def reply(activity, bot, data): state = State() result = state.getStudent(activity["sender"]["id"]) scraper = Scraper() if result: rollno = str(result['RollNumber']) wak = str(result['wak']) #Find the exam Code. #BT3R15NOV17 current = "BT" + convert(str(result["Semester"])) + "R15" + "NOV18" print(current) try: subjects, cred, gpa = scraper.getResults(rollno, wak) except Exception: bot.send_text_activity(activity, "Not Yet! Hold your horses.") return response = "" for i in subjects: for j in i: response += j response += "\t" response += "\n" bot.send_text_activity(activity, response) bot.send_text_activity(activity, "Total Credits: " + str(cred)) bot.send_text_activity(activity, "Gpa: " + str(gpa)) else: bot.send_text_activity( activity, "Authentication failed. Please message your rollno and web access key again." ) bot.send_text_activity( activity, "Enter roll no. and web access key seperated by a single space.")
def reply(activity, bot, data): student = Student() result = student.get_data(activity["sender"]["id"]) scraper = Scraper() if result: print(result) rollno = str(result['student_id']) wak = str(result['wak']) #Find the exam Code. #BT3R15NOV17 current = "BT" + get_semester_from_id(result['student_id']) + "R15" + "NOV18" print(current) try: subjects, cred, gpa = scraper.getResults(rollno,wak,current) except Exception: bot.send_text_activity(activity, "Not Yet! Hold your horses.") return response = "" for i in subjects: for j in i: response += j response += "\t" response += "\n" bot.send_text_activity(activity, response) bot.send_text_activity(activity, "Total Credits: " + str(cred)) bot.send_text_activity(activity, "Gpa: " + str(gpa)) if gpa >= 9.5: responses = ["iamgonnacry", "really", "hurtmyfeelings", "Clapping", "telugu1"] elif gpa >= 9.0: responses = ["Winner", "genius", "mindblown", "youaretheman", "awesomesauce", "minions", "badass", "proud", "meeru", "mahesh"] elif gpa >= 8.0: responses = ["Woah", "whosawesome", "WOW", "fantastic", "Mogambo", "superabba", "intelli"] elif gpa >= 7.0: responses = ["goodjob", "groot", "betterluck", "deserve", "control"] elif gpa >= 6.0: responses = ["barelysurviving", "sarsarle", "apnatimeaayega"] elif gpa >= 5.0: responses = ["iknowthatfeel", "iknowtfeel", "baymax", "nextsem", "rightinthefeels"] elif gpa >= 4.0: responses = ["doyouthink", "laughing", "howamisupposedtolive", "tearsineyes", "doomed", "feels", "subject"] elif gpa < 4.0: responses = ["ohdear", "mkalaadla", "gfather", "hug", "crying", "ritf", "balayya"] reply = random.choice(responses) bot.send_rich_activity(activity, "" + reply + ".gif") else: bot.send_text_activity(activity, "Authentication failed. Please message your rollno and web access key again.") bot.send_text_activity(activity, "Enter roll no. and web access key seperated by a single space.")