def runServer(self): """ Run a redis-server. This function launches a separate python process that manages the server. Writing to the special key "TERMINATE" signals this thread to safely shut down the DB and save the results. After finishing, the data will eventually be written to snapshotFile. Returns a tuple containing an updated version of the database config dbElem and the path to the log file. """ self.databaseDir = self.fileStore.getLocalTempDir() # log file can be saved in a subdirectory of where the snapshot is being saved self.logPath = os.path.join(self.databaseDir, "redis.log") open(self.logPath, 'a').close() self.dbElem.setDbHost(getHostName()) # Find a suitable port to run on. try: occupiedPorts = findOccupiedPorts() unoccupiedPorts = set(range(1025, MAX_REDIS_PORT)) - occupiedPorts port = random.choice(list(unoccupiedPorts)) except: logger.warning( "Can't find which ports are occupied--likely netstat is not installed." " Choosing a random port to start the DB on, good luck!") port = random.randint(1025, MAX_REDIS_PORT) self.dbElem.setDbPort(port) try: cactus_call(shell=False, parameters=['redis-server', '--version']) except: raise RuntimeError("redis-server is not installed") process = RedisServerProcess(self) process.daemon = True process.start() if not self.blockUntilServerIsRunning(): try: with open(self.logPath) as f: log = except: log = '' raise RuntimeError( "Unable to launch redis-server in time. Log: %s" % log) return process, self.dbElem, self.logPath
def runKtserver(dbElem, fileStore, existingSnapshotID=None, snapshotExportID=None): """ Run a KTServer. This function launches a separate python process that manages the server. Writing to the special key "TERMINATE" signals this thread to safely shut down the DB and save the results. After finishing, the data will eventually be written to snapshotFile. Returns a tuple containing an updated version of the database config dbElem and the path to the log file. """ logPath = fileStore.getLocalTempFile() dbElem.setDbHost(getHostName()) # Find a suitable port to run on. try: occupiedPorts = findOccupiedPorts() unoccupiedPorts = set(xrange(1025, MAX_KTSERVER_PORT)) - occupiedPorts port = random.choice(list(unoccupiedPorts)) except: logger.warning( "Can't find which ports are occupied--likely netstat is not installed." " Choosing a random port to start the DB on, good luck!") port = random.randint(1025, MAX_KTSERVER_PORT) dbElem.setDbPort(port) process = ServerProcess(dbElem, logPath, fileStore, existingSnapshotID, snapshotExportID) process.daemon = True process.start() if not blockUntilKtserverIsRunning(logPath): try: with open(logPath) as f: log = except: log = '' raise RuntimeError("Unable to launch ktserver in time. Log: %s" % log) return process, dbElem, logPath
def runKtserver(dbElem, fileStore, existingSnapshotID=None, snapshotExportID=None): """ Run a KTServer. This function launches a separate python process that manages the server. Writing to the special key "TERMINATE" signals this thread to safely shut down the DB and save the results. After finishing, the data will eventually be written to snapshotFile. Returns a tuple containing an updated version of the database config dbElem and the path to the log file. """ logPath = fileStore.getLocalTempFile() dbElem.setDbHost(getHostName()) # Find a suitable port to run on. try: occupiedPorts = findOccupiedPorts() unoccupiedPorts = set(xrange(1025,MAX_KTSERVER_PORT)) - occupiedPorts port = random.choice(list(unoccupiedPorts)) except: logger.warning("Can't find which ports are occupied--likely netstat is not installed." " Choosing a random port to start the DB on, good luck!") port = random.randint(1025,MAX_KTSERVER_PORT) dbElem.setDbPort(port) process = ServerProcess(dbElem, logPath, fileStore, existingSnapshotID, snapshotExportID) process.daemon = True process.start() if not blockUntilKtserverIsRunning(logPath): try: with open(logPath) as f: log = except: log = '' raise RuntimeError("Unable to launch ktserver in time. Log: %s" % log) return process, dbElem, logPath
def cactusPrepare(options, project): """ annotate a SeqFile with ancestral names as well as paths for output sequences.""" # read the input seqFile = SeqFile(options.seqFile) configNode = ET.parse(options.configFile).getroot() config = ConfigWrapper(configNode) if not options.wdl and not options.toil: # prepare output sequence directory # todo: support remote (ie s3) output directory try: os.makedirs(options.outDir) except: pass if not os.path.isdir(options.outDir): raise RuntimeError('Unable to create output sequence directory \'{}\''.format(options.outDir)) if not os.access(options.outDir, os.W_OK): logger.warning('Output sequence directory is not writeable: \'{}\''.format(options.outDir)) if options.preprocessOnly or options.gpu: if options.preprocessOnly: # hack the configfile to skip preprocessing and write it to the output dir config.removePreprocessors() if options.gpu: # hack the configfile to toggle on gpu lastz cafNode = findRequiredNode(config.xmlRoot, "caf") cafNode.attrib["gpuLastz"] = "true" # realigning doesn't mix well with lastz so we make sure it's off # cafNode.attrib["realign"] = "0" options.configFile = os.path.join(options.outDir, 'config-prepared.xml') sys.stderr.write("configuration saved in {}\n".format(options.configFile)) config.writeXML(options.configFile) # pass through the config file to the options # todo (don't like second hard-code check of .xml path) if options.configFile != os.path.join(cactusRootPath(), "cactus_progressive_config.xml") and not options.wdl: options.cactusOptions += ' --configFile {}'.format(options.configFile) # get the ancestor names tree = MultiCactusTree(seqFile.tree) tree.nameUnlabeledInternalNodes(prefix = config.getDefaultInternalNodePrefix()) # make the output outSeqFile = SeqFile() outSeqFile.tree= tree outSeqFile.pathMap = copy.deepcopy(seqFile.pathMap) outSeqFile.outgroups = copy.deepcopy(seqFile.outgroups) # update paths for preprocessed leaves or inferred ancestors for node in outSeqFile.tree.breadthFirstTraversal(): name = outSeqFile.tree.getName(node) leaf = outSeqFile.tree.isLeaf(node) if leaf or (not leaf and name not in seqFile.pathMap and not options.preprocessOnly): out_basename = seqFile.pathMap[name] if name in seqFile.pathMap else '{}.fa'.format(name) outSeqFile.pathMap[name] = os.path.join(options.outDir, os.path.basename(out_basename)) if options.wdl: # uniquify name in wdl to prevent collisions outSeqFile.pathMap[name] += '.pp' # write the output if options.outSeqFile: with open(options.outSeqFile, 'w') as out_sf: out_sf.write(str(outSeqFile)) # write the instructions if options.toil: with Toil(options) as toil: if options.restart: toil.restart() else: get_plan(options, project, seqFile, outSeqFile, toil=toil) else: print(get_plan(options, project, seqFile, outSeqFile, toil=None))