    def test_labelCompare(self):

        a = ('0', '6.0.0', '2.el7ost')
        b = ('0', '6.0.1', '0.20170222164853.el7ost')
        c = ('0', '6.0.0', '0.20170217223245.0rc1.el7ost')
        d = ('0', '6.1.10', '0.20170222164853.el7ost')
        e = ('0', '6.1.9', '1.el7ost')
        f = ('0', '6.0.0', '0.2.0rc2.el7ost')
        g = ('0', '6.0.0', '0.3.0rc2.el7ost')
        # new dlrn
        new_dlrn = ('0', '6.1.1', '0.2.20170217063119.ad33b59.el7ost')

        # DLRN build vs not should be different
        self.assertEqual(rpmLabelCompare(a, b), -1)
        self.assertEqual(labelCompare(a, b), 1)
        # Reverse
        self.assertEqual(labelCompare(b, a), -1)

        # Two dlrn builds should be compared the same
        self.assertEqual(rpmLabelCompare(b, c),
                         labelCompare(b, c))

        # One dlrn build and one not with same version
        # should not matter
        self.assertEqual(rpmLabelCompare(a, c),
                         labelCompare(a, c))
        self.assertEqual(rpmLabelCompare(new_dlrn, d),
                         labelCompare(new_dlrn, d))
        self.assertEqual(rpmLabelCompare(new_dlrn, e),
                         labelCompare(new_dlrn, e))
        self.assertEqual(rpmLabelCompare(new_dlrn, b),
                         labelCompare(new_dlrn, b))

        # Micro release difference should work even if it goes from
        # 1-2 digits (or 2-3, etc.)
        self.assertEqual(rpmLabelCompare(d, e), 1)
        self.assertEqual(labelCompare(d, e), -1)
        # Reverse
        self.assertEqual(labelCompare(e, d), 1)

        # Release candidate DLRN builds > dlrn builds
        # e.g. 0.2.0rc1 needs to be > 0.2348349839021890.abc444
        self.assertEqual(rpmLabelCompare(b, f), 1)
        self.assertEqual(rpmLabelCompare(b, g), 1)
        self.assertEqual(labelCompare(b, f), -1)
    def test_labelCompare(self):

        a = ('0', '6.0.0', '2.el7ost')
        b = ('0', '6.0.1', '0.20170222164853.el7ost')
        c = ('0', '6.0.0', '0.20170217223245.0rc1.el7ost')
        d = ('0', '6.1.10', '0.20170222164853.el7ost')
        e = ('0', '6.1.9', '1.el7ost')
        f = ('0', '6.0.0', '0.2.0rc2.el7ost')
        new_dlrn = ('0', '6.1.1', '0.2.20170217063119.ad33b59.el7ost')

        self.assertEqual(rpmLabelCompare(a, b), labelCompare(a, b))

        # Two dlrn builds should be compared the same
        self.assertEqual(rpmLabelCompare(b, c), labelCompare(b, c))

        # One dlrn build and one not with same version
        # should not matter
        self.assertEqual(rpmLabelCompare(a, c), labelCompare(a, c))
        self.assertEqual(rpmLabelCompare(new_dlrn, d),
                         labelCompare(new_dlrn, d))
        self.assertEqual(rpmLabelCompare(new_dlrn, e),
                         labelCompare(new_dlrn, e))
        self.assertEqual(rpmLabelCompare(new_dlrn, b),
                         labelCompare(new_dlrn, b))
        self.assertEqual(rpmLabelCompare(d, e), labelCompare(d, e))

        # Release candidate DLRN builds > dlrn builds
        # e.g. 0.2.0rc1 needs to be > 0.2348349839021890.abc444
        self.assertEqual(rpmLabelCompare(b, f), labelCompare(b, f))

        # known prior test cases that were broken prior to previous
        #  dlrn_label_compare commits
        a = ('0', '1.2.0', '0.20191009110244.6090753.el8ost')
        b = ('0', '1.1.0', '1.20201113133400.6e1ba65.el8ost')
        self.assertEqual(rpmLabelCompare(a, b), labelCompare(a, b))
        self.assertEqual(rpmLabelCompare(a, b), dlrn_label_compare(a, b)[0])

        a = ('0', '2.3.2', '0.20191004134845.41e2a2b.el8ost')
        b = ('0', '2.3.1', '1.20201113163517.41e2a2b.el8ost')
        self.assertEqual(rpmLabelCompare(a, b), labelCompare(a, b))
        self.assertEqual(rpmLabelCompare(a, b), dlrn_label_compare(a, b)[0])
def delta(inp_left, inp_right, **kwargs):
    left = input_to_nevr_dict(inp_left, **kwargs)
    right = input_to_nevr_dict(inp_right, **kwargs)

    lc = set(left.keys())
    rc = set(right.keys())

    removed_comps = sorted(list(lc - rc))
    removed = {}
    for comp in removed_comps:
        removed[comp] = left[comp]

    added_comps = sorted(list(rc - lc))
    added = {}
    for comp in added_comps:
        added[comp] = right[comp]

    common_comps = sorted(list(lc & rc))
    common = {}
    downgrades = {}
    upgrades = {}
    # Break this one up in a more granular fashion
    for comp in common_comps:
        lnevr = left[comp]
        rnevr = right[comp]

        (ln, lv, lr, le, la) = splitFilename(lnevr)
        (rn, rv, rr, re, ra) = splitFilename(rnevr)

        rebase = False
        if lv != rv:
            rebase = True
        ret = labelCompare((le, lv, lr), (re, rv, rr))
        if ret > 0:
            downgrades[comp] = {'old': lnevr, 'new': rnevr, 'rebase': rebase}
        elif ret < 0:
            upgrades[comp] = {'old': lnevr, 'new': rnevr, 'rebase': rebase}
            common[comp] = lnevr

    ret = {}
    ret['old'] = left
    ret['new'] = right
    ret['removed'] = removed
    ret['added'] = added
    ret['common'] = common
    ret['downgrades'] = downgrades
    ret['upgrades'] = upgrades

    return ret
def tag_cleaner(args):

    print('attempting to do tag cleanup on {0}'.format(args.brew_tag))

    exclude_components = set(args.exclude.split(','))

    base_tag = None
    for sub_tag in [
            '-trunk-candidate', '-trunk-override', '-candidate', '-pending',
        if sub_tag in args.brew_tag:
            base_tag = args.brew_tag[0:-len(sub_tag)]

    if base_tag is None:
        raise Exception("brew tag must be either -candidate, -trunk-candidate,"
                        " -trunk-override, -pending, or -override otherwise "
                        "I don't know what to do")

    candidate_tag = args.brew_tag
    container_tag = base_tag + '-container-released'

    bw = KojiWrapperBase(profile='brew')

    if args.latest:
        released_builds = KojiTag(session=bw, tag=candidate_tag)
        released_builds = KojiTag(session=bw, tag=base_tag)

    staged_builds = KojiTag(session=bw, tag=candidate_tag)

    released_builds.builds(inherit=False, latest=args.latest)
    staged_builds.builds(inherit=False, latest=False)

    released_containers = None
    dc = []
        if not args.latest and container_tag:
            released_containers = KojiTag(session=bw, tag=container_tag)
            dc = released_containers.builds_by_attribute('name')
    except koji.GenericError:
        released_containers = None
        dc = []

    lc = released_builds.builds_by_attribute('name')
    rc = staged_builds.builds_by_attribute('name')

    common = sorted(list((set(lc) & set(rc)) - exclude_components))  # NOQA
    new_build_components = sorted(
        list((set(rc) - set(lc) - set(dc)) - exclude_components))  # NOQA
    tagged_only_components = sorted(
        list((set(lc) - set(rc)) - exclude_components))  # NOQA
    tagged_only_containers = sorted(
        list((set(dc) - set(rc)) - exclude_components))  # NOQA
    common_containers = sorted(list((set(dc) & set(rc)) -
                                    exclude_components))  # NOQA

    if args.debug:
            'tagged_only': tagged_only_components,
            'new_builds': new_build_components,
            'common': common,
            'common_containers': common_containers,
            'tagged_only_containers': tagged_only_containers

    builds_to_untag = []
    for c in common:
        rel_build = latest_package(released_builds, c)
        can_builds = builds_package(staged_builds, c)
        if args.debug:
            print('released', rel_build)
            print('-candidate', can_builds)

        if ((args.clean_all) and (rel_build in can_builds)
                and (rel_build == latest_package(staged_builds, c))):
            if args.debug:
                print("Latest build {0} is released".format(rel_build) +
                      ", untagging them all")
            for build in can_builds:

        for build in can_builds:
            if build == rel_build:
                if not args.latest:
                    if args.debug:
                        print("Latest build {0} is released".format(rel_build))
                    if args.debug:
                        print("Preserving latest build {0}".format(rel_build))
                (ln, lv, lr, le, la) = splitFilename(rel_build)
                (rn, rv, rr, re, ra) = splitFilename(build)

                v = labelCompare((le, lv, lr), (re, rv, rr))
                if v > 0:
                    if args.debug:
                        print("released is newer, untagging {0}".format(build))
                elif v < 0:
                    if args.debug:
                        print("Skipping {0} newer than released".format(build))
                    if args.debug:
                        print("released equal, untagging {0}".format(build))
                    if not args.latest:

    for c in common_containers:
        if args.debug:
            print('Looking at container {0}'.format(c))

        rel_build = latest_package(released_containers, c)
        can_builds = builds_package(staged_builds, c)
        if args.debug:
            print('released', rel_build)
            print('-candidate', can_builds)

        if ((args.clean_all) and (rel_build in can_builds)
                and (rel_build == latest_package(staged_builds, c))):
            if args.debug:
                print("Latest build {0} is released".format(rel_build) +
                      ", untagging them all")
            for build in can_builds:

        for build in can_builds:
            if build == rel_build:
                if args.debug:
                    print("Latest build {0} is released".format(rel_build))
                (ln, lv, lr, le, la) = splitFilename(rel_build)
                (rn, rv, rr, re, ra) = splitFilename(build)

                v = labelCompare((le, lv, lr), (re, rv, rr))
                if v > 0:
                    if args.debug:
                        print("released is newer, untagging {0}".format(build))
                elif v < 0:
                    if args.debug:
                        print("Skipping {0} newer than released".format(build))
                    if args.debug:
                        print("released equal, untagging {0}".format(build))

    # NOTE: jschlueter 2016-12-16
    # for RH-OSP we have several image builds that use
    # brew image-build-indirection to generate the released images
    # rhosp-director-images ==> director-utility,director-input,minimal-input
    #   director-utility and *-input are used to generate overcloud-full
    #   and ironic-python-agent images.  Those images are then embedded
    #   in rhos-director-images.
    # This means we never release these auxiliary images and they
    # need to be cleaned out of the -candidate tag but we would like to leave
    # tagged in -candidate any auxiliary images equal or newer to the last
    # released overcloud-full package.
    # Beginning with OSP 16.1, the multiarch name is included in the
    # image build name, e.g. overcloud-full-(x86_64|ppc64le) corresponds
    # respectively to director-input-(x86_64|ppc64le),
    # director-utility-(x86_64|ppc64le), minimal-input-(x86_64|ppc64le)
    # add logic to handle auxiliary image builds
    # we want to keep corresponding -input and -utility images
    # matching build is:
    # overcloud-full-(ARCH-)<VR>
    #    == director-input-(ARCH-)<VR>
    #    == director-utility-(ARCH-)<VR>
    #    == minimal-input-(ARCH-)<VR> (16.1+ only)
    latest_images = None

    # By default use the pre-16.1 naming convention
    oc_build_name = 'overcloud-full'
    aux_build_names = ['director-input', 'director-utility']

    # If the multiarch overcloud-full-x86_64 build is present, use
    # multiarch-named builds
    if ('overcloud-full-x86_64' in lc):
        oc_build_name = 'overcloud-full-x86_64'
        aux_build_names = [
            'director-input-x86_64', 'director-input-ppc64le',
            'director-utility-x86_64', 'director-utility-ppc64le',
            'minimal-input-x86_64', 'minimal-input-ppc64le'

    if ([a for a in aux_build_names if a in rc] and oc_build_name in lc):
        latest_images = latest_package(released_builds, oc_build_name)
        if args.debug:
            if latest_images is not None:
                print('Attempting director-input/utility image cleanup')
                    'Skipping director-input/utility no overcloud-full found')

    if latest_images is not None:
        VR = latest_images[len(oc_build_name):]
        keep = [abn + VR for abn in aux_build_names]

        print("Trying to clean up director-input and director-utility")
        print("Keeping {0} for Released {1}".format(keep, latest_images))
        for c in aux_build_names:
            for build in builds_package(staged_builds, c):
                if build in keep:

                (ln, lv, lr, le, la) = splitFilename(c + VR)
                (rn, rv, rr, re, ra) = splitFilename(build)

                v = labelCompare((le, lv, lr), (re, rv, rr))
                if v > 0:
                    if args.debug:
                        print("released is newer, untagging")

    if len(builds_to_untag) > 0:
        print("All Clean. nothing to do for {0}".format(candidate_tag))