def getENUTrackDict(start,stop,hour_window = 12,flights_of_interest=[]): ''' This will return a dict with the trajectories of each plane observed in the period of time specified (given in UTC timestamps). ''' unique_flights,all_vals = getTracks(start,stop,hour_window=hour_window) if numpy.size(flights_of_interest) != 0: unique_flights = [u.replace(' ','') for u in unique_flights] all_vals[:,0] = [u.replace(' ','') for u in all_vals[:,0]] unique_flights = unique_flights[numpy.isin(unique_flights,flights_of_interest)] all_vals = all_vals[numpy.isin(all_vals[:,0],flights_of_interest),:] if numpy.size(all_vals) != 0: lat = all_vals[:,2].astype(float) lon = all_vals[:,3].astype(float) alt = all_vals[:,4].astype(float)*0.3048 #Expressing alt in meters now. timestamps = all_vals[:,1].astype(float) flight_tracks_ENU = {} origin = info.loadAntennaZeroLocation(deploy_index = 1) #Antenna 0 for unique_flight in unique_flights: flight_cut = all_vals[:,0] == unique_flight enu = pm.geodetic2enu(lat[flight_cut],lon[flight_cut],alt[flight_cut],origin[0],origin[1],origin[2]) #converts to ENU ts = timestamps[flight_cut] # x, y, z, t flight_tracks_ENU[unique_flight.replace(' ','')] = numpy.vstack((numpy.asarray(enu),ts[None,:])).T return flight_tracks_ENU, all_vals else: return [], []
def getENUTrackDict(start, stop, min_approach_cut_km, hour_window=12, flights_of_interest=[], origin=None, deploy_index=None): ''' This will return a dict with the trajectories of each plane observed in the period of time specified (given in UTC timestamps). origin should be a tuple in the same format as returned by loadAntennaZeroLocation (latitude,longtidue,elevation) ''' try: if deploy_index is None: deploy_index = info.returnDefaultDeploy() unique_flights, all_vals = getTracks(start, stop, min_approach_cut_km, hour_window=hour_window) if numpy.size(flights_of_interest) != 0: unique_flights = unique_flights[numpy.isin(unique_flights, flights_of_interest)] all_vals = all_vals[numpy.isin(all_vals['names'], flights_of_interest)] if numpy.size(all_vals) != 0: flight_tracks_ENU = {} if origin is None: origin = info.loadAntennaZeroLocation( deploy_index=deploy_index) #Antenna 0 for unique_flight in unique_flights: flight_cut = numpy.where(all_vals['names'] == unique_flight)[0] flight_cut = flight_cut[numpy.unique( all_vals['timestamps'][flight_cut], return_index=True )[1]] #Removing repeated timestamps per flight ts = all_vals['timestamps'][flight_cut] #cut = numpy.logical_and(cut,numpy.isin(numpy.arange(len(cut)),numpy.unique(file['timestamps'][...],return_index=True)[1])) #bool cut of first occurance of each timestamp to remove repeated. enu = pm.geodetic2enu(all_vals['lat'][flight_cut], all_vals['lon'][flight_cut], all_vals['alt'][flight_cut], origin[0], origin[1], origin[2]) #converts to ENU sorted_track_indices = numpy.argsort(ts) # x, y, z, t flight_tracks_ENU[unique_flight] = numpy.vstack( (numpy.asarray(enu), ts[None, :])).T[sorted_track_indices] return flight_tracks_ENU, all_vals else: return {}, [] except Exception as e: print('Error in getENUTrackDict.') print(e) exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1] print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)
sine_subtract_min_freq_GHz = 0.03 sine_subtract_max_freq_GHz = 0.09 sine_subtract_percent = 0.03 hilbert=False final_corr_length = 2**10 trigger_types = [1,3]#[2] plot_maps = True sum_events = False #If true will add all plots together, if False will loop over runs in runs. lognorm = True cmap = 'YlOrRd'#'binary'#'coolwarm' subset_cm ='autumn', 10) origin = info.loadAntennaZeroLocation(deploy_index=deploy_index) latlonel_khsv = numpy.array([36.008611, -115.005556, 3316*0.3048 + 10]) #Height on google maps is ~ 3316 feet, which I convert to meters and add additional height for the tower it is on. enu_khsv = numpy.array(pm.geodetic2enu(latlonel_khsv[0],latlonel_khsv[1],latlonel_khsv[2],origin[0],origin[1],origin[2])) distance_m = numpy.linalg.norm(enu_khsv) zenith_deg = numpy.rad2deg(numpy.arccos(enu_khsv[2]/distance_m)) elevation_deg = 90.0 - numpy.rad2deg(numpy.arccos(enu_khsv[2]/distance_m)) azimuth_deg = numpy.rad2deg(numpy.arctan2(enu_khsv[1],enu_khsv[0])) try: if True: center_dir = 'E' apply_phase_response = True reader = Reader(datapath,run) cor = Correlator(reader, upsample=2**16, n_phi=720, n_theta=720, waveform_index_range=(None,None),crit_freq_low_pass_MHz=crit_freq_low_pass_MHz, crit_freq_high_pass_MHz=crit_freq_high_pass_MHz, low_pass_filter_order=low_pass_filter_order, high_pass_filter_order=high_pass_filter_order, plot_filter=False,apply_phase_response=apply_phase_response, tukey=False, sine_subtract=True) # mean_corr_values, fig, ax =, 'hpol', include_baselines=numpy.array([0,1,2,3,4,5]), plot_map=True, plot_corr=False, hilbert=False, interactive=False, max_method=None, waveforms=None, verbose=True, mollweide=True, center_dir=center_dir, circle_zenith=None, circle_az=None, radius=1.0, time_delay_dict={},window_title=None,add_airplanes=False) ds = dataSlicerSingleRun(reader, impulsivity_dset_key, time_delays_dset_key, map_direction_dset_key,\
plot_freq_classification_colors = True #PLF,LF,HF,PHF,BB freq_classications = ['PLF', 'LF', 'HF', 'PHF', 'BB'] freq_colors_cm ='Set3', len(freq_classications)) freq_colors = freq_colors_cm(numpy.linspace(0, 1, len(freq_classications))) freq_color_dict = {} for i, key in enumerate(freq_classications): freq_color_dict[key] = {} freq_color_dict[key]['c'] = numpy.array([freq_colors[i]]) freq_color_dict[key]['labeled_yet'] = False # freq_colors ='plasma',len(freq_classications)-1)#-1 because BB will be black known_planes, calibrated_trigtime, output_tracks = pt.getKnownPlaneTracks() origin = info.loadAntennaZeroLocation( deploy_index=1) #This is what ENU is with respect to. antennas_physical, antennas_phase_hpol, antennas_phase_vpol = info.loadAntennaLocationsENU( ) antennas_phase_start = antennas_phase_hpol print('Loading in cable delays.') cable_delays = info.loadCableDelays()[mode] if plot_planes == True: plane_fig = plt.figure() plane_fig.canvas.set_window_title('3D Plane Tracks') plane_ax = plane_fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') plane_ax.scatter(0, 0, 0, label='Antenna 0', c='k') plane_polys = {} interpolated_plane_locations = {}
#This is just to demonstrate the difference. final_corr_length = 2**17 crit_freq_low_pass_MHz = [ 80, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 60, 70 ] #Filters here are attempting to correct for differences in signals from pulsers. low_pass_filter_order = [0, 8, 8, 8, 10, 8, 3, 8] crit_freq_high_pass_MHz = 65 high_pass_filter_order = 12 apply_phase_response = True hilbert = False #Load antenna position information from the script origin = info.loadAntennaZeroLocation() #Assuming default_deploy antennas_physical, antennas_phase_hpol, antennas_phase_vpol = info.loadAntennaLocationsENU( ) #Assuming default_deploy #Create a Reader object for the specific run. reader = Reader(datapath, run) print('The run associated with this reader is:') print( print('This run has %i events' % (reader.N())) #Create a TimeDelayCalculator object for the specified run. Note that if the above parameters haven't been change tdc_raw = TimeDelayCalculator(reader, final_corr_length=final_corr_length, crit_freq_low_pass_MHz=None, crit_freq_high_pass_MHz=None, low_pass_filter_order=None,