    def _test(self,
        module = ModuleDescriptor.forModule(module_name)
        # Assert basic attributes and properties
        self.assertEqual(module.belongsToToil, shouldBelongToToil)
        self.assertEquals(module.name, module_name)
        if shouldBelongToToil:

        # Before the module is saved as a resource, localize() and globalize() are identity
        # methods. This should log warnings.
        self.assertIs(module.localize(), module)
        self.assertIs(module.globalize(), module)
        # Create a mock job store ...
        jobStore = MagicMock()
        # ... to generate a fake URL for the resource ...
        url = 'file://foo.zip'
        jobStore.getSharedPublicUrl.return_value = url
        # ... and save the resource to it.
        resource = module.saveAsResourceTo(jobStore)
        # Ensure that the URL generation method is actually called, ...
        # ... and that ensure that writeSharedFileStream is called.
            resource.pathHash, isProtected=False)
        # Now it gets a bit complicated: Ensure that the context manager returned by the
        # jobStore's writeSharedFileStream() method is entered and that the file handle yielded
        # by the context manager is written to once with the zipped source tree from which
        # 'toil.resource' was orginally imported. Keep the zipped tree around such that we can
        # mock the download later.
        file_handle = jobStore.writeSharedFileStream.return_value.__enter__.return_value
        # The first 0 index selects the first call of write(), the second 0 selects positional
        # instead of keyword arguments, and the third 0 selects the first positional, i.e. the
        # contents. This is a bit brittle since it assumes that all the data is written in a
        # single call to write(). If more calls are made we can easily concatenate them.
        zipFile = file_handle.write.call_args_list[0][0][0]
            zipFile.startswith('PK'))  # the magic header for ZIP files

        # Check contents if requested
        if expectedContents is not None:
            with ZipFile(BytesIO(zipFile)) as _zipFile:
                self.assertEqual(set(_zipFile.namelist()), expectedContents)

        self.assertEquals(resource.url, url)
        # Now we're on the worker. Prepare the storage for localized resources
        # Register the resource for subsequent lookup.
        # Lookup the resource and ensure that the result is equal to but not the same as the
        # original resource. Lookup will also be used when we localize the module that was
        # originally used to create the resource.
        localResource = Resource.lookup(module._resourcePath)
        self.assertEquals(resource, localResource)
        self.assertIsNot(resource, localResource)
        # Now show that we can localize the module using the registered resource. Set up a mock
        # urlopen() that yields the zipped tree ...
        mock_urlopen = MagicMock()
        mock_urlopen.return_value.read.return_value = zipFile
        with patch('toil.resource.urlopen', mock_urlopen):
            # ... and use it to download and unpack the resource
            localModule = module.localize()
        # The name should be equal between original and localized resource ...
        self.assertEquals(module.name, localModule.name)
        # ... but the directory should be different.
        self.assertNotEquals(module.dirPath, localModule.dirPath)
        # Show that we can 'undo' localization. This is necessary when the user script's jobs are
        # invoked on the worker where they generate more child jobs.
        self.assertEquals(localModule.globalize(), module)
    def _test(self, module_name,
              shouldBelongToToil=False, expectedContents=None, allowExtraContents=True):
        module = ModuleDescriptor.forModule(module_name)
        # Assert basic attributes and properties
        self.assertEqual(module.belongsToToil, shouldBelongToToil)
        self.assertEquals(module.name, module_name)
        if shouldBelongToToil:

        # Before the module is saved as a resource, localize() and globalize() are identity
        # methods. This should log warnings.
        self.assertIs(module.localize(), module)
        self.assertIs(module.globalize(), module)
        # Create a mock job store ...
        jobStore = MagicMock()
        # ... to generate a fake URL for the resource ...
        url = 'file://foo.zip'
        jobStore.getSharedPublicUrl.return_value = url
        # ... and save the resource to it.
        resource = module.saveAsResourceTo(jobStore)
        # Ensure that the URL generation method is actually called, ...
        # ... and that ensure that writeSharedFileStream is called.
        # Now it gets a bit complicated: Ensure that the context manager returned by the
        # jobStore's writeSharedFileStream() method is entered and that the file handle yielded
        # by the context manager is written to once with the zipped source tree from which
        # 'toil.resource' was orginally imported. Keep the zipped tree around such that we can
        # mock the download later.
        file_handle = jobStore.writeSharedFileStream.return_value.__enter__.return_value
        # The first 0 index selects the first call of write(), the second 0 selects positional
        # instead of keyword arguments, and the third 0 selects the first positional, i.e. the
        # contents. This is a bit brittle since it assumes that all the data is written in a
        # single call to write(). If more calls are made we can easily concatenate them.
        zipFile = file_handle.write.call_args_list[0][0][0]
        self.assertTrue(zipFile.startswith('PK'))  # the magic header for ZIP files

        # Check contents if requested
        if expectedContents is not None:
            with ZipFile(BytesIO(zipFile)) as _zipFile:
                actualContents = set(_zipFile.namelist())
                if allowExtraContents:
                    self.assertEqual(actualContents, expectedContents)

        self.assertEquals(resource.url, url)
        # Now we're on the worker. Prepare the storage for localized resources
            # Register the resource for subsequent lookup.
            # Lookup the resource and ensure that the result is equal to but not the same as the
            # original resource. Lookup will also be used when we localize the module that was
            # originally used to create the resource.
            localResource = Resource.lookup(module._resourcePath)
            self.assertEquals(resource, localResource)
            self.assertIsNot(resource, localResource)
            # Now show that we can localize the module using the registered resource. Set up a mock
            # urlopen() that yields the zipped tree ...
            mock_urlopen = MagicMock()
            mock_urlopen.return_value.read.return_value = zipFile
            with patch('toil.resource.urlopen', mock_urlopen):
                # ... and use it to download and unpack the resource
                localModule = module.localize()
            # The name should be equal between original and localized resource ...
            self.assertEquals(module.name, localModule.name)
            # ... but the directory should be different.
            self.assertNotEquals(module.dirPath, localModule.dirPath)
            # Show that we can 'undo' localization. This is necessary when the user script's jobs
            #  are invoked on the worker where they generate more child jobs.
            self.assertEquals(localModule.globalize(), module)