def profile_plots(run_dir, run_out, run_ver, res_dir, name_list):

    res_dir = res_dir + '/1D_plots/'

    if util.chk_dir(res_dir) == False:
        os.makedirs(res_dir)  # make sure the results directory exists

    file_d = run_dir + '%s%s.vtk' % (run_ver, run_out)
    out_f = rosie.getOutputVTKwithPointDataFromFile(file_d)

    grid, mean_fields = rosie.getFields(out_f, name_list)

    for field in mean_fields:

        print '\n--> plotting field %s' % field

        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 3))
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)  # ; ax.set_aspect(1, adjustable = 'box')

        x = grid[:, 1] if run_out == "fra_mean" else grid[:, 2]
        xmin, xmax = min(x), max(x)
        ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
        y = mean_fields[field]
        ymin, ymax = min(y), max(y)
        ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)

        field_name = field

        if run_out == "fra_mean": ax.set_xlim(xmin, 10.0)
        elif run_out == "prad_pdf":
            field_name = "rad_" + field
        elif run_out == "pvap_pdf":
            field_name = "vap_" + field

        plt.title('%s' % field_name)
        ax.plot(x, y, 'b-', label=r'%s' % field_name)

        ax.set_xlabel(r'%s' % field)

        plt.grid(which='both', axis='both', color='darkgrey')

        plt.savefig(res_dir + '/%s.png' % field_name, format='png', dpi=300)

    return []
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os, sys, shutil

sys.dont_write_bytecode = True

import plotFields as pigcasso
import userPearls as pearls
import toolCase as util

run_directory = "../../data/vtk/"
run_version = "a"
filename_head = "PI"
chk = False
res_directory = "../../data/fig/"

if util.chk_dir(res_directory) == False: os.makedirs(res_directory)

fields_list = []  # put at least 'Uf_trz'

pigcasso.snapshots(run_directory, run_version, res_directory, filename_head,

chk = pearls.throw(run_directory, run_version, res_directory)

if chk == False:
    print '\n--> no custom script provided by the user.'
def snapshots(run_dir,run_ver,res_dir,fn_head,name_list):

    nan_list = ['Crit_rad']

    res_dir = res_dir + '2D_snapshot/'

    if util.chk_dir(res_dir) == False: os.makedirs(res_dir) 

    zones_dictionary = {} ; zones_fields = {}
    orig = [0,0,0] ; norm = [1,0,0]

    for root, dirs, files in os.walk("%s"%run_dir):

        field_numb = - 69
        for filename in files:

            if re.match('%s%s*.*.vtk'%(run_ver,fn_head), filename):

                print '\n--> looking for %s'%filename 
                filename = filename.lstrip('%s%s'%(run_ver,fn_head))
                filename = filename.rstrip('.vtk')

                if int(filename) > field_numb:

                    field_numb = int(filename)
                    last_field = filename

        break   #prevent decending into subfolders
    print '\n--> last field found: %s'%last_field 

    for root, dirs, files in os.walk("%s"%run_dir):
        for filename in files:

            if re.match('%s*.*%s.vtk'%(run_ver,last_field), filename):
                zonename = filename.lstrip('%s'%run_ver)
                zonename = filename.rstrip('%s.vtk'%last_field)

                print '\n--> zone found: %s'%zonename 

            	zones_dictionary.update({zonename : filename})

        break   #prevent decending into subfolders

    for zone in zones_dictionary:   

    	file_d = '%s'%run_dir + zones_dictionary[zone] ; out_f = rosie.getOutputVTKwithPointDataFromFile(file_d)

    	inst_slice = rosie.getSlice(out_f, orig, norm) ; print '\n--> Slicing %s'%file_d 

    	grid, inst_fields = rosie.getFieldsFromSlice(inst_slice,name_list)

        zones_fields.update({zone : [grid, inst_fields]})

    fields_list = []

    for zone in zones_fields:   

	[grid, inst_fields] = zones_fields[zone]

    	fields_list = list(set().union(fields_list, list(inst_fields.keys())))
    nptsx, nptsy = 1000, 2000 ; zmin, zmax = 0.0, 0.0

    for field in fields_list:   

	print '\n--> plotting field %s'%field

        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 8)) ; ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

        ax.set_aspect(1, adjustable = 'box') ; cmap = cm.get_cmap('Blues_r')

    	for zone in ['%sJE'%run_ver,'%sPI'%run_ver]:   
#    	for zone in zones_fields: # ok if you don't want to match the zones 

		if   zone is '%sJE'%run_ver: nptsx, nptsy = 1000, 2000 #125 #2000
		elif zone is '%sPI'%run_ver: nptsx, nptsy =   50, 100 #500, 1000

		[grid, inst_fields] = zones_fields[zone]
    		x, y = grid[:,1], grid[:,2]
    		xmin, xmax = min(x), max(x) ; ymin, ymax = min(y), max(y)
    		xi = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, nptsx) ; yi = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, nptsy)

        	xi, yi = np.meshgrid(xi, yi, indexing='ij')#, sparse=True)

       	 	ax.set_xlim(-25.0, 25.0) ; ax.set_ylim( -2*np.pi, 100.0)
#		ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)  ; ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)

        	func = lambda x, pos: "" if np.isclose(x,0) else "%.f" % x


		if field in inst_fields:

        		z = inst_fields[field] ; zmin, zmax = min(z), max(z)

        		lmin = min(z) ; lmax = max(z)

			if   field in nan_list:

                            if   field == 'Crit_rad' : z[z <= 1.e-8 ] = np.nan
                            else                     : z[z <= 1.e-16] = np.nan

                            lmin = np.nanmin(z) ; lmax = np.nanmax(z)

			zi = griddata((x, y), z, (xi, yi), method='linear')

			if   field in nan_list: zi = np.nan_to_num(zi)#, nan=-9999) # need upgrade numpy 

			zpipe = util.ProbeAtLocation(zi, xi, yi, 0.0, 0.1)


			zi = griddata((x, y), inst_fields['Uf_trz_m'], (xi, yi), method='linear') ; zi.fill(zpipe)

                levels_n  = 8 ; cm_format = None ; my_cmap = copy.copy(cmap) # to init default values 
                if field in nan_list: my_cmap.set_under(color='lightyellow')

        	if   field == 'Temperature' : lmin =  0.9     ; lmax =   1.3
        	elif field == 'Rho'         : lmin =  0.7     ; lmax =   1.0    ; levels_n  = 6
        	elif field == 'Sat_ratio'   : lmin =  0.0     ; lmax = 900.0    ; levels_n  = 9
        	elif field == 'Uf_trz_t'    : lmin = -1.0     ; lmax =   1.0    ; levels_n  = 10
        	elif field == 'Uf_trz_r'    : lmin = -0.5     ; lmax =   0.5    ; levels_n  = 10
        	elif field == 'Uf_trz_z'    : lmin = -0.3     ; lmax =   2.4    ; levels_n  = 18
        	elif field == 'Uf_trz_m'    : lmin =  0.0     ; lmax =   2.4    ; levels_n  = 16
        	elif field == 'Y_vapour'    : lmin =  1.0e-5  ; lmax =   3.2e-3 ; levels_n  = 16 ; oo_magn = -3

                elif field in ['fp_trz_m','fp_trz_t','fp_trz_r','fp_trz_z','fp_vap','fp_div','fp_rho']:

                    lmin = util.OOMRoundUp(lmin)/100 ; lmax = util.OOMRoundUp(lmax)/100

                    labs = min(abs(lmin),abs(lmax)) if min(abs(lmin),abs(lmax)) > 1.e-16 else max(abs(lmin),abs(lmax))

                    lmin = - labs ; lmax = labs ; levels_n  = 5

                if   zone == '%sJE'%run_ver and np.isclose(max(inst_fields['Y_vapour']),1.8e-3, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4):

                    if   field == 'J_rate'      : lmin =  0.0     ; lmax =  2.4    ; levels_n  = 9
                    elif field == 'Rate_nucl'   : lmin =  1.0e-16 ; lmax =  1.0e-4
                    elif field == 'Crit_rad'    : lmin =  1.0e-7  ; lmax =  9.0e-7                 ; oo_magn = -7

                elif zone == '%sJE'%run_ver and np.isclose(max(inst_fields['Y_vapour']),2.1e-3, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4):

                    if   field == 'J_rate'      : lmin =  0.0     ; lmax =  3.6    ; levels_n  = 9
                    elif field == 'Rate_nucl'   : lmin =  1.0e-16 ; lmax =  1.0e-4
                    elif field == 'Crit_rad'    : lmin =  1.0e-7  ; lmax =  9.0e-7                 ; oo_magn = -7
        	lcountour = np.linspace(lmin, lmax, levels_n + 1)

        	if   field == 'Sat_ratio'   : lcountour[0] = 1.0 ; lmin = 1.0
        	elif field == 'J_rate'      : lcountour[0] = 1.0e-3

        	elif field in ['Y_vapour','Crit_rad']:

                    cm_format = util.OOMFormatter(oo_magn, mathText=False)

        	if field not in name_list: plt.title(field)
		# CONTOUR: draws the boundaries of the isosurfaces & fill the contour plots
        	cp = plt.contourf(xi, yi, zi, levels=lcountour , vmin=lmin, vmax=lmax, extend='both',cmap=my_cmap)

        clb = plt.colorbar(cp,format=cm_format) ; fig.tight_layout() #; clb.ax.set_title('NaN', pad=5.0) # upgrade plt
        plt.savefig(res_dir + '/%s.png'%field, format='png', dpi=900) ; plt.close('all')

    return []
def contour_plots(run_dir, run_out, run_ver, res_dir, name_list):

    nan_list = [
        'Crit_Radius', 'Crit_Radius_rms', 'part_number', 'part_radius',

    res_dir = res_dir + '2D_contour/'

    if util.chk_dir(res_dir) == False: os.makedirs(res_dir)

    file_d = run_dir + '%s%s.vtk' % (run_ver, run_out)
    out_f = rosie.getOutputVTKwithPointDataFromFile(file_d)

    grid, mean_fields = rosie.getFields(out_f, name_list)

    x, y = grid[:, 1], grid[:, 2]
    npts = 500

    xmin, xmax = min(x), max(x)
    ymin, ymax = min(y), max(y)

    xi = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, npts)
    yi = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, npts)

    xi, yi = np.meshgrid(xi, yi)  #, sparse=True)

    for field in mean_fields:

        print '\n--> plotting field %s' % field

        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 3))
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

        ax.set_aspect(1, adjustable='box')
        cmap = cm.get_cmap('Blues_r')

        ax.set_xlim(0.0, 99.0)
        ax.set_ylim(0.0, 24.0)

        func = lambda x, pos: "" if np.isclose(x, 0) else "%.f" % x


        z = mean_fields[field]
        lmin = min(z)
        lmax = max(z)

        if field in nan_list:

            if field == 'part_number': z[z <= 1.e-1] = np.nan
            elif field == 'part_radius': z[z <= 1.e-7] = np.nan
            else: z[z <= 1.e-16] = np.nan

            lmin = np.nanmin(z)
            lmax = np.nanmax(z)

        zi = griddata((x, y), z, (xi, yi), method='linear')

        levels_n = 8
        cm_format = None
        my_cmap = copy.copy(cmap)  # to init default values

        if field in nan_list:
            zi = np.nan_to_num(zi)  #, nan=-9999) # upgrade numpy

        if field == 'Temperature':
            lmin = 0.9
            lmax = 1.3
        elif field == 'Temperature_rms':
            lmin = 0.0
            lmax = 0.1
            levels_n = 5
        elif field == 'Y':
            lmin = 0.0
            lmax = 3.2e-3
            oo_magn = -3
        elif field == 'Sat_Ratio ':
            lmin = 0.0
            lmax = 900.0
            levels_n = 6
        elif field == 'Rho':
            lmin = 0.7
            lmax = 1.0
            levels_n = 6
        elif field == 'U_r':
            lmin = -0.03
            lmax = 0.03
            levels_n = 6
            oo_magn = -2
        elif field == 'fp_div':
            lmin = -1.0e-7
            lmax = 0.0
            levels_n = 5
            oo_magn = -7
        elif field == 'fp_vap':
            lmin = 0.0
            lmax = 5.0e-8
            levels_n = 5
            oo_magn = -8
        elif field == 'Crit_Radius':
            lmin = 1.0e-7
            lmax = 9.0e-7
            oo_magn = -7
        elif field == 'Crit_Radius_rms':
            lmin = 1.0e-7
            lmax = 3.0e-7
            levels_n = 6
            oo_magn = -7
        elif field == 'Nucl_rate':
            lmin = 1.0e-16
            lmax = 1.0e-5
            levels_n = 6
            oo_magn = -5

        if run_out == 'flu_mean' and np.isclose(
                max(mean_fields['Y']), 1.8e-3, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4):

            if field == 'J_rate':
                lmin = 0.0
                lmax = 2.4
                levels_n = 6
                oo_magn = 0
            elif field == 'fake_J_rate':
                lmin = 0.0
                lmax = 2.4e-1
                levels_n = 6
                oo_magn = -1
            elif field == 'Jrate_rms':
                lmin = 0.0
                lmax = 0.8
                levels_n = 6
                oo_magn = 0

        if run_out == 'flu_mean' and np.isclose(
                max(mean_fields['Y']), 2.1e-3, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4):

            if field == 'J_rate':
                lmin = 0.0
                lmax = 3.6
                levels_n = 6
                oo_magn = 0
            elif field == 'fake_J_rate':
                lmin = 0.0
                lmax = 3.6
                levels_n = 6
                oo_magn = 0
            elif field == 'Jrate_rms':
                lmin = 0.0
                lmax = 1.2
                levels_n = 6
                oo_magn = 0

        if field == 'part_number':
            lmin = 0.0
            lmax = util.OOMRoundDown(lmax)
            levels_n = 5
        elif field == 'part_radius':
            lmin = 0.0
            lmax = util.OOMRoundUp(lmax)
            levels_n = 5
            oo_magn = util.OOMUp(lmax)
        elif field == 'mass_loading':
            lmin = 0.0
            lmax = util.OOMRoundUp(lmax) / 10
            levels_n = 5
            oo_magn = util.OOMUp(lmax)

        lcountour = np.linspace(lmin, lmax, levels_n + 1)

        if field == 'Sat_Ratio': lcountour[0] = 1.0

        elif field == 'Temperature_rms':
            lcountour = np.insert(lcountour, 1, 0.01)  #, axis = 0)

        elif field in ['Y', 'U_r', 'part_radius', 'mass_loading', 'fp_div']:

            cm_format = util.OOMFormatter(oo_magn, mathText=False)

        elif field == 'fp_vap':

            cm_format = util.OOMFormatter_eng(oo_magn, mathText=False)

        elif field in ['J_rate', 'Jrate_rms', 'fake_J_rate']:

            lcountour[0] = 1.e-3
            cm_format = util.OOMFormatter(oo_magn, mathText=False)

        elif field in ['Crit_Radius', 'Crit_Radius_rms']:

            cm_format = util.OOMFormatter(oo_magn, mathText=False)

        if field not in name_list: plt.title(field)

        # CONTOUR: draws the boundaries of the isosurfaces & fill the contour plots

        if run_out != 'prt_mean':
            cp = plt.contour(yi,

        cp = plt.contourf(yi,
                          cmap=my_cmap)  #,cmap=cm.viridis)

        plt.colorbar(cp, format=cm_format, orientation='horizontal')
        fig.tight_layout()  # upgrade plt: location='bottom'

        plt.savefig(res_dir + '/%s.png' % field, format='png', dpi=300)

    return []
def cfr_DNSvsExp(run_dir, plot_name, run_ver, res_dir):

    name_list = []
    file_list = []

    res_dir = res_dir + '2D_scatter/'

    if util.chk_dir(res_dir) == False: os.makedirs(res_dir)

    x_exp = []
    y_exp = []
    x_dns_list = []
    y_dns_list = []

    x_dns_2w_shrt = []
    y_dns_2w_shrt = []
    y_dns_2w_shrt_norm = []
    y_dns_2w_shrt_dime = []
    x_dns_2w_long = []
    y_dns_2w_long = []
    y_dns_2w_long_norm = []
    y_dns_2w_long_dime = []
    x_dns_1w_long = []
    y_dns_1w_long = []
    y_dns_1w_long_norm = []
    y_dns_1w_long_dime = []

    Wvap = 278.34e-3
    Wgas = 28.29e-3
    Lref_exp = 0.00375 / 2.
    Lref_dns = 0.00175  # pipe dimensional radius (DNS)

    norm_exp = (Lref_exp * 1.e2)**3
    norm_dns = (Lref_dns * 1.e2)**3

    if plot_name == "fried2000F10.11":
        exp_dataset = 'DBP_Re4700_d0375cm.csv'
        dns_dataset = 'prt_mean'

    for root, dirs, files in os.walk("%s" % run_dir):

        for filename in files:

            if re.match('%s' % exp_dataset, filename):

                exp_dataset = '%s' % os.path.join(root, filename)
                print '\n--> Reading', exp_dataset
                #                break   #prevent decending into subfolders

                with open(exp_dataset, 'r') as csvfile:

                    plots = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=';')

                    for row in plots:

                y_exp_dime = [i * ((2.0)**3) for i in y_exp]

                y_exp_norm = [i * norm_exp for i in y_exp_dime]

            if re.match('%s%s.vtk' % (run_ver, dns_dataset), filename):
                file_list.append(os.path.join(root, filename))

    for dns_dataset in file_list:

        file_d = dns_dataset
        out_f = rosie.getOutputVTKwithPointDataFromFile(file_d)

        grid, mean_fields = rosie.getFields(out_f, name_list)

        x, y = grid[:, 1], grid[:, 2]
        npts = 500
        xmin, xmax = min(x), max(x)
        ymin, ymax = min(y), max(y)

        xi = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, npts)
        yi = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, npts)
        xi, yi = np.meshgrid(xi, yi)

        z = mean_fields['part_number']
        zi = griddata((x, y), z, (xi, yi), method='linear')

        y_dns = util.ProbeAtLocation(zi, xi, yi, 0.1, 40.0)

        if re.match('.+shrt.+', file_d):

            if re.match('.+0w.+', file_d):
                y_dns_0w_shrt_norm = y_dns_0w_shrt                 \
                                                             y_dns_0w_shrt_dime = [(i / norm_dns )* ((0.8)**3) for i in y_dns_0w_shrt_norm]

            elif re.match('.+1w.+', file_d):
                y_dns_1w_shrt_norm = y_dns_1w_shrt                 \
                                                             y_dns_1w_shrt_dime = [(i / norm_dns )* ((0.8)**3) for i in y_dns_1w_shrt_norm]

            elif re.match('.+2w.+', file_d):
                y_dns_2w_shrt_norm = y_dns_2w_shrt                 \
                                                             y_dns_2w_shrt_dime = [(i / norm_dns )* ((0.8)**3) for i in y_dns_2w_shrt_norm]

        elif re.match('.+long.+', file_d):

            if re.match('.+0w.+', file_d):
                y_dns_0w_long_norm = y_dns_0w_long                 \
                                                             y_dns_0w_long_dime = [(i / norm_dns )* ((0.8)**3) for i in y_dns_0w_long_norm]

            elif re.match('.+1w.+', file_d):
                y_dns_1w_long_norm = y_dns_1w_long                 \
                                                             y_dns_1w_long_dime = [(i / norm_dns )* ((0.8)**3) for i in y_dns_1w_long_norm]

            elif re.match('.+2w.+', file_d):
                y_dns_2w_long_norm = y_dns_2w_long                 \
                                                             y_dns_2w_long_dime = [(i / norm_dns )* ((0.8)**3) for i in y_dns_2w_long_norm]

        file_d = dns_dataset.replace('prt_mean', 'flu_mean')
        out_f = rosie.getOutputVTKwithPointDataFromFile(file_d)

        grid, mean_fields = rosie.getFields(out_f, name_list)

        x, y = grid[:, 1], grid[:, 2]
        npts = 500
        xmin, xmax = min(x), max(x)
        ymin, ymax = min(y), max(y)

        xi = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, npts)
        yi = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, npts)
        xi, yi = np.meshgrid(xi, yi)

        z = mean_fields['Y']
        zi = griddata((x, y), z, (xi, yi), method='linear')

        x_dns = util.ProbeAtLocation(zi, xi, yi, 0.0, 0.1)
        x_dns = x_dns / (x_dns + (1 - x_dns) * Wvap / Wgas)

        if re.match('.+shrt.+', file_d):

            if re.match('.+0w.+', file_d): x_dns_0w_shrt.append(x_dns)
            elif re.match('.+1w.+', file_d): x_dns_1w_shrt.append(x_dns)
            elif re.match('.+2w.+', file_d): x_dns_2w_shrt.append(x_dns)

        elif re.match('.+long.+', file_d):

            if re.match('.+0w.+', file_d): x_dns_0w_long.append(x_dns)
            elif re.match('.+1w.+', file_d): x_dns_1w_long.append(x_dns)
            elif re.match('.+2w.+', file_d): x_dns_2w_long.append(x_dns)

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))


    ax_dime = fig.add_subplot(121)

    xmin_dime, xmax_dime = 0., 5.e-4
    ymin_dime, ymax_dime = 1., 1.e+6


    ax_dime.set_xlim(xmin_dime, xmax_dime)
    ax_dime.set_ylim(ymin_dime, ymax_dime)

    plt.scatter(x_exp, y_exp_dime, c='b', label='experiments ')
    plt.scatter(x_dns_2w_shrt, y_dns_2w_shrt_dime, c='r', label='2w DNS short')
    plt.scatter(x_dns_2w_long, y_dns_2w_long_dime, c='m', label='2w DNS long ')
    plt.scatter(x_dns_1w_long, y_dns_1w_long_dime, c='g', label='1w DNS long ')

    plt.legend(loc="lower right")
    plt.title('dimensional results')

    plt.xlabel('DBP inlet molar-franction')
    plt.ylabel('Particle Number Density (#/cc)')

    #plt.savefig(res_dir + '/dime_%s.eps'%plot_name, format='eps', dpi=300)


    #fig= plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))

    ax_norm = fig.add_subplot(122)

    xmin_norm, xmax_norm = 0., 5.e-4
    ymin_norm, ymax_norm = 1.e-2, 1.e+4


    ax_norm.set_xlim(xmin_norm, xmax_norm)
    ax_norm.set_ylim(ymin_norm, ymax_norm)

    plt.scatter(x_exp, y_exp_norm, c='b', label='experiments ')
    plt.scatter(x_dns_2w_shrt, y_dns_2w_shrt_norm, c='r', label='2w DNS short')
    plt.scatter(x_dns_2w_long, y_dns_2w_long_norm, c='m', label='2w DNS long ')
    plt.scatter(x_dns_1w_long, y_dns_1w_long_norm, c='g', label='1w DNS long ')

    plt.legend(loc="lower right")
    plt.title('non-dimensional results')

    plt.xlabel('DBP inlet molar-franction')
    plt.ylabel('Particle Number Density (#/dV)')

    fig.suptitle('DNS vs Experimental (Friedlander)', fontsize=14)

    plt.savefig(res_dir + '/cfrDNSvsExp_%s.png' % plot_name,

    return []
def cfr_profile_plots(run_dir, run_out, run_ver, res_dir):

    res_dir = res_dir + '/1D_plots/'

    if util.chk_dir(res_dir) == False:
        os.makedirs(res_dir)  # make sure the results directory exists

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)  # ; ax.set_aspect(1, adjustable = 'box')

    xmin = 1.e+16
    xmax = -1.e+16
    ymin = 1.e+16
    ymax = -1.e+16

    name_list = []

    for root, dirs, files in os.walk("%s" % run_dir):

        for filename in files:

            if re.match('%s%s*.*.vtk' % (run_ver, run_out), filename):

                print '\n--> looking for %s' % filename

                fname_end = filename.split("_")
                prof_case = fname_end[-1]
                prof_case = prof_case.rstrip('.vtk')

                print '\n--> case %s' % prof_case

                file_d = run_dir + '%s' % (filename)
                out_f = rosie.getOutputVTKwithPointDataFromFile(file_d)

                grid, mean_fields = rosie.getFields(out_f, name_list)

                for field in mean_fields:

                    if field == "pdf_38.0":

                        x = grid[:, 2]
                        xmin, xmax = 2.e-7, 2.e-6  # ; xmin, xmax = min(x), max(x)

                        ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
                        ax.set_xscale('log')  # ; ax.set_xlabel(r'%s'%field)

                        y = mean_fields[field]
                        y = y * (4 / 3 * 3.14 * np.power(x, 4))
                        x = 2 * x * 0.00175

                        #                        for i in range(len(y)):
                        #                        	if i < (len(y)-1):
                        #					delta_x = x[i+1] - x[i]
                        #                        	else:
                        #					delta_x = x[i] - x[i-1]
                        #				y[i] = y[i]/(math.log10(x[i] + delta_x) - math.log10(x[i] - delta_x))
                        ##				print y[i]

                        ymin = min(np.append(y, ymin))
                        ymax = max(np.append(y, ymax))

                        ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)  # ; ax.set_yscale('log')

                        field_name = field

                        if filename == "fra_mean": ax.set_xlim(xmin, 10.0)
                        elif filename == "prad_pdf" + prof_case + ".vtk":
                            field_name = "rad_" + field
                            ax.set_xscale('log')  # ; ax.set_yscale('log')
                        elif filename == "pvap_pdf":
                            field_name = "vap_" + field
                            )  #  ax.plot(x,y,'b-',label=r'%s'%prof_case)

                        if prof_case == "x18":
                                x, y, '#0d4186', label=r'1.8', linewidth=2.0
                            )  # ax.plot(x,y,'#3470F0',label=r'%s'%prof_case)
                        if prof_case == "x21":
                                x, y, '#0d4186', label=r'2.1', linewidth=2.0
                            )  # ax.plot(x,y,'#3470F0',label=r'%s'%prof_case)
                        if prof_case == "x25":
                                x, y, '#0d4186', label=r'2.5', linewidth=2.0
                            )  # ax.plot(x,y,'#3470F0',label=r'%s'%prof_case)
                        if prof_case == "x32":
                                x, y, '#0d4186', label=r'3.2', linewidth=2.0
                            )  # ax.plot(x,y,'#3470F0',label=r'%s'%prof_case)

        ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(util.OOMFormatter(-10, mathText=False))

        xvals = [8.0e-7, 7.5e-7, 8.0e-7, 9.0e-7]
                        color='k')  #,fontsize=14)

        plt.grid(which='both', axis='both', color='darkgrey')

        plt.savefig(res_dir + '/cfr_%s.png' % field_name,

        break  #prevent decending into subfolders

    return []
def norm_profile_plots(run_dir, run_out, norm_out, run_ver, res_dir):

    res_dir = res_dir + '/1D_plots/'

    if util.chk_dir(res_dir) == False:
        os.makedirs(res_dir)  # make sure the results directory exists

    name_list = ['Uz_centline', 'R_halfw_Uz', 'Y_centline', 'R_halfw_Y']

    file_d = run_dir + '%s%s.vtk' % (run_ver, norm_out)
    out_f = rosie.getOutputVTKwithPointDataFromFile(file_d)

    axi_grid, mean_axi_fields = rosie.getFields(out_f, name_list)

    name_list = []

    file_d = run_dir + '%s%s.vtk' % (run_ver, run_out)
    out_f = rosie.getOutputVTKwithPointDataFromFile(file_d)

    rad_grid, mean_rad_fields = rosie.getFields(out_f, name_list)

    for field in mean_rad_fields:

        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 3))
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)  # ; ax.set_aspect(1, adjustable = 'box')

        if run_out == "fra_mean": x = rad_grid[:, 1]

        y = mean_rad_fields[field]

        rad_field = field.split("_", 2)
        rad_field_name = rad_field[0]
        rad_field_dist = float(rad_field[1])

        axi_norm = mean_axi_fields[rad_field_name + "_centline"]
        rad_norm = mean_axi_fields["R_halfw_" + rad_field_name]

        for i in range(len(axi_norm)):

            if np.isclose(axi_grid[i, 2], rad_field_dist, rtol=1e-2,
                          atol=1e-2):  # use util.find_nearest

                y = y / axi_norm[i]
                x = x / rad_norm[i]


        xmin, xmax = min(x), max(x)
        ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
        ymin, ymax = min(y), max(y)
        ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)

        field_name = field

        if run_out == "fra_mean": ax.set_xlim(xmin, 3.0)

        #        ax.set_ylim(xmin, 1.0)

        plt.title('norm_%s' % field_name)
        ax.plot(x, y, 'b-', label=r'norm_%s' % field_name)

        ax.set_xlabel(r'%s' % field)

        plt.grid(which='both', axis='both', color='darkgrey')

        plt.savefig(res_dir + '/norm_%s.png' % field_name,

    return []
def scatter_plots(run_dir, run_ver, res_dir, name_list):

    res_dir = res_dir + '/2D_scatter/'

    if util.chk_dir(res_dir) == False: os.makedirs(res_dir)

    z_name_list = ['J_rate', 'Rho']
    xy_name_list = ['Temperature', 'Sat_ratio', 'Y_vapour', 'Rho']

    for z_name in z_name_list:

        for xy_name in list(combinations(xy_name_list, 2)):

            x_name = xy_name[0]
            y_name = xy_name[1]

            if x_name == z_name or y_name == z_name: continue

            fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111)  # ; ax.set_aspect(1, adjustable = 'box')

            name_list = [x_name, y_name, z_name]

            for root, dirs, files in os.walk("%s" % run_dir):

                for filename in files:

                    if re.match('%sJE*.*.vtk' % run_ver, filename):

                        file_d = run_dir + '%s' % (filename)
                        out_f = rosie.getOutputVTKwithPointDataFromFile(file_d)

                        grid, inst_fields = rosie.getFields(out_f, name_list)

                        x = inst_fields[x_name]
                        y = inst_fields[y_name]
                        z = inst_fields[z_name]

                        #                        if x_name == 'Y_vapour' or x_name == 'Temperature': x  = (x - min(x))/(max(x) - min(x)) # to restore asap
                        #                        if y_name == 'Y_vapour' or y_name == 'Temperature': y  = (y - min(y))/(max(y) - min(y)) # to restore asap

                        xmin, xmax = min(x), max(x)  # xmin, xmax = 1.e-3, 1.

                        ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
                        ax.set_xlabel(r'%s' % x_name)

                        ymin, ymax = min(y), max(
                            y)  # ymin, ymax = 1.e-3, 2.e+3

                        ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
                        ax.set_ylabel(r'%s' % y_name)  # ; ax.set_yscale('log')

                        if y_name == 'Sat_ratio':
                            ax.set_ylabel(r'Saturation ratio')

                        vmin = min(z)
                        vmax = max(z)
                        norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)

                        if z_name in ['Rate_nucl', 'J_rate', 'Crit_rad']:

                            if z_name == 'Rate_nucl':
                                vmin = 1.0e-16
                                vmax = 1.0e-4
                            elif z_name == 'J_rate':
                                vmin = 1.0e-6
                                vmax = 1.0e+2
                            elif z_name == 'Crit_rad':
                                vmin = 1.0e-8

                            norm = colors.LogNorm(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)

                        sc = plt.scatter(x,
                                         cmap=plt.cm.get_cmap('jet', 8))

                cbar = plt.colorbar(sc)
                cbar.set_label('%s' % z_name, rotation=270, labelpad=20)

                if z_name == 'J_rate':
                    cbar.set_label('Nucleation rate',

                plt.savefig(res_dir + '/%s_%s_%s.png' %
                            (x_name[0:3:1], y_name[0:3:1], z_name[0:3:1]),

                break  #prevent decending into subfolders

    return []