class MyFirstGUI: LABEL_TEXT = [ "This is our first GUI!", "Actually, this is our second GUI.", "We made it more interesting...", " making this label interactive.", "Go on, click on it again.", ] def __init__(self, master): self.master = master master.title("A simple GUI") self.label_index = 0 self.label_text = StringVar() self.label_text.set(self.LABEL_TEXT[self.label_index]) self.label = Label(master, textvariable=self.label_text) self.label.bind("<Button-1>", self.cycle_label_text) self.label.pack() self.greet_button = Button(master, text="Greet", command=self.greet) self.greet_button.pack() self.close_button = Button(master, text="Close", command=master.quit) self.close_button.pack() def greet(self): print("Greetings!") def cycle_label_text(self, event): self.label_index += 1 self.label_index %= len(self.LABEL_TEXT) # wrap around self.label_text.set(self.LABEL_TEXT[self.label_index])
def show_about(self): about = About(self.master, "About {}".format(self.version[:-5]), self.logo) Label(about.frame, text=self.version, style="atitle.TLabel").grid(sticky="w") Label(about.frame, text="Developer: Joel W. Dafoe").grid(pady="6", sticky="w") link = Link(about.frame, text="", foreground="blue", cursor="hand2") link.grid(sticky="w") link.bind("<Button-1>", lambda e:"")) Label(about.frame, text=self.description, wraplength=292).grid(columnspan=2, pady=6, sticky=W)
class LoginGui(object): def __init__(self, root): self.welcome_text = 'Prihlaseny' if User.is_loaded_session() else "" self.response_text = StringVar(root, value=self.welcome_text) self.top_frame = Frame(root, width=400, height=400) self.middle_frame = Frame(root, width=300, height=300) self.top_frame.pack(fill="both", expand=True, padx=20, pady=20), anchor='c', relx=.5, rely=.5) self.l_email = Label(self.middle_frame, text="Email") self.e_email = Entry(self.middle_frame) self.l_pass = Label(self.middle_frame, text="Password") self.e_pass = Entry(self.middle_frame, show="*") self.l_sign_up = Label(self.middle_frame, text="Sign up", fg='blue', cursor='hand2') self.l_req_result = Label(self.middle_frame, textvariable=self.response_text) self.b_submit = Button(self.middle_frame, text="Login") self.l_email.grid(row=0, sticky=E) self.e_email.grid(row=0, column=1) self.l_pass.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=E) self.e_pass.grid(row=1, column=1) self.b_submit.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=E) self.l_sign_up.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky=E) self.l_req_result.grid(row=4) self.l_sign_up.bind('<Button-1>', self.sing_up_callback) self.b_submit.bind('<Button-1>', self.login) self.root = root self.root.mainloop() def login(self, event): response = User.login(self.e_email.get(), self.e_pass.get()) self.response_text.set(response) if User.is_loaded_session(): self.root.destroy() @staticmethod def sing_up_callback(event): webbrowser.open_new(Config.SIGN_UP_URL) @staticmethod def show_login(): root = tkinter.Tk(className="Productivity optimizer") LoginGui(root) root.mainloop()
def show_about(self): about = Toplevel(self.master) about.title('About {}'.format(self.version[:-5])) about.focus() about.resizable(0, 0) logo_lbl = Label(about, image=self.logo) logo_lbl.image = self.logo logo_lbl.grid(row=0, column=0, padx='7 11', pady=13, sticky='n') about_frame = Frame(about, padding='0 10 10 10') about_frame.grid(row=0, column=1) Label(about_frame, text=self.version).grid(sticky='w') Label(about_frame, text='Developer: Joel W. Dafoe').grid(pady='6', sticky='w') link = Link(about_frame, text='', foreground='blue', cursor='hand2') link.grid(sticky='w') link.bind('<Button-1>', lambda e:'')) Label(about_frame, text=self.description, wraplength=292).grid(columnspan=2, pady=6, sticky='w') cls_btn = Button(about_frame, text='OK', command=about.destroy) cls_btn.grid(column=1, sticky='e') cls_btn.focus() about.bind('<Return>', lambda e: cls_btn.invoke())
def append_chords(self, chords=[]): '''pass a [list] of Chords to the Accordion object''' self.update_idletasks() row = 0 width = max([c.winfo_reqwidth() for c in chords]) for c in chords: i = PhotoImage() # blank image to force Label to use pixel size label = Label(self, text=c.title, image=i, compound='center', width=width, anchor='w', font=('Franklin Gothic Book', 11),['title_bg'],['title_fg'],['cursor'], bd=1, relief='flat') label.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky='nsew') c.grid(row=row+1, column=0, sticky='nsew') c.grid_remove() row += 2 label.bind('<Button-1>', lambda e, c=c: self._click_handler(c)) label.bind('<Enter>', lambda e, label=label, i=i: label.configure(['highlight'],['highlight_fg'])) label.bind('<Leave>', lambda e, label=label, i=i: label.configure(['title_bg'],['title_fg']))
class Photo: def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.repr = kwargs['repr'] self.path = kwargs['path'] def config(self, **kwargs): if 'path' in kwargs: self.path = kwargs['path'] self.picture = self.picture = self.picture.resize((200, 200), Image.ANTIALIAS) self.image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.picture) self.label.config(image=self.image) def place(self, **kwargs): self.parent = kwargs['parent'] self.row = kwargs['row'] self.column = kwargs['column'] self.picture = self.image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.picture) self.label = Label(self.parent, image=self.image, bd=1) self.label.grid(row=self.row, column=self.column) self.label.bind('<Button-1>', lambda e: self.label.focus_set()) def getData(self): return self.path def setData(self, data): #le sigh if data == '' or 'N/A': return self.config(path=data) def hide(self): self.label.grid_forget()
packing_list = [btn1, btn2, btn3, btn4, btn5] for packing_index, to_be_packed in enumerate(packing_list): to_be_packed.grid(row=0, column=packing_index) # lf1.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand=False, padx=40) lf1.pack(fill='both', padx=10, pady=5) # text1.pack(side=BOTTOM, padx=10), y=450, anchor='nw') text1.pack(fill='both', padx=10, pady=5) for i, task in enumerate(tasks): label_text_i = StringVar(tk, '', '') label_text_i.set(task_names[i]) label_texts.append(label_text_i) label = Label(lf1, textvariable=label_text_i) cmd = Command(i) label.bind('<Button-1>', label.pack() labels.append(label) text1.bind('<Return>', submit_note) def attention_test(): global current_task_index, tasks, ds_velocity test_results = [] while True: while not is_any_task_running(): time.sleep(0.1)
def init_grid(self): self.grid_cells = [] # the background self.game_scene = Frame(self, bg=c.BACKGROUND_COLOR_GAME, width=c.SIZE, height=c.SIZE) self.game_scene.grid() # game grid for i in range(c.GRID_LEN * c.GRID_LEN): cell = Frame(self.game_scene, bg=c.CELL_COLOR_EMPTY) cell.grid(row=i // c.GRID_LEN, column=i % c.GRID_LEN, padx=c.GRID_PADDING, pady=c.GRID_PADDING) t = Label(master=cell, text="", bg=c.CELL_COLOR_EMPTY, fg=c.TEXT_COLOR, justify=CENTER, font=c.FONT, width=4, height=2) t.bind("<Button-1>", lambda event, i=i: self.move_cell(i)) t.grid() self.grid_cells.append(t) # create game over dialog but dont place it self.game_over_dialog = Frame(self) f = Frame(self.game_over_dialog, bg="white", padx=10, pady=10) f.grid() # the excellent image image = PhotoImage(file="excellent.png") l = Label(f, image=image) l.image = image l.grid(columnspan=2, padx=10, pady=5) # tell the performance Label(f, text="It took you", bg="white", fg="#534648", font="Arial 16").grid(row=1, column=0, pady=10) Label(f, textvariable=self.score, bg="white", fg="#534648", font="Arial 16 bold").grid(row=1, column=1, pady=10) # play again button btn = Label(f, text="Play Again", bg="#3d2963", fg="white", font="Arial 22 bold", justify=CENTER, pady=10, padx=20, cursor="hand2") btn.bind("<Enter>", lambda event: btn.config(bg="tomato")) btn.bind("<Leave>", lambda event: btn.config(bg="#3d2963")) btn.bind("<Button-1>", self.new_game) btn.grid(columnspan=2, pady=5)
def __init__(self, master): global recipient, amount, balancetext # global transactionstatus global sessionprofittext, minuteprofittext, hourlyprofittext, dailyprofittext global balanceusdtext, ducopricetext global transactionstext global curr_bal, profit_array textFont3 = Font(size=12, weight="bold") textFont2 = Font(size=22, weight="bold") textFont = Font(size=12, weight="normal") rsize = Font(size=10) self.master = master master.geometry("720x420") master.resizable(False, False) master.title("Duino-Coin Wallet") master.configure(background=backgroundColor) Label( master, # UP - DOWN background="#7bed9f", font=rsize, width="10", height="100").place(relx=.0, rely=.0) Label( master, # LEFT - RIGHT background="#f5cd79", font=rsize, width="150", height="4").place(relx=.0, rely=.0) Label( master, # SQUARE background="#ff7f50", font=rsize, width="10", height="4").place(relx=.0, rely=.0) balancetext = StringVar() balancetext.set("Please wait...") balanceLabel = Label(master, textvariable=balancetext, background="#f5cd79", foreground=foregroundColor, font=textFont2), rely=.07) Label(master, text="1 DUCO = $" + str(ducofiat), background="#f5cd79", foreground=foregroundColor, font=textFont).place(relx=.6, rely=.11) Label(master, text="BALANCE", background="#f5cd79", foreground=foregroundColor, font=textFont).place(relx=.1525, rely=.0155) Label(master, text="FIAT BALANCE", background="#f5cd79", foreground=foregroundColor, font=textFont).place(relx=.6, rely=.015) balanceusdtext = StringVar() balanceusdtext.set("Please wait...") balanceusdLabel = Label(master, textvariable=balanceusdtext, background="#f5cd79", foreground=foregroundColor, font=textFont3), rely=.06) duco = ImageTk.PhotoImage( + "duco.png")) duco.image = duco ducoLabel = Label(master, background="#ff7f50", image=duco), rely=.0025) ducoLabel.bind("<Button>", openWebsite) transactions = ImageTk.PhotoImage( + "transactions.png")) transactions.image = transactions transactionsLabel = Label(master, background="#7bed9f", image=transactions), rely=.2) transactionsLabel.bind("<Button>", openTransactions) calculator = ImageTk.PhotoImage( + "calculator.png")) calculator.image = calculator calculatorLabel = Label(master, background="#7bed9f", image=calculator), rely=.37) calculatorLabel.bind("<Button>", openCalculator) original = + "stats.png") resized = original.resize((64, 64), Image.ANTIALIAS) stats = ImageTk.PhotoImage(resized) stats.image = stats statsLabel = Label(master, background="#7bed9f", image=stats), rely=.53) statsLabel.bind("<Button>", openStats) settings = ImageTk.PhotoImage( + "settings.png")) settings.image = settings settingsLabel = Label(master, background="#7bed9f", image=settings), rely=.82) settingsLabel.bind("<Button>", openSettings) Label(master, text="RECIPIENT", font=textFont, background=backgroundColor, foreground=foregroundColor).place(relx=.15, rely=.2) def clear_recipient_placeholder(self): recipient.delete("0", "100") recipient = Entry(master, background="#87ebff", foreground=foregroundColor, border="0", font=textFont, width="20"), rely=.255) recipient.insert("0", "revox") recipient.bind("<FocusIn>", clear_recipient_placeholder) Label(master, text="AMOUNT", font=textFont, background=backgroundColor, foreground=foregroundColor).place(relx=.15, rely=.32) def clear_amount_placeholder(self): amount.delete("0", "100") amount = Entry(master, background="#87ebff", foreground=foregroundColor, border="0", font=textFont, width="20"), rely=.375) amount.insert("0", "1.7") amount.bind("<FocusIn>", clear_amount_placeholder) def changeDucoColor(handler): sendLabel.configure(image=send2) def changeDucoColor2(handler): sendLabel.configure(image=send) send = ImageTk.PhotoImage( + "send.png")) send.image = send send2 = ImageTk.PhotoImage( + "send2.png")) send2.image = send2 sendLabel = Label(master, background="#FEEEDA", image=send), rely=.25) sendLabel.bind("<Button-1>", sendFunds) sendLabel.bind("<Enter>", changeDucoColor) sendLabel.bind("<Leave>", changeDucoColor2) # transactionstatus = StringVar() # transactionLabel = Label(master, textvariable=transactionstatus, # font=textFont, # background=backgroundColor, # foreground=foregroundColor).place(relx=.15, rely=.435) Label(master, text="PROFIT", background="#feeeda", foreground=foregroundColor, font=textFont3).place(relx=.6, rely=.2) sessionprofittext = StringVar() sessionprofittext.set("Please wait - calculating...") sessionProfitLabel = Label(master, textvariable=sessionprofittext, background="#feeeda", foreground=foregroundColor, font=textFont), rely=.25) minuteprofittext = StringVar() minuteProfitLabel = Label(master, textvariable=minuteprofittext, background="#feeeda", foreground=foregroundColor, font=textFont), rely=.3) hourlyprofittext = StringVar() hourlyProfitLabel = Label(master, textvariable=hourlyprofittext, background="#feeeda", foreground=foregroundColor, font=textFont), rely=.35) dailyprofittext = StringVar() dailyprofittext.set("") dailyProfitLabel = Label(master, textvariable=dailyprofittext, background="#feeeda", foreground=foregroundColor, font=textFont), rely=.4) Label(master, text="LOCAL TRANSACTIONS", background="#feeeda", foreground=foregroundColor, font=textFont3).place(relx=.15, rely=.5) transactionstext = StringVar() transactionstext.set("") transactionstextLabel = Label(master, textvariable=transactionstext, background="#feeeda", foreground=foregroundColor, font=textFont, justify=LEFT), rely=.5525) github = ImageTk.PhotoImage( + "github.png")) github.image = github githubLabel = Label(master, background="#FEEEDA", image=github), rely=.875) githubLabel.bind("<Button-1>", openGitHub) exchange = ImageTk.PhotoImage( + "exchange.png")) exchange.image = exchange exchangeLabel = Label(master, background="#FEEEDA", image=exchange), rely=.875) exchangeLabel.bind("<Button-1>", openExchange) discord = ImageTk.PhotoImage( + "discord.png")) discord.image = discord discordLabel = Label(master, background="#FEEEDA", image=discord), rely=.875) discordLabel.bind("<Button-1>", openDiscord) root.iconphoto(True, PhotoImage(file=resources + "duco.png")) start_balance = getBalance() curr_bal = start_balance calculateProfit(start_balance) updateBalanceLabel() root.mainloop()
class MyNewGUI: # This member variable (field) is our list of strings for the click event # wired up to the lblMessage control. LABEL_TEXT = [ "This is our first GUI!", "Actually, this is our second GUI.", "We've made it more interesting . . . ", ". . . by making this label interactive.", "Go ahead, click on me again." ] # This is our 'Pythonic' constructor. def __init__(self, master): self.master = master master.title("A simple GUI") # Set up the variables to handle rotating thru the list of strings. self.label_index = 0 self.label_text = StringVar() self.label_text.set(self.LABEL_TEXT[self.label_index]) # Define our controls and place them on the form using 'pack'. self.lblTitleBar = Label(master, bg='maroon', fg='white', font=('Helvetica', 18), text="This is the Python GUI called Tkinter!") self.lblTitleBar.pack(fill='x') # This is the label control that will respond to the click event. self.lblMessage = Label(master, bg='maroon', fg='white', font=('Arial', 13), textvariable=self.label_text) # This is the customer event handler for the label that handles the left # mouse button click when the pointer is over the control. self.lblMessage.bind('<Button-1>', self.cycle_label_text) self.lblMessage.pack(fill='x') # This is the button that will change the Title text when clicked. self.btnGreet = Button(master, bg='black', fg='white', font=('Times', 12), text="Greet", command=self.greet) self.btnGreet.pack(fill='x') # This is the button that will close the app self.btnClose = Button(master, bg='black', fg='white', font=('Times', 12), text="Close", command=master.quit) self.btnClose.pack(fill='x') # This is the method used to change the text in the Title label. def greet(self): self.lblTitleBar.config( text="Howdy, Bitches!! Welcome to the Mothership!") # This is the method to handle cycling thru our list of strings to be displayed. def cycle_label_text(self, event): self.label_index += 1 self.label_index %= len(self.LABEL_TEXT) # wrap around self.label_text.set(self.LABEL_TEXT[self.label_index])
dict = createtb.gets() print(dict) lists = ['text_in', 'text_s', 'fone_c', 'text_c'] def f2(*arg): dict = createtb.gets() for x in dict: for b in dict[x]: if x in lists: dict[x][b] = random.randrange(0, 7, 1) else: dict[x][b] = random.randrange(0, 2, 1) createtb.sets(dict) tmp_place = Frame(root, bd=1) bit = Label(tmp_place, text='ok', width=10, height=3) bit.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="w") bit.bind('<Button-1>', f2) bit.bind('<Button-3>', f1) tmp_place.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky="w") print('ok') root.mainloop() print('main exit')
def body(self, master): dialogframe = Frame(master, width=536, height=225) self.dialogframe = dialogframe dialogframe.pack() self.RadioGroup_1_StringVar = StringVar() self.make_LabelFrame_1( self.dialogframe) # LabelFrame: Colors : at Main(5,1) self.make_Label_1( self.dialogframe ) # Label: Left Click Background : at Main(2,1) self.make_Label_2( self.dialogframe ) # Label: Right Click Foreground : at Main(3,1) self.make_Label_3( self.dialogframe ) # Label: Luminance and Contrast Ratio shown above : at Main(4,1) self.make_RadioGroup_1( self.dialogframe) # RadioGroup: Sort By: : at Main(1,1) self.make_Radiobutton_1( self.RadioGroup_1) # Radiobutton: HSV hue : at RadioGroup_1(1,1) self.make_Radiobutton_2( self.RadioGroup_1 ) # Radiobutton: W3 Luminance : at RadioGroup_1(1,2) self.make_Radiobutton_3( self.RadioGroup_1 ) # Radiobutton: HEX String : at RadioGroup_1(1,3) self.make_Radiobutton_4( self.RadioGroup_1 ) # Radiobutton: Color Name : at RadioGroup_1(1,4) self.RadioGroup_1_StringVar.set("2") self.RadioGroup_1_StringVar_traceName = self.RadioGroup_1_StringVar.trace_variable( "w", self.RadioGroup_1_StringVar_Callback) # >>>>>>insert any user code below this comment for section "top_of_init" self.labelD = {} # index=(row,col): value=Label object row = 0 col = 0 for (lum, lum_p05, h, r, g, b, cstr, name) in lum_sorted_colorL: lab = Label(self.LabelFrame_1, text=" ", width="3", padx=0, pady=0, font=("times", "6", "normal")) lab.grid(row=row, column=col) self.labelD[(row, col)] = lab lab.configure(background=cstr, relief="raised") lab.bind("<Enter>", self.label_enter) lab.bind("<Leave>", self.label_leave) lab.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.ColorPickLabel_LeftClick) lab.bind("<ButtonRelease-3>", self.ColorPickLabel_RightClick) col += 1 if col >= COL_COUNT: col = 0 row += 1 = None self.bg_selectionT = lum_sorted_colorL[-1] # set selection to white self.fg_selectionT = lum_sorted_colorL[0] # set selection to black self.bg_label = None self.fg_label = None
class TilePicker(Frame): def __init__(self, parent, doc, **kw): Frame.__init__(self, parent, **kw) self.doc = doc self.tilePicker = None self.attrPicker = None self.status = None self.curTile = 0 self.lastX = self.lastY = 0 self.setAttribute(0) self.tilePicker = Label(self, image=self.tilePickerPI, width=128, borderwidth=0) self.tilePicker.grid(row=0, column=0) self.tilePicker.bind("<Button-1>", self.tilePickerCallback) self.attrPicker = Label(self, image=self.attrPickerPI, borderwidth=0) self.attrPicker.grid(row=1, column=0) self.attrPicker.bind("<Button-1>", self.attrPickerCallback) self.status = Label(self) self.status.grid(row=2, column=0) self.setStatus() def setAttribute(self, value): self.curAttribute = value & 0x03 self.updateWidgets() def updateWidgets(self): self.tilePickerImage = renderChrFile(self.doc.chrdata, self.doc.clut, self.curAttribute * 4) self.tilePickerPI = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.tilePickerImage) if self.tilePicker is not None: self.tilePicker.configure(image=self.tilePickerPI) previewTile = self.doc.renderTile(self.curTile, self.curAttribute) self.attrPickerImage = renderAttrPicker(previewTile, self.doc.clut, self.curAttribute) self.attrPickerPI = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.attrPickerImage) if self.attrPicker is not None: self.attrPicker.configure(image=self.attrPickerPI) self.setStatus() def setTile(self, tile): self.curTile = tile self.setAttribute(self.curAttribute) def setStatus(self): if self.status is None: return addr = 0x2000 | (self.lastY << 5) | self.lastX label = ( "tile $%02x attr %d\naddr $%04x (%d, %d)" % (self.curTile, self.curAttribute, addr, self.lastX, self.lastY)) self.status.configure(text=label) def tilePickerCallback(self, event): if event.x >= 0 and event.x < 128 and event.y >= 0 and event.y < 128: tileX = event.x // 8 tileY = event.y // 8 newTileNo = tileY * 16 + tileX #print("mouse was clicked on tile", newTileNo) self.setTile(newTileNo) return print("mouse was clicked at (%d, %d)" % (event.x, event.y)) def attrPickerCallback(self, event): if event.x >= 0 and event.x < 128: attr = event.x // 32 #print("mouse was clicked on attribute", attr) self.setAttribute(attr) return print("mouse was clicked at (%d, %d)" % (event.x, event.y))
class GUI: def __init__(self, master): """initialize GUI""" self.root = master self.on = True Tk().withdraw() self.starttime = # status bar, info for user self.statusString = StringVar() self.statusText = 'Ready' self.statusString.set(self.statusText) self.lvlStatus = StringVar() self.ifmStatus = StringVar() = 0 # 0 - inactive state, 1 - active (in motion), 2 - steady (waiting while taking data) = 0 # COMPARATOR MOTION CONTROL self.step = StringVar() # mm self.begin = StringVar() # mm self.end = StringVar() # mm self.autoVal = IntVar() self.labelTop = StringVar() self.labelTop.set('VERTICAL COMPARATOR') # LABELS ON BUTTONS self.label10 = StringVar() # start/stop self.label21 = StringVar() # manual self.label22 = StringVar() # auto self.label31 = StringVar() # step self.label32 = StringVar() # start self.label33 = StringVar() # stop self.label51 = StringVar() # read interferometer self.label52 = StringVar() # read digi level self.autoVal.set(0) # init PLC, interferometer and level self.plc = PLC(comsettings['PLCPORT'], int(comsettings['PLCBAUD'])) self.conn = self.plc.conn = IFM(comsettings['IFMPORT'], int(comsettings['IFMBAUD'])) self.lvl = LVL(comsettings['LVLPORT'], int(comsettings['LVLBAUD'])) = '' # operator self.label10.set({0: 'START', 1: 'STOP', 2:'STOP'}[]) # start/stop self.setStatus({0: 'ready', 1: 'active', 2:'steady'}[]) self.label21.set('MANUAL') # manual self.label22.set('AUTO') # auto self.label31.set('LOW') # start height self.label32.set('HIGH') # stop height self.label33.set('STEP') # step self.label51.set('READ IFM') # read interferometer self.label52.set('READ LVL') # read digi level self.timestring = StringVar() self.connstring = StringVar() # self.queue = queue.Queue() self.timerthread = threading.Thread(target=self.timer) self.timerthread.start() self.readdata = '' self.connthread = threading.Thread(target=self.checkconnection) self.connthread.start() self.statusthread = threading.Thread(target=self.checkstatus) self.statusthread.start() self.autologthread = threading.Thread(target=self.autolog) self.autologthread.start() # starttimer() # startautolog() # startautoserialcheck() # def toggleStartStop(self): # # if start then stop else otherwise # # change button and text color if possible # pass def timer(self): while self.on: dt = - self.starttime self.timestring.set('%-10s' % str(dt).split('.')[0]) time.sleep(1) def autolog(self, timeout=60): while self.on: print('Autolog') s, low, hi, step, ifm, lvl, obs = '', '', '', '', '', '', '' try: s = self.statusText low = self.lowEntry.get().strip() hi = self.hiEntry.get().strip() step = self.stepEntry.get().strip() ifm = IFM().read() lvl = LVL().read() obs = self.entryObserver.get().strip() except: print('problem with values') log('AUTOLOG! status: %s, low: %s, hi: %s, step: %s, ifm: %s, lvl: %s, obs: %s' % ( s, low, hi, step, ifm, lvl, obs)) time.sleep(timeout) def checkconnection(self): connection = False while self.on: if self.conn: try: d = self.readdata += d connection = True except: self.conn.close() try: self.connect() except: connection = False else: try: self.connect() except: connection = False self.connstring.set({True: 'isConn', False: 'notConn'}[connection]) time.sleep(0.5) def checkstatus(self): st = None if self.conn: try: st = self.plc.query('status') if st == commands['ACTIVE']: self.plc.status = 'active' elif st == commands['INACTIVE']: self.status = 'ready' else: self.status = 'unknown' except: self.status = 'unknown' else: self.status = 'not connected' def evaluateEntries(self): s, b, e = self.stepEntry, self.beginEntry, self.endEntry res = [None, None, None] for i in range(3): try: res[i] = float([s, b, e][i]) except: pass # leave it None if b > e and s > 0: # if step is negative, it can move downwards (from hi to low) b, e = e, b # otherwise it begin and end must be changed if b>e elif b < e and s < 0: b, e = e, b # INPUT IN MM !! cannot recognize 0.5mm from 0.5m step or 3mm vs 3m end # input values converted to mm # [s,b,e] = [i*1000. if (i is not None and i<5.) else i for i in [s,b,e]] return s, b, e def emptyRow(self, nrow): Label(, text="", bg=bgcolor).grid(row=nrow, column=0) def setStatus(self, text): self.statusText = text self.statusString.set(self.statusText) def setLvlStatus(self, text): self.lvlStatus.set(text) def setIfmStatus(self, text): self.ifmStatus.set(text) def getIfm(self): ifm = IFM() response = if not response: response = "No response" self.setIfmStatus(response) return response def getLevel(self): lvl = LVL() # možno naèíta� pri __init__ response = if not response: response = "No response" self.setLvlStatus(response) return response # #set stop button # def setStop(self): # pass # # #set start # def setStart(self): # pass # toggle start stop def startStop(self): = not self.label10.set({0: 'START', 1: 'STOP'}[]) self.setStatus({0: 'ready', 1: 'active'}[]) self.butStartStop.configure(bg=startstopbg[], fg=startstopfg[]) = self.entryObserver.get().strip() if not log('CMP stopped %s' % else: log('CMP started %s' % if pass # action after comparator is stopped else: pass # action after comparator is started def getEntries(self): return self.stepEntry, self.beginEntry, self.endEntry def close(self): self.on = False if self.startStop() self.root.destroy() self.root.quit() def gotoLow(self): low = None self.setStatus('Going to LOW') try: low = float(self.lowEntry.get().strip()) except: pass pass # move carriage to set low return low def gotoHi(self): hi = None self.setStatus('Going to HIGH') try: hi = float(self.hiEntry.get().strip()) except: pass pass # move carriage to set low return hi def moveStep(self): pos = self.plc.getPos() step = 0 try: step = float(self.stepEntry.get().strip()) except: pass targetpos = pos + step if step != 0: self.setStatus('Moving to %f' % targetpos) self.plc.moveto(targetpos) return targetpos def resetLvlStatus(self): self.lvlStatus.set('') def resetIfmStatus(self): self.ifmStatus.set('') def mainDialog(self): self.basicframe = Frame(self.root) self.basicframe.grid() self.basicframe.configure(bg=bgcolor) = Frame(self.basicframe), column=0, sticky='new') # , sticky='W') # Grid.rowconfigure(root, 0, weight=1) Grid.columnconfigure(root, 0, weight=1) self.emptyRow(0) Label(, textvariable=self.labelTop, justify='center', bg=bgcolor, font=("Calibri", 24) ).grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky='we') self.emptyRow(2) Label(, text='STATUS:', justify='left', anchor='w', bg=bgcolor, fg=statuscolor, font=("Calibri", 12) ).grid(row=3, column=0, sticky='we', padx=(5, 0)) self.statusLine = Label(, textvariable=self.statusString, justify='left', anchor='w', bg=bgcolor, fg=statuscolor, font=("Calibri", 14, "bold") ).grid(row=3, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky='we') self.emptyRow(4) self.butStartStop = Button(, textvariable=self.label10, command=self.startStop, bg=startstopbg[], fg=startstopfg[], font=("Calibri", 16, "bold"), width=10) self.butStartStop.grid(row=5, column=1, sticky='nsew') # AUTO / MANUAL self.my_var.set(1) self.butManual = Radiobutton(, text="MANUAL",, value=0, width=15, justify='center', # bg=buttoncolor2, bg="moccasin", indicatoron=0) # self.exit_root) self.butManual.grid(row=5, column=0, sticky='ew', padx=(0, 10)) # self.butManual.configure(state='selected') self.butAuto = Radiobutton(, text="AUTO",, value=1, width=15, justify='center', # bg=buttoncolor2, bg="moccasin", indicatoron=0) # self.exit_root) self.butAuto.grid(row=5, column=2, sticky='ew', padx=(10, 0)) self.emptyRow(6) self.emptyRow(7) # put Labels here Label(, textvariable=self.label31, justify='center', bg=bgcolor, fg=statuscolor, font=("Calibri", 10) ).grid(row=8, column=0, sticky='we') Label(, textvariable=self.label32, justify='center', bg=bgcolor, fg=statuscolor, font=("Calibri", 10) ).grid(row=8, column=1, sticky='we') Label(, textvariable=self.label33, justify='center', bg=bgcolor, fg=statuscolor, font=("Calibri", 10) ).grid(row=8, column=2, sticky='we') # input boxes: step start stop (mm) self.lowEntry = Entry(, width=20, bd=3, justify='right', bg=inputbox, fg=statuscolor) self.lowEntry.grid(row=9, column=0, sticky='we') # , columnspan=2) # SET DEFAULT LOW # self.lowEntry.delete(0,END) # self.lowEntry.insert(0, MINPOS) self.hiEntry = Entry(, width=20, bd=3, justify='right', bg=inputbox, fg=statuscolor) self.hiEntry.grid(row=9, column=1, sticky='we') # , columnspan=2) # SET DEFAULT HIGH # self.hiEntry.delete(0,END) # self.hiEntry.insert(0, MAXPOS) self.stepEntry = Entry(, width=20, bd=3, justify='right', bg=inputbox, fg=statuscolor) self.stepEntry.grid(row=9, column=2, sticky='we') # , columnspan=2) # put buttons for GOTO and MOVE self.butGotoLow = Button(, text="Go To Low", justify='center', bg=buttoncolor, command=self.gotoLow) self.butGotoLow.grid(row=10, column=0, sticky='we') self.butGotoHi = Button(, text="Go To High", justify='center', bg=buttoncolor, command=self.gotoHi) self.butGotoHi.grid(row=10, column=1, sticky='we') self.butMoveStep = Button(, text="Move a Step", justify='center', bg=buttoncolor, command=self.moveStep) self.butMoveStep.grid(row=10, column=2, sticky='we') self.emptyRow(11) Label(, text='EXTERNAL SENSORS', justify='left', anchor='w', bg=bgcolor, fg=statuscolor, font=("Calibri", 12) ).grid(row=12, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky='we', padx=(5, 0)) # function buttons # RIadok 12: Externals butIFM = Button(, text="Read IFM", width=15, justify='center', bg=buttoncolor, command=self.getIfm) # self.exit_root) butIFM.grid(row=13, column=0, sticky='we') self.labIfmStatus = Label(, textvariable=self.ifmStatus, justify='left', anchor='w', bg=bgcolor, fg=statuscolor, font=("Calibri", 12)) self.labIfmStatus.grid(row=13, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky='we', padx=(15, 0)) self.labIfmStatus.bind('<Button-1>', self.resetIfmStatus) butLVL = Button(, text="Read level", width=15, justify='center', bg=buttoncolor, command=self.getLevel) # self.exit_root) butLVL.grid(row=14, column=0, sticky='we') self.labLvlStatus = Label(, textvariable=self.lvlStatus, justify='left', anchor='w', bg=bgcolor, fg=statuscolor, font=("Calibri", 12)) self.labLvlStatus.grid(row=14, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky='we', padx=(15, 0)) self.labLvlStatus.bind('<Button-1>', self.resetLvlStatus) self.emptyRow(15) Label(, text='OBSERVER:', anchor='w', justify='left', bg=bgcolor, fg=statuscolor, font=("Calibri", 12) ).grid(row=16, column=0, sticky='we', padx=(5, 0)) self.entryObserver = Entry(,, bg=inputbox, fg=statuscolor, font=("Calibri", 12), justify='left') self.entryObserver.grid(row=16, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky='we') # row 18> empty (or test connection) self.emptyRow(18) self.timeLabel = Label(, textvariable=self.timestring, anchor='w', bg=bgcolor, fg=statuscolor, font=("Calibri", 9)) self.timeLabel.grid(row=19, column=0) self.connLabel = Label(, textvariable=self.connstring, anchor='w', bg=bgcolor, fg=statuscolor, font=("Calibri", 9)) self.connLabel.grid(row=19, column=1) butexit = Button(, text="EXIT", width=15, justify='center', bg="black", fg="yellow", command=self.close, font=("Calibri", 14, "bold")) butexit.grid(row=19, column=2)
class StreamFrame: def __init__(self, stream: Stream, parent, scrollWindow, searchFrame, color): self.frame = Frame(scrollWindow, relief=GROOVE, highlightbackground=color, highlightcolor=color, highlightthickness=3) = stream self.parent = parent self.searchFrame = searchFrame self.previewFrame = Frame(self.frame, width=322, height=182) self.previewFrame.grid_propagate(False) self.boxFrame = Frame(self.frame) self.boxArtFrame = Frame(self.boxFrame) self.boxArtLabelFrame = Frame(self.boxFrame) self.filterFrame = Frame(self.frame) self.labelImage = None self.labelBoxArt = None self.buttonFilterGame = None self.buttonFilterStreamer = None self.buttonFilterCombined = None self.previewTitle = StringVar() self.previewImage = None self.boxArtImage = None self.previewName = StringVar() self.previewViewers = StringVar() self.setStringVars() self.addPreview() self.addFilterFrame() self.gridFrames() def gridFrames(self): self.previewFrame.grid(row=0, sticky=NSEW) self.boxFrame.grid(row=1, sticky=NSEW) self.boxArtFrame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=NSEW) self.boxArtLabelFrame.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W) self.filterFrame.grid(row=2, sticky=NSEW) def setStream(self, stream): = stream self.setStringVars() def setStringVars(self): self.previewTitle.set("ascii", "ignore").decode()) self.boxArtImage = self.previewImage = self.previewName.set( self.previewViewers.set( + LabelConstants.VIEWERS) def addPreview(self): self.labelImage = Label(self.previewFrame, image=self.previewImage, bd=1) self.labelImage.bind(MiscConstants.BIND_LEFT_MOUSE, lambda x: self.onClick(None)) self.labelImage.grid(row=1, sticky=W) dummyImageToMakeLabelHaveWidthInPixels = PhotoImage(width=1, height=1) dummyLabelToGetWidthOfText = Label(None, textvariable=self.previewTitle) titleWidth = min(dummyLabelToGetWidthOfText.winfo_reqwidth() - 4, 308) labelTitle = Label(self.previewFrame, image=dummyImageToMakeLabelHaveWidthInPixels, textvariable=self.previewTitle, fg="white", bg="black", compound=RIGHT, anchor=W, width=titleWidth) labelTitle.bind(MiscConstants.BIND_LEFT_MOUSE, lambda x: self.onClick(None)) labelTitle.grid(row=1, sticky=NW, padx=4, pady=4) self.labelBoxArt = Label(self.previewFrame, image=self.boxArtImage, bd=1) self.labelBoxArt.bind(MiscConstants.BIND_LEFT_MOUSE, lambda x: self.onClick(None)) self.labelBoxArt.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=SW, padx=4, pady=4) labelName = Label(self.previewFrame, textvariable=self.previewName, fg="white", bg="#b71ef7") labelName.bind(MiscConstants.BIND_LEFT_MOUSE, lambda x: self.onClick(None)) labelName.grid(row=1, sticky=S, padx=4, pady=4) labelViewers = Label(self.previewFrame, textvariable=self.previewViewers, fg="white", bg="black") labelViewers.bind(MiscConstants.BIND_LEFT_MOUSE, lambda x: self.onClick(None)) labelViewers.grid(row=1, sticky=SE, padx=4, pady=4) def addFilterFrame(self): labelFilter = Label(self.filterFrame, text=LabelConstants.FILTER, anchor=W) labelFilter.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=NSEW, padx=(4, 2)) self.buttonFilterStreamer = Button( self.filterFrame, text=LabelConstants.FILTER_STREAMER, width=10, command=lambda: self.parent.addFilter(, None)) self.buttonFilterStreamer.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=NSEW, padx=(2, 4), pady=(0, 4)) self.buttonFilterGame = Button( self.filterFrame, text=LabelConstants.FILTER_GAME, width=10, command=lambda: self.parent.addFilter(None, self.buttonFilterGame.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=NSEW, padx=4, pady=(0, 4)) self.buttonFilterCombined = Button( self.filterFrame, text=LabelConstants.FILTER_COMBO, width=13, command=lambda: self.parent.addFilter(, self.buttonFilterCombined.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky=NSEW, padx=(4, 0), pady=(0, 4)) def onClick(self, event): if self.frame.cget("highlightbackground") == "red": self.frame.config(highlightbackground="grey", highlightcolor="grey") idx = self.searchFrame.selectedStreamsListbox.get(0, END).index( self.searchFrame.selectedStreamsListbox.delete(idx) else: self.frame.config(highlightbackground="red", highlightcolor="red") self.searchFrame.selectedStreamsListbox.insert( END,
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __author__ = 'ipetrash' from tkinter import Tk, Label def turn(event): value = event.widget["text"] value = 1 if value == '.' else int(value) + 1 event.widget["text"] = value root = Tk() for x in range(8): for y in range(8): cell = Label(root, width=3, height=1, text=".") cell.grid(row=x, column=y) cell.bind("<Button-1>", turn) root.mainloop()
class YEPT_window(): def __init__(self): self.root = Tk() self.root.resizable(width = False, height = True) self._add_icon() self.layout() def layout(self): self._layout_main() self._layout_blast() canvas = Canvas(, width = 14, height = 150) canvas.create_line(10, 0, 10, 150, fill = "#D8D8D8", width = 2) canvas.pack(after = self.blast, side = LEFT) self._layout_primerDesign() self.b2 = Button(self.frmbt, text = 'Get Checking Primers', font = ("Arial", 12)) self.b2.bind("<Button-1>", self.openCheckPrimerWindow) self._layout_bottom() def _add_icon(self): self.root.iconbitmap(_iconPath) def _layout_main(self): self.root.title("YEPT - SLST,ShanghaiTech") # Up center banner l = Label(self.root, text="Welcome to YEPT!", font = ("Arial", 13), width = 15, height = 2) l.pack() # Main frame = Frame(self.root) = X) def _layout_blast(self): # Frame at the left side self.blast = Frame( self.blast.pack(pady = 5, padx = 8, side = LEFT) self.btf = Frame(self.blast) self.btf.pack(pady=5,fill=X) btitle = Label(self.btf, text = 'BLAST to get AccessionID', font = ("Arial", 10), width = 19) btitle.pack(side = RIGHT) self.lblast = Label(self.btf, text = "(Don't like it? Do it yourself.)", font = ("Arial", 9), fg = 'blue', width = 22) self.lblast.bind('<Enter>', self._blast_showlink) self.lblast.bind('<Leave>', self._blast_notshowlink) self.lblast.bind('<Button-1>', self._blast_gotoBLAST) self.lblast.pack(side = RIGHT, padx = 5) self._layout_blast_line1() self._layout_blast_line2() self.tb = Text(self.blast, width = 65, height = 6) self.tb.pack(pady = 5, side = RIGHT) def _layout_blast_line1(self): # BLAST species selection b_species = Frame(self.blast) b_species.pack(pady = 5, fill = X) bspl = Label(b_species, text = "Target pecies:", font = ("Arial", 10), width = 10) self.bsp_var = StringVar() self.bsp_var.set(5) bIssj = Radiobutton(b_species, text = "S. japonicus", variable = self.bsp_var, value = "J") bIssj.bind("<Button-1>", self._focusB) bIssc = Radiobutton(b_species, text = "S. cryophilus", variable = self.bsp_var, value = "C") bIssc.bind("<Button-1>", self._focusB) bIsso = Radiobutton(b_species, text = "S. octosporus", variable = self.bsp_var, value = "O") bIsso.bind("<Button-1>", self._focusB) bIsso.pack(side = RIGHT) bIssc.pack(side = RIGHT) bIssj.pack(side = RIGHT) bspl.pack(side = RIGHT) def _layout_blast_line2(self): # Gene name entry line sp_name = Frame(self.blast) sp_name.pack(pady = 5, fill = X) sp_name_l = Label(sp_name, text = 'Gene in S. pombe:', font = ("Arial", 10), width = 13) sp_name_l.pack(side = RIGHT) self.sp_name_e = Entry(sp_name, width = 6) self.sp_name_e.bind("<Button-1>", self._focusB) self.sp_name_e.bind("<Return>", self._BLAST) self.sp_name_e.bind("<Key>", self._forgetb2) self.sp_name_e.pack(side = RIGHT, padx = 5, before = sp_name_l) cov_l = Label(sp_name, text = 'Cov cutoff:', font = ("Arial", 10), width = 7) cov_l.pack(side = RIGHT, before = self.sp_name_e) self.cov_cutoff = Entry(sp_name, width = 4) self.cov_cutoff.insert(END, '0.15') self.cov_cutoff.bind("<Button-1>", self._focusB) self.cov_cutoff.bind("<Return>", self._BLAST) self.cov_cutoff.bind("<Key>", self._forgetb2) self.cov_cutoff.pack(side = RIGHT, padx = 5, before = cov_l) ev_l = Label(sp_name, text = 'evalue cutoff:', font = ("Arial", 10), width = 10) ev_l.pack(side = RIGHT, before = self.cov_cutoff) self.ev_cutoff = Entry(sp_name, width = 3) self.ev_cutoff.insert(END, '1') self.ev_cutoff.bind("<Button-1>", self._focusB) self.ev_cutoff.bind("<Return>", self._BLAST) self.ev_cutoff.bind("<Key>", self._forgetb2) self.ev_cutoff.pack(side = RIGHT, padx = 5, before = ev_l) self.button_blast = Button(sp_name, text = 'BLAST', font = ("Arial", 9)) self.button_blast.bind('<Button-1>', self._BLAST) self.button_blast.bind('<Return>', self._BLAST) self.button_blast.pack(side = RIGHT, before = self.ev_cutoff) def _blast_showlink(self, event): self.lblast.config(bg = "#D8D8D8") def _blast_notshowlink(self, event): self.lblast.forget() self.lblast = Label(self.btf, text = "(Don't like it? Do it yourself.)", font = ("Arial", 9), fg = 'blue', width = 22) self.lblast.bind('<Enter>', self._blast_showlink) self.lblast.bind('<Leave>', self._blast_notshowlink) self.lblast.bind('<Button-1>', self._blast_gotoBLAST) self.lblast.pack(side=RIGHT,padx=5) def _blast_gotoBLAST(self, event): BLASTn_url = "" webopen(BLASTn_url, new = 2, autoraise = True) def _BLAST(self, event): self.tb.delete(0.0,END) gene_name = self.sp_name_e.get() species = self.bsp_var.get() ev_cutoff = float(self.ev_cutoff.get()) cov_cutoff = float(self.cov_cutoff.get()) if species == '5': self.tb.delete(0.0, END) self.tb.insert(END, 'Please choose a target species.') elif gene_name == '': self.tb.delete(0.0, END) self.tb.insert(END, 'Please enter a gene identifier.') else: output = BLAST_by_sp(gene_name, species, cov_cutoff, ev_cutoff) self.tb.delete(0.0, END) if output == []: self.tb.delete(0.0, END) self.tb.insert(END, 'No significant hit found.') elif output == 'NoName': self.tb.delete(0.0, END) self.tb.insert(END, 'There is no gene called "%s" in S. pombe.' % gene_name) self.tb.insert(END, str(output)) else: self.tb.delete(0.0, END) for hit in output: msg = "E-value: {}\tCov%: {:.2f}\tIdent%: {:.2f}\n".format(hit[0], hit[1], hit[2]) for cds in hit[3:]: msg += '\t'.join(cds) + '\n' self.tb.insert(END, msg) def _layout_primerDesign(self): self.options = Frame( self.options.pack(pady = 5, padx = 10, side = RIGHT) self.entries = Frame(self.options) self.entries.pack(fill = X, pady = 5) self._layout_primerDesign_line1() self._layout_primerDesign_line2() self._layout_primerDesign_line3() self._layout_primerDesign_line4_1() self._layout_primerDesign_line4_2() self.frmbt = Frame(self.options) self.frmbt.pack(pady = 5, fill = X, side = BOTTOM) self.b1 = Button(self.frmbt, text = 'Get Primer', font = ("Arial", 12)) self.b1.bind("<Return>", self.getPrimer) self.b1.bind("<Button-1>", self.getPrimer) self.b1.pack(side = LEFT, pady = 5, ipady = 1, ipadx = 1) self.b2 = Button(self.frmbt, text = 'Get Checking Primers', font = ("Arial", 12)) self.b2.bind("<Button-1>", self.openCheckPrimerWindow) def _layout_bottom(self): primer_result = Frame(self.root) primer_result.pack(pady = 5) rtf = Frame(primer_result) # result title frame rtf.pack(fill = X) result_title = Label(rtf, text = 'The primer we get is following:', font = ("Arial", 11)) result_title.pack(side = LEFT) rcf = Frame(primer_result) # result content frame rcf.pack(fill = X) self.t = Text(rcf, width = 125, height = 5) self.t.pack(side = LEFT, fill = Y, expand = YES) scr = Scrollbar(rcf) scr.pack(side = RIGHT, fill = Y) self.t["yscrollcommand"] = scr.set scr['command'] = self.t.yview def _layout_primerDesign_line1(self): l2 = Label(self.entries, text = 'Accession ID for all or \ngene symbol in S. pombe:', font = ("Arial", 10), width = 20) l2.pack(side = LEFT) self.e2 = Entry(self.entries, width = 14) self.e2.bind("<Return>", self.getPrimer) self.e2.bind("<Key>", self._forgetb2) self.e2.pack(side = LEFT) l3 = Label(self.entries, text = 'length:', font = ("Arial", 10), width = 6) l3.pack(side = LEFT) self.e3 = Entry(self.entries, width = 3) self.e3.insert(0, '80') self.e3.bind("<Return>", self.getPrimer) self.e3.bind("<Key>", self._forgetb2) self.e3.pack(side = LEFT) def _layout_primerDesign_line2(self): check_species = Frame(self.options) check_species.pack(fill = X, pady = 5) sp = Label(check_species, text = 'Species:', font = ("Arial", 10), width = 6) sp.pack(side = LEFT) self.species_var = StringVar() self.species_var.set(1) Issp = Radiobutton(check_species, text = "S. pombe", variable = self.species_var, value = "P") Issp.bind("<Button-1>", self._getfocusback) Issp.pack(side = LEFT) Issj = Radiobutton(check_species, text = "S. japonicus", variable=self.species_var, value = "J") Issj.bind("<Button-1>", self._getfocusback) Issj.pack(side = LEFT) Issc = Radiobutton(check_species, text = "S. cryophilus", variable = self.species_var, value = "C") Issc.bind("<Button-1>", self._getfocusback) Issc.pack(side = LEFT) Isso = Radiobutton(check_species, text = "S. octosporus", variable = self.species_var, value = "O") Isso.bind("<Button-1>", self._getfocusback) Isso.pack(side = LEFT) def _layout_primerDesign_line3(self): self.check_mode = Frame(self.options) self.check_mode.pack(fill = X, pady = 5) self.mode_var = StringVar() self.mode_var.set(2) md = Label(self.check_mode, text = 'Fuction:', font = ("Arial", 10), width = 6) md.pack(side = LEFT) Isdel = Radiobutton(self.check_mode,text = "Deletion", variable = self.mode_var, value="del", command = self._choose_plasmid) Isdel.bind("<Button-1>", self._getfocusback) Isdel.pack(side = LEFT) IsC = Radiobutton(self.check_mode, text = "C-terminal Tagging", variable = self.mode_var, value = "C", command = self._choose_Ctag) IsC.bind("<Button-1>", self._getfocusback) IsC.pack(side = LEFT) IsN = Radiobutton(self.check_mode, text = "N-terminal promoter adding", variable = self.mode_var, value = "N", command = self._choose_Ntag) IsN.bind("<Button-1>", self._getfocusback) IsN.pack(side = LEFT) def _layout_primerDesign_line4_1(self): self.blankframe = Frame(self.options) self.blankframe.pack(after = self.check_mode, pady = 18) self.check_plsmd = Frame(self.options) self.check_plsmd.pack(after = self.check_mode, pady = 5) self.check_plsmd.forget() pl = Label(self.check_plsmd, text = 'Plasmid:', font = ("Arial", 10), width = 10) pl.pack(side = LEFT) self.plasmid_var = StringVar() self.plasmid_var.set(3) IspFA6a = Radiobutton(self.check_plsmd, text = "pFA6a", variable = self.plasmid_var, value = 'pFA6a') IspFA6a.bind("<Button-1>", self._getfocusback) IspFA6a.pack(side = LEFT) IsKS = Radiobutton(self.check_plsmd, text = "KS-ura4", variable = self.plasmid_var, value = 'KS-ura4') IsKS.bind("<Button-1>", self._getfocusback) IsKS.pack(side = LEFT) def _layout_primerDesign_line4_2(self): self.check_Ntag = Frame(self.options) self.check_Ntag.pack(after = self.check_mode, pady = 5) self.check_Ntag.forget() nt = Label(self.check_Ntag, text = 'N-terminal Tag:', font = ("Arial", 10), width = 10) nt.pack(side = LEFT) self.Ntag_var = StringVar() self.Ntag_var.set(' ') Isnone = Radiobutton(self.check_Ntag, text = "None", variable = self.Ntag_var, value = ' ') Isnone.bind("<Button-1>", self._getfocusback) Isnone.pack(side=LEFT) Is3HA = Radiobutton(self.check_Ntag, text = "3HA", variable = self.Ntag_var, value = '3HA') Is3HA.bind("<Button-1>", self._getfocusback) Is3HA.pack(side = LEFT) IsGST = Radiobutton(self.check_Ntag, text = "GST", variable = self.Ntag_var, value = 'GST') IsGST.bind("<Button-1>", self._getfocusback) IsGST.pack(side = LEFT) IsGFP = Radiobutton(self.check_Ntag, text = "GFP", variable = self.Ntag_var, value = 'GFP') IsGFP.bind("<Button-1>", self._getfocusback) IsGFP.pack(side = LEFT) def _choose_Ntag(self): self.blankframe.forget() self.check_plsmd.forget() self.check_Ntag.pack(after = self.check_mode, pady = 5) def _choose_plasmid(self): self.blankframe.forget() self.check_Ntag.forget() self.check_plsmd.pack(after = self.check_mode, pady = 5) def _choose_Ctag(self): self.blankframe.pack(pady = 18) self.check_Ntag.forget() self.check_plsmd.forget() def _noResultMsg(self, keyword, species): self.t.delete(0.0, END) self.t.insert(END, "No gene matches \"{}\" in {}.".format(keyword, species)) def _ambResultMsg(self, keyword, species, results): self.t.delete(0.0, END) nResult, dfRepr = formatMultiResult(results) self.t.insert(END, "{0} entries found to match \"{1}\" in {2}:\n{3}".format(nResult, keyword, species, dfRepr)) def getPrimer(self, event): self.b1.focus_set() mode = self.mode_var.get() species = self.species_var.get() gene = self.e2.get() plasmid = self.plasmid_var.get() if mode != 'del': plasmid = 'pFA6a' if species == "1" or mode == "2" or plasmid == "3": self.t.delete(0.0, END) self.t.insert(END, "Please check all the radiobutton needed!\n") else: fullSpeciesNameMap = {'P': 'S. pombe', 'J': 'S. japonicus', 'C': 'S. cryophilus', 'O': 'S. octosporus'} fullSpeciesName = fullSpeciesNameMap[species] Ntag = self.Ntag_var.get() length = int(self.e3.get()) if plasmid == "pFA6a": forward_plmd_del = "CGGATCCCCGGGTTAATTAA" reverse_plmd_del = "GAATTCGAGCTCGTTTAAAC" forward_plmd_N = "GAATTCGAGCTCGTTTAAAC" reverse_plmd_N = "CATGATTTAACAAAGCGACTATA" reverse_plmd_N_3HA = "GCACTGAGCAGCGTAATCTG" reverse_plmd_N_GST = "ACGCGGAACCAGATCCGATT" reverse_plmd_N_GFP = "TTTGTATAGTTCATCCATGC" elif plasmid == "KS-ura4": forward_plmd_del = "CGCCAGGGTTTTCCCAGTCACGAC" reverse_plmd_del = "AGCGGATAACAATTTCACACAGGA" if mode == 'del': primer = get_del_primer(species, gene, length) if primer == []: self._noResultMsg(gene, fullSpeciesName) elif type(primer) == list and len(primer) > 1: self._ambResultMsg(gene, fullSpeciesName, primer) else: self.t.delete(0.0, END) self.t.insert(END, 'Found gene: {}, GenBank: {}, systematic ID: {}\n'.format(primer[2][0], primer[2][1], primer[2][2])) self.t.insert(END, 'Forward primer: {} - {}\n'.format(primer[0], forward_plmd_del)) self.t.insert(END, ' %GC content = {} TM = {}\n'.format(GC(primer[0] + forward_plmd_del), TM(primer[0] + forward_plmd_del))) self.t.insert(END, 'Reverse primer: {} - {}\n'.format(primer[1], reverse_plmd_del)) self.t.insert(END, ' %GC content = {} TM = {}'.format(GC(primer[1] + reverse_plmd_del), TM(primer[1] + reverse_plmd_del))) self.b2.pack(side = LEFT, pady = 5, padx = 7, ipady = 1, ipadx = 1) self.b2.focus_set() elif mode == 'C': primer = get_Ctag_primer(species, gene, length) if primer == []: self._noResultMsg(gene, fullSpeciesName) elif type(primer) == list and len(primer) > 1: self._ambResultMsg(gene, fullSpeciesName, primer) else: self.t.delete(0.0, END) self.t.insert(END, 'Found gene: {}, GenBank: {}, systematic ID: {}\n'.format(primer[2][0], primer[2][1], primer[2][2])) self.t.insert(END, 'Forward primer: {} - {}\n'.format(primer[0], forward_plmd_del)) self.t.insert(END, ' %GC content = {} TM = {}\n'.format(GC(primer[0] + forward_plmd_del), TM(primer[0] + forward_plmd_del))) self.t.insert(END, 'Reverse primer: {} - {}\n'.format(primer[1], reverse_plmd_del)) self.t.insert(END, ' %GC content = {} TM = {}'.format(GC(primer[1] + reverse_plmd_del), TM(primer[1] + reverse_plmd_del))) self.b2.pack(side = LEFT, pady = 5, padx = 7, ipady = 1, ipadx = 1) self.b2.focus_set() elif mode == 'N': if Ntag == ' ': primer = get_Ntag_none_primer(species, gene,length) else: primer = get_Ntag_tag_primer(species, gene,length) if Ntag == "3HA": reverse_plmd_N = reverse_plmd_N_3HA elif Ntag == "GST": reverse_plmd_N = reverse_plmd_N_GST elif Ntag == "GFP": reverse_plmd_N = reverse_plmd_N_GFP if primer == []: self._noResultMsg(gene, fullSpeciesName) elif type(primer) == list and len(primer) > 1: self._ambResultMsg(gene, fullSpeciesName, primer) else: self.t.delete(0.0, END) self.t.insert(END, 'Found gene: {}, GenBank: {}, systematic ID: {}\n'.format(primer[2][0], primer[2][1], primer[2][2])) self.t.insert(END, 'Forward primer: {} - {}\n'.format(primer[0], forward_plmd_N)) self.t.insert(END, ' %GC content = {} TM = {}\n'.format(GC(primer[0] + forward_plmd_N), TM(primer[0] + forward_plmd_N))) self.t.insert(END, 'Reverse primer: {} - {}\n'.format(primer[1], reverse_plmd_N)) self.t.insert(END, ' %GC content = {} TM = {}'.format(GC(primer[1] + reverse_plmd_N), TM(primer[1] + reverse_plmd_N))) self.b2.pack(side = LEFT, pady = 5, padx = 7, ipady = 1, ipadx = 1) self.b2.focus_set() def _backtob3(self, event): self.b3.focus_set() def _focusB(self, event): self.button_blast.focus_set() def _getfocusback(self, event): self.b1.focus_set() self.b2.forget() def _forgetb2(self, event): self.b2.forget() def start(self): self.root.mainloop() def openCheckPrimerWindow(self, event): CheckPrimerWindow(self)
labelCodeInfo = Label(frame, text='Click on a code to\n copy it to the clipboard!', fg=color_sec, width=50) labelCodeInfo.configure(background=color_wbg, font=font_prim) labelCodeInfo.pack() labelInfo = Label(frame, text='\nShiftCodes are parsed from') labelInfo.configure(background=color_wbg, fg=color_fg, font=font_prim) labelInfo.pack() link0 = Label(frame, text=" : Borderlands 1", cursor="target") link0.configure(background=color_wbg, fg=color_sec, font=font_prim) link0.pack() link0.bind("<Button-1>", lambda e: callback(url_b1)) link1 = Label(frame, text=" : Borderlands 2", cursor="target") link1.configure(background=color_wbg, fg=color_sec, font=font_prim) link1.pack() link1.bind("<Button-1>", lambda e: callback(url_b2)) link2 = Label(frame, text=" : Borderlands - Pre Sequel", cursor="target") link2.configure(background=color_wbg, fg=color_sec, font=font_prim) link2.pack() link2.bind("<Button-1>", lambda e: callback(url_bps)) link3 = Label(frame, text=" : Borderlands 3", cursor="target") link3.configure(background=color_wbg, fg=color_sec, font=font_prim)
class DrowingApp: data, fileOpend, my_point, x, y = {}, "", 0, 0, 0 #Constructor __init__ def __init__(self, master, WIDTH=1100, HEIGHT=800): master.title("GUI HW2 By Shani & Idan & mhmd ") self.my_color = "Black" self.create_canvas(master, WIDTH, HEIGHT) master.attributes("-transparentcolor", "red") self.create_upper_menu() # lower section self.lower_frame = Canvas(self.master, bg='#c9daf8', bd=5), rely=0.25, relwidth=0.75, relheight=0.6, anchor='n') self.lower_frame.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.moveEvent) self.reset() # resize image by canvas size def resizeimage(self, event): image = self.image_copy.resize( (self.master.winfo_width(), self.master.winfo_height())) self.image1 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image) self.label.config(image=self.image1) def loadbackground(self): self.label = Label(self.canvas, image=self.background) self.label.bind('<Configure>', self.resizeimage) self.label.pack(fill='both', expand='yes') def rootgeometry(self, WIDTH, HEIGHT): self.master.geometry(str(WIDTH) + 'x' + str(HEIGHT)) #Create Ship from data get from file def createShip(self, lines, circels, bezier): #Process work simultany thread_list = [] for line in lines: thread = threading.Thread(target=self.myLine, args=(line[0], line[1], line[2], line[3])) thread_list.append(thread) for circle in circels: thread = threading.Thread(target=self.myCircle, args=(circle[0], circle[1], circle[2], circle[3])) thread_list.append(thread) thread = threading.Thread(target=self.myCurve, args=(bezier[0], bezier[1], bezier[2], bezier[3], bezier[4], bezier[5], bezier[6], bezier[7])) thread_list.append(thread) for thread in thread_list: thread.start() def create_upper_menu(self): # Uper section 1 frame = Frame(self.master, bg='#a0dbd1', bd=4), rely=0.04, relwidth=0.80, relheight=0.1, anchor='n') # Open jason file openfile = TkinterCustomButton(master=frame, height=52, text="Open File", command=self.openfile) # Derivative derivative = TkinterCustomButton(master=frame, height=52, text="cutting", command=self.derived) # Reset by defult/user file if he upload file reset = TkinterCustomButton(master=frame, height=52, text="Reset", command=self.reset) # Help give the option to open help file to get all information abount function helps = TkinterCustomButton(master=frame, height=52, text="Help", command=self.helpf) rotate = TkinterCustomButton(master=frame, height=52, text="rotate", command=self.rotate) # Uper section 2 frame2 = Frame(self.master, bg='#a0dbd1', bd=4), rely=0.15, relwidth=0.8, relheight=0.1, anchor='n') # Move to current position move = TkinterCustomButton(master=frame2, height=52, text="Move", command=self.move) # zoomIn zoomIn = TkinterCustomButton(master=frame2, height=52, text="zoomIn +", command=self.zoomIn) # zoomOut zoomOut = TkinterCustomButton(master=frame2, height=52, text="zoomOut -", command=self.zoomOut) MirorX = TkinterCustomButton(master=frame2, height=52, text="Miror to X", command=self.mirrorX) MirorY = TkinterCustomButton(master=frame2, height=52, text="Miror to Y", command=self.mirrory) MirrorXY = TkinterCustomButton(master=frame2, height=52, text="Miror to XY", command=self.mirrorXY) # Open file if dont find any will drop massage def openfile(self): self.action = 'openfile' tf = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir="../Path/For/JSON_file", filetypes=((".json", "*.json"), ("All Files", "*.*")), title="Choose a file.") try: if tf: with open(tf) as f: = json.load(f) self.fileOpend = f self.createShip(['lines'],['circles'],['bezier']) elif tf == '': messagebox.showinfo("cencel", "file not selcted") except IOError: messagebox.showinfo("Error", "erorr") # Upload last file and create ship from screatch def reset(self): self.action = "reset" if self.fileOpend == "": with open('./ship.json') as f: = json.load(f) else: with open(self.fileOpend) as f: self.lower_frame.delete("all") = json.load(f) self.lower_frame.delete("all") self.createShip(['lines'],['circles'],['bezier']) # create_canvas with all atributes def create_canvas(self, master, WIDTH, HEIGHT): self.master = master self.rootgeometry(WIDTH, HEIGHT) self.canvas = Canvas(self.master) self.canvas.pack() self.background_image ='bg.PNG') self.image_copy = self.background_image.copy() self.background = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.background_image) self.loadbackground() # Put pixel on gui by cordinat def putPixel(self, x_, y_): self.lower_frame.create_line(x_, y_, x_ + 1, y_ + 1, fill=self.my_color) # Bersenheim def myLine(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): #Bresenham's Line Algorithm # Determine how steep the line is direction = abs(y2 - y1) > abs(x2 - x1) if direction: x1, y1, x2, y2 = y1, x1, y2, x2 if x1 > x2: x1, x2 = x2, x1 y1, y2 = y2, y1 # Recalculate differentials dx = x2 - x1 dy = y2 - y1 # Calculate error errp = 2 * dx direcx = 1 if x2 - x1 >= 0 else -1 direcy = 1 if y2 - y1 >= 0 else -1 # Iterate over bounding box generating points between start and end y, x = int(y1), int(x1) steps = int(max(dx, dy)) for i in range(steps): self.putPixel(y, x) if direction else self.putPixel(x, y) errp -= 2 * abs(dy) if errp < 0: y += direcy errp += 2 * abs(dx) x += direcx # Plot Circle def plotCirclePoints(self, xc, yc, x, y): self.putPixel(xc + x, yc + y) self.putPixel(xc - x, yc + y) self.putPixel(xc + x, yc - y) self.putPixel(xc - x, yc - y) self.putPixel(xc + y, yc + x) self.putPixel(xc - y, yc + x) self.putPixel(xc + y, yc - x) self.putPixel(xc - y, yc - x) # Create Circle def myCircle(self, xc, yc, x2, y2): radius = math.sqrt((x2 - xc)**2 + (y2 - yc)**2) "Bresenham complete circle algorithm in Python" p = 3 - (2 * radius) x = 0 y = radius while x < y: self.plotCirclePoints(xc, yc, x, y) if p < 0: p = p + (4 * x) + 6 else: self.plotCirclePoints(xc, yc, x, y) p = p + (4 * (x - y)) + 10 y -= 1 x += 1 if (x == y): self.plotCirclePoints(xc, yc, x, y) # bezier for cruve def bezier(self, x1, x2, x3, x4, t): ax = -x1 + 3 * x2 - 3 * x3 + x4 bx = 3 * x1 - 6 * x2 + 3 * x3 cx = -3 * x1 + 3 * x2 dx = x1 res = ax * t**3 + bx * t**2 + cx * t + dx return int(res) def myCurve(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4): xt1 = x1 yt1 = y1 path_resolution = 1000 for t in range(0, path_resolution + 1): pointx = self.bezier(x1, x2, x3, x4, t / path_resolution) pointy = self.bezier(y1, y2, y3, y4, t / path_resolution) self.myLine(xt1, yt1, pointx, pointy) xt1 = pointx yt1 = pointy return def zoomToFile(self, shape, zoom): if (zoom): for i in range(len(shape)): if i % 2 == 0: shape[i] = int(1.1 * shape[i]) else: shape[i] = int(1.1 * shape[i]) else: for i in range(len(shape)): if i % 2 == 0: shape[i] = int(0.9 * shape[i]) else: shape[i] = int(0.9 * shape[i]) # Help file def helpf(self): self.action = "helpf" os.system('help.pdf') def zoomIn(self): self.action = "zoomIn" self.lower_frame.delete("all") x, y =["lines"][0][0],["lines"][0][1] self.moveTo(0, 0) for line in["lines"]: self.zoomToFile(line, 1) for circle in["circles"]: self.zoomToFile(circle, 1) self.zoomToFile(["bezier"], 1) self.createShip(['lines'],['circles'],['bezier']) self.moveTo(x, y) def zoomOut(self): self.action = "zoomOut" x, y =["lines"][0][0],["lines"][0][1] self.moveTo(0, 0) self.lower_frame.delete("all") for line in["lines"]: self.zoomToFile(line, 0) for circle in["circles"]: self.zoomToFile(circle, 0) self.zoomToFile(["bezier"], 0) self.createShip(['lines'],['circles'],['bezier']) self.moveTo(x, y) def moveShape(self, shape, stepx, stepy): for i in range(len(shape)): if i % 2 == 0: shape[i] += stepx else: shape[i] += stepy def moveTo(self, x, y, move=0): if (self.action == 'move' or move): # Get first x,y self.x = x self.y = y #clear self.lower_frame.delete("all") #set new ship stepx = x -["lines"][0][0] stepy = y -["lines"][0][1] for line in["lines"]: self.moveShape(line, stepx, stepy) for circle in["circles"]: self.moveShape(circle, stepx, stepy) self.moveShape(["bezier"], stepx, stepy) self.createShip(['lines'],['circles'],['bezier']) def moveEvent(self, event): self.moveTo(event.x, event.y) def move(self): #lisinigs for click self.action = 'move' def derivedShape(self, shape, derive): for i in range(len(shape)): if i % 2 == 0: shape[i] = shape[i] + shape[i + 1] * derive def derived(self): self.action = "derived" self.lower_frame.delete("all") for line in["lines"]: self.derivedShape(line, 0.1) for circle in["circles"]: self.derivedShape(circle, 0.1) self.derivedShape(["bezier"], 0.1) self.createShip(['lines'],['circles'],['bezier']) def myMirror(self, shape, mirror): for i in range(len(shape)): if i % 2 == 0: [x, y, d] = np.array([shape[i], shape[i + 1], 1]) * np.array(mirror) shape[i], shape[i + 1] = x[0], y[1] def mirrorfunc(self, mirrorP): self.lower_frame.delete("all") for line in["lines"]: self.myMirror(line, mirrorP) for circle in["circles"]: self.myMirror(circle, mirrorP) self.myMirror(["bezier"], mirrorP) def mirrorXY(self): x, y =["lines"][0][2],["lines"][0][3] mirrorP = [[-1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 1]] self.mirrorfunc(mirrorP) self.moveTo(x, y, 1) # rotation logic def mirrorX(self): x, y =["lines"][0][0],["lines"][0][1] mirrorP = [[1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 1]] self.mirrorfunc(mirrorP) self.moveTo(x, y, 1) # rotation logic def mirrory(self): x, y =["lines"][0][2],["lines"][0][3] mirrorP = [[-1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]] self.mirrorfunc(mirrorP) self.moveTo(x, y, 1) def rotateShape(self, shape, angle=45): for i in range(len(shape)): if i % 2 == 0: x, y = shape[i], shape[i + 1] shape[i] = int(x * cos(angle) - y * sin(angle)) shape[i + 1] = int(y * cos(angle) + x * sin(angle)) # rotate def rotate(self): self.action = 'rotate' self.lower_frame.delete("all") x, y =["lines"][8][2],["lines"][8][3] self.moveTo(0, 0) for line in["lines"]: self.rotateShape(line) for circle in["circles"]: self.rotateShape(circle) self.rotateShape(["bezier"]) self.moveTo(x, y, 1) self.createShip(['lines'],['circles'],['bezier'])
class CalendarDay(Frame): def __init__(self,master=None, text='', fg='black', mode=0, cnf={}, **kw): Frame.__init__(self,master, cnf, **kw) self.mode = mode self._day_text=text self.double_clicked=False self.double_clicked_once=False self.active_logos=[] self.logolabels=[] self.active_color = 'whitesmoke' self.passive_color = 'lightgrey' self['background'] = self.passive_color self.bind('<Button-1>', self.clicked_day) # bind left mouse clicks self.bind('<Double-1>', self.double_clicked_day) # bind double left clicks self.bind("<Enter>", self.on_enter) self.bind("<Leave>", self.on_leave) self.day_label=Label(self,text=self._day_text,background=self['background'],fg=fg,anchor='e') self.day_label.grid(column=0,row=0) self.day_label.bind('<Button-1>', self.clicked_day) self.day_label.bind('<Double-1>', self.double_clicked_day) if mode == 0: print('Mode = 0 (Logos where shown)') self.logo_frame=Frame(self,background=self['background']) self.logo_frame.grid(column=0,row=1) for i in range(Logos.MAX_ACTIVE_LOGOS): self.logolabels.append(Label(self.logo_frame, image='', width=1,height=1,background=self['background'], for column,logolabel in enumerate(self.logolabels): logolabel.grid(row=0,column=column,padx=1,pady=1,sticky='nswe') def on_enter(self, e): self.set_active() for slave in self.grid_slaves(): slave.config(bg=self.active_color) def on_leave(self, e): self.set_inactive() for slave in self.grid_slaves(): slave.config(bg=self.passive_color) def clicked_day(self, event): self.after(300, self.clicked, event) def double_clicked_day(self, event): self.double_clicked=True def clicked(self,event): if self.double_clicked: self.double_clicked=False self.double_clicked_once=True print('Doppelklick auf ' + str(self.number) + ' (Todo: Fenster öffnen)') self.clicked_day=self.number else: self['background'] = self.active_color print(str(self.number) + ' wurde geklickt!') #self._eventlist.append(DayClickedEvent(self.number)) def set_active(self): self.config(bg=self.active_color) def set_inactive(self): self.config(bg=self.passive_color) def change_day(self, new_day): # wird das wo verwendet?? - sonst löschen! self._day_text=new_day self.day_label['text']=self._day_text def change_textcolor(self, new_color): self.day_label['foreground']=new_color def add_logo(self, logo): if not self.mode == 0: return False nr_of_logos=len(self.active_logos) if nr_of_logos<4 and not in self.active_logos: img=logo.image self.logolabels[nr_of_logos].configure(image=img) self.logolabels[nr_of_logos].image=img self.active_logos.append( return True return False def add_text(self, text): if not self.mode == 0: return False nr_of_logos=len(self.active_logos) #rename! vlt. nr_of_items if nr_of_logos<4 and not 'text' in self.active_logos: self.logolabels[nr_of_logos].configure(text=text) self.active_logos.append('text') return True return False def delete_logo(self, logo): if not self.mode == 0: return False for i,logoitem in enumerate(self.active_logos): if img='' self.logolabels[i].configure(image=img) self.logolabels[i].image=img del self.active_logos[i] def delete_text(self): if not self.mode == 0: return False for i,logoitem in enumerate(self.active_logos): if logoitem=='text': self.logolabels[i].configure(text='') del self.active_logos[i] def delete_all_logos(self): #rename .. items if not mode == 0: return False for label in self.logolabels: label.configure(text='') img='' label.configure(image=img) label.image=img self.active_logos=[] @property def was_double_clicked(self): return self.double_clicked_once @property def number(self):#sollte gelöscht werden, number ist komische bezeichnung! return self._day_text @property def from_actual_month(self): return self.day_label['foreground']=='black' @property def is_active(self): return self['background']==self.active_color @property def eventlist(self): return self._eventlist @property def day(self): day=1 try: day = int(self._day_text) except: print('Exception, Tag kann nicht in int gecastet werden: ' + self._day_text) day = 1 #mieser ansatz aber temporär okay TODO return day def event_done(self): print('not implemented yet') return
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if __name__ == '__main__': #Tkinter root = Tk() root.title("Labelling tool") root.bind("<Key>", KeyPress) root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", Exit) picturebox = Label(root, text='', compound='center', font=("Times", 150), fg="white") picturebox.grid(rowspan=20, column=0) picturebox.bind('<Motion>', Motion) v = [split(i)[1] for i in allFileList] menu = Combobox(root, values=v, width=18, state="readonly", justify="center") menu.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=2) menu.current(0) menu.bind("<<ComboboxSelected>>", change_click) label = [ Button(root, text=f'{i+1}', fg="gray",
class StatusBar(Frame, Subscriber): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors """ A status bar that displays the status of the device. Date, Time, Internet connectivity, OBD communication """ date_label = None time_label = None wifi_symbol = None img_wifi = None img_no_wifi = None weekdays = None def_date = "---, --.--.----" def_time = "--:--:--" # Private methods def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Frame.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.__initialize() self.__initialize_widgets() self.__place_widgets() def __initialize(self): self.status_bar_font = font.Font(family="FreeMono", size=14, weight="bold") self.img_no_wifi = PhotoImage(file=r"img/white-no-wifi.png") self.img_wifi = PhotoImage(file=r"img/white-wifi.png") self.weekdays = ["mán", "þri", "mið", "fim", "fös", "lau", "sun"] def __initialize_widgets(self): self.date_label = Label(self, text=self.def_date, background="black", fg="white", font=self.status_bar_font) self.time_label = Label(self, text=self.def_time, background="black", fg="white", font=self.status_bar_font) self.wifi_symbol = Label(self, image=self.img_no_wifi, background="black", fg="white") def __place_widgets(self): self.date_label.pack(side=LEFT, padx=(3, 0)) self.time_label.pack(side=RIGHT, padx=(0, 3)) self.wifi_symbol.pack(side=RIGHT, padx=(0, 3)) # Public methods def set_date(self, date): """Sets the date in the status bar according to a pre-determined format.""" weekday = self.weekdays[date.weekday()] self.date_label.config(text=date.strftime("{0}, %d.%m.%Y".format(weekday))) def set_time(self, date): """Sets the time in the status bar according to a pre-determined format.""" self.time_label.config(text=date.strftime("%H:%M:%S")) def update_wifi_symbol(self, hasInternet): """Updates the Wi-Fi symbol in the status bar.""" if hasInternet: self.wifi_symbol.config(image=self.img_wifi) else: self.wifi_symbol.config(image=self.img_no_wifi) def update(self, message, pvt): if pvt.valid.validDate: self.set_date(pvt.getDate()) else: self.date_label.config(text=self.def_date) if pvt.valid.validTime: self.set_time(pvt.getDate()) else: self.time_label.config(text=self.def_time) def set_background_color(self, color): self.configure(background=color) self.date_label.configure(background=color) self.time_label.configure(background=color) def set_text_color(self, color): self.date_label.configure(fg=color) self.time_label.configure(fg=color) def bind(self, button, callback, add_to_child_views): super(StatusBar, self).bind(button, callback) if add_to_child_views: self.date_label.bind(button, callback) self.time_label.bind(button, callback) self.wifi_symbol.bind(button, callback)
label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew", padx=1, pady=1) label = Label(frame4, text="Señal #1") label.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky="nsew", padx=1, pady=1) label = Label(frame4, text="Señal #2") label.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky="nsew", padx=1, pady=1) label = Label(frame4, text="Señal #3") label.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky="nsew", padx=1, pady=1) #Columna #1(Duración) label = Label(frame4, text="Duraciones") label.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="nsew", padx=1, pady=1) #Columna #2(Ubicación) label = Label(frame4, text="Ubicación") label.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky="nsew", padx=1, pady=1) labelx = Label(frame4, text='Ubicación #1') #Señal 1 labelx.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky="nsew", padx=1, pady=1) labelx.bind("<Button>", OpenPath) labelx = Label(frame4, text='Ubicación #2') #Señal 2 labelx.grid(row=2, column=2, sticky="nsew", padx=1, pady=1) labelx.bind("<Button>", OpenPath) labelx = Label(frame4, text='Ubicación #3') #Señal 3 labelx.grid(row=3, column=2, sticky="nsew", padx=1, pady=1) labelx.bind("<Button>", OpenPath) #Columna #3(Botón de play) label = Label(frame4, text="Reproducir Señal") label.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky="nsew", padx=1, pady=1) btn2 = tk.Button(frame4, text="Play Signal #1") btn2.grid(row=1, column=3, sticky="nsew", padx=1, pady=1) btn3 = tk.Button(frame4, text="Play Signal #2") btn3.grid(row=2, column=3, sticky="nsew", padx=1, pady=1) btn4 = tk.Button(frame4, text="Play Signal #3") btn4.grid(row=3, column=3, sticky="nsew", padx=1, pady=1)
class DrowingApp: def __init__(self, master, WIDTH=1100, HEIGHT=600): master.title("GUI HW1 By Shani & Idan") self.init_Val() self.create_canvas(master, WIDTH, HEIGHT) master.attributes("-transparentcolor", "red") self.create_upper_menu() # lower section self.lower_frame = Canvas(self.master, bg='#c9daf8', bd=5), rely=0.25, relwidth=0.75, relheight=0.6, anchor='n') self.lower_frame.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", def create_upper_menu(self): # Uper section frame = Frame(self.master, bg='#a0dbd1', bd=4), rely=0.1, relwidth=0.75, relheight=0.1, anchor='n') # Set curve and figure variable and trace changes self.figure_val = StringVar(frame) self.create_OptionMenu(self.figure_val, frame, option_figure[0], 0.05, option_figure) self.curve_val = IntVar(frame) self.create_OptionMenu(self.curve_val, frame, option_curve[0], 0.30, option_curve) # Set color button color = TkinterCustomButton(master=frame, height=52, text="Color", command=self.color_option) # Set clear button clear = TkinterCustomButton( master=frame, height=52, text="Clear", command=lambda: self.lower_frame.delete("all")) def create_OptionMenu(self, s, frame, val, loc, func): # Set figures variable and trace changes s.set(val) s.trace("w", self.change_option) om = OptionMenu(frame, s, *func), relwidth=0.15, relheight=1) om.config(bg="#2874A6") om["menu"]["bg"] = "#2874A6" om["activebackground"] = "#5499C7" def init_Val(self): self.my_color = "Black" self.my_figure = "Line" self.my_curve = 10 self.my_point = 1 # Holds the selected point self.x = [0, 0, 0, 0] self.y = [0, 0, 0, 0] def create_canvas(self, master, WIDTH, HEIGHT): self.master = master self.rootgeometry(WIDTH, HEIGHT) self.canvas = Canvas(self.master) self.canvas.pack() self.background_image ='bg.PNG') self.image_copy = self.background_image.copy() self.background = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.background_image) self.loadbackground() def change_option(self, *args): # Set my_point to first click self.my_point == 1 # Set values self.my_figure = self.figure_val.get() self.my_curve = self.curve_val.get() def click(self, event): # Get (x,y) if self.my_point == 1: # Get first x,y self.x[0] = event.x self.y[0] = event.y self.my_point = 2 return if self.my_point == 2: # Get sec x,y self.x[1] = event.x self.y[1] = event.y self.my_point = 3 # check if line or circle # if its cerve get 2 more (x,y) if self.my_figure == 'Line': self.myLine(self.x[0], self.y[0], self.x[1], self.y[1]) self.my_point = 1 return elif self.my_figure == 'Circle': r = self.getR(self.x[0], self.y[0], self.x[1], self.y[1]) self.myCircle(self.x[0], self.y[0], r) self.my_point = 1 return elif self.my_figure == 'Cerve': return if self.my_point == 3: # Get third x,y self.x[2] = event.x self.y[2] = event.y self.my_point = 4 return if self.my_point == 4: # Get fourth x,y self.x[3] = event.x self.y[3] = event.y self.my_point = 1 self.myCurve(self.x[0], self.y[0], self.x[1], self.y[1], self.x[2], self.y[2], self.x[3], self.y[3]) return def color_option(self): # variable to store hexadecimal code of color color = colorchooser.askcolor()[1] if color != None: self.my_color = color print(self.my_color) def putPixel(self, x_, y_): self.lower_frame.create_line(x_, y_, x_ + 1, y_ + 1, fill=self.my_color) # Bersenheim def myLine(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): dx = x2 - x1 dy = y2 - y1 # Determine how steep the line is is_steep = abs(dy) > abs(dx) # Rotate line if is_steep: x1, y1 = y1, x1 x2, y2 = y2, x2 # Swap start and end points if necessary swapped = False if x1 > x2: x1, x2 = x2, x1 y1, y2 = y2, y1 swapped = True # Recalculate differentials dx = x2 - x1 dy = y2 - y1 # Calculate error error = int(dx / 2.0) ystep = 1 if y1 < y2 else -1 # Iterate over bounding box generating points between start and end y_ = y1 points = [] for x_ in range(x1, x2 + 1): coord = (y_, x_) if is_steep else (x_, y_) points.append(coord) error -= abs(dy) if error < 0: y_ += ystep error += dx if swapped: points.reverse() for point in points: self.putPixel(point[0], point[1]) def circle_lines(self, xc, yc, x_, y_): self.putPixel(xc + x_, yc + y_) self.putPixel(xc - x_, yc + y_) self.putPixel(xc + x_, yc - y_) self.putPixel(xc - x_, yc - y_) self.putPixel(xc + y_, yc + x_) self.putPixel(xc - y_, yc + x_) self.putPixel(xc + y_, yc - x_) self.putPixel(xc - y_, yc - x_) return def myCircle(self, xc, yc, r): x_, y_ = 0, r d = 3 - 2 * r self.circle_lines(xc, yc, x_, y_) while y_ >= x_: x_ += 1 # check for decision parameter # update d, x, y if d > 0: y_ -= 1 d = d + 4 * (x_ - y_) + 10 else: d = d + 4 * x_ + 6 self.circle_lines(xc, yc, x_, y_) return def getR(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): r = (x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2 r = (r**0.5) return round(r) def getVal(self, x1, x2, x3, x4, t): ax = -x1 + 3 * x2 - 3 * x3 + x4 bx = 3 * x1 - 6 * x2 + 3 * x3 cx = -3 * x1 + 3 * x2 dx = x1 res = ax * t**3 + bx * t**2 + cx * t + dx return round(res) def myCurve(self, x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, y2, y3, y4): xt1 = x1 yt1 = y1 for t in range(0, self.my_curve + 1): pointx = self.getVal(x1, x2, x3, x4, t / self.my_curve) pointy = self.getVal(y1, y2, y3, y4, t / self.my_curve) self.myLine(xt1, yt1, pointx, pointy) xt1 = pointx yt1 = pointy return def loadbackground(self): self.label = Label(self.canvas, image=self.background) self.label.bind('<Configure>', self.resizeimage) self.label.pack(fill='both', expand='yes') def rootgeometry(self, WIDTH, HEIGHT): self.master.geometry(str(WIDTH) + 'x' + str(HEIGHT)) def resizeimage(self, event): image = self.image_copy.resize( (self.master.winfo_width(), self.master.winfo_height())) self.image1 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image) self.label.config(image=self.image1)
if anchor["Status"] >= Status.Line2Start: cv.line(img, anchor["Line2Start"], anchor["Line2End"], (0, 255, 0), 1) cv2image = cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGBA) # 转换颜色从BGR到RGBA current_image = Image.fromarray(cv2image) imgtk = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image=current_image) panel.imgtk = imgtk panel.config(image=imgtk) root.after(20, render) root = tk.Tk() root.title("opencv + tkinter") root.bind("<Key>", key) panel = Label(root) # initialize image panel panel.bind("<Button-1>", on_click) panel.bind("<B1-Motion>", on_move) panel.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", on_release) panel.pack(padx=10, pady=10) nox_hwnd = win32_tools.get_window_hwnd("碧蓝航线") base_img = image_tools.get_window_shot(nox_hwnd) img = base_img.copy() render() root.mainloop() cv.destroyAllWindows()
class GUI: def __init__(self, master): """initialize GUI""" self.root = master self.on = True Tk().withdraw() self.starttime = # status bar, info for user self.statusString = StringVar() self.statusText = 'Ready' self.statusString.set(self.statusText) self.comparatorStatus = 'inactive' # self.comparatorStatuses = ['inactive', 'active', # 'steady', 'moving', 'paused', 'finished'] # 2 manual statuses + 4 auto statuses self.levelStatus = StringVar() self.ifmStatus = StringVar() self.nivelStatus = StringVar() self.thermoStatus = StringVar() = 0 # 0 - inactive state, 1 - active (in motion), 2 - steady (waiting while taking data) = 0 # COMPARATOR MOTION CONTROL self.step = StringVar() # mm self.begin = StringVar() # mm self.end = StringVar() # mm self.autoVal = IntVar() self.labelTop = StringVar() self.labelTop.set('VERTICAL COMPARATOR') # LABELS ON BUTTONS self.label10 = StringVar() # initialize self.label11 = StringVar() # start/stop self.label12 = StringVar() # pause/continue self.label21 = StringVar() # manual self.label22 = StringVar() # auto self.label31 = StringVar() # step self.label32 = StringVar() # start self.label33 = StringVar() # stop self.label51 = StringVar() # manual read interferometer self.label52 = StringVar() # manual read digi level self.label53 = StringVar() # manual read nivel (inclinometer) self.label54 = StringVar() # manual read thermometer self.autoVal.set(0) # init PLC, interferometer and level self.plc = Comparator(comsettings['COMPARATOR_PORT'], int(comsettings['COMPARATOR_BAUD'])) self.conn = self.plc.conn self.paused = None = Interferometer(comsettings['IFM_PORT'], int(comsettings['IFM_BAUD'])) self.level = Level(comsettings['LEVEL_PORT'], int(comsettings['LEVEL_BAUD'])) self.nivel = Nivel(comsettings['NIVEL_PORT'], int(comsettings['NIVEL_BAUD'])) self.thermo = Thermometer(comsettings['THERMO_PORT'], int(comsettings['THERMO_BAUD'])) = '' # operator self.label10.set('Initialize') self.label11.set({0: 'START', 1: 'STOP', 2:'STOP'}[]) # start/stop self.setStatus({0: 'ready', 1: 'active', 2:'steady'}[]) self.label12.set('PAUSE') self.label21.set('MANUAL') # manual self.label22.set('AUTO') # auto self.label31.set('LOW') # start height self.label32.set('HIGH') # stop height self.label33.set('STEP') # step self.label51.set('READ IFM') # read interferometer self.label52.set('READ LVL') # read digi level self.label53.set('READ NVL') # read inclinometer self.label54.set('READ THM') # read thermometer self.chksumText = StringVar() self.responseText = StringVar() self.timestring = StringVar() self.connstring = StringVar() # self.queue = queue.Queue() self.timerthread = threading.Thread(target=self.timer, name='Timer') self.timerthread.start() self.readdata = '' self.connthread = threading.Thread(target=self.checkConnection, name='ConnChk') self.connthread.start() self.statusthread = threading.Thread(target=self.checkStatus, name='StatChk') self.statusthread.start() self.readexternalsthread = threading.Thread(target=self.readExternals, name='ReadExt') self.readexternalsthread.start() self.autologthread = threading.Thread(target=self.autolog, name='Autolog') self.autologthread.start() # starttimer() # startautolog() # startautoserialcheck() # def toggleStartStop(self): # # if start then stop else otherwise # # change button and text color if possible # pass def timer(self): while self.on: dt = - self.starttime self.timestring.set('%-10s' % str(dt).split('.')[0]) time.sleep(0.1) def autolog(self, timeout=60): while self.on: print('Autolog') (s, low, hi, step, ifm, lvl, nvl, thm, obs) = tuple(['']*9) try: s = self.statusText except BaseException: s = 'N/A' try: low = self.lowEntry.get().strip() except BaseException: low = 'N/A' try: hi = self.hiEntry.get().strip() except BaseException: hi = 'N/A' try: step = self.stepEntry.get().strip() except BaseException: step = 'N/A' try: ifm = except BaseException: ifm = 'N/A' try: lvl = self.level.getReading() except BaseException: lvl = 'N/A' try: nvl = self.nivel.getReading() except BaseException: nvl = 'N/A' try: thm = self.thermo.getReading() except BaseException: thm = 'N/A' try: obs = self.entryObserver.get().strip() except BaseException: obs = 'N/A' log('AUTOLOG! status: %s, low: %s, hi: %s, step: %s, ifm: %s, lvl: %s, nvl:%s, thm: %s, obs: %s' % ( s, low, hi, step, ifm, lvl, nvl, thm, obs)) time.sleep(timeout) def checkConnection(self): connection = False while self.on: if self.conn: try: d = self.readdata += d connection = True except: self.conn.close() try: self.connect() except: connection = False else: try: self.connect() except: connection = False self.connstring.set({True: 'isConn', False: 'notConn'}[connection]) time.sleep(0.5) def checkStatus(self): if self.conn: moving = self.plc.query('is_moving') if moving is None: self.status = 'unknown' elif not if moving: self.status = 'active' else: self.status = 'inactive' else: if moving: self.status = 'moving' else: if self.paused: self.status = 'paused' else: self.status = 'steady' else: self.status = 'not connected' def readExternals(self): while self.on: # self.getIfm() # self.getLevel() self.getNivel() self.getThermo() time.sleep(15) def evaluateEntries(self): s, b, e = self.stepEntry, self.beginEntry, self.endEntry res = [None, None, None] for i in range(3): try: res[i] = float([s, b, e][i]) except: pass # leave it None if b > e and s > 0: # if step is negative, it can move downwards (from hi to low) b, e = e, b # otherwise it begin and end must be changed if b>e elif b < e and s < 0: b, e = e, b # INPUT IN MM !! cannot recognize 0.5mm from 0.5m step or 3mm vs 3m end # input values converted to mm # [s,b,e] = [i*1000. if (i is not None and i<5.) else i for i in [s,b,e]] return s, b, e def emptyRow(self, nrow): Label(, text="", bg=bgcolor).grid(row=nrow, column=0) def setStatus(self, text): self.statusText = text self.statusString.set(self.statusText) def setIfmStatus(self, text): self.ifmStatus.set(text) def setLevelStatus(self, text): self.levelStatus.set(text) def setNivelStatus(self, text): self.nivelStatus.set(text) def setThermoStatus(self, text): self.thermoStatus.set(text) def getIfm(self): # log('Get Ifm reading') response = or "No response" self.setIfmStatus(response) return response def getLevel(self): # log('Get Level reading') response = self.level.getReading() or "No response" self.setLevelStatus(response) return response def getNivel(self): # log('Get Nivel reading') response = '-'.join(map(str,self.nivel.getReading())) if any(self.nivel.getReading()) else "No response" self.setNivelStatus(response) return response def getThermo(self): # log('Get Thermo reading') response = self.thermo.getReading() or "No response" self.setThermoStatus(response) return response # #set stop button # def setStop(self): # pass # # #set start # def setStart(self): # pass # toggle start stop def startStop(self): # ask comparator if moving, then set "not response" = not # self.setStatus({0: 'ready', 1: 'active'}[]) self.setStatus(self.comparatorStatus) self.label10.set({0: 'START', 1: 'STOP'}[]) self.buttonStartStop.configure(bg=startstopbg[], fg=startstopfg[]) print( = self.entryObserver.get().strip() if not log('CMP stopped %s' % else: log('CMP started %s' % if pass # action after comparator is stopped else: pass # action after comparator is started # CURRENT_POSITION, NEXT_POSITION, TARGET_POSITION, ITERATION def writePauseParams(self,**params): with open('.pause') as f: f.write('\n'.join([k+' '+' '.join(vals) for k, vals in params.items()])) return True def readPauseParams(self): params = {} with open('.pause','r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): key = line.split()[0] vals = line.split()[1:] params[key] = vals os.remove('.pause') return params def pauseSession(self): self.paused = True self.stop() self.writePauseParams() def continueSession(self): self.paused = False params = self.readPauseParams() self.moveto(params['NEXT_POS']) self.session(float(params['NEXT_POS']), float(params['TARGET_POS']), float(params['STEP']), int(params['NEXT_ITER'])) def session(self, **params): start = float(params.get('START_POS')) target = float(params.get('TARGET_POS')) step = float(params.get('STEP',5)) iteration = int(params.get('NEXT_ITER',0)) self.plc.moveto(start) self.paused = False op = operator.le if step > 0 else while op(self.plc.getPosition(), target): iteration += 1 self.getMeasurement() next_position = self.plc.getPosition() + step if next_position < target: self.plc.moveto(next_position) def initialize(self): if not self.plc.isInit(): log('Initialize') else: log('Already initialized, reinitialize.') self.plc.initialize() def pause(self): # comparator status: # man/inactive, man/active, # auto/steady (measurement), auto/active, auto/paused, auto/finished #['inactive', 'active', 'steady', 'moving', 'paused', 'finished'] if self.comparatorStatus in ('moving', 'steady'): self.pauseSession() elif self.comparatorStatus == 'paused': self.continueSession() # active / inactive - button should be disabled def stop(self): self.plc.command('STOP') def getEntries(self): return self.stepEntry, self.beginEntry, self.endEntry def close(self): self.on = False # for thread in (self.timerthread, self.connthread, self.statusthread, self.autologthread, self.readexternalsthread): # thread.join() # TODO CLOSE ALL CONNECTIONS!! if self.startStop() self.root.destroy() self.root.quit() def gotoLow(self): low = None self.setStatus('Going to LOW') try: low = float(self.lowEntry.get().strip()) except: pass pass # move carriage to set low return low def gotoHi(self): hi = None self.setStatus('Going to HIGH') try: hi = float(self.hiEntry.get().strip()) except: pass pass # move carriage to set low return hi def moveStep(self): pos = self.plc.getPosition() or 0 # remove 0 when connection established step = 0 try: step = float(self.stepEntry.get().strip()) except BaseException: log('Cannot determine step entry.') targetpos = pos + step if step != 0: self.setStatus('Moving to %f' % targetpos) self.plc.moveto(targetpos) return targetpos def resetIfmStatus(self): self.ifmStatus.set('') def resetLevelStatus(self): self.levelStatus.set('') def resetNivelStatus(self): self.nivelStatus.set('') def resetThermoStatus(self): self.thermoStatus.set('') def submit(self): calculate_checksum = True port = self.portEntry.get().strip() message = self.messageEntry.get() chksumtyp = self.portChecksumType.get() from externals import RS232 from pycrc import pycrc, crc_algorithms, Crc rs = RS232() r = rs.connect(port, baud=38400) if r: print ('Successfully connected to %s' % checksum = '' if calculate_checksum: from pycrc.crc_algorithm import Crc # params = filter(lambda x: x['name']==chksumtyp, cmodels)[0] params = {'width': 16, 'poly':0x1021, 'reflect_in':True, 'xor_in':0x0000, 'reflect_out':True, 'xor_out':0x0000} crc = Crc(**params) print("{0:#x}".format(crc.bit_by_bit(message))) # crc = Crc(width=16, poly=0x8005, # reflect_in = True, xor_in = 0x0000, # reflect_out = True, xor_out = 0x0000) # >> > print("{0:#x}".format(crc.bit_by_bit("123456789"))) # >> > print("{0:#x}".format(crc.bit_by_bit_fast("123456789"))) # >> > print("{0:#x}".format(crc.table_driven("123456789"))) rs.send() # self.chksumLabel = (, textvariable = self.chksumText, anchor = 'w', # bg = bgcolor, fg = statuscolor, font = ( # "Calibri", 9)) # self.chksumLabel.grid(row=23, column=2) # # buttonSubmit = Button(, text="SUBMIT", width=15, justify='center', # bg="black", fg="yellow", command=self.submit, # font=("Calibri", 14, "bold")) # buttonSubmit.grid(row=23, column=0) # # self.responseLabel = (, textvariable = self.responseText, anchor = 'w', # bg = bgcolor, fg = statuscolor, font = ( # "Calibri", 9)) # self.responseLabel.grid(row=23, column=1) # # self.emptyRow(24) def mainDialog(self): self.basicframe = Frame(self.root) self.basicframe.grid() self.basicframe.configure(bg=bgcolor) = Frame(self.basicframe), column=0, sticky='new') # , sticky='W') # Grid.rowconfigure(root, 0, weight=1) Grid.columnconfigure(root, 0, weight=1) self.emptyRow(0) Label(, textvariable=self.labelTop, justify='center', bg=bgcolor, font=("Calibri", 24) ).grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky='we') self.emptyRow(2) Label(, text='STATUS:', justify='left', anchor='w', bg=bgcolor, fg=statuscolor, font=("Calibri", 12) ).grid(row=3, column=0, sticky='we', padx=(5, 0)) self.statusLine = Label(, textvariable=self.statusString, justify='left', anchor='w', bg=bgcolor, fg=statuscolor, font=("Calibri", 14, "bold") ).grid(row=3, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky='we') self.emptyRow(4) # AUTO / MANUAL self.my_var.set(1) self.buttonManual = Radiobutton(, text="MANUAL",, value=0, width=15, justify='center', # bg=buttoncolor2, bg="moccasin", indicatoron=0) # self.exit_root) self.buttonManual.grid(row=5, column=0, sticky='ew', padx=(0, 10)) # self.buttonManual.configure(state='selected') self.buttonAuto = Radiobutton(, text="AUTO",, value=1, width=15, justify='center', # bg=buttoncolor2, bg="moccasin", indicatoron=0) # self.exit_root) self.buttonAuto.grid(row=5, column=2, sticky='ew', padx=(10, 0)) self.emptyRow(6) #should be disabled if initialized already self.buttonInitialize = Button(, text='Initialize', justify='center', bg=buttoncolor, command=self.initialize) self.buttonInitialize.grid(row=7, column=0, sticky='nsew') self.buttonStartStop = Button(, textvariable=self.label11, command=self.startStop, bg=startstopbg[], fg=startstopfg[], font=("Calibri", 16, "bold"), width=10) self.buttonStartStop.grid(row=7, column=1, sticky='nsew') self.buttonPause = Button(, textvariable=self.label12, justify='center', bg=buttoncolor, state={0: 'disabled', 1: 'enabled'}[], command=self.pause) self.buttonPause.grid(row=7, column=2, sticky='nsew') self.emptyRow(8) # put Labels here Label(, textvariable=self.label31, justify='center', bg=bgcolor, fg=statuscolor, font=("Calibri", 10) ).grid(row=8, column=0, sticky='we') Label(, textvariable=self.label32, justify='center', bg=bgcolor, fg=statuscolor, font=("Calibri", 10) ).grid(row=8, column=1, sticky='we') Label(, textvariable=self.label33, justify='center', bg=bgcolor, fg=statuscolor, font=("Calibri", 10) ).grid(row=8, column=2, sticky='we') # input boxes: step start stop (mm) self.lowEntry = Entry(, width=20, bd=3, justify='right', bg=inputbox, fg=statuscolor) self.lowEntry.grid(row=9, column=0, sticky='we') # , columnspan=2) # SET DEFAULT LOW # self.lowEntry.delete(0,END) # self.lowEntry.insert(0, MINPOS) self.hiEntry = Entry(, width=20, bd=3, justify='right', bg=inputbox, fg=statuscolor) self.hiEntry.grid(row=9, column=1, sticky='we') # , columnspan=2) # SET DEFAULT HIGH # self.hiEntry.delete(0,END) # self.hiEntry.insert(0, MAXPOS) self.stepEntry = Entry(, width=20, bd=3, justify='right', bg=inputbox, fg=statuscolor) self.stepEntry.grid(row=9, column=2, sticky='we') # , columnspan=2) # put buttons for GOTO and MOVE self.butGotoLow = Button(, text="Go To Low", justify='center', bg=buttoncolor, command=self.gotoLow) self.butGotoLow.grid(row=10, column=0, sticky='we') self.butGotoHi = Button(, text="Go To High", justify='center', bg=buttoncolor, command=self.gotoHi) self.butGotoHi.grid(row=10, column=1, sticky='we') self.butMoveStep = Button(, text="Move a Step", justify='center', bg=buttoncolor, command=self.moveStep) self.butMoveStep.grid(row=10, column=2, sticky='we') self.emptyRow(11) Label(, text='EXTERNAL SENSORS', justify='left', anchor='w', bg=bgcolor, fg=statuscolor, font=("Calibri", 12) ).grid(row=12, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky='we', padx=(5, 0)) # function buttons # RIadok 13-16: Externals # Interferometer buttonIfm = Button(, text="Read IFM", width=15, justify='center', bg=buttoncolor, command=self.getIfm) # self.exit_root) buttonIfm.grid(row=13, column=0, sticky='we') self.labelIfmStatus = Label(, textvariable=self.ifmStatus, justify='left', anchor='w', bg=bgcolor, fg=statuscolor, font=("Calibri", 12)) self.labelIfmStatus.grid(row=13, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky='we', padx=(15, 0)) self.labelIfmStatus.bind('<Button-1>', self.resetIfmStatus) # Digital level (Leica /Trimble) buttonLevel = Button(, text="Read Level", width=15, justify='center', bg=buttoncolor, command=self.getLevel) # self.exit_root) buttonLevel.grid(row=14, column=0, sticky='we') self.labelLevelStatus = Label(, textvariable=self.levelStatus, justify='left', anchor='w', bg=bgcolor, fg=statuscolor, font=("Calibri", 12)) self.labelLevelStatus.grid(row=14, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky='we', padx=(15, 0)) self.labelLevelStatus.bind('<Button-1>', self.resetLevelStatus) # Nivel - inclinometer buttonNivel = Button(, text="Read Nivel", width=15, justify='center', bg=buttoncolor, command=self.getNivel) # self.exit_root) buttonNivel.grid(row=15, column=0, sticky='we') self.labelNivelStatus = Label(, textvariable=self.nivelStatus, justify='left', anchor='w', bg=bgcolor, fg=statuscolor, font=("Calibri", 12)) self.labelNivelStatus.grid(row=15, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky='we', padx=(15, 0)) self.labelNivelStatus.bind('<Button-1>', self.resetNivelStatus) # Thermometer line buttonThermo = Button(, text="Read Thermo", width=15, justify='center', bg=buttoncolor, command=self.getThermo) # self.exit_root) buttonThermo.grid(row=16, column=0, sticky='we') self.labelThermoStatus = Label(, textvariable=self.thermoStatus, justify='left', anchor='w', bg=bgcolor, fg=statuscolor, font=("Calibri", 12)) self.labelThermoStatus.grid(row=16, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky='we', padx=(15, 0)) self.labelThermoStatus.bind('<Button-1>', self.resetThermoStatus) self.emptyRow(17) Label(, text='OBSERVER:', anchor='w', justify='left', bg=bgcolor, fg=statuscolor, font=("Calibri", 12) ).grid(row=19, column=0, sticky='we', padx=(5, 0)) self.entryObserver = Entry(,, bg=inputbox, fg=statuscolor, font=("Calibri", 12), justify='left') self.entryObserver.grid(row=19, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky='we') # row 18> empty (or test connection) self.emptyRow(20) if ADMIN_MODE: # port, message, checksum_type?, resulting checksum?, submit, response self.portEntry = Entry(, width=20, bd=3, justify='left', bg=inputbox, fg=statuscolor) self.portEntry.grid(row=21, column=0, sticky='we') Label(, text='PORT', anchor='w', justify='left', bg=bgcolor, fg=statuscolor, font=("Calibri", 12) ).grid(row=22, column=0, sticky='we', padx=(5, 0)) self.messageEntry = Entry(, width=20, bd=3, justify='left', bg=inputbox, fg=statuscolor) self.messageEntry.grid(row=21, column=1, sticky='we') Label(, text='MESSAGE', anchor='w', justify='left', bg=bgcolor, fg=statuscolor, font=("Calibri", 12) ).grid(row=22, column=1, sticky='we', padx=(5, 0)) self.portChecksumType = Entry(, width=20, bd=3, justify='left', bg=inputbox, fg=statuscolor) self.portChecksumType.grid(row=21, column=2, sticky = 'we') Label(, text='CHKSUM TYPE', anchor='w', justify='left', bg=bgcolor, fg=statuscolor, font=("Calibri", 12) ).grid(row=22, column=2, sticky='we', padx=(5, 0)) self.chksumLabel = Label(, textvariable=self.chksumText, anchor='w', bg=bgcolor, fg=statuscolor, font=("Calibri", 9)) self.chksumLabel.grid(row=23, column=2) buttonSubmit = Button(, text="SUBMIT", width=15, justify='center', bg="black", fg="yellow", command=self.submit, font=("Calibri", 14, "bold")) buttonSubmit.grid(row=23, column=0) self.responseLabel = Label(, textvariable=self.responseText, anchor='w', bg=bgcolor, fg=statuscolor, font=("Calibri", 9)) self.responseLabel.grid(row=23, column=1) self.emptyRow(24) lastLine = 21 if not ADMIN_MODE else 25 self.timeLabel = Label(, textvariable=self.timestring, anchor='w', bg=bgcolor, fg=statuscolor, font=("Calibri", 9)) self.timeLabel.grid(row=lastLine, column=0) self.connLabel = Label(, textvariable=self.connstring, anchor='w', bg=bgcolor, fg=statuscolor, font=("Calibri", 9)) self.connLabel.grid(row=lastLine, column=1) butexit = Button(, text="EXIT", width=15, justify='center', bg="black", fg="yellow", command=self.close, font=("Calibri", 14, "bold")) butexit.grid(row=lastLine, column=2)
from tkinter import Tk, Label root = Tk() label = Label(root, text='I am a label. Click me.') label.pack() def my_callback(): print('Label was clicked.') label.bind("<Button-1>", lambda e: my_callback()) root.mainloop()
class Time(Frame): """ A tkinter widget for setting and getting a time. The get_time method will return a datetime.time object based off of the input in the entries. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) width = 3 self.hours = Entry(self, width=width) self.hours.insert(0, "10") self.hours.bind("<FocusOut>", self.__verify_hours) self.hours.grid(row=0, column=0) Label(self, text=":").grid(row=0, column=1) self.minutes = Entry(self, width=width) self.minutes.insert(0, "00") self.minutes.bind("<FocusOut>", self.__verify_minutes) self.minutes.grid(row=0, column=2) self.am_pm = Label(self, text='AM', cursor='hand2') self.am_pm.bind( "<Button-1>", lambda e: e.widget.config(text='AM' if e.widget.cget( 'text') == 'PM' else 'PM')) self.am_pm.grid(row=0, column=3) def __set_entry(self, entry, value): entry.delete(0, END) entry.insert(0, value) def __verify_hours(self, event): try: num = int(event.widget.get()) if num < 1 or num > 12: raise Exception() self.__set_entry(event.widget, str(num)) except: self.__set_entry(event.widget, '') def __verify_minutes(self, event): try: num = int(event.widget.get()) if num < 0 or num > 59: raise Exception() if num < 10: self.__set_entry(event.widget, "0{}".format(num)) else: self.__set_entry(event.widget, str(num)) except: self.__set_entry(event.widget, '') def get_time(self): if not all((self.hours.get(), self.minutes.get())): raise Exception("ERROR. Enter a time.") # No need to verify our hours and minutes are ints; # we already did that checking on input hours = int(self.hours.get()) if self.am_pm.cget('text') == 'PM' and hours != 12: hours += 12 elif self.am_pm.cget('text') == 'AM' and hours == 12: hours -= 12 return datetime.time(hours, int(self.minutes.get()))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Frame.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs); self.toForeGround ################### init, main config ###################### container = Frame(self, bg=bgColor); container.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True); self.ft1 = font.Font(family='Arial', size=11); self.ft2 = font.Font(family='MS Gothic', size=10); self.ft3 = font.Font(family='Arial', size=9); self.ft4 = font.Font(family='Arial', size=10); self.ft5 = font.Font(family='Arial', size=14); self.ft6 = font.Font(family="Courier", size = 9); self.p1 = Page1(container, bg=container["background"]); self.p2 = Page2(container, bg=container["background"]); self.p3 = Page3(container, bg=container["background"]); self.p4 = Page4(container, bg=container["background"]); self.p5 = Page5(container, bg=container["background"]); self.p6 = Page6(container, bg=container["background"]); self.p7 = Page7(container, bg=container["background"]); self.p8 = Page8(container, bg=container["background"]); self.p9 = Page9(container, bg=container["background"]); topBar = Frame(container, bg=topBarColor, width=container.winfo_width() * framewidth, height=topBarHeight);, y=0);, x=0, y= topBar["height"], relwidth=1, relheight=1);, x=0, y= topBar["height"], relwidth=1, relheight=1);, x=0, y= topBar["height"], relwidth=1, relheight=1);, x=0, y= topBar["height"], relwidth=1, relheight=1);, x=0, y= topBar["height"], relwidth=1, relheight=1);, x=0, y= topBar["height"], relwidth=1, relheight=1);, x=0, y= topBar["height"], relwidth=1, relheight=1);, x=0, y= topBar["height"], relwidth=1, relheight=1);, x=0, y= topBar["height"], relwidth=1, relheight=1); close= Button(topBar, text=u"\u2715", command= lambda: self.close(), bg=topBar["background"], bd=0, font = self.ft2, fg=fgColor, activebackground="#940000"); = topBar["width"] - topBar["height"], y = 0, width = topBar["height"], height= topBar["height"]); minim = Button(topBar, text="_", command= lambda: self.toicon(), bg=topBar["background"], bd=0, font=self.ft2, fg=fgColor, activebackground="#364969"); = topBar["width"] - 2 * topBar["height"], y = 0, width = topBar["height"], height= topBar["height"]); label = Label(topBar, text=title, font=self.ft3, bg=topBar["background"], fg=fgColor); = 5, y = 0, height= topBar["height"]); #event handlers so the window can be moved topBar.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.StartMove); topBar.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.StopMove); topBar.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.OnMotion); label.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.StartMove); label.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.StopMove); label.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.OnMotion); close.bind("<Enter>", self.closeEnterBG); close.bind("<Leave>", self.topBarButtonNormalBG); minim.bind("<Enter>", self.minimEnterBG); minim.bind("<Leave>", self.topBarButtonNormalBG); self.master.bind("<Unmap>", self.toiconify); self.master.bind("<Map>", self.todeiconify); ##################### page 1, intro ############################ T1 = Text(self.p1, height = 8, width = 31, font=self.ft5, bg=bgColor, fg=fgColor, bd=0);, y=10); HelpButton = Label(self.p1, text = "help", background=bgColor, fg = hyperlinkColor, font = self.ft5, cursor="hand2");, y=53); underlineFont = font.Font(HelpButton, HelpButton.cget("font")); underlineFont.configure(underline = True); HelpButton.configure(font=underlineFont); HelpButton.bind("<Button-1>", lambda x: self.clickHelp()) T2 = Text(self.p1, height = 8, width = 31, font=self.ft5, bg=bgColor, fg=fgColor, bd=0);, y=55); T1.insert(END, "Welcome to the ELS Scorion tool. Click next to select what tool to use, or press\n"); T2.insert(END, "to learn more about the tool."); T1.configure(state=DISABLED); T2.configure(state=DISABLED); nextButtonP1 = Button(self.p1, text = "Next", command=self.p2.lift, background=buttonColor, foreground=fgColor, bd=0, font=self.ft1, activebackground=buttonPressedColor, activeforeground=fgColor); = framewidth - nextprevButtonWidth - nextprevButtonPaddingX, y = frameheight - nextprevButtonHeight - nextprevButtonPaddingY, width = nextprevButtonWidth, height = nextprevButtonHeight); nextButtonP1.bind("<Enter>", self.buttonEnterBG); nextButtonP1.bind("<Leave>", self.buttonNormalBG); ################## page 2, task picker ######################### instrLabel = Label(self.p2, text = "Choose what tool to use", bg=self.p2["background"], fg=fgColor, font=self.ft5); 30, y = 10); buildGroupsButton = Button(self.p2, text = "Build Scorion groups", command=self.p3.lift, background=buttonColor, foreground=fgColor, bd=0, font=self.ft5, activebackground=buttonPressedColor, activeforeground=fgColor); = 75, y = 48, width = 250, height = 2*nextprevButtonHeight); buildGroupsButton.bind("<Enter>", self.buttonEnterBG); buildGroupsButton.bind("<Leave>", self.buttonNormalBG); splitGroupsButton = Button(self.p2, text = "Split Scorion file", command=self.p4.lift, background=buttonColor, foreground=fgColor, bd=0, font=self.ft5, activebackground=buttonPressedColor, activeforeground=fgColor); = 75, y = 120, width = 250, height = 2*nextprevButtonHeight); splitGroupsButton.bind("<Enter>", self.buttonEnterBG); splitGroupsButton.bind("<Leave>", self.buttonNormalBG); onlyFileButton = Button(self.p2, text = "Only create Scorion file", command=self.p5.lift, background=buttonColor, foreground=fgColor, bd=0, font=self.ft5, activebackground=buttonPressedColor, activeforeground=fgColor); = 75, y = 192, width = 250, height = 2*nextprevButtonHeight); onlyFileButton.bind("<Enter>", self.buttonEnterBG); onlyFileButton.bind("<Leave>", self.buttonNormalBG); possibleErrorButton = Button(self.p2, text = "Find errors in file", command=self.p8.lift, background=buttonColor, foreground=fgColor, bd=0, font=self.ft5, activebackground=buttonPressedColor, activeforeground=fgColor); = 75, y = 264, width = 250, height = 2*nextprevButtonHeight); possibleErrorButton.bind("<Enter>", self.buttonEnterBG); possibleErrorButton.bind("<Leave>", self.buttonNormalBG); previousButtonP2 = Button(self.p2, text = "Back", command=self.p1.lift, background=buttonColor, foreground=fgColor, bd=0, font=self.ft1, activebackground=buttonPressedColor, activeforeground=fgColor); = nextprevButtonPaddingX, y = frameheight - nextprevButtonHeight - nextprevButtonPaddingY, width = nextprevButtonWidth, height = nextprevButtonHeight); previousButtonP2.bind("<Enter>", self.buttonEnterBG); previousButtonP2.bind("<Leave>", self.buttonNormalBG); ################## page 3, group builder ######################## previousButtonP3 = Button(self.p3, text = "Back", command=self.p2.lift, background=buttonColor, foreground=fgColor, bd=0, font=self.ft1, activebackground=buttonPressedColor, activeforeground=fgColor); = nextprevButtonPaddingX, y = frameheight - nextprevButtonHeight - nextprevButtonPaddingY, width = nextprevButtonWidth, height = nextprevButtonHeight); previousButtonP3.bind("<Enter>", self.buttonEnterBG); previousButtonP3.bind("<Leave>", self.buttonNormalBG); courseIdWrap = Frame(self.p3, bg= self.p3["background"]); = 10, y = 10, width = framewidth - 20, height = topBarHeight) self.courseVar = StringVar(); self.courseVar.trace("w", lambda name, index, mode, courseVar=self.courseVar: self.firecallback()); courseIdLabel = Label(courseIdWrap, text = "Course Id:", bg=self.p3["background"], fg=fgColor, font=self.ft4); 0, y = 0, height = topBarHeight); courseId = Entry(courseIdWrap, width= 45, bg=bg2Color, textvariable=self.courseVar,fg=fgColor, borderwidth = 0, font=self.ft4, insertbackground=fgColor, insertofftime= 500, insertontime= 500); = 65, y = 0, height=topBarHeight); fileWrap = Frame(self.p3, bg =self.p3["background"]); = 10, y = 44, width = framewidth - 20, height = topBarHeight); fileLabel = Label(fileWrap, text = "File:", bg=self.p3["background"], fg=fgColor, font=self.ft4); 30, y = 0, height = topBarHeight); self.fileVar = StringVar(); self.fileVar.trace("w", lambda name, index, mode, fileVar=self.fileVar: self.firecallback()); self.fileName = Entry(fileWrap, width= 36, textvariable=self.fileVar,bg=bg2Color, fg=fgColor, borderwidth = 0, font=self.ft4, insertbackground=fgColor, insertofftime= 500, insertontime= 500); = 65, y = 0, height= topBarHeight); #TODO: drag files into the text field self.browse = Button(fileWrap, text="Browse", command=self.load_file, background=buttonColor, foreground=fgColor, bd=0, font=self.ft4, activebackground=buttonPressedColor, activeforeground=fgColor, anchor="center");, y=0, height = topBarHeight, width=60); self.browse.bind("<Enter>", self.buttonEnterBG); self.browse.bind("<Leave>", self.buttonNormalBG); seperatorWrap = Frame(self.p3, bg = self.p3["background"]);, y = 106, height = 2*topBarHeight + 2, width = framewidth - 20); optionLabel = Label(seperatorWrap, text="What seperator is used in the file?", bg=self.p3["background"], fg=fgColor, font=self.ft4); = 0, y = 0, height = topBarHeight); optionList = [("Comma ( , )", ","),("Semicolon ( ; )", ";")]; self.sepVar = StringVar(); self.sepVar.set(optionList[0][1]); commaButton = Radiobutton(seperatorWrap, text=optionList[0][0], variable = self.sepVar, value=optionList[0][1], anchor="w", padx=5, bg=bg2Color, fg=fgColor, activebackground=bg2Color, activeforeground=fgColor, selectcolor=bg2Color); semiColonButton = Radiobutton(seperatorWrap, text=optionList[1][0], variable = self.sepVar, value=optionList[1][1], anchor="w", padx=5, bg=bg2Color, fg=fgColor, activebackground=bg2Color, activeforeground=fgColor, selectcolor=bg2Color);, y=0, height=topBarHeight, width = 120);, y = topBarHeight + 2, width = 120); optionLabel = Label(self.p3, text="Do you already have a Scorion File?"); scorionCheckWrap = Frame(self.p3, bg = self.p3["background"]);, y = 194, height=topBarHeight, width = framewidth - 20); self.checkVar = IntVar(); scorionCheck = Checkbutton(scorionCheckWrap, text="Create a Scorion file?", var = self.checkVar, font=self.ft4, fg=fgColor, bg=bg2Color, bd=0, highlightthickness = 0, selectcolor=bg2Color, activeforeground=fgColor, activebackground= bg2Color);;, y=0, height=topBarHeight, width = 170); self.goButton = Button(self.p3, text = "Run", command=self.combineFuncs, state=DISABLED,background=disabledButtonColor, foreground=fgColor, bd=0, font=self.ft1, activebackground=disabledButtonColor, activeforeground=fgColor, disabledforeground=fg2Color); = framewidth - nextprevButtonWidth - nextprevButtonPaddingX, y = frameheight - nextprevButtonHeight - nextprevButtonPaddingY, width = nextprevButtonWidth, height = nextprevButtonHeight); ################### page 4, split groups page ######################## previousButtonP4 = Button(self.p4, text = "Back", command=self.p2.lift, background=buttonColor, foreground=fgColor, bd=0, font=self.ft1, activebackground=buttonPressedColor, activeforeground=fgColor); = nextprevButtonPaddingX, y = frameheight - nextprevButtonHeight - nextprevButtonPaddingY, width = nextprevButtonWidth, height = nextprevButtonHeight); previousButtonP4.bind("<Enter>", self.buttonEnterBG); previousButtonP4.bind("<Leave>", self.buttonNormalBG); scorFileWrap = Frame(self.p4, bg =self.p4["background"]); = 10, y = 10, width = framewidth - 20, height = topBarHeight); fileLabel = Label(scorFileWrap, text = "Scorion File:", bg=self.p4["background"], fg=fgColor, font=self.ft4); 0, y = 0, height = topBarHeight); self.scorFileVar = StringVar(); self.scorFileVar.trace("w", lambda name, index, mode, scorFileVar=self.scorFileVar: self.firecallback1()); self.scorFileName = Entry(scorFileWrap, width= 34, textvariable=self.scorFileVar,bg=bg2Color, fg=fgColor, borderwidth = 0, font=self.ft4, insertbackground=fgColor, insertofftime= 500, insertontime= 500); = 79, y = 0, height= topBarHeight); self.browse1 = Button(scorFileWrap, text="Browse", command=self.load_file1, background=buttonColor, foreground=fgColor, bd=0, font=self.ft4, activebackground=buttonPressedColor, activeforeground=fgColor, anchor="center");, y=0, height = topBarHeight, width=60); self.browse1.bind("<Enter>", self.buttonEnterBG); self.browse1.bind("<Leave>", self.buttonNormalBG); errFileWrap = Frame(self.p4, bg =self.p4["background"]); = 10, y = 44, width = framewidth - 20, height = topBarHeight); errLabel = Label(errFileWrap, text = "Error File:", bg=self.p4["background"], fg=fgColor, font=self.ft4); 0, y = 0, height = topBarHeight); self.errFileVar = StringVar(); self.errFileVar.trace("w", lambda name, index, mode, errFileVar=self.errFileVar: self.firecallback1()); self.errFileName = Entry(errFileWrap, width= 36, textvariable=self.errFileVar,bg=bg2Color, fg=fgColor, borderwidth = 0, font=self.ft4, insertbackground=fgColor, insertofftime= 500, insertontime= 500); = 65, y = 0, height= topBarHeight); self.browse2 = Button(errFileWrap, text="Browse", command=self.load_file2, background=buttonColor, foreground=fgColor, bd=0, font=self.ft4, activebackground=buttonPressedColor, activeforeground=fgColor, anchor="center");, y=0, height = topBarHeight, width=60); self.browse2.bind("<Enter>", self.buttonEnterBG); self.browse2.bind("<Leave>", self.buttonNormalBG); self.goButtonP4 = Button(self.p4, text = "Run", command=self.combineFuncs2, state=DISABLED,background=disabledButtonColor, foreground=fgColor, bd=0, font=self.ft1, activebackground=disabledButtonColor, activeforeground=fgColor, disabledforeground=fg2Color); = framewidth - nextprevButtonWidth - nextprevButtonPaddingX, y = frameheight - nextprevButtonHeight - nextprevButtonPaddingY, width = nextprevButtonWidth, height = nextprevButtonHeight); ################### page 5, only create groups page ################## previousButtonP5 = Button(self.p5, text = "Back", command=self.p2.lift, background=buttonColor, foreground=fgColor, bd=0, font=self.ft1, activebackground=buttonPressedColor, activeforeground=fgColor); = nextprevButtonPaddingX, y = frameheight - nextprevButtonHeight - nextprevButtonPaddingY, width = nextprevButtonWidth, height = nextprevButtonHeight); previousButtonP5.bind("<Enter>", self.buttonEnterBG); previousButtonP5.bind("<Leave>", self.buttonNormalBG); courseIdWrap2 = Frame(self.p5, bg= self.p5["background"]); = 10, y = 10, width = framewidth - 20, height = topBarHeight) self.courseVar2 = StringVar(); self.courseVar2.trace("w", lambda name, index, mode, courseVar2=self.courseVar2: self.firecallback2()); courseIdLabel2 = Label(courseIdWrap2, text = "Course Id:", bg=self.p5["background"], fg=fgColor, font=self.ft4); 0, y = 0, height = topBarHeight); courseId2 = Entry(courseIdWrap2, width= 45, bg=bg2Color, textvariable=self.courseVar2,fg=fgColor, borderwidth = 0, font=self.ft4, insertbackground=fgColor, insertofftime= 500, insertontime= 500); = 65, y = 0, height=topBarHeight); fileWrap2 = Frame(self.p5, bg =self.p5["background"]); = 10, y = 44, width = framewidth - 20, height = topBarHeight); fileLabel2 = Label(fileWrap2, text = "File:", bg=self.p5["background"], fg=fgColor, font=self.ft4); 30, y = 0, height = topBarHeight); self.fileVar2 = StringVar(); self.fileVar2.trace("w", lambda name, index, mode, fileVar2=self.fileVar2: self.firecallback2()); self.fileName2 = Entry(fileWrap2, width= 36, textvariable=self.fileVar2,bg=bg2Color, fg=fgColor, borderwidth = 0, font=self.ft4, insertbackground=fgColor, insertofftime= 500, insertontime= 500); = 65, y = 0, height= topBarHeight); self.browse3 = Button(fileWrap2, text="Browse", command=self.load_file3, background=buttonColor, foreground=fgColor, bd=0, font=self.ft4, activebackground=buttonPressedColor, activeforeground=fgColor, anchor="center");, y=0, height = topBarHeight, width=60); self.browse3.bind("<Enter>", self.buttonEnterBG); self.browse3.bind("<Leave>", self.buttonNormalBG); seperatorWrap2 = Frame(self.p5, bg = self.p5["background"]);, y = 106, height = 2*topBarHeight + 2, width = framewidth - 20); optionLabel2 = Label(seperatorWrap2, text="What seperator is used in the file?", bg=self.p5["background"], fg=fgColor, font=self.ft4); = 0, y = 0, height = topBarHeight); optionList2 = [("Comma ( , )", ","),("Semicolon ( ; )", ";")]; self.sepVar2 = StringVar(); self.sepVar2.set(optionList2[0][1]); commaButton2 = Radiobutton(seperatorWrap2, text=optionList2[0][0], variable = self.sepVar2, value=optionList2[0][1], anchor="w", padx=5, bg=bg2Color, fg=fgColor, activebackground=bg2Color, activeforeground=fgColor, selectcolor=bg2Color); semiColonButton2 = Radiobutton(seperatorWrap2, text=optionList2[1][0], variable = self.sepVar2, value=optionList2[1][1], anchor="w", padx=5, bg=bg2Color, fg=fgColor, activebackground=bg2Color, activeforeground=fgColor, selectcolor=bg2Color);, y=0, height=topBarHeight, width = 120);, y = topBarHeight + 2, width = 120); self.goButtonP5 = Button(self.p5, text = "Run", command=self.combineFuncs3, state=DISABLED,background=disabledButtonColor, foreground=fgColor, bd=0, font=self.ft1, activebackground=disabledButtonColor, activeforeground=fgColor, disabledforeground=fg2Color); = framewidth - nextprevButtonWidth - nextprevButtonPaddingX, y = frameheight - nextprevButtonHeight - nextprevButtonPaddingY, width = nextprevButtonWidth, height = nextprevButtonHeight); ################### page 6, progress page ########################### self.cancelButton = Button(self.p6, text = "cancel", command=lambda:sys.exit(), background=buttonColor, foreground=fgColor, bd=0, font=self.ft1, activebackground=buttonPressedColor, activeforeground=fgColor); = nextprevButtonPaddingX, y = frameheight - nextprevButtonHeight - nextprevButtonPaddingY, width = nextprevButtonWidth, height = nextprevButtonHeight); self.cancelButton.bind("<Enter>", self.buttonEnterBG); self.cancelButton.bind("<Leave>", self.buttonNormalBG); self.progressLabel = Label(self.p6, text = "Working, this might take a couple of minutes...", bg=self.p6["background"], fg=fgColor, font=self.ft1), y=36); #TODO: make the progressbar actually progress to the things that are done style = Style(); style.theme_use('alt') style.configure("els.Horizontal.TProgressbar", background=fgColor); self.progress = Progressbar(self.p6, orient=HORIZONTAL, length = framewidth - 20, mode="indeterminate", style="els.Horizontal.TProgressbar", maximum=40);, y=10); self.progress.start(17); self.closeP6 = Button(self.p6, text = "Close", command=self.close, background=buttonColor, foreground=fgColor, bd=0, font=self.ft1, activebackground=buttonPressedColor, activeforeground=fgColor); ################### page 7, error page ########################### #TODO: implement full stacktrace instead of only 2 #TODO: or: make a log file of the stacktrace that can be "downloaded" when clicked #TODO: error page is not working correctly anymore; errors are being cut off self.errorLabel = Label(self.p7, text = "Something went wrong, try again or contact Cas", bg=self.p7["background"], fg=errorColor, font=self.ft1);, y=10); self.errorInfoLabel = Label(self.p7, text = "Error Info:", bg=self.p7["background"], fg=fgColor, font=self.ft1);, y=50); self.stackTraceStringVar1 = StringVar(); self.stackTraceStringVar2 = StringVar(); self.stackTraceLabel1 = Label(self.p7, textvariable = self.stackTraceStringVar1, bg=self.p7["background"], fg=errorColor, font=self.ft1, wraplength = 350, justify=LEFT); self.stackTraceLabel2 = Label(self.p7, textvariable = self.stackTraceStringVar2, bg=self.p7["background"], fg=errorColor, font=self.ft1, wraplength = 350, justify=LEFT); self.stackTraceStringVar1.set(self.getStackTrace()[0]); self.stackTraceStringVar2.set(self.getStackTrace()[1]);, y=70);, y=110); self.backToMenu = Button(self.p7, text = "Back to menu", command=self.backtomenu, background=buttonColor, foreground=fgColor, bd=0, font=self.ft1, activebackground=buttonPressedColor, activeforeground=fgColor); = nextprevButtonPaddingX, y = frameheight - nextprevButtonHeight - nextprevButtonPaddingY, width = nextprevButtonWidth, height = nextprevButtonHeight); self.backToMenu.bind("<Enter>", self.buttonEnterBG); self.backToMenu.bind("<Leave>", self.buttonNormalBG); self.closeP7 = Button(self.p7, text = "Close", command=self.close, background=buttonColor, foreground=fgColor, bd=0, font=self.ft1, activebackground=buttonPressedColor, activeforeground=fgColor); = framewidth - nextprevButtonWidth - nextprevButtonPaddingX, y = frameheight - nextprevButtonHeight - nextprevButtonPaddingY, width = nextprevButtonWidth, height = nextprevButtonHeight); self.closeP7.bind("<Enter>", self.buttonEnterBG); self.closeP7.bind("<Leave>", self.buttonNormalBG); ################### page 8, find error page ########################### previousButtonP8 = Button(self.p8, text = "Back", command=self.p2.lift, background=buttonColor, foreground=fgColor, bd=0, font=self.ft1, activebackground=buttonPressedColor, activeforeground=fgColor); = nextprevButtonPaddingX, y = frameheight - nextprevButtonHeight - nextprevButtonPaddingY, width = nextprevButtonWidth, height = nextprevButtonHeight); previousButtonP8.bind("<Enter>", self.buttonEnterBG); previousButtonP8.bind("<Leave>", self.buttonNormalBG); checkErrFileWrap = Frame(self.p8, bg =self.p8["background"]); = 10, y = 10, width = framewidth - 20, height = 3*topBarHeight); checkErrLabel = Label(checkErrFileWrap, text = "File to check for Errors:", bg=self.p4["background"], fg=fgColor, font=self.ft4); 0, y = 0, height = topBarHeight); self.checkErrFileVar = StringVar(); self.checkErrFileVar.trace("w", lambda name, index, mode, checkErrFileVar=self.checkErrFileVar: self.firecallback3()); self.checkErrFileName = Entry(checkErrFileWrap, width= 45, textvariable=self.checkErrFileVar,bg=bg2Color, fg=fgColor, borderwidth = 0, font=self.ft4, insertbackground=fgColor, insertofftime= 500, insertontime= 500); = 2, y = 25, height= topBarHeight); self.browse4 = Button(checkErrFileWrap, text="Browse", command=self.load_file4, background=buttonColor, foreground=fgColor, bd=0, font=self.ft4, activebackground=buttonPressedColor, activeforeground=fgColor, anchor="center");, y=25, height = topBarHeight, width=60); self.browse4.bind("<Enter>", self.buttonEnterBG); self.browse4.bind("<Leave>", self.buttonNormalBG); self.goButtonP8 = Button(self.p8, text = "Run", command=self.p9.lift, state=DISABLED,background=disabledButtonColor, foreground=fgColor, bd=0, font=self.ft1, activebackground=disabledButtonColor, activeforeground=fgColor, disabledforeground=fg2Color); = framewidth - nextprevButtonWidth - nextprevButtonPaddingX, y = frameheight - nextprevButtonHeight - nextprevButtonPaddingY, width = nextprevButtonWidth, height = nextprevButtonHeight); ################### page 9, find error results ########################### previousButtonP9 = Button(self.p9, text = "Back", command=self.p8.lift, background=buttonColor, foreground=fgColor, bd=0, font=self.ft1, activebackground=buttonPressedColor, activeforeground=fgColor); = nextprevButtonPaddingX, y = frameheight - nextprevButtonHeight - nextprevButtonPaddingY, width = nextprevButtonWidth, height = nextprevButtonHeight); previousButtonP9.bind("<Enter>", self.buttonEnterBG); previousButtonP9.bind("<Leave>", self.buttonNormalBG); #testing self.checkErrFileName.delete(0, END); self.checkErrFileName.insert(0, r"M:\ud\os\ssc\imos\bbsup\@ new folder_Surfdrive\7. Scorion\Vakmappen 171804\46597-171804\group_import_no_TAs.txt"); self.errors = errorChecker(self.checkErrFileVar.get()); self.croppedErrors = self.errors[0:7] if (len(self.errors) > 0): Label(self.p9, text = "Found %d possible errors, on the following lines:" %len(self.errors), fg = fgColor, bg = bgColor, font = self.ft1).place(x=16, y=12); openFile = Button(self.p9, text = "Open file", command=lambda: self.clickOpenFile(), background=buttonColor, foreground=fgColor, bd=0, font=self.ft1, activebackground=buttonPressedColor, activeforeground=fgColor); = framewidth - nextprevButtonWidth - nextprevButtonPaddingX, y = frameheight - nextprevButtonHeight - nextprevButtonPaddingY, width = nextprevButtonWidth, height = nextprevButtonHeight); openFile.bind("<Enter>", self.buttonEnterBG); openFile.bind("<Leave>", self.buttonNormalBG); self.drawErrors(); else: Label(self.p9, text = "Found no errors", fg = fgColor, bg = bgColor, font = self.ft5).place(x=10, y=10); ################### finally, show page 1 to start ################;
''' Chapter 7 Handling Widget Resize ''' from tkinter import Tk, Label, Pack root= Tk() label = Label(root, text = 'I am a Frame', bg='red') label.pack(fill='both', expand=True) def on_label_resized(event): print('New Width', label.winfo_width()) print('New Height', label.winfo_height()) label.bind("<Configure>", on_label_resized) root.mainloop()
class Button_(Widget_): def __init__(self, parent_frame, x, y): Widget_.__init__(self, parent_frame, x, y) self.label_bg, self.label_fg = 'grey', 'white' self.hover_bg, self.hover_fg = None, None self.label = Label(self.widget_frame, bg=self.label_bg, fg=self.label_fg) self.label.grid(row=0, column=1, ipadx=5, ipady=10) def get_info(self): return self.label.cget('text') def set_hover(self): def set_hover_bg(event): self.label.config(bg=self.hover_bg, fg=self.hover_fg) self.img.config(bg=self.hover_bg, fg=self.hover_fg) def remove_hover_bg(event): self.label.config(bg=self.label_bg, fg=self.label_fg) self.img.config(bg=self.label_bg, fg=self.label_fg) if hasattr(self, 'img'): self.widget_frame.bind('<Enter>', set_hover_bg) self.widget_frame.bind('<Leave>', remove_hover_bg) else: self.widget_frame.bind('<Enter>', lambda event: self.label.config(bg=self.hover_bg, fg=self.hover_fg)) self.widget_frame.bind('<Leave>', lambda event: self.label.config(bg=self.label_bg, fg=self.label_fg)) def settings(self, **kwargs): ''' all setting changes ''' if 'label_bg' in kwargs: self.label_bg = kwargs['label_bg'] self.label.config(bg=self.label_bg) if 'label_fg' in kwargs: self.label_fg = kwargs['label_fg'] self.label.config(fg=self.label_fg) if 'text' in kwargs: self.label.config(text=kwargs['text']) if 'font' in kwargs: self.label.config(font=kwargs['font']) if 'hover_bg' in kwargs: self.hover_bg = kwargs['hover_bg'] self.hover_fg = self.label_fg if self.hover_fg == None else self.hover_fg self.set_hover() if 'hover_fg' in kwargs: self.hover_fg = kwargs['hover_fg'] self.hover_bg = self.label_bg if self.hover_bg == None else self.hover_bg self.set_hover() if 'command' in kwargs: self.command = kwargs['command'] self.label.bind('<Button-1>', lambda event: self.command()) if hasattr(self, 'img'): self.img.bind('<Button-1>', lambda event: self.command()) if 'image' in kwargs: self.img_path = kwargs['image'] self.picture = self.image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.picture) self.img = Label(self.widget_frame, bg=self.label_bg, fg=self.label_fg) self.img.grid(row=0, column=0, ipadx=5, ipady=5, columnspan=2, sticky=W) self.img.config(image=self.image) self.set_hover() if hasattr(self, 'command'): self.img.bind('<Button-1>', lambda event: self.command()) if 'image_resize' in kwargs: self.picture = self.picture.resize(kwargs['image_resize'], Image.ANTIALIAS) self.image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.picture) self.img.config(image=self.image) return
class CBUTTON(LabelFrame): ''' Widget de clase Boton con texto en sus extremos depende de imagenes externas ''' def __init__(self, master, row, column, Ltext='true', Rtext='false', command=None): super().__init__(master) self.row = row self.column = column self.LT = Ltext self.RT = Rtext self.Rtext = StringVar() self.Ltext = StringVar() self.command = command self.state = False self.config(bg=master['bg'], padx=2, pady=5) self.grid(row=self.row, column=self.column) self.imagePath = StringVar() self.imagePath.set(btnoffimg) self.button = Label(self) self.button.config(cursor='hand2', bg=master['bg']) self.button.bind('<Button-1>', self.onClick) self.button.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.onRelease) self.button.grid(row=1, column=1) self.leftTextlabel = Label(self) self.leftTextlabel.config(bg=master['bg'], fg='white') self.leftTextlabel.grid(row=1, column=0) self.rightTextlabel = Label(self) self.rightTextlabel.config(bg=master['bg'], fg='white') self.rightTextlabel.grid(row=1, column=2) self.updatebutton() self.swapState = (lambda x: (x == False)) self.swapImage = (lambda x: (btnoffimg) if x else (btnonimg)) def onClick(self, event): ''' actualiza el estado del boton ''' self.imagePath.set((self.swapImage)(self.state)) self.state = self.swapState(self.state) self.updatebutton() def onRelease(self, event): ''' ejecuta la acción dada por la instancia de clase en el parametro command al soltar el click ''' if self.command is not None: self.command() def updatebutton(self): ''' actualiza la imagen del boton ''' self.Ltext.set(self.LT) self.Rtext.set(self.RT) self.rightTextlabel.config(textvariable=self.Rtext) self.leftTextlabel.config(textvariable=self.Ltext) self.btn_image = PhotoImage(file=self.imagePath.get()) self.button.config(image=self.btn_image)
class Installer(Frame): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.master.title("SAS University Edition Install Tool") self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True) self.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) self.columnconfigure(2, pad=7) self.rowconfigure(3, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(5, pad=7) ### Loading the image ### base64_image = b'R0lGODlhgACAAHAAACH5BAEAAP8ALAAAAACAAIAAhwAAAABSnABSjO9jIYQQSt5SGaUQUu9KGYQZGaUhGe9SMVopEFKlzlIxOpwQENZKc3sIGcUZc+YxSu+EEFJjEFK9EBljEBm9EMUZIe9Sc+97UsUxKRlanMUpSoSEGYTOGc6EnM7OnM6E3oTOnISEnHsIMVLm7xnm71Kt7xmt71LmzhnmzhmtzkKtpULmpQjmpQitpe/mWu+9Ga0Zc87mWs69GQBChKUQMc5KlO9KlOYZc0pjc84ZlO8ZlOYQSsVSENaEEMUZWu+1Wpyl3lqlpa1SnK0ZnM5S74RS71KUEFLvEBmUEBnvEM4Z74QZ74QZe4RSe85SxYRSxc4ZxYQZxe8QGeYxGYTF3loIEFJ75lKMcxmMc1JjMVK9MRljMRm9MVK9cxm9c1Ja5lKMUhmMUlK9Uhm9Uq17WsXm3u/v3u9aUq3vWqXv3q2lGa3vGe/vGe/vnISlWoTvWoSlGYTvGUqEtc6lnM7vnM6l3oTvnISlnHuE3u+EnM69Wu+E3qXOnKWEnM7vGc5KWqU6Ge+llPeUa9aEMaU6SsVSOveUUqXF1mPmpSnmpSmtpUp7nHs6SkpalIQ6GRlac1JaUiE6QqVSc+9S71Lvc1o6c6VS71KUMVLvMRmUMRnvMe8Z76UZ7xnvcxl77yE6rYQZnNaUY4RSnO9SxaVSxe8ZxaUZxRl7xYRaGSEQSlJjvRljUlLvUhnvUhla7xlaxUI65gg65kI6rQgZe0IQcwgQrUIQ5ggQ5kIQre9zMZwQIcXF3gBjnCF7nO/FnGMIMXulxe+l3qXvnKWlnDEQEKVaGTExEFoAIYRaSoQZOhAQEBA6EKVaSgAZGTo6cwA6pSFCc++MMQAQQgAxStZzWkoIOmM65ik65mM6rSkZe2MQcykQrWMQ5ikQ5mMQre+EY8UQOq2la4Tv76WE7+/O763Oa62EKa3OKYSEa4TOa62lSoTvzqWEzu/Ozq3OSq2ECK3OCISESoTOSqUhMXul78UQCMUpEKXF7/djCAAAEABSpQhSnAAAAAj/AP8JHEiwoMGDCBMqXMiwocOHECNKnEixosWLGDNq3Mixo8ePIEOKHEmypMmTKFOqXMmypcuXMGPKxIggQU0ENzcMQmQvgc+aP30mGKRyg9ENP4wmRWoUUdIfTqH+kEpyUIKeV69uQCRhK4asPe1hCLsBA8oCaAso2DDghwK3cNUOmMtLroIBCkhi7dlr0Ia1iKwgMpoAQ68NPnti0IlSgRUJbxUUQKTgAGW1bwfwGlCgrucfJIX6NLr2b1PEYq9+RWwUpdsNamGvRdsV7Wa6BThL5qU3Us8NEgZvHd4VdeGeNxK0PqlBjVq0kp+n9TxXs+YfdfUmHtx1bXevhQel/x67GKUGzhJiS0aEuXP195rVkoxkszDS4FsFAx+clbXyDSjxUtlzllkhGVvv8YIIXZzxAtpIWNU0nGD6AbZYL6thqFxjBUhwgAIefggbL4bAV1eJ1fEGoU3JFcbdYN4V0IFR5ImFWGOVSXbAc3dVV6Ih7qXIWWhAIdCLcqUBBlxwX2EwyGoJnCWZhwqAWIAaGlCj2T50cfmefCNdhUCLCfQC44wgqiGBIBuIJdYNN57k2IA68qKBEFluZsg+KJbo4FtVHcmiTxicKQFkh3YV3gaH4agWlQpokEghk2rAyz63zcVjXhD2UtORnx6lZnCHKtDBkzZGKadaB+w4gKSUUv+aSCK86BmfZICG6dMNn5aZQAeHchWsIBIsVtiGJ2FWpQJqTOpsrLROoGlkYIo0JlDJ9SqsmqOq0cFxcZoEWYedPWtuIhqchxePD4pkFai++nRksIeOWhoGYwUIWZXiiGNurEJQqsYPA7CHq169HtmLPYImwJWawh4KZ2EoqVEllrA6+6w4hXSsgW1qtRuSkTb1BFQCyR2WqASjdnVhY4iogXG6kwLc8c3iqKFbtSPj1GvKQh0W88qHlmWWnGrYmW6z/t5ZCMc3d5yIc3iJDJLPvTQsaIu9AEt0V+OoahKzzaVbds1Rp01KXVUSiXWZfO2aQD5fF320SWUvbXa6aff/fc1mVn+EUy8O1Ocrwz6FveTXYpdkNsYzdwx13x53RpLPNnmqsNwYjINB3Yeat7fZ4mgQtTiEdMzH6RoYcnnm9WFrn9GL1Y1Sv5Dz/bTklD8tqYrWan5tmQqXFfY4G4yTqA6JosQHx6WjW4jppu/eN83oVnVT5p76irznyddO9O3iPN9v2lBDTUj0kqKrwetZk3zTwoR2XpYEGWRwqP7Oqx+16f6yXvsk1b5EuM1XJBPUwoziuQ5kgA/6O5QOUKK6QgSjb5Ob1awIiK7sjQQBEPCUkUZYpk8dBgMOhGD+9KcGCqYuGEIIxgX7psEN1jBLlwPh9gy3ua498IEqlMAE/0+yOhgGgxAxvFkNEyGEDrqvgzmEgM9wgrJe+aQDavhhDsSRg/yhxIiEgGEYAyarJS6RgFHECQQc0D2U7coeGxDEAyCoQi+exIJJlGEhAsZEMzaRg+m63BqnOMI2/moDM8riCjPwAArGMIZIFEITazhJM2owihCQ4hSPlJwZeRKLK1RDI09ywSRW0pKnJCA1DPhBNWKNikY6BCI9aY8OEOsBuEQJEpHYRz+aMUvAfF9FBCCAABjzmMi0gQCmwUxmRsOZ03jmM6exg2lA4pnXhEQ2i4nMbnrzm+Dspg0CIABHOAISWoDEDtC5gx1ooZ3pdGc757nOdnIgnMe0AUK4af/McQZgnP4MwC/ISVBvDhSZvzioN/3J0H/206EObahEHxpQcvIznArtJj+5CVCKGjMhBf1mMblJUnyWtKT4TKlKjzlSlhrzoi4NJ0rBuRCCtjSkBf3FRgeK0oue1KYFvalQg0rUm8YUpi9FZk95qtSkFpMhTSVqTEPKzYPOFKdUjWpSp4pVoB6VnDp1qkClKtatBsAhWXWpAAYa1rVmtapr5YBVmbpVo9q1rEDlZ1sPGlazWtWYbDWqWSES0rAeFBiKUMQw6sDSxZIUGMNIbB04MAwGoBSy9yQnZIHxUsomFbIKrUMdilkHywpUAJuNrGqv4AjRFpMDDEisIhjAAQH/UDaxwwCsXQUAkZ8SlAOKmGwdhnFQDqBBEcWdLQeGC4zS1haZw0jDaAPQjzqkQRGA5QAbMhsARaBhugKowxXA6gsGGBO4wq2DZCc7jNz+QhGs5QBiGTuMK3CAssAoaV8lAtaYqjeqlQ2uZn3B3QDct6TzVUQ/jFkHfQg4AMDwxUsT/FIGDGGk6r3nMIaQTwbk1piVFcCG+XlP4xa4ruSkyFUjXIe+GlgRy8WuQH3RYn9u1Jge7kdwSRtcX3AWGNsFMW31wdnwKoKf7UXsc0Gc22K2lwM+RqpiuYtUixDUxepVbIVzC1zOBiDLtJ0qcDX84f9uGMK+WPCYA9BeJicV/7g0dmmbhRzhzN4UuIr1MlifOkwUnxcYV4BxAMoLDMpy+M+JvWcxw1oHHy/XxxCWsSL2AAx9cMAGwyDyctFw6f8iWR8ZtYGHCfpkTmv0mKoYBqRhWpFTh7TLdThuYn1hamQ++MredfAV0JDb/9pgvr74BZxlW94AjDqp6jXqnNk8DB0z1qstXXZLVSzWgS73vAQOLgcWHIAhMOAXjjjvjguaYWOKotIxPi8DaP0L9S64H9WFcbKt+t9kjtrJvR73l1s82XHO1qwfjYhL/4rY9iq23MdUb6UNfg+NVrabwa3DoV9M4Cs8W9zNRcMQAs0AG4h3nEj+MJvNa2zF1lcRhf/meGQVfVqbCvzGJBZtHfoh7Jhydrl1KDRQhf1cbt4XwgWtLs+DKov71sERwHBEiTPL1J+/9p7jXO5iM+sPyE5Wq8d8CFkBDk6ksjyjWOfqqZEKWLymtKL5LKtRGwLTtpZ9qoK9cV7rqlDfetWkGW2p3s26d2+6dawphupIXex2uf9V7lhdtFq5qviW95SohoW72J3q4r4vhOyC5TtOh0r5xUse5pL/qk3nqtvFIxWlCgWpWH3a8sAitO2lP/wx93rl2fv0ry+tvEgZv3u4ev6sB9k5Sa3azOJLAhLFT340JDHNaE4D9FLtO+fvulZ1UrOd16en9rdvz6C6naAWEQb/FsaPBSlq5ShGmZFR4ITIo6CEGoawFIkG8CNDGEIG968BNWpAIvv7HwiChBP2MIBiYT+dYz/j8D3IgwHJYR6bUSvWMReYwgsTwAvUQA0VOAETsA8bWIF6QYAgSDtlET4bACfK4wOM0jgkQQ210oLSQoEDgIEWmIEpUiseOBK+MYCHMICDgDzG84Pj4AMSIIQ+8C32ECAteCkDIC1LaIEU2IKYsiXVQRKPAIIEiC+MgoXKc4JDOITlcRIsyIIQyCAyKIMvyCUPOAAkwQz2sIM62CY/aA/KgwFESITJAyAnkYQXWIFNWIEUyIIRuBlecjlWSIDjMIDfI4R0OIQbYAAL/zMO7+eEFYiBYiiDTygtmBKFQzISC0CAbogyJdgmcEKHKPg9CwMnAVKJZuiEMziGmbIZBUASnWgPzIAAtcgMoHgDyHMDwNI5HRA2A4iKYGiDZTiJrIiBW/KAXMIpItEAUlSLCYCLbAgn9mCCCfiLHXAD1VgWSNiKExCGdsILtJIp8LGJIiF+uGiL1yKHcrgBQRAEHYCNvxg+EtAYemiMYtiCrXIAQjIAByCLwoATtxiN2iiH7ygBQTAO2JiAG2AFd1MSFsMLSeOEYjiOiZAjBxAimgI8ITF+EFCLnsIMR2IPQaADJRkEEqCQCmkAcmgFeGgStZI0CqCH8seCH2IF+/8YIpVBElhwDM9oi9FIkkHgAw9wku9YjXKYAD4AiXkYkUmjBgeQhPKXIwbSKlWphiOhDAsQkLbYC2w4gCeJkDrQAUjJkgZwFUcIkzGJF3dhBZrRgpVRlTr5If/IiR7JK2VZSyapA0V5AzfAhsygjUFgAMxgEtfwlDMJlVT5lq3iGAWwIxrJjB15DMKwAH9phQZwkuNwAwEZmEgZAYNpmGUjkf54kzlSJaaJk425IyWxAFggDF9JAPbAkiTZAUFQAghQAs84mxGgA75pEjmzNJVxkwNQlbWCK61CJR+ClSMhfliAALQIgrTJDBAQkLrJDJnpmxGwnSRxDRoQnDJJl6f/KSACMiX76I+SGRLiV52AaQ+ySYvMIAyZJEUlcAMlqQO9+ZsjgSVqkDM5A5UhIgEMApfouZwmUZnjB50FSQDMUIsQUAILUAIlwAxBwAM94Jv42QM8IBLe2Z8e+p+lGZUz2YJvOReNaRKvCQGv+ZWB2aATqpu4aQA50AMamp8XKhIZoAbX4J9Z9J85ApfkmYSbkZ4diQULoKIQ4J4N2qC5CaMGQKMzSqM6wAM6oKEg8QAZIA45yqMeGpECUqLkeYEQeBLjV5mwyaTMMKENKps6EKU02gMlKaUb6hHXwEgg0KV4WiVC+oAUSQ0ooQxlWn4u+pe3aAAPYKE9MKM5EAEGSJCZM1qUHZE/14ADWvqhXbos5DmiFGmBKOGaHll+auqiBhABOJCoNFqqM2AABNCo+JmqG5EBkyoOlEqpWSozFrMsemodtXKBYf+YEim6ni+appmJA4r6pkGwpGaZqo2KEViKA1k6q7KqpTlTJYiCqbvapypBftWpokzaqMTaA6VaqjlAmMxAAObKDKQ6A4dgABaBpV0ErTjwACCQo7e6LBm5LG8Jjhx5oNoKrN6qqDmgqEFAACXAoOU6AzjAAwk7AwwrEV30sBkAAlgKAnX6rBZTrcsCGVEppmK6EuX3muUnnwYgrjnAAyWbAzhAsEtarhWasAqLA5UQATMQAQwxm4KQAQ8bsBmAAxUrsQ8gCIKAq9WakQayD+DIEhAAqOWnDJmEsCcbsCUbAeZqsKvqsgmbsKSartsps0EwA4O5rrM5rBCrs/P6ANf/8LNyhLHUegA4KQFu2ass8bGvOaGZabKJarI4oKrlyqCrygMKqwNXm644QKqVEASgCZqDOZtg664427iU+rNqALTEojMaCxkGYgU46Zb76quAmknY2agPEK4zOgPlqreyqbCoq7BZiwMIe7gzIAheC7ZmaQCCALWNmwNoC7S5Syxri7lu6xjpEYsuUaYlELaNGgTimrKq+ghTSwAJe6glq7AzwAMIi7Bd+44z+7Usua5BMLYPIAEd8LO7K7kgwraO+RgFgLkxIZ/YSQDrmqrI2wOkSwCPoKoG8ATIiwNXywOHuroz67Wwi72yO4C0i7sm+Y7wKLlrQixAmx6P4btW/5C+9RgTtkiLs9uoXju1y8ug+vuy+ju4MWsEhAuaXjuzHTC79uC1RomQKImSkvvCbNIB6Xu+6DsT9lu/n0uYDWCuzLuqBICw+luyWPsEBnAIDJu9r/uOhTsDtlkJuKS/CCkI72hLCdzAQKt+RuG26Ku+M/EP9WvBX0ywwmCuBsC8BgDEH4yylaCuT3AIbTwDhSvCW/vEU/oAgFuUBznFKLkmD4AI6scTg0EhBtLFA+GeLCmbBCAMiqzIe3sIRtDBH8y6P+y+M/DD2+nEc8wDO9umOMCX8EjFHTCWktt+PAGH+fEYL9nFh4CdrJzIwlACY6zIP5zGV8u69fsIT/DDj/8QAQ+wtVvbySj7ADkAuC08xbb5yVsBR4cwI6WcHqlMyO7LytiwyIucyM7rwR18v+7rvkS8nTwQAZXwzaF7qG0aup4MLKBMgEcxGH4BRzrxzIT8D6xcAsqgDIsMy2NcsASgsOCqv7dMxE/ADHDsy3PcAzsLvYAbj1OsjQVpD6VcS8nME/F8EO45zcJgz/b8ys07xghLvWVMurfstYMLzts5uMQKuIBrwGSJlJc5gEYhS6W8AYcw0QmhyBlt09Q8tWNMv2Rcv0RsxL7cy73ZyfGKu0V5CAwdnV6pzjE90zStEPR80VJNzbCs0+a6w3z7wzMbswSNS/j5jkUpCAagjZ7/KZK0aMqy9NQMgdMYrcgW/cqxLKGJXLANgJ1GfMaPoK5eGwFSjEtBUJQMM40KCp3KzBhq3RA4ndjC8NYF+8rxuberWsSNqqqHIAh8jbigKdb2MCaAuTCeiQiHDRGLnNE3Tc1wPddjvK71u81GbLhBYNlSLMVkyYZeiTLSGNoTYdpTrcj4zNuvXLBFvM2qmsKx/bpJLAjViIuXWZi4bRHK8NalXZ29LZurXcbWbcRS/Nqv/bosydlp2dwYYdqwjM/xyZ4+fAir6p7rWtzZHduACd4ecc9wndPRbN2rfQjvyN5d69TwLRIl4IyOfaaUTZjWbQCFW7j83d8twQyPsLLMF63gEB7hEj7hFF7hFn7hGJ7hGr7hExEQADs=' analyticsphoto = PhotoImage(data=base64.b64decode(base64_image)) self.analytics_u_photo = Label(self, image=analyticsphoto, justify=CENTER) self.analytics_u_photo.image = analyticsphoto self.analytics_u_photo.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=N) self.messagelabel = Label( self, text=' Welcome to the SAS University Edition Install Tool!\n\n' + ' Verify that you have Oracle VirtualBox installed and that you downloaded the\n' + ' SAS University Edition vApp and Oracle VirtualBox before running the' + ' installer.\n\n', borderwidth=5, relief="ridge") self.messagelabel.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=4, rowspan=4, padx=7, sticky=N + W + E + S) self.quit_button = Button(self, text="Quit", command=self.exit) self.quit_button.grid(row=5, column=0, padx=5, pady=5) self.action_button = Button(self, text="Next", command=self.first_action_button_clicked) self.action_button.grid(row=5, column=3, padx=5, pady=5) self.user = os.getlogin() self.base = r"C:\Users\{}".format(self.user) self.downloads = self.base + r"\Downloads" self.shared_folder = self.base + r"\Documents\SASUniversityEdition\myfolders" self.ova_filename = '' self.checklist = [ 'SAS', 'University', '"SAS ', '"SAS University Edition"', 'SAS University Edition', 'SAS University Edition_1', 'SAS University Edition_2', 'SAS University Edition_3' ] def exit(self): ''' Quits the program ''' self.destroy() exit() #----- Step 1: Check if VirtualBox is installed -----# def open_virtualbox_link(self, button_clicked): webbrowser.open_new(r"") def check_vbox_installation(self): if os.path.isfile( 'C:\\Program Files\\Oracle\\VirtualBox\\VBoxManage.exe'): return True else: return False def first_action_button_clicked(self): if self.check_vbox_installation() == True: self.action_button.config( text="Continue", command=self.second_action_button_clicked) self.messagelabel.config( text= " Click the 'Continue' button to check to see if 64-bit Hardware Virtualization\n" + " is enabled on your system. If not, you should contact your PC manufacturer\n" + " for instructions on how to enable 64-bit Hardware Virtualization.\n\n", borderwidth=5) else: self.action_button.config(state=DISABLED) messagebox.showerror( "Oracle VirtualBox Not Installed", "Install Oracle VirtualBox into the default directory" + " (Program Files) before continuing. There will be a link to" + " download and install Oracle VirtualBox on the next screen.") self.messagelabel.config(text="\t\t\tDownload Oracle VirtualBox", foreground="blue", cursor="hand2") self.messagelabel.bind("<Button-1>", self.open_virtualbox_link) #----- Step 2: Check if Virtualization is enabled -----# def confirm_vtx_enabled(self): ''' Returns: virtualization status Object type: string About: Provides the status of the VT-X bios setting in the Windows BIOS Menu Notes: N/A ''' try: input = subprocess.Popen('systeminfo', shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except: messagebox.showerror( "Error", "You may need administrator privelages to run this software. " + "Try exiting the program and running as an administrator to resolve this issue." ) output ="utf-8") if 'Virtualization Enabled In Firmware: Yes' in output: return True else: messagebox.showerror( "Virtualization Check", "Virtualization is disabled in Firmware. To resolve this issue, \n" + "you need to contact your PC manufacturer for instructions on how\n" + "to enter the BIOS menu and enable Virtualization on your device." ) return False def open_vtx_SASNote(self, button_clicked): webbrowser.open_new(r"") def second_action_button_clicked(self): self.messagelabel.config( text= "Checking system for status of 64-bit Hardware Virtualization...") if self.confirm_vtx_enabled() == True: self.action_button.config(command=self.third_action_button_clicked) self.messagelabel.config( text=" Virtualization was enabled on your system! \n\n" + " Click the 'Continue' button to set up your Shared Folders.\n\n" ) else: messagebox.showerror( "Virtualization is disabled", " Virtualization is disabled on your system." + " You will need to contact your PC manufacturer " + "(Dell, Acer, Lenovo) for instructions on how to enable 64-bit " + " Hardware Virtualization.\n\n") self.messagelabel.config( text="\t\t\tSAS Note: Virtualization is Disabled", fg="blue", cursor="hand2") self.messagelabel.bind("<Button-1>", self.open_vtx_SASNote) #----- Step 3: Set up Shared folder (either the default directory or user-selected) -----# def openfile(self): ''' Allows the user to search their filesystem for another .OVA file (SAS University Edition vApp) using a gui windows file window. ''' self.ova_filename = filedialog.askopenfilename() if self.ova_filename.endswith('.ova'): print('SAS University Edition vApp File Location: ' + self.ova_filename) self.fifth_action_button_clicked() else: messagebox.showerror( 'Wrong Filetype', 'Please select the SAS University Edition vApp file only.' + ' The file should end with the following three-letter extension: ".ova".' + '\n\n(Example: unvbasicvapp.ova)') self.ova_filename = '' def choose_shared_folder(self): self.shared_folder = filedialog.askdirectory() if os.path.isdir(self.shared_folder): if self.shared_folder.endswith('myfolders'): self.locate_vapp() else: messagebox.showerror( 'Misspelled Directory', 'Please select the "myfolders" folder only.' + ' The folder must be spelled with all lowercase letters and no spaces. ' + 'Please try again.') else: messagebox.showerror( 'Select a directory', 'Please try again, and select the "myfolders" folder only.' + 'The folder must be spelled with all lowercase letters and no spaces. ' ) self.shared_folder = r"C:\Users\{}\Documents\SASUniversityEdition\myfolders".format( self.user) def third_action_button_clicked(self): self.messagelabel.config( text= " Either choose an existing 'myfolders' folder on your hard drive, or a 'myfolders' \n" + " folder will be created for you, at the following location:\n\n" + ' ' + self.shared_folder + '\n\n') self.action_button.config(command=self.locate_vapp) self.choose_sharedfolder = Button(self, text="Choose Folder", command=self.choose_shared_folder) self.choose_sharedfolder.grid(row=5, column=2, pady=1) #----- Step 4: Locate vApp (auto-searches the Downloads folder. If not found, user must search for it) -----# def locate_vapp(self): self.action_button.config(command=self.fourth_action_button_clicked) self.choose_sharedfolder.grid_remove() self.messagelabel.config( text= " Click the 'Continue' button to scan your hard drive for the SAS University Edition \n" + " vApp. If it is found, you will move on to the next step. If not, click the 'Find vApp'\n" + " button on the next screen, which will allow you to search for it manually.\n\n" ) def download_UE_ova(self, button_clicked): webbrowser.open_new( r"" ) def fourth_action_button_clicked(self): list_of_files = glob.glob(self.downloads + '\\*.ova') if list_of_files != []: latest_file = max(list_of_files, key=os.path.getctime) self.ova_filename = latest_file else: messagebox.showinfo( "Error", "The SAS University Edition vApp was not found in your system's " + "'Downloads' Folder. \n\nPlease search your system files for the location " + "of the SAS University Edition vApp by clicking on the 'Find vApp' button on the" + " next page. \n\nIf you do not yet have the SAS University Edition vApp," + " you can download it by clicking on the link on the next screen." ) self.action_button.config(state=DISABLED) self.messagelabel.config( text="\t\t\tDownload SAS University Edition vApp", foreground="blue", cursor="hand2") self.messagelabel.bind("<Button-1>", self.download_UE_ova) self.choose_sharedfolder = Button(self, text="Find vApp", command=self.openfile) self.choose_sharedfolder.grid(row=5, column=2, pady=1) if self.ova_filename != '' and self.ova_filename.endswith('.ova'): self.fifth_action_button_clicked() #----- Step 5: Checks for duplicate VMs in VirtualBox, then checks for multiple 'SAS University Edition' # folders in the 'VirtualBox VMs' folder. -----# def fifth_action_button_clicked(self): self.choose_sharedfolder.grid_remove() self.action_button.config(state='normal', command=self.check_duplicates) self.messagelabel.destroy() self.messagelabel = Label( self, text= " Click the 'Continue' button to verify that you do not have any duplicate SAS\n" + " University Edition VMs imported into Oracle VirtualBox.\n\n", borderwidth=5, relief="ridge") self.messagelabel.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=4, rowspan=4, padx=7, sticky=N + W + E + S) def run_command(self, command): p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) return iter(p.stdout.readline, b'') def check_duplicate_vms(self): command = '"C:\\Program Files\\Oracle\\VirtualBox\\VBoxManage.exe" list vms' for line in self.run_command(command): output = line.decode('utf-8').split() for word in output: if word in self.checklist: messagebox.showerror( 'Already imported', 'You have already imported SAS University Edition into Oracle VirtualBox.' + ' Please remove all SAS University Edition Virtual Machines from Oracle ' + 'VirtualBox before proceeding. To remove them, open Oracle VirtualBox and' + ' right-click on the "SAS University Edition - Powered Off"' + ' tab, then hit remove --> Delete All Files. Do this for all existing SAS ' + 'University Edition Virtual Machines in VirtualBox.') notimported = False return notimported noduplicates = True return noduplicates def check_vbox_vms_folder(self): vboxvmsfolder = 'C:\\Users\\' + os.getlogin() + '\\VirtualBox VMs' vboxvms = os.listdir(vboxvmsfolder) if vboxvms != []: for item in self.checklist: if item in vboxvms: messagebox.showerror( 'Already imported', 'The virtual machine "' + item + '" was removed from Oracle VirtualBox incorrectly. ' + 'Please delete all SAS University Edition folder(s) from the ' + 'following location: \n\n' + vboxvmsfolder) return False test = True return test def check_duplicates(self): if self.check_duplicate_vms() == True: if self.check_vbox_vms_folder() == True: self.sixth_action_button_clicked() #----- Step 6: Write batch file using information collected above & run batch file to import vApp -----# def sixth_action_button_clicked(self): self.write_batchfile() self.action_button.config(text='Import') self.action_button.config(command=self.seventh_action_button_clicked) self.messagelabel.config( text= " Click the 'Import' button to import the SAS University Edition vApp\n " + "into Oracle VirtualBox. This may take a few moments. \n\n") def write_batchfile(self): batchfile = open("Install_SAS_University_Edition.bat", 'w') batchfile.write( r'set PATH=%PATH%;"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox"') batchfile.write('\n') batchfile.write('VBoxManage import ' + self.ova_filename) batchfile.write('\n') if os.path.isdir(self.shared_folder): batchfile.write( 'VBoxManage sharedfolder add "SAS University Edition" --name myfolders --hostpath ' + self.shared_folder + ' --automount') else: batchfile.write('MKDIR ' + self.shared_folder) batchfile.write('\n') batchfile.write( 'VBoxManage sharedfolder add "SAS University Edition" --name myfolders --hostpath ' + self.shared_folder + ' --automount') batchfile.close() def import_ova_file(self): try:"Install_SAS_University_Edition.bat") messagebox.showinfo( "Successfully Installed", "SAS University Edition has now been imported into Oracle VirtualBox.\n\n" + "A shared folder was created at the following location:\n" + self.shared_folder + '\n\n') self.successful_import() except: messagebox.showerror( "Error", "There was an issue installing SAS University Edition. " + "Try running the 'Install_SAS_University_Edition.bat' file " + "with administrator privelages.") def seventh_action_button_clicked(self): self.import_ova_file() #----- Step 7: Open Oracle VirtualBox and close the installer -----# def successful_import(self): self.action_button.config(text='Run') self.action_button.config(command=self.run_button_clicked) self.messagelabel.config( text=" You are now finished setting up SAS University Edition. \n" + " Click the 'Run' button to run Oracle VirtualBox and quit the Installer. \n\n" ) def run_button_clicked(self): ''' Allows users to run Oracle VirtualBox after a successful import and quit the installer. ''' try: subprocess.Popen( ['C:\\Program Files\\Oracle\\VirtualBox\\VirtualBox.exe']) messagebox.showinfo( "Successfully Installed", "The SAS University Edition Install Tool will quit " + "after clicking OK. You can now begin using SAS University Edition in Oracle VirtualBox " + "by right-clicking 'SAS University Edition' and hitting 'Start'." ) self.quit() except: messagebox.showerror( "Error", "You may need administrator privelages to open Oracle VirtualBox. " + "Try opening Oracle VirtualBox manually by searching for 'Oracle VirtualBox' " + "in the Windows Search Bar (bottom left hand corner of the screen)." )
def __init__(self, master, columns, column_weights=None, cnf={}, **kw): """ Construct a new multi-column listbox widget. :param master: The widget that should contain the new multi-column listbox. :param columns: Specifies what columns should be included in the new multi-column listbox. If ``columns`` is an integer, the it is the number of columns to include. If it is a list, then its length indicates the number of columns to include; and each element of the list will be used as a label for the corresponding column. :param cnf, kw: Configuration parameters for this widget. Use ``label_*`` to configure all labels; and ``listbox_*`` to configure all listboxes. E.g.: >>> mlb = MultiListbox(master, 5, label_foreground='red') """ # If columns was specified as an int, convert it to a list. if isinstance(columns, int): columns = list(range(columns)) include_labels = False else: include_labels = True if len(columns) == 0: raise ValueError("Expected at least one column") # Instance variables self._column_names = tuple(columns) self._listboxes = [] self._labels = [] # Pick a default value for column_weights, if none was specified. if column_weights is None: column_weights = [1] * len(columns) elif len(column_weights) != len(columns): raise ValueError("Expected one column_weight for each column") self._column_weights = column_weights # Configure our widgets. Frame.__init__(self, master, **self.FRAME_CONFIG) self.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=1) for i, label in enumerate(self._column_names): self.grid_columnconfigure(i, weight=column_weights[i]) # Create a label for the column if include_labels: l = Label(self, text=label, **self.LABEL_CONFIG) self._labels.append(l) l.grid(column=i, row=0, sticky="news", padx=0, pady=0) l.column_index = i # Create a listbox for the column lb = Listbox(self, **self.LISTBOX_CONFIG) self._listboxes.append(lb) lb.grid(column=i, row=1, sticky="news", padx=0, pady=0) lb.column_index = i # Clicking or dragging selects: lb.bind("<Button-1>", self._select) lb.bind("<B1-Motion>", self._select) # Scroll whell scrolls: lb.bind("<Button-4>", lambda e: self._scroll(-1)) lb.bind("<Button-5>", lambda e: self._scroll(+1)) lb.bind("<MouseWheel>", lambda e: self._scroll( # Button 2 can be used to scan: lb.bind("<Button-2>", lambda e: self.scan_mark(e.x, e.y)) lb.bind("<B2-Motion>", lambda e: self.scan_dragto(e.x, e.y)) # Dragging outside the window has no effect (diable # the default listbox behavior, which scrolls): lb.bind("<B1-Leave>", lambda e: "break") # Columns can be resized by dragging them: l.bind("<Button-1>", self._resize_column) # Columns can be resized by dragging them. (This binding is # used if they click on the grid between columns:) self.bind("<Button-1>", self._resize_column) # Set up key bindings for the widget: self.bind("<Up>", lambda e: self.bind("<Down>", lambda e: self.bind("<Prior>", lambda e: self.bind("<Next>", lambda e: # Configuration customizations self.configure(cnf, **kw)
root.after(2000, startReadLoop) def resize_image(event): new_width = event.width new_height = event.height image = currentImage.resize((new_width, new_height)) photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image) panel.config(image=photo) panel.image = photo # avoid garbage collection def resource_path(relative_path): if hasattr(sys, '_MEIPASS'): return os.path.join(sys._MEIPASS, relative_path) return os.path.join(os.path.abspath("."), relative_path) currentMapImg = getImagePath('ammo') im = currentImage = im.copy() img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(im) panel = Label(root, image=img, bg="black") panel.image = img panel.bind('<Configure>', resize_image) panel.pack(fill="both", expand="yes") root.after(1000, startReadLoop) root.mainloop()
class MainWin(Tk) : def __init__(self,title,*args,**kwargs) : Tk.__init__(self,*args,**kwargs); self.title(title); self.docsLim = "-1"; = []; self.raw = []; self._addMenu(); self._addUpperTemplate(); self._addLowerTemplate(); def _addMenu(self) : mainMenu = Menu(self); fileMenu = Menu(mainMenu , tearoff=0); fileMenu.add_command(label="Mine PDF",command=self._pdfMine); fileMenu.add_command(label="Site crawling" + " " * 20,command=self._webMine); fileMenu.add_separator(); fileMenu.add_command(label="Exit",command=lambda : exit(0)); helpMenu = Menu(mainMenu , tearoff=0); helpMenu.add_command(label="About" + " " * 20,command=self._about); helpMenu.add_command(label="Manual",command=self._manual); mainMenu.add_cascade(label="File",menu=fileMenu); mainMenu.add_cascade(label="Help",menu=helpMenu); self.config(menu=mainMenu); def _addUpperTemplate(self) : lblFrame = LabelFrame(self,text=" Documents ") lblFrame.grid(row=0,column=0,sticky="new",padx=15,pady=15,columnspan=2); frame = Frame(lblFrame); Label(frame,text="Limit Documents").grid(row=0,column=0,sticky="w",pady=5,padx=10); self.combo = ttk.Combobox(frame,values=["None"] + [i for i in range(1,20)] , state="readonly"); def chooseLim(event) : self.combo.config(state="disabled");self.docsLim=self.combo.get();print(self.docsLim); self.combo.bind("<<ComboboxSelected>>", chooseLim); self.combo.grid(row=0,column=1,sticky="w") self.combo.current(0) frame.grid(row=0,column=0,sticky="w") frame = Frame(lblFrame) xscrollbar = Scrollbar(frame , orient="horizontal") xscrollbar.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky="snew") yscrollbar = Scrollbar(frame) yscrollbar.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="snew") self.text = Text(frame , height=10 , font=("Consolas",12) , wrap="none" , xscrollcommand=xscrollbar.set , yscrollcommand=yscrollbar.set) self.text.grid(row=0,column=0,sticky="snew") xscrollbar.config(command=self.text.xview) yscrollbar.config(command=self.text.yview) frame.grid(row=1,column=0,sticky="snew",padx=10,pady=(5,0)) self.fileChoose = Label(lblFrame,text="Import from a text file",font=("consolas",10),fg="blue",cursor="hand2"); self.fileChoose.grid(row=2,column=0,sticky="w",padx=10) self.fileChoose.bind("<Button-1>",lambda event : self._importText()); rightFrame = Frame(lblFrame); Button(rightFrame,text="Add as a Document",relief="groove",command=self._addDoc).grid(row=0,column=0,ipady=4,padx=(5,15),pady=2,sticky="we") Button(rightFrame,text="Remove all Documents",relief="groove",command=self._removeDocs).grid(row=1,column=0,ipady=4,padx=(5,15),pady=2,sticky="we") Button(rightFrame,text="Past a Document",relief="groove",command=self._pastDoc).grid(row=2,column=0,ipady=4,padx=(5,15),pady=2,sticky="we") Button(rightFrame,text="Show Documents",relief="groove",command=self._showDocs).grid(row=3,column=0,ipady=4,padx=(5,15),pady=2,sticky="we"); rightFrame.grid(row=1,column=1) frame2 = Frame(lblFrame); Label(frame2,text="Search Engine Mode").grid(row=0,column=0,sticky="w",pady=5,padx=10); self.combo2 = ttk.Combobox(frame2,values=["Boolean Retrival Model","Inverted Index Model","Vector Space Model"] , state="readonly"); self.combo2.grid(row=0,column=1,sticky="we",columnspan=2,padx=(10,10)) self.combo2.current(0) frame2.grid(row=3,column=0,sticky="snew",pady=15); frame2.columnconfigure(2,weight=1) frame.columnconfigure(0,weight=1); self.columnconfigure(0,weight=1); self.rowconfigure(0,weight=1); frame.rowconfigure(0,weight=1); lblFrame.rowconfigure(0,weight=4); lblFrame.columnconfigure(0,weight=1); def _addLowerTemplate(self) : self.searchEntry = Entry(self , font=("consolas",12)); self.searchEntry.grid(row=1,column=0,ipady=2,padx=15,pady=10,sticky="wen") Button(self,text="Search",relief="groove",command=self._search).grid(row=1,column=1,ipadx=15,ipady=1,padx=(0,15),pady=(10,30)); def _addDoc(self) : if self.docsLim == "-1" : msg.showerror("Error","You should set the limited number of documents first"); return; else : if self.docsLim == "None" : doc = self.text.get("0.1" , "end") raw = doc; doc = doc.replace("\n"," "); doc = normalizeWord(doc); # if len(doc) == 0 : print("empty");return;; self.raw.append(raw); print( else : #must be then from 1 to 19 if int(self.docsLim) == len( : msg.showerror("Error","Maximum number of documents reached"); else : doc = self.text.get("0.1" , "end") raw = doc; doc = doc.replace("\n"," "); doc = normalizeWord(doc);; if len(doc) == 0 : print("empty");return;; self.raw.append(raw); print( def _removeDocs(self) : = []; self.raw = []; self.docsLim = "-1"; self.combo.configure(state="readonly"); self.combo.current(0); def _pastDoc(self) : from clipboard import paste content = paste(); if not content.replace(" ","").replace("\n","") == "" : self.text.delete("0.1","end"); self.text.insert("0.1" , content) def _showDocs(self) : out = ""; if len( == 0 : out = "No documents added so far"; else : for i in range(len(self.raw)) : out += "-Doc <" + str(i+1) + "> :\n" + self.raw[i] + "\n\n"; self.popup("jesus christ" , out); def _pdfMine(self) : def isPdfFile(filePath) : if filePath.split(".")[-1] == "pdf" : return True; return False; pdfFilePath = askopenfile(); try : if isPdfFile( : content = minePdf(; if content != False : self.text.delete("0.1","end"); self.text.insert("0.1",content); except : print("passed"); def _webMine(self) : def getURL(entry=Entry()) : given = entry.get(); if given.replace(" ","") == "" : return; content = mineSite(given); if content == False : msg.showerror("Error","Invalid URL specified or No Internet connection Found"); else : self.text.delete("0.1","end"); self.text.insert("0.1",content); pop = Tk(); pop.title("jesus christ") pop.columnconfigure(0,weight=1); Label(pop,text="please fill below a valid url").grid(row=0,column=0,sticky="w",padx=10,pady=5) entry = Entry(pop,font=("Consolas",11)); entry.grid(row=1,column=0,sticky="we",padx=10,pady=(5,20),ipadx=2,ipady=2); Button(pop,text="retrieve",relief="groove",command=lambda : getURL(entry)).grid(row=1,column=1,padx=5,pady=(5,20),ipadx=3,ipady=1); pop.minsize(400,100) pop.maxsize(800,100) pop.mainloop(); def _manual(self) : content = ""; try : with open("README.txt","r") as file : content = "".join(file.readlines()); except : pass; finally : self.popup("jesus christ" , content); def _about(self) : pop = Tk(); pop.title("jesus christ") pop.resizable(False , False) Label(pop,text="Team IR project 1st term 2018 - 2019\n\n").grid(row=0,column=0,padx=(10,20),pady=(10,100)) pop.mainloop(); def _importText(self) : def isTextFile(filePath) : if filePath.split(".")[-1] == "txt" : return True; return False; try : with askopenfile() as file : if isTextFile( : content = ""; for line in file.readlines() : if not line.replace(" ","").replace("\n","") == "" : content += line; if not content == "" : self.text.delete("0.1","end"); self.text.insert("0.1",content); except : return; def _search(self) : if self.docsLim != "-1" and len( != 0 : mode = self.combo2.get(); query = self.searchEntry.get(); if query.replace(" ","") == "" : return; if mode == "Boolean Retrival Model" : model1 = BooleanModel( , self.raw , normalizeWord(query , True)); result = model1.getSol() if result == False : msg.showerror("Error","Syntax error found in the query"); else : #print(result); self.popup("jesus christ" , model1.foramtter(result)) elif mode == "Inverted Index Model" : model2 = InvertedIndex( , self.raw , normalizeWord(query)); result = model2.getSol(); self.popup("jesus christ" , model2.formatter(result)); elif mode == "Vector Space Model" : model3 = VectorSpaceModel( , self.raw , normalizeWord(query)); result = model3.getSol(); self.popup("jesus christ" , model3.formatter(result)); else : msg.showerror("Error","Please add documents first"); @staticmethod def popup(title , content) : root = Tk(); root.title(title) frame = Frame(root) xscrollbar = Scrollbar(frame , orient="horizontal") xscrollbar.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky="snew") yscrollbar = Scrollbar(frame) yscrollbar.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky="snew") text = Text(frame , height=10 , font=("Consolas",12) , wrap="none" , xscrollcommand=xscrollbar.set , yscrollcommand=yscrollbar.set) text.grid(row=0,column=0,sticky="snew") xscrollbar.config(command=text.xview) yscrollbar.config(command=text.yview) frame.grid(row=0,column=0,sticky="snew",padx=10,pady=(5,0)) text.insert("0.1" , content); text.configure(state="disabled"); root.columnconfigure(0,weight=1); root.rowconfigure(0,weight=1); frame.columnconfigure(0,weight=1); frame.rowconfigure(0,weight=1); def run(self) : self.mainloop();
def __init__(self, controller, width, height, *args, **kwargs): BaseWindow.__init__(self, controller, *args, **kwargs) self.controller = controller self.controller.configure_toplevel(self) self.resizable(True, True) self.attributes('-topmost', False) #Remove the toplevel priority self.set_exit_function(self.exit) self.set_title("Canvas") self.file = None self.width = int(width) self.height = int(height) self.geometry(f"{WIDTH}x{HEIGHT}") self.bind("<Escape>", self.exit) self.top_bar.pack(side = "top", fill = "x", pady = (2,0)) self.magnifying_glass_image = load_tk_image_from_bytes_array(magnifying_glass_bytes) self.floppy_image = load_tk_image_from_bytes_array(floppy_bytes) self.bytes_image= load_tk_image_from_bytes_array(export_to_bytes_bytes) self.horizontal_flip_image = load_tk_image_from_bytes_array(flip_horizontal_bytes) self.vertical_flip_image = load_tk_image_from_bytes_array(flip_vertical_bytes) self.rotate_left_image = load_tk_image_from_bytes_array(rotate_left_bytes) self.rotate_right_image = load_tk_image_from_bytes_array(rotate_right_bytes) self.to_grayscale_image = load_tk_image_from_bytes_array(to_grayscale_bytes) self.selection_options_image = load_tk_image_from_bytes_array(selection_options_bytes) self.layers_symbol_image = load_tk_image_from_bytes_array(layers_symbol_bytes) self.folder_options_symbol = load_tk_image_from_bytes_array(folder_options_symbol_bytes) self.effects_wand_symbol = load_tk_image_from_bytes_array(effects_wand_symbol_bytes) self.copy_options_symbol = load_tk_image_from_bytes_array(copy_options_symbol_bytes) self.undo_symbol = load_tk_image_from_bytes_array(undo_symbol_bytes) self.redo_symbol = load_tk_image_from_bytes_array(redo_symbol_bytes) self.drawtips_references = [] self.project = PixelProject(self.width, self.height) panes = PanedWindow(self, orient = "horizontal", sashpad=3, sashrelief ="sunken") panes.pack(fill = "both", expand = True) panes.config(borderwidth = 0) self.left_side_frame = Frame(panes) self.left_side_frame.pack(fill = "both", expand = False, side = "left") panes.add(self.left_side_frame) tool_buttons = [] self.gif_tool_bar = ToolBar(tool_buttons, self.left_side_frame) self.gif_tool_bar.pack(side = "top", fill = "x", pady = (0,2)) save_options_button = Label(self.gif_tool_bar, image = self.floppy_image, font = "bold") save_options_button.pack(side = "left") save_menu = Menu(self, tearoff=0) save_menu.add_command(label="Export Gif", command=self.export_gif) save_menu.add_command(label="Export Selected Frame", command=self.export_selected_layer) save_menu.add_command(label="Export Selected Layer", command=self.export_selected_frame) # gif_menu.add_command(label="Export Project as Zip", command=self.export_zip) # gif_menu.add_command(label="Export Project as .lpixel", command=self.flip_selection_horizontal) # gif_menu.add_command(label="Load Folder as Layers in Current Frame", command=self.load_folder_as_layers) bind_popup("<Button-1>", save_options_button, save_menu) load_options_button = Label(self.gif_tool_bar, image = self.folder_options_symbol, font = "bold") load_options_button.pack(side = "left") load_options_menu = Menu(self, tearoff=0) load_options_menu.add_command(label="Import Gif as Frames", command=self.import_gif) load_options_menu.add_command(label="Load Folder as Frames", command=self.load_folder_as_frames) load_options_menu.add_command(label="Load Folder as Layers in Selected Frame", command=self.load_folder_as_layers) bind_popup("<Button-1>", load_options_button, load_options_menu) preview_options_button = Label(self.gif_tool_bar, image = self.magnifying_glass_image, font = "bold") preview_options_button.pack(side = "left") preview_options_menu = Menu(self, tearoff=0) preview_options_menu.add_command(label="Inspect Selected Frame", command=self.inspect_frame) preview_options_menu.add_command(label="Inspect Selected Layer", command=self.inspect_layer) bind_popup("<Button-1>", preview_options_button, preview_options_menu) panes2 = PanedWindow(self.left_side_frame, orient = "vertical", sashpad=3, sashrelief ="sunken") panes2.pack(fill = "both", expand = True, padx = 4, pady = (0,4)) panes2.config(borderwidth = 0) self.gif_view = LayerViewer(self.project, self.width, self.height, panes2) self.gif_view.pack(fill = "both", expand = True) panes2.add(self.gif_view) self.frame_manager = LayerManager(self, self.project, panes2) self.frame_manager.pack(side = "left", fill = "both", expand = True, pady = 0) panes2.add(self.frame_manager) self.right_side_frame = Frame(panes) self.right_side_frame.pack(fill = "both", expand = True, side = "right") panes.add(self.right_side_frame) tool_buttons = [ (self.vertical_flip_image, self.flip_vertical), (self.horizontal_flip_image, self.flip_horizontal), (self.rotate_left_image, self.rotate_left), (self.rotate_right_image, self.rotate_right), ] self.tool_bar = ToolBar(tool_buttons, self.right_side_frame) self.tool_bar.pack(side = "top", fill = "x") layer_menu = Menu(self, tearoff = 0) layer_menu.add_command(label = "Rename Current Layer", command = self.rename_selected_layer) layer_menu.add_command(label = "Export Current Layer", command = layer_menu.add_command(label = "Export Current Layer as Bytes (Console)", command = self.export_selected_layer_as_bytes) layer_menu.add_command(label = "Delete Current Layer", command = self.delete_selected_layer) layer_menu.add_command(label = "Duplicate Current Layer", command = self.copy_selected_layer) layer_menu.add_command(label = "Promote Current Layer", command = self.promote_selected_layer) layer_menu.add_command(label = "Demote Current Layer", command = self.demote_selected_layer) layer_menu.add_command(label = "Merge Layer Down", command = self.merge_selected_layer_down) layer_menu.add_separator() layer_menu.add_command(label = "Rename Current Frame", command = self.rename_selected_frame) layer_menu.add_command(label = "Export Current Frame", command = self.save_selected_frame) layer_menu.add_command(label = "Export Current Frame as Bytes (Console)", command = self.export_selected_frame_as_bytes) layer_menu.add_command(label = "Delete Current Frame", command = self.delete_selected_frame) layer_menu.add_command(label = "Duplicate Current Frame", command = self.copy_selected_frame) layer_menu.add_command(label = "Promote Current Frame", command = self.promote_selected_frame) layer_menu.add_command(label = "Demote Current Frame", command = self.demote_selected_frame) layer_menu.add_command(label = "New Layer in Current Frame", command = self.new_layer_in_selected_frame) layer_menu.add_command(label = "New Layer from Image in Current Frame", command = self.new_layer_from_image_in_selected_frame) self.layer_options_menu_button = Label(self.tool_bar, image = self.layers_symbol_image, font = "bold") self.layer_options_menu_button.pack(side = "left") bind_popup("<Button-1>", self.layer_options_menu_button, layer_menu) selection_menu = Menu(self, tearoff=0) selection_menu.add_command(label = "Flood Fill Selection", command = self.fill_selection) selection_menu.add_command(label = "Flip Selection Vertical", command = self.flip_selection_vertical) selection_menu.add_command(label = "Flip Selection Horizontal", command = self.flip_selection_horizontal) selection_menu.add_command(label = "Rotate Selection Right", command = self.rotate_selection_right) selection_menu.add_command(label = "Rotate Selection Left", command = self.rotate_seletion_left) selection_menu.add_command(label = "Export Selection", command = self.export_selection) selection_menu.add_command(label = "Export Selection as Bytes (Console)", command = self.export_selection_as_bytes) selection_menu.add_separator() selection_menu.add_command(label = "Copy Selection to Clipboard", command = self.copy_selection_to_clipboard) selection_menu.add_command(label = "New Layer from Selection", command = self.new_layer_image_from_selection) selection_menu.add_separator() selection_menu.add_command(label = "Apply Blur Filter to Selection", command = self.effect_blur_selection) selection_menu.add_command(label = "Apply Contour Filter to Selection", command = self.effect_contour_selection) selection_menu.add_command(label = "Apply Detail Filter to Selection", command = self.effect_detail_selection) selection_menu.add_command(label = "Apply Edge Enhance Filter to Selection", command = self.effect_edge_enhance_selection) selection_menu.add_command(label = "Apply Edge Enhance More Filter to Selection", command = self.effect_edge_enhance_more_selection) selection_menu.add_command(label = "Apply Emboss Filter to Selection", command = self.effect_emboss_selection) selection_menu.add_command(label = "Apply Find Edges Filter to Selection", command = self.effect_find_edges_selection) selection_menu.add_command(label = "Apply Sharpen Filter to Selection", command = self.effect_sharpen_selection) selection_menu.add_command(label = "Apply Smooth Filter to Selection", command = self.effect_smooth_selection) selection_menu.add_command(label = "Apply Smooth More Filter to Selection", command = self.effect_smooth_more_selection) selection_menu.add_command(label = "Apply Gaussian Filter to Selection", command = self.effect_gaussian_selection) selection_menu.add_command(label = "Apply Box Blur Filter to Selection", command = self.effect_box_blur_selection) selection_menu.add_command(label = "Apply Median Filter to Selection", command = self.effect_median_filter_selection) selection_menu.add_command(label = "Apply Min Filter to Selection", command = self.effect_min_filter_selection) selection_menu.add_command(label = "Apply Max Filter to Selection", command = self.effect_max_filter_selection) selection_menu.add_command(label = "Apply Mode Filter to Selection", command = self.effect_mode_filter_selection) self.selections_options_menu_button = Label(self.tool_bar, image = self.selection_options_image, font = "bold") self.selections_options_menu_button.pack(side = "left") bind_popup("<Button-1>", self.selections_options_menu_button, selection_menu) effects_menu = Menu(self, tearoff=0) effects_menu.add_command(label = "Apply Blur Filter", command = self.effect_blur_layer) effects_menu.add_command(label = "Apply Contour Filter", command = self.effect_contour_layer) effects_menu.add_command(label = "Apply Detail Filter", command = self.effect_detail_layer) effects_menu.add_command(label = "Apply Edge Enhance Filter", command = self.effect_edge_enhance_layer) effects_menu.add_command(label = "Apply Edge Enhance More Filter", command = self.effect_edge_enhance_more_layer) effects_menu.add_command(label = "Apply Emboss Filter", command = self.effect_emboss_layer) effects_menu.add_command(label = "Apply Find Edges Filter", command = self.effect_find_edges_layer) effects_menu.add_command(label = "Apply Sharpen Filter", command = self.effect_sharpen_layer) effects_menu.add_command(label = "Apply Smooth Filter", command = self.effect_smooth_layer) effects_menu.add_command(label = "Apply Smooth More Filter", command = self.effect_smooth_more_layer) effects_menu.add_command(label = "Apply Gaussian Filter", command = self.effect_gaussian_layer) effects_menu.add_command(label = "Apply Box Blur Filter", command = self.effect_box_blur_layer) effects_menu.add_command(label = "Apply Median Filter", command = self.effect_median_filter_layer) effects_menu.add_command(label = "Apply Min Filter", command = self.effect_min_filter_layer) effects_menu.add_command(label = "Apply Max Filter", command = self.effect_max_filter_layer) effects_menu.add_command(label = "Apply Mode Filter", command = self.effect_mode_filter_layer) self.effects_options_menu_button = Label(self.tool_bar, image = self.effects_wand_symbol, font = "bold") self.effects_options_menu_button.pack(side = "left") bind_popup("<Button-1>", self.effects_options_menu_button, effects_menu) copy_options_menu = Menu(self, tearoff=0) copy_options_menu.add_command(label = "Copy Current Layer to Clipboard", command = self.copy_selected_layer_to_clipboard) copy_options_menu.add_command(label = "Copy Current Frame to Clipboard", command = self.copy_selected_frame_to_clipboard) copy_options_menu.add_command(label = "Copy Selection to Clipboard", command = self.copy_selection_to_clipboard) copy_options_menu.add_separator() copy_options_menu.add_command(label = "Paste As New Layer in Current Frame", command = self.paste_as_new_layer_in_current_frame) copy_options_menu.add_command(label = "Paste As New Layer in New Frame", command = self.paste_as_new_layer_in_new_frame) copy_options_button = Label(self.tool_bar, image = self.copy_options_symbol, font = "bold") copy_options_button.pack(side = "left") bind_popup("<Button-1>", copy_options_button, copy_options_menu) undo_button = Label(self.tool_bar, image = self.undo_symbol) undo_button.pack(side = "left") undo_button.bind("<Button-1>", self.undo) redo_button = Label(self.tool_bar, image = self.redo_symbol) redo_button.pack(side = "left") redo_button.bind("<Button-1>", self.redo) self.canvas_frame = ttk.LabelFrame(self.right_side_frame, text = "") self.canvas_frame.pack(fill = "both", expand = True, anchor = "n", padx = 3) inner_frame = Frame(self.canvas_frame) inner_frame.pack(fill = "both", expand = True, side = "top", anchor = "n", padx = 4, pady = 4) self.canvas = LyfeCanvas(self.project, inner_frame) force_aspect(self.canvas, inner_frame, float(self.width)/float(self.height)) self.footer = Frame(self.right_side_frame) self.footer.pack(side = "bottom", fill = "x", expand = False, padx = 3) self.footer_var = StringVar() self.footer_label = Label(self.footer, textvariable = self.footer_var) self.footer_label.pack(side = "left", expand = False, fill = "x") self.grip = ttk.Sizegrip(self), rely=1.0, anchor="se") self.grip.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.on_press) self.grip.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.on_resize) self.grip.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.on_release) self.canvas.bind_middle(self.eyedrop) self.canvas.bind_movement(self.on_mouse_move) self.canvas.canvas.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.on_canvas_click) self.canvas.canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.on_canvas_drag) self.canvas.canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.on_canvas_release) self.canvas.canvas.bind("<ButtonPress-3>", self.on_erase_start) self.canvas.bind_right_drag(self.on_erase) self.canvas.canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-3>", self.on_erase_end) self.canvas.after_idle(self.refresh)
class WordGui(Frame): def __init__(self, parent): Frame.__init__(self, parent) #self.words = ['chien', 'chat', 'lapin', 'couloir', "l'oeuf"] self.word_dict = {} self.word_dict_out = {} self.prev_image = None # previously select image / widget self.prev_audio = None # previously selected audio / widget self.selected_image = None self.selected_audio = None self.parent = parent self.ROWS = 5 self.COLS = 6 self.title = None self.save_lbl = Label() self.image_dict = {} self.queue = queue.Queue() self.file_opt = options = {} self.initUI() def process_queue(self): try: msg = self.queue.get(0) # Show result of the task if needed except queue.Empty: self.after(100, self.process_queue) def do_image(self, event): if self.prev_image: self.prev_image.configure(state=NORMAL) self.prev_image = event.widget event.widget.configure(state=ACTIVE) self.selected_image = event.widget.cget('image') def askopenfilename(self): """Returns an opened file in read mode. This time the dialog just returns a filename and the file is opened by your own code. """ # get filename filename = filedialog.askopenfilename(**self.file_opt) # open file on your own if filename: with open(str(filename), 'r') as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) for row in list(reader): self.word_dict[row['word']] = {} self.word_dict_out[row['word']] = {} for i in row: if str(i) is not 'word': self.word_dict[row['word']].update({i: row[i]}) self.word_dict_out[row['word']].update({i: row[i]}) self.next_word() def do_sound(self, event): if self.prev_audio: self.prev_audio.configure(state=NORMAL) self.prev_audio = event.widget event.widget.configure(state=ACTIVE) self.selected_audio = event.widget.cget("text") file_path, file_name = self.audio_links[self.selected_audio]) self.downloaded_audio = file_name self.after(1, def do_skip(self, event): if len(self.word_dict) > 0: self.selected_audio = None self.selected_image = None self.next_word() else: rewrite_word_list(self.word_dict_out) print("Should close") def do_save(self, event): # This is crazy messy. Focus here for improvement. self.save_lbl.config(text="WAIT...") if self.selected_image: i = self.image_dict[self.selected_image] f_name = str(self.current_word) + '.jpg' img_filename = "imgs/" + f_name self.word_dict_out[self.current_word].update( {'picture': '<img src="%s" />' % f_name}) else: self.word_dict_out[self.current_word].update({'picture': "NaN"}) if self.selected_audio: self.word_dict_out[self.current_word].update( {'pronunciation': "[sound:%s]" % self.downloaded_audio}) else: self.word_dict_out[self.current_word].update( {'pronunciation': "NaN"}) if self.ipa: # loop these if 'ipa' in self.ipa.keys(): self.word_dict_out[self.current_word].update( {'ipa': str(self.ipa['ipa'])}) else: self.word_dict_out[self.current_word].update({'ipa': "NaN"}) if 'gender' in self.ipa.keys(): self.word_dict_out[self.current_word].update( {'gender': str(self.ipa['gender'])}) else: self.word_dict_out[self.current_word].update({'gender': "NaN"}) else: self.word_dict_out[self.current_word].update({'ipa': "NaN"}) self.word_dict_out[self.current_word].update({'gender': "NaN"}) if len(self.word_dict) > 0: self.next_word() else: rewrite_word_list(self.word_dict_out) print("Should close") def new_window(self): self.newWindow = Toplevel(self.master) = PreferencesDialog(self.newWindow) def next_word(self): self.current_word = self.word_dict.popitem()[0] for label in self.grid_slaves(): label.grid_forget() lang, output, forvo_api_key, pons_api_key, pons_lang, pn_dict, microsoft_api_key = read_config( ) self.w = Word(self.current_word, lang, pn_dict, pons_api_key, forvo_api_key, output, microsoft_api_key) self.audio_links = self.w.get_audio_links() self.ipa = self.w.get_ipa() self.images = self.w.get_images() self.title = Label(self, text=self.current_word, font=("Helvetica", 25), height=2) self.title.grid(row=0, columnspan=4, sticky=W + E) # We put the SKIP and SAVE buttons up here in case the audio/images fails self.skip_lbl = Label(self, text="SKIP", font=("Helvetica", 25), height=2) self.skip_lbl.bind("<Button-1>", self.do_skip) self.skip_lbl.grid(row=0, column=4, padx=3, sticky=W + E) self.save_lbl = Label(self, text="SAVE", font=("Helvetica", 25), height=2) self.save_lbl.bind("<Button-1>", self.do_save) self.save_lbl.grid(row=0, column=5, padx=3, pady=3, sticky=W + E) for num in range(0, self.COLS): if self.audio_links: if num < len(self.audio_links): audio_links = list(self.audio_links.items()) snd = Label(self, text=str(audio_links[num][0]), font=("Helvetica", 16), height=2) snd.bind("<Button-1>", self.do_sound) snd.grid(row=1, column=num, padx=3, pady=3, sticky=W + E) for x in range(2, self.ROWS): for y in range(0, self.COLS): if self.images: bing_image_obj = self.images.pop() ThreadedTask(self, self.queue, bing_image_obj, x, y).start() #self.after(100, self.process_queue) self.pack() def initUI(self): self.parent.title("Calculator") for col in range(self.COLS): self.columnconfigure(col, pad=3, minsize=170) for row in range(self.ROWS): self.rowconfigure(row, pad=3) if len(self.word_dict) > 0: self.next_word()
class Play(): def StartGame(self,minesAmount,height,width): blockWidth=50 blockHeight=50 self.minesAmount=minesAmount '''function called when we press play''' self.gameEngine=GE(minesAmount,height,width) self.playWindow=Tk() self.playWindow.geometry(str(blockWidth*width+blockWidth//2)+'x'+str(blockHeight*height+blockHeight//2)+'+200+200') self.playWindow.title("Minesweeper") self.playFrame=PF(self.playWindow,height,width,blockHeight,blockWidth) self.playFrame.canvas.bind("<Button-1>", self.leftClick) self.playFrame.canvas.bind("<Button-3>", self.rightClick) self.playFrame.pack() self.alive=True self.update() def leftClick(self,event): if self.alive: x=event.x//50 y=event.y//50 self.alive=self.gameEngine.ExposeBlock(x,y) self.update() else: self.DeadFrame() def rightClick(self,event): if self.alive: x=event.x//50 y=event.y//50 self.gameEngine.ManageFlags(x,y) self.update() def update(self): shownField,activeMines=self.gameEngine.GetStatus() self.playFrame.Paint(activeMines,shownField) self.checkWin(shownField) def checkWin(self,shownField): if self.alive: currentBlocks=sum([1 for x in shownField if x=='X' or x=='F']) if currentBlocks==self.minesAmount: self.WinFrame() def DeadFrame(self): self.playFrame.destroy() self.deadScreen=Frame(self.playWindow,bg="red") self.deadScreen.pack(fill="both", expand=1) self.deadText=Label(self.deadScreen,text="You stepped on a mine!\nClick here to try again.",fg="black",bg="red") self.deadText.bind("<Button-1>",self.onClickRestart) self.deadText.pack() def WinFrame(self): self.playFrame.destroy() self.winScreen=Frame(self.playWindow,bg="blue") self.winScreen.pack(fill="both", expand=1) self.winText=Label(self.winScreen,text="You won!\nClick here to try again.",fg="yellow",bg="blue") self.winText.bind("<Button-1>",self.onClickRestart) self.winText.pack() def onClickRestart(self,event): self.playWindow.destroy() main=MainMenu() main.main()
class Main(): """ gets urls from, those urls are not images but links to pages containing those images. After this we get the real images from those urls. We then show the user a different image everytime she/he presses a key (any key/mouse button) """ def __init__(self): self.root = Tk() self.url = "" self.root.attributes("-zoomed", True) self.root.configure(bg="black") self.image_panel = Label(self.root, text="Press Any Key", bg="black") self.image_panel.bind("<Key>", self.show_image) self.image_panel.bind("<Button>", self.show_image) self.image_panel.pack() self.image_panel.focus_force() self.next_queue = CustList(self) self.root.mainloop() def give_me_links(self, url): url_to_open, pattern = urlopen( url ), "http://[a-zA-Z0-9\.\/]*\.jpg" # Try this [.] insted of this[a-zA-Z0-9\.\/] print("got links from {}".format(url)) return re.findall(pattern, BeautifulSoup(url_to_open, "lxml").decode()) def show_image(self, event=None): self.image_panel.configure(height=self.root.winfo_height()) self.image_panel.unbind("<Key>") def set_current_image(): ready_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage( give_resized_image( self.image_panel.configure(image=ready_image) self.image_panel.image = ready_image def set_next_image(event=None): for i in threading.enumerate(): print(i) kuva_urlit = self.give_me_links(self.next_queue.pop(self)) for url in kuva_urlit: if "kuvei" in url: kuva = url break print("got pic link", kuva) self.image_panel.bind("<Key>", self.show_image) self.next_image = kuva def give_resized_image(img): window_height = self.root.winfo_height() if img.size[0] > window_height: width = (float(img.size[0]) * float( (window_height / float(img.size[1])))) return img.resize((int(width), window_height), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS) else: return img try: set_current_image() except AttributeError: set_next_image() set_current_image() self.thread = Thread(target=set_next_image) self.thread.start()
class mainGUI(Frame, bootloader, GuiController): """ Contains the main view for the application """ def __init__(self): """ Create the initial application GUI environment (tool bars, and other static elements) """ Frame.__init__(self, self.root) self.thread_entry_field = '' # Hold both search string, and drives autoRefresh logic self.menuBar = Menu() self.fileMenu = Menu(self.menuBar, tearoff=0) self.menuBar.add_cascade(label="File", menu=self.fileMenu, underline=1) self.fileMenu.add_command(label="Quit", command=self.root.destroy, underline=1) self.optionsMenu = Menu(self.menuBar, tearoff=0) self.menuBar.add_cascade(label="Options", menu=self.optionsMenu) self.optionsMenu.add_command(label="Settings", command=self.editSettings, underline=1) self.helpMenu = Menu(self.menuBar, tearoff=0) self.menuBar.add_cascade(label="Help", menu=self.helpMenu) self.helpMenu.add_command(label="Help", command=self.program_help, underline=1) self.helpMenu.add_command(label="About", command=self.program_about, underline=1) self.master.config(menu=self.menuBar) self.topFrame = Frame() self.thread_entry_box = Entry(self.topFrame) self.thread_entry_box.insert(0, self.DEFAULT_THREAD_TEXT) self.thread_entry_box.bind('<Return>', lambda event: self.add_thread_GUI()) # Bind needs to send the event to the handler self.thread_entry_box.pack(side='left', fill='x', expand='True', padx=5) self.add_thread_btn = Button(self.topFrame) self.add_thread_btn['text'] = 'Add New Thread' self.add_thread_btn['command'] = lambda: self.add_thread_GUI() self.add_thread_btn.pack(side='left', padx=0) self.topFrame.pack(fill='x') self.create_thread_frame() def create_thread_frame(self): """ Sets up the main thread frame (where the magic happens) """ # Sets up frame self.thread_list_canvas = Canvas(self.root, borderwidth=0) self.thread_list_frame = Frame(self.thread_list_canvas) # Creates scroll bar self.vsb = Scrollbar(self.root, orient="vertical", command=self.thread_list_canvas.yview) self.thread_list_canvas.configure(yscrollcommand=self.vsb.set) self.vsb.pack(side="right", fill="y") self.hsb = Scrollbar(self.root, orient="horizontal", command=self.thread_list_canvas.xview) self.thread_list_canvas.configure(xscrollcommand=self.hsb.set) self.hsb.pack(side="bottom", fill="x") # Packs frame self.thread_list_canvas.pack(side="left", fill="both", expand=True) self.thread_list_canvas.create_window((4, 4), window=self.thread_list_frame, anchor="nw", tags="self.frame") self.thread_list_frame.bind("<Configure>", self.OnFrameConfigure) self.create_thread_list_box() def OnFrameConfigure(self, event): """Reset the scroll region to encompass the inner frame""" self.thread_list_canvas.configure(scrollregion=self.thread_list_canvas.bbox("all")) # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit def create_thread_list_box(self): """ Creates the message list box for the create method """ def hover_on(widget): widget['fg'] = 'dark blue' # widget['underline'] = True def hover_off(widget): widget['fg'] = 'black' # widget['underline'] = False for individual_thread in self.MESSAGE_THREADS: # Fetch Message List from model if individual_thread.is_valid_thread(): self.bg_color = 'green' else: self.bg_color = 'red' self.individual_thread_frame = Frame(self.thread_list_frame, bg=self.bg_color) # Create frame for each thread rowToInsertAt = self.MESSAGE_THREADS.index(individual_thread) self.text_color = 'black' self.threadText = Label(self.individual_thread_frame, bg=self.bg_color, fg=self.text_color) self.threadText['text'] = "[ Thread #: " + individual_thread.threadId + " ]" self.threadText.bind("<Enter>", lambda event, text=self.threadText: hover_on(text)) self.threadText.bind("<Leave>", lambda event, text=self.threadText: hover_off(text)) self.threadText.bind("<Button-1>", lambda event, thread_in=individual_thread: self.open_in_web_browser(thread_in)) self.threadText.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky='w', padx=0) self.image_count_text = Label(self.individual_thread_frame, bg=self.bg_color) num_of_images = individual_thread.get_number_of_images() if 0 < int(num_of_images) < 10: # Format padding num_of_images = '00' + num_of_images if 10 < int(num_of_images) < 100: # Format padding num_of_images = '0' + num_of_images self.image_count_text['text'] = " [ # Images: " + num_of_images + " ]" self.image_count_text.bind("<Enter>", lambda event, text=self.image_count_text: hover_on(text)) self.image_count_text.bind("<Leave>", lambda event, text=self.image_count_text: hover_off(text)) self.image_count_text.bind("<Button-1>", lambda event, thread_in=individual_thread: self.open_in_file_browser(thread_in)) self.image_count_text.grid(column=1, row=0, sticky='e', padx=0) self.deleteButton = Button(self.individual_thread_frame) self.deleteButton['text'] = 'Delete' self.deleteButton['command'] = lambda thread_in=individual_thread: self.delete_thread_GUI(thread_in) self.deleteButton.grid(column=2, row=0, sticky='e', padx=0) self.individual_thread_frame.grid(row=rowToInsertAt, sticky='w', pady=2) @staticmethod def open_in_file_browser(individual_thread): logging.debug(os.getcwd() + os.sep + individual_thread.threadId) if == "nt": subprocess.Popen('explorer "' + os.getcwd() + os.sep + individual_thread.threadId + '"') @staticmethod def open_in_web_browser(individual_thread): url="" + individual_thread.board + "/thread/" + individual_thread.threadId, new=2) def add_thread_GUI(self): entry_box_text = str(self.thread_entry_box.get()) if entry_box_text not in self.MESSAGE_THREADS and entry_box_text != self.DEFAULT_THREAD_TEXT \ and entry_box_text.isnumeric(): try: self.add_thread(entry_box_text.strip(' ')) except ThreadNotFound: messagebox.showwarning(message="Thread Not Found") else: messagebox.showwarning(message="Please enter a valid new thread ID") self.thread_entry_box.select_range(start=0, end=99) # Selects the contents so the user can just type the next message self.refresh_GUI() def delete_thread_GUI(self, thread_in): self.delete_thread(thread_in) self.refresh_GUI() def refresh_GUI(self): """ Refreshes the message list AND GUI window (used by auto refresh)""" self.refresh_thread_list() self.refresh_GUI_Window() def refresh_GUI_Window(self): """ Refreshes just the GUI window""" self.thread_list_canvas.destroy() self.vsb.destroy() self.hsb.destroy() self.create_thread_frame() @staticmethod def program_about(): message = settings.__desc__ + '\n' + settings.__version__ messagebox.showinfo(title='About', message=message) @staticmethod def program_help(): message = 'See' messagebox.showinfo(title='About', message=message)
def __init__(self, master, columns, column_weights=None, cnf={}, **kw): """ Construct a new multi-column listbox widget. :param master: The widget that should contain the new multi-column listbox. :param columns: Specifies what columns should be included in the new multi-column listbox. If ``columns`` is an integer, the it is the number of columns to include. If it is a list, then its length indicates the number of columns to include; and each element of the list will be used as a label for the corresponding column. :param cnf, kw: Configuration parameters for this widget. Use ``label_*`` to configure all labels; and ``listbox_*`` to configure all listboxes. E.g.: >>> mlb = MultiListbox(master, 5, label_foreground='red') """ # If columns was specified as an int, convert it to a list. if isinstance(columns, int): columns = list(range(columns)) include_labels = False else: include_labels = True if len(columns) == 0: raise ValueError("Expected at least one column") # Instance variables self._column_names = tuple(columns) self._listboxes = [] self._labels = [] # Pick a default value for column_weights, if none was specified. if column_weights is None: column_weights = [1] * len(columns) elif len(column_weights) != len(columns): raise ValueError('Expected one column_weight for each column') self._column_weights = column_weights # Configure our widgets. Frame.__init__(self, master, **self.FRAME_CONFIG) self.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=1) for i, label in enumerate(self._column_names): self.grid_columnconfigure(i, weight=column_weights[i]) # Create a label for the column if include_labels: l = Label(self, text=label, **self.LABEL_CONFIG) self._labels.append(l) l.grid(column=i, row=0, sticky='news', padx=0, pady=0) l.column_index = i # Create a listbox for the column lb = Listbox(self, **self.LISTBOX_CONFIG) self._listboxes.append(lb) lb.grid(column=i, row=1, sticky='news', padx=0, pady=0) lb.column_index = i # Clicking or dragging selects: lb.bind('<Button-1>', self._select) lb.bind('<B1-Motion>', self._select) # Scroll whell scrolls: lb.bind('<Button-4>', lambda e: self._scroll(-1)) lb.bind('<Button-5>', lambda e: self._scroll(+1)) lb.bind('<MouseWheel>', lambda e: self._scroll( # Button 2 can be used to scan: lb.bind('<Button-2>', lambda e: self.scan_mark(e.x, e.y)) lb.bind('<B2-Motion>', lambda e: self.scan_dragto(e.x, e.y)) # Dragging outside the window has no effect (diable # the default listbox behavior, which scrolls): lb.bind('<B1-Leave>', lambda e: 'break') # Columns can be resized by dragging them: l.bind('<Button-1>', self._resize_column) # Columns can be resized by dragging them. (This binding is # used if they click on the grid between columns:) self.bind('<Button-1>', self._resize_column) # Set up key bindings for the widget: self.bind('<Up>', lambda e: self.bind('<Down>', lambda e: self.bind('<Prior>', lambda e: self.bind('<Next>', lambda e: # Configuration customizations self.configure(cnf, **kw)
class Photo(Widget): def __init__(self, **kwargs): try: self.repr = kwargs['repr'] self.path = kwargs['path'] except: print("widget could not be loaded") #self.script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) self.width = 200 self.height = 200 def config(self, **kwargs): try: self.path = kwargs['path'] self.picture = if 'resize_portr' in kwargs: self.picture = self.picture.resize((200, 200), Image.ANTIALIAS) self.image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.picture) self.label.config(image=self.image) except: pass #print("the widget could not be configured") try: self.bgc = kwargs['bg'] self.label.config(bg=self.bgc) except: pass #print("the widget background color could not be changed") def trytoplace(self, **kwargs): self.parent = kwargs['parent'] self.row = kwargs['row'] self.column = kwargs['column'] def place(self, **kwargs): try: self.trytoplace(**kwargs) except: print("widget could not be placed") self.picture = self.image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.picture) self.label = Label(self.parent, image=self.image, bd=1)#, bg='black') self.label.grid(row=self.row, column=self.column, pady=5) self.label.bind('<Button-1>', lambda e: self.label.focus_set()) def getData(self): return self.path def setData(self, data): #le sigh if data == '' or 'N/A': return self.config(path=data, resize_portr=True) def hide(self): self.label.grid_forget()
class Frontend(): def __init__(self,x,y,b): self.x=str(x) #1600 self.y=str(y) #900 self.pressed=0 self.b=10 self.c=30 self.grapher=0 self.graph=[0,0,0,0] self.root=b def startwindow(self): # self.root=Tk() a=str(self.x+'x'+self.y) self.root.title('Wahrscheinlichkeinten & Simulation') self.root.geometry(a) self.g=Label(self.root,bg='white'),y=0,width=self.x,height=self.y) # self.g.bind('<1>',self.optioncanged) self.lst1 = ['Marriage','Atom','BubbleGum','House_of_Cards','Lotto','SecretSanta','Coins'] self.var1 = StringVar(self.root) self.var1.set('Marriage') self.drop = OptionMenu(self.root,self.var1,*self.lst1) self.drop.config(font=('Arial',(30)),bg='white') self.drop['menu'].config(font=('calibri',(20)),bg='white') self.drop.pack(side=TOP) = PhotoImage(file='z1.gif') self.label = Label(,borderwidth=0) self.label.image = self.label.bind('<1>',self.MouseOneDown),x=int(self.x)-200) self.startbutton=Button(self.root,text='Start',font=('Arial',40),bg='#B4045F',borderwidth=5,command=self.startpressed),y=int(self.y)-100,width=int(self.y)-200,height=100) self.csvbutton=Button(self.root,text='Export CSV',font=('Arial',40),bg='green',borderwidth=5,command=self.csvpressed),y=int(self.y)-100,width=int(self.y)-230,height=100) def startpressed(self): if self.grapher==1: for x in range(len(self.graph)): if self.graph[x]!=0: self.graph[x].destroy() self.grapher=0 self.root.update() a=self.var1.get() if self.pressed==1: try: self.b=int(self.changer0.get('1.0','end-1c')) except (AttributeError,TclError,ValueError): self.b=10 try: self.c=self.changer2.get('1.0','end-1c') except (AttributeError,TclError,ValueError): self.c=1 if a=='Marriage': self.run0=Marriage(self.b) self.run0.DEBUG=False self.run0.sim() elif a=='Atom': self.c=float(self.c) self.run1=Atom(self.c,self.b) self.run1.DEBUG=False self.run1.sim() elif a=='BubbleGum': self.run2=BubbleGum(self.b) self.run2.DEBUG=False self.run2.sim() self.grapher=1 self.graph=[0,0] g=str(round(self.run2.getrel()[0],4)) h=str(round(self.run2.getrel()[1],4)) self.graph[0]=Label(self.root,bg='white',text='Durchschnitt Karten zu viel: '+g,font=('calibri',19)) self.graph[0].place(x=10,y=450) self.graph[1]=Label(self.root,bg='white',text='Durchschnitt dass es passiert: '+h,font=('calibri',19)) self.graph[1].place(x=10,y=500) elif a=='House_of_Cards': if self.c=='': self.c=0 else: self.c=int(self.c) self.run3=House_of_Cards(self.b,self.c) self.run3.DEBUG=False self.run3.sim() self.grapher=1 self.graph=[0] self.graph[0]=Label(self.root,bg='white',text=('Durchschnitt: '+str(round(self.run3.getrel(),4))),font=('calibri',19)) self.graph[0].place(x=10,y=450) elif a=='Lotto': self.run4=Lotto(self.b) self.run4.DEBUG=False self.run4.sim() x=4 y=1 count=0 self.graph=[0,0,0,0] self.grapher=1 self.graph[0]=Label(self.root,bg='black') self.graph[0].place(x=10,width=10+(int(self.x)*0.8),height=1,y=int(self.y)-int(self.y)/4*0.5-350) self.graph[1]=Label(self.root,text='50%',bg='white',font=('calibri',10)) self.graph[1].place(x=60+(int(self.x)*0.8),width=50,height=50,y=int(self.y)-int(self.y)/4*0.5-375) self.graph[2]=Label(self.root,bg='black') self.graph[2].place(x=10,width=20,height=1,y=int(self.y)-350) self.graph[3]=Label(self.root,bg='black') self.graph[3].place(x=10,width=20,height=1,y=int(self.y)-int(self.y)/4-350) for draw in self.run4.turns: if draw.count(0) == 0: count += 1 elif draw.count(1) == 0: count += 1 elif draw.count(2) == 0: count += 1 elif draw.count(3) == 0: count += 1 elif draw.count(4) == 0: count += 1 elif draw.count(5) == 0: count += 1 self.graph+=[0] self.graph[x]=Label(self.root,bg='red') if str(self.c)=='1': self.graph[x].place(x=int(10+(int(self.x)*0.8)*((y-1)/self.b)),width=int(1250/self.b),height=int(self.y)-350-(int(int(self.y)-int(self.y)/4*(count/y)-350)),y=int(int(self.y)-int(self.y)/4*(count/y)-350)) else: self.graph[x].place(x=int(10+(int(self.x)*0.8)*(y/self.b)),width=3,height=3,y=int(int(self.y)-int(self.y)/4*(count/y)-350)) x+=1 y+=1 self.root.update() elif a=='SecretSanta': if self.c=='': self.c=1 else: self.c=int(self.c) self.run5=SecretSanta(self.b,self.c) self.run5.DEBUG=False self.run5.sim() self.grapher=1 self.graph=[0] self.graph[0]=Label(self.root,bg='white',text=('Durchschnitt: '+str(round(self.run5.getrel(),4))),font=('calibri',19)) self.graph[0].place(x=10,y=450) elif a=='Coins': self.run6=Coins(self.b) self.run6.sim() self.grapher=1 self.graph=[0,0] v=self.run6.geterg() vv=self.run6.getrel() self.graph[0]=Label(self.root,bg='white',text=('Statistik für www: '+str(v[0])+' '+str(vv[0])),font=('calibri',19)) self.graph[0].place(x=10,y=450) self.graph[1]=Label(self.root,bg='white',text=('Statistik für zwz: '+str(v[1])+' '+str(vv[1])),font=('calibri',19)) self.graph[1].place(x=10,y=500) def csvpressed(self): a=self.var1.get() if a=='Marriage': self.run0.exportcsv('Marriage_Simulation.csv') elif a=='Atom': self.run1.exportCSV('Atom_Simulation.csv') elif a=='Lotto': self.run4.exportCSV('Lotto_Simulation.csv') # def optioncanged(self,event): # a=self.var1.get() # if a=='Marriage': # self.csvbutton.destroy() # self.csvbutton=Button(self.root,text='Export CSV',font=('Arial',40),bg='green',borderwidth=5,command=self.csvpressed) #,y=int(self.y)-100,width=int(self.y)-230,height=100) # elif a=='Atom': # self.csvbutton.destroy() # self.csvbutton=Button(self.root,text='Export CSV',font=('Arial',40),bg='green',borderwidth=5,command=self.csvpressed) #,y=int(self.y)-100,width=int(self.y)-230,height=100) # elif a=='BubbleGum': # self.csvbutton.destroy() # self.csvbutton=Button(self.root,text='Export CSV',font=('Arial',40),bg='gray',borderwidth=5) #,y=int(self.y)-100,width=int(self.y)-230,height=100) # elif a=='House_of_Cards': # self.csvbutton.destroy() # self.csvbutton=Button(self.root,text='Export CSV',font=('Arial',40),bg='gray',borderwidth=5) #,y=int(self.y)-100,width=int(self.y)-230,height=100) # elif a=='Lotto': # self.csvbutton.destroy() # self.csvbutton=Button(self.root,text='Export CSV',font=('Arial',40),bg='green',borderwidth=5,command=self.csvpressed) #,y=int(self.y)-100,width=int(self.y)-230,height=100) #elif a=='SecretSanta': # self.csvbutton.destroy() # self.csvbutton=Button(self.root,text='Export CSV',font=('Arial',40),bg='gray',borderwidth=5) #,y=int(self.y)-100,width=int(self.y)-230,height=100) def MouseOneDown(self,event): if self.pressed==0: a=self.var1.get() if a=='Marriage': self.changer0=Text(self.root,bg='white',font=('Arial',30),borderwidth=1),x=int(self.x)-150,width=100,height=50) self.changer1=Label(self.root,text='Versuche:',bg='white',font=('Arial',30),borderwidth=1),x=int(self.x)-400,width=250,height=50) self.csvbutton.destroy() self.csvbutton=Button(self.root,text='Export CSV',font=('Arial',40),bg='green',borderwidth=5,command=self.csvpressed),y=int(self.y)-100,width=int(self.y)-230,height=100) elif a=='Atom': self.changer0=Text(self.root,bg='white',font=('Arial',30),borderwidth=1),x=int(self.x)-150,width=100,height=50) self.changer1=Label(self.root,text='Anzahl der Atome:',bg='white',font=('Arial',30),borderwidth=1),x=int(self.x)-600,width=450,height=50) self.changer2=Text(self.root,bg='white',font=('Arial',30),borderwidth=1),x=int(self.x)-150,width=100,height=50) self.changer3=Label(self.root,text='Zerfallswahrscheinlichkeit:',bg='white',font=('Arial',30),borderwidth=1),x=int(self.x)-650,width=500,height=50) self.csvbutton.destroy() self.csvbutton=Button(self.root,text='Export CSV',font=('Arial',40),bg='green',borderwidth=5,command=self.csvpressed),y=int(self.y)-100,width=int(self.y)-230,height=100) elif a=='BubbleGum': self.changer0=Text(self.root,bg='white',font=('Arial',30),borderwidth=1),x=int(self.x)-150,width=100,height=50) self.changer1=Label(self.root,text='Versuche:',bg='white',font=('Arial',30),borderwidth=1),x=int(self.x)-400,width=250,height=50) self.csvbutton.destroy() self.csvbutton=Button(self.root,text='Export CSV',font=('Arial',40),bg='gray',borderwidth=5),y=int(self.y)-100,width=int(self.y)-230,height=100) elif a=='House_of_Cards': self.changer0=Text(self.root,bg='white',font=('Arial',30),borderwidth=1),x=int(self.x)-150,width=100,height=50) self.changer1=Label(self.root,text='Versuche:',bg='white',font=('Arial',30),borderwidth=1),x=int(self.x)-400,width=250,height=50) self.changer2=Text(self.root,bg='white',font=('Arial',30),borderwidth=1),x=int(self.x)-150,width=100,height=50) self.changer3=Label(self.root,text='Kartenanzahl(32,55):',bg='white',font=('Arial',30),borderwidth=1),x=int(self.x)-620,width=450,height=50) self.csvbutton.destroy() self.csvbutton=Button(self.root,text='Export CSV',font=('Arial',40),bg='gray',borderwidth=5),y=int(self.y)-100,width=int(self.y)-230,height=100) elif a=='Lotto': self.changer0=Text(self.root,bg='white',font=('Arial',30),borderwidth=1),x=int(self.x)-150,width=100,height=50) self.changer1=Label(self.root,text='Versuche:',bg='white',font=('Arial',30),borderwidth=1),x=int(self.x)-400,width=250,height=50) self.changer2=Text(self.root,bg='white',font=('Arial',30),borderwidth=1),x=int(self.x)-150,width=100,height=50) self.changer3=Label(self.root,text='Version:',bg='white',font=('Arial',30),borderwidth=1),x=int(self.x)-400,width=250,height=50) self.csvbutton.destroy() self.csvbutton=Button(self.root,text='Export CSV',font=('Arial',40),bg='green',borderwidth=5,command=self.csvpressed),y=int(self.y)-100,width=int(self.y)-230,height=100) elif a=='SecretSanta': self.changer0=Text(self.root,bg='white',font=('Arial',30),borderwidth=1),x=int(self.x)-150,width=100,height=50) self.changer1=Label(self.root,text='Versuche:',bg='white',font=('Arial',30),borderwidth=1),x=int(self.x)-400,width=250,height=50) self.changer2=Text(self.root,bg='white',font=('Arial',30),borderwidth=1),x=int(self.x)-150,width=100,height=50) self.changer3=Label(self.root,text='Anzahl der Schüler:',bg='white',font=('Arial',30),borderwidth=1),x=int(self.x)-550,width=400,height=50) self.csvbutton.destroy() self.csvbutton=Button(self.root,text='Export CSV',font=('Arial',40),bg='gray',borderwidth=5),y=int(self.y)-100,width=int(self.y)-230,height=100) elif a=='Coins': self.changer0=Text(self.root,bg='white',font=('Arial',30),borderwidth=1),x=int(self.x)-150,width=100,height=50) self.changer1=Label(self.root,text='Versuche:',bg='white',font=('Arial',30),borderwidth=1),x=int(self.x)-400,width=250,height=50) self.csvbutton.destroy() self.csvbutton=Button(self.root,text='Export CSV',font=('Arial',40),bg='gray',borderwidth=5),y=int(self.y)-100,width=int(self.y)-230,height=100) self.pressed=1 else: try: self.c=self.changer2.get('1.0','end-1c') self.changer3.destroy() self.changer2.destroy() except (AttributeError,TclError): z=0 try: self.b=self.changer0.get('1.0','end-1c') self.changer1.destroy() self.changer0.destroy() except (AttributeError,TclError): z=0 if self.b=='': self.b=1 else: self.b=int(self.b) if self.c=='': self.c=1 else: self.c=int(float(self.c)) self.pressed=0
def view_details(self, Medikom, id): self.selected_id = id self.overview(Medikom) entry_results, attachments = Medikom.get_entry(id) ts, title, notes = entry_results ts = self.format_ts(ts)[:-3] details_text = 'Details zu %s (zuletzt geändert am %s)' % (title, ts) details_label = Label( self, text=details_text, font='Liberation 10', fg='Black', anchor='w') x=self.SPACE_TWO, y=(self.n + 2) * (self.ROW_HIGHT + self.ROW_SPACE), width=self.WIN_WIDTH - self.SPACE_TWO, height=self.ROW_HIGHT) details_label.bind(sequence='<Button-1>', func=Callable(self.view_edit_title, Medikom, id, title)) # add attachment button and list attachments attach_button = Button( self, text='Neuer Anhang', command=lambda: self.attach_file(Medikom, id)) x=self.SPACE_TWO, y=(self.n + 3) * (self.ROW_HIGHT + self.ROW_SPACE), width=self.WIN_WIDTH / 8, height=self.ROW_HIGHT) if attachments: xpos = (1.5 * self.SPACE_TWO) + (self.WIN_WIDTH / 8) for i, attachment in enumerate(attachments): attachment = attachment[0] filename = '' if '\\' in attachment: filename = attachment.split('\\')[-1] elif '/' in attachment: filename = attachment.split('/')[-1] width = len(filename) * 7.2 attachment_button = Button( self, text=filename, font='Courier 9', fg="blue", command=Callable(self.open_attachment, attachment)) x=xpos, y=(self.n + 3) * (self.ROW_HIGHT + self.ROW_SPACE), width=width, height=self.ROW_HIGHT) xpos = xpos + width + (self.SPACE_TWO/2) attachment_button.config(relief='flat') attachment_button.bind(sequence='<Button-3>', func=Callable(self.unattach_file, Medikom, id, attachment)) # text element and scrollbar textframe = Text( self, font='Liberation 12', height=self.TEXT_FRAME_LINES, width=int(self.WIN_WIDTH / 4)) scrollbar = Scrollbar(self) x=self.SPACE_TWO, y=(self.n + 4) * (self.ROW_HIGHT + self.ROW_SPACE), width=self.WIN_WIDTH - self.SPACE_ONE - 10, height=self.ROW_HIGHT * self.TEXT_FRAME_LINES) x=self.SPACE_TWO + self.WIN_WIDTH - self.SPACE_ONE - 10, y=(self.n + 4) * (self.ROW_HIGHT + self.ROW_SPACE), width=10, height=self.ROW_HIGHT * self.TEXT_FRAME_LINES) scrollbar.config(command=textframe.yview) textframe.config(yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set) textframe.insert(END, notes) # update button update_button = Button( self, text='Text Aktualisieren', command=lambda: self.update_entry_notes( Medikom, id, textframe.get(1.0, END))) x=self.WIN_WIDTH / 2 - 0.125 * self.WIN_WIDTH, y=(self.n + 4) * (self.ROW_HIGHT + self.ROW_SPACE) + (self.ROW_HIGHT * self.TEXT_FRAME_LINES + 5), width=self.WIN_WIDTH/4, height=self.ROW_HIGHT)
def initUI(self): #top frame using all the remaining space innerTopFrame = Frame(self, background="black") innerTopFrame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) #CLOSE Label innerBottomLeftFrame = Frame(self, background="black"), width=self.wRoot/2, y=self.hRoot-200, height=200) closeLabel = Label(innerBottomLeftFrame, bg="black", fg="black", text="CLOSE", font=("Comic Sans MS", 48, "bold")) innerBottomLeftFrame.bind("<Enter>", lambda f: closeLabel.config(fg="white")) innerBottomLeftFrame.bind("<Leave>", lambda f: closeLabel.config(fg="black")) innerBottomLeftFrame.bind("<Button-1>", lambda f: self.root.quit()) closeLabel.bind("<Button-1>", lambda f: self.root.quit()) closeLabel.pack(fill=BOTH) #SHUT DOWN Label innerBottomRightFrame = Frame(self, background="black"), width=self.wRoot/2, y=self.hRoot-200, height=200) shutdownLabel = Label(innerBottomRightFrame, bg="black", fg="black", text="SHUT DOWN", font=("Comic Sans MS", 48, "bold")) innerBottomRightFrame.bind("<Enter>", lambda f: shutdownLabel.config(fg="white")) innerBottomRightFrame.bind("<Leave>", lambda f: shutdownLabel.config(fg="black")) innerBottomRightFrame.bind("<Button-1>", self.shutdown) shutdownLabel.bind("<Button-1>", self.shutdown) shutdownLabel.pack(fill=BOTH) #design the FullScreenApp self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
def __makeWidgets(self): Label(self, text="Welcome to PyMath 0.3!\n", justify="center").pack() Label(self, text="Use the tabs to navigate between PyMath's different functions.", justify="center").pack() l = Label(self, text="About/Help", fg="blue", padx=10, pady=10) l.pack(side=BOTTOM, anchor=SE) l.config(cursor="hand2") l.bind("<Button-1>", self.showabout)