 def __init__(self,
     self.boundary_list = boundary_list
     self.boundary_poly = makeBoundaryPoly(self.boundary_list)
     self.obstalces = obstacles
     self.altitude_threshold = alt_threshold
     self.altitude_default = alt_default
    def __init__(self, flight_boundaries, obstacles, waypoint_distance=50.):
        Initialize the variables for the planning algorithm.
        The flight boundaries are converted from a list to shapely object to allow checking if points are within the boundaries

        flight_boundaries : list of NED class
            The points that define the fly zone
        obstacles : list of NED class
            The location and description of the obstacles
        waypoint_distance : float
            The distance each point in the lawn mower path should be from its neighbors

        self.flight_boundaries = flight_boundaries
        self.flight_poly = makeBoundaryPoly(self.flight_boundaries)
        self.obstalces = obstacles
        self.waypoint_distance = waypoint_distance
        self.height = 30.
 def __init__(self, boundary_list, obstacles):
     self.boundary_list = boundary_list
     self.boundary_poly = makeBoundaryPoly(self.boundary_list)
     self.obstalces = obstacles
import sys

from tools.tools import makeBoundaryPoly, convert,  #collisionCheck
from messages.ned import msg_ned
from payloadPlanner import PayloadPlanner
import numpy as np

#List of obastacles and boundaries
obstaclesList = []
boundariesList = []
boundariesList.append(msg_ned(-1000, 1000))
boundariesList.append(msg_ned(-1000, -1000))
boundariesList.append(msg_ned(1000, -1000))
boundariesList.append(msg_ned(1000, 1000))
boundaryPoly = makeBoundaryPoly(boundariesList)

dropLocation = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
wind_vel = 5.36
wind = np.array([
    wind_vel * np.cos(np.radians(30)), -wind_vel * np.sin(np.radians(30)), 0.0
test = PayloadPlanner(dropLocation, obstaclesList, boundariesList,
                      boundaryPoly, wind)
test.drop_altitude = 41.611332
test.chi_offset = np.pi / 6.
test.time_delay = 0.0
test.time_to_open_parachute = 0.5
result = test.plan(wind)
    def plan(self,
             current_pos=msg_ned(0., 0., -100.),
        Creates a lawn mower path over the search area

        Plans a lawnmower path that covers the search area and does not get within the clearance value of the fly zone.

        search_boundaries : list of NED class
            The boundaries that define the search area
        current_pos : NED class
            The current position of the airplane
        clearance : float
            The closest distance a waypoint is permitted to be to the fly zone boundaries
        visualize : boolean
            For debugging only. If true, the planned points and boundaries will be displayed
        final_waypoints : list of NED class
            The points that define the planned search path
        The altitude of the search path is set to the attitude of the current position.

        Obstacles are not currently accounted for in planning the path.

        If visualize is true, the code looks like it stops and does not continue executing until the plot is closed.


        self.search_boundaries = makeBoundaryPoly(search_boundaries)

        # Find the box that fits the search area
        num_points = len(search_boundaries)
        n_pos = np.zeros(num_points)
        e_pos = np.zeros(num_points)
        for i in np.arange(num_points):
            n_pos[i] = search_boundaries[i].n
            e_pos[i] = search_boundaries[i].e

        w_bound = np.min(e_pos) - self.waypoint_distance
        e_bound = np.max(e_pos) + self.waypoint_distance
        n_bound = np.max(n_pos) + self.waypoint_distance
        s_bound = np.min(n_pos) - self.waypoint_distance

        search_box = [
            msg_ned(n_bound, e_bound),
            msg_ned(s_bound, e_bound),
            msg_ned(s_bound, w_bound),
            msg_ned(n_bound, w_bound)
        search_box_p = makeBoundaryPoly(search_box)

        # Initialize variables for creating the search path
        all_points = []
        cur_pos = msg_ned(n_bound, w_bound, current_pos.d, -33.0)
        direction = 1  # Positive advances the path to the right, negative moves the path to the left. Changes each time it needs to turn around to stay in the search area

        # Create the lawn mower path
            msg_ned(cur_pos.n, cur_pos.e, current_pos.d)
        )  #Start path at the North-East corner of the bounding box
        while cur_pos.n >= s_bound:  #Stop adding points once we are below the bounding box
            while cur_pos.e >= w_bound and cur_pos.e <= e_bound:  #Add points on an East-West or West-East line until we leave the bounding box
                cur_pos.e = cur_pos.e + direction * self.waypoint_distance
                all_points.append(msg_ned(cur_pos.n, cur_pos.e, -self.height))
            direction = -direction  #When we leave the bounding box, turn around
            cur_pos.n = cur_pos.n - self.waypoint_distance  #Advance path one step in a South direction
            all_points.append(msg_ned(cur_pos.n, cur_pos.e, -self.height))
            while cur_pos.e <= w_bound or cur_pos.e >= e_bound:  #Bring the path back inside the bounding box area
                cur_pos.e = cur_pos.e + direction * self.waypoint_distance
                all_points.append(msg_ned(cur_pos.n, cur_pos.e, -self.height))

        # Eliminate points that are too close to the flight boundary or too far from the search area
        final_waypoints = []
        for waypoint in all_points:
            waypoint_circle_large = Point(waypoint.n, waypoint.e).buffer(
                clearance)  # Creates a point with a radius of clearance
            waypoint_circle_small = Point(waypoint.n, waypoint.e).buffer(
            )  # Point with a radius of waypoint_distance
            if waypoint_circle_large.within(
            ) and waypoint_circle_small.intersects(
            ):  # Check if the point is too close or far from boundaries
                    msg_ned(waypoint.n, waypoint.e, -self.height))

        # Plot the planned points and all boundaries
        if visualize:
            fig, ax = plt.subplots()
            for point in final_waypoints:
                ax.scatter(point.e, point.n, c='k')
            for point in self.flight_boundaries:
                ax.scatter(point.e, point.n, c='r')
            for point in search_boundaries:
                ax.scatter(point.e, point.n, c='g')

        return final_waypoints