def compute_minimal_runtime_initializer_and_exports(post, exports, receiving):
    # Declare all exports out to global JS scope so that JS library functions can access them in a
    # way that minifies well with Closure
    # e.g. var a,b,c,d,e,f;
    exports_that_are_not_initializers = [
        x for x in exports if x not in WASM_INIT_FUNC
    # In Wasm backend the exports are still unmangled at this point, so mangle the names here
    exports_that_are_not_initializers = [
        asmjs_mangle(x) for x in exports_that_are_not_initializers

    # Decide whether we should generate the global dynCalls dictionary for the dynCall() function?
    if settings.DYNCALLS and '$dynCall' in settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE and len(
            x for x in exports_that_are_not_initializers
            if x.startswith('dynCall_')
        ]) > 0:
        exports_that_are_not_initializers += ['dynCalls = {}']

    declares = 'var ' + ',\n '.join(exports_that_are_not_initializers) + ';'
    post = shared.do_replace(post, '<<< WASM_MODULE_EXPORTS_DECLARES >>>',

    # Generate assignments from all wasm exports out to the JS variables above: e.g. a = asm['a']; b = asm['b'];
    post = shared.do_replace(post, '<<< WASM_MODULE_EXPORTS >>>', receiving)
    return post
def apply_static_code_hooks(forwarded_json, code):
  code = shared.do_replace(code, '<<< ATINITS >>>', str(forwarded_json['ATINITS']))
  if settings.HAS_MAIN:
    code = shared.do_replace(code, '<<< ATMAINS >>>', str(forwarded_json['ATMAINS']))
  if settings.EXIT_RUNTIME:
    code = shared.do_replace(code, '<<< ATEXITS >>>', str(forwarded_json['ATEXITS']))
  return code