def loss(x): tau_facil, tau_rec, u0 = x # taus and u0 are collected for each iteration of loss func taus.append(x) output1hz = simulate(x[0], x[1], 1, x[2])[0] Hz1 = peaks[0] output10hz = simulate(x[0], x[1], 10, x[2])[0] Hz10 = peaks[1] output30hz = simulate(x[0], x[1], 30, x[2])[0] Hz30 = peaks[2] output50hz = simulate(x[0], x[1], 50, x[2])[0] Hz50 = peaks[3] mse1 = (np.square(output1hz - Hz1)).mean(axis=None) mse10 = (np.square(output10hz - Hz10)).mean(axis=None) mse30 = (np.square(output30hz - Hz30)).mean(axis=None) mse50 = (np.square(output50hz - Hz50)).mean(axis=None) mse = (mse1 + mse10 + mse30 + mse50) / 4 return mse
def loss(x): tau_facil, tau_rec = x taus.append(x) u0 = 7.78641198e-02 sampling = 0.5 output1hz = simulate(x[0], x[1], 1, u0, sampling)[0] Hz1 = peaks[0] output10hz = simulate(x[0], x[1], 10, u0, sampling)[0] Hz10 = peaks[1] output30hz = simulate(x[0], x[1], 30, u0, sampling)[0] Hz30 = peaks[2] output50hz = simulate(x[0], x[1], 50, u0, sampling)[0] Hz50 = peaks[3] mse1 = (np.square(output1hz - Hz1)).mean(axis=None) mse10 = (np.square(output10hz - Hz10)).mean(axis=None) mse30 = (np.square(output30hz - Hz30)).mean(axis=None) mse50 = (np.square(output50hz - Hz50)).mean(axis=None) mse = (mse1 + mse10 + mse30 + mse50) / 4 return mse
gcin_sem_10Hz = gcin_sem[1] gcin_sem_30Hz = gcin_sem[2] gcin_sem_50Hz = gcin_sem[3] # Optimized values for tau facilitation, tau recovery and u0 respectively x1 = np.array([4.11189527e+03, 8.78187450e-03, 8.05591091e-02]) # gc to in opt x3 = np.array([3.82825788e+03, 3.23943913e+01, 7.80077153e-02]) # gc to mc opt x0 = np.array([500, 0, 0.1]) # initial hand-tuned 'Plotting' plt.rcParams.update({'errorbar.capsize': 2}) fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 4, sharey=True) a = np.arange(1, 11) pre_1 = simulate(x0[0], x0[1], 1, x0[2])[0] opt_1 = simulate(x1[0], x1[1], 1, x1[2])[0] axes[0, 0].plot(a, pre_1, color='#1b9e77', marker='o', markersize=3) axes[0, 0].plot(a, opt_1, color='#d95f02', marker='o', markersize=3) axes[0, 0].errorbar(a, gcmc_1Hz, gcmc_sem_1Hz, color='#7570b3', marker='o', markersize=3) axes[0, 0].legend(("Initial", "Optimized ", "Data 1Hz")) pre_10 = simulate(x0[0], x0[1], 10, x0[2])[0] opt_10 = simulate(x1[0], x1[1], 10, x1[2])[0] axes[0, 1].plot(a, pre_10, color='#1b9e77', marker='o', markersize=3) axes[0, 1].plot(a, opt_10, color='#d95f02', marker='o', markersize=3)
gcmc_50Hz = np.convolve(gcmc_peaks[3], filt) gcin_1Hz = np.convolve(gcin_peaks[0], filt) gcin_10Hz = np.convolve(gcin_peaks[1], filt) gcin_30Hz = np.convolve(gcin_peaks[2], filt) gcin_50Hz = np.convolve(gcin_peaks[3], filt) 'Plotting' # set_xlim was used to cut the interval we want # HEX color codes were obtained from website # codes selected are quantiative and colorblindsafe fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 4, sharey=True) pre_1 = simulate(x0[0], x0[1], 1, x0[2], 0.04975)[1] opt_1 = simulate(x1[0], x1[1], 1, x1[2], 0.04975)[1] axes[0, 0].plot(pre_1, color='#1b9e77', linewidth=1) axes[0, 0].plot(opt_1, color='#d95f02', linewidth=1) axes[0, 0].plot(gcmc_1Hz, color='#7570b3', linewidth=1) axes[0, 0].legend(("Initial", "Optimized ", "Data 1Hz")) axes[0, 0].set_xlim(0, 200000) pre_10 = simulate(x0[0], x0[1], 10, x0[2], 0.05)[1] opt_10 = simulate(x1[0], x1[1], 10, x1[2], 0.05)[1] axes[0, 1].plot(pre_10, color='#1b9e77', linewidth=1) axes[0, 1].plot(opt_10, color='#d95f02', linewidth=1) axes[0, 1].plot(gcmc_10Hz, color='#7570b3', linewidth=1) axes[0, 1].legend(("Initial", "Optimized ", "Data 10Hz")) axes[0, 1].set_xlim(9000, 30000)