class ConsoleController:
    """ Controller for text console.

    def __init__(self, number_of_cheeses, number_of_stools):
        """ Initialize a new ConsoleController self.

        @param ConsoleController self:
        @param int number_of_cheeses:
        @param int number_of_stools:
        @rtype: None
        self.number_of_cheeses = number_of_cheeses
        self.number_of_stools = number_of_stools
        self.model = TOAHModel(self.number_of_stools)

    def play_loop(self):
        """ Play Console-based game.

        @param ConsoleController self:
        @rtype: None

        -Start by giving instructions about how to enter moves (which is up to
        you). Be sure to provide some way of exiting the game, and indicate
        that in the instructions.
        -Use python's built-in function input() to read a potential move from
        the user/player. You should print an error message if the input does
        not meet the specifications given in your instruction or if it denotes
        an invalid move (e.g. moving a cheese onto a smaller cheese).
        You can print error messages from this method and/or from
        ConsoleController.move; it's up to you.
        -After each valid move, use the method TOAHModel.__str__ that we've
        provided to print a representation of the current state of the game.

        print("Instructions: Entering '0 2' means move the top cheese from the\
        first stool to the third stool. \n Enter 'e' to exit.")
        n = 1
        input_ = input("Enter Move {}: ".format(n))
        while input_ != 'e':
            split_ = input_.strip(" ").split(" ")
            if len(split_) != 2 or split_[0].isalpha() or split_[1].isalpha():
                print(IllegalMoveError("Please enter correct values!"))
                input_ = input("Enter Move {}: ".format(n))
                origin = int(split_[0])
                dest = int(split_[1])
                if origin > (self.model.get_number_of_stools() - 1) or origin <\
                    print(IllegalMoveError("Origin stool does not exist!"))
                    input_ = input("Enter Move {}: ".format(n))

                elif dest > (self.model.get_number_of_stools() - 1) or dest < 0:
                    print(IllegalMoveError("Destination stool does not exist!"))
                    input_ = input("Enter Move {}: ".format(n))

                elif len(self.model.get_stools()[origin]) == 0:
                        "Cannot move to cheese from an empty stool"))
                    input_ = input("Enter Move {}: ".format(n))

                elif len(self.model.get_stools()[dest]) != 0 and \
                        self.model.get_stools()[dest][-1].size < \
                        "Cannot place a bigger cheese on top of a smaller "
                    input_ = input("Enter Move {}: ".format(n))

                    move(self.model, origin, dest)
                    n += 1
                    input_ = input("Enter Move {}: ".format(n))
class ConsoleController:
    """ Controller for text console.

    def __init__(self, number_of_cheeses, number_of_stools):
        """ Initialize a new ConsoleController self.

        @param ConsoleController self: the ConsoleController itself
        @param int number_of_cheeses: the number of cheeses
        @param int number_of_stools: the number of stools
        @rtype: None
        self.model = TOAHModel(number_of_stools)

    def play_loop(self):
        """ Play Console-based game.

        @param ConsoleController self: the ConsoleController itself
        @rtype: None

        -Start by giving instructions about how to enter moves (which is up to
        you). Be sure to provide some way of exiting the game, and indicate
        that in the instructions.
        -Use python's built-in function input() to read a potential move from
        the user/player. You should print an error message if the input does
        not meet the spe instruction or if it denotes
        an invalid move (e.g. moving a cheese ontcifications given in youro a
        smaller cheese).
        You can print error messages from this method and/or from
        ConsoleController.move; it's up to you.
        -After each valid move, use the method TOAHModel.__str__ that we've
        provided to print a representation of the current state of the game.
               --------Welcome to the Game of Hanoi--------
        Type two integers like x y (two integers x and y seperated by a space)
        to move a cheese from xth stool to yth stool. If the input move is
        invalid, an error message will be sent until you type a valid move.
        NO.{} represent the number of successful moves you have made.
        Type quit to exit the game.
        move_order = input('Please order a move or type quit to exit the game:')
        n = self.model.get_number_of_stools()
        while move_order != 'quit':
                from_stool = int(move_order.split()[0]) - 1
                dest_stool = int(move_order.split()[1]) - 1
                if len(move_order.split()) != 2:
                    print("Hey, dude! Please follow the format!")
                elif from_stool == -1 or dest_stool == -1:
                    print("Hey, dude! We don't have that stool!")
                    move(self.model, from_stool, dest_stool)

            except IndexError:
                if len(move_order.split()) != 2:
                    print("Hey, dude! Please follow the format!")
                elif from_stool + 1 > n or dest_stool + 1 > n:
                    print("Hey, dude! We don't have that stool")
                    print("Hey, dude! Please follow the format!")
            except IllegalMoveError:
                if from_stool == dest_stool:
                    print("Hey, dude! Origin and destination stools must "
                          "be distinct!")
                elif self.model.get_top_cheese(from_stool) is None:
                    print("Hey, dude! Can't find a cheese from an empty stool!")
                elif self.model.get_top_cheese(from_stool).size > self.model\
                    print('Hey, dude! A big cheese can not be on a small one!')
            except ValueError:
                print("Hey, dude! Don't type other characters!")

            move_order = input('NO.{} Give me a move:'.
class ConsoleController:
    """ Controller for text console.
    def __init__(self, number_of_cheeses, number_of_stools):
        """ Initialize a new ConsoleController self.

        @param ConsoleController self:
        @param int number_of_cheeses:
        @param int number_of_stools:
        @rtype: None

        if isinstance(number_of_cheeses, int) and isinstance(
                number_of_stools, int):
            self.number_of_cheeses = number_of_cheeses
            self.number_of_stools = number_of_stools
            self.model = TOAHModel(self.number_of_stools)
            self.complete = self.model._stools[0][:]

            print("Please enter a NUMBER of cheeses and a NUMBER of stools")

    def play_loop(self):
        """ Play Console-based game.

        @param ConsoleController self:
        @rtype: None

        -Start by giving instructions about how to enter moves (which is up to
        you). Be sure to provide some way of exiting the game, and indicate
        that in the instructions.
        -Use python's built-in function input() to read a potential move from
        the user/player. You should print an error message if the input does
        not meet the specifications given in your instruction or if it denotes
        an invalid move (e.g. moving a cheese onto a smaller cheese).
        You can print error messages from this method and/or from
        ConsoleController.move; it's up to you.
        -After each valid move, use the method TOAHModel.__str__ that we've
        provided to print a representation of the current state of the game.

        flag = True
        player_input = ''
        orginial_stool = 0
        destination_stool = 0
            "\nThis is how you play.\n\nEnter from which stool you want to move to and its destination\nas an ordered pair, i.e. (cheese stool location, stool I want to move to), (0,1) means \nI want to move the top cheese on stool 1 to top of stool 2.\nAnd you can only stack smaller cheese on larger cheese: enter quit anytime to exit the game \nother wise we will keep playing\n"
        print("here is the model of the game")

        while flag:
            if self.complete == self.model._stools[self.number_of_stools - 1]:
                print("\ncongratulations you won!!!\n")
                print("You completed the puzzel in " +
                      str(self.model.number_of_moves()) + " moves")
                flag = False
                player_input = input(
                    "please enter the ordered pair of your movement: ")
                if player_input.lower() == 'quit':
                    flag = False

                    r = player_input.split(',')
                    if player_input[0] != '(' or player_input[-1] != ')':
                            '\nPlease enter the NUMBER of your source and destination stool as an ordered pair!\n'
                            orginial_stool = int(r[0][1:])
                            destination_stool = int(r[1][:-1])
                        except ValueError:
                                '\nPlease enter the NUMBER of your source and destination stool\n'
                            if orginial_stool < self.model.get_number_of_stools(
                            ) and destination_stool < self.model.get_number_of_stools(
                                move(self.model, orginial_stool,
                                    '\nPlease enter an appropriate stool and/or cheese\n'