], text="Colour: ") self.colour_0.pack(side="top", anchor="w", ipady=self.col_paddl) self.colour_1 = ttk.Entry(self.data_col[0][1]) self.colour_1.pack(side="top", anchor="w", pady=self.col_padd) # - Sex self.sex_0 = ttk.Label(self.data_col[0][0], text="Sex: ", anchor="w") self.sex_0.pack(side="top", anchor="w", ipady=self.col_paddl) self.sex_1 = ttk.Combobox(self.data_col[0][1], state='readonly', values=('Unknown', 'Male', 'Female')) self.sex_1.pack(side="top", anchor="w", pady=self.col_padd) # - Chip number self.chip_num_0 = ttk.Label(self.data_col[0][0], text="Chip Number: ") self.chip_num_0.pack(side="top", anchor="w", ipady=self.col_padd) self.chip_num_1 = ttk.Entry(self.data_col[0][1]) self.chip_num_1.pack(side="top", anchor="w", pady=self.col_padd) # - Hair type self.hair_type_0 = ttk.Label(self.data_col[0][0], text="Hair type: ", anchor="w") self.hair_type_0.pack(side="top", anchor="w", ipady=self.col_paddl) self.hair_type_1 = ttk.Combobox(self.data_col[0][1], state='readonly', values=('Short Hair', 'Long Hair')) self.hair_type_1.pack(side="top", anchor="w", pady=self.col_padd) # - In Rescue self.in_rescue_0 = ttk.Label(self.data_col[0][0], text="In Rescue: ", anchor="w") self.in_rescue_0.pack(side="top", anchor="w", ipady=self.col_paddl) self.in_rescue_var = tk.IntVar() self.in_rescue_1 = ttk.Checkbutton(self.data_col[0][1], variable=self.in_rescue_var) self.in_rescue_1.pack(side="top", anchor="w", pady=self.col_padd) self.in_rescue_var.set(1) # - Dob columns # - DOB known self.dob_known_0 = ttk.Label(self.dob_known_col[0], text="DOB known?: ", anchor="w") self.dob_known_0.pack(side="top", anchor="w", ipady=self.col_paddl) self.dob_known_1 = ttk.Combobox(self.dob_known_col[1], state='readonly', values=('No', 'Yes', 'Roughly')) self.dob_known_1.pack(side="top", anchor="w", pady=self.col_padd) self.dob_known_1.bind("<<ComboboxSelected>>", self._show_hide_date) # - DOB text self.dob_text_0 = ttk.Label(self.dob_known_col[0], text="Date of birth: ", anchor="w") self.dob_text_0.pack(side="top", anchor="w", ipady=self.col_paddl) self.dob_text_1 = ttk.Label(self.dob_known_col[1], anchor="w") self.dob_text_1.pack(side="top", anchor="w", ipady=self.col_padd) # DOB Cal self.dob_cal = Calendar(self.dob_col) self.dob_cal.pack(side="top", anchor="n", fill="x") # =============== # Medical history widgets # =============== # Medical history label if self.type != "new": sql_query = f""" SELECT SUM(Cost) FROM Medical where Animal_ID = {self.animal_id} """ med_spend = BasicDbQuery(self.conn, sql_query)[1][0][0] med_spend = round(med_spend, 2) med_text = f"Medical History - Total Spend = £{med_spend}" med_label = ttk.Label(self.med_hist_frame, text=med_text) med_label['font'] = self.main_win.font_sub_title med_label.pack(side="top", fill="x") # Get medical history data from view sql_query = """SELECT * FROM Animal_Page_Med_History WHERE Animal_ID = :ID""" sql_dict = {'ID': self.animal_id} med_results = AdvDbQuery(self.conn, sql_query, sql_dict) med_tree = TreeBuild(self.med_hist_frame, search=True, data=med_results[1], widths=[0, 100, 50, 1300], headings=med_results[0]) # Needed to stop linter from moaning about being un-used # It will be used at a later date med_tree # =============== # Homing history widgets # =============== # Medical history label if self.type != "new": home_label = ttk.Label(self.home_hist_frame, text="Homing History") home_label['font'] = self.main_win.font_sub_title home_label.pack(side="top", fill="x") # Temp table sql_query = """SELECT * FROM Animal_Page_Homing_History WHERE ID = :ID""" hom_results = AdvDbQuery(self.conn, sql_query, sql_dict) hom_tree = TreeBuild(self.home_hist_frame, search=True, data=hom_results[1], widths=[70, 40, 95, 120, 300, 100, 2000], headings=hom_results[0]) # Needed to stop linter from moaning about being un-used # It will be used at a later date hom_tree # =============== # bottom-right save/submit widgets # =============== # Cancel / submit / save changes buttons self.cancel = ttk.Button(self.right_button_frame, text="Cancel", command=self.close_window) self.cancel.pack(side="left", anchor="w", padx=20, pady=10) self.submit = ttk.Button( self.left_button_frame, text="Submit", command=lambda c="save": self.update_database(c)) = ttk.Button( self.left_button_frame, text="Save", command=lambda c="edit": self.update_database(c)) if self.type == "edit":"right", anchor="e", padx=20, pady=10) else: self.submit.pack(side="right", anchor="e", padx=20, pady=10) def _set_profile_image(self, animal_id): # ============= # Fetch image # ============= # Need to temporarily hide root window else it changes focus # when asking for file name. Globals.root.withdraw() # Ask for file new_image_loc = askopenfilename(filetypes=[( "Images", "*.jpg *.jpeg *.png")]) # Bring animal window to front again and unhide root window Globals.root.deiconify() self.thumbnail_img.lift() self.thumbnail_img.focus_force() # ============= # Resize image to 300px in largest dimension # ============= img = cv2.imread(new_image_loc) # load image into variable # Get new width and height w = img.shape[1] h = img.shape[0] max_dimension = 300 if w <= h: nw = int(round(w / h * max_dimension, 0)) nh = max_dimension else: nh = int(round(h / w * max_dimension, 0)) nw = max_dimension dimension = (nw, nh) # Set new image new_img = cv2.resize(img, dimension, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) # ============= # Store image and update on window # ============= # get path of new image rel_path = 'images\\thumbnails\\' rel_path += str(self.animal_id) + '.png' rel_folder = 'images\\thumbnails\\' # Check folder exists. Create if not check_rel_folder(rel_folder, create=True) # Save photo cv2.imwrite(rel_path, new_img, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION), 0]) # Update image on page thumbnail_im = thumbnail_ph = ImageTk.PhotoImage(thumbnail_im) self.thumbnail_img.configure(image=thumbnail_ph) self.thumbnail_img.image = thumbnail_ph def update_database(self, sql_type=""): if sql_type == "": print("no sql type supplied") return update_dict = {} # Get values update_dict['Name'] = self.name_entry.get().rstrip() update_dict['Colour'] = self.colour_1.get().rstrip() update_dict['Sex'] = self.sex_1.get() update_dict['Chip'] = self.chip_num_1.get().rstrip() update_dict['Hair'] = self.hair_type_1.get() update_dict['DobKnown'] = self.dob_known_1.get() if update_dict['DobKnown'] != "No": temp_date = datetime.strptime(self.dob_cal.get_date(), '%d/%m/%Y') temp_date = temp_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') else: temp_date = "" update_dict['Dob'] = temp_date update_dict['Notes'] = self.note_text.get('1.0', 'end').rstrip() update_dict['InRescue'] = self.in_rescue_var.get() if sql_type == "edit": update_dict['ID'] = self.id_label.cget('text') sql_query = """UPDATE Animal SET Name = :Name, Chip_Num = :Chip, Date_Of_Birth = :Dob, DOB_Known = :DobKnown, Sex = :Sex, Colour = :Colour, Hair_Type = :Hair, Notes = :Notes, In_Rescue = :InRescue WHERE ID = :ID""" AdvDbQuery(self.conn, sql_query, update_dict, returnlist=False) elif sql_type == "save": next_id_qry = """SELECT ID FROM Animal ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1""" next_id_returns = BasicDbQuery(self.conn, next_id_qry) next_id = int(next_id_returns[1][0][0]) + 1 update_dict['ID'] = next_id sql_query = """INSERT INTO Animal ( Name, Chip_Num, Date_Of_Birth, DOB_Known, Sex, Colour, Hair_Type, Notes, In_Rescue) VALUES ( :Name, :Chip, :Dob, :DobKnown, :Sex, :Colour, :Hair, :Notes, :InRescue )""" AdvDbQuery(self.conn, sql_query, update_dict, returnlist=False) self.close_window() self.main_win.refresh_main_tree() def close_window(self): self.master.destroy() def _show_hide_date(self, event): option = self.dob_known_1.get() if option in ("Yes", "Roughly"): self.dob_cal.pack(side="top", anchor="n", fill="x") else: self.dob_cal.pack_forget() def _populate_data(self, conn, id): populate_query = "SELECT * FROM Populate_Animal_Data WHERE ID = :ID" populate_dict = {'ID': id} results = AdvDbQuery(conn, populate_query, populate_dict) # Update widgets # ID id_text = results[1][0][results[0].index('ID')] self.id_label.configure(text=id_text) # Name name_text = results[1][0][results[0].index('Name')] self.name_entry.insert(0, name_text) # Chip num chip_num_text = results[1][0][results[0].index('Chip_Num')] self.chip_num_1.insert(0, chip_num_text) # DOB known dob_known_text = results[1][0][results[0].index('DOB_Known')] self.dob_known_1.set(dob_known_text) self._show_hide_date("") # Date of birth if dob_known_text != "No": dob_text = results[1][0][results[0].index('Date_Of_Birth')] new_date = datetime.strptime(dob_text, '%Y-%m-%d') new_date_text = new_date.strftime('%d/%m/%Y') self.dob_cal.selection_set(new_date) self.dob_text_1.configure(text=new_date_text) # Sex sex_text = results[1][0][results[0].index('Sex')] self.sex_1.set(sex_text) # Colour colour_text = results[1][0][results[0].index('Colour')] self.colour_1.insert(0, colour_text) # Hair type hair_type_text = results[1][0][results[0].index('Hair_Type')] self.hair_type_1.set(hair_type_text) # Notes notes_text = results[1][0][results[0].index('Notes')] self.note_text.insert('end', notes_text) # In rescue in_rescue_value = results[1][0][results[0].index('In_Rescue')] self.in_rescue_var.set(in_rescue_value)