def _getty_append_invdiff(html_string, targets, go, prev_hash, curr_hash, iso): global ignore_all_ws ignore_all_ws = True anchor = "<br>{{{__getty_invariant_diff__}}}<br>" for target in sorted(targets, reverse=True): if config.install_diffinv_only: print ' -- processing inv diff for ' + target tfs = fsformat(target) osot_invf = go + "_getty_inv__" + tfs + "__" + prev_hash + "_.inv.out" nsnt_invf = go + "_getty_inv__" + tfs + "__" + curr_hash + "_.inv.out" invdiff_outft = go + "_getty_inv__" + tfs + "__" + ".inv.diff.html" diff_settings = [("ni", osot_invf, nsnt_invf, invdiff_outft)] if iso: osnt_invf = go + "_getty_inv__" + tfs + "__" + prev_hash + "_" + curr_hash + "_.inv.out" nsot_invf = go + "_getty_inv__" + tfs + "__" + curr_hash + "_" + prev_hash + "_.inv.out" diff_settings += [ ("si", osnt_invf, nsnt_invf, invdiff_outft[:-10]+".si.diff.html"), ("ti4o", osot_invf, osnt_invf, invdiff_outft[:-10]+".ti4o.diff.html"), ("ti4n", nsot_invf, nsnt_invf, invdiff_outft[:-10]+".ti4n.diff.html")] for ds in diff_settings: replacement = anchor + "\n" + \ __generate_append_diff(target, ds[0], ds[1], ds[2], ds[3]) html_string = html_string.replace(anchor, replacement) html_string = html_string.replace(anchor, "") if config.use_tmp_files: remove_many_files(go, "*"+PRSV_TMP) ignore_all_ws = False return html_string
def _getty_install_invtips(html_string, commit_msgs, github_link, prev_hash, curr_hash, go, oldl2m, newl2m, iso): extra_tooltips_installation = " set_commit_hashes(" + \ "\"" + prev_hash + "\", " + "\"" + curr_hash + "\");\n" if config.install_extra_tips: newarray = ["\"" + curr_hash + "\""] if config.install_inv_tips: for pair in newl2m: newarray.append("\"" + __path_to_image(pair[0]) + "\"") newarray.append("\"" + str(pair[1]) + "\"") newarray.append("\"" + fsformat(newl2m[pair]) + "\"") newarray_str = "[" + ", ".join(t for t in newarray) + "]" oldarray = ["\"" + prev_hash + "\""] if config.install_inv_tips: for pair in oldl2m: oldarray.append("\"" + __path_to_image(pair[0]) + "\"") oldarray.append("\"" + str(pair[1]) + "\"") oldarray.append("\"" + fsformat(oldl2m[pair]) + "\"") oldarray_str = "[" + ", ".join(t for t in oldarray) + "]" extra_tooltips_installation = \ " installInvTips(" + \ "\"" + curr_hash + "\", " + "\"" + prev_hash + "\", " + \ newarray_str + ", " + oldarray_str + ");\n" iso_setup = "" if iso: iso_setup = " isolation = true;\n" js_commit_msgs = json.dumps(commit_msgs) js_github_link = (json.dumps(github_link) if github_link is not None else "''") install_line = \ "<script>\n" + \ " install_msg_tips(" + js_commit_msgs + ", " + js_github_link + ");" + \ " window.onbeforeunload = function() { return true; };\n" + \ iso_setup + extra_tooltips_installation + \ " $(\"tr.diff-ignore\").hide();\n" + \ "</script>\n</body>" html_string = html_string.replace("</body>", install_line) return html_string
def is_different(target, go, prev_hash, post_hash): tfs = fsformat(target) prev_invs_file = go + "_getty_inv__" + tfs + "__" + prev_hash + "_.inv.out" post_invs_file = go + "_getty_inv__" + tfs + "__" + post_hash + "_.inv.out" if (not os.path.exists(prev_invs_file)) or (not os.path.exists(post_invs_file)): return True difftext = from_sys_call_enforce(" ".join(["git diff", prev_invs_file, post_invs_file])) if difftext == "": return False else: return True
def __link_to_show_neighbors(t, common_package, style_class=None): aid = "target-link-" + fsformat(t) cls = "target-linkstyle" + " class-" + aid if style_class is not None: cls += (" " + style_class) js_cmd = "return activateNeighbors(\"" + t + "\");" tname = t if common_package != '': tname = t[len(common_package)+1:] tname = tname.replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">") return "<a href='#' id='" + aid + "' class='" + cls + "' onclick='" + js_cmd + "'>" + tname + "</a>"
def inv_to_html(targets, go, commit_hash): # filtered_targets = [t for t in targets if not t.endswith(":<clinit>")] for target in targets: tfs = fsformat(target) invs_file = go + "_getty_inv__" + tfs + "__" + commit_hash + "_.inv.out" try: with open(invs_file, 'r') as invf: invs = newinvhtml = inv_html_header + invs + inv_html_footer with open(invs_file + ".html", "w") as wf: wf.write(newinvhtml) except IOError: with open(invs_file + ".html", 'w') as newf: newf.write("<NO INVARIANTS INFERRED>")
def _install_anchors_for(original, targets, l4ms): l2as = {} for target in targets: if target in l4ms: l2as[l4ms[target]] = "<a name='" + fsformat(target) + "'></a>" if len(l2as) > 0: installed = [] for line_number, line_content in enumerate(original.split("\n"), start=1): if line_number in l2as: installed.append(l2as[line_number] + line_content) else: installed.append(line_content) return '\n'.join(installed) else: return original
def is_possibly_different(target, go, prev_hash, post_hash, preprocessed=False): if preprocessed: return __possible_diff_with_preprocessed_diff_html(target, go) else: tfs = fsformat(target) osot_invf = go + "_getty_inv__" + tfs + "__" + prev_hash + "_.inv.out" nsnt_invf = go + "_getty_inv__" + tfs + "__" + post_hash + "_.inv.out" osnt_invf = go + "_getty_inv__" + tfs + "__" + prev_hash + "_" + post_hash + "_.inv.out" nsot_invf = go + "_getty_inv__" + tfs + "__" + post_hash + "_" + prev_hash + "_.inv.out" all_pairs = [(osot_invf, nsnt_invf), (osnt_invf, nsnt_invf), (osot_invf, osnt_invf), (nsot_invf, nsnt_invf)] for fpair in all_pairs: if (not os.path.exists(fpair[0])) or (not os.path.exists(fpair[1])): return True difftext = from_sys_call_enforce(" ".join(["git diff", fpair[0], fpair[1]])) if difftext != "": return True return False
def __possible_diff_with_preprocessed_diff_html(target, go): tfs = fsformat(target) ni_hdiff = go + "_getty_inv__" + tfs + "__.inv.diff.html" si_hdiff = go + "_getty_inv__" + tfs + "" ti4o_hdiff = go + "_getty_inv__" + tfs + "__.inv.ti4o.diff.html" ti4n_hdiff = go + "_getty_inv__" + tfs + "__.inv.ti4n.diff.html" for hd in [ni_hdiff, si_hdiff, ti4o_hdiff, ti4n_hdiff]: if os.path.exists(hd): with open(hd, 'r') as hdf: diff_html = if not (diff_html.find("<table") < 0 and diff_html.find("NO DIFFERENCE") >= 0): return True else: print '\n***' print ' could not find the preprocessed file: ' + hd print ' --> assuming there were no diffs' print '***\n' return False
def __generate_append_diff(target, diff_type, prev_invf, post_invf, diff_htmlf): global cached_header global caching_stage if diff_type not in ["ni", "ti4o", "ti4n", "si"]: raise ValueError("diff_type must be one of 'ni', 'ti4o', 'ti4n', and 'si'") if config.use_tmp_files: prev_invs_file_tagged = __prediff_process(prev_invf, PRSV_LEFT, PRSV_TMP) curr_invs_file_tagged = __prediff_process(post_invf, PRSV_RIGHT, PRSV_TMP) dstring = from_sys_call_enforce( " ".join(["git diff --unified=0", prev_invs_file_tagged, curr_invs_file_tagged])) else: prev_invs_tagged = __prediff_process_in_memory(prev_invf, PRSV_LEFT) curr_invs_tagged = __prediff_process_in_memory(post_invf, PRSV_RIGHT) dstring = "diff --git a/invariants b/invariants\n" for ln in difflib.unified_diff(prev_invs_tagged, curr_invs_tagged, n=0): dstring += ln cached_header = None caching_stage = False if len(dstring.split("\n")) <= config.max_diff_lines: dstring = __denoise(dstring) dtable = parse_from_memory(dstring, True, None, with_ln=False) else: print ' --- too big diff to be shown' dtable = '<div>The differential is too big to be shown</div>' inv_title = \ "<div class='inv-cmp-title'><span class='menu-words'>Compare Invariants for</span> " + \ "{ <span class='program-words'><b>" + __escape(target) + "</b></span> }</div>" invdiffhtml = \ "<div id='vsinvs-" + diff_type + "-" + fsformat(target) + "'>" + \ inv_title + "\n" + \ ("NO DIFFERENCE" if is_empty(dtable) else dtable) + \ "\n</div>\n" with open(diff_htmlf, 'w') as idout: idout.write(invdiffhtml) return invdiffhtml
def add_line(s1, s2, output_file, with_ln=True): global line1 global line2 global oldl2m global newl2m global cached_header global caching_stage global ignore_all_ws orig1 = s1 orig2 = s2 line1_active_flag = False line2_active_flag = False if s1 is None and s2 is None: type_name = "unmodified" if (s1 is None or (len(s1) <= 1 and s1.strip() == "")) and \ (s2 is None or (len(s2) <= 1 and s2.strip() == "")): if ignore_all_ws: type_name = "-ignore" else: type_name = "unmodified" elif (s1 is None or s1.strip() == "") and s2 is not None: type_name = "added" line2_active_flag = True elif (s2 is None or s2.strip() == "") and s1 is not None: type_name = "deleted" line1_active_flag = True elif s1 == s2 and not (s1.startswith(TOO_LONG_MSG) and s2.startswith(TOO_LONG_MSG)): type_name = "unmodified" else: type_name = "changed" line2_active_flag = True if algorithm == 1: s1, s2 = diff_changed_words_ts(orig1, orig2) elif algorithm == 2: s1, s2 = diff_changed_ts(orig1, orig2) else: # default s1, s2 = linediff(orig1, orig2) extra_anchor_names = set() if (not line1_active_flag) and (not line2_active_flag): extra_anchor_names.clear() else: if line2_active_flag: possible_nk = (postfile, int(line2)) if possible_nk in newl2m: extra_anchor_names.add(TARGET_ANCHOR_PREFIX + fsformat(newl2m[possible_nk])) if line1_active_flag: possible_ok = (prefile, int(line1)) if possible_ok in oldl2m: extra_anchor_names.add(TARGET_ANCHOR_PREFIX + fsformat(oldl2m[possible_ok])) if (orig1 is not None and orig1.startswith(PRSV_LEFT)) or \ (orig2 is not None and orig2.startswith(PRSV_RIGHT)): # output_file.write(('<tr class="invheader diff%s">' % type_name).encode(encoding)) cached_header = ('<tr class="invheader diff%s">' % type_name).encode(encoding) caching_stage = True else: if ((orig1 is None or str(orig1).strip() == "") and (orig2 is not None and str(orig2).strip().startswith("================"))) or \ ((orig2 is None or str(orig2).strip() == "") and (orig1 is not None and str(orig1).strip().startswith("================"))) or \ ((orig1 is not None and str(orig1).strip().startswith("================")) and (orig2 is not None and str(orig2).strip().startswith("================"))) or \ (orig1 is None and orig2 is not None and str(orig2).strip() == "") or \ (orig2 is None and orig1 is not None and str(orig1).strip() == "") or \ (orig1 is not None and orig2 is not None and type_name == "unmodified" and not with_ln) or \ (ignore_all_ws and str(orig1).strip() == "" and str(orig2).strip() == ""): if caching_stage: cached_header += (('<tr class="diff-ignore diff%s">' % type_name).encode(encoding)) else: output_file.write(('<tr class="diff-ignore diff%s">' % type_name).encode(encoding)) else: if cached_header is not None: output_file.write(cached_header) cached_header = None if caching_stage: caching_stage = False output_file.write(('<tr class="diff%s">' % type_name).encode(encoding)) if caching_stage: om1 = re.match(orig_header_regex, str(orig1)) if om1: m1 = re.match(header_regex, str(s1)) s1 = str(s1)[len(].strip() if m1 else str(s1).strip() om2 = re.match(orig_header_regex, str(orig2)) if om2: m2 = re.match(header_regex, str(s2)) s2 = str(s2)[len(].strip() if m2 else str(s2).strip() if s1 != None and s1 != "": cached_header += (('<td class="diffline">%s </td>' % _ln(line1, with_ln)).encode(encoding)) cached_header += ('<td class="diffpresent">'.encode(encoding)) cached_header += (convert(s1, linesize=linesize, ponct=1).encode(encoding)) cached_header += ('</td>') else: s1 = "" cached_header += ('<td colspan="2"></td>') if s2 != None and s2 != "": if with_ln: cached_header += ( ('<td class="diffline">%s </td>' % _ln(line2, with_ln)).encode(encoding)) else: cached_header += ( ('<td class="diffline with_liner">%s </td>' % _ln(line2, with_ln)).encode(encoding)) cached_header += ('<td class="diffpresent">') cached_header += (convert(s2, linesize=linesize, ponct=1).encode(encoding)) cached_header += ('</td>') else: s2 = "" if with_ln: cached_header += ('<td colspan="2"></td>') else: cached_header += ('<td class="with_liner" colspan="2"></td>') cached_header += ('</tr>\n') else: extra_anchors = "" for ean in extra_anchor_names: extra_anchors += ("<a name='" + ean + "'></a>") if s1 != None and s1 != "": output_file.write( ('<td class="diffline">' + extra_anchors + '%s </td>' % _ln(line1, with_ln)).encode(encoding)) output_file.write('<td class="diffpresent">'.encode(encoding)) output_file.write(convert(s1, linesize=linesize, ponct=1).encode(encoding)) output_file.write('</td>') else: s1 = "" output_file.write('<td colspan="2">' + extra_anchors + '</td>') if s2 != None and s2 != "": if with_ln: output_file.write( ('<td class="diffline">%s </td>' % _ln(line2, with_ln)).encode(encoding)) else: output_file.write( ('<td class="diffline with_liner">%s </td>' % _ln(line2, with_ln)).encode(encoding)) output_file.write('<td class="diffpresent">') output_file.write(convert(s2, linesize=linesize, ponct=1).encode(encoding)) output_file.write('</td>') else: s2 = "" if with_ln: output_file.write('<td colspan="2"></td>') else: output_file.write('<td class="with_liner" colspan="2"></td>') output_file.write('</tr>\n') if s1 != "": line1 += 1 if s2 != "": line2 += 1
def seq_get_invs(target_set_index_pair, java_cmd, junit_torun, go, this_hash): index = target_set_index_pair[1] target_set = target_set_index_pair[0] print "\n\t****\n" + " forked: " + index + "\n\t****\n" # select_pattern = daikon.select_full(target_set) select_pattern = daikon.dfformat_full_ordered(target_set) print "\n===select pattern===\n" + select_pattern + "\n" inv_gz = go + "_getty_inv_" + this_hash + "_." + index if config.compress_inv: inv_gz += ".inv.gz" else: inv_gz += ".inv" daikon_control_opt_list = [] if SHOW_MORE_DEBUG_INFO: daikon_control_opt_list.append("--show_progress --no_text_output") elif SHOW_DEBUG_INFO: daikon_control_opt_list.append("--no_show_progress --no_text_output") else: daikon_control_opt_list.append("--no_text_output") if config.disable_known_invs: daikon_control_opt_list.append("--disable-all-invariants") if config.omit_redundant_invs: daikon_control_opt_list.append("--omit_from_output 0r") if config.daikon_format_only: daikon_control_opt_list.append("--format Daikon") daikon_control_opt_list.append(config.blocked_daikon_invs_exp) daikon_display_args = " ".join(daikon_control_opt_list) # run Chicory + Daikon (online) for invariants without trace I/O run_chicory_daikon = " ".join( [ java_cmd, "daikon.Chicory --daikon-online --exception-handling", '--daikon-args="' + daikon_display_args, "-o", inv_gz + '"', '--ppt-select-pattern="' + select_pattern + '"', junit_torun, ] ) if SHOW_DEBUG_INFO: print "\n=== Daikon:Chicory+Daikon(online) command to run: \n" + run_chicory_daikon os.sys_call(run_chicory_daikon, ignore_bad_exit=True) if SHOW_DEBUG_INFO: current_count = 0 total_count = len(target_set) for tgt in target_set: target_ff = daikon.fsformat(tgt) out_file = go + "_getty_inv__" + target_ff + "__" + this_hash + "_.inv.out" run_printinv = " ".join( [ java_cmd, "daikon.PrintInvariants", "--format", config.output_inv_format, "--ppt-select-pattern='" + daikon.dpformat(tgt) + "'", "--output", out_file, inv_gz, ] ) if SHOW_DEBUG_INFO: current_count += 1 os.print_progress( current_count, total_count, prefix="Progress(" + index + "):", suffix="(" + str(current_count) + "/" + str(total_count) + ": " + tgt + ")" + " " * 20, bar_length=50, ) elif SHOW_MORE_DEBUG_INFO: print "\n=== Daikon:PrintInvs command to run: \n" + run_printinv os.sys_call(run_printinv, ignore_bad_exit=True) sort_txt_inv(out_file) os.remove_file(inv_gz)