def adjust(params): global_PVs = pv.init_general_PVs(params) params.file_name = None # so we don't run the flir._setup_hdf_writer try: detector_sn = global_PVs['Cam1SerialNumber'].get() if ((detector_sn == None) or (detector_sn == 'Unknown')): '*** The Point Grey Camera with EPICS IOC prefix %s is down' % params.camera_ioc_prefix)' *** Failed!') else:'*** The Point Grey Camera with EPICS IOC prefix %s and serial number %s is on' \ % (params.camera_ioc_prefix, detector_sn)) flir.init(global_PVs, params) flir.set(global_PVs, params) dark_field, white_field = flir.take_dark_and_white( global_PVs, params) if (params.resolution == True): find_resolution(params, dark_field, white_field, angle_shift=-0.7) if (params.image_pixel_size == None): log.error( ' *** Detector resolution is not determined. Please run tomo adjust --resolution first!' ) exit() else: if (params.focus == True): adjust_focus(params) if ( == True): adjust_center(params, dark_field, white_field) if (params.roll == True): adjust_roll(params, dark_field, white_field, angle_shift=-0.7) if (params.pitch == True): adjust_pitch(params, dark_field, white_field, angle_shift=-0.7) if (params.roll == True or params.pitch == True): # align center again for higher accuracy adjust_center(params, dark_field, white_field) config.update_sphere(params) except KeyError: log.error(' *** Some PV assignment failed!') pass
def check_center(params, white_field, dark_field): global_PVs = pv.init_general_PVs(params) log.warning(' *** CHECK center of mass for the centered sphere')' *** moving rotary stage to %f deg position ***' % float(0)) global_PVs["SampleOmega"].put(float(0), wait=True, timeout=600.0)' *** acquire sphere at %f deg position ***' % float(0)) sphere_0 = util.normalize(flir.take_image(global_PVs, params), white_field, dark_field) cmass_0 = util.center_of_mass(sphere_0) log.warning( ' *** center of mass for the centered sphere at 0 deg: [%f,%f] ***' % (cmass_0[1], cmass_0[0]))
def move_center(params, cmass_0, x, y): global_PVs = pv.init_general_PVs(params)' *** moving sample top X to the rotation center ***') global_PVs["SampleXCent"].put(global_PVs["SampleXCent"].get() + x * params.image_pixel_size / 1000, wait=True, timeout=5.0)' *** moving sample top Z to the rotation center ***') global_PVs["SampleZCent"].put(global_PVs["SampleZCent"].get() + y * params.image_pixel_size / 1000, wait=True, timeout=5.0)' *** moving rotation center to the detector center ***') global_PVs["SampleX"].put( global_PVs["SampleX"].get() - (cmass_0[1] - x - global_PVs['Cam1SizeX'].get() / 2) * params.image_pixel_size / 1000, wait=True, timeout=600.0)
def find_resolution(params, dark_field, white_field, angle_shift): global_PVs = pv.init_general_PVs(params) log.warning(' *** Find resolution ***')' *** moving rotary stage to %f deg position ***' % float(0 + angle_shift)) global_PVs["SampleOmega"].put(float(0 + angle_shift), wait=True, timeout=600.0)' *** First image at X: %f mm' % (params.sample_in_x))' *** acquire first image') sphere_0 = util.normalize(flir.take_image(global_PVs, params), white_field, dark_field) second_image_x_position = params.sample_in_x + params.off_axis_position' *** Second image at X: %f mm' % (second_image_x_position)) global_PVs["SampleX"].put(second_image_x_position, wait=True, timeout=600.0)' *** acquire second image') sphere_1 = util.normalize(flir.take_image(global_PVs, params), white_field, dark_field)' *** moving X stage back to %f mm position' % (params.sample_in_x)) pv.move_sample_in(global_PVs, params) shift = register_translation(sphere_0, sphere_1, 100)' *** shift X: %f, Y: %f' % (shift[0][1], shift[0][0])) image_pixel_size = abs(params.off_axis_position) / np.linalg.norm( shift[0]) * 1000.0 log.warning(' *** found resolution %f um/pixel' % (image_pixel_size)) params.image_pixel_size = image_pixel_size pv.image_pixel_size_pv_update(global_PVs, params)
def adjust_focus(params): global_PVs = pv.init_general_PVs(params) step = 1 direction = 1 max_std = 0 three_std = np.ones(3) * 2**16 cnt = 0 decrease_step = False while (step > 0.01): initpos = global_PVs['Focus'].get() curpos = initpos + step * direction global_PVs['Focus'].put(curpos, wait=True, timeout=600.0) img = flir.take_image(global_PVs, params) cur_std = np.std(img)' *** *** Positon: %f Standard deviation: %f ' % (curpos, cur_std)) if (cur_std > max_std): # store max std max_std = cur_std three_std[np.mod(cnt, 3)] = cur_std # store std for 3 last measurements if (np.sum(three_std < max_std) == 3): # pass a peak direction = -direction if (decrease_step): # decrease focusing motor step step /= 2 else: #do not decrease step for the first direction change decrease_step = True three_std = np.ones(3) * 2**16 max_std = 0 log.warning(' *** change direction and step to %f' % (step)) cnt += 1 log.warning(' *** Focusing done') return
def adjust_pitch(params, dark_field, white_field, angle_shift): global_PVs = pv.init_general_PVs(params) log.warning(' *** Adjusting pitch ***') ' *** acquire sphere after moving it along the beam axis by 1mm ***') global_PVs["SampleZCent"].put(global_PVs["SampleZCent"].get() - 1.0, wait=True, timeout=600.0)' *** moving rotary stage to %f deg position ***' % float(0 + angle_shift)) global_PVs["SampleOmega"].put(float(0 + angle_shift), wait=True, timeout=600.0)' *** acquire sphere at %f deg position ***' % float(0 + angle_shift)) sphere_0 = util.normalize(flir.take_image(global_PVs, params), white_field, dark_field)' *** moving rotary stage to %f deg position ***' % float(0 + angle_shift)) global_PVs["SampleOmega"].put(float(180 + angle_shift), wait=True, timeout=600.0)' *** acquire sphere at %f deg position ***' % float(180 + angle_shift)) sphere_180 = util.normalize(flir.take_image(global_PVs, params), white_field, dark_field) cmass_0 = util.center_of_mass(sphere_0) cmass_180 = util.center_of_mass(sphere_180)' *** center of mass for the initial sphere (%f,%f) ***' % (cmass_0[1], cmass_0[0]))' *** center of mass for the shifted sphere (%f,%f) ***' % (cmass_180[1], cmass_180[0])) pitch = np.rad2deg( np.arctan((cmass_180[0] - cmass_0[0]) * params.image_pixel_size / 1000 / 2.0)) log.warning(' *** found pitch error: %f' % pitch)' *** acquire sphere back along the beam axis by -1mm ***') global_PVs["SampleZCent"].put(global_PVs["SampleZCent"].get() + 1.0, wait=True, timeout=600.0) log.warning(' *** change pitch to %f ***' % float(global_PVs["SamplePitch"].get() - pitch)) global_PVs["SamplePitch"].put(global_PVs["SamplePitch"].get() - pitch, wait=True, timeout=600.0) global_PVs["SampleOmega"].put(float(0 + angle_shift), wait=True, timeout=600.0)' *** TEST: acquire sphere at %f deg position ***' % float(0 + angle_shift)) sphere_0 = util.normalize(flir.take_image(global_PVs, params), white_field, dark_field) cmass_0 = util.center_of_mass(sphere_0)' *** TEST: center of mass for the sphere at 0 deg (%f,%f) ***' % (cmass_0[1], cmass_0[0]))
def adjust_roll(params, dark_field, white_field, angle_shift): # angle_shift is the correction that is needed to apply to the rotation axis position # to align the Z stage on top of the rotary stage with the beam global_PVs = pv.init_general_PVs(params) log.warning(' *** Adjusting roll ***')' *** moving rotary stage to %f deg position ***' % float(0 + angle_shift)) global_PVs["SampleOmega"].put(float(0 + angle_shift), wait=True, timeout=600.0)' *** moving sphere to the detector border ***') global_PVs["SampleXCent"].put( global_PVs["SampleXCent"].get() + global_PVs['Cam1SizeX'].get() / 2 * params.image_pixel_size / 1000 - ((SPHERE_DIAMETER / 2) + GAP), wait=True, timeout=600.0)' *** acquire sphere at %f deg position ***' % float(0 + angle_shift)) sphere_0 = util.normalize(flir.take_image(global_PVs, params), white_field, dark_field)' *** moving rotary stage to %f deg position ***' % float(180 + angle_shift)) global_PVs["SampleOmega"].put(float(180 + angle_shift), wait=True, timeout=600.0)' *** acquire sphere at %f deg position ***' % float(180 + angle_shift)) sphere_180 = util.normalize(flir.take_image(global_PVs, params), white_field, dark_field) cmass_0 = util.center_of_mass(sphere_0) cmass_180 = util.center_of_mass(sphere_180)' *** center of mass for the sphere at 0 deg (%f,%f) ***' % (cmass_0[1], cmass_0[0]))' *** center of mass for the sphere at 180 deg (%f,%f) ***' % (cmass_180[1], cmass_180[0])) roll = np.rad2deg( np.arctan((cmass_180[0] - cmass_0[0]) / (cmass_180[1] - cmass_0[1]))) log.warning(' *** found roll error: %f' % roll)' *** moving rotary stage to %f deg position ***' % float(0 + angle_shift)) global_PVs["SampleOmega"].put(float(0 + angle_shift), wait=True, timeout=600.0)' *** moving sphere back to the detector center ***') global_PVs["SampleXCent"].put( global_PVs["SampleXCent"].get() - (global_PVs['Cam1SizeX'].get() / 2 * params.image_pixel_size / 1000 - ((SPHERE_DIAMETER / 2) + GAP)), wait=True, timeout=600.0)' *** find shifts resulting by the roll change ***')' *** acquire sphere at the current roll position ***') sphere_0 = util.normalize(flir.take_image(global_PVs, params), white_field, dark_field) ang = roll / 2 # if roll is too big then ang should be decreased to keep the sphere in the field of view' *** acquire sphere after testing roll change %f ***' % float(global_PVs["SampleRoll"].get() + ang)) global_PVs["SampleRoll"].put(global_PVs["SampleRoll"].get() + ang, wait=True, timeout=600.0) sphere_1 = util.normalize(flir.take_image(global_PVs, params), white_field, dark_field) shift0 = register_translation(sphere_1, sphere_0, 100)[0][1] shift1 = shift0 * np.sin(roll) * (np.cos(roll) * 1 / np.tan(ang) + np.sin(roll)) ' *** the testing roll change corresponds to %f shift in x, calculated resulting roll change gives %f shift in x ***' % (shift0, shift1)) log.warning(' *** change roll to %f ***' % float(global_PVs["SampleRoll"].get() + roll - ang)) global_PVs["SampleRoll"].put(global_PVs["SampleRoll"].get() + roll - ang, wait=True, timeout=600.0)' *** moving sphere to the detector center ***') global_PVs["SampleX"].put(global_PVs["SampleX"].get() - shift1 * params.image_pixel_size / 1000, wait=True, timeout=600.0)' *** TEST: acquire sphere at %f deg position ***' % float(0 + angle_shift)) sphere_0 = util.normalize(flir.take_image(global_PVs, params), white_field, dark_field) cmass_0 = util.center_of_mass(sphere_0)' *** TEST: center of mass for the sphere at 0 deg (%f,%f) ***' % (cmass_0[1], cmass_0[0]))
def adjust_center(params, dark_field, white_field): global_PVs = pv.init_general_PVs(params) log.warning(' *** Adjusting center ***') for ang in [params.adjust_center_angle_1, params.adjust_center_angle_2]: log.warning(' *** take 3 spheres angular %f deg ***' % float(ang)) #sphere 0' *** sphere 0')' *** *** moving rotary stage to %f deg position ***' % float(0)) global_PVs["SampleOmega"].put(float(0), wait=True, timeout=600.0) log.error(' *** *** acquire sphere at %f deg position ***' % float(0)) sphere_0 = util.normalize(flir.take_image(global_PVs, params), white_field, dark_field) #sphere 1' *** sphere 1')' *** *** moving rotary stage to %f deg position ***' % float(ang)) global_PVs["SampleOmega"].put(float(ang), wait=True, timeout=600.0) log.error(' *** *** acquire sphere at %f deg position ***' % float(ang)) sphere_1 = util.normalize(flir.take_image(global_PVs, params), white_field, dark_field) #sphere 2' *** sphere 2')' *** *** moving rotary stage to %f deg position ***' % float(2 * ang)) global_PVs["SampleOmega"].put(float(2 * ang), wait=True, timeout=600.0) log.error(' *** *** acquire sphere at %f deg position ***' % float(2 * ang)) sphere_2 = util.normalize(flir.take_image(global_PVs, params), white_field, dark_field) # find shifts shift0 = register_translation(sphere_1, sphere_0, 100)[0][1] shift1 = register_translation(sphere_2, sphere_1, 100)[0][1] a = ang * np.pi / 180 # x=-(1/4) (d1+d2-2 d1 Cos[a]) Csc[a/2]^2, x = -(1 / 4) * (shift0 + shift1 - 2 * shift0 * np.cos(a)) * 1 / np.sin( a / 2)**2 # r = 1/2 Csc[a/2]^2 Csc[a] Sqrt[(d1^2+d2^2-2 d1 d2 Cos[a]) Sin[a/2]^2] r = 1 / 2 * 1 / np.sin(a / 2)**2 * 1 / np.sin(a) * np.sqrt( np.abs((shift0**2 + shift1**2 - 2 * shift0 * shift1 * np.cos(a)) * np.sin(a / 2)**2)) # g = ArcCos[((-d1-d2+2 d1 Cos[a]) Sin[a])/(2 Sqrt[(d1^2+d2^2-2 d1 d2 Cos[a]) Sin[a/2]^2])] g = np.arccos( ((-shift0 - shift1 + 2 * shift0 * np.cos(a)) * np.sin(a)) / (2 * np.sqrt( np.abs( (shift0**2 + shift1**2 - 2 * shift0 * shift1 * np.cos(a)) * np.sin(a / 2)**2)))) y = r * np.sin(g) * np.sign(shift0) # find center of mass cmass_0 = util.center_of_mass(sphere_0)' ') ' *** position of the initial sphere wrt to the rotation center (%f,%f) ***' % (x, y))' *** center of mass for the initial sphere (%f,%f) ***' % (cmass_0[1], cmass_0[0])) ' *** moving sphere to the position of the rotation center ***') if (params.ask): if util.yes_or_no(' *** Yes or No'): move_center(params, cmass_0, x, y) check_center(params, white_field, dark_field) else: log.warning(' No motion ') exit() else: move_center(params, cmass_0, x, y) check_center(params, white_field, dark_field)