def delete_cards(config, force, noninteractive, tags, no_tags, match, listname, attachments, has_due): '''Delete a set of cards specified ''' _, board, _ = BoardTool.start(config) display = Display(config.color) if config.banner and not json: display.banner() cards = BoardTool.filter_cards( board, tags=tags, no_tags=no_tags, title_regex=match, list_regex=listname, has_attachments=attachments, has_due_date=has_due ) method = 'delete' if force else 'archive' if noninteractive: if force: [c.delete() for c in cards] else: [c.set_closed(True) for c in cards] else: for card in cards: display.show_card(card) if prompt_for_confirmation('Delete this card?'): if force: card.delete() else: card.set_closed(True) click.secho('Card {}d!'.format(method), fg='red')
def delete_cards(config, force, noninteractive, tags, no_tags, match, listname, attachments, has_due): '''Delete a set of cards specified ''' _, board = BoardTool.start(config) display = Display(config.color) if config.banner and not json: display.banner() cards = BoardTool.filter_cards( board, tags=tags, no_tags=no_tags, title_regex=match, list_regex=listname, has_attachments=attachments, has_due_date=has_due ) method = 'delete' if force else 'archive' if noninteractive: if force: [c.delete() for c in cards] else: [c.set_closed(True) for c in cards] else: for card in cards: display.show_card(card) if prompt_for_confirmation('Delete this card?'): if force: card.delete() else: card.set_closed(True) click.secho('Card {}d!'.format(method), fg='red')
def batch_attach(config): '''Extract HTTP links from card titles''' connection, board = BoardTool.start(config) cards = BoardTool.filter_cards(board, title_regex=VALID_URL_REGEX) display = Display(config.color) if config.banner: display.banner() for card in cards: display.show_card(card) if prompt_for_confirmation('Attach title?', True): CardTool.title_to_link(card)
def batch_tag(config, tags, no_tags, match, listname, attachments, has_due): '''Change tags on each card selected''' connection, board = BoardTool.start(config) cards = BoardTool.filter_cards(board, tags=tags, no_tags=no_tags, title_regex=match, list_regex=listname, has_attachments=attachments, has_due_date=has_due) display = Display(config.color) if config.banner: display.banner() for card in cards: display.show_card(card) CardTool.add_labels(card)
def batch_due(config, tags, no_tags, match, listname, attachments, has_due): '''Set due date for all cards selected''' connection, board = BoardTool.start(config) cards = BoardTool.filter_cards(board, tags=tags, no_tags=no_tags, title_regex=match, list_regex=listname, has_attachments=attachments, has_due_date=has_due) display = Display(config.color) if config.banner: display.banner() for card in cards: display.show_card(card) if prompt_for_confirmation('Set due date?'): CardTool.set_due_date(card)
def batch_move(config, tags, no_tags, match, listname, attachments, has_due): '''Change the list of each card selected''' connection, board = BoardTool.start(config) cards = BoardTool.filter_cards(board, tags=tags, no_tags=no_tags, title_regex=match, list_regex=listname, has_attachments=attachments, has_due_date=has_due) display = Display(config.color) if config.banner: display.banner() for card in cards: display.show_card(card) if prompt_for_confirmation('Want to move this one?', True): CardTool.move_to_list(card)
def batch_tag(config, tags, no_tags, match, listname, attachments, has_due): '''Change tags on each card selected''' connection, board = BoardTool.start(config) cards = BoardTool.filter_cards( board, tags=tags, no_tags=no_tags, title_regex=match, list_regex=listname, has_attachments=attachments, has_due_date=has_due ) display = Display(config.color) if config.banner: display.banner() for card in cards: display.show_card(card) CardTool.add_labels(card)
def batch_due(config, tags, no_tags, match, listname, attachments, has_due): '''Set due date for all cards selected''' connection, board = BoardTool.start(config) cards = BoardTool.filter_cards( board, tags=tags, no_tags=no_tags, title_regex=match, list_regex=listname, has_attachments=attachments, has_due_date=has_due ) display = Display(config.color) if config.banner: display.banner() for card in cards: display.show_card(card) if prompt_for_confirmation('Set due date?'): CardTool.set_due_date(card)
def batch_move(config, tags, no_tags, match, listname, attachments, has_due): '''Change the list of each card selected''' connection, board = BoardTool.start(config) cards = BoardTool.filter_cards( board, tags=tags, no_tags=no_tags, title_regex=match, list_regex=listname, has_attachments=attachments, has_due_date=has_due ) display = Display(config.color) if config.banner: display.banner() for card in cards: display.show_card(card) if prompt_for_confirmation('Want to move this one?', True): CardTool.move_to_list(card)
class CLIContext: '''CLIContext is a container for the commonly used objects in each gtd command. It is passed around as an argument injected by click after the cli() function runs. Any reference to "ctx" as a parameter in this file is an instance of CLIContext. config: todo.configuration.Configuration connection: todo.connection.TrelloConnection display: todo.display.Display ''' def __init__(self, config: Configuration): self.config = config self.connection = TrelloConnection(config) self.display = Display(config, self.connection) self.board = self.connection.main_board() # Cached state for card_repl self._list_choices = build_name_lookup( self.connection.main_board().get_lists('open')) self._label_choices = build_name_lookup( self.connection.main_board().get_labels(limit=200)) def card_repl(self, card: dict) -> bool: '''card_repl displays a command-prompt based UI for modifying a card, with tab-completion and suggestions. It is the logic behind "gtd review" and the "-e" flag in "gtd add" It makes assumptions about what a user might want to do with a card: - Are there attachments? Maybe you want to open them. - Does there appear to be a URL in the title? You might want to attach it. - Are there no tags? Maybe you want to add some. Returns: boolean: move forwards or backwards in the deck of cards ''' on = Colors.yellow if self.config.color else '' off = Colors.reset if self.config.color else '' self.display.show_card(card) if self.config.prompt_for_open_attachments and card['badges'][ 'attachments']: if prompt_for_confirmation(f'{on}Open attachments?{off}', False): with DevNullRedirect(): for url in [ a['url'] for a in card.fetch_attachments() if a['url'] ]: if, card['name']): if prompt_for_confirmation( f'{on}Link in title detected, want to attach it & rename?{off}', True): card.title_to_link() if self.config.prompt_for_untagged_cards and not card['labels']: print(f'{on}No tags on this card yet, want to add some?{off}') card.add_labels(self._label_choices) commands = { 'archive': 'mark this card as closed', 'attach': 'add, delete, or open attachments', 'change-list': 'move this to a different list on the same board', 'comment': 'add a comment to this card', 'delete': 'permanently delete this card', 'duedate': 'add a due date or change the due date', 'description': 'change the description of this card (desc)', 'help': 'display this help output (h)', 'move': 'move to a different board and list (m)', 'next': 'move to the next card (n)', 'open': 'open all links on this card (o)', 'prev': 'go back to the previous card (p)', 'print': 're-display this card', 'rename': 'change title of this card', 'tag': 'add or remove tags on this card (t)', 'unarchive': 'mark this card as open', 'quit': 'exit program', } command_completer = FuzzyWordCompleter(commands.keys()) while True: user_input = prompt(' > ', completer=command_completer) if user_input in ['q', 'quit']: raise GTDException(0) elif user_input in ['n', 'next']: return True elif user_input in ['p', 'prev']: return False elif user_input == 'print': card.fetch() self.display.show_card(card) elif user_input in ['o', 'open']: with DevNullRedirect(): for url in [ a['url'] for a in card.fetch_attachments() if a['url'] is not None ]: elif user_input in ['desc', 'description']: card.change_description() elif user_input == 'delete': card.delete() print('Card deleted') return True elif user_input == 'attach': card.manipulate_attachments() elif user_input == 'archive': card.set_closed(True) print('Card archived') return True elif user_input == 'unarchive': card.set_closed(False) print('Card returned to board') elif user_input in ['t', 'tag']: card.add_labels(self._label_choices) elif user_input == 'rename': # TODO optional form 'rename New name of card' card.rename() elif user_input == 'duedate': card.set_due_date() elif user_input in ['h', 'help']: for cname, cdesc in commands.items(): print('{0:<16}| {1}{2}{3}'.format(cname, on, cdesc, off)) elif user_input == 'change-list': if card.move_to_list(self._list_choices): return True elif user_input in ['m', 'move']: self.move_between_boards(card) elif user_input == 'comment': # TODO Optional form 'comment Contents of a comment' new_comment = click.edit(text='<Comment here>', require_save=True) if new_comment: card.comment(new_comment) else: click.secho('Change the text & save to post the comment', fg='red') else: print( f'{on}{user_input}{off} is not a command, type "{on}help{off}" to view available commands' ) @return_on_eof def move_between_boards(self, card: Card) -> None: boards_by_name = self.connection.boards_by_name() board_name = prompt(' > move > board name? ', completer=FuzzyWordCompleter( boards_by_name.keys())) board_id = boards_by_name[board_name]['id'] lists_json = self.connection.trello.fetch_json( f'/boards/{board_id}/lists?cards=none&filter=open&fields=name') name_to_listid = {l['name']: l['id'] for l in lists_json} list_name = prompt( f' > move > {board_name} > list name? ', completer=FuzzyWordCompleter(name_to_listid.keys()), ) card.change_board(board_id, list_id=name_to_listid[list_name]) click.secho(f'Changed list to {list_name} on {board_name}', fg='green')