def _search_coarse(sino, smin, smax, ratio, drop):
    Coarse search for finding the rotation center.
    (Nrow, Ncol) = sino.shape
    centerfliplr = (Ncol - 1.0) / 2.0

    # Copy the sinogram and flip left right, the purpose is to
    # make a full [0;2Pi] sinogram
    _copy_sino = np.fliplr(sino[1:])

    # This image is used for compensating the shift of sinogram 2
    temp_img = np.zeros((Nrow - 1, Ncol), dtype='float32')
    temp_img[:] = np.flipud(sino)[1:]

    # Start coarse search in which the shift step is 1
    listshift = np.arange(smin, smax + 1)
    listmetric = np.zeros(len(listshift), dtype='float32')
    mask = _create_mask(2 * Nrow - 1, Ncol, 0.5 * ratio * Ncol, drop)
    sino_sino = np.vstack((sino, _copy_sino))
    abs_fft2_sino = np.empty_like(sino_sino)
    for i in listshift:
        _sino = sino_sino[len(sino):]
        _sino[...] = np.roll(_copy_sino, i, axis=1)
        if i >= 0:
            _sino[:, 0:i] = temp_img[:, 0:i]
            _sino[:, i:] = temp_img[:, i:]
        fft2sino = np.fft.fftshift(fft2(sino_sino))
        np.abs(fft2sino, out=abs_fft2_sino)
        abs_fft2_sino *= mask
        listmetric[i - smin] = abs_fft2_sino.sum()
    minpos = np.argmin(listmetric)
    return centerfliplr + listshift[minpos] / 2.0
def _search_fine(sino, srad, step, init_cen, ratio, drop):
    Fine search for finding the rotation center.
    Nrow, Ncol = sino.shape
    centerfliplr = (Ncol + 1.0) / 2.0 - 1.0
    # Use to shift the sinogram 2 to the raw CoR.
    shiftsino = np.int16(2 * (init_cen - centerfliplr))
    _copy_sino = np.roll(np.fliplr(sino[1:]), shiftsino, axis=1)
    if init_cen <= centerfliplr:
        lefttake = np.int16(np.ceil(srad + 1))
        righttake = np.int16(np.floor(2 * init_cen - srad - 1))
        lefttake = np.int16(
            np.ceil(init_cen - (Ncol - 1 - init_cen) + srad + 1))
        righttake = np.int16(np.floor(Ncol - 1 - srad - 1))
    Ncol1 = righttake - lefttake + 1
    mask = _create_mask(2 * Nrow - 1, Ncol1, 0.5 * ratio * Ncol, drop)
    numshift = np.int16((2 * srad) / step) + 1
    listshift = np.linspace(-srad, srad, num=numshift)
    listmetric = np.zeros(len(listshift), dtype='float32')
    factor1 = np.mean(sino[-1, lefttake:righttake])
    factor2 = np.mean(_copy_sino[0, lefttake:righttake])
    _copy_sino = _copy_sino * factor1 / factor2
    num1 = 0
    for i in listshift:
        _sino = ndimage.interpolation.shift(_copy_sino, (0, i),
        sinojoin = np.vstack((sino, _sino))
        listmetric[num1] = np.sum(
            np.abs(np.fft.fftshift(fft2(sinojoin[:, lefttake:righttake + 1])))
            * mask)
        num1 = num1 + 1
    minpos = np.argmin(listmetric)
    return init_cen + listshift[minpos] / 2.0
文件: stripe.py 项目: srraju/tomopy
def _2d_filter(mat, win2d, matsign, pad):
    Filtering an image using a 2D window.

    mat : 2D array of floats
    nrow : int
        Height of the window.
    ncol: int 
        Width of the window.
    sigma: tuple of 2 floats
        Sigmas of the window.
    pad : int

        Filtered image.
    matpad = np.pad(mat, ((0, 0), (pad, pad)), mode='edge')
    matpad = np.pad(matpad, ((pad, pad), (0, 0)), mode='mean')
    (nrow, ncol) = matpad.shape
    matfilter = np.real(ifft2(fft2(matpad * matsign) * win2d) * matsign)
    return matfilter[pad:nrow - pad, pad:ncol - pad]
def _search_fine(sino, srad, step, init_cen, ratio, drop):
    Fine search for finding the rotation center.
    (nrow, ncol) = sino.shape
    cen_fliplr = (ncol - 1.0) / 2.0
    srad = np.clip(np.abs(srad), 1.0, ncol / 4.0)
    step = np.clip(np.abs(step), 0.1, srad)
    init_cen = np.clip(init_cen, srad, ncol - srad - 1)
    list_cor = init_cen + np.arange(-srad, srad + step, step)
    flip_sino = np.fliplr(sino)
    comp_sino = np.flipud(sino)  # Used to avoid local minima
    list_metric = np.zeros(len(list_cor), dtype=np.float32)
    mask = _create_mask(2 * nrow, ncol, 0.5 * ratio * ncol, drop)
    for i, cor in enumerate(list_cor):
        shift = 2.0 * (cor - cen_fliplr)
        sino_shift = ndimage.interpolation.shift(flip_sino, (0, shift),
        if shift >= 0:
            shift_int = np.int16(np.ceil(shift))
            sino_shift[:, :shift_int] = comp_sino[:, :shift_int]
            shift_int = np.int16(np.floor(shift))
            sino_shift[:, shift_int:] = comp_sino[:, shift_int:]
        sinojoin = np.vstack((sino, sino_shift))
        list_metric[i] = np.mean(
            np.abs(np.fft.fftshift(fft2(sinojoin))) * mask)
    cor = list_cor[np.argmin(list_metric)]
    return cor
def _2d_filter(mat, win2d, matsign, pad):
    Filtering an image using a 2D window.

    mat : 2D array of floats
    nrow : int
        Height of the window.
    ncol: int 
        Width of the window.
    sigma: tuple of 2 floats
        Sigmas of the window.
    pad : int

        Filtered image.
    matpad = np.pad(mat, ((0, 0), (pad, pad)), mode='edge')
    matpad = np.pad(matpad, ((pad, pad), (0, 0)), mode='mean')
    (nrow, ncol) = matpad.shape
    matfilter = np.real(ifft2(fft2(matpad * matsign) * win2d) * matsign)
    return matfilter[pad:nrow - pad, pad:ncol - pad]
def _search_fine(sino, srad, step, init_cen, ratio, drop):
    Fine search for finding the rotation center.
    Nrow, Ncol = sino.shape
    centerfliplr = (Ncol + 1.0) / 2.0 - 1.0
    # Use to shift the sinogram 2 to the raw CoR.
    shiftsino = np.int16(2 * (init_cen - centerfliplr))
    _copy_sino = np.roll(np.fliplr(sino[1:]), shiftsino, axis=1)
    if init_cen <= centerfliplr:
        lefttake = np.int16(np.ceil(srad + 1))
        righttake = np.int16(np.floor(2 * init_cen - srad - 1))
        lefttake = np.int16(np.ceil(
            init_cen - (Ncol - 1 - init_cen) + srad + 1))
        righttake = np.int16(np.floor(Ncol - 1 - srad - 1))
    Ncol1 = righttake - lefttake + 1
    mask = _create_mask(2 * Nrow - 1, Ncol1, 0.5 * ratio * Ncol, drop)
    numshift = np.int16((2 * srad) / step) + 1
    listshift = np.linspace(-srad, srad, num=numshift)
    listmetric = np.zeros(len(listshift), dtype='float32')
    factor1 = np.mean(sino[-1, lefttake:righttake])
    factor2 = np.mean(_copy_sino[0, lefttake:righttake])
    _copy_sino = _copy_sino * factor1 / factor2
    num1 = 0
    for i in listshift:
        _sino = ndimage.interpolation.shift(
            _copy_sino, (0, i), prefilter=False)
        sinojoin = np.vstack((sino, _sino))
        listmetric[num1] = np.sum(np.abs(np.fft.fftshift(
                sinojoin[:, lefttake:righttake + 1]))) * mask)
        num1 = num1 + 1
    minpos = np.argmin(listmetric)
    return init_cen + listshift[minpos] / 2.0
文件: rotation.py 项目: tomopy/tomopy
def _calculate_metric(shift_col, sino1, sino2, sino3, mask):
    Metric calculation.
    shift_col = 1.0 * np.squeeze(shift_col)
    if np.abs(shift_col - np.floor(shift_col)) == 0.0:
        shift_col = int(shift_col)
        sino_shift = np.roll(sino2, shift_col, axis=1)
        if shift_col >= 0:
            sino_shift[:, :shift_col] = sino3[:, :shift_col]
            sino_shift[:, shift_col:] = sino3[:, shift_col:]
        mat = np.vstack((sino1, sino_shift))
        sino_shift = ndimage.interpolation.shift(sino2, (0, shift_col),
        if shift_col >= 0:
            shift_int = int(np.ceil(shift_col))
            sino_shift[:, :shift_int] = sino3[:, :shift_int]
            shift_int = int(np.floor(shift_col))
            sino_shift[:, shift_int:] = sino3[:, shift_int:]
        mat = np.vstack((sino1, sino_shift))
    metric = np.mean(np.abs(np.fft.fftshift(fft2(mat))) * mask)
    return np.asarray([metric], dtype=np.float32)
def _search_coarse(sino, smin, smax, ratio, drop):
    Coarse search for finding the rotation center.
    (Nrow, Ncol) = sino.shape
    centerfliplr = (Ncol - 1.0) / 2.0

    # Copy the sinogram and flip left right, the purpose is to
    # make a full [0;2Pi] sinogram
    _copy_sino = np.fliplr(sino[1:])

    # This image is used for compensating the shift of sinogram 2
    temp_img = np.zeros((Nrow - 1, Ncol), dtype='float32')
    temp_img[:] = np.flipud(sino)[1:]

    # Start coarse search in which the shift step is 1
    listshift = np.arange(smin, smax + 1)
    listmetric = np.zeros(len(listshift), dtype='float32')
    mask = _create_mask(2 * Nrow - 1, Ncol, 0.5 * ratio * Ncol, drop)
    sino_sino = np.vstack((sino, _copy_sino))
    abs_fft2_sino = np.empty_like(sino_sino)
    for i in listshift:
        _sino = sino_sino[len(sino):]
        _sino[...] = np.roll(_copy_sino, i, axis=1)
        if i >= 0:
            _sino[:, 0:i] = temp_img[:, 0:i]
            _sino[:, i:] = temp_img[:, i:]
        fft2sino = np.fft.fftshift(fft2(sino_sino))
        np.abs(fft2sino, out=abs_fft2_sino)
        abs_fft2_sino *= mask
        listmetric[i - smin] = abs_fft2_sino.sum()
    minpos = np.argmin(listmetric)
    return centerfliplr + listshift[minpos] / 2.0
文件: rotation.py 项目: tomopy/tomopy
def _search_fine(sino, srad, step, init_cen, ratio, drop):
    Fine search for finding the rotation center.
    (nrow, ncol) = sino.shape
    cen_fliplr = (ncol - 1.0) / 2.0
    srad = np.clip(np.abs(srad), 1.0, ncol / 4.0)
    step = np.clip(np.abs(step), 0.1, srad)
    init_cen = np.clip(init_cen, srad, ncol - srad - 1)
    list_cor = init_cen + np.arange(-srad, srad + step, step)
    flip_sino = np.fliplr(sino)
    comp_sino = np.flipud(sino)  # Used to avoid local minima
    list_metric = np.zeros(len(list_cor), dtype=np.float32)
    mask = _create_mask(2 * nrow, ncol, 0.5 * ratio * ncol, drop)
    for i, cor in enumerate(list_cor):
        shift = 2.0 * (cor - cen_fliplr)
        sino_shift = ndimage.interpolation.shift(
            flip_sino, (0, shift), order=3, prefilter=True)
        if shift >= 0:
            shift_int = np.int16(np.ceil(shift))
            sino_shift[:, :shift_int] = comp_sino[:, :shift_int]
            shift_int = np.int16(np.floor(shift))
            sino_shift[:, shift_int:] = comp_sino[:, shift_int:]
        sinojoin = np.vstack((sino, sino_shift))
        list_metric[i] = np.mean(np.abs(
            np.fft.fftshift(fft2(sinojoin))) * mask)
    cor = list_cor[np.argmin(list_metric)]
    return cor
文件: phase.py 项目: carterbox/tomopy
def _retrieve_phase(tomo, phase_filter, px, py, prj, pad):
    dx, dy, dz = tomo.shape
    num_jobs = tomo.shape[0]
    normalized_phase_filter = phase_filter / phase_filter.max()
    for m in range(num_jobs):
        prj[px:dy + px, py:dz + py] = tomo[m]
        prj[:px] = prj[px]
        prj[-px:] = prj[-px-1]
        prj[:, :py] = prj[:, py][:, np.newaxis]
        prj[:, -py:] = prj[:, -py-1][:, np.newaxis]
        fproj = fft2(prj, extra_info=num_jobs)
        fproj *= normalized_phase_filter
        proj = np.real(ifft2(fproj, extra_info=num_jobs, overwrite_input=True))
        if pad:
            proj = proj[px:dy + px, py:dz + py]
        tomo[m] = proj
def _retrieve_phase(tomo, phase_filter, px, py, prj, pad):
    dx, dy, dz = tomo.shape
    num_jobs = tomo.shape[0]
    normalized_phase_filter = phase_filter / phase_filter.max()
    for m in range(num_jobs):
        prj[px:dy + px, py:dz + py] = tomo[m]
        prj[:px] = prj[px]
        prj[-px:] = prj[-px-1]
        prj[:, :py] = prj[:, py][:, np.newaxis]
        prj[:, -py:] = prj[:, -py-1][:, np.newaxis]
        fproj = fft2(prj, extra_info=num_jobs)
        fproj *= normalized_phase_filter
        proj = np.real(ifft2(fproj, extra_info=num_jobs, overwrite_input=True))
        if pad:
            proj = proj[px:dy + px, py:dz + py]
        tomo[m] = proj
def _search_coarse(sino, smin, smax, ratio, drop):
    Coarse search for finding the rotation center.
    (nrow, ncol) = sino.shape
    cen_fliplr = (ncol - 1.0) / 2.0
    smin = np.int16(np.clip(smin + cen_fliplr, 0, ncol - 1) - cen_fliplr)
    smax = np.int16(np.clip(smax + cen_fliplr, 0, ncol - 1) - cen_fliplr)
    # Flip left-right the [0:Pi ] sinogram to make a full [0;2Pi] sinogram
    flip_sino = np.fliplr(sino)
    # Below image is used for compensating the shift of the [Pi;2Pi] sinogram
    # It helps to avoid local minima.
    comp_sino = np.flipud(sino)
    list_shift = np.arange(smin, smax + 1)
    list_metric = np.zeros(len(list_shift), dtype='float32')
    mask = _create_mask(2 * nrow, ncol, 0.5 * ratio * ncol, drop)
    sino_sino = np.vstack((sino, flip_sino))
    abs_fft2_sino = np.empty_like(sino_sino)
    for i in list_shift:
        _sino = sino_sino[nrow:]
        _sino[...] = np.roll(flip_sino, i, axis=1)
        if i >= 0:
            _sino[:, 0:i] = comp_sino[:, 0:i]
            _sino[:, i:] = comp_sino[:, i:]
        fft2sino = np.fft.fftshift(fft2(sino_sino))
        np.abs(fft2sino, out=abs_fft2_sino)
        abs_fft2_sino *= mask
        list_metric[i - smin] = abs_fft2_sino.mean()
    minpos = np.argmin(list_metric)
    if minpos == 0:
        logger.debug('WARNING!!!Global minimum is out of searching range')
        logger.debug('Please extend smin: %i', smin)
    if minpos == len(list_metric) - 1:
        logger.debug('WARNING!!!Global minimum is out of searching range')
        logger.debug('Please extend smax: %i', smax)
    init_cen = cen_fliplr + list_shift[minpos] / 2.0
    return init_cen
文件: rotation.py 项目: tomopy/tomopy
def _search_coarse(sino, smin, smax, ratio, drop):
    Coarse search for finding the rotation center.
    (nrow, ncol) = sino.shape
    cen_fliplr = (ncol - 1.0) / 2.0
    smin = np.int16(np.clip(smin + cen_fliplr, 0, ncol - 1) - cen_fliplr)
    smax = np.int16(np.clip(smax + cen_fliplr, 0, ncol - 1) - cen_fliplr)
    # Flip left-right the [0:Pi ] sinogram to make a full [0;2Pi] sinogram
    flip_sino = np.fliplr(sino)
    # Below image is used for compensating the shift of the [Pi;2Pi] sinogram
    # It helps to avoid local minima.
    comp_sino = np.flipud(sino)
    list_shift = np.arange(smin, smax + 1)
    list_metric = np.zeros(len(list_shift), dtype='float32')
    mask = _create_mask(2 * nrow, ncol, 0.5 * ratio * ncol, drop)
    sino_sino = np.vstack((sino, flip_sino))
    abs_fft2_sino = np.empty_like(sino_sino)
    for i in list_shift:
        _sino = sino_sino[nrow:]
        _sino[...] = np.roll(flip_sino, i, axis=1)
        if i >= 0:
            _sino[:, 0:i] = comp_sino[:, 0:i]
            _sino[:, i:] = comp_sino[:, i:]
        fft2sino = np.fft.fftshift(fft2(sino_sino))
        np.abs(fft2sino, out=abs_fft2_sino)
        abs_fft2_sino *= mask
        list_metric[i - smin] = abs_fft2_sino.mean()
    minpos = np.argmin(list_metric)
    if minpos == 0:
        logger.debug('WARNING!!!Global minimum is out of searching range')
        logger.debug('Please extend smin: %i', smin)
    if minpos == len(list_metric) - 1:
        logger.debug('WARNING!!!Global minimum is out of searching range')
        logger.debug('Please extend smax: %i', smax)
    init_cen = cen_fliplr + list_shift[minpos] / 2.0
    return init_cen