def main(*argv): """ = Configuration import = check "--help" Run command: python -m :param argv: :return: """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(argv, description="ConfigImport v{}".format(__version__)) parser.add_argument("-t", "--type", help="Config type", choices=["crawl"]) if len(argv) > 0: args = setup(argv, argument_parser=parser, do_not_parse_config=True) else: args = setup(argument_parser=parser, do_not_parse_config=True) print(Style.DIM + Fore.BLUE + "ConfigImport v{}".format(__version__)) with open(args.config) as config_file: print(Fore.BLUE + "Opened file:" + Fore.RESET + " {}".format(args.config) + Fore.RESET) if args.type == "crawl": print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.BLUE + "Importing crawlConfig") from toddler.imports.nimbuscrawl import get_configuration from toddler.models import Host config_content = config = get_configuration(config_content) for host_name, crawl_config in config: host = Host.objects(host=host_name).first() if host is None: host = Host(host=host_name) host.config["crawlConfig"] = crawl_config print(Fore.GREEN + "+ Added config for host {}".format(host_name))
def setUp(self): self.url_patterns = [ { "patterns": [ "http:\/\/\/.*\.html" ], "actions": ["follow", "index"] }, { "patterns": [ "http:\/\/\/nocrawl\/.*\.html" ], "actions": ["nofollow"] } ] host = { "host": "", "block": False, "block_date": "2015-02-02T14:23:12+00:00", "number_of_documents": 3434, "config": {"crawlConfig": self.url_patterns}, "ignore_robots": False, "robots_txt": RobotsTxt(**{ "status": "downloaded", "status_code": 200, "content": "User-Agent: *\nAllow: /\n", "expires": }) } = Host(**host) try: # we want to run it only once setup(['-m', 'mongodb://localhost']) except SystemError: # will raise exception because setup is run with every test pass
def main(*argv): """ = Toddler tools list v0.1.0 :param argv: :return: """ parser = ArgumentParser(usage="--list", description="Returns list of available tools") parser.add_argument("-l", "--list", default=True, action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-r", "--raw", default=False, action="store_true") args = setup(argv, argument_parser=parser, do_not_parse_config=True) if args.list: if not args.raw: print() name = "Toddler tools lister." print(Style.BRIGHT+Fore.BLUE+name) print(Style.DIM+Fore.BLUE+"="*len(name)) print() print(Fore.YELLOW+"Usage: toddler-tools "+Style.DIM+"TOOL_NAME") print() print("Available tools:") for fname in glob(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "*.py")): base_fname = os.path.basename(fname).replace(".py", "") if base_fname != "__init__": loader = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader( ""+base_fname, fname ) im = loader.load_module() if hasattr(im, 'main'): if not args.raw: print(Fore.GREEN+"\t{}".format(base_fname)) else: print(base_fname) if not args.raw: print("\nCheck " + Fore.RED + "" "--help" + Fore.RESET + " for each one of them for more" " information\n")
def test_setup(self): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w", suffix=".yaml", delete=False)\ as tmp_file: tmp_file.write("test: 123") tmp_file.close() argv = ['-c', '{}'.format(] decorators._reset_already_run(setup) setup(argv) self.assertEqual(config.config.test, 123) os.unlink( self.assertRaises(SystemError, setup, argv) self.assertTrue(decorators.has_been_run(setup)) config.config = Dict() decorators._reset_already_run(setup) # reset the already run with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w", suffix=".json", delete=False) \ as tmp_file: tmp_file.write('{"test": 123}') tmp_file.close() argv = ['-c',] setup(argv) self.assertEqual(config.config.test, 123) os.unlink( decorators._reset_already_run(setup) argv = ['-m', "mongodb://localhost"] with mock.patch("toddler.models.connect") as connect: def mock_connect(host=None): self.assertEqual(host, "mongodb://localhost") connect.side_effect = mock_connect setup(argv) self.assertTrue(connect.called)
def setUp(self): _reset_already_run(setup) setup(['-m', 'mongodb://localhost/aladdin'])
def setUpClass(cls): setup(['-m', 'mongodb://localhost'], do_not_parse_config=True) super(SchedulerTest, cls).setUpClass()