import urllib, urllib2, base64, socket, smtplib, ssl, sys, cookielib, json, os, re
from tools.format import readable_json
from tools.auth_token import get_csrf_token
from tools.apis import upload_file_to_dropbox, create_api_with_file, get_apis_list, create_api, create_new_api_version

# Get csrf token
csrfToken = get_csrf_token('Akana_svc', 'Pass2017')

apiGuid = 'aeb532b5-8daf-46db-93e5-85d9266420b5.travelportAPI'
apiName = 'v2'
apiDescription = 'New version 2 of jeffreys_api1_v1_live'
sourceApiVersionId = 'e3d37d7f-c2ff-447c-b7ab-6ba98db3152a.travelportAPI'

createNewApiVersionResp, createNewApiVersionContent = create_new_api_version(
    csrfToken, apiGuid, apiName, apiDescription, sourceApiVersionId)

if createNewApiVersionResp == 200:
    print 'New API Version created successfully.'
    print 'createNewApiVersionContent = \n', readable_json(
    print 'New API Version creation failed.'
def create_api(token, swaggerFilePath, apiName, apiDescription):
    INPUT   1. token (string) - Cross site request forgery token used to make rest calls to Akana API.
            2. swaggerFilePath (string) - File path of swagger document to upload.
    OUTPUT  None
    # Update swagger with new name and description
    swaggerJsonFile = json.load(open(swaggerFilePath))
    swaggerJsonFile['info']['title'] = apiName
    swaggerJsonFile['info']['description'] = apiDescription
    updatedSwaggerFile = open(swaggerFilePath, 'w+')

    fileUploadedResp, uploadedContent = upload_file_to_dropbox(
        token, swaggerFilePath)

    dropboxFileId = uploadedContent['DropboxFileId']
    serviceName = uploadedContent['ServiceDescriptorDocument'][0][

    if fileUploadedResp == 200:
        print 'File uploaded successfully.'

        descriptorBody = {
            "DLDescriptor": {
                "ServiceDescriptorReference": {
                    "ServiceName": "{}".format(serviceName),
                    "FileName": "{}.swagger".format(serviceName),
                    "DropboxFileId": dropboxFileId
        descriptorBody = json.dumps(descriptorBody)

        # Create api from uploaded file in dropbox
        apiCreatedResp, apiCreatedContent = create_api_with_file(
            token, descriptorBody)

        if apiCreatedResp == 200:
            print 'API created successfully.'
            print 'apiCreatedContent = \n', readable_json(apiCreatedContent)

            # Add default policies
            defaultPolicies = [
                'BasicAuditing', 'Travelport AppID',
                'Travelport LDAP Authentication', 'Travelport Tracking ID'
            apiName = apiCreatedContent['Name']
            apiVersionId = apiCreatedContent['LatestVersionID']

            # Display list of all policies
            policiesList = get_policies_list(token)

            # Build json policy list to add to api
            requestedPolicy = {"Policy": []}

            for policy in policiesList:
                formattedPolicy = policy_attach_format(policy)
                if len(defaultPolicies) > 0:
                    for targetPolicy in defaultPolicies:
                        if formattedPolicy["Name"] == targetPolicy:

            # Attach policy to API
            rawData = json.dumps(requestedPolicy)

            policyAttachResp = attach_policy_to_api(token, rawData,
                                                    apiVersionId, 'live')

            if policyAttachResp == 200:
                print 'Policy attached to API successfully.'
                print 'Policy attachment to API failed.'

            # Create sandbox implementation
            postCreateSandboxImplResp, postCreateSandboxImplContent = create_sandbox_impl(
                token, apiVersionId)
            if postCreateSandboxImplResp == 200:
                print 'Sandbox implementation created successfully.'
                print 'Sandbox implementation creation failed.'
            print 'API creation failed.'
        print 'File upload successfull.'
        print 'File upload failed.'
#       }
#     ]
#   },
#   "BusinessID":businessId
# }
# licenseData = json.dumps(licenseData)

# addLicenseResp, addLicenseContent = add_licenses(csrfToken, licenseData)
# print 'addLicenseResp = ', addLicenseResp
# print 'addLicenseContent = ', readable_json(addLicenseContent)

# Add scope mapping to API
apiVersionId = '23aeb8fb-d857-44b4-a2bc-36db0e29f98b.travelportAPI'
scopeMappingData = {
    "OperationResource": [{
        "Silver access",
        "ResourceID": ["93b0b138-6515-4c08-99a0-27b6db19f1b0.travelportAPI"]
scopeMappingData = json.dumps(scopeMappingData)

addScopeMappingResp, addScopeMappingContent = add_scope_mapping_to_api(
    csrfToken, apiVersionId, scopeMappingData)

if addScopeMappingResp == 200:
    print 'Scope added to API successfully.'
    print 'addScopeMappingContent = ', readable_json(addScopeMappingContent)
    print 'Scope addition to API failed.'
fileUploadedResp, uploadedContent = upload_file_to_dropbox(csrfToken, filePath)

dropboxFileId = uploadedContent['DropboxFileId']
serviceName = uploadedContent['ServiceDescriptorDocument'][0]['ServiceName'][0]

if fileUploadedResp == 200:
    print 'File uploaded successfully.'

    descriptorBody = {
        "DLDescriptor": {
            "ServiceDescriptorReference": {
                "ServiceName": "{}".format(serviceName),
                "FileName": "{}.swagger".format(serviceName),
                "DropboxFileId": dropboxFileId
    descriptorBody = json.dumps(descriptorBody)

    # Create api from uploaded file in dropbox
    apiCreatedResp, apiCreatedContent = create_api_with_file(
        csrfToken, descriptorBody)

    if apiCreatedResp == 200:
        print 'API created successfully.'
        print 'apiCreatedContent = \n', readable_json(apiCreatedContent)
        print 'API creation failed.'
    print 'File upload failed.'
import urllib, urllib2, base64, socket, smtplib, ssl, sys, cookielib, json, os
from tools.apis import get_apis_list, get_api_info, get_policies_for_api, get_swagger_doc_for_api
from tools.auth_token import get_csrf_token
from tools.format import readable_json

# Get csrf token
csrfToken = get_csrf_token('Akana_svc', 'Pass2017')

apiList = get_apis_list(csrfToken)

for api in range(len(apiList)):
    apiInfo = get_api_info(csrfToken, apiList[api]['guid']['value'])
    swaggerDoc = get_swagger_doc_for_api(csrfToken, apiInfo['LatestVersionID'])
    print '\n\n' + readable_json(swaggerDoc)
import urllib, urllib2, base64, socket, smtplib, ssl, sys, cookielib, json, os
from tools.apis import get_apis_list, get_policies_for_api
from tools.auth_token import get_csrf_token
from tools.format import readable_json

# Get csrf token
csrfToken = get_csrf_token('Akana_svc', 'Pass2017')

apiList = get_apis_list(csrfToken)
print readable_json(apiList)